GEPC Notes
GEPC Notes
GEPC Notes
In today’s COVID-19 world, virtual meetings and presentations have become the norm.
While many presentation skills and best practices apply to both in-person and virtual
presentations, expert virtual presenters understand the importance of adjusting their
approach to match the medium. With in-person presentations, you more or less have a
captive audience — you still need to be engaging, but your audience is kind of stuck
with you for the duration. But with virtual presentations, your audience has a greater
opportunity to stray. You now have to compete for their eyes, ears, hearts, and minds
against diminished attention spans increased home and work-life distractions, and
conflicting priorities.
Here are 15 expert tips to set you up for success in your next virtual presentation:
1. Get the Lighting Right: As a presenter, it is essential that people can see you
well. Make sure you have good front light—meaning the light shines brightly on
your face. If your back is to a window, close the shades. While natural light is
often the best choice, if your home office doesn’t have natural light and you do a
lot of virtual presentations, consider purchasing supplemental lighting to enhance
your image.
2. Choose the Right Background: Try to use a background that enhances your
professional image and is aligned with your message. Avoid a cluttered
background or anything that can be distracting. Learn whether your presentation
platform enables you to use virtual backgrounds (like Zoom) or whether you can
blur your background (like Microsoft Teams). Your background can either add to
your professional presence or detract from it.
3. Know the Technology: Nothing kills a presentation faster than a presenter who
fumbles with the technology. This is a performance, so make sure you know how
to make it work. A dry run is essential so that you’re comfortable with the platform
features. It’s best to have a co-host (or producer or moderator) assist you with
the technology so that you can focus on your presentation. Make sure you
practice with the same technical set up (computer and internet connection) that
you will use when you deliver the presentation.
4. Play to the Camera: When you are the one speaking, look directly into your
computer’s camera, not on the screen or at the other participants. This takes
some practice, but it makes the viewer feel as if you are looking right at them.
Some presenters turn off their self-view so that they aren’t distracted by their own
image. Put the camera at eye level. Try not to have your camera too far above
or below you. If it’s too low, then you run the risk of creating a double chin. A
camera too high makes it difficult to maintain eye contact, as you may find your
gaze dropping as you speak. If you are part of a panel or a team of presenters,
make sure you are aware of when your camera is on. If you are not speaking but
your camera is on, make sure you look like you are paying attention! Powerful
presenters understand the importance of making eye contact with their audience,
so this means you have to simulate the same effect virtually.
5. Get Close (But Not Too Close). You want the camera to frame your face, neck,
and shoulders. People are drawn to faces, so you don’t want to lose that
connection by being too far away, but you also don’t want your face to take over
the whole screen like a dismembered head because, well, that looks weird.
Practice your positioning and distance.
6. Stand Up: If possible, use a standing desk or position your laptop so you can
stand at eye level with your computer. Standing up provides a higher energy level
and forces us to put our body in a more presentation-like mode. If you have to sit,
lean forward as you would if you were presenting at a real meeting or as if you
were a TV news anchor. Avoid slouching away from the camera, as that sends a
signal that you are disconnected from the audience.
7. Be Animated: Just like in a live presentation, you want to present with a little
energy and animation. Too slow or too monotone in your voice makes it easy for
folks to disengage and tune out. Keeping people engaged virtually requires you
to actually be engaging.
8. Pace Yourself: Without real-time visual audience feedback cues, getting the
pacing right can be difficult. Even though you want to infuse some animation and
energy into your presentation don’t pump up the speed too much. If you tend to
be a fast talker in real life, practice slowing down just a bit. If you’re a slow talker,
you may want to speed up just a bit.
9. Do A Sound Check: If your sound is garbled, people will tune out. While people
may forgive less than perfect video, if they can’t clearly hear you, they will leave.
Practice with someone on the other end of the presentation platform. Make sure
your sound emits clearly. Sometimes headphones or external microphones work
better than the computer audio, sometimes not. Every platform is different, so
make sure your sound quality is excellent every time. And again, you should
practice with the same technical configurations and location that you will use for
your presentation.
10. Plug into Your Modem: If possible, plug your computer directly into your modem
using an Ethernet cable. This will give you the strongest signal and most stable
internet connection. The last thing you want to happen during your presentation
is to have a weak or unstable internet signal.
