Seroprevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Inf

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Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency

virus infection among whole blood donors at
Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences,
Soura Srinagar
Rubiya Ryhan1, Hilal Ahmad Tali2, Falak Ara3, Irshad Ahmad Tali4, Kaneez Fatima5,
Shabir Ahmad Shiekh6
Assistant Professor, Department of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, 3Consultant, Department of

Anaesthesia, 5Consultant, Department of Radiotherapy, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, 2,6Consultant,

Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Government
Medical College, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Submission: 30-03-2023 Revision: 06-08-2023 Publication: 01-10-2023

Background: Blood transfusion has become a specialized modality of patient management Access this article online
and every year saves the millions of lives. However, it is not always safe and may lead
to many life threatening complications among which transfusion-transmitted infections
(TTIs) such as hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are most significant and
detrimental for the recipients. Hence, an integrated strategy for blood safety is required for DOI: 10.3126/ajms.v14i10.53681
the elimination of TTIs and or provision of safe and adequate blood transfusion services to E-ISSN: 2091-0576
P-ISSN: 2467-9100
the people. Aims and Objectives: To assess the seroprevalence of HIV infections among
whole blood donors at Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura, Srinagar.
Materials and Methods: This was a hospital-based study carried in the postgraduate Copyright (c) 2023 Asian Journal of
department of blood transfusion and immunohematology SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar over a Medical Sciences
period of 7 years from January 2015 to December 2021. All donor samples were screened
for HIV by the ELISA method. Results: Overall, seroprevalence of HIV was found to be
0.013%. All the positive cases were male donors. Seroprevalence was the highest among
replacement donors (0.011%) as compared to voluntary donors (0.001 %). Conclusion: It
is very important to continue the screening of donated blood with highly sensitive and
specific tests and to counsel donors who are reactive to any of the infectious diseases (like This work is licensed under a Creative
HIV, hepatitis B virus, HCV, syphilis, or malaria) and conduct extensive public awareness Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International License.
programs and measures to make transfusion of blood and blood components safe.
Key words: Blood transfusion; Transfusion transmitted infections; Seroprevalence

INTRODUCTION some other viral infections such as Epstein−Barr virus,

cytomegalovirus, and herpes virus can be transmitted
Blood transfusion is a life-saving intervention and millions through blood transfusion.
of lives are saved each year globally through this procedure.1
However, blood transfusion is not always safe and may Morbidity and mortality resulting from transfusion of
lead to many life-threatening complications among which infected blood have far reaching consequences; not only for
transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs) such as human the recipient, but also for their families, their communities
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, syphilis, and and the wide society.2,3 Government of India has made
malaria are most significant and detrimental for the it mandatory to screen every unit of donated blood for
recipients. Less frequently toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, and hepatitis B virus (Since 1971), HIV (since 1989) and HCV

Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Shabir Ahmad Shiekh, Consultant, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir,
India. Mobile: +91-7006157144. E-mail:

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Oct 2023 | Vol 14 | Issue 10 123

Ryhan, et al.: Seroprevalence of HIV infection in blood donors at SKIMS Soura Srinagar

(since 2001) to prevent spread of TTIs through blood blood donation camps (both in-house and outside)
transfusion.4,5 However, risk of transmission of these were included in the study. Apheresis collections were
infections remains still there because of the inability of not included. No professional donors were selected for
the test to detect the disease in the pre-seroconversion donation.
or “window” phase of their infection, immunologically
variant viruses, non-seroconverting chronic or immuno- Blood donors included in the study were screened by
silent carriers, and inadvertent laboratory testing errors. the medical officer on duty. A preexisting blood donor
questionnaire and consent form were filled by each
TTIs is still a major concern to patients, physicians, and donor or by the donor clinic staff. Strict adherence to
policy-makers who wish to see a risk-free blood supply.1 departmental standard operating procedures and National
Guidelines under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1945 and
According to the WHO, HIV continues to be a major National AIDS control organization (NACO), Ministry of
global public health issue, having claimed 40.1 million Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India was maintained
(33.6–48.6 million) lives so far. Globally 38.4 million while screening the blood donors. Donors who did not
(33.9–43.8 million) people were living with HIV at the qualify the guidelines were excluded.
end of 2021.6 Although the HIV burden continues to vary
between countries and regions, the WHO African region A total of 76,188 donors donated blood during the
remains most severely affected with nearly 1 in every 25 study period. All samples were tested for presence of
adults (3.4%) living with HIV and accounting for more seromarkers of TTIs. Till 2020, HIV-1 and 2 antibodies
than two thirds of the people living with HIV worldwide.7 were tested by using the 3rd generation Erba Lisa ELISA
India harbors the third largest number of HIV infected kits supplied by Transasia Bio-Medicals Ltd. From 2020
individuals in the world, carrying a burden of 2.27 million onwards, HIV-1 and 2 antibodies were tested by using the
of HIV cases.8,9 4th generation Merilisa HIV ELISA kits supplied by Meril
Diagnostics. The kits used were all NACO approved and
There is no cure for HIV infection, meticulous
standard protocols were followed. All the reactive samples
pretransfusion testing and screening for TTI is the need
were discorded as per standard protocols. Counselling at
off the hour. Only continuous improvement and strict
integrated counselling and testing Centre was given to all
implementation of donor selection rules, newer and
the positive (reactive) donors who were advised to start
more sensitive screening tests and effective inactivation
treatment and take precautions by which spreading of
procedures can ensure the elimination or at least reduction
infection can stop.
of the risk of acquiring TTIs.2

