Chap-11 - Transport in Plants (27) - E

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Transport In Plants


THEORY .............................................................................. Page 1 - 35

EXERCISE–1 ...................................................................... Page 36 - 45
EXERCISE–2 ...................................................................... Page 46 - 50
EXERCISE–3 ...................................................................... Page 51 - 52
Quick Review Table ............................................................. Page 53


Transport In Plants
Transport in Plants

Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Cell to cell transport-Diffusion,
facilitated diffusion, active transport; Plant – water relations – Imbibition, water potential,
osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast,
transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata;
Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients-Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow
hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention).

Chapter Index

 Introduction  Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients

 Means of Transport  Phloem Transport: Flow from Source to
 Plant-Water Relations Sink
 Absorption of Water  Guttation
 Ascent of Sap  Summary
 Transpiration

 Plants show transport of various substances over short distances and long distances.
a. Sport-distance transport of substances occurs through diffusion and cytoplasmic streaming
supplemented by active transport.
b. Long distance transport of materials occurs through vascular system i.e. xylem and phloem.
This is also known as translocation. The direction of translocation is essentially unidirectional
in case of water. It is multidirectional in case of minerals and organic solutes.
 Transport of materials into and out of the cell is performed by number of methods like (I)
Diffusion, (II) Facilitated diffusion and (III) Active transport.

I. Diffusion
 The movement of molecules or ions from the region of higher concentration to the region of
lower concentration, until the molecules are evenly distributed throughout the available space
is known as diffusion.
 The diffusing particles create a certain pressure called as diffusion pressure (DP) which is
directly proportional to the number or concentration of diffusing particles. The molecules
move from higher DP to lower DP.

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Characteristics of Diffusion
 Following are the important characteristics of diffusion:
(1) The molecules (or ions) diffuse from region of their higher concentration to region of their
lower concentration (passive process). This continues till an equilibrium is established.
(2) The diffusing molecules move randomly along concentration gradient. .
(3) The direction of diffusion of one substance is independent of the movement of another
(4) It is very important to plants since it is the only means for gaseous movement within the plant

Concept Builder
Factors affecting the rate of diffusion
1. Temperature. The rate of diffusion increases with increase in temperature. This is because
free energy of molecules increases with rise in temperature.
2. Density of molecules. It shares inverse root relation. This can be deduced from Grahm's law of
diffusion which states that the rate of diffusion of gases is inversely proportional to the square
root of their densities (density = mass per unit volume).
r = 1/ d
where, r = rate of diffusion and d = density
3. Medium in which diffusion occurs. The rate at diffusion would be slower if the medium is
concentrated, i.e., increase in the number of foreign molecules causes the rate of diffusion to
decrease. Thus a gas would diffuse more rapidly in vacuum than in air.
4. Diffusion pressure gradient (DPG). It is the difference in the concentration of the diffusing
molecules between one area and another over a specific distance. The steeper is the diffusion,
pressure gradient, the faster is the rate of diffusion.

II. Facilitated diffusion

 The diffusion of hydrophilic substances along the concentration gradient through fixed
membrane transport protein without energy involvement is called facilitated diffusion.
 The diffusion of any substance across a membrane also depends on its solubility in lipids, the
major constituent of the membrane.
 Substances soluble in lipids diffuse through the membrane faster.
 Facilitated diffusion cannot cause net transport of molecules from a low to a high
concentration, this would require input of energy.
 Transport rate reaches a maximum when all of the protein transporters are being used
 It is very specific. It is sensitive to inhibitors which react with protein side chains.
 The porins form huge pores in the outer membranes of the plastids, mitochondria and some
bacteria allowing molecules upto the size of small proteins to pass through.

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 Water channels are made up of eight different types of aquaporins.

Figure: Facilitated diffusion

Passive symports and antiports

(a) Uniport : When a molecule moves across a membrane independent of other molecules.
(b) Cotransport: When two types of molecules move together with the help of carrier protein. It
is of two types:
(i) Symport: Both molecules cross the membrane in the same direction at the same time.
(ii) Antiport: Both molecules move in opposite direction.

Figure: (a) Uniport carrier (b) Antiport carrier (c) Symport carrier

III. Active transport

 Transport of materials across a membrane with the help of mobile carrier protein and ATP.
 It is an uphill transport i.e., against concentration gradient and is faster than passive
 The rate of active transport reaches a maximum when all the protein pumps have been used in
transport this is called saturation effect.
 Carrier proteins are highly specific like enzymes.
 They are also sensitive to inhibitors that react with protein side chains.
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Comparison of Different Transport Mechanisms
Property Simple Facilitated Active
Diffusion Transport Transport
Requires special membrane proteins No Yes Yes
Highly selective No Yes Yes
Transport saturates No Yes Yes
Uphill transport No No Yes
Requires ATP energy No No Yes
Movement of Transport Proteins No No Yes
Response to protein inhibitors No Yes Yes

Conceptual Questions
Fill in the blanks;
1. Rate of diffusion would be ________ if the medium is concentrated.
2. Direction of translocation is essentially unidirectional in case of __________ .
State True or False:
3. Two types of molecules move in opposite direction with the help of an antiport carrier protein.
4. Facilitated and active transport mechanisms are similar in the presence of saturation effect.

Ans. 1. Slower, 2. Water, 3. True, 4. True

Membrane permeability
 Permeability is the degree of diffusion of gases, liquids and dissolved substances through a
 Normally, permeability of a given membrane to a particular substance remains unchanged.
 However, changes in permeability can be brought about by many artificial and natural changes
in the environment.
 Following four types of membranes have been recognized on the basis of permeability:
1. Permeable. This type of membrane allows a free diffusion of both solvent and solute or ions
through them. e.g., plant cell wall i.e., cellulosic and lignified.
2. Impermeable. The membranes with deposits of cutin and suberin do not allow the entry of
water, dissolved substances and gases, hence, called impermeable, e.g., cell wall with thick
layer of cutin on its surface.
3. Semi-permeable. A membrane that is impermeable to solute molecules but is permeable to the
solvent is called a semipermeable membrane. This forms a perfect partition between two
osmometers. e.g., copper ferricyanide membrane, parchment membrane, cellophane, collodion
4. Selectively or differentially permeable membrane. This membrane allows some molecules
and ions to enter readily, while allowing others more slowly and does not allow certain

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molecules at all (i.e., different substances diffuse at different rates). Biological membranes,
particularly the cell membrane (plasmalemma), tonoplast (vacuolar membrane) and the
membranes surrounding sub cellular organelles are selectively permeable.
 A variety of phenomenon are used to explain plant water relations, like osmosis,
turgor pressure, wall pressure, DPD, water potential and imbibition. These are described
separately in detail.

I. Osmosis (Term by Nollet)

 Osmosis is a diffusion of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane.
 Osmosis may be defined as the passage of solvent molecules from a region of their higher
concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane.

 Osmosis can be demonstrated by a simple experiment in laboratory.

 Animal bladder or parchment membrane is tied to the wide mouth of a thistle funnel.
 Concentrated sugar solution or syrup is filled in the tube of the thistle funnel.
 Now, the wide mouth of thistle funnel is immersed in a beaker containing water.
 The level of the solution in the tube of the funnel is marked.
 After sometime, the level in the tube increases.
 This is due to the entry of water molecules from beaker into the thistle funnel.
 The concentration of water molecules in the beaker is more than their concentration inside the
thistle funnel.
 Therefore, water molecules move from the region of their higher concentration (i.e., from
beaker) to the region of their lower concentration (i.e, inside the funnel).

Figure: A demonstration of osmosis.

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A thistle funnel is filled with sucrose solution and kept inverted in a beaker containing water.
(a) Water will diffuse across the membrane (as shown by arrows) to raise the level of the
solution in the funnel (b) Pressure can be applied as shown to stop the water movement into the
1. Endosmosis. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution water will enter into the cell from
the outer (hypotonic) solution. It is because the cell sap is more concentrated (has less water
molecules) than the outer solutions. This process of diffusion of water into the cell from
outside is known as endosmosis. It will result in increase in the volume of the cell. e.g., Raisins
placed in water.
2. Exosmosis. When a cell is immersed in hypertonic solution, water will diffuse out of the cell,
because the concentration of water molecules in the cell is more than the outer solution. This
process is described as exosmosis. e.g., grapes placed in sugar solution.

Osmotic Pressure (Term by Pfeffer)

 It is the "maximum pressure which can develop in a osmotically active solution when it is
separated from pure water by a semi-permeable membrane".
 It is also defined as "the pressure needed to prevent the passage of pure water into an
aqueous solution through a semipermeable membrane thereby preventing an increase in
the volume of the solution".
 The osmotic pressure (OP) depends upon (i) the concentration of solute particles, (ii)
ionisation of solute particles, (iii) hydration of solute particles, (iv) temperature.
 An increase in the condmtration of solutes in the solution increases the osmotic pressure.
 If the solute ionises in solution, the number of particles increase, thus raising the osmotic
 If solute molecules are hydrated, the water molecules bound with the solute are not able to
diffuse and hence increase the osmotic pressure.
 An increase in temperature raises the osmotic pressure of solution.
 Plant cells exhibit a considerable range of variations in osmotic pressure.
 In land plants, it varies from 5-30 atms. In aquatic plants, it varies from 1-3 atmp.
 Plants of arid regions possess high OP.
 Highest osmotic pressure is recorded in a halophytic plant, Atriplex confertifolia i.e., 202.5
 OP of electrolyte is 2-3 times greater than a nonelectrolyte.
 Osmotic pressure can be calculated by
OP() = miRT [m =Molar concentration, i = Ionization constant, R = Gas constant,
T =Temperature (273°K)]
Osmotic pressure is numerically equal to osmotic / solute potential (S) but has a positive
S = -

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Factor affecting OP
(1) Concentration of solute particles: OP of solution depends upon the concentration of solute in
a given solvent. If the concentration of solute is increased then the OP of solution is also
(2) Ionization of the solute molecule: OP of a solution depends upon the ionization of solute.
Increased number of ions increases the OP.
(3) Temperature: OP of solution increases with increase in temperature.
(4) Hydration: Hydrated solute molecules will decrease the number of free water molecules,
thereby increasing OP.

Reverse Osmosis:
 It is the reverse movement of water through a semipermable membrane from a more
concentrated solution to a more dilute solution by applying external pressure on the more
concentrated solution, the pressure required to bring about reverse osmosis is more than the
one required to prevent osmotic entry of water into it.
 The method pushes out pure water.
 Reverse osmosis is used in chemical industries to obtain pure water and also to purify water for
drinking purposes.

Role of osmosis
1. Plants absorb water by osmotic mechanism.
2. Movement and distribution of water across the cells occur by osmosis.
3. Opening and closing of stomata is affected by osmosis.
4. The resistance of plants to drought and frost increases with increase in osmotic pressure of
their cells.
5. Growth of young cells is due to osmotic pressure and turgor pressure.
6. Maintenance of turgidity.

Types of Solutions
 In relation to cell sap, solutions can be of following three types:
1. Hypertonic solution. A solution whose concentration is more than that of the cell sap is
known as hypertonic. If a cell is placed in such a solution, water will diffuse out of it
(exosmosis) and the protoplasm would contract or shrink.
2. Hypotonic solution. When the concentration of a solution is less than that of the cell sap, it is
known as hypotonic. If a cell is immersed in hypotonic solution, water will diffuse into the cell
(endosmosis) and it will increase in size.
3. Isotonic solution. A solution with concentration equal to that of cell sap, is known as isotonic.
If a cell is placed in isotonic solution there would be no net diffusion of water. As a result there
is no change in the volume and weight of the cell. (Neither endosmosis nor exosmosis).

