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Republic of the Philippines


College of Social Sciences and Humanities - Department of English
Fatima, General Santos City

Name: Lovely Ed Gelig Section:



(1st Semester - A.Y. 2023-2024)


 presentar:pakilala  Sa pag hinun-anon  Ari nga kurso,
 uswag:lambo sini. ginapa ila-ila sa mga
 Sa pagtuon sini. estudyante ang
nagkalain-lain nga
pamaagi sa
 Ginapakilala sang
kurso ng ani sa mga
estudyante ang lain-
lain na pamaagi sa


 “presentar” is commonly used by hiligaynon speakers who’s neighboring cities or

municipalities are also occupied by a wide number of Hiligaynon speakers, while
“pakilala” is commonly used by Hiligaynon speakers who’s neighboring cities are not
much occupied by a wide Hiligaynon speakers but rather occupied by diverse
The two words are the translation of the word “presents”. The word “presentar” was
noticed to be used since a long time ago, especially by those speakers who live in a
place where the mother tongue is Hiligaynon. On the other hand, the word “pakilala” was
commonly used by Hiligaynon speakers who was influenced by other languages.
“Pakialala” is a tagalog word and has a wide number of speakers. Those Hiligaynon
speakers who live in a large region or in a city where multiple speakers reside has a big
possibility to be influenced and adopt or borrow some words from the languages of these
speakers. Hiligaynon speakers who lived in a city that surrounded by many Hiligaynon
speakers doesn’t commonly use the word “pakilala” because it was not much recognized
as a translation for the word “presents”. While the Hiligaynon speakers on the other
hand, was exposed to this, reason why it is being used most of the time.
Supporting the explanation stated:

 According to Cbtranslateday (2022), “The larger the region where the language is
spoken, the more the dialects there are likely to be influenced”.
 (2013), “Geography can also influence the kind of variations we see in
regional dialects. The first way this can occur is through contact with neighboring
communities that speak other languages. After a while, the groups might adopt some
vocabulary from the other language or form a new language incorporating elements
of both.
 Johnstone, B. (2010), “The spread of language change have sometimes used
models of language diffusion from geography.
 Huisman, J. L., Majid, A., & Van Hout, R. (2019), “Contact between speakers is
most likely to happen when they are close in space, time, and social setting and been
the reason that (linguistic) diversity is shaped by distance, but also goes beyond this
by demonstrating the critical role of geographic configuration.

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