SOP On MGT of Wks and Role of PMG

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1. Authority Defence Works Procedure 2020.

2. QMG Branch Guidelines on PMG issued vide letter No. 35328/MMP/Policy/Wk

(Plg & Bud) dt 22 May 18.


3. A large No of wks are being undertaken in the Stn, which requires continuous
monitoring, in order to ensure timely completion and quality of projects. The rg of wks is
vast from minor to maj in size and simple to complex in exec. Additionally the constr
industry has seen sweeping changes in mtrls, styles, design, aesthetics, and
environmental plg to incl landscaping, functionality, interiors and fittings which have to be
taken into acct in exec of projects. MES wks are based on guidelines laid down in the new
Def wks procedure (DWP) 2020, which is to be understood by all. The clear understanding
of this will prevent wastage of precious funds and ensure derivations of its full value.

4. MES, though is the primary agency vested with the responsibility of executing these
projects of the Armed Forces, however, successful execution of these projects without
positive involvement of the user agency is neither possible nor desirable.


5. Aim of this document is to promulgate imp aspects of MES wks, salient pts of
revised DWP 2020 & constitution / functioning of PMG in management of AMWP projects,
so as to ensure all defence works and services - capital, revenue and maintenance are
completed within time frame and in a cost-effective manner compatible with the efficient
functioning of the Def services.


6. Basic Principles.

(a) No new works should be sanctioned without careful attention to the assets or
facilities already available and the time and cost required to complete the new

(b) As budgetary resources are ltd and granted on an annual basis, adequate
provisions should be ensure for works and services already in progress before new
works and services are undertaken.

(c) If an approved work is not commenced within one year of the date of AA,
RAA from the CFA (with or without IFA concurrence as the case may be, as per
delegation of financial powers) should be taken.

(d) Work shall demand to be commenced once expenditure is incurred or liability

created on account of preliminary works related to the project i.e. soil Investigation,
site survey, shifting of utilities, enabling works and consultancy for design &

(e) Since time is of the essence, the completion period stipulated in the AA will
not be exceeded as far as possible.

(f) No works services will be executed without AA, formal allocation of funds and
TS having first been obtained from the Competent Authority in each case.

(g) No officer will, in the course of the FY, exceed the aggregate budget
allotment made to him for any works or under any sub-head of maintenance.

(h) No officer will exceed any specific budget allotment made to him under any
minor or detailed head, except in so far as he may within his powers of transfer of
funds, be able excess expenditure on the item by equivalent savings on another.

(j) The final cost of any service will not exceed the amount of AA by more than
10%. An officer will take no action which will commit government to expenditure
beyond 10% of AA amount without obtaining prior sanction of the CFA (with or
without IFA concurrence, as the case may be as per delegation of financial
powers), in the form of a FC, a Corrigendum or a RAA.

(k) For projects costing Rs 100 crore or above, the Works Review Committee
shall have the powers to accept variation/tolerance within 10% of the approved

(l) The CFA according AA should be kept informed of the progress of the works
till their completion through regular periodical reports.

(m) No project or work services will be split up to bring it within the powers of a
CFA at a lower level.

Classification of Works

7. For purposes of budgeting and control, Defence Works are divided into two broad
categories, namely:-

(a) Original Works.

(b) Repairs.

Original Works

8. (a) Original Works comprise works services like construction of buildings,

workshops, storage depots, etc including their internal fittings and fixtures as well
as roads, runways, blast pens, marine works, power generation, E&M services,
water supply, drainage, other utility services, arboriculture, ranges, furniture etc as
well as purchase and additions. Reconstruction of buildings and roads, additions
and alternations necessitated by administrative/ technical reasons, works
necessary to bring into use buildings and services newly purchased/ acquired or
those previously abandoned or rendered unusable by extraordinary causes such as
storm, fire or earthquake also fall in the category of original works.

(b) Original works of petty nature costing upto Rs one lakh may, at the discretion
of the CWE/GE (I) be treated as “Repairs”. The CWE/GE (I) may delegate all or a
portion of his powers under this paragraph to GEs or outstation AGEs by name.

(c) The purchase and installation of static plant and machinery and equipment
and the provision of furniture are treated as original works.

