Jayesh Gupta PDF 1
Jayesh Gupta PDF 1
Jayesh Gupta PDF 1
ICICI Bank is a private sector bank engaged in retail banking, insurance etc. ICICI Bank,
Naya Palli Branch is a newly founded branch. Universal banking refers to the banking,which
provides all the financial products and services to its customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a long-standing commitment at ICICIBank
and forms an integral part of our activities. The Bank’s contribution to socialsector
development includes several pioneering interventions, and is implementedthrough the
involvement of stakeholders within the Bank and the broader community.The Bank
established the ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth (ICICI Foundation)in 2008 with a
view to significantly expand the activities in the area of CSR. Over thelast few years ICICI
Foundation has developed significant projects in specific areas,and has built capabilities for
direct project implementation as opposed to extendingfinancial support to other
The objective of the Bank is to pro-actively support meaningful socio-economicdevelopment
in India and enable a larger number of people to participate in and benefit from India’s
economic progress. This is based on the belief that growth anddevelopment are effective only
when they result in wider access to opportunities and benefit a broader section of society. The
aim is to identify critical areas of development that require investments and intervention, and
which can help to realizeIndia’s potential for growth and prosperity.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy) of the Bank sets out theframework
guiding the Banks’ activities. The Policy also sets out the rules that needto be adhered to
while taking up and implementing CSR activities.
try their hands on it? Here comes the concept of universal banking, its emergence,
meritsand related issues. The present paper focuses on understanding the concept of
universal banking in India and attempts to explain the regulatory role, regulatory
requirements, keyduration and maturity distinction and lastly the optimal transition path.
The strengths of individual banks in enlarging the scope of the activities in the
varioussegments of financial services industry.
Retail Banking Group has emerged as the fastest growing segment within ICICI BankLtd.
Within RBG, retail channel and liability group mobilize the much-needed resourcesat highly
competitive rates through deposits and bonds and retail assets and productsgroup deploys the
available resources through various channels like Home Loans,Personnel Loans, Consumer
Durable Loans, Commercial Vehicles Loan etc. in the retail assets. Across the world retail
banking has been the high volume-low value business proposition. Enormous amount of
resources are required to acquire and service customerin terms of infrastructure and
operation. Given the current stage of evolution of the Indianmarket, we have adopted an
organization model that continuous to focus on product andon achieving attention and
dedicated services, and at the same facilitate the widening anddeepening of customer
relationships. Small enterprises and emerging corporate segmenthas strong synergies with the
retail business in terms of customer profile and servicing isdone through technology platform
and retail branches.
Securities held in Demat form can be pledged by the client to avail loan/credit facility.Pledge
of securities in NSDL requires that both the borrower and lender should have aDemat account
with any of the DP's with NSDL. The facility for Inter Depository pledgeis not available.
The client has an option to freeze his accounts in case he does not intend to do anytransaction
in the near future. This helps in curbing unauthorized use of Demat accountand prevention of
frauds. Defreezing of the account is required to enable the accountagain for transaction. The
request for freezing and defreezing must be submitted in personal prescribed form.
It refers to transfer of securities from an account to the other as a result of the death of
thesole/ any of the holders of the former account. Here the transfer may be done to:Surviving
Holders Nominee where nomination has been made Legal heir wherenomination has not been
made Common Requirements and effect.
With mobile banking one has an option to remain updated while one is on the move,without
even calling or logging on to internet.
Emphasis needs to be given on the fact that the securities that one have in ones Demataccount
are similar to the money that one holds in bank account. One needs to take all precautions for
ones Demat transaction as one exercise for bank account. The TFD booklet should be kept
safely just like a cheque book. The details should not be shared ofone's Demat account
number and signature with anyone. It should be accepted only if ithas pre-printed serial
number as well as one's Demat account number pre-stamped oneach slip. It should not be
signed unless completely filled. If possible one should makeuse of web facility to check ones
Transactions as frequently as possible. "Account freeze"instruction should be given to ICICI
bank if one does not intend to operate ones accountfor a long time.
1. To examine, if banks customers are aware of the services offered by banks onmobile
2. To find-out whether the security & privacy issues of mobile banking is becoming a
barrier in extending their services to many customers.
3. To determine whether the customers are using mobile banking services in their day-
to-day chores.
Availability of facilities
With an objective to know about the prospect and issues of mobile banking in india ,
reviews of literature have been done .
However , the related published literature on the area of study is quite meagre.
NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0) : Banking customers are not using mobile banking
in their routine life .
NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0) : There is negative prospect for mobile banking in india.
The study was conducted to identify the issues and prospects of mobile banking in
Necessary data was collected from different ages of people and analyzed in terms of
theobjectives of the study.
There are several ways to collect this basic information. The data for this study was
collected by the survey method. Survey is a research technique in which information
is gathered from asample of people by use of a questionnaire or interview. It is a
method of data collection based on communication with a representative sample of
individuals. The researcher developed a questionnaire and circulated into among her
friends & family to provide detailsabout their mobile banking services usage,
knowledge & issues faced. The survey wasdesigned in a manner to gain a better
understanding of the perspective of customers at bothfinancial and personal level.
This research is based on present study and the findings aresupported by the responses
and insights from the sample surveyed.
This research includes all types of people mostly selected different age, sex and
occupation people.
Mobile banking is a new technology for people in India. Bank customers normally
usetraditional banking system as they trust this system and they are used to it. People
are afraidof using mobile banking because they cannot feel it trust worthy.