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II. Turgor Pressure (TP)
 It is a pressure which is developed in an osmotic system due to entry of water.
 It causes swelling of the system.
 Protoplasm of a plant cell functions as an osmotic system such that on absorption of water it
becomes turgid and the turgid protoplast presses the cell wall towards the outside with a force
called turgor pressure.
1. The cell wall also exerts a pressure over the protoplast, it is called wall pressure (WP).
2. Normally wall pressure is equal but opposite to turgor pressure (WP = TP).
3. Turgor pressure and wall pressure are positive pressures (negative TP is characteristic of
plasmolysed cell and xylem vessels).
4. Reduced turgor pressure results in loss of turgidity.
5. Turgor change is also responsible for different types of plant movements and also for stomatal

Figure: A cell showing Turgor pressure, Wall pressure and Osmotic pressure

III. Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD) (term by Meyer) or

Suction Pressure (SP) (term by Renner)
 Each liquid has a specific diffusion pressure.
 Pure water has the maximum diffusion pressure.
 The solution prepared by dissolving solute (such as sugar or salt) in pure water has lesser
diffusion pressure as compared to pure solvent or water (though the solution has higher
osmotic pressure).
 In this way, there is always a difference between the diffusion pressure of solvent and its
 Therefore, diffusion pressure deficit (DPD) may be defined as the difference between the
diffusion pressure of a solution and a pure solvent, when both are subjected to the same
atmospheric pressure.
 To remove this deficit, the solution would absorb more solvent molecules, means water moves
from low DPD to high DPD.
 In this way, diffusion pressure deficit is the water absorption capacity of a solution.
 Therefore, DPD can also be called as suction pressure. Its value is always positive for a cell.
Diffusion Pressure Deficit = Osmotic pressure - Turgor pressure
i.e., DPD = OP - TP

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 The above relationship indicates, that
(1) When a cell is flaccid, its DPD = OP.
(2) The entry of water into the cell causes development of TP.
(3) When the increasing turgor pressure becomes equal to that of decreasing osmotic pressure, the
entry of water into the cell would stop. This is called turgid condition of the cell. This can be
expressed as
OP - TP = 0, thus DPD = 0

Concept Builder
Concept of Water Potential
 Water moves from region of higher free energy to that of lower free energy.
 Thus, the net movement of water molecules occurc down the energy gradient.
 The free energy of solvent can be increased by increasing the temperature and pressure.
 The difference between the free energy of water molecules in pure water and the free energy of
water in any other system (e.g., water in the solution or in a cell) is termed the water potential
of that system.

IV. Water Potential (w)

 Chemical potential of water is called water potential.
 This term was introduced by Slatyer and Taylor.
 Chemical potential of pure water at normal temperature and pressure is taken zero.
 Chemical potential of water in any system, like in solution or in a cell will be less than zero
i.e., negative.
 Currently, the term water potential is used by biologists to describe the tendency of water
molecules to move from one place to another.
 It is denoted by the symbol  (the Greek letter psi), or more accurately as w.
 Its value is measured in bars or pascals.
 Water always moves from high w to low w.

Components of Water Potential

1. Solute potential (s) : It is decrease in chemical potential of water over its pure state due to
addition of solute particles because the solution has fewer free water molecules. Its value is
always negative. More the solute particles, more negative will be the s.
2. Pressure potential (p) : It is positive pressure which develops in a system due to osmotic
entry of water into it. Value of pressure potential is equal to value of turgor pressure. It is
negative in plasmolysed cell and xylem vessel.
Hence, w = s + p.
For a solution at atmospheric pressure, w is equal to s.

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Self Assessment

Q.1 Simple diffusion is related to all, except

(1) Involvement of carriers
(2) Occurs along concentration gradient
(3) Continues till an equilibrium is established
(4) Molecules moves from higher OP to lower OP
Q.2 Requirement of special membrane proteins and highly selective nature are features related to
(1) Simple diffusion (2) Facilitated diffusion
(3) Active transport (4) More than one option is correct
Q.3 Mark the odd one out (w.r.t. semi-permeable membrane)
(1) Tonoplast (2) Parchment membrane
(3) Collodion membrane (4) Copper ferricyanide membrane
Q.4 Find the correct expression for a fully turgid cell
(1) OPO = OP (2) OPO = Zero (3) OPO = OP + TP (4) OPO = TP
Q.5 For a solution at atmospheric pressure, w is equivalent to
(1) p (2) s (3) Zero (4) TP

Ans. Q.1 (1), Q.2 (4), Q.3 (1), Q.4 (2), Q.5 (2)

V. Plasmolysis
 It is withdrawal of protoplast of a plant cell from its wall due to excessive loss of water from
cell due to osmotic action.
 Plasmolysis octurs, when a plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution, due to exosmosis.
 Water is first lost from the cytoplasm and then from the vacuole.
 This process is usually reversible.

 Stages of plasmolysis:
(i) Limiting plasmolysis. It is characterised by reduction in size of vacuole and cell due to
exosmosis. It is the first stage where gradual loss of water decreases TP or P to zero.
Protoplast is in contact with cell wall but does not press it.
(ii) Incipient plasmolysis. Continued exosmosis beyond limiting plasmolysis decreases the size of
protoplast further. Cell wall cannot contract more. Therefore, contracting protoplast withdraws
from cell wall. Contraction initially takes place from the corner. This stage is called incipient
plasmolysis. The TP of cell decreases i.e., becomes negative.

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(iii) Evident plasmolysis: It is the final stage of plasmolysis. It is due to continuous contraction of
protoplast, so that it becomes nearly rounded. A cell cannot remain alive for long in the stage
of evident plasmolysis. The TP becomes more negative.
Deplasmolysis :
 It is swelling of plasmolysed cell so as to come to its original state.
 Deplasmolysis occurs when a freshly plasmolysed cell is placed in a hypotonic solution or pure

Concept Builder
 The effects of plasmolysis have also been commercially exploited.
 Bacteria do not survive in a highly salted pickle because they bcome plasmolysed and
consequently get killed.
 Similarly, high concentration of sugar in jams and jellies prevents the growth of moulds,
bacteria, etc.
 Salting of meat and fish is also based on this principle.
 The weeds or grasses growing on footpaths can also be eliminated by sprinkling the salt around
their roots and then watering them.
 This treatment causes plasmolysis in the root cells and the plants finally die.

VI. Imbibition
 Imbibition refers to a special type of diffusion when adsorption and absorption of water takes
place by hydrophilic solids -colloids, (specially proteins and polysacchandes) Without forming
a solution.
 lmbibition is a physical process.
 It involves both diffusion and capillary action e.g., wooden doors absorb water and swell up in
rainy season, seeds of pea and gram swell up when placed in water.
 The magnitude of imbibition pressure (IP) is very significant e.g., dried wooden piece when
inserted into rock, due to the swelling of wood enough pressure develops and cracks start to
appear in rock.
 In the same way, soaked seeds in bottle will break the bottle due to swelling of seeds. Wooden
doors also swell up in rainy season.
 Imbibition depends upon the water potential gradient and affinity between imbibant and
imbibate e.g., rubber does not imbibe water but imbibes kerosene oil and swells. Among plant
imbibants, phycocolloids are the imbibants followed by proteins, starch and cellulos.
 This phenomenon has three important features:
1. Volume Change: Volume of the imbibant increases during imbibition.
2. Production of heat : As the water molecules get arranged on the surface of the imbibiant, they
loose some of their kinetic energy which is then released as heat in the system. This is called
heat of hydration or heat of wetting (exothermic).

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3. Development of pressure: If the imbibant is confined, a great pressure is developed called
imbibition pressure. Its value is about 1000 bars in dry pea seeds.

Concept Builder
 In large and complex organisms, sometimes the sites of production or absorption and sites of
storage are two far from each other, so special long distance transport systems become
necessary, so as to move substances across long distance and at much faster rate.
 Water and mineral, and food are generally moved by a mass/bulk flow system.
 It is movement of substances in bulk/en-masse from one to other point due to the pressure
differences between the two points.
 Bulk flow can be achieved through a positive hydrostatic pressure gradient (e.g., a garden
hose) or a negative hydrostatic pressure gradient (e.g., suction through a straw).

 The amount of water that can be held by soil, depends upon the total pore space in the soil.
 Water is present in the spaces between the soil.
 The total amount of water present in soil is called Holard.
 The water available to plants is Chresard.
 The rest of soil water is called Echard.

Concept Builder
Various types of ground water are:
(i) Run off water : Water which flows along the surface of soil and reaches to the nearest water
body constitute run off water. This water is not available to the plants.
(ii) Gravitational water: Water Which percolates down through the soil macropores (20-50mm
diameter) under the influence of gravity and reaches the water table is called gravitational
water. This type of water is also not available to the plants.
(iii) Capillary water: Water retained by soil micropores. ( 20 mm diameter) in the form of fine
capillaries constitutes capillary water. This type of water is available to the plants.
(iv) Hygroscopic water: Water held in form of a very thin film around the soil particles by the
forces of absorption constitutes hygroscopic water. This type of water is not available to the
(v) Chemicaliy combined water: Water which combines with inorganic salts of the soil in the
form of water of hydration constitutes chemically combined water. This type of water is also
not available to the plants.
(vi) Water vapours: They are present in soil air spaces, Normally, they are not available to the
plants. Under certain conditions they are useful in the phenomenon of night recovery.

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Conceptual Questions
State True or False
1. In plasmolysis, water is first lost from vacuole and then from the cytoplasm.
2. Jamming of wooden frames during rains is caused by swelling of wood due to imbibition.
Fill in the blanks.
3. Water & minerals, and food are generally moved by a ___________ system.
4. Total amount of water present in soil is called _____________ .

Ans. 1. False, 2. True, 3. Mass or bulk flow, 4. Holard

Water Absorption and Pathway of Water Across the Root

 Water absorbing structure of the plant is root hair zone. Root hair is tubular prolongation of
epiblema cells.
 Root hairs are unicellular, short lived and arranged in an acropetal manner.
 Root hairs are found in zone of cell maturation.
 During transplantation the root hairs are removed, that is why, the plant remains wilted in the
new habitat.
 The cell wall of root hair is made up of two layers.
 The outer wall is of pectin which dissolves in water, so that root hair surface becomes slimy
and sticky.
 The inner wall is made up of cellulose.
 They are about 10 µm in diameter.
 There OP is higher (3 - 8 atm) as compared to soil solution (less than 1 atm).

Figure: Root and a part enlarged to show root hairs

 Many forest trees, shrubs and some conifers have scanty root hairs so they make association
with the fungi, called mycorrhiza.
 Orchid roots have a specific type of tissue for absorbing environmental moisture, this tissue is
called velaman tissue.

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Movement of water from root hair cell to xylem may occur by two possible paths:
1. Apoplast Pathway: In this method, water passes from root hair cell to xylem through the walls
of intervening cells without crossing any membrane or cytoplasm. The apoplastic movement of
water beyond/ cortex is blocked due to the presence of casparian strips in the endodermal cells.
Major movement of water through cortical cells occurs by this method, as cortical cells offer
least resistance.

Figure: Pathway of water movement in the root

2. Symplast Pathway: In this method, water passes from cell to cell by crossing plasma
membrane, therefore it is also known as transmembrane pathway. This may occur by two
(i) Non Vacuolar Symplast Pathway: In this method, water passes between adjacent cells
through plasmodesmata. It does not enter into the vacuoles.
(ii) Vacuolar Symplast Pathway: In this method, water crosses the tonoplast, surrounding the
vacuole. This pathway offers a lot of resistance.
Beyond cortex (through endodermis and pericycle ) water is forced to move through symplast
pathway. Terms Apoplast and Symplast were proposed by "Munch".

Mechanism of Water Absorption

(1) Passive absorption of water:
 In actively transpiring plants, absorption of water takes place due to the forces developed at the
transpiring surface of the plant (i.e., transpiration pull).
 In this type, the cells of the root do not play any part, and it does not consume energy, hence it
is known as passive absorption.
 Thus in passive absorption, water is just pulled through the roots.
 This is the most common (96%) and rapid method of water absorption.
 Generally water is absorbed by the root hairs when the osmotic concentration of their sap is
 This is made possible by transpiration taking place in the aerial parts of the plant.
 It continously removes water from the sap of the root hairs which, in turn, are in contact of the
soil water.

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 In actively transpiring plants, water loss from mesophyll cells occurs and increases their
osmotic concentration.
 It also results in the increase of their DPD.
 As a result, water from neighbouring cells enters in them by osmosis.
 These cells in turn have now increased their osmotic concentration or lowered their water
 Hence, water enters into them by osmosis from other adjacent cells.
 In this way, mesophyll cells draw water from one another along the suction pressure gradient
or DPD till it reaches the xylem of the leaf.
 Once water is drawn from xylem of the leaf, the entire water column in the xylem of the leaf,
stem and the root is lifted.
 The movement of water is apoplastic.
 In this way water is absorbed by the root hair due to diffusion pressure deficit gradient
produced by transpiration that develops in the leaf.
 Root simply acts as a path of water.

(2) Active absorption of water:

 Although a very small amount of water (4%) is absorbed by active mechanism, it involves an
expenditure of metabolic energy which comes from the respiring cells of the root.
 Roots are actively involved in this method, so it is absorption by the roots.
 Active absorption of water may occur in one of the two ways-(i) osmotic, (ii) non-osmotic.
 Water absorption from soil and its inward movement is OP dependent or independent (OP of
root hairs is higher than soil solution, OP of cortical cells is higher than root hairs).
 Passage of water from living cells to xylem channel requires accumulation of solute in xylem
which is an energy dependent process.

Figure: Symplastic and apoplastic pathways of water and

ion absorption and movement in roots
 Hence, pumping of water in xylem channel is active.
 This creates a positive pressure in xylem called root pressure.
 Certain evidences also favour non osmotic absorption of water, requiring energy.

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Difference between Passive and Active Absorption
Passive absorption Active absorption
1. Force for passive absorption lies in shoot. 1. Force for active absorption develops in root.
2. Transpiration pull plays the major role, 2. OP and energy play the major role.
3. A negative pressure is developed in xylem. 3. A positive pressure is developed in xylem.
4. Rate of absorption is high. 4. Rate of absorption is low.
5. Responsible for 96% of total water absorption. 5. Accounts for only 4% of water uptake.
6. Takes place in rapidly transpiring plants. 6. Takes place in slowly transpi ring plants.
7. Water absorption through the roots. 7. Water absorption by the roots.
8. It is apoplastic. 8. It is symplastic.

Factors affecting water absorption

(1) Available soil water. Absorption of water is more, if the amount of available water is more.
Rate of water absorption decreases, if the amount of soil water is below permanent wilting
percentage or beyond field capacity.
(2) Soil air. Absorption of water takes place at a rapid rate in well aerated soil. Oxygen deficiency
retards the growth of roots, thus inhibiting absorption of water. In the soil, if all the air spaces
are filled with water the condition is known as water logging of soil. Such soil is
physiologically dry soil.
(3) Concentration of soil solution. If the soil solution is highly concentrated due to the presence
of salts, it will inhibit the water absorption. It is also a kind of physiological dryness.
(4) Soil temperature. An increase in soil temperature upto about 30°C favours water absorption.
At higher temperatures water absorption is decreased and at O°C it is almost checked .

Self Assessment

Q.6 Phenomenon of plasmolysis can be exploited for

(1) Causing plasmolysis of microbes in highly salted pickles
(2) Preventing growth of mirobes in jams and jellies
(3) Elimination of weeds
(4) All of these
Q.7 Which of the following substance acts as best imbibant?
(1) Phycocolloids (2) Protein (3) Starch (4) Cellulose
Q.8 Which category of soil water is maximally available to plants for absorption?
(1) Gravitational water (2) Capillary water
(3) Chemically combined water (4) Hygroscopic water
Q.9 Osmotic pressure of root hair is
(1) < 1 atm (2) 1 atm (3) 1000 atm (4) 3-8 atm
Q.10 Symplast pathway of water in plants is not related to
(1) Vacuolar path (2) Cytoplasm
(3) Through plasmodesmata (4) Along cell wall

Transport in Plants || 16
Q.11 Passive absorption of water is related to all, except
(1) Apoplastic pathway
(2) Transpiration pull plays the major role
(3) Development of a positive pressure in xylem
(4) Water absorption through the roots
Q.12 During process of active absorption of water
(1) The responsible force develops in roots
(2) Rate will be higher then passive absorption
(3) A negative pressure is developed in root xylem
(4) OP and energy play no role
Q.13 What is/are essential for imbibition to occur?
(1) Affinity between imbibant and imbibate
(2) Watel potential gradient between imbibant and imbibate
(3) Low temperature condition
(4) More than one option is correct
Q.14 Read the following statements carefully.
(a) Under certain conditions chemically combined water is useful in the phenomenon of night
(b) Term 'Apoplast' was proposed by Munch
(c) Value of imbibition pressure is 100 bars in dry pea seeds
(1) Only (a) is correct (2) All incorrect
(3) (a) & ((c) are correct (4) Only (b) is correct
Q.15 All given factors promote absorption of water by roots, except
(1) Well aerated soil (2) Highly concentrated soil solution
(3) Optimum soil temperature (4)Available water in soil

Ans. Q.6 (4), Q.7 (1), Q.8 (2), Q.9 (4), Q.10 (4), Q.11 (3), Q.12 (1), Q.13 (4), Q.14 (4), Q.15 (2)

 Upward conduction of water in the form of dilute solution of mineral ions from roots to aerial
parts is called ascent of sap.
 Xylem is responsible for ascent of sap which can be proved by girdling experiment.

Concept Builder

Girdling or ringing experiment

 Ringing expedmentwas first introduced by Malpighi (father of microscopic anatomy).
 It consists of removing a ring of bark, i.e., all the tissues outside vascular cambium.
 During Girdling or ringing experiment, two s mall twigs are taken.
 Girdle or a ring of bark is removed from one of these twigs by a sharp knife.

Transport in Plants || 17
 In second twig, xylem is removed carefully without causing much injury to the bark or xylem
can be blocked with wax.

Determination of path of ascent of sap

A. Shoot with removed bark and leaves remains turgid.
B. Shoot with removed xylem Shows wilting of leaves.
 Thus, the girdled part of the first twig contains only xylem and that of the second twig has all
tissues except xylem.
 Both the twigs we placed in separate beakers containing water.
 After a period of time, leaves on the first twig appear turgid while those on the second/twig
with no or blocked xylem, the leaves wilt.
 This experiment shows that water conduction occurs through the xylem.

Mechanism of ascent of sap

 Many theories were put forward to explain the mechanism of ascent of sap. These theories are
placed in following three categories:
(1) Vital force theories
(2) Root pressure theory
(3) Physical force theories

Concept Builder
(1) Vital force theories
According to these theories, living cells are responsible for ascent of sap. Some of the
important vital force theories are given below:
(a) Wastermaier concept: He suggested that the living component of xylem, i.e., xylem
parenchyma is responsible for the conduction of water, while the tracheids and vessels act as a
water reservoir.
(b) Godlewski's relay pump theory or clambering theory : According to this theory, conduction
of water occurs due to activity of xylem parenchyma and medullary rays. It is believed that
some rhythmic change occurs in the osmotic pressure of these cells. When their osmotic

Transport in Plants || 18
pressure is high, water is absorbed from the surrounding vessels, so the turgor pressure of these
cells increases. Hence; the water is pumped to next level of xylem vessels, in a stair case like
(c) Sir J.C. Bose's pulsation theory: He experimented on Indian telegraph plant (Desmodium
gyrans). By the help of electric probe, he believed that the pulsation movement occurs in the
cortex cells which are present just outside the endodermis, which is responsible for ascent of
sap, but such pulsations were not found to be of universal occurrence.

(2) Root pressure theory

 When a potted plant is cut below the first leaf and manometer filled with water is attached on
cut stem, the level of water in manometer increases.
 It indicates that water is being pushed by roots after it is absorbed.
 If a stem is cut near its base or incision is mad e into a plant, xylem sap is seen to flow out.
 This phenomenon is known as exudation or bleeding.
 Priestley stated Stand that the upward flow of water in bleeding is due to root pressure.
 Stephan Hales coined the term root pressure and described it as "The hydrostatic pressure
developed in roots due to accumulation of water absorbed by the roots".
 The development of root pressure is the result of an active absorption.
 This depends upon the active accumulation of solute in xylem sap.
 This can be inhibited using cyanide, lack of O2 and low temperature.

(1) Root pressure can generate pressure of about 2 atm which is insufficient to raise the water up
in tall trees.
(2) In some plants like conifers, root pressure has never been observed.
(3) In temperate regions, root pressure is generally low du ring summer when the rate of
transpiration is high, in comparison to absorption.
(4) Ascent of sap continues even in the absence of root pressure.
(5) The greatest contribution of root pressure may be to re-establish the continuous chain of water
molecules in the xylem, which often break under the enormous tensions created by
Transport in Plants || 19
(3) Physical force theories
 According to the proponents of physical force theories, living cells do not take part in the
translocation of water, but is brought about by some physical forces developing in the dead
 Some of the physical force theories are described in brief:
(a) Capillarity theory: According to Boehm, water moves upward partly due to capillaries of the
vessel elements and partly due to atmospheric pressure.
 The theory could not be accepted because of the following points:
(i) For capillary action, the capillary should be in contact with the free water surface, however, in
plants, xylem is not in direct contact with the soil water.
(ii) Capillary action can be observed only in narrow vessels, but tall plants usually have wider
vessels (0.03 mm diameter).
(b) Imbibition theory: According to Sachs, water moves upward due to imbibitional force
between the cell wall of the xylem and not through the lumen of xylem vessels.
(c) Cohesive force and transpiration pull theory or Cohesion tension theory : This is the most
widely accepted explanation for ascent of sap. It was proposed by Dixon and Jolly (1894). The
theory is based essentially upon following three facts:
(i) Cohesive force or tensile strength of water. The water molecules have a strong mutual
attraction, i.e., they tend to 'stick' to each other. This is called cohesion. They also tend to stick
to the lignocellulosic wall of the xylem elements; this is called adhesion. A high cohesion of
water molecules means that a relatively large tension is required to break a column of water.
The magnitude of tensile strength of water is 10-30 MPa.
(ii) Continuity of water column. Water forms a continuous column from the leaves to the roots.
The cohesive and adhesive forces are very great and do not allow the water column to break or
pull away from the walls of the xylem.
(iii) Transpiration pull. Water evaporates from mesophyll cells of the leaf due to transpiration.
This results in an increase in their diffusion pressure deficit (DPD) or suction pressure. Since
the water in the mesophyll cells is in contact with xylem sap of stem and roots through
tracheids in the veins, the diffusion pressure gradient gradually passes down to the xylem of
the root (negative pressure) and water is pulled up. Thus due to transpiration, there is a
constant pull or tension on water column in upward direction. This is called transpiration pull
or tension in the water column of xylem due to transpiration.
 Water potential as low as (-3 MPa or -30 bars) has been measured in the leaves borne on tree
 This can overcome gravitational pull and resistance offered by the capillaries of xylem vessels.
 The theory assumes tracheids to be more efficient than vessels.
 They believed that partition walls of the tracheids confer stability on the stressed transpiration

Transport in Plants || 20
Conceptual Questions

Fill in the blanks.

1. Upward conduction of water in the form of dilute solution of mineral ions from roots to aeriar
parts is called ____________ .
2. According to relay pump theory/conduction at water occurrs due to activity of _________ &
__________ .
State True-or False.
3. Development of root pressure is the result of an-active apsorption.
4. Magnitude of tensile strength of water is 3 bars.

Ans. 1. Ascent of sap, 2. Xylem parenchyma, Medullary rays 3. Ture, 4. False

 Transpiration is the loss of water in the form of vapours from the aerial parts of the plant.
 The loss of water is no great that it reduces water level in the soil and can lead to e ea of plant,
but transpiration is said to be necessary for water and mineral absorption, ascent of sap and
lowering the temperature (cooling effect).
 So, transpiration is called as necessary evil (Curtis) or an unavoidable evil (Steward).
 About 98% of water absorbed by land plants evaporate from their aerial parts and is lost into
the atmosphere.
 Less than 1 % of the water reaching the leaves is used in photosynthesis and plant growth.
Types of Transpiration
 Based on the plant parts or structure involved, following four types can be recognised:
1. Stomatal transpiration: It is the transpiration that occurs through the stomata. The epidermis
of leaves and green stems have numerous stomata. These are responsible for about 50 -97% of
the total water transpired.
2. Cuticular transpiration : Water vapours are also lost directly from the outer walls of the
epidermal cells through the cuticle. Cuticle is a wax like layer of cutin that covers the
epidermis of leaves and stems. It reduces the water loss but may give out water vapours
through the cracks. It commonly constitutes 3-10% of total transpiration. It is maximum upto
50% in herbaceous plants, ferns etc. growing in shady places.
3. Lenticular transpiration : Lenticels are aerating pores in the cork of the woody stems, twigs
and fruits. Water vapours are lost through these openings. The amount of water vapours lost
through lenticels is usually insignificant (approximately 0.1% of the total water loss).
4. Bark transpiration: This occurs through the bark of woody stem. It contributes about 1% of
the total transpiration.

Transport in Plants || 21
Self Assessment

Q.16 Find odd one out w.r.t. propounders of vital force theories
(1) J.C. Bose (2) Godlewski (3) Westermaier (4) Boehm
Q.17 Positive hydrostatic pressure developing is root xylem due to active solute accumulation is
(1) Root pressure (2) Imbibition pressure
(3) Water potential (4) Diffusion pressure deficit
Q.18 Which of the following contributes about 1% of the total transpiration in plants?
(1) Bark transpiration (2) Cuticular transpiration
(3) Lenticular transpiration (4) Stomatal transpiration
Q.19 According to Dixon and Jolly theory all given factors contribute ascent of sap, except
(1) Cohesive and adhesive force of water
(2) Vertical water column in xylem fibres and parenchyma
(3) Continuity of water column
(4) Transpiration pull
Q.20 Select an incorrect statement
(1) Root pressure has never been observed in conifers
(2) Root pressure can not be inhibited by using cyanide, lack of O2 and low temperature
(3) Root pressure can re-establish the continuous chain of water molecules in the xylem
(4) J.C. Bose experimented on Desmodium gyrans

Ans. Q.16 (4), Q.17 (1), Q.18 (1), Q.19 (2), Q.20 (2)

Structure of Stomata
 Stomata are the tiny apertures found on the epidermis of leaves and young green stems.
 Each stoma is surrounded by two specialized epidermal cells, called guard cells.
 They differ from epidermal cells in their shape (kidney or bean shaped) and in the presence of
 The inner wall of the guard cell is thick and elastic, whereas the outer wall is thin.
 Opening of the stoma is also aided due to the orientation of the microfibrils in the cell walls of
the guard cells.
 Cellulose microfibrils are oriented radially rather than longitudinally, making it easier for the
stoma to open.
 Guard cells are bordered by one or more modified epidermal cells called subsidiary cells or
accessory cells.
 In monocots, guard cells are ellipsoidal or dumb-bell shaped (called graminaeous stomata or
poaceous stomata).
 These stomata have thin end walls and thick walled middle region.

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Figure: A stomatal aperture with guard cells

Figure: Monocotyledonous stomata A. Open, B. Closed

Figure: Dicotyledonous stomata -A. Aperture closed, B. Aperture open.

 The leaf surface, depending upon the species may contain 1000 to 60,000 stomata per square
 The total pore area is approximately 1 -2% of total leaf area.

Classification of stomata on the basis of their distribution

 With the exception of few submerged hydrophytes, stomata are widely distributed amongst
angiosperms and gymnosperms.
 Based on their distribution on leaf surface, stomata are grouped in the following five
1. Apple or mulberry type: Stomata are present only on the lower leaf surface, e.g., apple. Such
leaves are called hypostomatic.
2. Potato type : The stomata occur on both the leaf surfaces, being more on the lower surface
than that on the upper, e.g., potato, tomato, brinjal. Such leaves are called amphistomatic.
3. Oat type: The stomata occur equally on both the leaf surfaces, e.g., wheat, rice, grasses, etc.
These leaves are also called amphistomatic.

Transport in Plants || 23
4. Water lily type: The stomata are found only on the upper surface of the leaf, e.g., water lily.
The leaves of such plants are found floating on water surface. These leaves are termed as
5. Potamogeton type: The stomata in some hydrophytes are either absent or vestigeal. Such
leaves are called astomatic.

Concept Builder
Classification of Stomata on the basis of daily movement
Loftfield classified stomata into following four types on the basis of their daily movement:
(a) Alfalfa type. The stomata remain open throughout the day and closed throughout the night,
e.g., pea, beans, radish, mustard, turnip, grapes etc.
(b) Potato type. The stomata remains open throughout the day and night except for a few hours in
the evening e.g., onion, potatoes, cabbage, banana, etc.
(c) Barley type. The stomata open for only a few hours during the day and remain closed for rest
of the period, e.g., barley, maize, wheat and other cereals.
(d) Equisetum type. In Equisetum (Horsetail), the stomata remain open throughout the day and

Mechanism of Opening and Closing of Stomata

 Stomata function as turgor operated valves.
 When osmotic concentration of guard cells increases, water comes in and guard cells become
turgid and stomata gets open.
 Whenever, osmotic concentration of guard cells decreases water moves out, guard cells
become flaccid and hence get closed.
 This increase and decrease in osmotic concentration is explained by a number of theories,
described below:
1. Photosynthetic Theory (Von Mohl and Schwendener) :
 This theory proposes that in the morning, as soon as light is available chloroplasts of guard cell
start photosynthesis, as a result sugars are produced, which increases the osmotic concentration
of guard cells, water comes in, guard cells become turgid and stomata are open.
 This theory is not accepted because photosynthetic activity of guard cell chloroplasts seems to
be negligible and sugar does not occur in detectable quantity in guard cells (as Rubisco is
absent in guard cell chloroplast).
 Sugar hypothesis (Classical theory).
2. Starch 

 It was given by Sayre and Scarth and later modified by Steward.

 This theory is called classical theory.
 They indicated that interconversion of starch into sugar is determined by change in pH.
 According to this theory, carbon dioxide liberated due to respiration is used in photosynthesis
by mesophyll cells.

Transport in Plants || 24
 This results in increase in pH to 7-7.5.
 In this alkaline state, starch is converted to glucose-1-phosphate.
 In the dark, carbon dioxide accumulates in the intercellular spaces as it is not utilised in
 It lowers pH of the guard cells to about 5.
 In this acidic state, glucose-1-phosophate is converted back to starch, leading to closure of

Figure: Development of high and low osmotic pressures

 Sugar Hypothesis
in guard cells according to Starch 

(i) Starch is absent in onion.
(ii) Glucose does not appear in detectable quantity in guard cells.

3. Active K+ transport or Potassium pump theory.

 Two Japanese scientists, S. Imamura and M. Fujino showed the accumulation of K+ in the
guard cells during stomatal opening.
 Later, Levitt (1974) explained the influx of K+ ions in the guard cells and their critical role in
stomatal movement.
(a) Opening of stomata in light:
(i) In light, starch in the guard cells is incompletely oxidized into phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP). It
is later converted into or anic acids, particularly malic acid. This reaction is catalyzed by an
enzyme phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPCO or PEPCase).
(ii) Malic acid dissociates into malate ion and protons (H+) in the guard cells.
Transport in Plants || 25
(iii) H+ from guard cells, are transported to epidermal cells and K+ from epidermal cells gets into
the guard cells through the agency of hydrogen-potassium ion exchange pump in the plasma
(iv) In the guard cells, K+ ions are balanced by malate anions. Besides, small amount of Cl– ions
are also absorbed which neutralize a small percentage of K+ ions.
(v) The process of ion exchange requires ATP and thus, it is an active process.
(vi) Increased K+ and malate ions forms potassium malate and store it in vacuoles of the guard
cells, increasing their osmotic concentration. Hence, water enters the guard cells by
(vii) Turgor pressure of the guard cells increases due to endosmosis and the stomata gets open.
(b) Closing of stomata in the dark:
(i) As CO2 is not utilized in photosynthesis during night, hence its concentration in the sub
stomatal cavity increases.
(ii) An inhibitor hormone-abscissic acid (ABA) functions in the presence of CO2, It inhibits K+ ion
uptake by changing the diffusion and permeability of the guard cells for positive ions.
(iii) The K+ ions are transported back to the epidermal or subsidiary cells from the guard cells.

Figure: Role of potassium, chloride and malate ions in stomatal opening

Concept Builder
In succulents stomata open during the night and close during the day. This is called scotoactive
opening. These plants show night time formation of malic acid, e.g., Opuntia, Bryophyllum.

Factors affecting Transpiration

(A) External factors
(1) Light. Blue light induces maximum opening of stomata. In its absence, stomata remain closed.
Light also affects the rate of transpiration by increasing temperature. Blue and red light are
effective for transpiration, constituting its action spectrum.

Transport in Plants || 26
(2) Relative humidity (vapour pressure gradient). In humid atmosphere (when the relative
humidity is high) the rate of transpiration decreases. In dry atmosphere the relative humidity is
low (low water vapour pressure), so the rate of transpiration increases.
(3) Temperature. Higher the temperature more is the rate of transpiration as it results in a higher
vapour pressure gradient. Lowering of temperature decreases the rate of transpiration.
(4) Wind. If wind is not blowing, water vapours accumulate above the transpiring leaves which
decrease the rate of transpiration. The blowing wind removes the accumulated humidity and
brings fresh air capable of absorbing water (slow breeze) and thus, the rate of transpiration is
Storm or wind of very high velocity causes closure of stomata, thus checking transpiration.
(5) Available soil water. If the available water in the soil is not sufficient, the rate of transpiration
is decreased. A high concentration of salts in the soil water also reduces the rate of
transpiration due to less water absorption.

(B) Plant Factors

1. Root-shoot ratio: Root absorbs water, hence if root shoot ratio decreases then transpiration
decreases or vice versa. Short plants have a high root -shoot ratio.
2. Structure of leaf: Many features like thick cuticle, waxy coating, thick walled hypodermis,
sunken stomata reduce the transpiration.
3. Number and distribution of open stomata, plant water, canopy structure are other factors
affecting transpiration.

Significance of Transpiration
 Transpiration has been described as a 'necessary evil' (Curtis) and an unavoidable evil
(Steward). It is potentially harmful.
 The stomata remain open for exchange of gases.
 This also results in the loss of water as vapours.
 Consequently, the water level in the soil is reduced, causing wilting of plants.
 The stomata, however, cannot be closed to prevent water loss because this would also stop
gaseous exchange needed for respiration and photosynthesis.
 The advantages of transpiration are as follows:
(i) The absorption of water and ascent of sap to various parts of the plant body is mostly due to
transpiration. Transpiration pull is responsible for mass movement of water and solutes in
upward direction.
(ii) Plants receive solar energy in very large amounts for the synthesis of carbohydrates. If there is
no dissipation of energy, the temperature of leaf surface would rise to a lethal level in less than
two minutes. Transpiration plays an important role here. It helps in dissipating this excess
energy by evaporating water from the leaf surface and thus, helps in keeping the plant cool.

Transport in Plants || 27
Figure. Water movement in the leaf. Evaporation from the leaf sets up a pressure gradient
between the outside air and the air spaces of the leaf. The gradient is transmitted into the
photosynthetic cells and on the water-filled xylem in the leaf vein.

(iii) Development of mechanical tissues, growth of root system, increasing ash and sugar content of
fruits and development of resistance are other beneficial effects of transpiration.
 Many chemicals (antitranspirants) have been found to reduce the rate of transpiration without
affecting CO2 uptake e.g., Phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA, a fungicide), Abscisic acid
(ABA) and CO2, Silicon emulsion and low viscosity waxes cover stomata as a film, allow
CO2 and O2 exchange but resist diffusion of water.

Transpiration and Photosynthesis — a Compromise

Transpiration has more than one purpose; it
 Creates transpiration pull for absorption and transport in plants.
 Supplies water for photosynthesis.
 Transports minerals from the soil to all parts of the plant
 Cools leaf surfaces, sometimes 10 to 15 degrees, by evaporative cooling.
 Maintains the shape and structure of the plants by keeping cells turgid.
 An actively photosynthesising plant has an insatiable need for water.
 Photosynthesis is limited by available water which can be swiftly depleted by transpiration.
 The humidity of rainforests is largely due to this vast cycling of water from root to leaf to
atmosphere and back to the soil.
 The evolution of the C4 photosynthetic system is probably one of the strategies for maximising
the availability of CO2 while minimising water loss.
 C4 plants are twice as efficient as C3 plants in terms of fixing carbon (making sugar).
 However, a C4 plant loses only half as much water as a C3 plant for the same amount of CO2


 Plants obtain their carbon and most of their oxygen from CO2 in the atmosphere.
 However, they obtain remaining nutritional requirements from minerals and water (for
hydrogen) present in the soil.

Transport in Plants || 28
 Unlike water, all minerals cannot be passively absorbed by the roots.
 Two factors account for this: (i) minerals are present in the soil as charged particles (ions)
which cannot move across cell membranes and (ii) the concentration of minerals in the soil is
usually lower than the concentration of minerals in the root.
 Therefore, most minerals must enter the root by active absorption into the cytoplasm of
epidermal cells.
 This needs energy in the form of ATP.
 The active uptake of ions is partly responsible for the water potential gradient in roots, and
therefore for the uptake of water by osmosis.
 Some ions also move into the epidermal cells passively.
 Ions are absorbed from the soil by both passive and active transport.
 Specific proteins in the membranes of root hair cells actively pump ions from the soil into the
cytoplasms of the epidermal cells.
 Like all cells, the endodermal cells have many transport proteins embedded in their plasma
membrane; they allow some solutes to cross the membrane, but not others.
 Transport proteins of endodermal cells are control points, where a plant adjusts the
quantity and types of solutes that reach the xylem.
 Note that the root endodermis because of the layer of suberin has the ability to actively
transport ions in one direction only.

Conceptual Questions
State True or False
1. In potato and brinjal, stomata are present only 6n the lower leaf surface.
2. Photosynthetic theory for the stomatal movement was given by Von Mohl and Schwendener.
Fill in the blanks:
3. ____________ maintains the shape and structure of plants by keeping cells turgid.
4. A _________ plant loses only half as much water as a ________ plant for the same amount of
CO2 fixed.

Ans. 1. False, 2. True, 3. Transpiration, 4. C4, C3


 Organic solutes such as glucose, sucrose produced during photosynthesis are translocated
through phloem tissue.
 The transport of photosynthates from the production centres (leaves) to the consumption
centres (apices, roots, fruits, buds, tubers) through phloem is called translocation of organic
solutes or long distance transport.
 Translocation through phloem occurs in upward, downward and radial directions from the
source (leaves) to the sink i.e., consumption centres.

Transport in Plants || 29
 Chemical analysis of the phloem sap revealed the presence of sugars upto 90%.
 Sucrose constitutes 5-15% of the total sugars.
 Other sugars like raffinose (triose), stachyose (tetrose) and verbascose (pentose) are also
present in small quantities.
 This analysis strongly suggests that phloem is the tissue concerned with the translocation of
organic solutes.
 Pure phloem sap may be collected by using sap sucking aphids.

Concept Builder
Rabideau and Burr (1945) supplied C14O2 to a leaf during photosyinthesis (Tracer technique).
Sugars synthesized in this leaf got labelled with 14C (tracer). Presence of labelled sugars
(radioactivity) in the phloem showed that solutes are translocated through phloem.

Theories of Translocation of Organic Solutes

1. Protoplasmic streaming hypothesis: This theory was proposed by a Dutch botanist, Hugo de
Vries in 1885 and was supported by C.F. Curtis (1935). According to this theory:
(a) Protoplasm of the sieve tubes show continuous streaming from one end to the other.
(b) Organic solutes (sugars) which enter the sieve tube are passively carried by the streaming
protoplasm from one end of the sieve tube to the other.
(c) Solutes move from one sieve tube to the next sieve tube by diffusion through the pores of the
sieve plate. Thus, the streaming protoplasm acts as a conveyer belt or two-way escalator.
(d) Different substances move in different directions at the same time in the same sieve tube.

2. Pressure flow or mass flow hypothesis: This theory was proposed by Munch (1929) and
elaborated by Crafts (1938). According to this theory, organic solutes are translocated "en
masse" through the sieve tubes from the supplying end or source (leaves) to the consumption
end or sink (roots, fruits, tubers).
(a) Mesophyll cells synthesize sugars during photosynthesis. As these get dissolved in cell sap, the
osmotic concentration and DPD of mesophyll cells increases (w decreases).
(b) Water enters the mesophyll cells from the xylem. Hence, the turgor pressure or pressure
potential (p) of the mesophyll cells increases.
(c) Sugars dissolved in water move from mesophyll cells into the symplast system of sieve tubes
through companion cells (Phloem loading).
(d) Solutes are carried "en masse" through the symplast to finally reach the consumption centres.
(e) At the consumption end, food materials (solutes) are either used up (as in roots) or are stored in
an insoluble form (as in fruits, tubers). Hence, the osmotic concentration and, consequently, the
turgor pressure in these cells will be low.
(f) Thus, a continuous turgor pressure gradient gets established across the symplast between the
cells of the source and the cells of the sink.

Transport in Plants || 30
(g) Water returns to the source (leaf) through the apoplast system.

Figure: Diagrammatic presentation of mechanism of translocation

Objection to mass flow hypothesis :
(a) Bidirectional transport of organic solute in the same sieve tube needs explanation.
(b) Slime content and other fibrils of the sieve tube reduce the speed of flow of solutes even under
high pressure.
(c) Mass flow is not a purely physical process as described by Munch because phloem cells
utilised 0.1-0.5 percent of sucrose translocated through them. This is an evidence to show that
phloem translocation (both loading and unloading) is an active process and requires metabolic

Factors affecting Translocation of Solutes

Optimum temperature for translocation is 20°C and 30°C. The rate of translocation increases
with increase in temperature. The temperature influences the root more than the shoot, since it
acts as sink for the sugars.
The root/shoot dry weight ratio increases with increased light intensities. This indicates that
translocation to root increases as compared to shoot when light intensity is increased.
Metabolic inhibitors:
The metabolic inhibitors can inhibit carbohydrate translocation. These include dinitrophenol
(DNP), arsenite, azide, fluoride and hydrogen cyanide.
Mineral deficiencies:
The absorption and translocation of sucrose by a leaf is facilitated by boron. It helps sucrose to
move easily through the cell membranes in the form of boron-sucrose complex.
Sucrose is much more efficiently translocated when growth regulators are applied such as
kinetin, 1AA and gibberellic acid.

Transport in Plants || 31
GUTTATION (Term by Burgerstein)
 Plants growing under humid conditions in a moist warm soil often exhibit droplets of water
along the margins of their leaves.
 Phenomenon is commonly seen in Oat, Tomato, Cucumber, Garden Nasturtium and Saxifraga
 The loss of water in the form of liquid is called guttation.
 In moist and humid conditions, the rate of absorption of water greatly exceeds transpiration.
 The root pressure is built up which pushes the water up in the xylem ducts, from where it
comes out on the leaf surface through special structures called hydathodes.
 Hydathodes are present at the tips of veins in leaves.
 A hydathode consists of a pore in the epidermis followed by large intercellular spaces and
loosely arranged parenchyma called epithem and blindly ending xylem elements.
 Guttated water contains inorganic and organic salts and is not pure.

Self Assessment

Q.21 Select an incorrect statement

(1) Guard cells are dumb-bell shaped in poaceae
(2) Inner wall of the guard cell is thin and elastic in dicots
(3) Cellulosic microfibrils are arranged radially in guard cells
(4) Guard cells are bordered by one or more subsidiary cells
Q.22 Stomata are found only on the upper surface of leaf in
(1) Apple (2) Potato (3) Oat (4) Water lily
Q.23 According to classical theory, which enzyme performs activity at both, pH 5 and 7, during
 glucose-1-phosphate reaction?
starch 
(1) Phosphatase (2) Phosphorylase
(3) Phosphoglucomutase (4) Hexokinase
Q.24 According to potassium pump theory which activity will not occur opening of stomata?
(1) Dissociation of malic acid
(2) Process of ion exchange is a passive process
(3) H+ ions from guard cells are transported to subsidiary cells
(4) Potassium malate increases OP of guard cells
Q.25 Scotoactive stomata
(1) Open during day and close during night
(2) Are found in Bryophyllum and Opuntia
(3) Opens when malic acid is formed during night
(4) More than one option is correct
Q.26 Select a correct statement
(1) Blue light inhibits opening of stomata
(2) PMA is a fungicide as well as an antitranspirant
(3) Transpiration do not performs evaporative cooling of leaf surface
(4) Transpiration increases when the relative humidity is high

Transport in Plants || 32
Q.27 Transport proteins of ________ are control points, where a plant adjusts the quantity and types
of solutes that reach the xylem.
(1) Peri cycle (2) Hypodermis (3) Endodermis (4) Pith
Q.28 Find odd one w.r.t. chief sink for mineral elements
(1) Apical and lateral meristem (2) Young leaves
(3) Fruits and seeds (4) Mature leaves
Q.29 The pressure flow or mass flow hypothesis of phloem translocation explains that
(1) Sugars are loaded actively in sieve tubes
(2) Incoming sugars are actively transported out of the phloem and removed as complex
(3) Loss of solute produces a low w in the phloem
(4) More than one option is correct
Q.30 Guttation is related to all, except
(1) Loss of water in the form of liquid (2) Involvement of lenticels
(3) Epithem, a loosely arranged parenchyma (4) Root pressure as responsible force

Ans. Q.21 (2), Q.22 (4), Q.23 (2), Q.24 (2), Q.25 (4), Q.26 (2), Q.27 (3), Q.28 (4), Q.29 (4), Q.30 (2)

Concept Builder
1. Osmotic pressure of 1 molar solution of a non-electrolyte would be 22.4 atmospheres at 0ºC.
2. Equimolar concentrations of two solutions of non-ionising substances will have same osmatic
3. The value of osmotic potential of an electrolyte will be greater by the degree of its dissociation
into ions at a given temperature.
4. Plasmolysis can be demonstrated in epidermal peel of Rhoeo discolor leaf.
5. The auxin treated cells show increase in their metabolism. Respiration in these cells increases
and more of energy is provided for the absorption of water.
6. At low temperature, water in the intercellular spaces freezes into ice, thus having higher OP. It
causes exosmosis of water from cells causing desiccation.
7. If a fresh water plant is transferred to marine water, it dies due to exosmosis.
8. Root pressure is measured by manometer.
9. Stocking (1956) considered root pressure as an active process responsible for guttation and
bleeding in plants.
10. Maximum root pressure recorded in plants is 2 bars which is sufficient to raise the water
column to a height of 20 meter.
11. Root pressure is absent in gymnosperms.
12. Potometers are used for measuring/comparing the rates of transpiration.
13. Cobalt chloride paper method is also used to compare the rates of transpiration. Moisture
coming out of stomata turns blue cobalt chloride paper to pink.
14. Porometers are used for assessing the total pore area (stoma).

Transport in Plants || 33
15. Generally, stomata are photoactive (open during the day and close at night). But in succulents
like Bryophyllum, Opuntia and Cacti, stomata close during the day and open at night
16. Trarispiration in old stems and fruits occurs through lenticels.
17. Fresh weight of a plant or leaf would be maximum in the morning and minimum in the
18. If half of the total number of stomata on a leaf close down, the rate of transpiration is not
reduced by half.
19. Cytokinins helps in opening of stomata while ABA (abscisic Acid) and low O2 close stomata.
20. Plants growing at high altitudes show xeromorphy (adaptation to minimise transpiration).
21. Transpiration ratio: the amount of water lost per unit of dry matter produced during the
growing season of a plant.
22. In Saxifraga, the rate of guttation is high during flowering.
23. Mechanical shock causes stomatal closure.
24. Stomatal index =  100 S  Number of stomata 
E S  E  Number of epidermal cells 
Leaf Test Time
25. Transpiration index =
Water Test Time
26. Psychrometer is used to measure relative humidity and rate of transpiration.
27. Diameter of tree decreases during the day. It is due to narrowing of tracheary elements due to
development of negative pressure. It is measured by dendrograph.
28. Matric potential Ym: It is used for surfaces which bind water. It is also negative, e.g. soil
particles, cell wall, cytoplasm etc.
29. Gravity potential Yg : It denotes the effect of gravity on Yw. It depends on the height (h) of
water above the reference state of water, the density at water and acceleration due to gravity.
Value of Yg is negligible upto a height of 5m from the reference level and also value of Ym is
 w = s + p

Transport in Plants || 34
1. Plants obtain a variety of inorganic elements (ions) and salts from their surroundings especially
from water and soil.
2. Movement of these nutrients from environment into the plant as well as from one plant cell to
another plant cell essentially involves movement across a cell membrane.
3. Transport across cell membrane can be through diffusion, facilitated transport or active
4. Water and minerals absorbed by roots are transported by xylem and the organic material
synthesised in the leaves is transported to other parts of plant through phloem.
5. Passive transport (diffusion, osmosis) and active transport are the two modes of nutrient
transport across cell membranes in living organisms.
6. In passive transport, nutrients move across the membrane by diffusion, without any use of
energy as it is always down the concentration gradient and hence entropy driven.
7. This diffusion of substances depends on-their size, solubility in water or organic solvents.
8. Osmosis is the special type of diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane which
depends on pressure gradient and concentration gradient.
9. In active transport, energy in the form of ATP is utilised to pump molecules against a
concentration gradient across membranes.
10. Water potential is the potential energy of water which helps in the movement of water. It is
determined by solute potential and pressure potential.
11. The behaviour of the cells depends on the surrounding solution. If the surrounding solution of
the cell is hypertonic, it gets plasmolysed.
12. The absorption of water by seeds and dry wood takes place by a special type of diffusion called
13. In higher plants, there is a vascular system, xylem and phloem, responsible for translocation.
Water minerals and food cannot be moved within the body of a plant by diffusion alone. They
are therefore, transported by a mass flow system- movement of substance in bulk from one
point to another as a result of pressure differences between the two points.
14. Water absorbed by root hairs moves deeper into the root by two distinct pathways, i.e.,
apoplast and symplast.
15. Various ions and water from soil can be transported upto a small height in stems by root
16. Transpiration pull model is the most acceptable to explain the transport of water.
17. Transpiration is the loss of water in the form of vapours from the plant parts through stomata.
Temperature, light, humidity, wind speed and number of stomata affect the rate of
18. Excess water is also removed through tips of leaves of plants by guttation.
19. Phloem is responsible for transport of food (primarily) sucrose from the source to the sink. The
translocation in phloem is bi-directiorial; the source-sink relationship is variable.
20. The translocation in phloem is explained by the pressure flow hypothesis.

