Answer-for-Problems-in-Language-Instruction - Flores

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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Buenavista, Guimaras


Problems in Language Instruction


Answer the following questions for 10 points each and send to

1. Define language from at least three (3) points of view.

 The method of human communication, either spoken or written,

consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional

 Language is a system of words or signs that people use to

express thoughts and feelings to each other. (merriam-

 Language is a system of communication, a medium for thought,

and a social interaction.

 According to, Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language

scholar, “Language is an expression of ideas by means of speech
– sound combined into words. Words are combined into
sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into

 The American linguists Bernard Bloch and George L. Trager

formulated the following definition: A language is a system of
arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group

2. Discuss the difference between language and linguistics.

 Language and linguistics are two different words that have to be

used differently. Talking about language, it is a combination of
sounds and follows a grammatical structure. Language can be
based on aural and oral system; it can die and be extinct and
most of all, language can be diverse. While on the other hand,
linguistics is a branch of science that studies the origin,
structure, and the use of language. Linguistics composed of
many branches like, Applied, Historical, Psycholinguistics,
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Buenavista, Guimaras

Computational and Sociolinguistics. In linguistics we study the

following areas such as; Phonetics, Morphology, Phonology and
Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, others. Linguistics lies at the
crossroads of the humanities and the social sciences and
combines intuition and scientific approaches to analyze

3. Discuss the implications of linguistic diversity.

 Linguistic diversity encompasses different types of qualities

which comprise of language, grammar and vocabulary of a
person. The world is full of billions of people who speak
thousands of languages. A specific country only has more than a
thousand languages alone. Linguistic diversity helps in
measuring the density or concentration of a certain language in
different areas. When we talk about linguistic diversity there are
positive and negative implications. Children at home are used to
learn their first language or what we called mother tongue,
learning this, is more comfortable and dominant to them.
Through this mother tongue languages, students are capable to
address and expresses their feelings, it also gives opportunity to
raise cultural awareness. They are also mindful to their culture
and beliefs when they are familiar with their languages. But on
the other hand, teaching the mother tongue can mean difficulty
to adapt the second language. It takes time to adhere to learn
other languages if we are habitually using the native languages
in our daily life. In the sense of the universal language we opt to
familiarize this as we are comfortable to the native languages we
tend to use in every situation and it is hard to cope with the
universal languages. This can lead to problems in unity as we
communicate to other people especially when they are native
speakers of English. It may also leads to the difficulty of
understanding certain topics.

4. What is meant by bilingual education? Discuss its importance in

teaching TESL.
 Bilingual Education involves teaching academic content in two
languages, in a native and secondary language with varying
amounts of each language used in accordance with the program

The goal of bilingual education is to help students become fluent

in both languages. Like TESL, students may also come from
different cultural backgrounds. Teachers should be mindful of
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State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

this and help all students feel comfortable, respected and valued
in the classroom. However, it helps build knowledge and learning of
academic subjects in the first language and English. In addition,
it instils self-assurance, confidence and cultural pride in students.

5. Discuss the meaning and effects of language variations in teaching

English as a second language.

Everyone comes from different experiences with the English

language. For example, people from different parts of the country use
different nonspecific words when referring to soft drinks. When we
come to school and are working in classrooms, there is a regular form
of English that we use to direct the language in both written and verbal
communication. This form of English tends to avoid slang words,
contractions, and unsuitable grammar mechanics. This is what we have
considered to be standardized English, but this standardization of the
English language is completely arbitrary. Thus, incorporating language
variation in the classroom becomes a question of whether or not
teachers take into consideration how important it is to have
standardized English in the classroom or to allow students the ability to
decide how they present their own ideas.

By allowing for language variation in the classroom, teachers are

able to focus on making good writing assignments that clearly outline
and connect the rationale for using variations of English. Furthermore,
Teachers are “tour guides” through language and by having clearly
defined and associated reasons for using a variation of English,
students will be able to identify what their academic voices are. Hence,
when taking into consideration variations of English, we are no longer
degrading student’s knowledge of the language. Lastly, it validates
what they have learned before and makes them feel good about
academic writing.

