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Trane Air Rotation Units

We’re all in.

This changes
Air rotation units for large open spaces
are undergoing a big transformation.

Before… Chasing down multiple suppliers

to assemble a system made results
unpredictable and logistics a hassle.

Now… Trane offers a turnkey solution. Get

the air rotation unit, chiller/condensing unit,
controls and service—completely from Trane.

Maximize the comfort zone.

Trane Air Rotation Units help to improve
air quality and prevent floor-to-ceiling
temperature stratification. Occupants
on the floor can stay comfortable and
happy. Meanwhile, sensitive equipment or
inventory up close to the ceiling stay in the
safe zone, too. Trane controls connect to
building management systems, so you can
easily oversee space conditions 24/7, even
remotely. And, with no inside ductwork,
you’ll maximize square footage for uses like
production or warehousing that are critical
to your bottom line.

Trane Air Rotation Units

2-3 air changes per hour

2° F temperature difference
per 12 ft. of height

Up to 250 ft. of air throw

No ductwork

Choice of chiller/condensing
units: VRF, heat pump and more

Controls enable remote

monitoring and BMS connectivity
Step up sustainability. Four Good Reasons to Go with Trane
1. S
 ingle source for the air rotation unit,
Whether the goal is to use less energy or
chiller, controls, installation and service.
completely decarbonize, air rotation units
embody four important sustainability principles. 2. F
 lexible system design, using heat pumps,
VRF and additional chiller options
• Reduce. Compared to rooftop units, Trane Air
Rotation Units deliver up to 30-70% energy cost 3. C
 ustomizable units, up to 75 ft. tall
savings in a typical 15,000 sq. ft. facility. 4. National Service Coverage
 ptimize. Pre-programmed controls follow best
practices for energy efficiency.
 ecarbonize. When specified with a heat pump,
Focus Segments
the system can be 100% electric.
• Reuse. Relocate units if you move. Units are
completely portable, so they reduce waste
and avoid the environmental impacts of
manufacturing and transporting a new system.

A single unit handles up to

150,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Warehouses
Large, open spaces pose special HVAC system
challenges. Rooftop units will get the job done,
but it can take many units to sufficiently serve the
space. Cost—and complications—rise with the
addition of ductwork, extra weight and rooftop
modifications. In contrast, air rotation units stand
on the ground, typically outdoors, and require no
ductwork or special rooftop support.
Distribution Centers
Less system complexity
means more lifecycle savings.
A typical air rotation unit provides 25 years of
service, and you’ll love it right from the start. Less
complexity means more lifecycle cost savings,
and air rotation units have fewer components to
install and maintain. Plus, ground-level access
for service and maintenance keeps technicians
Gymnasiums and Sports Complexes
safely off the roof.

Air Rotation Units can lower

installation cost by up to 50%.
• Fewer units
• No ductwork
• Joint reinforcement
• Less electrical circuits and
natural gas connections Food and Beverage Processing
Is Trane Air Rotation right for your project?
Ask your Trane Account Manager.

Trane – by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator – creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor
environments through a broad portfolio of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and controls, services,
parts and supply. For more information, please visit or

All trademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2022 Trane. All Rights Reserved.

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