Transport in Plants || 35
Q.1 What determines the diffusion of water from one cell to other?
(1) OP (2) WP (3) DPD (4) TP
Q.2 Term "water potential" was used for the first time by
(1) Slatyer and Taylor (2) Stocking (3) Sachs (4) Boehm
Q.3 When solute is mixed, the water potential of a cell
(1) Increases (2) Decreases
(3) First increases and then decreases (4) No change occurs
Q.4 As a result of endosmosis, w of cell
(1) Increases (2) Decreases (3) Remains same (4) Become zero
Q.5 Which of the following equation is wrong?
(1) s = – (2) DPD = – OP + TP (3) w = s + p (4) w = –DPD
Q.6 When a cell is fully turgid. which of the following will be zero?
(1) Osmotic pressure (2) Turgor pressure (3) Wall pressure (4) Suction pressure
Q.7 Osmotic potential is numerically equal to
(1) TP (2) DPD (3) OP (4) WP
Q.8 First sign of shrinkage of cell is detectable at
(1) Limiting plasmolysis (2) Incipient plasmolysis
(3) Evident plasmolysis (4) Permanent plasmolysis
Q.9 Osmotic pressure depends upon
(1) Concentration of solutes (2) Temperature
(3) Ionization (4) All of 1hese
Q.10 Correct expression for water potential of plasmolysed cell will be
(1) w = s (2) s = p (3) w = 0 (4) w = s + (–p)
Q.11 Water potential of soil at field capacity and wilting point are respectively
(1) – 1.5 MPa and – 0.01 MPa (2) – 0.1 MPa and – 0.01 MPa
(3) – 0.01 MPa and – 1.5 MPa (4) – 0.01 MPa and –0.1 MPa
Q.12 Which is not a characteristic of imbibition?
(1) It is a reversible phenomenon
(2) Heat is generated
(3) Involves both capillarity and adsorption
(4) It is a property of hydrophobic and lyophobic colloids
Q.13 Concept of apoplast and symplast was given by
(1) Munch (2) Kramer (3) Renner (4) Dixon
Q.14 Type of soil water which is commonly available to roots is
(1) Gravitational water (2) Hygroscopic water
(3) Capillary water (4) Chemically combined water

Transport in Plants || 36
Q.15 Passive absorption is controlled by
(1) Transpiration (2) Capillarity
(3) Presence of solutes in soil (4) Temperature of atmosphere
Q.16 If the texture of soil become fine. then the rate of movement of water through it will be
(1) Faster (2) Slower (3) Nil (4) Same
Q.17 At low temperature the rate of water absorption decreases due to
(1) Decreased viscosity of water (2) Increased permeability
(3) Reduced rate of diffusion (4) Increased root growth
Q.18 The water absorption in plants is enhanced by
(1) Increased transpiration (2) Decreased transpiration
(3) Decreased salt absorption (4) Increased photosynthesis
Q.19 The phenomenon of uptake of water at the expense of energy by the cell and usually against
osmotic phenomenon is known as
(1) Osmosis (2) Active absorption (3) Passive absorption (4) Imbibition
Q.20 Root pressure is measured by
(1) Osmometer (2) Manometer (3) Barometer (4) Auxanometer
Q.21 When the temperature of soil is 0ºC then
(1) The absorption of water increases
(2) The absorption of water is not affected by temperature
(3) The absorption of water decreases
(4) The soil will lose capillary water
Q.22 All given represents symplast, except
(1) Endodermis (2) Plasmodesmata (3) Cell wall (4) Vacuole
Q.23 Root pressure is maximum when
(1) Transpiration is high and absorption is very low
(2) Transpiration is very low and absorption is high
(3) Transpiration is very high and absorption is also high
(4) Transpiration and absorption both are low
Q.24 Pulsation theory of ascent of sap was given by
(1) Godlewski (2) Dixon (3) Tansley (4) Sir J. C. Bose
Q.25 Which is not true for root pressure?
(1) Positive hydrostatic pressure
(2) Maximum during the day and minimum during night
(3) Magnitude is 1-2 bars
(4) Develops due to metabolic activity of roots
Q.26 A tension (transpiration pull) of 1 atmosphere can pull water to a height of approx
(1) 10 feet (2) 10 meter (3) 1 meter (4) 1 feet
Q.27 Amphislomatic leaves are generally found in
(1) Dicots (2) Monacots (3) CAM plants (4) Aquatic plants

Transport in Plants || 37
Q.28 Cutinised wall of epidermal cells are
(1) Permeable (2) Semipermeable (3) Impermeable (4) Selective permeable
Q.29 The stomata are widely open in
(1) Red light (2) Blue light (3) Green light (4) Yellow light
Q.30 When transpiration is rapid
(1) w of epidermal cells decreases
(2) A negative pressure develops in xylem vessel
(3) Water is absorbed through the root passively
(4) All of these
Q.31 Which is not true regarding stomata?
(1) They are turgor operated valves
(2) Have differentially thickened walls of guard cells
(3) They open when OP of guard cell decreases
(4) Show scotoactive opening in CAM plants
Q.32 Cuticular transpiration is approximately
(1) 50% in herbs and ferns (2) 97% in most of the plants
(3) 1% of total transpiration (4) 50% in most of the plants
Q.33 Rate of transpiration and stomatal movement are measured respectively by
(1) Porometer and Potometer (2) Potometer and Porometer
(3) Potometer and Tensiometer (4) Hygrometer and Porometer
Q.34 According to starch sugar inter conversion theory of stomatal opening, stomatal opening is
preceded by
(1) Increase in H+ concentration (2) Decrease in pH of guard cell
(3) Increase in pH of guard cell (4) Inactivation of phosphorylase enzyme
Q.35 When stomata open in night only, they are called
(1) Photoactive stomata (2) Scotoactive stomata
(3) Hydathode (4) All of these
Q.36 Which of the following does not happen during stomatal opening?
(1) Accumulation of K+ ions in guard cell
(2) Increase of turgor pressure of guard cell
(3) Creation of water potential gradient between guard cell and subsidiary cell
(4) Increased thickening of inner wall of guard cell
Q.37 High amount of malate in guard cell during stomatal opening is due to
(1) Import from subsidiary cell (2) Hydrolysis of starch
(3) Photosynthesis in guard cell (4) Hydrolysis of proteins
Q.38 Active K+ exchange mechanism for opening and dosing of stomata was given by
(1) Darwin (2) Levitt (3) Scarth (4) Fujino
Q.39 Which of the following represents the metabolic antitranspirants?
(1) PMA, CO2 (2) Colorless plastics and waxes
(3) Aspirin, ABA (4) Both (1) & (3)

Transport in Plants || 38
Q.40 Which is not an advantage of transpiration?
(1) Development of mechanical tissues (2) Development of root system
(3) Distribution of minerals (4) Fixation of nitrogen
Q.41 The plant factor which affects the rate of transpiration is
(1) Leaf area (2) Temperature (3) Humidity (4) Wind speed
Q.42 During guttation, water is lost in the form of
(1) Water vapours
(2) Dilute solution of sugars
(3) Pure liquid water
(4) Dilute solution of salts and organic substances
Q.43 Which of the following is an effective adaptation for better gaseous exchange in plants?
(1) Presence of multiple epidermis
(2) Presence of hair on the lower epidermis
(3) Presence of a waxy cuticle covering epidermis of the leaves
(4) Location of stomata on the lower surface of leaves and side turned away from direct sun-
Q.44 The conditions under which transpiration would be most rapid are
(1) Excess of water in soil
(2) Low humidity, high temperature, turgid guard cells and moist soil
(3) Low velocity of wind
(4) High humidity
Q.45 A hypothetical arrangement of plant cells (A, B, C, and D) is given below

A DPD = 5 atm DPD = 3 atm B

C DPD = 4 DPD = 2 D

Find the correct sequence of movement of water using given values

(1) D  B  C  A (2) A  C  B  D
(3) D  B  A  C (4) D  A  C  B
Q.46 Translocation of photosynthates occur in form of
(1) Starch (2) Glucose (3) Sucrose (4) 3PGA
Q.47 Although a girdled (upto bast) tree may survive for sometime, but it will eventually die
(1) Water will not move upward
(2) Water will not move downward
(3) Sugars and other organic solutes will not move downward
(4) Sugars and other organic solutes will not move upward

Transport in Plants || 39
Q.1 Find correct pathway of movement of water in given presentation of cells.

X s = –10 bar
p = 5 bar

s = –15 bar s = –7 bar

p = 10 bar p = 1 bar

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Q.2 (A) Most researchers agree that water is mainly 'pulled' upward through the plant, where
transpiration being the driving force
(B) Less than one percent of water reaching the leaves is used in plant growth and
(C) Cobalt chloride paper turns blue on absorbing water.
(1) All are correct (2) Only C is incorrect
(3) Only B is incorrect (4) Only A is correct
Q.3 Phenomenon of guttation
(1) Is regulated by Cohesion-Tension
(2) Is due to active solute accumulation by phloem
(3) Takes place to release excessive solutes
(4) More than one option is correct
Q.4 In a stomatal apparatus, cellulosic microfibrils are oriented
(1) Longitudinally on subsidiary cells
(2) Radially in the cell walls of guard cells
(3) Radially and longitudinally in wall of guard cells
(4) Longitudinally on both guard cells
Q.5 Stomata remains always open in
(1) Horsetail (2) Barley (3) Alfalfa (4) Potato
Q.6 According to potassium pump theory of Lewitt
(1) Starch is incompletely oxidized to PEP during night
(2) Malic acid dissociates into malate ion and protons in the subsidiary cells
(3) Movement of H+ ions from guard cell to subsidiary cell is active
(4) Potassium malate decreases the OP of guard cells during day
Q.7 (A) In dry atmosphere the relative humidity is low, so the rate of transpiration increases
(B) Slow breeze promotes the rate of transpiration
(C) ABA promotes transpiration
(D) A high salt concentration in soil water increases transpiration
(1) C and D are correct (2) Band C are correct
(3) A and C are correct (4) A and B are correct
Transport in Plants || 40
Q.8 Which of the following statement for hydathodes is correct?
(1) Opens to release excessive pure water from leaves
(2) Contains a loosely arranged parenchyma called epithem
(3) These are found at the tips of the veins in leaves
(4) More than one option is correct
Q.9 Values of are commonly ignored.
(1) m, s (2) m, p (3) g, m (4) g, p
Q.10 Capillary water
(1) Belongs to chresard category (2) Is retained in pores  20 µm diameter
(3) Forms a thin film around soil particles (4) More than one option is correct
Q.11 One molar solution of which substance will have maximum O.P : -
(1) NaCl (2) Glucose (3) Fructose (4) Starch
Q.12 The movement of molecules from their higher concentration to lower concentration is called-
(1) Osmosis (2) Diffusion (3) DPD (4) DPG
Q.13 Osomosis is the diffusion of a solution of a weaker concentration when both are seperated by
semi-permeable membrane. What is error in the statement ?
(1) The movement of solvent molecule is not specified
(2) There is no mention of DPD
(3) Behavior of semipermeable membrane is not specified
(4) The exact concentration of solutions are not indicated
Q.14 What statement can be cited for 10% sodium chloride solution and 10% sugar solution present?
(1) Both have equal OP
(2) The concentration of sodium chloride solution will be less than concentration of sugar
(3) The OP of sugar solution will be higher than OP of sodium chloride solution
(4) DPD of sodium chloride solution will be higher than DPD of sugar solution
Q.15 If a plant cell is immersed in water, the water continues to enter the cell until the : -
(1) Concentration of the salts is the same inside the cells as outside
(2) Cell bursts
(3) Concentration of water is the same inside the cell as out side
(4) Diffusion pressure deficit is the same inside the cell as out side
Q.16 Osmosis means : -
(1) Solute from low concentration to higher
(2) Solute from higher concentration to low
(3) Solvent from low concentration of solution to higher conc. of solution
(4) Solvent from higher concentration solution to low concentration solution
Q.17 The process of osomosis involves : -
(1) Movement of solute through a semipermeable membrane
(2) Movement of solvent through a semipermeable membrane
(3) Movement of solution through semipermeable membrane
(4) None of the above