11. Incorporate Redundant Systems. If using slides, make sure someone else
(another webinar co-host or producer) also has a copy of the slides just in case
your internet goes wonky and you have to present by calling in. If you are using
slides, make them visually appealing. Use high-quality graphics and limit the
amount of text on each slide. It’s your job as a presenter to deliver the content.
The slides are meant to enhance your spoken words, not replace them.
12. Engage Your Participants. Just as if you were doing an in-person presentation,
craft your presentation to engage the audience. Incorporate chats, polls, raised
hand features, etc. Try not to speak for more than ten minutes without some sort
of audience engagement. Use the participant list to interact with your participants
by name. Have people chat or raise a hand if they want to speak. Keep track of
the order of people and then call on them to invite them to turn on their mics or
13. Let Someone Else Check the Chats. Don’t get sidetracked by the chats during
your presentation. You’ll be shocked at how distracting it is to your train of
thought if you attempt to read the chats while speaking. Instead, have your
co-host or producer monitor the chats. If you ask people to chat you answers or
comments to a question you’ve posed, then pause your talking and engage
directly with the chats by acknowledging them, reading them out loud, and
commenting on them.
14. Evaluate and Enhance: If possible, record the session and take the time to
playback and look for areas that worked well and areas that you might want to
improve upon. Great presenters, whether virtual or in person, understand the
value of continually honing their craft. Be sure to acknowledge your strengths as
well as your areas of improvement.
15. Be Yourself and Have Fun: Again, just like in face-to-face presentations,
audiences connect to authenticity, so be yourself! Let your personality show
through. Have fun. If you look like you’re enjoying the presentation so will others.
Research shows that happy people retain information better than bored or
disinterested people, so model the energy that you want to create. The audience
takes its cue from you.
Remember, whether you are presenting in-person or virtually, all presentations are
performances. And all performances are in service to your audience. Their time is
valuable, so honor that time by delivering the best presentation you can. No matter what
kind of presentation you are giving, you must find ways to create authentic audience
connection, engagement, and value.
1. Letterhead
-The official paper on which the company business letters are written and certain
important information about the company is printed.
● complete name, mailing address, email address, fax numbers and contact
numbers, official cell number of the company
-Letterhead is normally printed at the top of the page. However, it is now common
to see the information split: one part at the top of the paper while the rest of the
information can be found at the bottom of the paper.
● design should not detract or draw attention from the important issue- message of
the letter
● preferably white paper, high quality, short size bond paper; easiest to read; most
professional looking
-If you are just encoding the letterhead, place this in the middle of the paper. if it’s
a personal letter (you’re not representing a company), write your complete address to
the left side (full block and modified block formats).
2. Dateline
-The date the letter is written (use the date the letter was finished) with the following
3. Inside Address
● The full name of the addressee with a title of respect
● Miss, Ms. (if marital status is not determined), Mrs. Mesdames/Mmes. (for
women), Messieurs/ Messrs. (men)
● Engr., Prof., Atty.
● Roderick C. Salazar, SVD/ The Reverend Roderick. Salazar, SVD
● Honorable Tomas V. Osmena / Hon. Tomas V. Osmena
○ The position of the addressee
○ Complete name and address of the company that the addressee
○ Information should be exactly the same as the address on the envelope
(three of more lines).
4. Salutation
- The name in the salutation is the same with the name in the inside address
● In formal letters (standardized ones), Dear Customer and Dear Subscriber can
be used.
● Use colon : (American); (comma , - British)
● Formal
Gentlemen: Ladies:
Engr. Tejada:
● Informal / Casual
● Typed below the salutation or subject the subject line, if there is.
● Use single spacing in the paragraph and in between paragraphs.
● One-page length - If another page is really needed, use plain sheet (no
letterhead) have 2 – 3 line spaces from the top, and type the name or initial of the
addressee, page number and date all in one line.
● Sarah A. Ramos -2- July 28, 2016
● SAA -2- July 28, 2016
6. Complimentary Closing
● Less formal
7. Signature Block
- Contains the writer’s full name and position/title and his/her signature
- If you are the writer/dictator and the signatory, then just have the typist’s/encoder’s
initials, e.g. lau
- Typed at the lower left margin of the letter; two spaces below the signature line
1. Attention Line
● Considered addressed to the whole organization rather than to the person
named on the attention line
● Some write a name (but not in the inside address)
● Placed between inside address (addressed to the organization) and salutation
● When used, the salutation used is usually “Gentlemen”.
