Learning Log 1
Learning Log 1
Learning Log 1
Today is the 29 th of June 2021; I learned so many things about NSTP or the National
Service Training Program. I learned that NSTP is a civic education and defense preparedness
program students instituted by the Government of the Philippines on 23 July 2001 by virtue of
Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the "National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
2001”. So, it means that in case of war and the country is in need of people to defend the
country, students who undergo NSTP program in college will be needed. NSTP program are
offered in every students who are in college. According to NSTP law, all higher and technical-
vocational institutions, public and private must offer at least one NSTP component. So, there
are three (3) components of NSTP, these are Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) which
focused in the country. It is more on being in a war. Next, Literacy Training Service (LTS) which
designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeric skills to school children,
out of school youth and other segments of society in need of their service. LTS is focused on
the learning of people. Last component is the Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) which
refer to the program or activities contributory to the general and betterment of life of the
members of the community. State universities and colleges must offer ROTC and at least one
another component of NSTP while the PMA, PMMA, and PNPA was not needed to offer
components of NSTP because they are not covered by the NSTP law. The JIL college
foundation is offering NSTP which focus on CWTS component.
We also tackle about the vision, mission and core values of the NSTP-CWTS. First, the
vision is to train the student to become innovators of social change with a culture of excellence
and to become leaders with integrity, competence, and commitment to render service to the
community. The vision discuss about the youth being the innovators that means to create
something new or to upgrade for the better. Second, the mission is to promote and integrate
values education and transformational leadership which means having values that will help to
become a better person. Last, the core values of NSTP-CWTS. There are eight (8) values that
were highlighted but we focus on synergy that means being part of the whole. Our teacher said
that if we do something good or bad it will reflect the whole nation because as the synergy
means to be part of whole. So, we Filipino are part of the whole so we must be conscious in
everything we do because our doing will reflect how the Filipinos really are.
The last topic we discussed is about the Panatang Makabayan. I admit that before this
discussion I really don’t have enough knowledge about this because in my previous school we
didn’t give enough attention to this until now that our teacher in NSTP-CWTS discussed it. I
learned that Panatang Makabayan is very important as Filipino living in this country. Panatang
Makabayan is about the love for the country. If we love our country we must be proud of our
own product not the other way around. I learned that we are still in developing state because of
the way we see ourselves and our country. Maybe, if we really have the patriotism in ourselves
we can be like Japan now or higher than that but admit it or not, patriotism is slowly dying
because of the foreign product that we patronize more than our own. I leaned also that if we
oath, we are not promising to anyone but our God because He’s the one who know what within
our hearts. So, to summarize we must love our country. We must be proud of our own. We must
patronize the local brand because local brand is not local at all. We must keep alive the
patriotism in our hearts because that’s our hero did to claim the victory of sovereignty.