Transport in Plants || 41
Q.18 Osmosis involves diffusion of : -
(1) Suspended particles from higher to lower concentration
(2) Suspended particles from lower to higher concentration
(3) Water from more to less conentration solution
(4) Water from less to more concentrated solution
Q.19 Process of selective transmission of a liquid through semi permeable membrane is called :-
(1) Diffusion (2) Osmosis (3) Plasmolysis (4) Transmission
Q.20 Water enters into the root hair from the soil in its normal condition because the osmotic
pressure of the soil solution :-
(1) Remains lesser than that of root hair sap (2) Remains equal to that of root hair sap
(3) Remains higher than that of root hair sap (4) And that of root hair sap remains zero
Q.21 Which helps in maintaining form and structure of cells & soft parts of plants ?
(1) Osmotic pressure (2) Turgor pressure (3) Atmospheric (4) DPD
Q.22 Who propounded the concept of osmosis ?
(1) Abbe Nollet (2) Mayer (3) Dixon and jolly (4) Renner
Q.23 In terms of permeability, the cell wall and plasmalemma are : -
(1) Permeable and differentially permeable respectively
(2) Both semipermeable
(3) Semipermeable and permeable
(4) Both differentially permeable
Q.24 Plasma membrane controls : -
(1) Passage of water only
(2) Passage of water and solutes in and out of the cell
(3) Passage of water and solutes into the cell
(4) Movement of cell contents out the cell
Q.25 Which process occurs against a concentration gradient of solute ?
(1) Diffusion (2) Osmosis (3) Transpiration (4) Translocation
Q.26 Water from the soil enters in to the root hairs on account of : -
(1) Turgor pressure (2) Suction pressure DPD
(3) Barometric pressure (4) Osmotic pressure
Q.27 When the cell is placed in water, it takes water this is due to?
(1) Osmotic pressure (2) Suction pressure
(3) Diffusion (4) Water potential and TP
Q.28 The hydrostatic pressure developed in the cell is called : -
(1) Turgor pressure (2) Wall pressure (3) Osmotic pressure (4) Suction pressure
Q.29 In fully turgid cell : -
(1) DPD = WP (2) DPD = OP (3) DPD = OP - TP (4) DPD = 0
Q.30 In flaccid cell : -
(1) DPD = WP (2) DPD = OP (3) DPD = 0 (4) DPD = OP – TP

Transport in Plants || 42
Q.31 What is the value of DPD of a cell?
(1) DPD = OP × TP (2) DPD = OP + TP (3) DPD = OP – TP (4) DPD = OP ÷ TP
Q.32 Under natural conditions the osmotic pressure is : -
(1) More than turgor pressure (2) Less than turgor pressure
(3) Equal to turgor pressure (4) Zero
Q.33 What maintains the shape of a cell?
(1) Osmotic pressure (2) Turgor pressure (3) Suction-pressure (4) Wall-pressure
Q.34 If a plasmolysed cell is placed in distilled water then it returns to its original state & become
turgid, this is called as : -
(1) Plasmolysis (2) Exosmosis (3) Endomosis (4) Deplasmolysis
Q.35 When a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution it becomes plasmolysed what shall be
present between cell wall and plasmalemma at this stage?
(1) Water and air (2) Cell sap
(3) Hypertonic solution (4) Solutes
Q.36 Value of water potential for pure water is : -
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) Zero
Q.37 Water potential is affected by : -
(1) Osmotic potential (2) Matric potential (3) Pressure potential (4) All of the above
Q.38 Why hygroscopic water is not available to plants ?
(1) Because its w is greatly increased
(2) Because its DPD is greatly decreased
(3) Because its w becomes strongly negative
(4) Because its w is increased and DPD is decreased
Q.39 The solute potential can be determined in a simple manner by : -
(1) Water potential (2) DPD (3) Osmotic pressure (4) Suction pressure
Q.40 Seeds swell when placed in water due to : -
(1) Osmosis (2) Imbibition (3) Hydrolysis (4) All of these
Q.41 Imbibition process involves : -
(1) Both diffusion and capillary action (2) Only diffusion
(3) Only capillary action (4) None of the above
Q.42 Which of the following is imbibiant ?
(1) Proteins (2) Pectin (3) Starch (4) All of the above
Q.43 The right sequence for imbibition is : -
(1) Agar agar > cellulose > protein (2) Protein > cellulose > agar agar
(3) Agar agar > protein > cellulose (4) Agar agar < protein < cellulose
Q.44 The pathway of water from soil upto the secondary xylem : -
(1) Soil  root hair  cortex  endodermis  pericycle  protoxylem  Meta xylem
(2) Metaxylem  protoxylem  pericyle  cortex  endodermis  soil  root hair
(3) Cortex  root hair endodermis  pericycle  protoxylem  metaxylem
(4) Pericycle  soil  root hair  cortex  endodermis  protoxylem  metaxylem
Transport in Plants || 43
Q.45 Water will be absorbed by root hairs when : -
(1) Concentration of salts in the soil is high
(2) Concentration of solutes in the cell sap is high
(3) The plant is rapidly respiring
(4) They are separated from the soil by a semipermeable membrane
Q.46 In poorly aerated soil, the rate of water absorption will : -
(1) Increase x (2) Decrease (3) Remains the same (4) None of these
Q.47 What is true for the water available in the soil?
(1) Holard = Chresard + Echard (2) Holard = Chresard – Echard
(3) Chresard = Holard + Echard (4) Echard = Holard + Chresard
Q.48 Water rises in the stem due to : -
(1) Cohesion and transpiration pull (2) Turgor pressure
(3) Osmotic pressure (4) None
Q.49 Sap ascends in woody stem because of : -
(1) Transpiration pull (2) Capillarity
(3) Molecular adhesion (4) Photosynthesis
Q.50 Relay pump theory of ascent of sap was proposed by : -
(1) Boase (2) Godlewsky (3) Westermaier (4) Von sachs
Q.51 Ringing experiment to explain ascent of sap path was firstly done by : -
(1) Hartig, Malpighi (2) Dixon & Jolly
(3) Godlewski & J.C. Bose (4) Stephen hales and Boehm
Q.52 Passage of ascent of sap is shown by :-
(1) Osmometer (2) Porometer (3) Manometer (4) Blockage experiment
Q.53 Transpiration - cohesion - tension theory operates in : -
(1) Active absorption (2) Passive absorption
(3) Active & passive absorption (4) None of the above
Q.54 Opening of stomata is due to : -
(1) Turgidity of guard cells (2) Size of guard cells
(3) Number of gurad cells (4) Amout of CO2 in the atmosphere
Q.55 Transpiration from plants would be most rapid when
(1) There is lot of humidity in atmosphere (2) The air is more humid
(3) There is excess rain fall (4) Environmetal conditions are dry
Q.56 Wilting of a plant result from excessive : -
(1) Respiration (2) Photosynthesis (3) Absorption (4) Transpiration
Q.57 Leaves which appear wilted in the day time recover at night because : -
(1) Light is esstential for photo synthesis
(2) The stomata close down, temperature decrease, transpiration is reduced and the plant is
able to absorb more water from the soil
(3) Respiration and translocation of organic substance both increases
(4) The plant is sleeping because of dark conditions

Transport in Plants || 44
Q.58 Which of the following wall of guard cells is thick ?
(1) Outer (2) Inner (3) Sidewall (4) All the three
Q.59 The rate of transpiration will be high when there is ?
(1) Rainy season (2) Winter season (3) Summer season (4) None of these
Q.60 Guttation take place during night when : -
(1) Root pressure is positive (2) Root pressure is negative
(3) Always take place (4) It does not takes place at all

Answer Key

Q.1 3 Q.2 1 Q.3 2 Q.4 1 Q.5 2 Q.6 4 Q.7 3
Q.8 2 Q.9 4 Q.10 4 Q.11 3 Q.12 4 Q.13 1 Q.14 3
Q.15 1 Q.16 2 Q.17 3 Q.18 1 Q.19 2 Q.20 2 Q.21 3
Q.22 3 Q.23 2 Q.24 4 Q.25 2 Q.26 2 Q.27 2 Q.28 3
Q.29 2 Q.30 4 Q.31 3 Q.32 1 Q.33 2 Q.34 3 Q.35 2
Q.36 4 Q.37 2 Q.38 2 Q.39 4 Q.40 4 Q.41 1 Q.42 4
Q.43 4 Q.44 2 Q.45 1 Q.46 3 Q.47 3
Q.1 2 Q.2 2 Q.3 3 Q.4 2 Q.5 1 Q.6 3 Q.7 4
Q.8 4 Q.9 3 Q.10 4 Q.11 1 Q.12 2 Q.13 1 Q.14 4
Q.15 4 Q.16 3 Q.17 2 Q.18 4 Q.19 2 Q.20 1 Q.21 2
Q.22 1 Q.23 1 Q.24 2 Q.25 2 Q.26 2 Q.27 2 Q.28 1
Q.29 4 Q.30 2 Q.31 3 Q.32 1 Q.33 2 Q.34 4 Q.35 3
Q.36 4 Q.37 4 Q.38 3 Q.39 3 Q.40 2 Q.41 1 Q.42 4
Q.43 3 Q.44 1 Q.45 2 Q.46 2 Q.47 1 Q.48 1 Q.49 1
Q.50 2 Q.51 1 Q.52 4 Q.53 2 Q.54 1 Q.55 4 Q.56 4
Q.57 2 Q.58 2 Q.59 3 Q.60 1

Transport in Plants || 45
Exercise–2 Previous Years Questions
Q.1 When stomata open, the pH of guard cells [Uttaranchal PMT 2004]
(1) Increases (2) Decreases (3) Remains same (4) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
Q.2 Water lost in guttation is [Uttaranchal PMT 2004]
(1) Pure water (2) Impure water (3) In vapour form (4) Either ‘A’ and ‘B’
Q.3 What will happen if plant cells are placed in hypertonic solution : [Uttaranchal PMT 2004]
(1) Turgid (2) Plasmolysed (3) Deplasmolysed (4) Lysed
Q.4 Loss of water from tips of leaves is called : [Uttaranchal PMT 2005]
(1) Bleeding (2) Guttation (3) Respiration (4) Transpiration
Q.5 Root pressure is measured by : [Uttaranchal PMT 2005]
(1) Manometer (2) Potometer (3) Auxanometer (4) Osmometer
Q.6 Which of the following apparatus is commonly used to measure the rate of transpiration is :
[Uttaranchal PMT 2006]
(1) Porometer (2) Altimeter (3) Potometer (4) Luxmeter
Q.7 Leaves of Nelumbo plant are : [West Bengal JEE 2007]
(1) Epistomatic (2) Hypostomatic (3) Amphistomatic (4) None of these
Q.8 0.1 M solution has water potential of : [C.G. PMT 2004]
(1) –2.3 bars (2) 0 bar (3) 22.4 bars (4) +2.3 bars
Q.9 A small mesophytic twig with green leaves is dipped into water in a big beaker under sunlight.
It demonstrates : [C.G. PMT 2004]
(1) Photosyntesis (2) Respiration (3) Transpiration (4) None of the above
Q.10 Which one is not related to transpiration : [C.G. PMT 2004]
(1) Regulation of plant body temperature (2) Absorption and distribution of mineral salt
(3) Circulation of water (4) Bleeding
Q.11 Sotmata can open at night also in [C.G. PMT 2005]
(1) Xerophyte (2) Gametophyte (3) Hydrophyte (4) None of these
Q.12 Who had said that “transpiration is necessary evil” : [C.G. PMT 2005]
(1) Curtis (2) Steward (3) Andersen (4) J.C. Bose
Q.13 Stomata opens during day because the guard cells have : [C.G. PMT 2006]
(1) Outer walls thin (2) Kidney shape (3) Chlorophyll (4) Large nuclei
Q.14 Stomata open and close due to : [Jharkhand 2006]
(1) Turgor pressure change (2) Hormone change
(3) Temperature change (4) All of the above
Q.15 In plasmolysed cell, the space between cell wall and Protoplasm is occupied by :
[Jharkhand 2006]
(1) Hypotonic solution (2) Hypertonic solution
(3) Isotonic solution (4) Distil water

