Bioethanol Production From Foxtail Straw
Bioethanol Production From Foxtail Straw
Bioethanol Production From Foxtail Straw
Keywords : Bioethanol, Foxtail Straw, Simultaneous Saccharification and fermentation, Separate hydrolysis and
fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
due to the advancement of technology, depleting products derived from biomass is referred to as
oil reserve, rising fossil fuel prices and increasing Bioenergy (IEA, 2010).
greenhouse effect associated with the use of fossil
fuels. There are several advantages of biofuels such Bioethanol is a good substitute for fossil fuel as it
as environmental friendliness, biodegradability and is economical, renewable and environment friendly
high potential for local production from various emitting about 90 per cent fewer greenhouse gases
feedstocks. There is a renewed interest in using (GHGs) than gasoline. Bioethanol can be produced
sugar rich agricultural crops as feedstock for the by the process of fermentation using different sugars
biofuel production (Shalini et al., 2019) Ethanol such as starch, glucose, xylose, etc. The feedstock for
accounts for 90 per cent of total biofuels production bioethanol production is mainly divided into three
and is used in different parts of the world. More over, categories, i.e., starch-based, sugar-based (First
global crude oil production is predicted to decline. generation) and lignocellulosic material (Second
Today, about 13 per cent of the total energy generation) (Choudhary et al., 2013).
Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 56 (4) : 244-250 (2022) K. C. KIRAN AND K. T. PRASANNA
One such residue is Foxtail straw which is available The Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungal culture
in plenty, unexplored and it is cheaper for large-scale was obtained from the Department of Agricultural
production of bioethanol. The present investigation Microbiology, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru and
was undertaken to evaluate the potential of Foxtail maintained on MGYP medium (Composition: Malt
straw in the production of bioethanol through extract 3g, Glucose 10g, Yeast extract 3g,
different physicochemical pretreatment and hydrolysis Peptone 5g, Agar 20g, distilled water 1000 mL,
methods. pH to 4.4-4.6).
Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 56 (4) : 244-250 (2022) K. C. KIRAN AND K. T. PRASANNA
Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 56 (4) : 244-250 (2022) K. C. KIRAN AND K. T. PRASANNA
per cent to the dry weight of raw material and and hemicellulose to reduce the crystallinity
hemicellulose content was found to be 24.6 ± 0.95 of cellulose (Tan et al., 2021). The suitable
per cent of dry biomass. The presence of high pretreatment and condition usually depend on the
holocellulose (Hemicellulose + Cellulose) content type of the lignocellulosic content present in the
(60.5±1.01%) in the cell wall of Foxtail straw, raw material (Taherzadeh and Karimi, 2008).
provides a potential feedstock for bioethanol
production. Foxtail straw contains 26.3±0.20 The composition of Foxtail straw after pretreatment
per cent lignin, 17.7±0.05 per cent ash content, was presented in the Table 3. The combination of
37.3±0.07 per cent of total carbon and 1.3±0.01 pretreatment showed the highest content of cellulose
per cent of nitrogen content. The similar results (65.90%), ADL (24.8%), lignin content (10.80%) and
were reported by Zhang et al. (2019) in millet low content of Hemicellulose were reported in
straw i.e., cellulose 36.68 per cent and lignin 19.38 pretreatment FSN2O1 (4% NaOH and 5% H2O2). The
per cent, hemicellulose content 17.3 per cent and same trend was observed in all the pretreatment
ash content 4.5 per cent. The difference in the cell with NaOH and H 2 O 2 combination. Fig. 1,
wall composition was due to heterogeneity in raw shows the variation in the composition of Foxtail
material, geographical location, season, processing straw after pretreatment, that lower the lignin
methods and analytical methods used for chemical higher the cellulose content in all the pretreatment
composition (Silverstein et al., 2007 and Binod methods. Dilute NaOH pretreatment of the
et al., 2012). lignocellulosic material was found to cause
swelling, leading to an increase in internal surface
Effect of Pretreatments on the Feedstock area of the Foxtail straw and rupture of lignin
Composition of Foxtail Straw structure. Silverstein et al. (2007) reported that
The pretreatments were imposed on the Foxtail 2 per cent of NaOH in 90 min at 121°C was the best
straw for the removal or to breakdown the lignin condition, resulting in 65 per cent of lignin removal.
Feedstock composition of Foxtail straw after pretreatment
Pretreatments Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) ADL (%) Lignin (%) Ash (%)
Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 56 (4) : 244-250 (2022) K. C. KIRAN AND K. T. PRASANNA
l t j
FSH2 4.71 v
5.72 n
5.21 k
Table 5, it was clear that SSF method has highest
FSH1O2 5.43 p
2.21 z
3.82 l
2.34 y
2.74 m TABLE 5
FSO2 1.91 A
3.15 w
2.53 n Average ethanol yield from different fermentation
FSO1 1.59 B
2.51 x
2.05 o methods of Foxtail straw
Average 6.41 5.01 5.71 Fermentation methods Ethanol (g/L)
STDEV 3.03 1.78 2.11 SSF 6.41 a
SE ± 0.78 0.46 0.54 SHF 5.01 b
CD @0.05% 0.01 0.01 Average 5.71
Average 5.71 STDEV 0.99
STDEV 2.54 SE ± 0.70
SE ± 0.46 CD @0.05% 0.004
Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 56 (4) : 244-250 (2022) K. C. KIRAN AND K. T. PRASANNA
ethanol yield than the SHF method. Similar results times higher than the control. Significant structure and
were recorded by Zhu et al., (2012); Alejo et al., chemical bond changes in the feedstock after
(2020). pretreatment were found. Further research is needed
on improving the delignification and ethanol yield,
Correlation of Compositional Parameters of
as this work provides the foundation for future work.
Pretreated Samples to the Ethanol Yield from the
different Fermentation Methods REFERENCES
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