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Oral Com. Manuscript

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Key Takeaways

When speaking from a manuscript, you write and deliver a speech word for word. The question is, for whom is the
manuscript method most advantageous?

1. Public figures, Since public figures are always constrained by a hectic schedule, they need ghost writers.
Consequently, they would have to read the text of the speech as it is. The President’s State of the Nation
Address (SONA) is a concrete example of this situation.

2. Media personalities. Speakers on radio and television always battle with time limits. For example, a televised
panel discussion about a social issue may require radio and TV anchors to critically choose and refine the
words of their speech in advance.

3. Spokespersons for government and private organizations. This public speaking role requires a great deal of
contemplation and preparation. For example, we have speeches of different country’s spokespersons in an
international seminar on climate change.

Strategies in Organizing and Delivering the

Manuscript Speech

1. Practice! Practice delivering the speech several times. Mark the text. Even if it's a manuscript, know the speech by
heart. Only if you do these can you keep frequent eye contact with the audience.

2. Adapt! Even if you have a manuscript, feel free to modify the text when the situation demands it. If you observe
that your audience is bored, you may use shorter yet more vigorous words. If your audience is impatient, add words
of strong motivational power. If your audience is anxious, share personal anecdotes to lighten the mood.

Tips in Using the Manuscript Method

1. Prepare! Keep your text easy to use by neatly composing it in triple space.

2. Mark! Own your manuscript by highlighting key words and phrases. This way you will be guided during the
speech delivery.

3. Practice! You can make a lot of notes on the draft of your manuscript during the first few rehearsals, but make sure
to reprint your script, especially if you make too many changes.
4. Practice some more! Read the text over and over orally. This will help you avoid mispronounced words, faulty
starts, and wrong pauses. As you practice, vary the volume, rate, and pitch of your voice during appropriate points in
the speech.

5. Concentrate! Concentrate on keeping eye contact, but do not stare at only one section of the audience. It is best if
you familiarize yourself with the most important parts of your speech. If you do this, you will be more confident in
looking at your audience during the key points of the speech.

6. Act it out! Use a lectern or a podium when practicing the speech. If you can find one before the actual speech
delivery, practice using it so that you will be used to laying your notes flat on the podium and looking at them once in
a while.


DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL [Delivered at the Quirino
Grandstand, Manila, December 30, 1961]


On this day, December 30, our national hero Jose Rizal gave his life on this hallowed ground – the ideal manifestation
of love of country and dedication to the service of our people. It was therefore fitting that the framers of our
Constitution should decree that the highest official of the land shall be called upon to assume office on this historical
occasion. With deep humility, I accept the Nation’s call to duty.

Bound by the oath I have just taken, I am resolved that I shall be the President not only of the members of my party
but of all political groups; I shall be President not only of the rich but more so of the poor, and I shall be President not
only of one sector but of all the people.

The basic national problem is the poverty of the masses. Our third mission, therefore, is the creation of conditions that
will provide more income for our people – income for those who have none and more income for those whose
earnings are inadequate for their elemental needs. Millions of our people are unemployed and millions more are
under-employed. We must rectify this situation to help our people attain a higher level of living and create the
domestic buying power that can help generate prosperity. Unless solved in time, this problem will worsen to the point
of disaster in view of our population explosion.

The permanent solution to this problem is the rapid and sound utilization of our vast and rich natural resources in
order to create opportunities for employment. We believe that the effective accomplishment of this task should be left
to the citizens themselves, that is, to private enterprise. But the Government can and should help. Our Administration
shall extend this help. Within the maximum financial capacity of the Government, we shall initiate and carry out a
program to help solve unemployment and underemployment through massive productive and labor-intensive projects
calculated to create multiple job opportunities while at the same time increasing the production, productivity and
wealth of the land.

Our fourth mission is to launch a bold but well-formulated socio-economic program that shall place the country on the
road to prosperity for all our people. I shall present this program in my first State-of-the-Nation message to Congress
next month for the consideration and support of our law-making body. In essence, the program will call for a return to
free and private enterprise. The program will also aim at propelling the Nation along the path of progress, first through
the dynamic development of our resources under a system of free and private enterprise, and, second, by the
implementation of a social program for the masses under the direction of the Government. I strongly believe in
placing the burden of economic development in the hands of private entrepreneurs with the least government
interference while making the Government assume the full responsibility for implementing the social and public
welfare program.

I believe in private enterprise because I have faith in the Filipino. I am convinced that if his future is placed in his own
hands and conditions are created in which he may seek his prosperity and carve his own destiny with his integrity,
talent, industry and sense of sacrifice he shall surmount attendant difficulties, husband the natural bounty that God has
bestowed for his well-being, effectively provide for his needs and transform our country at an early time into a land of
abundance not only for a favored few but for each and every Filipino.

While our economic problems are integrated in character, we must be concerned with the plight of the common man
as an imperative of justice. We must help bridge the wide gap between the poor man and the man of wealth, not by
pulling down the rich to his level as communism desires, but by raising the poor up towards the more abundant life.
This is democracy’s supreme endeavor. I shall therefore from this day onward vigorously exert all efforts to increase
the productivity of the farmer and the laborer, to teach the common man scientific methods to lighten his burdens, to
give land to the landless and in time to place within his means the essential commodities for a decent living.

6 It is not our only task to solve the immediate problems of the present and build materially for the future. The
structure of this Republic must be built not only upon material but more so upon spiritual foundations. Our fifth
mission, therefore, is to establish the practices and the example that will strengthen the moral fiber of our Nation and
reintroduce those values that would invigorate our democracy. This we shall seek through formal modes of reform,
through enforcement of statutes and, whenever feasible, through the power of example. I shall accordingly endeavor
to set the tone not only for integrity but also for simple living, hard work, and dedication to the national well-being.

This then, in synthesis, is our mission, the trust that has been placed in our hands by our people. We are called upon to
attend to all functions of government, including foreign relations in which we shall vigorously discharge our part in
the struggle against communism and strive to raise the prestige of the Republic before the family of nations. While
ministering to all the traditional public services, it is in the accomplishment of these five missions that we must place
stress and primary attention, for their solution will facilitate the effective ministration of all the essential public
services the government is duty bound to maintain.

It is incorrect to say that we are out to solve all the problems of the Nation. No President can do that. Nation-building
is an exacting and endless endeavor. No President can build the whole edifice of a nation. All that he is called upon to
do, is to add a fine stone to that edifice, so that those who shall come after him may add other fine stones that will go
for a strong and enduring structure. I stress anew that stone that we are assigned to contribute to the edifice of a
greater Philippines is, first, to attend to such short-range problems as sufficiency in the staple food of the people, and
more employment, and second, to undertake a long-range task of moral renaissance and the implementation of a
socio-economic blueprint which, although not immediately achieving prosperity, will lead to that prosperity for all our
I believe that this is a mission formidable enough for any President. It is an endeavor that calls for the utmost use of
sound judgment, energy and, above all, patriotism, which is demanded of all of us. It addresses itself to the leaders the
three great branches of our Government. It requires, on the part of all, a transfiguration of attitude from political
partisanship to statesmanship. In the deliberations of Congress on the proclamation of the President and the Vice-
President, the leaders and members of Congress demonstrated their capacity to rise above partisan politics and proved
themselves equal to the challenge of patriotism. I express the hope that this congressional performance was not a mere
involuntary recognition of an undeniable political fact but a willful recognition of the need of setting aside political
partisanship in this time of national crisis in the interest of bipartisan collaboration in the common task of providing,
in the least time possible, a life of decency and prosperity for our people

Above all, this mission requires the support of our people. No program can succeed without popular sustenance. We
shall need that faith and that support demonstrated by our people in our election against appalling odds.

The beneficent effects of some of the concrete steps that we shall take may not be immediately evident; what may, in
fact, be instantly visible will be adverse but transitory repercussions that in time will clear the way for the final and
favorable outcome. In those interludes of anxiety, we shall need the full trust and confidence of our people, and we
assure now that we shall deserve that trust and confidence because in all our actions we shall never deviate from the
course of integrity, sincerity, and devotion to the welfare of the Nation.

In the past electoral combat, our people showed the strength of our democracy in this part of the world by bringing
about a peaceful change of Administration through the ballot and not through the bullet. Simultaneously, democracy
displayed its splendor by showing that under its aegis a poor man who sprang from the humblest origin and who has
not attained a state of riches can rise to the Presidency of the Republic, I, whom the sovereign will in a democracy has
chosen as the means for the exhibition of the reality of its virtue of offering equal opportunity to the rich and the poor
alike, am now called upon to prove that such a gift of opportunity to our humble citizenry shall not be in vain. With
God’s grace and the support of all citizens of good will and good faith, and of our common people in particular, I pray
with all my heart and soul that I shall not fail in my trust.

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