60 Detailed Remedies-New Remedies
60 Detailed Remedies-New Remedies
60 Detailed Remedies-New Remedies
Highly recommended as a first aid remedy for: Any type of shock, fearful restlessness, violent panic states, colds in the very early stage, feverish
complains appearing suddendly with intensity. Fear of death during pregnancy, labor with palpitations, red face, vertigo. Fears of crowds, narrow
places, open space. Sudden loss of strength- collapse. All acute feverish complains that appear suddenly with intesity. Fever rises rapidly, very high with
hot, burning and dry skin. High fever, dry burning heat, in eyelids, nose, mouth, throat, lungs and palms, must uncover. It is a remedy for acute
inflammation and congestion. Hoarse dry, croupy, painful cough. Short barking, ringing cough aggrivated from every inspiration, at night, drinking,
grasps the throat. Complaints, after surgical shocks and injury. Its symptoms are acute, violent, fierce and painful. Worse: Violent emotions, vexation,
chilled by cold, dry weather, while sweating, pressure, touch, noise. Better: Open air, repose, warm sweat.
2.Allium Cepa
Coryza and hey fever, acrid watery discharge from nose. Burning and smarting in the nose. Bland lachrymation in warm room, frequent violent
sneezing. Grasping larynx when coughing, rawness of the throat. Larynx is painful when talking, hoarseness. Allergic asthma - whooping cough.
Ailments after operations, injuries – after amputation. Worse: Warm room, evening, spring, damp weather. Better: Open air, cold. Cold air, going from
warm room to cold air or vice versa, getting into bed at night.
3.Antimonium Tartaricum
Severe affections of respiratory tract, bronchitis. Chronic cough in old people, severe and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Loud rattling deep in chest,
chest full of mucus weak to raise mucus. Respiration difficult, suffocative, wheezing better. Much mucus in throat with short breathing,swallowing
painful or impossible. Worse: Warmth, at night, overheating, lying, motion, morning, anger. Better: Expectoration, vomiting, sitting erect, eructation.
Jealous, hard to please, foolishly suspicious, frivolous, cheerful, constant whining in children, great tearfulness, indifference. Nothing seems to
satisfy, burning, stinging, smarting, prickling, lascinating pain, with excessive swelling, edema and heat. Recommended for stings and bites. Edema of
entire body, pale red, transparent, shiny, waxy. Stinging burning pains, edematous swelling. Meningitis: rolling head, bores back of the head in pillow.
Retention of urine, acute kidney failure with edema over whole body. Cystitis, burning pain, shrieking from pain, swelling of ovaries. Rheumatism,
swelling, inflammation of joints, swelling of ankles. Extremities heavy and powerless, as if paralysed. Urticaria with swelling, worse at night, better cold
water. Jealous, ailments from grief. Worse: Heat, touch, right side. Better: Cold application.Thirstless.
5.Argentum Nitricum
Recommended for anticipatory fears and anxieties. For panic, nervousness, anxiety and certain fears, vertigo, hoarseness, diarrhoea,
bloatedness. Anxiety about health, anticipation, fear of hights, flying, claustrofobia. Fear and anxiety before examination, journey, worries with
diarrhoea. Superstitious, compulsive neurosis, constantly hurry, fixed ideas. Throat inflammation, splinter-like pains; worse- swallowing, cold better.
Sudden hoarseness, loss of voice in public speakers, singers. Stomach distention with loud explosive eructation, vomiting with diarrhoea. Worse:
Emotion, anxiety, apprehension, hights, looking down, in closed places, mental strain and worries, crowds, sugar, lying on right side, drinking, warmth in
any form. Better: Cool air, open air, cold bath, hard pressure, motion, eructation
Highly recommended as a first aid remedy for: Injuries - falls, blows, bruises, shock, jarring, after labour, overexertion, sprains. Arnica is used
primarily after any type of injury which would result in bruis, swelling and local tenderness and muscle ache after exercise. Angina pectoris, bruised
feeling chest. Has to hold chest during cough. Mental shock or stress following a traumatic experience. Restless because of soreness,feels as if bed is too
hard, oversensitive to touch. Ailments after injury, schock, trauma physical or psychic. Ailments after concussion. Ailments during and after labor.
Typhoid, septic fevers. Worse: Touch, motion, alcohol, damp cold, lying on left side. Better: Lying down and lying with head low or outstretched.
Thirsty with fever.
7.Arsenicum Album
Oversensitive, anxious, fastidious, anguish, despair of recovery, exacting, agonising fear of death; yet tired of living, agg. night, suicidal;
impulses, mania, restless, changes place. Food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhoea. Deep seated insecurity- anxiety and fears. Food poisoning
with restlessness, can not bear the sight or smell of food, coldness with weakness, colitis, hepatitis. Coryza, hay fever, acrid watery discharge, violent
sneezing worse morning, swelling around and under eyes. Nose feels stopped up, with fluent coryza. Asthma shortness of breath, unable to lie down,
must sit up, whistling, wheezing breathing, great dyspnoea, burning or coldness in chest. Mouth aphthae, burning ulcers, warm drink better, dryness of
mouth. Burning pains, black and offensive haemorrhages, frequent fainting. Restlessness with anxiety, nervous weakness, fear being alone, diseases,
robbers, poverty, anorexia nervosa, suicidal, oversensitive, anxious. Critical, perfectionism, suspicious. Worse: Periodically, after midnight, cold drinks,
cold foods, cold air, cold and damp weather, vegetables, watery fruits, alcohol, sea shore. Better: Hot applications-foods, drinks, warm wraps, motion,
walking about, lying with head elevated, sitting erect, sweating, open air.
8.Aurum Metallicum
Great desire for mental and physical activity, cannot do things fast enough.
Acute mental depression, hopelessness and loss of love of life, great desire to commit suicide. Talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death. R
elieved by thought of suicide. Suicidal impulses by jumping from a height. Feeling of selfcondemnation and utter worthlessness.
Fear of failure-heights, heart disease. Circulation is disturbed, all the blood seem to rush from head to lower limbs. Venous congestion. Erythema and vas
cular fullness characterize nearly all complains of Aurum. Caries of bones especially of nose, palatine and mastoid. Bone pains are boring, cutting and ni
ghtly. Glands swollen in scrofulous subjects. Violent headache with suicidal thoughts. Boring pain, left or right side of root of nose. Headache agg.
blowing nose. Falling of hair. Eyes inflammations, ulcerations. Angina pectoris. Palpitations with anxiety, agg. hormonal changes, night, sudden noise,
emotional stress. Oppression in region of heart, Inflammation and induration testes agg. right side. Undescended testes. Sexual desire increased.
Masturbation. Rheumatoid arthritis. Wandering pains. Pain agg. night. Sleeplessness.Short interrupted periods of restless, anxious sleep. Sunset
agg.Warmblooded, better open air, cold applications. Desire for music. Pains agg. night. Swelling glands. Indurations. Malignancies. Bone pains. Desire:
Alcohol, milk, bread, sweets. Aversion: meat wet weather.Winter. In the morning <
9.Baryta Carbonica
Slow Grasp; Silly; absurd and backward. Childish and thoughtless behaviour.Timid. Cowardly. Whining mood. Increasing mental weakness.
Bad memory. Irresolute.Mistrustful. Shy of strangers.Child does not want to play but sits in the corner doing nothing. Children can not remember and
learn.Grief over trifles.Thinks one is being laughed at and made fun of. Keeps the hands over the face, peeping through the fingers. Loss of self
confidence. Idiocy. Glands around ear painful and swollen.Coryza, with swelling of upper lip and nose. Discharge of thick yellow mucus; scabs around
wings of nose. Epistaxis. Respiratory:Asthma; of old people agg. wet, warm Cough agg. in the presence of strangers. Chronic bronchitis.Dry suffocative
cough in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate. Heart: Cardiac symptoms, after suppressed foot sweat or after
masturbation.Palpitation and distress in region of heart lying on left. High blood pressure. Throat: Tonsils are affected by every cold or agg. Menses.
Enlarged tonsils. Spasms of oesophagus, as soon as food enters,causing gagging and choking. Pain in throat, agg. empty swallowing. Can swallow
liquids only. Subaxillary gland swollen. Much burning in throat. Diarrhoea with lumbar ache. Stools; hard, knotty. Habitual colic of children who do not
thrive, and though apparently hungry refuse food. Urging to urinate, can not retain the urine.Burning in urethra, while urinating. Frequent urination.
Genitals flabby.Enlarged prostate gland.Testicles indurated. Impotency.Premature emissions. Genitals feel numb.Painful nodes in mammae, in old fat
men. Impotency. Menses scanty, last only one day.Before menses, pain in stomach and lumbar back. Dwindling of ovary and mammary gland.
Amenorrhoea.Leucorrhoea, immediately before menses. Worse: Company. Thinking of symptoms. Cold damp. Cold to feet and head. Odours. Heat of
Sun, Raising arms.Eating. Better: Cold food. Warm wraps. When alone.
Great intensity of symptom-redness, acute inflammation and high fever
Throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting pains, sudden and violent pain. Fever with burning heat, bright redness of face, dryness in mouth, body parts
are hot, pulsating pain, congestion, cramping and throbbing. Acts as a prophylactic in scarlet fever, useful in airsickness. Sensitive to light, noise,
jarring, irritation-sence of acute. Wild look with glistening eyes, go easily into delirium, hallucinations. Hot head with cold extremities, pulsating head
pain, throbbing, hammering with or without fever. Meningitis, sunstroke, otitis - right side with throbbing pain. Appendicitis, pain-worse slight touch,
jar, better lying on abdomen. Sleepy but can not sleep, jerks during sleep. Worse: Right side, light, movement, heat of sun, if heated, drafts on head, light
noise, jarring, touch, motion, lying down. Better: Light covering, standing, cold applications, pressure, sitting. No thirst with fever.
Symptoms often caused by anger and worries, slow onset, dry painful cough, constipation, painful joints, aversion being disturbed. Dry throat
with scraping roughness, stitching pain, dry and hard cough with pain in chest, dryness of mucous membrans. Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleuritis- pain on
inspiration. Constipation, burning in anus with stools. Great thirst for large quantities of cold drinks at long intervals, also possible dry mouth and
thirstless, worse by slightest motion. Extremities-rheumatism joints and muscles, arthritis, gouty inflammation of joints with swelling and stiffness, agg.
Motion, heat; better by rest, cold, pressure. Head pain with weariness. Worse: Heat, over-heating, deep breathing, least motion, being disturbed. Better:
Rest, pressure, lying on painful parts, cold applications, clossing eyes.
Urinary and sexual organs- bladder infections, rapid and intense, inflammations are violent, or rapidly destructive. Skin – blistered-vesicular
burns. Cutting pains, smarting or violent burning-biting, before, during or after urinating, causing mental excitement. Urine passing drop by drop and
burns, constant urge to urinate. Kidney region region very sensitive. Discharges are bloody, acrid, watery, tenacious. Acute nephritis, nephritic colic,
cystitis, dropsy. Renal colic, better by pressure on glans and penis. Skin vesicular eruptions turning black with burning and itching. Burns and scalds,
better cold water, tendency to gangrene. Vesicular eruptions, eruptions with tremendous burning, touch worse. Worse: Urinating, drinking cold, bright
objects, sound of water, coffe. Better: Warmth, rest, rubbing. Eruptions burn when touched.
13.Carbo Vegetabilis
Digestive problems-overeting, bloatedness, fainting, exhaustion collapse, with tendency to chronicity of complaints. Flatulence, intense stomach
distention better flatus and eructation, worse lying down, nausea, dizziness-with weakness and tendency to collapse. Sense of fullness after a few
mouthful, indigestion from the simplest food, colic. Asthma with bloating stomach, heartburn, ulcers, cancer. Weakness, sudden lack stamina, lack of
reaction-bluish face or lips due to lack of oxygen. Diarrhea from fat and heavy food, hemorrhoids- large, protruding, burning offensive. Worse: Fat food,
overeating, slight exertion, lying flat-need pillows, warmth, pressure of clothes, extrem weather changes, icy cold drinks. Better: Eructations, cool air,
fanning, elevating feet, discharges, fresh air.
14.Calcarea Carbonica
Deficiency of Calcium compounds-slow development, hard working, over-responsible, needs security. Fears of hights, infection, health, dark,
future, sadness, melancholy, slowness, lazziness, obstinate children, Epilepsy in children. Vertigo in high places, headache, perspiration on head.
Reccurent otitis. Chronic coryza. Allergies. Sinusitis. Hayfever. Dentition late and difficult-caries, abscessis, Throat-inflammation and swelling of
tonsils. Goitre-swollen glands. Abdomenal distention with hardness, hernia of umbilicus. Constipation, worms. Impotency: Menses too early-profuse-
dark, clotted. Polyps vagina. Leucorrhea, itching, burning, worse before or after menses. Swelling breasts before menses. Curvature of spine. Lumbago,
sciatica. Swelling of cervical. Arthritis, rheumatism-worsecold damp weather, exertion. Insomnia, nightmares. Unhealthy skin-cracks, worse in water.
Eczema, itching worse by heat of bed. Urticaria. Warts. Better: in dry weather, craving eggs, sweets, rest. Worse: getting cold or wet, meat, milk, night
before menses.
It acts on muscels, spine, liver, as healing agent in open, torn, cut, lacerated, ragged or suppurating wounds; pain is excessive, and all proportion
in injury. Promotes healthy granulation and rapid healing by first instance. Paralysis after appoplexy. Sores, cuts, and wounds after operation, red
inflamed wounds with stinging pain.Injuries of eye with suppuration, or after eye operation/ Exhaustion from loss of blood or excessive pain; esp. if out
of proportion to the injury. Suppuration of any type of wounds, with yellow dischrage.Keloid. Extremely nervous, irritable, bulimia, sensitive to noise.
Lumps in breast, breast cancer. Yellow discharge. Application of sponge, saturated with hot solution of Calendula mother tincture, after delivery- esp.
caesarean, gives the greatest comfort to the patients. Worse: Damp, cloudy weather, motion, touch, during chill. Better: Walking about or lying
perfectly still
Sensitive to environment, feelings of people. Symphatetic, full of cares. Rebelious. Anxiety about others. Strong sence of justice . History of many
shocks, griefs, disappointments. Ailments from fright, prolonged grief. Fear at twilight, dark, being alone at night, dogs, ghosts. Paralysis of
bladder, from long retention of urine. Involuntary passage of urine, on coughing,walking,sneezing etc. Burning in urethra when urination, agg. after
coition. Urine is passed better sitting. Leucorrhoea; profuse, flow during night, with great weakness. Nipples; sore, cracked, surrounded with herpes.
Disappearance of milk; from fatigue, or anxiety. Dysmenorrhoea, with tearing pains in back and thighs. Menses late and profuse. Violent itching about
mammae in nursing women. Hoarseness; with pain in chest; agg. a.m. , of speakers, singers agg. stooping, amel. talking.Cough; hollow, hard, dry, during
pregnancy, from tickling in throat pit or larynx; incessant; dry, night and morning; agg. stooping heat of bed, cold air, amel. sips of cold water.Can not
cough deep enough; expectoration scanty; greasy, ropy. Short breath, before coughing. Wandering chest pains amel. pressure, agg. sneezing. Pain in the
larynx agg. blowing nose. Oppressive breathing talking and walking agg. Cracks, ulcers. Warts; seedy, large, jugged, bleeding easily, ulcerating; on tip of
fingers, nose, lids, brows. Worse: evening, open, drafts extremes of temperature. Exertion. Change of weather. Twilight. Darkness. Coffe. Better: Cold
drinks(even chill). Damp wet weather. Washing. Warmth; of bed. Gentle motion.
Teething, great sensitivity to pain, irritability with violent anger, diarrhoea, earache, colic. It is particularly suited to diseases of pregnant
women, nurses and little children. Difficult and very painful dentition, better-cold drinks, worse-warm drinks and food, touch. Complains after anger-
cramps, spasms, convulsions in nursing children. Child wants to be carried. Violent anger, whining restlessness, quarrelsome, aversion to being touched,
looked at. Diarhoea during dentition-stool is green like spinach, hot and odor of spoiled eggs. Ear inflammation, pain is better- with warmth, worse- from
wind, noise, touch. Colic after anger, flatulence, nausea after coffee. Painful menstruation- labor-like pains, cramping in uterus especially after anger.
Intolerable labor pains, severe after pains. Worse: Anger, night, dentition, cold air, damp air, wind, coffee, narcotics, alcohol, lying in bed, music,
eructation, heat, warm food, covering, touch, looked at. Better: Being carried, mild weather, heat, sweating, cold applications. Hot and thirsty, hot
sweat, with pains.
18.Chelidonium Majus
Liver and gall blader complains, yellow discoloration of the skin-jaundice, respiration complains, profuse uriantion, hight burning fever, right
scapula pain. Hepatitis. It acts upon the liver, liver pains going backward, or fixed at angle of right scapula, liver enlarged, tender, gall-stones. Yellow
stool, alternation of diarrhoea and constipation. Yellow skin, palms, forhead, nose, cheeks. Eyes- dirty yellow colour of whites. Yellow tongue with bitter
taste. Respiration- short breath and tight chest, clothing seem too tight; amel. deep breathing. Pain pressive in chest on deep inspiration, cough as from
dust, with much rattling, but little expectoration, Deep seated pain in right chest. Bilious pneumonia. Respiratory symptoms with liver symptoms,
pressure in larynx as if air could not pass through. Stitches in chest. Profuse foaming, yellow urine like beer, Spasmodic pain in right kidney and liver.
Urine stains the diaper dark yellow. Fever - burning heat spreads from hands over the body. Sweaty, with aversion to uncover and without relief, sweat
during sleep, from slight exertion. Fluctuating temperature, high fever. Constant pain at the inferior angle of the right scapula is its chief indication.
Worse: Motion, cough, touch, change of weather, 4 a.m. and 4 p.m.. Better: Hot food, eating, milk, pressure, hot bath, bending backward, lying on
Intermitent fever in, periodicity of symptoms, liver complains, neuralgias, migraine. Symptoms as consequence of Malaria, exhausting
discharges, loss of vital fluids. Stages of chill, heat and sweat well marked, chill, then thirst, then heat, then thirst. Malaria, tropical fever, eny type of
intermitent fever, ringing in ears. Liver and spleen enlarged, periodical liver symptoms. Gall stones with colics, flatulence with distention better by flatus
and eructation. Hepatitis, splenitis. Periodical migraines better by pressure. Haemorrhages, profuse, with loss of sight, faintness, and ringing in ears.
Wounds become black and gangrenous. Worse: Vital losses, touch, noise, cold, winds, drafts, open air, eating. Better: Hard pressure, loose clothes,
bending double, warmth.
Travel sickness, vertigo, jet lag, sleplessness or sleep disturbed from cares and worries
Eny type of travel-motion sickness-car, boat, train,airplaine etc. Vertigo spinning in all directions, worse watching moving objects, riding in car and
looking at objects outside, has to lie down, nausea and vomiting on rising. Unbalaced walk with dizziness and weakness. Occipital headache with
vertigo, nausea, shutting sensation of occiput-back of the head. Nausea from riding in car, on boat, looking at moving objects, motion. Nausea and
vomiting from thought or smell of food. Sleeplessness from mental or physical exhaustion, from cares and worries. Worse: Eny type of motion,
watching moving objects, swimming, loss of sleep, touch, noise, emotions, menses, anxiety, cold, open air, exertion. Better: Sitting still, lying on side or
on the back.
Nervous sensitivity, sleeplessness, over excitement, increased sensibiilty of senses, palpitation
Nervousness excitability, sensitive to all stimuli, ailments from excessive or sudden joy. Fear of death from pain, during labor, great euphoria, ecstasy-
laughing alt. with crying. Sleeplessness at night, sleepy all day, from mental excitement- excessive joy etc. Waking with many thoughts and ideas,
waking from slightest noise. Nervous palpitation, with trembling of limbs, after excessive joy or surprise. Sudden rise of blood pressure. Worse: Noise,
touch, odours, mental exertion, overeating, strong smells. Better: Lying, sleep, warmth.
Neuralgict pains, digestive cramping, constricting, colic, sciatica, menstrual pain. Symptoms often caused by anger, vexation, indignation and
resentment. Neuralgic pains are cutting, pinching, clamping, gnawing or boring, followed by numbness, better pressure. Irritability when ill, abdomenal
agonising pains. Violent pains esp.pit of stomach, better by pressure, bending double, drawing up legs. Acute affections of digestive tract and intestines,
cutting in bowels at navel. Lumbar pain better by pressure, cramp like pains in the hips better when lying on the affected side. Sciatic pain, shooting,
band-like, screwing better by pressure, heat, worse least motion, rotation and at night, neck stiff, worse moving head. Suppressed menses from anger,
indignation. Sleeplessness and restlessness, with pains, after anger. Worse: Emotions, vexation, anger, lying on painless side, night in bed, drafts, cold,
before and after urination. Better: Hard pressure, doubling up, heat, rest, gentle motion, after stool or flatus.
Depressions, want of sensitiveness, slowness, answers slowly, forgetfullness, vertigo, headpain, gradual weakness, paralysis with induration,
breast and ovarien complains, tumors of glands, thyroid complains, cancer. Depressed, timid, averse to society, sad; dissatisfied with herself and
surroundings. Felling guilty. Vertigo-whirling, worse by lying; turning over in bed; least motion of the eyes or head. Hot spots on head. Pain in head
from sinciput to occiput, sensation of fullness, bursting in brain during headache. Axillary glands enlarged. Gradual paralysis starting in lower limbs,
weakness of limbs. Shoulders feel bruised, hands; weary, heavy, trembling, unsteady. Fingers and toes numb, shooting in heels. Neurological problems,
numbness. Paralysis of ocular muscle, heavy lids. Swelling, induration of cervical glands, thyroid gland indurated (goitre). Menses, irregular, too late,
scanty. Dysmenorrhoea, with drawing down thighs, breast enlarged and become painful before and during menses. Hard tumours in mammae; with
stitches or piercing pain.Cancer. Stiches in mammae and in nipples, on taking deep breath or walking. Too much milk before menses. Leucorrhoea,
white, acrid. Cutting pain in ovaries and uterus, ovaries enlarged and indurated; lancinating pains. Tonsils entlarged, thyroid. Cancer of lip, tongue,
mammae, uterus. Worse: Seeing moving objects, alcohol, after exertion-bodily or mental, injury, sexual abuse or excess, cold; taking cold, turning in
bed, night, standing, before and during menses, dry, hot air. Better: Letting affected part hang down, moving, walking, in the sun, dark, pressure,
walking bent, sitting down.
24.Cuprum metallicum
Slowness, mania, cramps on all levels, spasms, convulsions, epileptic, spasmotic respiration, spasmodic cough, twitching, jerking limbs, one-
sided paralysis. Becomes slow, ideas come slowly, slow comprehending. Mania; bites, beats, tears the things. Stomach cramps, convulsions with
vomiting, vomiting before or after convulsions, better by drinking cold water, pain solar plexus which radiates through to back. Abdomen cramping pain,
agg. before and during menses. Spasms of abdominal muscles, intestines, drawing pain in left hypochondrium, ext. to hip. Respiration asthmatic worse at
3 a.m. Difficult with cough, after fright, emotional stress, arrested when coughing. Cough-violent, spasmodic, whooping cough, better by drinking cold
water. Cough with convulsions, with suffocation, uninterrupted paroxysms. Extremities-convulsions, twitchings. Chorea, clenching thumbs and fingers
with convulsions.Cramps mainly hands-fingers, legs, calves, feet. One-sided paralysis after convulsions. Worse: Emotions, anger, fright, over-worked
mentally and bodily, motion, touch, hot weather, before menses. Better: Laying hand on affected part, cold drinks, pressure over heart.
Dry and spasmodic cough, respiratory organs, producing spasmodic, catarrhal effects. Useful remedy for tuberculosis of the lungs, larynx, joins
and bones. Periodical fits of rapid, deep barking or choking, prolonged, incessant cough. Whooping spasmodic cough, tickling like a feather, crumb,
from dryness in larynx in larynx, deep hoarse voice requires exertion to speak, voice hollow, toneless. Holds chest on coughing, with retching, vomiting,
epistaxis, bleeding from mouth. Coughing with retching and vomiting, talking is painful exhausting. Bloody, yellow purulent expectoration. Symptoms
are worse at night, after talking and when lying down-better by sitting up. Worse: After midnight, on lying down, warmth, talking, cold food, laughing,
singing, weeping, emotional excitement. Better: Pressure, open air.
Violent aching, bone breaking pains, fever and flu-like symptoms, dangue fever. Symptoms caused by cold air, wind and dampness with thirst for
cold water. Aching of bones and soreness of muscles of the lower limbs, bruised pain in calves. Coryza with sneezing, with aching in every bone,
throbbing headaches. Cough with soreness of chest, from laryngeal tickling, must hold the chest. Hoarseness worse in morning, hoarseness and cough,
with soreness in chest. Nausea with vomiting of bile, nausea from smell or slight of food, thirst for large quantities of cold water before and during chill,
nausea with vomiting of bile. Worse: Motion, coughing, cold air, periodically 7 to 9 am, 3rd or 4th day, smell or sight of food. Better: Vomiting, bile,
sweating, lying on face, conversation.
Affects mainly the eyes, nose, and chest, producing acute acid, watery secretions. Hay fever remedy. Watery eyes as if swimming in tears, as of a
hair, before them, as if sand in the eyes, wants to wipe them, profuse hot acrid tears, worse in open air, lying coughing. Sticky eye gum, photophobia,
with spasms of the lids, pressing, cutting pains in the eyes, thick acrid yellow discharge from the eyes, conjunctivitis, with violent injection. Chronic sore
eyes, red, burning, itching tarsi, cataract, with watery eyes. Profuse bland fluent coryza, with cough and much expectoration, less when lying down.
Catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from the nose and eyes, bursting headache with dazzling of the eyes. Worse: Sunlight, wind, warmth, room,
evening. Better: Open air, winking, wiping eyes.
28.Ferrum metallicum
Weakness, Anaemia, with local congestions, walking slowly >,but agg. exertion.
Chilly, Ailments from loss of vital fluids.Vertigo with balancing sensation, as if on water on seeing flowing water; when walking over water, as
when crossing a bridge. Extreme paleness of the face, mucous membranes which becomes red and flushed on the least pain, emotion or exertion. Flushes
of heat with strong perspiration. Periodical headache: hammering, beating, pulsating pains, must lie down; with aversion to eating or drinking. For two,
three or four days every two or three weeks. Menses too early, too profuse, too long lasting, with fiery red face, intermit two or three days and then
return; flow pale, watery. Haemorrhagia, blood bright red, coagulates easily. Regurgitation and eructation of food in mouthfuls, without nausea. Loss of
appetite, with extreme dislike for all food. Vomiting: immediately after midnight; effort vomits everything eaten, can sit down and eat again; sour, acid.
Worse. night, emotions; anger, violent exertion.Loss of vital fluids, sweats, heat and cold.Sudden motion, raising arms. Better by gentle motion, slight.
Leaning head on something.
Flu-like symptoms, weakness leading to paralysis. Fears, stage fright, nervous exhaustion with diarrhea, ailments from anticipation, fright,
excitement, bad news etc, sleeplessness. Acute coryza, worse left side, with dull headache, heavy eyelids, can hardly open them. Head pain extending
upwards, from neck up to eyes, dull head with heaviness and extreme weakness of ocular muscle. Loss of power of muscular control, paralysis, tremors
or twitching of single muscles, face, chin, tongue etc. Chilliness up and down the back-spine, trembling and shivering from weakness. Diarrhea and
trembling from anticipation, excitement, frights, fears, bad news etc. Sleeplessness from exhaustion, anticipation, excitement, drowsiness of students etc.
Worse: Emotions, dread, shocks, motion, weather, humid - foggy, heat of sun, summer. Periodically, thunder storms, cold - damp weather, dentition.
Better: Profuse urination, sweating, shaking, bending forwards, continued motion, afternoon, reclining, with head held high. Wants to lie down quietly,
half reclined, wants to be held.
Confusion of mind. Fear of apoplexy; of open spaces, agg. menopause. Attempts to escape, to jump out of window, with pain (headache).
Convulsions of children from cerebral congestion; meningitis, during dentition, sunshine. Pulsating head pain, agg. sun, heat, during menses.
Pressure, lying in dark amel. Increases and decreases with the sun, even without exposure. Instead of menses. Head troubles when heat falls on head;
cannot bear heat about the head, walking in the sun. Redness of sclera with headache. Eyes protrude, look wild. Eyes, upturned or rolled outwards.
Epistaxis on going out in the sun, with flushed face. Congestion, with headache and palpitation. Pain in a malar bones, ending in headache. Nausea and
vomiting with congestion to head, e.g. sunstroke. Climacteric complaints, suppressed menses with congestions to head and chest. Congestions to chest
and heart, agg. any exertion. Violent pulsation of heart. Violent irregularities of the circulation. Congestions, pulsations, flushes of heat, agg. Menopause,
sun and warmth<, cold, open air >Menopause, suppressed menses. Symptoms come and go with the sun. Sunstroke. Overheating. Hypertension Worse:
Heat on head, of sun. Overheated. Hot weather, motion, suppressed menses, cutting hair. Better: Open air, elevating head. Cold things, cold application.
Relations. – Compare: Bell. , Ferr. Gels. Stram.
Dullness, slowness, timidy, reserved, irresolution. Insecurity. Irritability about trifles. Changeable moods. Anxiety about future, salvation.
Anxiety about trifles. Sleeplesness in evening. Depression. Difficult concentration, mental exertion gives restlesness. Weakness of short-term
memory, Absence of thoughts. Impressions don't penetrate. Hard to get information from them, don’t want to talk. Absence of thoughts. Confusion with
weeping, agg. before and during menses. Mainly effects the skin, eruption, crusts, eczema, ailments from suppressed eruptions, alternate digestive and
skin symptoms. Skin-acne before the menses, it produces thickening and induration of skin, glands, scars. Thick crusts are formed on the skin. Moist
eczema around the mouth and nose. Rawness in the folds of the skin, eruptions cracked, moist and bleed easily, worse on head, behind the ears. Dry skin,
rough, irritable, that breaks easily-gluey moisture, worse in folds, and slow to heal. Moist, crusty, eruptions, worse from heat, old scars ulcerate.
Enlargement and induration of ovaries, tumors of ovaries and uterus. Stomach complaints after suppressed eruptions. Stomach disorders with rapid
emaciation, ulcers, cancer. Dullness, slowness, timid, reserved, irresolution, isecurity, irritability about trifles, changeable moods, depression. Difficult
concentration, mental exertion gives restlessness. Worse: Cold drafts, light, turing and after menses, motion, suppression of eruptions of secretions, fats,
warmth of bed, night, scratching. Better: Open air, after walking in, hot drinks, esp. milk, eating, eructation, touch.
32.Hepar Sulphur
Coryza with profuse secretions, hay fever, acne, acute otitis-middle ear inflamation, boils, suppuration with offensive discharge. Vulnerability,
oversensitivity to slightest touch. Stuffed nose or sneezing and running from the nose every time going into cold dry wind. Sore pain at the root of nose,
stuffed painful nose, hay fever, sneezing from cold wind. All the discharges are profuse, foul like old cheese, sour, smell of the body, sweat etc. Swelling
of tonsils and glands of the neck, sensation of fish bone or splinter sticking in the throat, extending to ears on yawning, sore throat with cough. Much,
thick, yellow expectoration, recurrent bronchitis, from every cold, weakness and rattling in chest, expectoration loose, but can not expectorate. Loss of
voice, cough when exposed to dry cold wind, cough from least uncovering. Chronic hoarseness, especially of singers. Acne leaving scars, glands
inflamed; swell and suppurate. Otitis with stitching pain, better warmth, ear discharge offensive like old cheese, ears very sensitive to wind.
Oversensitiveness to all impressions, to cold, to pain; touch, noise, odours, to draught of air, slightest pain causes fainting. Worse: Cold dry air, winter,
drafts, uncovering, touch, noise, exertion, night. Better: Heat, warm wraps, moist heat, damp weather.
Recommended after injuries, accident, operation. Injuries to nerves and spine, concussion, emotional symptoms after injury. Ailments from
punctured wounds, lacerations, bites of animals or after operations. Injuries to parts rich in nerves, especially injury of spine, pain which are
shooting up and along the nerve. Injury of brain and spinal cord or ill effects from such injuries, spasms after every injury. Injuries to finger tips, needle
or splinter under nail, in finger or foot sole, rheumatic pains. Punctured or penetrating wounds, very sensitive to touch. Emotional symptoms after
injuries; depression, dullness, forgetfulness, hysteria, mania. Ailments from shock, fright, phantom pains after operation or amputation. Prevents tetanus,
and relieves pain after operations and after tooth extraction. Worse: Injury, concussion of spine, coccyx, shock, bruises, exertion, touch, motion, after
forceps delivery, as a complication of injury, weather change, cold, damp. Better: Bending back, rubbing.
Ailments from love disappointment, worries, grief, jealousy, emotional shock, hysteria, spasms, momentary paralysis. Oversensitive and nervous,
highly emotional, grief, silent and sad, unhappy love, changeable moods, inward weeping, enjoys being sad, angry with himself. Conflict between feeling
and reality, emotional sensitivity, romantic, idealistic. Convulsions of children during dentition, after punishment, after fear or fright. Suppressed menses
from grief, bulimia, singhing with hyperventilation. Extremities jerks, twitchings, chorea, epileptic convulsion hysterical numbness, tingling, paralysis
after great mental emotions. Sleeplessness or sleepiness from grief, emotional shock, bad news. Worse: emotions, grief, worries, fright, shock, after
losing persons or objects that were very dear, cold, odours, touch, yawning, periodicity-at the same hour and day. Better: Change of position, lying on
affected part, urination, when alone, pressure, deep breathing, swallowing, eating, sour things.
Recommended for constant nausea, vomiting. Bronchitis in children, asthma and coughing, conjunctivitis, nasal bleeding. Uneasiness, horrid
sick feeling, nausea, vomiting, but vomiting does not relieve. Nausea from smell or thought of food, rich food, ice-cream, sweets. Nausea from looking at
moving objects, from coughing, with headache and hemorrhage. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down like a bag, stitching pain in navel region.
Asthmatic rattling worse- in warm, moist weather, respiratory complaints with nausea. Bronchitis in children, asthmatic bronchitis, whooping cough with
epistaxis and vomiting. Suffocative from accumulation of mucus particularly in children; worse- at 7 pm. Suffocative cough with retching, vomiting,
loose cough without expectoration. Eyes inflamed, red conjunctivitis, nasal bleeding-bright red. Worse: Warmth, damp of room, periodically, heat and
cold, vomiting, motion, lying, overeating, ices, mixed or rich foods, fruits, berries, salads. Better: Open air, rest, pressure, closing eyes, cold drinks.
Sensitive to warm and cold.
36.Kali Bichromicum
Sinusitis with profuse, ropy, gluey discharges, chronic coryza, migraine-headache, ulcers
Sinusitis, chronic coryza with thick ropy, elastic, viscid, yellow discharge, hard, dry crusts, bleeding when detached, post nasal discharge, polyps in nose,
elastic plugs. Pressive or burning pain at root of nose, nasal voice ulceration of mucus membranes. Headache in small spots, pressing frontal pain or face
neuralgia from suppressed coryza. Vertigo with nausea when rising from a seat, blindness followed by violent headache over eyebrows or outwards
along the brows worse by cold, better by pressing at the root of the nose. Periodical headaches, migraine in small spots and from suppressed catarrh.
Ulcers with dark dots, deep perforating, round, punched out, with over-hanging edges or thick crusts, septal or peptic ulcers. Worse: cold, damp,spring,
hot weather, open air, undressing, morning, suppressed catarrh, stooping, sitting, alcohol. Better: Heat, motion, pressure
37.Kali Carbobicum
Strong mental control, emotions and anxiety felt in solar plexus, chronic coryza, respiratory complains-asthma, cough, bronchitis, coryza,
flatulance, lumbago-sciatica, stitching pains. Rigid, dogmatic, systematic, strong mental control. Pain in solar plexus, worse during emotional
stress and anxiety, anxiety, with fear when alone, very irritable, hypersensitive to pain, noise, touch. Nose-descending coryza, obstruction amel. walking
in open air, yellow-green or crusty discharge, chronic cold, Breathing through mouth. Respiratory violent sneezing, breathing difficult, asthmatic, worse
least motion or walking, alternating with vertigo, whooping cough, chest pains, whole chest very sensitive, during coughing, expectoration, difficult,
salty, thick, bloody, yellowish, greenish, offensive and profuse, taste sour or pungent. Neck and back- backache; with given up feeling, must lie down, as
if broken, small of the back feels weak, lumbago with sudden sharp pain extending up and down, back and down the thighs, backache after delivery or
abortion, spine painful while eating, burning in the right side of spine.Worse: Cold air, draft, after overheating, after exertion, winter, before menses,
after parturition; abortion, change of weather, after coition, touch, motion. Better: Warmth, sitting with elbows on knees, open air, motion
38.Kali Phosporicum
Nervous, oversensitive, irritability wit mental weakness and exhaustion, anxious
Side effect of radiation or chemotherapy, nausea after chemotherapy. Mental exertion, weakness and easily fatigue, ailments from overwork,
excitement, worry. Cancer, malignant tumors, weakness after cancer operation, radiation or hemotherapy. Sleeplessness from mental exertion, worries,
worse after midnight. Offensive leucorrhea, menses offensive, pain left ovary, better bending double. Diarrhoea from fright, with foul, putrid odour; hot
yellow stools, followed by weakness. Worse: Slight causes, excitement, worry, mental or physical fatigue, touch, pain, operation, cold, dry air, eating,
coition. Better: Sleep, eating, gentle motion, leaning against something. Chilly, worse with cold
Neuralgia's and rheumatism, heart problems, wandering pains, associated with stiffness and numbness. Menstrual problems, Insomnia. Lyme
diseases. Head-vertigo with headache, blindness, pains in the limbs and weariness worse stooping, looking down. Ears-sound like blowing of a horn.
Face.-Neuralgia, worse right side. stitches in tongue, stitches and tearing in bones of jaw and face. Heart-fluttering of heart with anxiety. Pains-sharp,
burning shooting, stabbing, radiating to left scapula and arm-take away the breath, with slow pulse. Palpitation worse bending forward, trembling all over
visible. worse lying on left side, better lying on back. Hypertrophy-valvular insufficiency. Pulse slow, weak, tremulous. Female-suppressed menses, with
severe neuralgic pains throughout the whole body. Leucorrhoea week after menses. Symptoms worse during leucorrhoea. Extremities-deltoid
rheumatism-right. Pains affect large part of the limb, weakness and sense of coldness. Joints, red, hot, swollen. Sleepless-waking up often-wakes early in
the morning. Fever-protracted and continued fevers, with flatulance. Worse: motion, bending forwar, heat of sun, becoming cold, with the sun, stooping.
Better: Eating, cloudy weather, continued motion. Lying down.
Complains of heart and circulation, sore throat, ovaries, menstrual problems, hormonal disturbances in menopause or pregnancy. Its a great
female remedy. Palpitation, with fainting spells, restless, trembling, anxiety about the heart, weak heart. Left sided pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pain extends
to ear, worse by pressure, warm drinks, swallowing liguids, touch, better by cold drinks, swallowing solids, lump in throat, ulcers. Angina pectoris, high
blood pressure, rheumatic heart, Suffocation on falling asleep, or waking from sleep with suffocation. Astmatic worse- jealousy, during or after sleep,
heat, night, touching the larynx. Better by bending, symptoms appear on left side, then go to right of the throat. Premenstrual syndrome worse before
menses, better onset of menses, black blood. Symptoms appear on left side, then go to right of the ovaries, affections of left ovary. Left ovary very
painful and swollen, indurated, breast inflamed and bluish. Flushes of heat-rushes of blood with profuse sweating, herpes zoster on left side. Worse:
Sleep or after sleep, morning, heat of room, or sun, empty swallowing, hot drinks light touch, or pressure of clothes around neck,beginning and end of
menses, menopause. Better: Open air, free discharge, hard pressure, cold drinks, bathing affected part, warm applications, sitting bend. Warmblooded
worse with heat.
Rheumatic complaints, punctured wounds, stings and bites. Antidote of animal poisons, prevents sideeffect of tetanus. Rheumatic gout, mainly of
lower limbs, better cold applications, worse heat of bed, motion,swelling of joints, with coldness of affected parts. Punctured wounds, bites, insects bites
and stings, stepping on a nail, injuries to parts rich in nerves, affected parts become cold, puffy with purple discoloration, better with cold application,
ulcers and boils better with cold applications, passive edema, congestions. Twitching of muscles near wound, after tetanus vaccination. Worse: Warmth
in general, injury, motion of joints, night. Better: Cold, cold bathing, resting- Chilly but worse in heat.
Digestive complains, bloatedness, distention, liver complains, gall-stones with colic, sinusitis, sore throat. Weak digestion, loss of appetite, hungry,
but quick satiety, hungry at night, wakes at night feeling hungry, appetite increases while eating, hiccough, incomplete burning eructations. Distention,
sour eructations, flatulence, rumbling, distention better by eructation, flatus, everything turns into gas, worse if eating to satiety, brown spots on
abdomen. Sensitive to pressure of clothing, inguinal hernia, worse night, constipation when traveling. Pain on right side of lower abdomen ext. to back,
symptoms moving from right to left. Sensitive congested liver, chronic hepatitis. Diarrhea from cold drinks, fright, excitement, anticipation. Sinusitis
with nose obstruction worse on right side, snuffles of infants. Sore throat worse with cold drinks, swelling and suppuration of tonsils, chronic tonsil
enlargement. Worse: Pressure of cloths, warmth, awakening, wind, eating even a little, or to satiety, indigestion, 4 to 8 pm, wet weather, stormy
weather, pressure, before menses milk. Better: Warm drinks and food, cold applications, motion, eructations, flatus, urinating
43.Magnesium – phosphoricum
The great anti-spasmodic remedy. Cramps, convulsions, neuralgic pains with spasm, spasmodic asthma, flatulence, with colic, cramping
menstrual pain. Writer's, piano, violin player's cramps, trembling hands, paralysis, cramping contraction of fingers. Scoliosis, stiffness of neck and
back, sciatica with tender feet, cramps in calves. Weakness in arms and hands, finger-tips stiff and numb, general muscular weakness. Asthmatic
oppression of chest, dry, tickling cough, spasmodic cough, worse when lying down. Whooping cough, voice hoarse, larynx sore and raw. Bloated, full
sensation in abdomen; must loosen clothing, walk about and constantly pass flatus. Constipation with rheumatic symptoms, due to flatulence and
indigestion. Excellent remedy for menstrual and other type of cramps. Pains are neuralgic preceding the flow. Cramps in lower abomen. A great
indication for the use of this remedy is the relief from warmth and aggravation from motion. Worse: Cold air, drafts, uncovering, cold water, touch,
periodicity, night, exhaustion. Better: Warmth, hot bathing, pressure.
Reserved, violent impulses, slowness, dullness, phobic states, depression. Ulcerative suppuration of the skin-acne, earache, toothache, coryza,
throat inflammtion. Itching of the skin worse sweating and, heat, chronic ulceration with tendency to spread, acne, boils and abscesses worse menses,
eruptions, offensive, eczema, psoriasis, syphilis, aids. Chronic or acute otitis media-ear inflammation, offensive thick yellow dischrage from the ears.
Pains extend from teeth to ear, throat etc, gray tooths, abscess, aphthae and mouth ulcerations, salivation during sleep, offensive breath, metallic taste,
inflamed and bleeding gums. Chronic coryza with offensive, sinusitis, greenish discharge, better sneezing and lying down. Sore throat with ulcers on
tonsils, or pharynx, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, throat inflammation acute or chronic, constant inclination to swallow, swelling of glands. Worse: Night,
sweating, when heated, from bed or fire, drafts to head, weather-changing, taking cold, heat and cold, wet feet, fire light, before stool, during and after
urination. Better: Mild temperature, coition, rest. Living thermometer- feels uncomfortable in heat and cold.
45.Natrium Muriaticum
Mind- emotional ,closed person, introversion. Ailments from grief, depression. Headpain, hayfever, herpetic eruption, asthma, skin problems,
insomnia. Intolerant of any form of grief, rejection, avoid being hurt. Fastidious. Consolation agg. Depression, even suicidal. Sad during menses.
Reserved. Anxiety. Biting fingernails. Fear robbers, claustrophobia, heigths, insects. Hypochondriasis. Head-headache"like little hammers beating", agg.
from grief, sun, on waking, light, noise, reading, menses, amel. by lying dark and quiet room, perspiration, cold application, pressure. Alopecia, falling
of hair. Nose-hayfever, coryza. sneezing. Face-neuralgia, agg. on left side, herpetic eruptions, esp. about lips. Cracked lips, corners of mouth. Mouth-
apthaea. Throat-affections of thyroid. Goitre. Respiration- asthmatic cough, agg. between 5 and 7 p.m, walking up stairs. Skin-crackes around finger
nails, peeling off of tips. Eruptions at margin of hair. Greasy skin, eruptions agg. by sea, salt. Hives after violent exercise. Eczema. Psoriasis. Ringworm.
Slepless-Insomnia from grief, past thoughts, many nightmares. Worse: After menses, heat of sun, violent emotions, noise music. Better: Open air,
sweating, rest, deep breathing, rubbing. Relationship: Complementary to Apis; Sepia; Ign.
46.Nux Vomica
Ambitious, competive, dictatorial, arrogant, responsible, fastidious, workaholic, desire for stimulation. Hayfever, digestive problem,
constipation, nausea, menstrual pain, backache, sleeplessness. Hayfever, allergies, coryza, fluent by day, and in open air, dry at night, coryza with
sneezing worse- after eating, morning, nose obstruction worse- night and outdoors, snuffles of newborns, sensitive to odor of flowersAbdomen
distention, flatulence, pain and cramps, colic in babies with irritabi. lity, worse- after eating, before stool, better- cold, . after stool, warmth. Constipation,
constant ineffectual urging, diarrhea with constant urging, alternating with constipation, hemorrhoids, prolapsus, urging for stool while urinating. Gastric
ulcers, complaints from alcohol abuse, nausea and vomiting worse- stimulants, abdominal pains, retching with inability of vomiting, pain worse- anger,
vexation, tight clothes, better- warmth, warm drinks. Hepatitis, hernia, inguinal, umbilical, crohn's disease. Profuse menses, early and prolonged, dark
lumpy bloody; irregular; with fainting spells dysmenorrhoea with cramps extend to the whole body, leucorrhoea; foetid; staining yellow. Inefficient
labour pains; faints at every labour pain, profuse bleeding after abortion. Acute lumbago, lumbar ache, as if breaking, crawling along spine.
Sleeplessness-wakes at 3-4 am., thinking about work, business, sleepiness during the day. Worse: Disappointment of ambition, wounded honour, mental
shock, early morning, open dry air, drafts; uncovering, coffee; drugs, over eating, debauchery, mental exertion, fatigue vexation, disturbed sleep, anger,
noise, odours, touch; pressure of clothes at waist. Better: Free discharges, resting, wrapping head, hot drinks, milk, fats, moist air, lying on sides.
Sensitive to pain, weary of life from pain, children weep during difficult dentition, indifference to life. Sore throat, hot inflammation and
swelling of glands, breast inflammation-mastitis. Inflamination of throat, tonsils, parotids- dark red, bluish red, painful throat better- cold drinks and
on right side, worse-warm drinks. Throat feels narrow, rough, hot, shooting pains into ears on swallowing. Breats inflammation- hot, absces, pain
radiates over whole body, worse-nursing, left side. Mastitis after first menses, appearing after delivery, mastitis after mental or emotional stress. Hard
and sensitive with purple hue, tender breasts before and during menses, nipples cracked with small ulcers, milk diminished, worse-stress or excitement,
milk thick and lumpy. Tumors of breasts with enlarged axillary glands (cancer). Worse: Damp cold weather or changes of weather, raising up, motion,
swallowing hot drinks, heat, during menses. Better: Lying on abdomen, or left side, rest, dry weather. Pains come and go suddenly, change places
Diffusion, open extroverted, lively, sympathetic, desire for company, creative, fear alone, being alone. Coryza, bleeding, cough, hoarsenes,
respiratory infection. Coryza extends to chest, nose bleeding in childhood or instead of menses, smell oversensitive. Bright red nose bleeding, or after
extraction of tooth. Cough from irritation in throat worse in cold air, talking or laughing, evening, change of temperature or weather, nervous, dry cough,
worse- presence of strangers, strong odors. Hoarseness, lost of voice- painless or with painful raw feeling, worse evening, public speakers. Respiratory
infections, pneumonia worse- left side, with burning pains, blood spitting and oppression, holds the chest when coughing, pain and palpitations, better-
cold drinks, flushes of heat in heart region, sensation of heat in the chest. Worse: Left side, emotions, talking, touch, odours, light, cold open air, ice cold
drinks, sudden change of weather, windy, cold, thunderstorms, lightning, morning and evening. Better: Eating, sleep, cold food, water, washing face
with cold water, rubbing, sitting, dark.
Forsaken feeling, need for attention, yielding, emotional, weeps easily, changeable moods, jealous. Emotional weakness, cold, hay fever, ear
inflammation, digestive problems, menstrual complains. Changeable moods, timidity, irritability before menses, fears of dark, heights, narrow places.
Dry cough evening and night, loose morning, cough worse when lying down in the evening, disturbing sleep, warm room, exertion, better- open air,
asthma worse- lying, evening and night, warm room, after suppressed eruptions, better- open air, sitting. Hay fever worse- open air, warm room,
evening, bland or yellow-greenish discharge, loss of smell, with catarrh, foul discharge, coryza, obstruction of nose worse- lying down, better- going out
in the open air. Ear inflammation with diminished hearing, discharge of offensive yellow pus, or blood, deafness. Painful abdomen, distended loud
rumbling, diarrhoea after fright. Delayed, irregular, changeable, scanty or short menstruation, painful menses, delayed at puberty, dark thick, menses
easily suppressed, worse- getting wet, painful breasts during menses, vaginal discharge is white milky, thick like cream. Worse: Warmth of air, room,
getting feet wet, evening, rest, beginning motion, eating fats, ices, eggs, in puberty, pregnancy, before menses, hanging down limbs, thunderstorms, sun,
twilight. Better: Cold, fresh, open air, food, drinks, uncovering, gentle motion, continued motion, changing sides, pressure, rubbing, lying with head
50.Rhus - toxidendron
Busy, restless, timid and mild, yet lively,irritability, depression. Mainly skin complains-herpes, acne, shingles, etc. and rheumatic symptoms,
backache, joint pain, coryza, sore throat, bronchitis, typhoid fever. Vesicular eruptions, herpes about lips, urticaria, psoriasis, itching better- hot
water, thick, crusty, dry or moist, burning, eczematous skin itching, skin sensitive to cold air, worse- wet and damp, thickened skin in long-standing skin
disorders, herpes on genitals, shingles. Rheumatism with painful stiffness, arthritis, pain in left shoulder, restless extremities, sprains, overexertion,
worse- rest, begining to move, morning on waking, night in bed, cold wet weather, before storm, exertion, better- motion, warmth, dryness.
Rheumatism in cold season, post-operative complications, sprains and strains. Back pain and stiffness, worse- over lifting, rest, beginning to move, cold
wet weather, better- motion, heat, hard pressure, massage, swelling of joints generall. Stiffness of the neck worse- draft, cold and wet weather, better-
stretching and moving, massage. Sneezing, fluent coryza, or driping, red nose, violent aching in bones of nose breath feels hot. Sore throat, with swollen
glands, difficult swallowing of solids, yellow tonsils. Cough from cold and wet weather, asthmatic worse- after suppressed eruptions hoarseness from
overstraining voice. Worse: Exposure to wet, cold air, draft, before storm, chilled; when hot or sweaty, uncovering; parts, head etc, beginning of motion,
rest, sprains, overexertion. Better: Continued motion, warm dry weather, heat, hot bath, warm wrapping, rubbing, holding affected part, stretching
limbs, changes of position.
Fears, anxiety, fogginess, slowness, irresolution, defensive, irritability, discontented, quarrelsome. Rheumatic pains, injury or inflammation of
tendons and joits, stiffness, eye complains. Rhematic pains, worse- cold wet, exertion, stiffness with bruised pains and weakness, worse- motion,
weakness, esp. of lower extremities, standing and rising difficult, hard nodules in tendons, inflammation and contraction of tendons, pain in thighs when
stretching legs. Stiffness and loss of elasticity of muscles and tendons, weakness, easily tired, bruised pains. Drawing pain and stiffness in neck, stiffness
and pain making breathing difficult. Ailments from straining eyes, esp. from fine work, worse- exertion of vision, stiffness of eye-muscles, conjunctivitis,
pain and heat, as if eyes of fire. Worse: Overexertion, injury, sprains, eye strain, cold-air, damp, wind, wet, during menses. Better: Lying on back,
warmth, motion, rubbing, scratching.
Lacking of emotions, indifference, depression, dullness, sluggishness. Sinusitis, digestive problems, constipation, menopausal and female
complains, skin diseases. Chronic catarrh ext. to sinuses with nauseating post-nasal discharge,thick greenish discharge, thick foul, plugs and crusts,
sensitiveness to odours, or smell of cooking food. Nose bleeding when strucking by anything even lightly, during menses; during pregnancy. Nausea at
thought or smell of food, vomiting of solid food only or of milky fluids; during pregnancy; in the morning, faint feeling at upper abdomen, burning in pit
of stomach, acidity. Constipation worse- pregnancy, itching of rectum, cancer of rectum. In menopause hot flushes in face and chest, heat of head,
perspiration, sleeplessness, histeria. Menses absent, or too late, and scanty; irregular; early and profuse, habitual abortion, sterility, headache at menstrual
time, headache on left side over left eye, backache during menses. Herpetic eruptions, psoriasis, vitiligo, ringworm worse- spring, urticaria better- warm
room, worse- open air, dry thickend skin, boils in axilla, itching vesicles, ulcers on small joints. Worse: Cold air, wind, wet, sexual excess, before
menses, pregnancy, abortion, morning and evening, sitting, standing, stooping, touch, rubbing, lifting, scratching. Better: Violent motion, warmth of
bed, pressure, hot application, crossing or drawing limbs up, after sleep, cold drinks, cold bath, open air. Ovarien cancer. Sepia greatly reduces the side-
effect.of radiation or chemotherapy such as nausea, vomiting etc.
Fatique, yielding, mild, sensitive temperament, irresolution, timid, fears of examinations pointed . Colds and infections, ear infections, chronic
abscesses, enlarged glands, fistulas, acne, chronic coryza, sweating, dental problems, constipation, diseases of bones, skin problems-warts.
Frequent colds and infections with enlarged glands, that may suppurate, recurrent throat inflammation, tonsillitis, splinter-like pains, swelling of glands,
induration and suppuration. Asthmatic cough, worse- exertion, cold, cough generally worse- cold draft, cold food, drinks etc. Acne, that leaves scars,
greatly heals chronic abscesses in mouth, or on the face. Removes foreign bodies like splinters under skin etc. Acute and chronic ear infections, purulent
discharge sometimes associated with sinus problems. Chronic coryza with dry obstruction. Constipation worse- menses, receding stool, fistulas, fissures
and hemorrhoids, chronic diarrhoea. Difficult, slow dentition, caries, abscess at the root of the teeth, boils on gums, teeth breaking. Perspiration-
offensive, sour, acid, profuse offensive foot seat, excoriates skin and destroys socks. Diseases of the bone, scoliosis, curvatures, caries, weakness,
lumbago, sciatica, ailments from injury to the spine, coldness of extremities, sensitive to draft. Skin unhealthy, tendency to suppuration, fistulas,
abscesses, promotes expulsion of foreign bodies through skin, keloid. Scars become painful, stinging and red, itching eruptions, better- night, vitiligo,
ringworm, impetigo, tumors and warts. Worse: Cold air, draft, damp, change of weather, bathing, nervous excitement, light, noise, moon changes, night,
mental exertion, touch, pressure. Better: Warm, wraps to head, summer, wet humid weather, profuse urination.
Cheerfulness alt. with irritability, sadness-terrified, anxious expression, fear of heart disease, dead, future. Respiratory-cough, heart, thyroid
conditions and glands complains. Dyspnea worse-after midnight, during sleep, during menses, hot room, lying head low. Cough dry-raspy barking,
better-drinking and eating warm things, worse-before midnight, cold drinks, inspiration. Chest-cannot bear tight clothing, palpitations worse-before
menses, after midnight. Angina pectoris, pulse frequent, hard, full of feeble. Larynx-hoarseness, worse-before midnight, pain, worse-talking,
swallowing, touch. Throat-pain from eating sweets, thyroid-goitre, hard swelling of glands-bitter taste. Throat-dryness of mucous membrances of tongue,
larynx, trachea and throat. Desire to clear throat constantly, swallows water in small quantity and with difficulty. Painful swelling of spermatic cord and
testicles, testes hard and swollen. Worse: Dry cold wind, after sleep, exertion, sweets. Better: Lying with head low, eating or drinking a little, warm
Suppression of emotions, ailments from indignation, mortification, romantic disappointment, suppression of emotions, anger, grief, gentle and
mild person, sensitive to rudeness, not demanding. Acts on teeth, urinary organs, skin-shingels, joints, glands. Nervous affections with
trembling, complaints after surgery. Mind-angry, child throws things, cries for many things, poor memory, ailments from reserved displeasure, very
sensitive to what others say about her, sadness without any cause, with irritability. Teeth loose-black, crumbling, show dark streaks worse-eating and
during menses, better-hard pressure and heat, pale bleeding gums, teeth decay as soon as they erupt, stomatitis-mouth inflammation, thrush. Urinary-
frequent urging to urinate, with scanty or profuse discharge of watery urine, urinates in thin stream or drop by drop, worse-after walking or riding, better-
urinating, burning in urethra when not urinating, urging as if the bladder was not empty, cystocele-hernia of bladder. Skin-pain that precedes shingles,
skin symptoms alternating with joint pains, itching, eczema with thick scabs, itching violently, dry pedunculated figerwarts, ulcers, new growth
extremely sensitive. Psoriasis after grief, suppressed emotion, cut wounds don't heal, unhealthy skin, oversensitive spots. Extremities-joins, arthritic
nodes on finger joints, crural-thigh neuralgia, feel beaten and painful. Throat-tonsils swollen, stitch runs up to ear on swallowing, induration and
hypertrophy of tonsils, with nasal voice. Cough nervous or emotional cough, chronic hacking cough. Prostatitis, pain extends from anus to urethra,
enlarged prostate with piles. Worse: Emotions-worries, anxiety, vexation, indignation, quarrels, touch, cold drinks, stretching parts, after urinating,
when not urinating, night. Better: Warmth, rest, break-fast, coition.
Domineering, critical, philosophical and intellectual type, fear of contamination, infection, high place, claustrofobia, death, accidents. Any kind
of skin affections-eruptions, burning complains, conjunctivitis, headache, arthritis, otitis media, diarrhea. Any type of eruption- moist, burning
and itching. Boils, acne, unhealthy skin, acne on the nose. Skin dry, rough and wrinkled, scaly, dry eczema, ulcers, suppuration, with air bubbles. Itching
worse-heat, night in bed, after bathing, better-cold. Burning when scratched, painfully sensitive to air, wind, washing. Eruptions alternate with other
complaints, asthma etc. Soles and foot burning, wants them uncovered at night. Hot sweaty hands, palms dry, burning, cracked, peeling, eczema and
warts on hands. Eyes burning, cutting as from sand, bursting pain in eyeballs, trembling of eyes, eczema of lids. Painful inflammation of eye from
presence of foreign body. Vertigo in forehead, burning headache, vertex is hot. Sweaty scalp, fontanelles remain open too long. Hydrocephalus, with
convulsions, red face and pupils dilated. Arthritis, swelling of the joints with hydrarthrosis, joints stiff, better-cold application, worse-heat, brittle and
distorted nails. Tremulous sensation in hands, when writing. Otitis media, otorrhea-offensive discharge from the ears, weakened hearing from catarrh.
Diarrhea early in morning, flatus offensive, itching and burning, redness, moist and eruptions around rectum offensive stool, foul painless, watery,
grayish. Diarrhea alternating with constipation. Diarrhea of infants with pale face, colicky babies. Worse: Suppressions, bathing, milk, heated, by
overexertion, in bed, atmospheric changes, climacteric-menopause, standing, sweets, vaccination, suppressed hemorrhoids. Better: Open air, motion,
drawing up affected limbs, sweating, dry and warm weather, walking, dry heat.
Violence fear of violence, fever, spasm-convulsion, headpain, eye problems, face distortion, urinary complains, respiration-asthma, cough,
spasm in extremities, sleep-insomnia. Mind-fear of dark(sleeps with light on), night, of violence, destructive with violence. Clastrofobia, Delirium
during fever, Forsaken feeling. Ailments after fright, after vaccination, fever. Fever-profuse sweat which does not relieve.Violent fever, cold sweat
during spasms. Spasm-convulsions, tics, jerks. Epilepsy agg. by light, looking at bright or reflecting objects. Head-pain from occiput to head, agg. by
sun, heat, lying, motion, amel.by sitting up. Meningitis. Encephalitis. From suppressed otitis. Eye-phoptomania, strabismus. Diplopia. Paralysis of optic
nerve. Face- expression of terror, distorted, tics. jerks. Urine- retention of urine agg. by old people. Enuresis after fright and anger. Convulsions after
labor. Respiration-suffocation when water is poured on head. Nervous spasmodic asthma, after fright, or fear. Spasmodic cough whooping. Spasms,
twitching of larynx. Cough-barking, deep, loud. Extremities- convulsions, spasms, chorea, jerks. Skin-Chronic abscesses, fistulae. Abscesses and
tumours with severe pain.Sleep-comatose. Insomnia awakes in fear or screaming. Sleepless in darkness. Worse: Glistening objects-mirror, surface of
water, fright, after sleep, dark, touch. Better: Light, company, feeling security, warmth.
Any kind of bones and joins injuries, eyes and head injury. Fractures, improves reunion of bones, pains in bones after injuries, phantom pains, i
nflammation of bone, Neuralgia of the knee after injury. Painful weakness of joints, neuralgia of the knee after injury. Pricking, stitching pains
remaining after wound is healed, worse-touch. Irritable stump after operations, penetrating wounds to perineum, affects the joints. Injuries to the eyes fro
m blunt instruments, worse-draught, eye lids spasmodically closed. Injuries to face, malignant growth of right antrum. Inflammation of facial bone.
Worse: Injuries, blow from blunt instruments, touch. Better:
Ailments from or after vaccinations, vertigo, ulcers, aphthae, bdomenal pains, piles, urinary track problems, vaginal leucorrhoea, warts, herpes
zoaster, gonorrhoea-syphilitic exprassions. Never well since vaccination; neuralgia, skin troubles, any kind of side effect from vaccination.
Vertigo as from motion of a swing, on closing eyes, looking upwards or sideways. Aphthae; ulcers in the mouth, white blisters on sides close to the root
of tongue, painful. Swelling of the tonque. Indurations in abdomen, rumbling, flatulence, soreness of navel,cutting, squeezing in hypogastrium, watery
grass green stools, cutting, squeezing in groins. Piles swollen, painful. Cutting squeezing in bladder and urethra, bladder feels paralyzed, must wait for
urination, urine; burns, cutting in urethra on urinating. Warts on genitals, fingers, toes. Syphilis. Vagina very sensitive, prevents coition; itching, left
ovary inflamed, with tearing pain worse during menses. Leucorrhoea; profuse, thick, greenish. Worse: Cold, damp, heat; of bed, increasing moon, moon
light, during menses, urinating, tea, coffee, sweets, fat food, sun, bright light, stretching, closing eyes. Better: Warm; wrapping; air, wind, free
secretions, sneezing, motion, crossing legs, touch, drawing up limbs, rubbing, scratching.
60.Veratrum Album
Mental overstimulation, restlesness, tremendous hyperactivity, need for motion, Profoundly affects the mind, nerves, abdominal, heart; blood,
blood-vessels, respiration and digestive system. Astma with could feeling on the chest, cold perspiration, violent headache. Despair about position in
society, religious mania, haughtiness, delirium with violence, melancholy, wants to be alone. Diarrhea is worse during chill, during menses, motion,
profuse, watery, forceful. Asthmatic cough worse in cold and damp weather, continous violent cough with retching worse cold drinks, rattling in chest,
whooping cough with complicaiton. Cough on entering a warm room from cold air. Progressive weakness and emaciation in acute diseases; whooping
cough. Diarrhea is worse during chill, during menses, motion, profuse, watery, forceful. Watery, green, odourless or colourless stools or in large masses;
with straining, until exhausted, with cold sweat, diarrhoea from drinking cold water. Constipation of nursing infants or from cold weather. Worse:
Exertion, drinking cold drinks, fright, wet, cold weather, change of weather, before and during menses, touch, pressure. Better: Warm covering, motion,
hot drinks, lying.
Homeopathic remedy user information
Homeopathic remedies are usually very small pills-globules, containing the healing agent. The remedies are prepared from
natural substances such as plants, minerals, animals–milk–blood-poison. They all work by stimulating the body's own
healing power. Generally for acute cases take the remedy in whatever potency you may have. Recommended would be
potency 6c to 30c. Homeopathic remedies should be taken at least 10 minutes after or before eating. In very acute cases take
the remedy any time, the sooner the better. In chronic cases please ask your Classical Homeopath, they will tell you when
and how to use it. Homeopathic remedies are normally taken as globules, placed on your palm, then paste on your tongue.
The remedy is very small+sweet and it will dissolve in your mouth. Whatever potency you might have, please take only 1-3
globule at time. Remember the “low of minimum dose“, the less, the better.
With remedies diluted in water you may achieve faster and more profound effect and cure.
The way is to diluting 1-3 globule in bottle of 60cc.(10-12-table spoons) filled up with drinking water. If you going to use the
remedy for more then 10 days, add 1 tea spoon of alcohol 40%, or vinegar to preserve the medicine.Before taking the first
dose, succuss-bang the bottle against your hand 2 times. Each next dose increase 2 more succussions, 2-4-6-8 etc., thus
increases the strenght of the healing power.
Take 1 dose = 1 sip, or 1 tea spoon. In very acute case take 1 dose 2 hourly. In very fast progressing acute cases, take it every
20-30 minutes or 1 hourly, as long the symptoms persist. If you are feeling better, extend the time between taking next dose
and take it every 4 hourly, 6 hourly etc. Always wait some time before giving next dose to see the reaction of medicine. Stop
on taking the remedy in “stable” improvement. Once reliefed from the symptoms, or in case of violent aggravation of the
symptoms, please stop taking the homeopathic remedies, even your Classical Homeopath advised you to take it for more
days. In case of aggravation of your symptoms, please contact your Classical Homeopath at first. Please use only container-
bottle which you use only one time. Dont use the same bottle for different remedies or potencies. Dont use cups or bottles
someone else used already, or might use in the future, like tea cups etc.