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Trio of thirstlessness:
Apis Melifica: Thirstlessness especially during dropsy, with burning micturition.
Desire for cold milk
Pulsatilla: Thirstlessness with dry white coated tongue.
Drinks often & little at a time which provokes vomiting.
Bad taste in mouth.
Aethusa Cynapium: Complete absence of thirst
Intolerance of milk; all complaints worse after drinking milk.
Trio of pain:
Chamomilla: Intolerable pain with numbness of affected parts.
Over sensitiveness
great debility as soon as pain begins < from heat.
Aconite: Acute sudden & violent invasion
scream with pain, intolerable, drive him crazy with restlessness.
Coffea Cruda:
great sensitiveness to pain & pain seems almost insupportable, driving patient to
Pain with insomnia.
Trio of croup:
Aconite: Hoarse, dry croupy cough.
Dry hacking cough worse at night & after midnight.
Loud labored breathing, shortness of breath.
Oppressed breathing on least motion.
Spongia: Croup worse during inspiration & before midnight.
Feeling of plug in larynx, cough after eating or drinking warm things.
Awakes in fright; feels as if suffocating.
Hepar Sulph: Croup with loose, rattling cough.
Cough excited whenever any part of body gets cold or uncovered.
Chocking cough.
Trio of restlessness:
Arsenic album: Mental restlessness but physically too weak & exhausted to move
Restlessness with great prostration.
Sinking of strength out of proportional to degree of illness.
Aconite: Restless with intense nervousness; can’t remain in one place.
He is full of energy , vigor & strength; as such moves frequently.
Rhus toxicodendron: Can’t stay in one place. Must change position frequently to
obtain relief from pain.
Great rigidity , stiffness & lameness.
Pain on 1st moving the joint after rest or on waking up in morning; > by waking /
Continued motion.
Trio of flatulence:
Lycopodium: Accumulation of gas & flatulence in lower abdomen with loud
grumbling, croaking.
Rolling of flatus as through fermentation was going on.
Not > by passing flatus & eructation,
Belching always sour & acrid.
Carbo veg: Simple food disagree, causing excessive flatulence; weak digestion.
Abdomen is full to bursting point especially on UPER PART.
<: from least food; >: eructation, on passing flatus
China: Tympanitic abdomen with much flatulence & belching which gives no relief.
Great distension of entire abdomen; sensation as is abdomen is full of gas.
Each food particles seems to have turned into gas.
Trio of sleepiness:
Antim tart: Irresistible desire to sleep nearly with all complaints. Great drowsiness.
On falling asleep feels electric like shocks.
Opium: Sleepiness from nervous irritation.
Great drowsiness; falls into heavy stupid sleep.
Profound coma; loss of breath on falling sleep. Picking at bed clothes. Very sleepy
but can’t go to sleep. Sleeps with half eye opened.
Nux Moschata: Drowsiness & sleepiness which accompany all ailments.
Complaints cause sleepiness. Coma.
Trio of burns:
Sulphur: External burning; all over the skin in the parts on which he lies.
< From heat of bed & covering.
Arsenicum album: Violent & acute > by heat, except in head which is > by cold.
Burning with marked prostration & restlessness.
Burning especially in acute disease; < mid-day, mid-night.
Has fear of death
Phosphorus: Internal burning; anywhere & everywhere all over body.
Burning in spots along the spine between scapula, of the palm, hands, in chest,
lungs etc., < evening.
Trio of delirium:
Belladonna: Delirium with throbbing of carotids, the heat, redness & congestion of
face & conjunctiva; when it passes away then delirium subsides.
In proportion- great violence & excitement.
Flood of subjective visual impression & fantastic illusions. Hallucination; sees
monsters, hideous face.
Hyoscymus: Non-inflammatory type of increased cerebral activity. Ridiculous
Horrible lascivious mania & desire to remain uncovered.
Stramonium: During delirium, pt. gets up & wants to escape; difficult to be located.
Loquacious, furious delirium but not much inflammation found. Religious mania.
Strange delusions about his own identity.
Trio of offensiveness:
Baptisia: Offensive breath, ulcerated mouth with offensive smell. All discharges like
urine, stool and sweat are offensive. It is very difficult for doctor to examine the
Kreosote: With offensiveness, there is acridity, putridity of all discharges.
Cadaverous smelling with corrosiveness of discharge.
Mercurius: Offensiveness with profuseness of discharge foulness pt. as a whole
smells offensive.
Discharges are bloody, profuse & offensive.
< At night.
Trio of ptosis:
Causticum: Ptosis, vision impaired as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular
muscles after exposure to cold. Inflammation of eyelid.
Gelsemium: Heavy eyelids; ptosis.
Pt. can hardly open then. Double vision blurred. Smoky. Dim slighted; pupils dilated
& insensible to light. Orbital neuralgia with contraction & twitching of muscles.
Sepia: Muscular asthenopia.
Black spots in field of vision. Tarsal tumor; ptosis cilliary irritation.
Venous congestion of fundus.
Trio of warts:
Causticum: Warts large, jugged, bleeding easily on tips of fingers & nose.
Cicatrices freshen up- old injuries reopen.
Dulcamara: Warts large smooth, on face & palmer surface of hands.
Thick, brown yellow crusts; bleeding when scratched. <: in cold, wet weather.
Thuja: Warts in ano-genital region. Eruptions only on covered parts. Brown spots on
hands & arms. Coldness of one side.
Trio of diarrhoea:
Gambogia: Rumbling & rolling. Pain & distention of abdomen from flatulence, after
Dysentery, diarrhoea with sudden & forcible ejection of bilious stool. Tenesmus
after, with burning at anus. Profuse watery diarrhoea in hot weather.
Pain in coccyx.
Gratiola: Diarrhoea; green frothy water followed by anal burning. Forcibly
evacuation without pain.
Constipation with gouty acidity. Rectum constricted.
Oleander: Undigested faeces. Stool passes when emitting flatus. Burning pain in
Gnawing around navel.