6. Enumerate and discuss at least five (5) approaches and strategies in

teaching sound systems, vocabulary, morphology, grammar and

 Approaches and Strategies for English sounds

o Approaches:
1. Analogy phonics - Teaching students unfamiliar words
analogy to known words
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State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

2. Phonics through spelling - Teaching students to

segment words
into phonemes and to select letters for those phonemes
(i.e., teaching students to spell words phonemically).
3. Embedded phonics - Teaching students phonics skills by
embedding phonics instruction in text reading, a more
implicit approach that relies to some extent on
incidental learning.
4. Synthetic phonics -Teaching students explicitly to
convert letters
into sounds (phonemes) and then blend the sounds to
form recognizable words.

o Strategies:
o Segmenting and Blending
Segmenting involves breaking words down into
individual sounds or syllables while blending involves
pulling together individual sounds or syllables within
words; . These are two different foundational skills
that will assist children in the art of reading for most
of their reading career.
o Encoding and Decoding
When the source of the communication puts together
intended message, this is referred to as ‘Encoding’.
‘Encoding’ can be defined as transforming an
abstract idea into a communicable message. This is
done using words, symbols, pictures, symbols and
o When the receiver views or hears the message they
do what is termed ‘decoding’. Decoding can be
defined at the receiver interpreting the message and
coming to an understanding about what the source is

 Approaches and Strategies for Vocabulary

o Approaches:
1. Direct
learning vocabulary words by hearing and seeing in
conversations with other people(especial adults),
listening to
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adults read aloud, through reading extensively on

their own.
Not all words can be taught directly so it is important
promote indirect learning and teach students to
new words and find their meanings
2. Indirect
good for poor readers and at-risk students, should
daily, students learn difficult words that are not
usually part
of everyday experiences through systematic and
instruction of words and word-learning strategies.
o Strategies:
1. oral definitions and oral use of new words
2. word retrieval strategies (for instance, use of
mnemonics or a classroom word wall)
3. semantic knowledge, and
4. syntactical features of the sequence of words and
5. Word wall approach

 Approaches and Strategies in Teaching Morpholoy

o Approaches:
1. Morphology should be taught as a distinct
component of a
vocabulary improvement program throughout the
upper elementary years.
2. Morphology should be taught as a cognitive strategy
to be
learned. Students also need to understand the use of
prefixes, suffixes, and roots, and how words get
3. Students who have knowledge of Spanish can use
words that share a common origin.

o Strategies:
1. Foldables
2. Matching games
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

 Approaches and Strategies for Grammar

o Approaches:
1. Deductive Reasoning
traditional approach in which information about
target language and rules are driven at the
beginning of the class and continued with examples.
The principles of this approach are generally used in
the classes where the main target is to teach
grammar structures.
2. Inductive Reasoning
involves the learners detecting, or noticing, patterns
and working out a 'rule' for themselves before they
practise the language. ... Most inductive learning
presented in course books is guided or scaffolded. In
other words, exercises and questions guide the
learner to work out the grammar rule.

o Strategies:
1. Boardwork presentations
2. Dictation
3. Using realia
4. Dialogue building
5. Songs

 Approaches and Strategies for teaching Syntax

o Approaches:
1. Be aware of misconceptions.
2. Sequence the sentence types in a scaffolded way.
3. Introduce sentence types with mini lessons.
4. Give it time.
5. Incorporate some fun.
6. Differentiate up by requiring skill application.
7. Focus on subjects and verbs.

o Strategies:
1. Match Game
2. Lost and Found
3. Write Around
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Using the different strategies in teaching sound systems,

vocabulary, morphology, grammar and syntax teachers will ensure the
best delivery of language instruction to the students. Using different
strategies and approaches will enhance the effectiveness of learning.

7. Name at least five (5) problems in teaching vocabulary and structures.

Suggest solutions.
The following are problems in teaching vocabulary and
 Pronunciation
 Spelling
 Length and Complexity
 Grammar
 Meaning
 Range, Connotation and Idiomaticity

Here are the possible solutions:

 Effective vocabulary instruction within the 6M Learning
Framework includes opportunities to motivate, model, master,
magnify and maintain vocabulary knowledge with meaningful
feedback guiding the sequence of learning.

 Motivate
Students need to understand the benefits of a rich vocabulary
knowledge. As with all teaching, some students may be naturally
curious, while others will need to be coaxed into the journey. Some tips
and tools for enhancing motivation are:
 Take the time to demonstrate the value of a
rich vocabulary knowledge
 Make word exploration an integral part of
classroom culture
 Create a word-rich environment
 Find puns, jokes and other comedic devices
to add engagement to word studies,
especially those that humorously
interchange multiple meanings
 Designate a word of the week with a
challenge to use it creatively in that week’s
 Model
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Buenavista, Guimaras

o In an explicit approach to vocabulary instruction,

teachers should model the skills and understanding
required to develop a rich vocabulary knowledge.

o Say the word carefully. Pronunciation is critical to

allow students to make strong connections between
written and spoken language. Use syllabification to
assist in articulating each part of the word.

o Write the word. There is a strong correlation between

spelling and vocabulary. To allow students to access
their vocabulary in both passive and active contexts,
they must be equipped to spell new vocabulary.

