Experiment 1 chem english (氮 鋁 熱)
Experiment 1 chem english (氮 鋁 熱)
Experiment 1 chem english (氮 鋁 熱)
Experiment 1
Molar Volume of Nitrogen Gas
To obtain the molar volume of N2 using chemical reaction in order to understand gas law.
Mole is a very important concept in chemistry , one mole of every substance contains
6.02×1023 particles. One mole of Hydrogen gas has the same amount of particles as one mole of
Nitrogen Gas (6.02×1023 particles), but since the mass of one hydrogen molecule is not the
same as the mass of one nitrogen molecule, therefore, the mass of one mole of hydrogen gas is
different from the mass of one mole of nitrogen gas; 2.016 gm for the former and 4.003gm for
the latter. The space occupied by one mole of any substance is called the Molar Volume.
According to the law of ideal gases, the gases of the same volume would have the same number
of particles provided that they are under the same temperature and same pressure. One mol of
gas has 6.02×1023 particles. If the law of ideal gases proved to be true, then their molar volume
should be similar. The molar volume of ideal gas is 22.414L under STP. Hydrogen and Helium
are almost the same as ideal gas under this molar volume. In this experiment, we obtain
Nitrogen gas(N2) by reacting a fixed amount of Sulfamic Acid (HSO3NH2) with excess Sodium
Nitrite (NaNO2)
NO2 -(aq) + HSO3NH2 (s) → HSO4- (aq) + H2O(l) + N2↑
By obtaining the temperature, pressure and the volume of the nitrogen gas produced, we can
obtain the molar volume of nitrogen gas under STP condition.
三、Material and Apparatus:
Apparatus: Conical Flask(200 mL+500mL)
Small Test Tubes(8 cm×l cm)(Cleaned and Dried)
Measuring Cylinder(100 mL+50mL)
Material: Sulfamic Acid(HSO3NH2) Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2)
1. Set up the apparatus according to diagram 4-1. Fill conical flask B and beaker D
with tap water. Adjust the position of the glass tube in conical flask B carefully so
that it almost reaches the bottom of the flask. Check the rubber tube for any leaks.
Fill tube C with water and clip the tube with metal clipper after checked.
圖 4 -1 氮氣之莫耳體積測定裝置圖
2. Loosen the metal clip so that the amount of water in B and D can be controlled by
the respective water levels so that the water can flow to and fro. This too ensures
that tube C is filled by water all the time.使 B 瓶與 D 杯的水可由水面高度的調節
而能來回流動,且使 C 管一直充滿水。
3. Remove the cork from conical flask A. Add 1gm of NaNO2(s) and 50mL of water
4. Weight circa 1g of Sulphamic Acid on a piece of weighing paper.
5. Clean the small test tube (let them cool down after heated). Weight the small test
tubes(accurate till 0.01g)。Pour the Sulphamic Acid (1g) into the test tube. Weight
the small test tube containing Sulphamic Acid. Insert the small test tube into conical
flask A. Let the small test tube slant on the wall of conical flask A. Do not let any of
the Sodium Nitrite solution flow into the small test tube. Seal the opening of
conical flask A tightly. 將量好的胺基磺酸倒入其中,再秤其重量。輕輕將小玻
管放入 A 瓶中,使其斜靠於 A 瓶壁,切勿使亞硝酸鈉溶液流入,放妥後將塞
6. Adjust the water level of the water in both B and D. The pressure in A
and B is equal to atmospheric pressure when the water level of B and
D are the same. Clip tube C using metal clip immediately. Remove the
water contained in beaker D.
7. Tilt conical flask A. Let the NaNO2 solution mix with HSO3NH2 , loosen clip C
immediately. Production of Nitrogen gas can be observed once the chemicals are
mixed. Continue to shake A softly. The reaction should be done within 2-3
minutes.。Since this reaction is an exothermic reaction, therefore the product must
be cooled to room temperature, then only remove the clip. Record the reading on
the thermometer. Bring A and B to hood. Remove the cork to release the gas
contained inside.