(d) Provision of furniture which does not form part of any works project will be
treated as Original Works.

(e) Pre-investment/ preliminary activates (like site survey, soil investigation, site
preparation, consultancy for preparation of CPRs, DPRs, design and drawings etc)
will be categorised as original works and included in the AMWP/LBW list as
separate Job as per requirement.

9. (a) Original Works are divided into the fwg categories:-

(i) Revenue Works. Original works costing not more than Rs five lakh
and not exceeding Rs 10 lakh.

(ii) Minor Works. Original works costing not more than Rs five lakh.

(iii) Pre-Investment/ preliminary activities.

Note. The listing of LBW Works less than Rs 45 lakh shall be done by Command
HQ and the approved list to be submitted to MoD for monitoring. The progress of
these works to be included in the web based project monitoring portal to be created
for MES.

(b) All Major Capital Works and Low Budgeted Capital Works will be budgeted
under Revenue heads.

(c) Revenue Works and Major Works as defined above will be budgeted under
Revenue heads.

10. New Original Works are further sub-divided as follows:-

(a) Authorised Works. Works Services for which scales are authorised in
regulations or by separate orders of a general or specific nature issued by the
Government of India are referred to broadly as authorised Works.

(b) Special Works/Items. Items of works services not falling within Auth
works referred to as “Special Works”. These may be approved only when
exceptional local conditions justify the necessity, or as an important experimental
measure. Special Works should not be approved if the effect would be to introduce
a new practice or change of scales.


11. (a) Repairs comprise all maintenance and periodical services, renewals and
replacements as well as alternations and improvements necessitated by technical
or engineering reasons.

(b) Works required to make good damages caused to existing buildings, roads,
installations and services due to extraordinary causes, but which are still usable,
are also classified as ‘Repairs’. The question whether a building etc is still “usable”
or “not” will be decided by a Board of Officers which should invariably have a
technical representative. The BOO would recommend demolition if building is
rendered unusable.

(c) A property when taken off from care and maintenance is deemed to be
abandoned and will not be entitled to maintenance funds.

12. Repairs are classified into two broad categories:-

(a) Ordinary Repairs. Are further subdivided into the following categories:-

(i) Petty Repairs.

(ii) Periodical Services.

(iii) Replacements and renewals costing upto Rs 4.5 lakh for each item.

(iv) Repairs renewals and replacements of E&M installations and other

external utilities costing upto Rs six lakh in each item.

(v) Replacements of furniture of value unto 50% of annual allotment for

maintenance of furniture on station basis, to be allowed only in respect
of furniture declared as condemned/ beyond economic repairs by the
appropriate authority.

(b) Special Repairs. Special Repairs consist of renewals and

replacements as well as alterations for improvement costing beyond the
monetary ceiling for ordinary repairs. Special repairs will not be permitted in
a building/ asset within five years of completion of the original work. Also
Repairs will not be permitted to be repeated within five years in the same
portion of building/ asset.

Processing of Major Capital Work

13. These are nine main stages in the planning, sanctioning and execution of the Major
Capital Works, viz.

(a) Demand for planning of new Works.

(b) Approval of AMWP List and Bulk Go-Ahead sanction.

(c) Preparation of BPs/ DPR alongwith AEs.

(d) AoN & AA.

(e) Appropriation of Finds.

(f) Issue of TS.

(g) Tender Action.

(h) Conclusion of Contact.

(j) Execution of Works.


Salient Features

14. The salient aspects are as under:-

(a) Cl of Wks Revised.

(b) Minor Wks has been enhanced upto Rs 5.00 Lacs.

(c) Rev Wks has been enhanced upto Rs 10.00 Lacs

(d) LBW has been cat with cost upto Rs 45.00 Lacs.

(e) Maj Capital Wks above Rs 45.00 Lacs.

(f) Powers for AoN and Adm approval of all CFAs has been enhanced by a
factor of approx 1.5

(g) For projs costing Rs 100.00 Cr or above, a Wk Review Committee (WRC)

shall have the powers to accept variations /Tolerance within 10% of the approved

(h) Pre-investment/Preliminary activities (Like site survey,Soil investigation, site

preparation consultancy for prep of concept reports, Detailed project reports,design
& drawaings etc) will be categorized as original wks and to be incl in the
AMWP/LBW list as separate job as per reqmt.

