Answer-for-Problems-in-Language-Instruction - Flores
Answer-for-Problems-in-Language-Instruction - Flores
Answer-for-Problems-in-Language-Instruction - Flores
this and help all students feel comfortable, respected and valued
in the classroom. However, it helps build knowledge and learning of
academic subjects in the first language and English. In addition,
it instils self-assurance, confidence and cultural pride in students.
o Strategies:
o Segmenting and Blending
Segmenting involves breaking words down into
individual sounds or syllables while blending involves
pulling together individual sounds or syllables within
words; . These are two different foundational skills
that will assist children in the art of reading for most
of their reading career.
o Encoding and Decoding
When the source of the communication puts together
intended message, this is referred to as ‘Encoding’.
‘Encoding’ can be defined as transforming an
abstract idea into a communicable message. This is
done using words, symbols, pictures, symbols and
o When the receiver views or hears the message they
do what is termed ‘decoding’. Decoding can be
defined at the receiver interpreting the message and
coming to an understanding about what the source is
o Approaches:
1. Direct
learning vocabulary words by hearing and seeing in
conversations with other people(especial adults),
listening to
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras
o Approaches:
1. Morphology should be taught as a distinct
component of a
vocabulary improvement program throughout the
upper elementary years.
2. Morphology should be taught as a cognitive strategy
to be
learned. Students also need to understand the use of
prefixes, suffixes, and roots, and how words get
3. Students who have knowledge of Spanish can use
words that share a common origin.
o Strategies:
1. Foldables
2. Matching games
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras
o Approaches:
1. Deductive Reasoning
traditional approach in which information about
target language and rules are driven at the
beginning of the class and continued with examples.
The principles of this approach are generally used in
the classes where the main target is to teach
grammar structures.
2. Inductive Reasoning
involves the learners detecting, or noticing, patterns
and working out a 'rule' for themselves before they
practise the language. ... Most inductive learning
presented in course books is guided or scaffolded. In
other words, exercises and questions guide the
learner to work out the grammar rule.
o Strategies:
1. Boardwork presentations
2. Dictation
3. Using realia
4. Dialogue building
5. Songs
o Approaches:
1. Be aware of misconceptions.
2. Sequence the sentence types in a scaffolded way.
3. Introduce sentence types with mini lessons.
4. Give it time.
5. Incorporate some fun.
6. Differentiate up by requiring skill application.
7. Focus on subjects and verbs.
o Strategies:
1. Match Game
2. Lost and Found
3. Write Around
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras
Students need to understand the benefits of a rich vocabulary
knowledge. As with all teaching, some students may be naturally
curious, while others will need to be coaxed into the journey. Some tips
and tools for enhancing motivation are:
Take the time to demonstrate the value of a
rich vocabulary knowledge
Make word exploration an integral part of
classroom culture
Create a word-rich environment
Find puns, jokes and other comedic devices
to add engagement to word studies,
especially those that humorously
interchange multiple meanings
Designate a word of the week with a
challenge to use it creatively in that week’s
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras
Graphics organisers
10. Name at least five (5) common problems in TESL during the new
Problems/Issues Interventions
Lot of paper works resulting to lack of Make a written weekly plan to organize
time for planning the time
English Teachers cannot teach the Give activities suitable for the learners.
lesson the way they used to teach Be resourceful and creative. Utilize
appropriate strategies and methods.
Delayed passing of outputs and Create flexible deadlines
performance task
Problems/Issues Interventions
Problems/Issues Interventions
Unable to identify non - readers Conduct Phil – IRI through home visitation
Difficult to follow – up slow readers and Stay connected with the students and
even the non –readers parents. Home visitation as much as
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras