47-Article Text-92-3-10-20221120
47-Article Text-92-3-10-20221120
47-Article Text-92-3-10-20221120
01 10-16
Fig. 1. K-means clustering algorithm: (a) Initial input data; (b) Randomly
select centroids; (c) Cluster input data into K clusters; (d) Obtain new
B. Architecture system
The system works utilising a robotic operation
system (ROS) platform. The algorithms followed
Fig. 2. The RPLidar package collected the raw data
from the sensor and converted it into LaserScan
data (sensor_msgs/LaserScan.msg). The LaserScan
data published to ROS topic, namely topic /scan
and subscribed by vigir_laserscan_to_pointcloud
package and converted into PointCloud2
(sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.msg). The conversion Fig. 2. Architecture system based on clustering algorithms
was needed by multiple-object-tracking-lidar
package to make clusterisation using clustering III. EXPERIMENT RESULT
algorithm and Kalman filter algorithm. After This study was conducted to design assistive
transformation, the PointCloud2 data published to technology for a blind and impaired vision people.
ROS topic, namely topic /filtered_cloud. A. Assistive Technology
The multiple-object-tracking-lidar package
subscribed the topic /filtered_cloud to import the In this study, the helmet technology assistive for
filtered PointCloud2 data. They were used for blind people, and impaired vision had resulted. Fig.
clusterisation of the objects to six objects with 3 shows the Lidar sensor was installed on the top
PointCloud2 data type. Each objects then published with the Jetson nano as the processor unit. The
into topic of /cluster_0, /cluster_1, /cluster_2, headset were taken off and altered with speaker for
/cluster_3, /cluster_4, and /cluster_5. Afterward, the testing. The system was powered by an 5V 22Ah
system got the x, y, and z positions by calculated power bank. The weight were measured and found
the mean value of the points in the PointCloud2 to be 700grams.
cluster. The cluster position with x, y, and z
coordinate pushed into a topic, namely /viz with
MarkerArray data type
(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.msg). The RVIZ
programme ran to visualised the six PointCloud2
clusters data, MarkerArray data, LaserScan data,
and filtered PointCloud2 data. Fig. 3. Technology assistive helmet appearance
Besides that, the talker node ran an algorithm to
B. Testing
produced voice alerts to the user. The node
Fig. 6.
C. Measurement Calibration
The Lidar used was tested to measure the
distance from the Lidar to a standing board using a
meter. The Lidar was placed in front of the board at
Fig. 4. RPLidar A2 in detection testing
150 cm, as shown in Fig. 7. It showed the distance
measurement found to be (152±1)cm. Therefore,
the accuracy was 99.9%, which is remarkable. For
assistive technology, this accuracy is more than
This research aimed to investigate assistive
technology's performance based on Lidar sensor
and K-Means clustering algorithm on object
detection for blind and impaired vision people. The
results show that the product is potentially used as
an assistive technology since it detects the user's
objects. Moreover, it has a monitoring system IoT
based; hence the family knows the user location and
the objects faced by him/her.
The authors thank the Ministry of Education and
Culture of Indonesia for grant no
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