(j) Any B/R repairs upto Rs 4.50Lacs per item and E/M repairs upto Rs 6.00
Lacs will be treated as ordinary repairs.

(k) Improved specs as per latest SoA, if any, will be permitted for replacement
due to wear & tear.

(l) No spl repair will be permitted in bldg/portion of bldg/Asset within 05 yrs of

completion of the original wks.

(m) 2% 0f RIC will be available as bulk-go ahead for consultancy alongwith

AMWP approval.

(n) Specialised constr methodology/technology/eqpt to be ensured for efficient

completion will be permitted.

(o) Outsourcing for supervision of wks will be permitted and 2% of cost may be
added to estimates.

(p) No escalations in AE,s or contract for wks with PDC upto 2 yrs.

(q) For PDC more than 2 yrs, escalation will be permitted in contract but not in

(r) Ltd/ selective tendering will be permitted in case of consultancy with

Govt/Semi Govt agenda. Ltd tendering with Pvt Consultant may be adopted if cost
of consultancy service less than Rs 25 Lakhs.

(s) AMC for future pd beyond completion period will be allowed specialist wks.

(t) Provn for Maint of specialized eqpt through OEM.

(u) A para on foreclosure of wks made part of DWP.

(v) Imprest limit enhanced to Rs 50.000/-.

(x) User nominated project officer for all works costing Rs 1.5 Cr and above.

(z) PMG for all projects costing more than Rs 5 Cr.


Enhanced Fin Powers.

15. The enhanced fin powers (in lakhs) of various CFAs are as under:-

Ser CFA To be ex W/o IFA To be ex W/o IFA

No Concurrence Concurrence
Auth wk Spl wk Auth wk Spl wk
(a) Govt (MoD) Full Full Full Full
(b) COAS 240.00 20.0 7500.00 250.00
(c) QMG - - 3000.00 100.00
(d) Army Cdr 150.00 7.00 3000.00 100.00
(e) Corps Cdr / Area Cdr (Lt 50.00 3.75 1500.00 50.00
Gen) / Comdt Cat ‘A’ & ‘B’ Est,
Trg Centre (Maj Gen)
(f) Div Cdr / Indep Sun Area 40.00 0.75 750.00 25.00
Cdr/CIF RR / CDR (I) Bde
Gp/GOC Sub Area, Comdt Cat
‘A’ & ‘B’ Est, Trg Centre
(Maj Gen)
(g) Stn Cdr of rk of Brig / Bde /RR 25.00 0.50 375.00 10.00
Sects / Comdt Regtl Centres &
Cat ‘B’ Est
(h) CO / OC (below the rk of Brig) 10.00 0.50 75.00 2.00


16. Role of PMG. The PMG shall act as the representative of the CFA and the
user unit/establishment for which the project stands sanctioned. Its primary role shall be as
a facilitator to review the progress of the project, resolve bottlenecks, resolve
administrative issues, factor user establishment’s concerns and take suitable decisions
and actions to ensure cost effective and timely completion of work.

Constitution and Functioning of PMG.

17. Authority for PMG. Para 55 (d) of DWP 2007 provides the necessary authority to
Mold, Service HQs, Command HQs and other formations to constitute a PMA/PMG and
mandating it with necessary responsibility and powers for effectively playing its role.

18. BOO Vs PMG The BOO is convened on listing of a work and is entrusted with
the responsibility of preparing the Board Proceeding for seeking administrative approval
(AA) of the project. The BOO will continue to be convened as per current procedure in
vogue and will be operative until AA is accorded, even in projects where DPR route is
adopted, PMG will be constituted once Adm Approval is accorded for main work or "go
ahead sanction" is accorded for preparation of DPR. For maintaining continuity the
convening authority may incorporate the PO of the BOO as the PO or a member in the
PMG unless there are compulsive reason against it. The PMG will remain operative till
building work is completed and handed over to users. As far as possible, the convening
authority will endeavor to avoid any changes in member of PMG except due to transfer or
unsatisfactory performance.

19. Convening Authority. The convening authority for constitution of PMGs shall be
as follows:-

(a) For MoD, power works-MGOL HQ Comd, ARTRAC.

