1updated Anti Harassment - Policy

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Anti-Harassment Policy

Policy Objective
We at [Company name], strive to create and maintain a work environment in which people are treated with
dignity, decency and respect. The environment of the company should be characterized by mutual trust and the
absence of intimidation. That’s why [Company name] will not tolerate unlawful harassment of any kind. Through
enforcement of this policy and by education of employees [Company name] will seek to prevent, correct and
discipline all behaviors that violate this policy.

Policy Scope
All of [Company name]’s employees, regardless of their positions and locations, are covered by and are expected
to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur.
Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. Based on the
seriousness of the offense, disciplinary action may include verbal or written warning, suspension, or termination of
Managers and supervisors who knowingly allow or tolerate harassment or retaliation, including the failure to
immediately report such misconduct to human resources, are in violation of this policy and subject to discipline.

Policy Elements
[Company name] enforces this policy in accordance with the following definitions and guidelines:

1. Harassment
[Company name] prohibits harassment of any kind, including Physical Harassment, Personal Harassment,
Personal, Discriminatory Harassment, Psychological Harassment, Cyberbullying and Sexual Harassment and
will take appropriate and immediate action in response to complaints or knowledge of violations of this policy.
For purposes of this policy, harassment is any verbal or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate,
annoy, assault or coerce an employee, co-worker, or any person working for or on behalf of [Company name].
2. Harassment Types
Verbal Harassment: Verbal harassment usually includes offensive or unwelcome comments regarding a
person’s religion, ethnicity, gender, color, or disability.
Non-Verbal Harassment: Nonverbal harassment can take forms in writing or graphical materials that displays
disrespect and ridicule, insults, or shows hostility, toward an individual or group because of religion, ethnicity,
gender, color, or disability.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful employment discrimination that includes any
kind of unwelcomed sexual advances, gestures or requests of unwanted sexual favors and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for
employment decisions or such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or
offensive working environment.
Physical Harassment: Physical harassment includes unwelcome, unwanted physical contact, it occurs by
hitting, pushing, groping or any form of physical interactions against others and forced sexual advances or
3. Retaliation
No hardship, loss or penalty may be imposed on an employee in response to:
 Filing or responding to a complaint of harassment.
 Appearing as a witness in the investigation of a complaint.

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Anti-Harassment Policy

 Serving as an investigator of a complaint.

Filing groundless or malicious complaints is an abuse of this policy and will be treated as a violation. Any
person who is found to have violated this aspect of the policy will be subject to discipline up to and including
termination of employment.

4. Confidentiality
All complaints and investigations are treated confidentially to the extent possible, and information is disclosed
strictly on a need-to-know basis. The identity of the complainant is usually revealed to the parties involved
during the investigation, and the [HR Director] will take adequate steps to ensure that the complainant is
protected from retaliation during and after the investigation. All information pertaining to a complaint or
investigation under this policy will be maintained in secure files within the HR department.

Complaint Procedure (How to address Harassment)

[Company name] has established the following procedure for lodging a complaint of harassment or retaliation. The
company will treat all aspects of the procedure confidentially to the extent reasonably possible.
1. Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after an incident has occurred, preferably in writing.
The [HR Director] may assist the complainant in completing a written statement or, in the event an
employee refuses to provide information in writing, the [HR Director] will dictate the verbal complaint.
2. Upon receiving a complaint or being advised by a supervisor or manager that violation of this policy may
be occurring, the [HR Director] will notify senior management and review the complaint with the
company’s legal counsel.
3. The [HR Director] will initiate an investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable basis for
believing that the alleged violation of this policy occurred.
4. If necessary, the complainant and the respondent will be separated during the course of the investigation,
either through internal transfer or administrative leave.
5. During the investigation, the [HR Director], together with legal counsel or other management employees,
will interview the complainant, the respondent and any witnesses to determine whether the alleged
conduct occurred.
6. Upon conclusion of an investigation, the [HR Director] or any other person conducting the investigation
will submit a written report of his or her findings to the company. If it is determined that a violation of this
policy has occurred, the [HR Director] will recommend appropriate disciplinary action. The appropriate
action will depend on the following factors:
 The severity, frequency and pervasiveness of the conduct;
 Prior complaints made by the complainant;
 Prior complaints made against the respondent; and
 The quality of the evidence.
If the investigation is inconclusive or if it is determined that there has been no violation of policy but
potentially problematic conduct may have occurred, the [HR Director] may recommend appropriate
preventive action.
7. Senior management will review the investigative report and any statements submitted by the
complainant or respondent, discuss results of the investigation with the [HR Director] and other
management staff as appropriate, and decide what action, if any, will be taken.
8. Once a final decision is made by senior management, the [HR Director] will meet with the complainant
and the respondent separately and notify them of the findings of the investigation. If disciplinary action is
to be taken, the respondent will be informed of the nature of the discipline and how it will be executed.

All rights reserved – ZenHR 2022

Anti-Harassment Policy

 The Employee has read and understood the content and agrees to it and undertakes to fully comply
with all of the above.


[DELETE THIS SECTION] - Note to users of this template:

This document is a template of an “Anti-Harassment Policy”. Please feel free to make any modifications
and customizations to it in whatever way that suits the specific needs of your organization while
ensuring compliance with the labor laws and employment standards and legislation in your country.

The content of this sample Anti-Harassment Policy is provided as an example only. No legal liability or
other responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of ZenHR for any errors, missing parts, or statements
made within this policy template. ZenHR will not be responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience
caused as a result of reliance on such information.

 By downloading this “Anti-Harassment Policy Template” you agree to the above statement.

All rights reserved – ZenHR 2022

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