● Attention: Human Resource Manager
○ Attention: Sales Department
○ Attention: Ms. Rannie Salem
2. Subject Line
● Used to immediately inform the reader what the letter is about
● Placed between the salutation and the body of the letter
● Subject: Goodwill
3. Enclosure
- Used if copies of the letter are to be sent to others aside from the reader/addressee.
● E.G.A.
- Used if the writer doesn’t want his reader/addressee to know that the former is
sending a copy of the letter to another person
- P.S. or N.B. (nota bene, ‘note well’), used to emphasize a point made elsewhere in
the letter.
- Emphasizes an important message that has been intentionally withheld from the
- Has an attention getting quality and may be used only for important occasions
1. Short letter
100 words
2. Average-long letter
101-200 words
1.5” margin
3. Long Letter
1” margin
Fixed Spaces
Flexible Spaces
● The so called indented letter; dateline and complimentary closing are typed at the
right portion of the page.
● The first sentence of each paragraph has five-space indention.
1. Inquiry/Request Letter
- Asks or requests for information about the services, product, the price, payment or
delivery arrangements
2. Reply Letter
4. Adjustment Letter
5. Sales Letter
7. Resignation
- States the reason for resigning, effectivity date of the resignation and
appreciation and gratitude
Sample of a Memo:
-Best Subject lines tell the reader what he needs to do (especially if it is urgent and
You can only use simple smileys with a higher-up when your superior uses it first. It
should be fine between peers.
Sample of an E-mail:
The 6 C’s in Business Writing: A Summary
1. Courtesy - Be polite. Consider the ‘you’ attitude . Try to use positive words
2. Clarity - Avoid vagueness by using words with only one meaning
3. Conciseness - Be brief and direct . Avoid roundabout / meandering words and
4. Concreteness - Use specific terms/words
5. Correctness - Use correct grammar, punctuation, facts, and letter parts
6. Completeness - Write all information needed
The size, nature, and structure of an organization usually dictate which direction most of
the information flows. For more established and traditional organizations, the
information mostly flows upward and downward. For informal firms such as start-up
companies, information can flow horizontally and diagonally.
2. Upward Flow of Communication- also called vertical flow, the information comes
from the frontline employees who pass it on to managers, supervisors, and directors of
an organization to:
The common contents of the communication following this flow include proposals,
progress reports, budget estimates,complaints and grievances. Consequently, those
from the higher ranks can take appropriate action based on the employees’ concerns.
Incident Reports
These are written records of any untoward or troublesome happening that may have
brought damages on equipment or property, delays in routine work, and personal injury.
These reports are essential to employers in making changes to have the job done more
effectively with utmost safety and to prevent recurrence of the same case. They serve
as bases of information for companies and other entities, such as insurance,
government, and legal offices.
Time and location of the incident The report states the exact time and date
(e.g., 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 7, 2017
at Warehouse 1, DBK Corporation, Cebu
Actions done after the incident This section describes how conditions are
corrected and operations are back to
normal to prevent the problem from
recurring, to make the environment safer,
to repair damaged property or equipment,
or to treat injured individuals (Kolin, 2013;
Searles, 2011).
Travel Reports
These are records that state the purpose and objectives of business-related travels and
provide summaries and descriptions of activities to help organizations in assessing their
relevance. Some forms of travel are site visits, conferences, conventions, training
sessions, workshops, and trade shows.
These determine if a visited area is ideal as a company’s relocation site or a new office
branch. They contain information about the safety conditions of the site, physical plants,
and available equipment.
Nurses and social workers record the lifestyle and needs of patients and clients The
reports include the purpose and description of the visit, the actions taken based on
results, and recommendations from various sources, such as health care professionals
and people from charitable institutions.
These are written after a visit to a laboratory, hospital, detention center, or any other
areato emphasize the educational value of field trips. The report describes one’s
learningsabout the ecological conditions, operation systems, and technical procedures
of an institution, among others.
Progress Reports
These are written records of what has been done and what is left to do on a project, e.g.
a design, a construction. These may be written daily, weekly, or monthly for an individual
or a team for the purposes of (a) informing the recipient on the progress made or
delays incurred and (b) establish and formalizeduties of team members, tie down a
work schedule, and discuss possible problems.
3. Body of the Report - facts the receiver needs which may include:
Technical Reports
These are documents that present facts and conclusions about designs and other
projects that typically include research, (e.g. on technical concepts) and need graphical
designs and/or illustrations. In general, these texts describe the progress, process, or
results of scientific or technical research (Parker, 2019)
1. Title Page
3. Table of Contents
5. Body of Report
● Introduction
● Objectives
● Other Sections depending on the report or project (e.g. Method, Results and
Discussion, Specifications, Models and Prototypes)
● Conclusion
● Recommendation (as needed)
6. References
7. Appendices
Medical Reports
These are documents that contain a patient’s history, findings, diagnostic test results,
medications, and progress. A patient’s record must remain confidential and cannot be
accessed by any unauthorized person. One of the purposes of these reports, aside from
recording facts about a patient's health, is for communication between attending doctors
and other health-care professionals for the effective administration of treatment.
4. Problem list
Visual Analysis
For designers or artists, visual analysis is one of their common write-ups as a written
explanation of an artwork. Just like an essay, it expresses the writer’s ideas and
perceptions that can help a viewer understand the artwork, focusing closely on the
visual qualities of the work and the various elements that create a particular effect on
the viewer.
The term multimodal refers to the strategic use of two or more communication modes
(e.g., images, gestures, music, spoken, and written language) to make meaning
(O’Brien, 2013). Although multimodality is associated with the development of
technology, a multimodal text does not have to be always digital. It can be produced on
print (newspaper advertisement and comics), digital (video presentations, animations,
and online blogs), or live (performances and promotional events). A multimodal text,
then, is one that combines at least two or more modes of communication (words,
sounds, actions, images) in a medium.
Modes are abstract or nonmaterial means of making meaning. Words, sounds, images,
gestures, texture, and color are some examples of modes. Media are material forms
that realize the modes, such as computer screen, wall, clothing, paper, poem, a piece of
wood, a photograph, and audio/video recording(Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001). There
can be many modes in a medium. Hence, to go multimodal is to converge different
communication modes in a medium (e.g., poster or video) and take into consideration
all the modes in constructing for or extracting meaning or the message from the text.
Many of the multimodal texts are advertisements and promotional tools meant to
forward agenda, issue, or causes, and persuade the audience or readers to think, feel,
believe, or act in certain ways. Thus, analyzing multimodal texts necessitates additional
literacies in these forms:
The goal of the new literacies is to foster a person’s ability to analyze, interpret,
question, and evaluate texts to determine hidden ideas, ideals, and agendas. Constant
engagement with these types of literacies develops individuals to become critical
thinkers who are more well-informed and not easily dissuaded. To analyze and evaluate
the texts, critical readers and viewers need basic knowledge of semiotics.
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and its use and interpretation (Scollon,&
Scollon, 2003). Signs can take the form of words, images, objects, sounds, odors,
flavors, actions, or objects (Danesi, 2004; Chandler, 1994). Intrinsically, these are
meaningless unless interpretations are assigned.
There are three types of signs or three ways you can signal your meanings to others:
icons, indexes, and symbols (Scollon,& Scollon, 2003).
Below are three levels in signifying or attributing meaning to sign (Danesi, 2004;
Chandler, 1994).
The signs can also be interpreted according to these additional levels of meanings or
semiotic elements:
1. Rhetorical trope which refers to figurative language, such as simile, metaphor, irony,
found in linguistic signs. E.g. You are a dog. (a metaphor)
2. Intertextuality that pertains to allusions or references of the signs to texts from other
sources, such as existing stories and characters in books found in films. E.g. Achilles
heel alludes to the Greek hero Achilles whose heel was the only vulnerable part of his
Lines, colors, and fonts carry specific meanings or connotations. They contribute to the
meaning of a text. The table below summarizes the connotations of some colors, lines,
shapes, and fonts (Bradley, 2010; Cahill, 2016; Gross, n.d.; & Pahwa, 2017).