o Give a student-friendly definition. The concise nature

of dictionaries means they require significant
vocabulary knowledge to interpret. Simply providing
students access to dictionaries and thesauruses will
not necessarily give them the information they need
to understand the meaning of the word. Provide a
definition that is meaningful for students, their
experiences and their existing vocabulary

o Give multiple meaningful examples. Use the word in

sentences and contexts that are meaningful to
students. But don’t stop at one! Provide a wide range
of examples to allow everyone to connect and relate
to the word.

o Ask for student examples. It may be valuable to have

students attempt to articulate their own examples of
the word in context. By including this in the explicit
teaching phase, there are opportunities to clarify
understanding when words have multiple meanings
and deal with any misconceptions.
 Master
 Provide opportunities for students to master an
understanding of new vocabulary in context through
hearing, saying, reading and writing.
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Buenavista, Guimaras

 Using words is the best way to remember them. The

following methods can help learners to consolidate their
vocabulary knowledge:

 Show students how to recognise new words

o The best way to help students to remember and

retain the new words they’re introduced to is to
connect it with an object in the real world. Pictures
and flashcards are good, but real-world items are
even better. This can get difficult with more abstract
words, but by dedicating more time and thought, the
image or object used, and your explanation of it, will
help build students understanding.

 Reinforce their remember new words

o After a word has been introduced, we want students to

see it at least 10 more times so it sticks. Activities like
‘fill in the blank’ and ‘word bingo’ help students make
strong connections between the introduced words.

 Have them use their new words

o After new words have been introduced, students are

ready to find the ways they can use these words to
make meaning. Activities like using the word in a
sentence, mind maps, fill in the blanks (with no options)
develop students’ use of words as tools for meaning and

 Graphics organisers

o A simple graphic organiser can be an effective method

to help students master their knowledge of new words.

8. Give examples of instructional materials and devices which can be

useful in teaching English language.
 There are many kinds of instructional materials, but some of the
most used ones are traditional resources, graphic organizers,
and teacher-made resources. Traditional resources include
textbooks and workbooks. These are useful tools for introducing
new concepts that might be difficult for your students.
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Buenavista, Guimaras

 Types of Instructional materials

o Print – Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides,
o Audio – Cassettes, microphone, podcast
o Visual – Charts, real objects, photographs, transparencies
o Audiovisual – Slides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television,
video, multimedia
o Electronic Interactive – Computers, graphing calculators,

9. Why do we need to identify and analyze the different problems in

language instruction? Elaborate your answer by giving examples.

We need to identify and analyse the different problems in

language instruction so that we will understand our students. As
Teachers, we need a wealth of content and pedagogical knowledge to
ensure that they are providing appropriate instruction to all students.
Besides, Teachers also need a thorough understanding of educational
linguistics--how language figures in education. Teachers and other
educators should be able to answer a basic set of questions regarding
oral and written language. As schools become increasingly diverse,
education reforms will continue to put pressure on educators to
provide appropriate instruction for all students. Teachers will continue
to need access to a wide range of information to help students
succeed, including information about the language that many of their
students are learning. A thorough knowledge base in educational
linguistics will support teachers' work overall and make school a place
for students to succeed.

Teachers need to know that spoken language is composed of

units, the smallest of which are sounds, called phonemes if they signal
meaning differences (e.g., bet and met have different meanings
because they start with different phonemes). Next come morphemes,
sequences of sounds that form the smallest units of meaning in a
language (cat is a morpheme of English and so is -s); words, consisting
of one or more morphemes (cats); phrases (one or more words); and
sentences. Crucial to an understanding of how language works is the
notion of arbitrariness: Language units have no inherent meaning. A
sequence of sounds that is meaningful in English may mean nothing at
all in another language--or something quite different. Understanding
the variety of structures that different languages and dialects use to
show meaning can help teachers see the logic behind the errors in
their students' language use.
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Buenavista, Guimaras

10. Name at least five (5) common problems in TESL during the new


Problems/Issues Interventions

Lot of paper works resulting to lack of Make a written weekly plan to organize
time for planning the time
English Teachers cannot teach the Give activities suitable for the learners.
lesson the way they used to teach Be resourceful and creative. Utilize
appropriate strategies and methods.
Delayed passing of outputs and Create flexible deadlines
performance task


Problems/Issues Interventions

Challenging conduct of Establish a learning venue

classes and facilitator in each
Trying to reach out parents
and guardians to support
their children.

Remote location of learners Create a child mapping form

with complete contact
information of learners

Parents & Students

Problems/Issues Interventions

Unable to identify non - readers Conduct Phil – IRI through home visitation

Difficult to follow – up slow readers and Stay connected with the students and
even the non –readers parents. Home visitation as much as
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Lack of parental support Have parents/guardians and teachers


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