(b) For COAS, QMG and Army Cdr power works-COS HQ Corps.

(c) For Area/Corps Commander and Commandant Cat Establishment and

equivalent power work - Brig OL/brig Q of concerned formation/establishment.

(d) All other wks at the discretion of concerned CFA sanctioning the work,
depending on the type /nature and value of work. For every AMWP wk over
Rs One Crore, atleast one project officer should be nominated by the CFA.

20. Composition of PMG. A PMG can be nominated for more than one project
Composition of the PMG would depend on the size/complexity of the project and shall be
as under:-

(a) Presiding Officer. For HCDA works it shall be the local Stn/Fmn Cdr, or
any Staff Officer or HoD from user establishment preferably of the rank of a
Brigadier. For LCFA works. it shall be a Col from user establishment/department or
HQ. The PO (by designation) of the BOO should preferably be nominated as the
PO or a member in the PMG.

(b) Representative of CEA. This can be any officer from HQ of CE Zone or

any Engineer Officer from MES in stn not below the level of Executive Engineer, but
it small neither be the GE executing the project nore GE (Maint). The CEA himself
may choose to attend any PMG meeting.

(c) Representative of Station HQ. Staff Officer from concerned Sub Area or
Station HQ.

(d) GE in-charge of executing the project or his representative not below


(e) User Representative. Representative of user establishment/specialist

officer in case of technical projects like ammunition, aviation, hospital works etc. He
will also act as the secretary of PMG and sign all correspondence on behalf of the

21. Powers of PMG. With a view to enhance the effectiveness of PMG the
constituting authority may empower the PMG with one or more of the following powers by
“specifically mentioning these in the convening order" for constitution of the PMG:-

(a) The Presiding Officer (PO) may convene periodic meeting of PMG at
suitable intervals which should be min once in a month.

(b) Evaluate requirement of functional changes in specifications/drawings

proposed by user unit or by PMG and recommend its implementation in accordance
with DWP to the MES authority, if within the scope and tolerance of administrative
approval, else, recommend to CEA to process such cases for RAA in a timely
manner for approval of appropriate CFA. Changes necessitated purely due to
technical reasons shall be directly processed by executing MES agency.

(c) Extension of Contract PDC. PMG will be apprised on “extension of

contract" PDC (Extension of Time) of the project well in time by CEA by sending a
copy of the Performa clearly highlighting the reasons for granting extension.
However, power for enhancement of contract PDC/Extension of time shall be
vested with CEA of the project In case the PMG differs, the CEA may over-ride the
PMG after due examination on file.

(d) Extension of Job PDC. Case for extension of Job PDC will be initiated by
CEA well in time PMG will further process the case with CFA (after due deliberation
with CEA) for either revision of Job/Project PDC or cancellation of contract in case
of sick projects or those facing extraordinary time overruns. While doing so, the
PMG will take into consideration all contract extensions granted by the CEA and
highlight the same to CFA in their recommendations.

(e) Recommend foreclosure of part or whole project or contract if the situation

so demands.

(f) Approve the readiness of buildings for taking over by user unit/establishment
after project completion report is rendered by the CFA.

(g) Call for contract agreement to study the scope of contract, verify
specifications, brands quantities etc or resolve any issue concerning user

(h) During execution stage approve samples of product makes/brands of

furniture, tile, fittings, fixtures and finishes of both B&R and E&M in accordance with
contract specification.

(j) Call for contractor or his representative to seek any clarification which the
GE (Project) or his representative is not able to provide during PMG meeting.

(k) GE will obtain concurrence from PMG before issue of completion certificate
to the contractor specifically with regards to site clearance, disposal of surplus soil
and ancillary services.

(l) GE will take NoC from PMG before making any payment to contractor
however if PMG does not give NoC in time, GE will record the same and process
with the payment.

(m) Note. In all the above instances, less granting extension of Job PDC, the
final authority for taking the appropriate course of action in accordance with contract
provisions, relevant procedures and regulations shall be that of CEA In case the
CEA differs with recommendations of PMG in any matter, it shall be communicated
to PMG in writing quoting reasons thereof.

22. Functions of the PMG. In the revised procedure, the PMG has vested with
enhanced powers, which will entail certain attendant accountability and responsibility.
While some of the functions are listed below, the convening authority may task the PMG
with additional functions:-

(a) On Accord of AA. PMGs should be orders by CFA and actively associate
with perfect immediately on release of work. Composition of PMGs should
generally contact:-

(i) CO of unit whose infrastructure is being developed - Presiding Offr

(ii) GE - Member

(iii) Rep of Area/Sub Area /Stn HQ (as applicable) - Member

(b) PMGs should coordinate and organise regular meeting/site visits at least
once in a month or earliest if necessary, and keep record of the meetings.

(c) PMGs should associate right from Bd proceedings stage preparations of

drawings/tenders to ensure that various items of works viz building furniture lift.
external water/ electric supply, area drainage, site clearance, arboriculture
landscaping etc have been taken into account/ planned so as to ensure to
completion of main work, the project as a whole available in user in all respect.

(d) Ensure availability of encumbrance free site.

(e) PMG Should participates in tender presentation and sign final architecture
drawing for functional/ aesthetics aspects.

23. Post Tender Acceptance. PMG should carry out following activities:-

(a) Carry out detailed Quality check as per guidelines in Appx ‘A’.

(b) Carry out insp of site and fwd progress report as per format in Appx ‘B’.

(c) Carry out insp of the road and fwd progress report as per Appx ‘C’.

(d) Coordinate in handing over site free from encumbrance and handing over of
dilapidated buildings considered for demolition of work Necessary liaison with all
concerned authority should be made

(e) Check and approve layout of building and tender functions aspects regularly
at all stages of constriction.

(f) Monitor the progress of work with as envisaged in CPM chart.

(g) Check approved samples of material and render advice / suggestion within
OA provision keeping functional / aesthetics aspects in mind.

(h) Check closing/opening of doors / window sliding / tower bolts, cupboards

doors, shelves, location and utility of hanging rod, design of cupboards.

(j) Check on site lab and the eqpts / test being carried out as contained in
Appx ‘A’.

(k) Check ergonomics of various fitting / fixture viz switches / boards, WHB /
looking mirror above WHB, cupboard shelves for functional aspects.

(l) Associate in finalizing colour scheme, colour if internal fitting viz switch board
etc from aesthetic point.

(m) Check / ask site executives to produce records of pounding lost of roofs
sunken doors, pressure test for internal water supply line, smoke test for sewage
lines to ensure leakage / seepage proof buildings.

(n) Coordinate and liaise with civil auth to expedite augmentation / enhancement
of sanctioned water / electric supply, to expedite estimates / timely completion of
deposit works etc.

(o) Function as catalyst rather than retarder for development of infrastructure.

(p) Organise / coordinate timely convening of handing / taking over boards on

completion of project.

24. Post Completion Activities.

(a) PMG should monitor site clearance, debris chajjas, final disposal of drain
water / sewage, arboriculture, landscaping etc, if cleared in admin approval.

(b) PMG should monitor defect rectification fortnightly till its completion after
taking over of assets.

(c) PMG should enforce clearance proper leveling, removal of debris etc before
handing / taking over of assets.

25. Function of CEA Towards PMG.

(a) Ensure attendance of all nominated representatives of MES in PMG


(b) Ensure availability of CPM chart, Contract Agreement or any other relevant
document required by PMG.

(c) Keep PMG informed in writing with respect to grant of extension for contract
PDC with reasons.

(d) Keep PMG informed of actions taken by CEA for cancellation of contract of
sick projects or those facing extraordinary time over runs.

(e) Respond to the minutes of PMG meetings and inform visiting dignitaries of
important inputs from PMG meetings.

(f) Intimate the date of visit by Command CE/CFA or STE to the PMG for their


26. Management of a large infrastructure work is a complex process involving many

agencies. The PMG should Endeavour to be a facilitator and act as eyes and ears of the
CFA and user unit. PMG should avoid assuming the role of an inspector or paying
authority However, PMG must bring to the notice of the concerned authority any anomaly,
shortcoming or inadequacy it notices and ensure that the concerned agency addresses
the matter.

Station : C/o 56 APO Sd/-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

(Kumar Sugandh)
Date : 12 Feb 2021 Lt Col
For Cdr

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