8. Remove Beaker D. Measure the water in Beaker D using measuring cylinder. The
volume of water measured is the volume of water expelled by nitrogen gas
9. Repeat the experiment. Repeat the experiment again if the error is more than 10%
1. Do not suck water into the tube using mouth or safety bulb while filling tube C with
water in step one. The safety bulb may be damaged.
2. B 錐形瓶與 D 燒杯中須個別裝入約大於 400mL 的自來水,即 B 錐形瓶中的自來水
3. 當胺基磺酸(HSO3NH2)和亞硝酸鈉(NaNO2)混合後,反應很迅速,必需立即將 C 夾
4. 放熱反應完畢後由於 NaNO2 溶於溫水中會產生些許 NO2 紅棕色有害氣體,故反應
後切不可先將 A 與 B 錐形瓶以管相連的塞子打開,務必拿到排煙櫃內再打開 A 與
B 錐形瓶的塞子,待排除 NO2 氣體後再取出繼續進行實驗。
HSO3NH2 (mass) g
Temperature of water(Beaker D) ℃
Temperature of N2(查水銀氣壓計室溫) ℃
Mole of N2 mol
Experiment 2
Change in Enthalpy
To measure the change of enthalpy in neutralization reaction and dissolution reaction.
To obtain the change in enthalpy(ΔHf ) using Hess law
The amount of heat released/absorbed in a chemical reaction is fixed. The value is
determined by the energy of the reactant/product, this energy is termed as “enthalpy” and is
denoted by 「 H 」 。 The difference between the enthalpy of reactant and the enthalpy of
product in a certain chemical reaction is denoted by 「ΔH」. In exothermic reaction, the value
of ΔH is negative because the enthalpy of product is smaller than the enthalpy of reactant. In
endothermic reaction, the value of ΔH is positive because the enthalpy of product is larger than
the enthalpy of reactant.
There are 5 different types enthalpies:
1. Heat of Formation : the change of enthalpy from the formation of 1 mole of the
compound from its elements
2. Heat of Decomposition : The change in enthalpy accompanying the
decomposition of 1 mole of a compound into its elements
3. Heat of Combustion : enthalpy change when one mole of a reactant completely
burns in oxygen
4. Heat of Neutralization: the heat liberated when one mole of water is produced
between and acid-base reaction
5. Heat of Dissolution:the heat evolved or absorbed when one mole of a substance
dissolves completely in a fixed amount of solvent
NH3(aq) + HCl(aq) → NH4Cl(aq) ΔHneut
2H O
(l ) NH4Cl(aq) ΔHdissol
1. Change in Heat of Neutralization ΔHneut
(1) Put the stir bar into a 150mL beaker. Assemble the calorimeter. 再組裝燒杯與量
熱杯,至排煙櫃使用吸管與量筒取 50 mL 1.5M 氨水置於量熱計並蓋好。套
緊溫度計,溫度探測部分務必浸在溶液中。另外取 50 mL 1.5M 鹽酸放進另
(2) Take note of the reading on the calorimeter thermometer.,待氨水的溫度穩定時,
每 2 ~5 秒記錄一次 (可自行調整),當溫度不再改變時,改為每 30 秒記錄一
次溫度。(讀取反應開始 6 到 8 分鐘內的溫度,並記錄至 0.l ℃)
(3) Sketch the Temperature – Time curve. Find ΔT。
(4) Repeat steps (1)~(3)。
(5) Find the average using the data obtained. 。 Ignore the heat capacity of
thermometer,依下面方程式算出每 1 mole 1.5 M 氨 NH3(aq)之Hneut(註二),但溶
m× ΔT 100× ΔT
Q= = cal/mol
mole 50
1 .5×
m is the mass;ΔT is the difference in temperature
2. Change in Heat of Dissolution ΔHdissol
(1) 秤出製備濃度和體積都與上面混合溶液相等的溶液所需要氯化銨(請於預報
(2) 注入 100 mL 蒸餾水於量熱計,開啟加熱器的攪拌功能待溫度穩定時,記錄
並持續攪拌使溶液均勻混合,同時讀取量熱計之溫度,每 2 ~5 秒記錄一次
(可自行調整),當溫度不再改變時,改為每 30 秒記錄一次溫度。(讀取投入
氯化銨後 6 到 8 分鐘內的溫度,並記錄至 0.l ℃)
(3) Sketch the Temperature – Time curve to obtain ΔT。
(4) Repeat Steps (1)~(3)。
(5) Calculate the average of T based on the data from the experiment.。Calculate the
ΔHdissol (kcal/mol) of Ammonium Chloride。
(6) After the experiment is done, pour the non-toxic chemicals into the sink. Clean
and dry the calorimeter cup. Put the calorimeter cup into the packaging box and
return it to the storage cupboard. Put the stopwatch and thermometer back to their
respective boxes.
註一:While measuring, the temperature and solution concentration will affect the value
of ΔH. Please refer to the chemistry textbook for the temperature value. Since dilute
solution is used in this experiment, the effect of solution concentration is ignorable
註二:molecular weight of NH4Cl is 53.492 g/mol
1. The calorimeter used are specially designed. Please clean them after use.
2. The digital thermometer must be cleaned and to be returned to their respective
packaging after use.
3. 五、Results:
Heat of Neutralization Heat of Dissolution (NH4Cl g)
1 2 1 2
1. Plot the graph of Temperature vs time on graph paper or by using computer. Label the ΔT
of each experiment.
2. Calculate the value of heat of neutralization(ΔH neut) and the value of heat of
dissolution(ΔHdissol) of the experiment.
3. By using the ΔHneut and ΔHdissol obtained from the experiment and
Hf (ΔNH3(aq) = -19.40 kcal/mol )
Hf (ΔHCl(aq) = -39.47 kcal/mol )
Calculate the change in enthalpy (ΔHf) of NH4Cl(s)
Experiment 6
一、 Aim
To create 有趣的化學藝術 using simple chemical reactions.
二、 Background
1. 神奇顯色
Initially salicylic acid is colourless when dissolved in 95% ethanol,but according to the
spectroscopy results in reference[1] , the phenol group and carboxylic group of salicylic
will provide 加入鐵離子時,水楊酸之酚基和羧酸基同時提供配位基與鐵離子,形成紫
經過 FeCl3(aq)處理就會神奇地顯出紫色!讓大家一起創作看看囉。
2. 化學珊瑚
Aqueous Sodium Silicate can form coloured precipitate with various transitional
metal salts. 反應幾小時後,就會在溶液中形成一些這些沈澱的細絲,這些沈澱的
生成沈澱細絲的速度也不同。水玻璃(Sodium silicate, 矽酸鈉為矽酸鹽的混合物,
四、 Procedure
(1) Weight 0.5g of salicylic acid and place it into a 50mL beaker. Add 50mL of 95%
ethanol to dissolve the salicylic acid.
(2) Add 1g FeCl3 and 10mL H2O(l) into another 50mL Beaker
(3) Dip the brush into the salicylic acid-ethanol mixture then draw/write on the drawing
paper. Let it dry.
(4) Dip the brush with small amount of FeCl3(aq) and brush the drawing paper with the
brush. Observe the colour change.
2. 化學珊瑚
(3) Please pour the test solution into the designated waste container after the
experiment is over. Clean both the plastic measuring cylinder and test tube and
bring them to the TA for inspection.
[1]Marion E. Cass, Thomas M. Garrett, and Kenneth N. Raymond*. J. Am. Chem.
SOC. 1989, 111, 1677-1682
Table 5-1
Group Salt Molecular Group Salt Molecular
Formula Formula
A Copper(II) CuSO4‧5H2O E Cobalt(II) CoCl2‧6H2O
Sulphate Chloride
B Magnesium Mg(NO3)2‧6H2O F Nickel(II) Ni(NO3) 2‧6H2O
Nitrate Nitrate
C Iron(III) FeCl 3‧6H2O G Copper(II) CuCl2‧2H2O
Chloride Chloride
D Iron(II) FeSO4‧7H2O H Magnesiu MgSO4‧7H2O
Sulphate m
1. Salt Assigned:
4. Observation
Salt Colour Description Salt Colour Description
CuSO4‧5H2O CoCl2‧6H2O
FeSO4‧7H2O MgSO4‧7H2O
1.Please state some natural sources of Salicylic Acid
2.Plot the graph of the growth of sodium silicate solution of different specific
gravity vs time