Simultaneous Identification of Nine Carcinogenic D
Simultaneous Identification of Nine Carcinogenic D
Simultaneous Identification of Nine Carcinogenic D
18 2,926
3 authors, including:
Cheng Sun
Nanjing University
All content following this page was uploaded by Cheng Sun on 09 May 2017.
A method has been established by using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS/MS) for
simultaneous separation and identification of nine carcinogenic dyes (Acid Red 26, Direct Blue 6, Direct Black 38, Direct Red 28, Basic
Red 9, Basic Violet 14, Disperse Blue 1, Disperse Orange 11 and Disperse Yellow 3) prohibited in textile materials under EU 2002/371/
EC decision. Three selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions and negative/positive ion switching mode in one single analysis was
applied to differentiate between the dyes of different classes. A lower limit of detection was achieved at 0.025–0.25 mg kg–1 of positive ESI
dyes and 0.005–0.025 mg kg–1 of negative ESI dyes. The accurate and sensitive identification of the nine dissimilar analytes was achieved
by combining the characterized ions and retention time of the standards, for example, the characterized ions of [M – xNa]x–, [M – Cl]+ and
[M + H]+, respectively were detected for the the sulfonated (acid and direct), basic and disperse dyes. The chromophore groups of azo,
triphenylmethane and anthraquinone in precursor ions were found to have fragmented in SRM mode. These results demonstrated a
sensitive, accurate and rapid identification.
Keywords: carcinogenic dyes, simultaneous identification, liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, textiles
Synthetic dyes are widely used as coloring agents in commonly the use of nine carcinogenic dyes in eco-labeled textiles three
used textile products, for example, clothes, bedding and deco- years later. The prohibited carcinogenic dyes are Direct Black
rating materials. However, some dyes are toxic, mutagenic 38 (DB38), Direct Blue 6 (DB6), Direct Red 28 (DR28), Acid Red
and carcinogenic to life,1 and will transfer from the textile 26 (AR26), Basic Red 9 (BR9), Basic Violet 14 (BV14), Disperse
to the skin of one who comes into contact with it. Therefore, Blue 1 (DB1), Disperse Orange 11 (DO11) and Disperse Yellow
the safety of the textile dyes has become a great concern in 3 (DY3), as shown in Figure 1. The International Association
the world. The European Communities issued the Directive for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology also
1999/43/EC2 to prohibit the marketing and use of the carcino- proclaimed that textile products would not be awarded with the
genic dyes in 1999 and the Decision 2002/371/EC3 to restrict ecological label of Oeko-Tex if they contained one or more of
Direct Black 38
NaO 3S
NH 2 C.I. 30 235
M.W. 781.73
N aO 3 S SO 3 N a N aO 3 S SO 3 N a Direct Blue 6
CAS NO.:2602-46-2
N =N N =N
C.I. 22 610
M.W. 934.76
SO 3 N a SO 3 N a Direct Red 28
CAS NO.:573-58-0
N =N N =N C.I. 22 120
NH2 NH2 M.W. 696.67
Disperse Blue 1
CH 3 OH SO 3Na Acid Red 26 NH2 O NH2
CAS NO.:2475-45-8
CH 3 N=N C.I. 64 500
M.W. 268.27
C.I. 16 150
M.W. 480.42 NH2
SO 3Na
O NH 2 Disperse Orange 11
Disperse Yellow 3
CH 3 CAS NO.:82-28-0
CAS NO.:2832-40-8
N=N NH C CH3 C.I. 60 700
C.I. 11 855
M.W. 237.26
OH M.W. 269.30 O
NH2 Basic Violet 14
Basic Red 9 CH3
CAS NO.:632-99-5
CAS NO.:569-61-9
C.I. 42 510
C.I. 42 500
M.W. 337.85
M.W. 323.83 H2N C NH2 Cl
H2N C NH2 Cl CG:
Figure 1. The name, chemical structure, CAS registered number, Color Index, Molecular Weight (MW) and Chromophore Group(CG)of
the nine prohibited carcinogenic dyes.
the nine carcinogenic dyes.4 Thus, development of a universal detector which offers accurate masses of precursors and
analytical technique which is able to accurately identify the fragments.9 Combing the high performance separation and
nine dyes in textiles is of great importance. unambiguous mass identification, liquid chromatography/
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was historically applied tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has been applied to
for the analysis of dyes.5 However, it is relatively insensitive the detection of sulfonated10 azo11 and anthraquinone12 and
and lacks reproducibility. These limitations are significantly triphenylmethane13 dyes in food and environment in recent
alleviated by application of high-performance liquid chroma- years. Furthermore, the compounds, as shown in Figure1,
tography (HPLC). The use of HPLC for the analysis of textile include four anionic sulfonated (three direct and one acid) dyes,
dyes was introduced in the 1980s6,7 and gained rapid develop- two cationic basic dyes and three non-ionic disperse dyes,
8 of 15
ment thereafter. It is reported that HPLC, coupled with diode differing greatly in molecular structure, chemical behavior
array detector (DAD), had been used to detect the nine carci- and dyeing application. Also, the dyes can be distinguished by
nogenic dyes.8 However, it is not sufficient for their structural their special chromophore groups: AR26, DR28, DB6, DB38
identification by spectrophotometry because of much spectral and DY3 are azo dyes, BR9 and BV14 are triphenylmethanes,
interference arising from intermediates, homologs and auxil- and DB1 and DO11 are anthraquinones. However, to the best
iary agents of dyes. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful of our knowledge, there was no report about the simultaneous
Y. Ding, C. Sun and X. Xu, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 15, 705–713 (2009) 707
detection of the nine compounds of interest by LC/MS/MS. The and 3.2 L min–1 for the entire period. The capillary temperature
current LC/MS/MS methods for analysis of dyes mainly focus was set at 350°C. Three SRM transitions were monitored for
on one class of dye, and simultaneous detection of different the identification of each analyte. The transitions and their
classes of dye has proved to be difficult and seldom available. corresponding collision voltages were reported in Table 1. The
The objective of this work was to develop a confirmatory inter-channel delay was 5 ms and the dwell time was set to
method for simultaneous identification of three different 0.2 s.
(anionic, cationic and non-ionic) classes of a total nine carcino-
genic textile dyes. The successful separation and identification Sample preparation
of nine dyes in textiles was achieved by LC/MS/MS interfaced The sample was cut into small pieces (below 1 cm × 1 cm), of
with negative/positive ion-switching electrospray ionization which 0.5 g was weighed into a glass tube. Ten mL of methanol
(ESI) in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode which was was added into the tube, which was then sealed and placed
applied to perform a single run analysis. MS parameters were into a (70 ± 2)°C water bath (AquaWave Ultrasonic Cleaner
optimized and particular attention was paid to the ESI ioniza- Elma, Stuttgart, Germany) for sonication. The bath released
tion behavior and the selected MS/MS fragmentation behavior ultrasonic energy at 40 kHz and 420 W for 30 min. A portion
of dyes. of the centrifuged extract (0.5 mL) was mixed with 1.5 mL
water and analyzed by LC/MS/MS after filtration by using
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane.
m/z 105
m/z 315
it was different from those in previous works in which the of nitrogen atoms. In this study, in ESI mode, AR26, DR28
typical ionization ions of a sodium sulphonated compound and DB1 containing an even number of nitrogen atoms were
was sulphonate-deducted molecules of [M – SO 3 – Na] –, 10 ionized to yield precursor ions with odd MW; however, DB38,
[M-SO2-Na]– or [M – SO3 + Na]+.14 The charges of ions can be BR9, BV14, DO11 and DY3 containing odd numbers of nitrogen
determined from the mass difference of the isotopic ions atoms were ionized to yield precursor ions with even MW, all
determined by higher resolution scans with narrower scan of which followed the rule.
width. For example, the tetra-charged m/z 210 can distinguish
isotopes with four-charges difference as Dm/z = 0.25. ESI/MS/MS spectra
For chlorinated dyes, BR9 and BV14 were observed with ESI/MS/MS spectra of the nine dyes (Figure 3) were obtained
characteristic ions of [M – Cl]+, i.e. m/z 288 of BR9 and m/z by further conducting collision-induced dissociation of the
302 of BV14. For non-ionic compounds, the three disperse selected precursor ions. When interpreting the spectra, it was
dyes were observed with protonated-molecules of [M + H]+ for interesting to find the relationship between the fragmenta-
each attaching a donated proton, i.e. m/z 269 of DB1, m/z 238 tion behavior and the presence of an individual chromophore
of DO11 and m/z 270 of DY3. In ESI/MS spectra, the negative group. Three typical examples were illustrated in Figures 4(a),
precursor ions of DB6, DB38 and DR28 had lower response (b) and (c) to explain the monitored transitions, resulting from
than the other positive ones, probably resulting from more the cleavage of chromophore groups of azo, anthraquinone
negative charges carried that were not easily nebulized nor and triphenylmethane, respectively.
transferred through the capillary.15 The azo form, subjected to a hydrazo-azo tautomerization,
It should be mentioned that nitrogen atoms are included was likely to split at the C–N bond, while homolytic cleavage
in the molecules of all analytes, which provides us with a of the azo bond occurs in the hydrazo form 9 of the dyes.
reason for interpreting mass behavior using the so-called Figure 4(a) showed the fragmentation scheme for DR28, in
nitrogen rule. As it is known, the hard ionization technique which di-charged m/z 325 yielded two single-charge radical
of electron ionization (EI) generally produces odd-electron anions of m/z 416 and m/z 234 after the split of azo bond,
ions (OE•+) with unpaired electrons outside which are conven- while the former product ion yielded another radical anion
tionally regarded as molecular ions (M+). In contrast, the soft 7 of 14
of m/z 401 after the split of C–N bond. These radical anions
ionization technique of ESI produces even-electron ions (EE+/–) with unpaired electrons on the conjugated polyaromatic
with paired electrons. As an explanation of the nitrogen rule system are regarded as odd-electron ions (OE•–) and follow
for EE+/–,16 odd molecular weight (MW) means even number the so-called nitrogen rule, as another explanation, that odd
Y. Ding, C. Sun and X. Xu, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 15, 705–713 (2009) 709
Figure 3. Product-ion spectrum of: (a) direct blue6; (b) acid red26; (c) direct red28; (d) direct black38; (e) disperse blue1; (f) basic red9;
(g) basic violet14; (h) disperse yellow3 and (i) disperse orange11.
MW automatically means odd number of nitrogen atoms in dye.13 For BR9, shown in Figure 4(c), EE+ m/z 288 yielded OE•+
the structure.16 m/z 272 with neutral loss of amino radical (OE•0 16 Da), and
In anthraquinone dye, hydrogen rearrangement takes place concurrently yielded EE+ m/z 195 with neutral loss of anline
because of the electron-donating amino group in 1-position on (EE0 93 Da). EE+ m/z 195 had a further cleavage to yield EE+ m/z
the ring system.17 Besides, the typical i cleavage takes place 168 with neutral loss of hydrogen cyanide (EE0 27 Da).
near carbonyl in the center ring, which is induced by the positive Although MS and MS/MS in general are destructive, func-
charge and involves two-electron transference, as in the case of tional groups have been proven to have active effects on the
DB1 shown in Figure 4(b), that EE+ m/z 269 yielded EE+ m/z 107. fragmentation of analytes.10,12,14 From the discussion above in
An EE+ is preferentially split to yield another EE+ and neutral this study, the chromophore groups of the dyes were fractured
molecule EE0.16 For example, EE+ m/z 269 yielded EE+ m/z 241 under SRM. Besides, an EE+ of the dye was found with two
with a neutral loss of carbon monoxide (EE0 28 Da). M. Holcapek potential fragmentation pathways to produce product ions as:
had found this neutral loss of shortening of an aromatic ring by another EE+ after loss of a neutral molecule EE0 and an OE•+
one carbon atom for anthraquinone dyes.14 However, Karni and after loss of a neutral radical OE•0. Moreover, both EE+ and OE•+
Mandelbaum argued that EE+ dissociation could yield OE•+ and followed their corresponding nitrogen rules with the reversed
OE•0 (odd-electron radicals).18 In this way, EE+ m/z 269 yielded explanation on MW and number of nitrogen atoms.
OE•+ m/z 253 with the loss of an amino radical (OE•0 16 Da).
The triphenylmethane group is a conjugated and coplanar Liquid-column separation
delocalized system. It was deemed that the positive charge Reversed-phase was utilized as the separation mode because
was added not on one atom but on the whole system of the of its excellent performance for separating dyes in previous
Figure 4
8 of 13
710 Simultaneous Identification of Nine Dyes from Textiles
SO 3
SO 3
- a reversed-phase column.9,11 Some volatile ion-pair reagents
such as tetrabutylammonium acetate and dihexylammonium
N =N N =N
acetate were tried in this study. It was disappointing that these
N H2
cationic reagents competitively interfered with the cationic
N H2
m/z(6 5 0 /2 = 3 2 5 )
and non-ionic dyes in ionization, although chromatographic
S O 3- S O 3- retention of the anionic dyes was improved. Experiments
showed that a gradient mobile phase with 5 mM ammonium
acetate being used as the buffer solution, and acetonitrile
SO 3
- NH m/z (6 5 0 /2 = 3 2 5 ) H
NH being used as elution solvent could successfully elute all the
S O 3-
investigated dyes from the stationary phase in sequence of
N =N NH N anionic, cationic and non-ionic dyes according to their polarity
N H2
from strong to weak, with good reproducibility of retention
N H m/z2 3 4
S O 3- m/z 4 1 6
times. However, the anionic sulfonated dyes could not be
eluted from a C18 column when methanol was used as the
N =N eluent, instead of acetonitrile. The reason may be attributed to
N H2 the fact that acetonitrile, in comparison with methanol, shows
m/z 4 0 1
(b) more basic characteristic and is more suitable for the elution
of compounds with sulfonate functionality.
The total ion chromatogram was deconvoluted by different
transitions to obtain the analyte peak in Figure 5. The chro-
matogram could be divided into two segments, where the
first included four anionic dyes and the second included two
cationic and three disperse ones. After LC separation, the
mass spectrometer detected the effluents in two segments
and changed the ESI mode from negative to positive at tR
5.65 min. Thus, the anionic, cationic and non-ionic dyes of
interest could be detected by a single instrumental method
and the analytical efficiency of multi-residue identification was
greatly improved.
Y. Ding, C. Sun and X. Xu, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 15, 705–713 (2009) 711
Figure 5
Figure 5. LC-ESI-MS/MS chromatograms of the standard solutions of the nine dyes with selective reaction monitoring mode in (a)
negative ionization mode and (b) positive ionization mode.
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Table 1. LC-ESI-MS/MS detection parameters and analytical data for the nine dyes.
No. Analyte Detection Precursor ion Product ion Collision tR Linearity MDL
Mode (m/z) (m/z) energy (min) g (mg kg–1)
(Charge state) (Relative intensity, %) (eV)
1 Direct blue 6 ESI– 210 [M – 4Na] 4– 158(40), 236(5), 248(100) 12, 10, 18 4.63 ± 0.08 0.9979 0.25
2 Acid red 26 ESI– 217 [M – 2Na] 2–
137(100), 142(25), 208(15) 21, 33, 14 4.98 ± 0.01 0.9993 0.025
3 Direct red 28 ESI– 325 [M – 2Na]2– 234(40), 401(20), 416(100) 18, 23, 20 5.18 ± 0.05 0.9991 0.05
4 Direct black 38 ESI– 368 [M – 2Na] 2–
164(100), 644(60), 322(15) 18, 30, 20 5.39 ± 0.02 0.9998 0.2
5 Disperse blue 1 ESI+ 269 [M + H]+ 107(20), 241(100), 253(95) 27, 27, 29 5.90 ± 0.02 0.9982 0.1
6 Basic red 9 ESI+ 288 [M – Cl] +
168(15),195(100), 272(5) 34, 29, 29 6.41 ± 0.07 0.9978 0.005
7 Basic violet 14 ESI+ 302 [M – Cl]+ 195(55), 209(100), 287(10) 34, 30, 22 6.62 ± 0.06 0.9994 0.005
8 Disperse yellow 3 ESI+ 270 [M + H] +
107(55), 122(30), 150(100) 30, 16, 21 6.92 ± 0.01 0.9999 0.025
9 Disperse orange 11 ESI+ 238 [M + H] +
105(15), 165(100), 223(65) 24, 32, 20 7.07 ± 0.01 0.9996 0.025
(e)disperse blue1; (f)basic red9; (g)basic violet14; (h)disperse yellow3 and (i)disperse orange11
Figure 4 Scheme of the proposed fragmentation pattern of: (a) DR28, (b) DB1 and (c) BR9.
Figure 5. LC-ESI-MS/MS chromatograms of the standard solutions of the nine dyes with selective reaction
712 mode in (a) negative ionization mode and (b) positive ionization mode
Simultaneous Identification of Nine Dyes from Textiles
Figure 6 (a) Re-constructed ion chromatograms and (b) selected ion monitoring spectra of reference
RT:5.40 RT:6.63
Disperse Yellow
Direct Black Basic Violet 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t / min
t / min t / min
209.0 107.0
Direct Black Basic Violet 14 Disperse Yellow
287.0 122.0
150 200 250 300 350 100 150 200 250 300
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
m/z m/z m/z
Figure 6. (a) Re-constructed ion chromatograms and (b) selected ion monitoring spectra of reference samples.
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