Transport in Plants || 46
Q.16 In CAM plants stomata are : [Jharkhand 2005]
(1) Closed at night and open during the day (2) Closed at the day and open at night
(3) Never closes (4) Never opens
Q.17 The real force resposible for the movement of water from cell to cell is : [Jharkhand 2005]
(1) OP (2) TP (3) DPD (4) WP
Q.18 Which of the following have sunken stomata : [Jharkhand 2003]
(1) Nerium (2) Mangifera (3) Hydrilla (4) Zera mays
Q.19 When a plasmolysed cell is placed in a hypotonic solution then water will move inside the cell.
Which force causes this : [Jharkhand 2003]
(1) DPD (2) OP (3) WP (4) None of these
Q.20 Rate of transpiration is measured by : [Jharkhand 2003]
(1) Manometer (2) Auxanometer (3) Potometer (4) Barometer
Q.21 If a cell shrinks when placed in a solution, this solution is : [Jharkhand 2003]
(1) Hypotonic (2) Hypertonic (3) Isotonic (4) Pure solvent
Q.22 If a cell A with DPD 4 bars is connected to cell B, C, D whose osomotic pressure and turgor
pressure are respectively 4 and 4, 10 and 5, 7 and 3 bar, the flow of water will be :
[Jharkhand 2002]
(1) B to A, C and D (2) A to D, B and C (3) C to A, B and D (4) A to B, C and D
Q.23 Guard cell controls : [Bihar 2004]
(1) Intensity of light entering (2) Photosynthesis
(3) Closing and opening of stomata (4) Change in green colour
Q.24 Active transport : [Bihar 2003]
(1) Releases energy (2) Requires energy
(3) Produces ATP (4) Produces a toxic substance
Q.25 Valamen tissues are associated with [Bihar 2002]
(1) Hautorial function (2) Assimilation
(3) Aborption of moisture (4) Nutrition
Q.26 Cohesion-tension theory regarding ascent of sap was given by : [Bihar 2001]
(1) Dixon and Jolly (2) J.C. Bose (3) Cristian Wolf (4) Godlewski
Q.27 Velamen tissue is found in : [Bihar 2004]
(1) Mesophytes (2) Epiphytes (3) Hydrophytes (4) Xerophytes
Q.28 In a fully turgid plant cell which one is zero : [Bihar 2001]
(1) Trugor pressure (2) Wall pressure (3) Suction pressure (4) None of these
Q.29 Who proposed the ‘Chohesion Theory of ascent of sap: [Bihar 2006]
(1) Strasburger (2) Godlewski (3) Western (4) Dixon and Jolly
Q.30 The most accepted theroy for ascent of sap is: [UP CPMT 2001]
(1) Relay pump theory (2) Pulsation theory
(3) Root pressure theory (4) Transpiration pull cohesion theory
Q.31 Transport of water and salt is mediated by : [MP PMT 2006]
(1) Xylem (2) Sieve tubes (3) Sclerenchyma (4) Phloem

Transport in Plants || 47
Q.32 Removal of ring of tissue outside the vascular cambium from the tree trunk kills it because :
[UP CPMT 2002]
(1) Water cannot move up
(2) Food does not travel down and root become starved
(3) Shoot become starved
(4) Annual ring are not produced
Q.33 Wilting of plant is present in : [UP CPMT 2002]
(1) Moss (2) Fern (3) Algae (4) Angiosperm
Q.34 Root hair absorb water from the soil on account of :
(1) Turgor pressure (2) Osmotic pressure (3) Suction pressure (4) Root pressure
Q.35 Increased humidy in atmosphere decreases rate of : [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Transpiration (2) Photosynthesis (3) Glycolysis (4) Growth
Q.36 In osmosis there is movement of : [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Solute only (2) Solvent only
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Neither solute nor solvent
Q.37 Guttation takes place through : [UP CPMT 2005]
(1) Lenticels (2) Phenumatophores (3) Stomata (4) Hydathodes
Q.38 Which of the following statements is correct? [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Cell membrane is involved only in exosmosis
(2) Cell membrane is involved only in endosmosis
(3) Cell membrane is involved both in exosmosis and endosomosis
(4) None of the above
Q.39 The root hairs absorb which of the following type of water : [UP CPMT 2006]
(1) Capillary water (2) Hygroscopic water
(3) Gravitational water (4) All of the water
Q.40 If flowers are cut and dipped in dilute NaCl solution, then : [UP CPMT 2007]
(1) Transpiration is low
(2) Endo-osmosis occurs
(3) No bacterial growth takes place
(4) Absorption of solute inside flower cell takes place
Q.41 Plant cell plasmolysed in a solution which is : [MP PMT 2006]
(1) Hypotonic (2) Hypertonic
(3) Isotonic (4) Concentration no means
Q.42 Nitrogenase enzyme is found in Nostoc in the cell of : [MP PMT 2001]
(1) Vegetative (2) Heterocyst
(3) Both vegetative and heterocyst (4) None of these
Q.43 Turgidity in guard cells is controlled by :
(1) Chloride (2) Malic acid
(3) Potassium (4) Potassium, chloride and malic acid

Transport in Plants || 48
Q.44 Stomata are not found in : [MP PMT 2001]
(1) Algae (2) Mosses (3) Ferns (4) Liverworts
Q.45 In which of the following the rate of transpiration is high : [MP PMT 2001]
(1) CAM plant (2) C3 plants (3) C2 and C4 plants (4) C4 plants
Q.46 Cell sap is found in which cell organelle : [MP PMT 2001]
(1) Nucleous (2) Chloroplast (3) Vacuole (4) Golgi Apparatus
Q.47 Which one of the following fixes nitrogen [MP PMT 2002]
(1) TMV (2) Yeast (3) Nostoc (4) Denitrifying bacteria
Q.48 Active transport of ions by the cell requires : [MP PMT 2002]
(1) High temperature (2) ATP (3) Alkaline pH (4) Salts
Q.49 To initiate cell plasmolysis, the salt concentration must be : [MP PMT 2002]
(1) Isotonic (2) Hypotonic (3) Hypertonic (4) Atonic
Q.50 The basis of stomatal opening is : [MP PMT 2004]
(1) Endosmosis (2) Plasmolysis of guard cells
(3) Decrease in cell sap concentration (4) Exosmosis
Q.51 Plants absorb carbon dioxide from : [MP PMT 2005]
(1) Millets (2) Cereals
(3) Carbohydrates present in the soil (4) Aotmosphere
Q.52 Transpiration will increase with the increase of: [MP PMT 2005]
(1) Humidity (2) Temperature (3) Carbon dioxide (4) Sulphur dioxide
Q.53 If is possible to drop a small particle through the stomata of leaf, what will you conclude :
[MP PMT 2005]
(1) It will fall on the earth surface (2) It will stop on lower epidermis
(3) It will stop on mesophyll cells (4) It will stop on vascular tissue
Q.54 During transpiration turgidity in guard cells is controlled by : [MP PMT 2006]
(1) Potassium (2) Bromine (3) Sodium (4) Oxalic acid
Q.55 What will happen if plant cells are placed in hypertonic solution : [Uttaranchal PMT 2004]
(1) Turgid (2) Plasmolysed (3) Deplasmolysed (4) Lyse
Q.56 To initiate cell plasmolysis, the salt concentration must be : - [MPPMT-2002]
(1) Isotonic (2) Hypotonic (3) Hypertonic (4) Atonic
Q.57 When a plasmolysed cell is placed in a hypotnonic solution then water will move inside the
cell this will happen due to which force [RPMT-2002]
(1) DPD (2) OP (3) W.P (4) None of them
Q.58 Apparatus used for measuring the transpiration: [RPMT-2002]
(1) Evapometer (2) Potometer (3) Osmometer (4) Tensiometer
Q.59 Which of the following theory gives the latest explanation for closure of stomata? [BHU 2002]
(1) ABA theory (2) Munch theory
(3) Starch-glucose theory (4) Active K+ transport theory

Transport in Plants || 49
Q.60 The Sugarcane plant has : - [AIIMS-2004]
(1) Dumb-bell shaped guard cells (2) Pentamerous flowers
(3) Reticulate venation (4) Capsular fruits
Q.61 Which of the following criteria does not pertain to facilitated transport? [AIPMT 2013]
(1) High selectivity
(2) Transport saturation -
(3) Uphill transport
(4) Requirement of special membrane proteins
Q.62 The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by : [AIPMT 2014]
(1) Plastids (2) Ribosomes (3) Mitochondria (4) Vacuoles

Answer Key

Q.1 1 Q.2 2 Q.3 2 Q.4 2 Q.5 1 Q.6 3 Q.7 1

Q.8 1 Q.9 3 Q.10 4 Q.11 1 Q.12 1 Q.13 1 Q.14 1
Q.15 2 Q.16 2 Q.17 3 Q.18 1 Q.19 1 Q.20 3 Q.21 2
Q.22 1 Q.23 3 Q.24 2 Q.25 3 Q.26 1 Q.27 2 Q.28 3
Q.29 4 Q.30 4 Q.31 1 Q.32 2 Q.33 4 Q.34 3 Q.35 1
Q.36 2 Q.37 4 Q.38 3 Q.39 1 Q.40 1 Q.41 2 Q.42 2
Q.43 4 Q.44 1 Q.45 1 Q.46 3 Q.47 3 Q.48 2 Q.49 3
Q.50 1 Q.51 4 Q.52 2 Q.53 3 Q.54 1 Q.55 2 Q.56 3
Q.57 1 Q.58 2 Q.59 1 Q.60 1 Q.61 3 Q.62 4
Transport in Plants || 50
Exercise–3 AIIMS Special Questions
Assertion -Reason Type Questions
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason
(1) If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion,
then mark (1).
(2) If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark (2).
(3) If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3).
(4) If both Assertion an d Reason are false statements, then mark (4).
Q.1 A : Xerophytes have high water retaining capacity.
R : They have high OP.
Q.2 A : There is indirect relationship between rate of respiration and water absorption.
R : Increased metabolism increases mineral uptake.
Q.3 A : Root pressure is dynamic and is always a positive hydrostatic pressure.
R : It is a universal phenomenon and develops under absorption lag.
Q.4 A : Stomata have delegated the task of providing food while preventing thirst.
R : They are made for gaseous exchange.
Q.5 A : During stomatal opening there is relative change in TP of guard cell and subsidiary cell.
R : TP of subsidiary cell decreases during opening.
Q.6 A : Most available form of water in plants is capillary water.
R : w of capillary water is highly negative.
Q.7 A : Osmotic pressure of solution is always higher than pure solvent.
R : O.P. is property of solvent molecules.
Q.8 A : DPD in plasmolysed cell is higher than O.P.
R : T.P. is negative in plasmolysed cell.
Q.9 A : Ascent of sap is function of Xylem parenchyma.
R : Xylem parenchyma is non living element.
Q.10 A : O.P. of pure water is higher.
R : O.P. is property of solvent.
Q.11 A : Guttation occurs during night & morning.
R : Hydathodes remain open during all time.
Q.12 A : The movement of ions from soil to endodermis & Xylem elements is an active process.
R : It requires metabolic energy.
Q.13 A : Ascent of sap occurs by xylem tissue.
R : Xylem is presents only in dicot plants.
Q.14 A : Root hair cells absorb water from soil.
R : O.P. of soil is lower than root cells.

Transport in Plants || 51
Q.15 A : Ascent of sap is stopped by killing the xylem parenchyma.
R : Ascent of sap occurs by parenchyma.
Q.16 A : Rate of transpiration decreases with increase in conc. of CO2.
R : CO2 reacts with ABA in subsidiary cells.
Q.17 A : Potamogeton possesses non-functional stomata.
R : Potamogeton is submerged hydrophyte.
Q.18 A : Transplanted plant can not grow easily.
R : Uptake of CO2 is not possible at new places.
Q.19 A : Orchids or epiphytes can absorb atm. humidity.
R : Orchids are photosynthetic plants.
Q.20 A : Maximum transpiration takes place through the stomata.
R : Stomatal transpiration occurs through the leaves.

Answer Key

Q.1 1 Q.2 1 Q.3 3 Q.4 2 Q.5 2 Q.6 3 Q.7 3

Q.8 1 Q.9 4 Q.10 4 Q.11 2 Q.12 1 Q.13 3 Q.14 1
Q.15 4 Q.16 3 Q.17 1 Q.18 3 Q.19 2 Q.20 2

Transport in Plants || 52
Bansal Quick Review Table
Instruction to fill
(A) Write down the Question Number you are unable to solve in column A below, by Pen.
(B) After discussing the Questions written in column A with faculties, strikes off them in the
manner so that you can see at the time of Revision also, to solve these questions again.
(C) Write down the Question Number you feel are important or good in the column B.

Exercise No. Column A Column B

Question I am unable to solve in
Good/Important questions
first attempt

Exercise – 1(a)

Exercise – 1(b)

Exercise – 2

Exercise – 3

Other Exercise

1. It is advised to the students that they should prepare a question bank for the revision as it is
very difficult to solve all the questions at the time of revision.
2. Using above index you can prepare and maintain the questions for your revision.

Transport in Plants || 53

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