The work of the British linguist Michael Halliday on systemic functional theory serves as
a basis of the teaching approaches used to develop multimodal literacy. It is also used
as a framework in teaching critical viewing to aid learners in coming up with
evidence-based interpretations of the text. On the other hand, advocates of media
literacy anchor their framework of analysis, in question format, relating to the elements
of communication, signs, symbols, and hidden messages (Berger, n.d.; “Evaluating
Media Messages”, n.d.). Moreover, The Commission on Higher Education’s syllabus for
Purposive Communication (2017) has five guide questions for analyzing
The framework below with ideas from the mentioned sources can be used in evaluating
print or non-print multimodal texts, particularly promotional materials. Each question is
accompanied by follow-up queries for a more complete answer.
6. How will other groups (not the target audience) interpret or react to this text?
- Why?
In using multimedia tools in presenting a multimodal message, the message should aim
at fostering meaningful and relevant learning (Mayer, 2003). This goal for relevant and
meaningful learning rings true from the point of view that critical literacy encourages
learners to deconstruct and construct texts in the process of questioning and critiquing.
Further, to make critical literacy practices meaningful is to allow learners to engage in
social action projects that may help solve problems in communities by creating a public
piece of communication (Berhman, 2006). As such, this communication piece can be
very well done in a multimodal form.
Medium of Choice
When it comes to creating a multimodal piece for a report in class, a proposal in the
office, or a presentation of social concerns and solutions in a community, you must
consider the things below to relay the message effectively.
The details of the rhetorical considerations in writing, PACGSM, are found in Module 5.
Aim for short phrases that grab attention in just a glance. If a verbal headline is not
needed in the case of video promotional texts, then a strong image is employed.
2. Relevant body.
If details are needed, opt for brief lines that build up and relay the intended message
and its purpose.
3. Coherent graphics.
All images, including the sound effects, must be related to the message and purpose of
the text.
4. Right layout.
If the multimodal text is on print, find your focus and create balance and contrast by
using the white spaces (empty spaces that add emphasis to the headline or graphics).
Also, decide on the colors, lines, and font styles that make the layout visually appealing.
The most important points are strategically placed at the center or shown first before the
supporting details.
At times, a separate command on what the viewers must do is added, along with
contact particulars, which are usually found at the bottom or end of the text. The logo
and slogan, if present, can be placed close to each other.
Technological Tools
A multimodal text can be a vehicle to help raise awareness on issues and problems
affecting a community or society in general. Multimodal texts such as public service
announcements (PSA) and media invitation campaigns are means to disseminate
information and influence the audience’s decisions.
Media Invitation
Media Campaign
Proposal Types
Below are the common types of proposals (Mulholland, 2017; “Types of Proposals”,
Other categories of proposals depending on the project and the field (Robertson, 2017)
include: business proposals that have a sales objective to convince prospective
clients to avail of a product or service; research proposals, usually in the academe for
study purposes, that outline the problem of the project and outlines a methodology and
a list of references; grant proposals that specifically aim to gain financial support for a
research or a project; and project proposals usually in the field of engineering, that
contain a description of a series of activities with the aim to solve a problem. Another
category that utilizes varied media portals is the media campaign proposal - a planned
series of newspaper articles, television interviews, audio/video materials, and others to
realize a specific objective or a particular aim. An example of this is the government’s
media campaign against smoking.
The components of a proposal vary based on its type and the sponsors’ requirements.
The succeeding general parts are combined from different sources (Bullock, 2009;
“Business Proposals”, 2018; Kowalski, 2012).
4. Methodology. This discusses the details of the step-by-step process of realizing and
implementing the proposed solutions to the problem. Each solution may have distinct
approaches to carry it out.
5. Schedule and Budget or Cost. This section presents the time frame and financial
requisites for the completion of the proposal. The more itemized, specific, and accurate
the program of work and its expenditure, the more transparent and believable the
proposal becomes. The materials and other logistics with their respective prices can be
presented in a tabular form; while the schedule, containing steps and dates, can be
shown in a table or a Gantt chart.
6. Conclusion. As the closing part, this reinforces the proposal by telling the clients,
sponsors, or intended group of people of the reasons why they should choose and
accept the proposal.
Depending on the purpose and company requisites, a proposal can have the following: