Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Energy Conversion and Management: Sciencedirect
Keywords: Although piezoelectric power generation for pavements is technically feasible, harvesting energy in a stable and
Energy-harvesting efficient manner still presents several challenges. This paper designs and assesses stacked piezoelectric energy-
Piezoelectric harvesting power generation devices for pavements, in which energy output and road coupling are considered.
Power generation device Following corresponding technical specifications, the dimensions of the proposed power generation device are
Stacked units
determined, and the unit is assembled for subsequent testing in terms of its electrical energy outputs. The energy
Electrical output
outputs are analyzed in various series and parallel configurations of the units, different loads, and frequency
Pavement engineering
conditions. Results indicate that power generation device with the dimension of 100 mm × 100 mm achieves
optimal power generation outputs. The electrical output is positively correlated to the number of parallel pie-
zoelectric energy-harvesting units, the magnitude of load, and the frequency of traffic action. The maximum
output at the 0.2 MPa load magnitude and 10 Hz load frequency is 0.88 mW, and the corresponding optimum
load is 20 kΩ. The maximum output at the 0.7 MPa and 15 Hz load level can reach up to 11.67 mW, and the
corresponding optimum load is 10 kΩ. Subsequently, Mechanical Testing and Simulation (MTS) is performed
with 40,000 load cycles, and the overall deformation of the power generation device is minimal and the elec-
trical outputs of the piezoelectric energy-harvesting units remain stable. Finally, future research plan is dis-
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Wang).
Received 21 November 2017; Received in revised form 2 February 2018; Accepted 9 February 2018
Available online 23 February 2018
0196-8904/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
ensure. Therefore, studies should explore the research and development output is not ideal. Moreover, most studies conducted preliminary ex-
of piezoelectric materials, the method of polarization and optimization plorations with software simulations or simple indoor tests on plants.
of the preparation process, and the improvements of road performance Hence, substantive research into integrated power generation devices
to improve the comprehensive application performance of road piezo- for improving energy output is still limited.
electric composites. In summary, many countries have studied different types of piezo-
In power pavements based on embedded piezoelectric energy-har- electric power pavement technologies from different levels and dif-
vesting units, the power pavement is embedded with piezoelectric en- ferent angles. The mainstream ideas are biased toward integrated
ergy-harvesting units for energy conversion. Compared with the tech- power generation devices based on piezoelectric energy-harvesting
nology of power pavements based on the integration of piezoelectric units. However, the design and implementation methods of the devices
materials and pavement materials, power pavements embedded with disclosed in existing studies are few, and the research and development
piezoelectric energy-harvesting units exhibit high energy output level, of high-efficiency power generation devices for pavements based on
strong controllability, and relatively simple implementation. Hence, the piezoelectric energy-harvesting units is still in the initial stage.
latter type is likely to realize pavement piezoelectric power generation To realize the application of piezoelectric power generation pave-
in the future. At present, many countries have carried out relevant re- ments, we design a power generation device for pavements that in-
search. Zhao and Najini et al. [10,11] used finite element software to tegrates energy output and road coupling. The structure and size of the
compare the energy output efficiency of multi-layer cantilevers and power generation device are optimized based on traffic load char-
cymbals in the road environment and concluded that the energy output acteristics. The complete production and assembly process are estab-
of a multi-layer transducer is relatively superior. Xiang et al. [12] stu- lished. The energy output of the piezoelectric power generation device
died the theoretical parameters of piezoelectric energy-harvesting units is studied comprehensively by means of a test platform. Then, the en-
embedded in pavement and found that driving speed, basic conditions, ergy output status of different power generation devices is analyzed in
and system damping exert a significant effect on the output voltage and different series and parallel configurations, different loads, and dif-
output power of piezoelectric energy-harvesting units. Kim et al. [13] ferent frequency conditions. Finally, the working durability of the
found that load case, loading frequency, and layers of energy-har- proposed power generation device is evaluated.
vesting units are the key points to increase output voltage. Moure et al.
[14] optimized the structure parameters of cymbal harvesters through a 2. Design of piezoelectric power generation device for pavements
laboratory test and found that a single cymbal harvester can collect up
to 16 µW power under a single driving load. The technology of power A piezoelectric power generation device is essentially a carrier de-
pavements based on embedded piezoelectric energy-harvesting units is vice integrated with piezoelectric harvesting units. the energy output of
clearly still in the exploratory stage. Although the technology has the device is directly affected by the power generation performance of
prospective application in energy acquisition, problems such as the the piezoelectric energy-harvesting units, and the device must be laid in
imperfect optimization of the matching of piezoelectric energy-har- the pavement structure to create a piezoelectric effect under driving
vesting units and road traffic environment and the non-ideal energy load rolling. Therefore, based on power generation theory of energy-
output require immediate solutions. harvesting units, the structure of the proposed device is designed based
Given the limited energy output of a single energy-harvesting unit, a on electro-mechanical conversion principles of the energy-harvesting
substantial number of piezoelectric elements must be paved in a pa- units and the structural characteristics of roads. The size of proposed
vement structure in a specific array for the pavement to achieve a device is optimized for driving load characteristics on pavements.
substantial piezoelectric energy output. If piezoelectric energy-har-
vesting units were buried one by one, construction operations will be- 2.1. Power generation theory of energy-harvesting units
come complex, power generation performance will weaken, and
structural damage problems will arise. Therefore, the development of a Since piezoelectric energy-harvesting units are consisted of energy
power generation device that is based on integrated piezoelectric en- conversion components of power generation devices, the type of pie-
ergy-harvesting units will serve as the mainstream technology for the zoelectric material has a significant impact on energy conversion effi-
future realization of piezoelectric power pavements. The Innowattech ciency. Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducer (PZT) is the most widely used
Company of Israel [15,16] pioneered the application of piezoelectric material for energy-harvesting units, and its power - electric conversion
technology in power pavement systems and implanted a large number modes are mainly d31 (the direction of electric field is perpendicular to
of piezoelectric crystals in ordinary asphalt pavements; for 1 km of the direction of axial stress) and d33 (the direction of the electric field
road, about 100–200 kW·h of electricity can be produced, but so far, and the direction of the stress are the same). Cook-Chennault et al. [4]
this application has not been widely promoted. The University of Texas found that the piezoelectric coefficient d33 of PZT is much larger than
in the United States [17] developed a power generation device com- d31, indicating that d33 mode has higher energy conversion efficiency.
prising three layers of PZT prism in a series connection. The output The third type of piezoelectric equations is used to analyze the power
power was measured to be 3.5 mW under a 10 Hz simulated driving generation performance of PZT. The piezoelectric equation with d33
load. Jiang [18,19] combined three stacked piezoelectric energy-har- mode is shown below [23].
vesting units and built a simple power generation device for analog D
S3 (t ) = s33 T3 (t ) + g t D3 (t ) (1)
testing; the results showed that the maximum output power is up to 85
mW with the matching load size of 350 kΩ. Roshani [20] carried out a T
E3 (t ) = −g33 T3 (t ) + β33 D3 (t ) (2)
uniaxial compression test on an assembled power generation device
with piezoelectric energy-harvesting units clamped by two pairs of where S is strain tensor, T is stress tensor, D is electric displacement
copper; the results indicated that the number and arrangement of pie- tensor, E is electric strength tensor, sD is open elastic compliance con-
zoelectric energy-harvesting units can cause changes in output power. stant matrix, βT is free dielectric isolation rate matrix, g is voltage
Wang [21,22] investigated the ways to achieve piezoelectric power constant matrix, gt is transposed matrix of g. If the PZT is subjected to
pavements and designed the basic structure of a piezoelectric power vertical load (F = Fmax sin(ωt ) ), then D3, T3, E3, S3 and F are sinusoidal
generation device; this work provides a reference for the research and functions of time t and have the same frequency.
application of piezoelectric power pavements. Nevertheless, many Stacked piezoelectric energy-harvesting unit is one of the d33 mode
problems still need to be addressed in the development of integrated piezoelectric structures, which can effectively improve the voltage
power generation devices. For example, the optimization of the output, and also enhance the energy conversion efficiency under low
matching of road traffic environment is not perfect, and the energy frequency state [24]. Therefore, stacked piezoelectric energy-
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
harvesting unit is more suitable for the road environment of high stress, when paving the asphalt pavement, we choose a carrier substrate with
low frequency vibration. The output voltage and power of the unit with high-temperature insulation function and large structural strength. The
parallel connection can be characterized by the following equation shell and bolt gap are treated for waterproofing and high temperature
[23]. stability given the complex construction and working environment in-
d33 Fm ωnhR volved in the practical application of power generation devices.
Uop =
T 2 2 2
h2 + ω2A2 (ε33 )nR (3) 2.3. Device dimension
2 2 2 2 2
d33 Fm ω n h R
Pop = T 2 2 2 The efficient use of load and the optimal output of piezoelectric
2[h2 + ω2A2 (ε33 )nR] (4)
energy can be achieved by matching the size and position of the power
The output voltage and power of the unit with series connection can generation device with road load characteristics. Therefore, considering
be characterized by the following equation. the lateral distribution characteristics of the wheel path, tire ground
d33 Fm ωnhR characteristics, and driving rolling conditions, we optimize the size of
Uos = the piezoelectric power generation device and establish an optimal
T 2 2
nh2 + ω2A2 (ε33 )R (5) design scheme of piezoelectric power generation device under different
2 2 2 2 2 traffic conditions.
d33 Fm ω n h R
Pos = T 2 2
2[n2h2 + ω2A2 (ε33 )R] (6) (1) Dimensional optimum design of power generation device based on
T the lateral distribution of wheel path
where d33 is the piezoelectric coefficient, ε33 is the dielectric constant,
Cp is the capacitance of the unit, h is the thickness of the unit, A is the
area of the unit, n is the number of units with series and parallel con- The distribution of vehicle wheel path has obvious agglomeration
nection, Fm is the frequency, R is the load resistance. because of the constraint guidance of traffic signs. According to statis-
The output power of the stacked piezoelectric energy-harvesting tics, about 27% of the width of the road bears nearly 60% of vehicle
unit with series and parallel connection is related not only to the d33, h, load [25]. Considering the engineering economy of piezoelectric power
A, and ε33 , but to the n, Fm, ω /2π, R. Therefore, the energy output effects pavement applications, we lay the power generation device in the range
of the devices will be tested with different series and parallel config- of the main track width. The initial limit of the transverse maximum
urations of the energy-harvesting units, different loads, and different size of a single piezoelectric power device should not exceed 500 mm.
frequency conditions.
(2) Dimensional optimum design of power generation device based on
2.2. Structural design tire grounding characteristics
The energy output efficiency of integrated piezoelectric power In contrast to the circular uniform load in the traditional pavement
generation devices is affected by road traffic characteristics in addition mechanics model, the tires of actual driving load tend to be rectangular
to the influence of piezoelectric energy units. Therefore, we compre- [26]. The lateral ground width of a tire is basically the same as the tread
hensively consider the electro-mechanical conversion of piezoelectric width of the tire, and the tread width of tires is 0.7–0.85 times the
energy-harvesting units and road structural characteristics and consider section width [27,28]. According to the model of the common types of
the following technical requirements of a piezoelectric power genera- car tires, the horizontal ground width of a car tire is calculated to be in
tion device. (1) The electro-mechanical conversion of a piezoelectric the range of 110–220 mm, and that of a truck tire is 130–260 mm. The
power unit should be facilitated. (2) The coupling of the device with longitudinal tire length increases as load increases, and it decreases as
road structure should be at a high level, and the device must show good tire pressure increases [28–30]. With increasing load under normal tire
durability. (3) The piezoelectric harvesting unit and its transmission pressure, the longitudinal tire grounding length of 205-type cars in-
lines should be effectively fixed and protected. (4) The construction and creases from 104 mm to 142 mm, with the tire grounding length being
maintenance of the device should be convenient, and the device itself 124 mm. The tire length of 11.00–20-type heavy vehicles is usually
must be reusable. Considering the technical requirements above, we between 200 and 300 mm. Given the use of most traffic loads, the
design a piezoelectric power generation device that is based on in- vertical size of a power generation device for urban application should
tegrated stacked piezoelectric harvesting units. The device is mainly be between 100 and 120 mm, and the size for heavy traffic conditions
composed of the rigid bearing shell, the connecting component, the should be less than or between 200 and 300 mm. However, the size of
energy-harvesting unit and its carrier substrate, and other components. the power generation device should enable it to afford most of the
The structure is shown in Fig. 1. traffic load. Thus, the size of the device should be at the lower limit.
Considering potential thermal depolarization of the harvesting unit In summary, the balance of all traffic loads can be ensured by setting
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the power generation device 3.2. Optimization of internal configurations
to 100 mm × 100 mm for an urban traffic environment. The installation
of units within the device, construction convenience, production costs, Different configurations of the components of the power generation
and other factors must be considered. The size of the device should be device can provide a different stress environment for the energy-har-
set to 100 mm × 100 mm and 150 mm × 150 mm for a heavy traffic vesting units. Thus, the energy output of the device is different. In this
environment. A 100 mm × 100 mm-type power generation device can regard, the electro-mechanical responses of the device under different
be used in both urban and heavy traffic environments. Therefore, the configurations must be analyzed to determine the optimal configuration
100 mm × 100 mm-type power generation device is used for the pro- of the components of the device. The electro-mechanical responses of
duction and performance research. different power generation devices are tested under different cover
plates, different connecting components, and different specifications of
3. Fabrication and optimization of the device the energy-harvesting units. The results should provide a reference for
the optimization of the internal configuration of the device. To facilitate
The effective application of the electro-mechanical conversion per- the recording of observations, we arrange four energy-harvesting units
formance of a power generation device needs to be based on the precise in the 100 mm × 100 mm-type device in a numbered Z shape. We de-
coordination of the components. According to the functional require- note the units as #1, #2, #3, and #4.
ments and material characteristics of different structural components,
the corresponding process is used to achieve standardized processing, 3.2.1. Different top plates
and the assembly method is optimized. The steel plate and hard aluminum alloy plate can meet the re-
quirements of the power generation device in terms of the stiffness and
3.1. Device fabrication process flatness of the top plate. The steel plate with the same thickness as the
aluminum alloy plate is more resistant to load deformation than the
The device fabrication process can be divided into three steps: shell latter. Hence, it is more conducive to the uniform transmission of loads.
preparation, fabrication of connecting components and substrate, and However, the quality of the steel plate is almost three times that of
device assembly, etc. aluminum. Hence, the pre-pressure of the energy-harvesting units in-
creases, and their electro-mechanical responses are retained. Therefore,
3.1.1. Shell preparation to clarify the influence of different plate types on the electro-mechan-
The shell structure of the power generation device includes a top ical responses of the device, we test the responses of the device with
plate, bottom plate, and sidewall. The top plate and bottom plate are different plate types are with a rutting instrument (Fig. 4). The test
hard materials that can be processed quickly and exhibit high rigidity, results are shown in Table 1. The eight-layer energy-harvesting units
high strength, high flatness, and good durability. The technical re- are used to test the energy output effect of the device.
quirements of the sidewall material are relatively low and should be the The electro-mechanical responses of the device with a steel plate
same as those of the materials of the top plate and bottom plate. The and aluminum plate are at almost the same level. The difference be-
shell preparation process of the device is shown in Fig. 2. tween the output voltages of the same energy-harvesting unit using
different plates is extremely small. The maximum difference in voltage
3.1.2. Fabrication of connecting components and substrate is only 0.4 V, which can be ignored in comparison with the output
The connecting components are located between the top plate and voltage (Table 1). Therefore, a steel plate and aluminum plate of the
the energy-harvesting unit. These components show good rigidity, same thickness have the same effect on the electro-mechanical re-
strength, and fatigue resistance. The steel material is selected with the sponses of the device. However, the aluminum plate is more suitable for
same diameter as the energy-harvesting unit and then processed into realizing the weight reduction of the device. Hence, the aluminum plate
equally tall columns to uniformly adjust the height by the Computer is used as the top plate of the power generation device.
Number Control (CNC). At the same time, the output voltages of the energy-harvesting units
The fiber insulation board has the function of heat insulation. The are uneven, and the output voltages of the #2 and #3 units are rela-
pile-type limit hole of the energy-harvesting unit is used to facilitate the tively low. This condition may be attributed to the degree of error be-
assembly of the energy-harvesting unit, and the diameter is 30.2 mm. tween the power generation devices after assembly or to the gap be-
The substrate is leveled by CNC so that the height of the hole is the tween the electro-mechanical characteristics of the units themselves.
3.2.2. Different connecting components
3.1.3. Device assembly With its energy transfer function, the energy-harvesting unit must
The height of the energy-harvesting units and the connecting com- transfer the traffic load with the top plate of the device. The trans-
ponents are calibrated for the second time during the assembly of the mission characteristics of the intermediate connecting components play
power generation device to reduce the possible error at the 0.01 mm a key role in load transmission. The other parts of the device are kept
level between the energy-harvesting units and the connecting compo- unchanged. The electro-mechanical responses of the device are mea-
nents. The assembly process of the device is shown in Fig. 3. sured with ball-type and truncated cone-type connecting components.
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
Fig. 5. No-load voltage of the energy-harvesting unit with different connecting compo-
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C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
Fig. 10. Relationship between output voltage and load resistance of energy-harvesting Fig. 11. Relationship between output power and load resistance of energy-harvesting
units with different parallel connections under 0.7 MPa–10 Hz. units with 0.7 MPa–10 Hz.
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
4.4. Power generation performance with different loads output power of the four energy-harvesting units in parallel is 8.19 mW.
Thus, we can deduce that the power output of the energy-harvesting
When the device is applied to the power generation pavement, the units in parallel is considerable. This result shows that the power
traffic load varies, and the load characteristics of its output energy generation device can be potentially applied to urban traffic sections.
acquisition and storage circuit are different. To facilitate the research Further analysis shows that the output power of the energy-harvesting
on the energy output effect of the device and the design of the latter units in parallel is about four times greater than that of a single energy-
energy acquisition circuit, we must clarify the voltage output effect and harvesting unit.
power variation law with different load sizes and load resistance con- At the same time, the output power increases gradually with the
ditions. increase of load resistance, and the maximum power output is obtained
at a resistance value. Then, the output power decreases gradually with
4.4.1. Output voltage the increase of the load resistance. The whole change process verifies
When the output voltage is tested, the different resistances are the existence of an optimum load resistance to maximize the power
connected to the output end of each energy-harvesting unit, and the output of energy-harvesting units. Therefore, energy-harvesting units
oscilloscope is connected in parallel to both ends of the resistor. The should work at the optimal load in actual applications to obtain a re-
output voltage of the device is tested with different load conditions at latively good power output. In contrast to the illustration in Fig. 13(a)
the loading frequency of 10 Hz (Fig. 12). and (b), the optimum load for a single energy-harvesting unit is about
As shown in Fig. 12, the output voltage of the energy-harvesting 120 kΩ while the optimum load for the four energy-harvesting units in
units increases with the increase of the load resistance with different parallel is approximately 20 kΩ. Therefore, the parallel mode of the
loads. In the early stage, the amplitude is obvious. It later becomes energy-harvesting units can obviously reduce the best matching re-
relatively gentle and finally tends to be stable and infinitely close to the sistance. Such condition is convenient for practical applications.
no-load voltage of the energy-harvesting units. When the load re-
sistance is high, the output voltage reaches the maximum value as it 4.5. Power generation performance with different frequency conditions
approaches circuit breaking. At the same time, with the increase of load
level, the change trend of voltage is steep with the change of resistance The composition of road traffic load is complicated. Road level,
in the early stage. This condition indicates that the unit can output high vehicle type, lane width, number of lanes, and external environment
voltage with small load resistance. This case is conducive to the im- greatly impact the speed of traffic. The fluctuation of road vibration
provement of output power. frequency caused by these factors also falls in a certain range. Thus, the
output voltage characteristics and power of the device with different
4.4.2. Output power frequency conditions should be tested to clarify the correlation between
When the output power is tested, the device is also connected by output characteristics and vibration frequency.
external loads, and the output power is calculated indirectly according
to the terminal voltage recorded by the oscilloscope and the load re- 4.5.1. Output voltage
sistance. According to the curve of the output voltage, the load of a Existing research results show that the maximum output voltage can
single energy-harvesting unit, and the load of the four energy-har- be achieved at the resonant frequency of the energy-harvesting unit, but
vesting units in parallel under different loading conditions with a 10 Hz the frequency is usually 1000 Hz. By contrast, the road environment
loading frequency, the output power of the device is calculated with mostly involves low frequency or even ultra-low frequency vibration
different loads (Fig. 13). conditions. Hence, the output voltages of the device under 0.3 and
As shown in Fig. 13, the output power of a single energy-harvesting 0.5 MPa stress levels at 5, 10, and 15 Hz are tested. The test results are
unit and that of four energy-harvesting units in parallel increases with plotted in Fig. 14.
the increase of the load level. At the load level of 0.2 MPa, the max- As shown in Fig. 14, the output voltage of the energy-harvesting
imum output power of a single energy-harvesting unit is 0.15 mW, and unit rises with the increase of loading frequency in the frequency of
the maximum output power of the four energy-harvesting units in road traffic load. Under the frequency vibration of 5 Hz, the output
parallel is 0.88 mW. At the load level of 0.7 MPa, the maximum output voltage of the energy-harvesting unit is low. It then improves when the
power of a single energy-harvesting unit is 1.83 mW, and the maximum frequency vibration is 15 Hz. The ideal electric energy can thus be
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
Fig. 14. Average values of no-load voltage of energy-harvesting units with different frequencies: (a) 0.3 MPa. (b) 0.5 MPa.
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
Fig. 16. Relationship curves between output power and load resistance with different
frequency conditions (four energy-harvesting units in parallel).
Table 2
Maximum output power of 100 mm × 100 mm-type device with different load cases (four
energy-harvesting units in parallel).
Load case 0.2 MPa 0.5 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.7 MPa 0.7 MPa 0.7 MPa
10 Hz 5 Hz 15 Hz
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
Table 3
Comparisons of typical piezoelectric power generation technology.
Innowattech Its piezoelectric power generation technology was first applied to power There is no published design and implementation methodology for this
generation systems of pavement and the single impulse compression technology, and piezoelectric products made by the piezoelectric ceramic
energy generation system was designed. It is reported that its power supplier Channel Technologies face the challenge of road strength and
generation is about 100–200 kWh/km [14,15], which has a better power durability [33]
generation effect
Virginia Tech Piezoelectric power generation device was designed independently funded The output power of harvester does not meet the supplier's expectations
by the US DOT, which can produce 400–700 V with the 4000 veh/d heavy [33], and the technique did not consider the mechanical advantage that can
traffic, and an energy-harvesting unit can generate 0.2–0.35 mA [34] change the force pattern of the energy-harvesting unit
Genziko A resonant or persistently vibrating energy-harvesting technology was Functional piezoelectric materials that convert vibrational energy or stress
designed [35]. That is, the device continues to output electric energy after into electrical energy are not disclosed, and the actual pavement
the initial wheel impact, and the device has better power generation environment usually has inconsistent or different loads or frequencies,
performance which severely constrain the road's practicability [12]
The Research Device The device for pavements is a self-designed product. The design process At present, the device is in the laboratory test phase and has not been
takes into account the electro-mechanical conversion of the energy- applied in a large scale yet. And like other typical devices, the energy
harvesting units and the structural characteristics of roads, the load conversion efficiency, long-term stability of the device in complex
characteristics (the lateral distribution characteristics of the wheel path, pavement environment still need to be further improved. And they are
tire ground characteristics, and driving rolling conditions) and other exactly the next contents
factors. The performance research of the device is based on the real road
environment with different load and frequencies. And the device has
application feasibility
electric energy under long-term frequent load. frequency conditions is defined. The durability of the device is also
tested, and future research plan is discussed. The main conclusions are
5. Comparison analysis summarized as below.
Thus far the energy output effect of the device is analyzed system- (1) Based on power generation theory of energy-harvesting units, the
atically under different loads and frequencies conditions. The result structure of the power generation device for pavements is designed
shows that the device offers prospective application in research and based on piezoelectric energy-harvesting units and with con-
practice. However, it has not been applied in road paving. Therefore, sideration of the electro-mechanical conversion principles of the
the technical characteristics of typical piezoelectric power generation energy-harvesting units and the structural characteristics of roads.
devices are compared and analyzed (Table 3) in order to develop future The size of proposed device is optimized for driving load char-
research plan. acteristics on pavements.
As shown in Table 3, the typical piezoelectric power generation (2) The manufacturing process of the unitized device is detailed, and
devices or technologies have shown good power generation effect, but the fabrication and assembly of the device are carried out. Based on
some of the energy-harvesting units are not efficiently matched with the the electro-mechanical responses of different combinations of the
road environment, and some of the tests were completed in the la- device, the optimal internal configuration of the device is de-
boratory only and have not been tested for road feasibility. And they termined to be aluminum top plate + ball-type connecting com-
severely restricted road practicality of the device. ponent + eight-layer energy-harvesting unit.
Although the research device has not yet been put into practice, the (3) The energy-harvesting units within the device show good electro-
original design process has fully considered the electro-mechanical mechanical responses. The output voltage in the series connection
conversion of the energy-harvesting units and the structural char- mode has multiple relationships with the output voltage in the
acteristics of roads, the load characteristics (the lateral distribution parallel connection mode in the same number of energy-harvesting
characteristics of the wheel path, tire ground characteristics, and units. The output power of the energy-harvesting units increases
driving rolling conditions) and other factors. In addition, the perfor- with the number of parallel connections. Four energy-harvesting
mance of the power generation device is evaluated based on the real units should be used in parallel in actual applications.
road environment with different load and frequencies. (4) The output voltage and maximum output power of the energy-
Future research plans include performing energy conversion more harvesting units are positively correlated to the load size and fre-
efficiently, long-term stability, maintenance of the device in complex quency. The corresponding optimum load resistance decreases with
pavement environment. It is also desirable to pave pilot road to test the the increase of loading frequency and number of parallel units. The
energy output effect of the power generation pavement, and monitor maximum output power of the 100 mm × 100 mm-type device can
the power generation performance, safety performance and durability reach up to 11.67 mW when the four energy-harvesting units are
of power generation pavement with the wireless communication tech- connected in parallel. The corresponding optimal load is 10 KΩ. In
nology. Lastly, the smart power generation pavement should be im- this regard, the device show good collection and utilization pro-
plemented through smart grid control technology, especially in urban spect.
roads, highways, toll station service areas and other occasions. (5) The working durability of the device is evaluated by means of MTS.
The device is tested under 40,000 load cycles at the dynamic
loading of 0.7 MPa. No change is observed in the capacitance of the
6. Conclusions energy-harvesting units before and after the test, thereby indicating
the excellent durability of the device.
We design a piezoelectric power generation device for pavements (6) Feasibility of the application device is studied, and future research
with consideration of energy output and pavement coupling. The fab- plans and directions are discussed.
rication and assembly of the device are carried out, and the electrical
output characteristics of the device are studied systematically. The
energy output effect of the device with energy-harvesting units of dif-
ferent series and parallel configurations, different loads, and different
C. Wang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 163 (2018) 196–207
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