5G Technology
5G Technology
5G Technology
Abinash Mohanty
Registration no.-2001298132
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This is to certify that the Seminar report entitled “5G
Technology”, is a bonafide record of work done by Abinash
Mohanty (Registration No. 2001298132) under the
supervision of Prof. BISWADARSHI BISWAL, in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology
under Biju Pattnaik University of Techhnology.
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I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those whose
invaluable contributions, directly or indirectly, have made this
Seminar Report a great learning experience for me.
Abinash Mohanty
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The world has seen a lot of changes in the realm of communication.
Today we no more use landlines. Everyone possesses a mobile phone
that functions 24X7. Our handsets not only keep us connected with
the world at large but also serve the purpose of entertainment
gadget. From 1G to 2.5G and from 3G to 5G this world of
telecommunications has seen a number of improvements
along with improved performance with every passing day.
5G technology will change the manner in which cellular plans are offered
worldwide. A new revolution is about to begin. The global cell phone is around
the corner. The global mobile phone will hit the localities who can call and
access from one country to another’s local phone with this new
technology. The utilization of this gadget will surely move a step
ahead with improved and accessible connectivity around the world.
Your office will shrink into your handset with this cell phone that is
going to resembled (personal digital assistant) of twenty first century.
pg. 6
5G technology has a bright future because it can handle best
technologies and offer priceless handset to their customers. May be in
coming days 5G technology takes over the world market. 5G
Technologies have an extraordinary capability to support
Software and Consultancy.
pg. 7
surely move a step ahead with improved and accessible connectivity
around the world. Your office will shrink into your handset with this
cell phone that is going to resembled (personal digital assistant) of
twenty first century.
pg. 9
connections. The current
trend of 5G technology has
a glowing future.
5G technology has a bright future because it can handle best
technologies and offer priceless handset to their customers. May be in
coming days 5G technology takes over the world market.
pg. 10
Types of Wireless Communication
2.Types of wireless Communication Networks
A cellular radio network is a radio network made up of a
number of radio cells (or just cells) each served by a fixed
transmitter, normally known as a base station. These cells are
used to cover different areas in order to provide radio coverage
over a wider area than the area of one cell. Cellular networks
are inherently asymmetric with a set of fixed main
transceivers each serving a cell and a set of distributed
(generally, but not always, mobile) transceivers which
provide services to the network's users. Cellular networks
offer a number of advantages over alternative solutions:
• increased capacity
• reduced power usage
• better coverage
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2.2 Wireless Local Area Network
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around within a local coverage area and still be connected to
the network.
Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due
to ease of installation, and the increasing popularity of laptop
computers. Public businesses such as coffee shops and malls
have begun to offer wireless access to their customers; often for
free. Large wireless network projects are being put up in many
major cities: New York City, for instance, has begun a pilot
program to provide city workers in all five boroughs of the city
with wireless Internet access.
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System/Protocol architecture
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as the Internet, and employs necessary protection against
denial-of-service attacks from outside networks.
The network services that help other layers achieve their tasks
are called support services. Here, these are divided into two
tiers. Tier 1 support services are mostly related to transport
functionality of the network, while tier 2 support services
provide functionality for end macro mobility management, and
a Quos enforcement function that configures different parts of
the System.
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Wireless Applications And Services
3.1 Wireless Applications
Wireless applications are those which use free space as the
transmission medium and do not involve cabling like fiber or
3.2 Wireless Services
1) Voice Data
2) Video and multimedia applications and services
Businesses succeed today because they are fast, not vast. Instead of
holding large stockpiles of materials and finished goods inventory to
meet customer commitments, companies rely on fast information
exchange to drive responsive enterprise and supply chain systems that
adjust to dynamic production, distribution and service needs. If
information is old, it’s wrong. And when information is wrong,
systems stop, shipments are delayed, and service and productivity
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suffer. Wireless technology has become essential for getting accurate,
real-time information when and where it’s needed. Now companies are
finding new ways to use wireless to create a competitive advantage.
They’re leveraging legacy wireless LANs to provide automated asset
tracking and to connect their workforces with wireless voice-over-IP
(VoIP). Real-time responsiveness is being extended beyond the four
walls with GPS and wide-area voice & data networks for dynamic
dispatch and remote access to enterprise information.
Wireless can reach almost anywhere your business goes. But there
are still disconnects between what businesses need from wireless
systems and what they get. For example:
• A wireless LAN may cover your warehouse or factory, but will your
wireless devices survive there?
• How will enterprise applications handle real-time data? And how will
wireless devices handle enterprise software applications and screens?
• How can you lock down your network without locking into security
technology that may become dated or unsupported?
• What will managing and securing a wireless network do to your
IT support requirements?
Before starting a wireless project, make sure your solutions
provider is grounded in all the aspects required to make a system
successful. Many providers can hang access points and install radio
cards, but can’t make the connection between wireless technology
and business value.
pg. 17
Barcoding Inc. doesn’t just provide wireless technology, we solve
business problems. At Barcoding Inc., we understand the value you
get from your wireless systems depends on the reliability,
responsiveness, and security they provide. We’ll show you how your
options for integrating wireless systems with business systems along
with how that impacts your ROI and total cost of ownership. We’ll help
you see the benefits of supporting specific operations with wireless
technology, hidden costs associated with incomplete integration or
standalone systems, and how wireless and enterprise systems can work
together to give your business the information it needs to get ahead.
• Professional Services
• Network SAP Integration
• Network Security
• Software Development
• Terminal Emulation
• Voice Picking Applications
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Solutions Offered By Wireless Technologies
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Hardware And Software Of 5G
It uses UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) networks with higher BW at low
energy levels.
5G will be single unified standard of different wireless
networks, including LAN technologies, LAN/WAN, WWWW-
World Wide Wireless Web, unified & seamless combination of
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Features, Advantages & Application
5G technology offer high resolution for crazy cell phone user and
bi-directional large bandwidth shaping.
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The 5G technology also support virtual private network.
5G provides data bandwidth of 1 Gbps or higher.
5G is globally accessible.
5G provides dynamic information access beneficial to domestic
5G is available at low cost.
Wearable device with AI capabilities.
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Future Scope And Enhancement
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3G- Operator Centric,
pg. 24
Janevski Toni , “5G Mobile Phone Concept”, Research Gate 2009.
Wiki pedia
Abinash Mohanty
pg. 25