District 205 Amended Facility Use Agreement

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Galesburg CUSD #205

940 West Fremont Street, Galesburg, IL 61401

District Contact: Natalie Thompson Email: nthompson2@galesburg205.org Phone: 309-973-2107

Facility Use Policy Summary:

Some Galesburg #205 facilities may be rented by proper execution of the Facility Use Agreement. To access the rental request
system, please click here. Approval of rental requests will depend upon availability of the requested facilities and whether the
proposed use could interfere with District operations, instructional programming, and availability of custodial and supervision staff.
District #205 sponsored meetings, clubs, sports, and activities take priority over any external requests.

Fee Categories:
Rental fees are tiered by the type of group or entity requesting the rental. Rental fee tier definitions are listed below.

Category 1 District Groups: District employees and official student groups/clubs/activities/sports as defined by the GEA
collective bargaining agreement and administration who are using facilities for District sanctioned and approved activities.

Category 2 Outside Entities with Mutual Facilities Agreement and Approved District Feeder Programs: Outside entities
with an Intergovernmental Agreement approved by the Board of Education. Approved District Feeder Programs are JFL,
Future Streaks, Junior Streaks Baseball/Softball, Football Club Galesburg, and Knox County Krushers.

Category 3 Not-for-Profit Student Groups: Not-for-Profit groups with a valid Illinois Department of Revenue tax exemption
identification number and certificate. To qualify for this rate, the student group/activity must provide a complete participant
roster where 75% or more of the students participating are currently enrolled District #205 students.

Category 4 Not-for-Profit Groups: Not-for-Profit groups with a valid Illinois Department of Revenue tax exemption
identification number and certificate.

Category 5 Community Groups and Businesses: Community groups, organizations, and businesses that do not meet the
criteria listed in Categories 1-4.

Fee Rate and Description:

Facility Hourly Rates: Please click here for facility rates.

Custodial Fee: $43.00 per hour

Custodial fees are labor costs to hire a custodian to assist with Renter access, setup, tear down,
and cleaning. Renters will be charged from 1 hour prior to the rental and 1 hour after the rental.
For Category 1 renters, no fees apply. For Categories 2-4, custodial fees will not be charged during
the event if the event falls during normal custodial working hours. The 2 hour fee described in
sentence number one applies to Categories 2-5.

Supervision Fee: $30.00 per hour
Supervision fees are the labor costs to hire a District employee to oversee the Renter’s use of
District facilities, equipment, and ensure the safety/security of all parties and facilities . All
Category 3-5 groups, a supervision fee will be charged.

Technology Fee: $25.00 per hour

Technology fees are labor costs to hire a District employee to run lighting and sound systems in
auditoriums, gymnasiums, and outdoor facilities.

Scoreboard Operator: $20 per hour

Other Fees: TBD-Quote Provided

Other fees may apply in situations where a large amount of waste disposal charges will be
incurred, when the assistance of Maintenance is required, security personnel labor costs, or
other non-traditional services are requested.

Security Deposit: 50% of Rental Fees

Deposit is non-refundable if the reservation is canceled less than 7 days before the rental.

Rental Discount: Rentals for 4 or more hours on the same date will receive a 25% discount on the space rental.

Renter Responsibilities:
The Renter is responsible for arranging and paying for police, fire, ambulance, or AED services needed for an event. The District
policy requires the presence of a trained AED (automated external defibrillator) unit and trained operator at any athletic type event
held on District property, including indoor gyms and outdoor fields.

Terms & Conditions:

Renters are required to accept the District's rental terms and conditions, hereinafter listed.

Renters of District facilities shall fall into one of six categories as denoted above.
District facilities are only rented to Renters in these categories, and are not rented to other private individuals. District facilities cannot be rented
for family social events or other similar private functions.
Requests for facility rental must be filed with the Rental Contact and cleared with the building principal or head administrator. The Athletic
Director must clear requests for use of any indoor or outdoor athletic facilities.
Any Renter applying for use of District facilities shall complete the necessary forms required by the District which must be signed by an
individual who has the authority to legally bind the Renter.
All applications for the use of District facilities will be acted upon in order of their filing.
A 50% security deposit must be sent to 940 W. Fremont St. Galesburg IL, 61401 for Category 3 and 4 Renters, and at the discretion of the
District, a security deposit may be required from any other Renters as well.
A Certificate of Insurance with CUSD #205 and its Board named as additional insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence,
$2,000,000 aggregate must be attached to the Facilities Rental Agreement from Renters in Rental Categories 2-5.
The Principal and/or Superintendent or his/her designee reserves the right to determine the suitability of requested facilities for the type of
activity planned.
Payment for any needed adjustments and/or enhancements to the facility to be rented is the responsibility of the Renter and must receive prior
approval from the Director of Buildings and Grounds and District Office Administration
Approved qualified licensed personnel must be used for any adjustments/enhancements, with the facility returned at the end of the rental period
to the condition in which it was found at the beginning.
The scope of adjustments/enhancements requested may be a reason for rental denial.
Proper supervision shall be provided at the expense of the Renter. If necessary, police and fire supervision may be required. An individual
trained in the proper use of automated external defibrillators (AED’s) may also be required to be present, along with a functioning AED. The
Superintendent or his/her designee, shall determine the number of supervisory, security and/or AED-trained personnel that are required by

District policy to be present at the Renter's event. It is the responsibility of the Renter to arrange and pay for these personnel.
Renters and their participants and attendees will be restricted to the area rented and access corridors in the immediate vicinity. Restroom
facilities in or adjacent to the space rented will be available for use. Rental DOES NOT INCLUDE use of the District and/or school name for
advertising purposes nor the use of District billboards and/or signage for advertisement.
No Renter shall sublet, bring in another party, or reassign the facility rented without District approval. Unauthorized use of District property is
prohibited and rental will be terminated.
The following is prohibited on school property owned, leased or contracted for and utilized in any manner by the Board of Education: 1) Use of
tobacco in any form including, but not limited to cigars, cigarettes, pipes and chewing tobacco. 2) Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic
beverages, any non-prescription drug, or chemicals. No person under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs or chemicals will be permitted in
the building. These prohibitions apply equally to Renters and participants and attendees at their events.
Any decorations must have prior approval of an administrator and be erected in a manner that will not be destructive to school property. The
renter must remove decorations prior to the beginning of the next school day.
Auditoriums, gymnasiums, and other rooms per schedule may be used by the general public only under the direct supervision of District
personnel. The cost of employing District personnel for such supervision, including overtime, shall be added to the rental cost at the flat rate of
$30 per hour and be paid to the District by the Renter.
Payments directly to staff or students by the Renter are strictly forbidden.
Typically high use facilities are not available for rental (i.e. Gyms at Galesburg Jr/Sr High School and Lombard)
Any violation of this Agreement, non-payment of rental fees, or refusal to pay damage costs will result in the responsible persons or
organizations being made ineligible for further rental of District facilities.
At the end of the rental period, it is the responsibility of the Renter to leave facilities in the same condition of sanitation, cleanliness and upkeep
as they were in at the start of said period. The District reserves the right to employ its own custodians and/ or groundskeepers to ensure this
condition is met, and to charge the Renter for the cost of their employment, including overtime.
If the rental period is outside the normal hours of operation of the facility rented, during which a custodian would be on duty to oversee the
security of the facility and allow ingress and egress to approved individuals, then the Renter shall be responsible for the District’s cost to employ
a custodian, including overtime, to perform such duties.then the Renter shall be responsible for the District’s cost to employ a custodian,
including overtime, to perform such duties.

Category 1 Categories 2 & 3 Category 4 Category 5
Non-Profit Community
Groups (Per Groups (Per
Facility/Location District Group Mutual Facility Use Agreement & Non Profit Outside Groups Hour Rates) Hour Rates)
Art Fish Courts $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Dance Room $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
East Field $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Fieldhouse-Skybox (Cardio Room) $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Old Van Dyke Field $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Wicall Gym Court 1 $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $100 $200
Wicall Gym Court 2 $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $100 $200
Galesburg Jr/Sr High School - Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Galesburg Jr/Sr High School - Conference Room $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Common Grounds $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $15 $30
GHS Courtyard $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Hegg Performing Arts Center $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $150 $300
Library/CSI $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Life Skills Commons/Kitchen $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Little Theater $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $75 $150
Main Commons $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $100 $200
New Band Room $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Galesburg Jr/Sr High School - Staff Lounge $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Galesburg Jr/Sr High School - Upper Commons $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
GAVC Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
King Elementary School - Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
King Elementary School - Library $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
King Elementary School - Lobby $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
King Elementary School - Multipurpose Room (Cafeteria) $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
King Elementary School - New Gym $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
King Elementary School - Staff Lounge $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Lombard Middle School - Band Room $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Lombard Middle School - Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Lombard Middle School - Commons $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Lombard Middle School - Concession Stand $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Lombard Middle School - Courtyard Patio $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Lombard Middle School - Jack Larson Auditorium $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $75 $150
Lombard Middle School - Large Gym (West) & Locker Rooms $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $75 $150
Lombard Middle School - Library $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Lombard Middle School - Small Gym (East) & Locker Rooms $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Lombard Middle School - Staff Lounge $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $50 $100
Silas Willard Elementary School - Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Silas Willard Elementary School - Gym $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
Silas Willard Elementary School - Library $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Silas Willard Elementary School - Lobby $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Silas Willard Elementary School - Multipurpose Room (Cafeteria) $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
Silas Willard Elementary School - Staff Lounge $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Steele Elementary School - Classroom $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Steele Elementary School - Gym $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
Steele Elementary School - Library $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Steele Elementary School - Lobby $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50
Steele Elementary School - Multipurpose Room (Cafeteria) $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $30 $60
Steele Elementary School - Staff Lounge $0 $500 Annual Fee + Applicable Custodial and Supervisor Fee $25 $50

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