Therefore, we carried out this study is to assess the prevalence RESULTS

of HIV infection among whole blood donors to get the
vital information about the safety associated with blood The present study is a hospital-based study. During this
transfusion and to reveal the magnitude of problem of this 7-year study period, a total of 76,188 donors donated
unnoticeable serious infection in healthy looking members of blood. There were 14.80% (11,277) donors in the year
the general population. Besides, it would help in formulating 2015, 14.61% (11,135) donors in the year 2016, 14.98%
the strategies for the management of a safe blood supply. (11,419) donors in the year 2017, 14.64% (11,158) donors
in the year 2018, 13.83% (10,543) donors in the year 2019,
Aims and objectives 12.31% (9,386) donors in the year 2020, and 14.79%
To assess the seroprevalence of HIV infections among (11,270) donors in the year 2021. The decreasing number
whole blood donors at Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical of blood donors during the year 2020 was attributed to
Sciences (SKIMS), Soura, Srinagar. COVID-19 pandemic.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Among these 76,188 donors, 98.45% (75,011) donors
were males and only 1.55% (1,177) were females. Reason
The present study was carried out in the postgraduate for a lesser percentage of female donors can be attributed
department of blood transfusion and immunohematology to ignorance, fear, lack of awareness, and prevalence of
at SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar, over a period of 7 years from anemia in them.
January 2015 to December 2021.
Out of total 76,188 donors, only 30.37% (23,145) were
All allogeneic whole blood donors donating in the replacement donors and 69.62% (53,043) were voluntary
blood bank of the Department and in the voluntary blood donors, as shown in Table 1.

124 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Oct 2023 | Vol 14 | Issue 10

Ryhan, et al.: Seroprevalence of HIV infection in blood donors at SKIMS Soura Srinagar

Table 1: Demographic distribution of blood donors screened for a period of 7 years

Year Total no. of blood No. of male No. of female No. of voluntary No. of replacement
units collected (%) donors (%) donors (%) donors (%) donors (%)
2015 11277 (14.80) 111079 (14.57) 170 (0.22) 8916 (11.70) 2361 (3.09)
2016 11135 (14.61) 10938 (14.35) 197 (0.25) 8442 (11.08) 2693 (3.53)
2017 11419 (14.98) 11161 (14.64) 258 (0.33) 7466 ( 9.79) 3953 (5.18)
2018 11158 (14.64) 10945 (14.36) 213 (0.27) 7058 (9.26) 4100 (5.38)
2019 10543 (13.83) 10420 (13.67) 123 (0.16) 7267 (9.53) 3276 (4.29)
2020 9386 (12.31) 9292 (12.19) 94 (0.12) 6166 (8.09) 3220 (4.22)
2021 11270 (14.79) 11148 (14.63) 122 (0.16) 7728 (10.14) 3542 (3.54)
Total 76188 (100) 75011 (98.45) 1177 (1.55) 53043 (69.62) 23145 (30.37)

Table 2: Seroprevalence of HIV infection among male and female blood donors screened for a period of
7 year
Year Total no. of HIV‑positive Total no. of HIV‑positive Total no. of blood Total no. of
male donors male donors (%) female donors female donors (%) units collected HIV‑positive cases (%)
2015 111079 00 (00) 170 00 (00) 11277 00
2016 10938 00 (00) 197 00 (00) 11135 00
2017 11161 02 (0.017) 258 00 (00) 11419 02 (0.0175)
2018 10945 02 (0.018) 213 00 (00) 11158 02 (0.0179)
2019 10420 02 (0.019) 123 00 (00) 10543 02 (00.0189)
2020 9292 03 (0.032) 94 00 (00) 9386 03 (0.0319)
2021 11148 01 (0.008) 122 00 (00) 11270 01 (0.008)
Total 75011 10 (0.001) 1177 00 (00) 76188 10 (0.013)
HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus

Table 3: Seroprevalence of HIV infection among voluntary and replacement blood donors screened for
a period of 7 year
Year Total no. of HIV‑positive Total no. of HIV‑positive Total no. Total no.
voluntary voluntary replacement replacement of blood of HIV
donors donors (%) donors donors (%) units positive
collected cases (%)
2015 8916 00 2361 00 11277 00
2016 8442 00 2693 00 11135 00
2017 7466 00 3953 02 (0.0505) 11419 02 (0.0175)
2018 7058 00 4100 02 (0.048) 11158 02 (0.0179)
2019 7267 00 3276 02 (0.061) 10543 02 (0.0189)
2020 6166 01 (0.016) 3220 02 (0.062) 9386 03 (0.0319)
2021 7728 00 3542 01 (0.028) 11270 01 (0.008)
Total 53043 01 (0.001) 23145 09 (0.038) 76188 10 (0.013)
HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus

Out of all 76,188 donors who donated blood during these 7 years, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
0.013% (10/76,188) donors tested positive for HIV infection.
Each unit of blood is associated with 1% chance of TTIs
All the HIV positive or reactive blood donors were of male and transfusion related complications.2,10 One of the
sex. No female HIV-positive blood donor was encountered primary tools to determine the seroprevalence of various
during this study, as shown in Table 2. TTIs is serosurveys. Evaluation of serosurveys helps in
estimating the safety and efficacy of blood and its products
Highest rate of HIV positivity was observed among and also gives us an idea regarding epidemiology of these
replacement donors 0.011% (09/76, 188) as compared to diseases in the community.2,11 Screening for TTIs to exclude
voluntary donors 0.001% (01/76188), as shown in Table 3. blood donations at risk of transmitting infections from
donors to recipients is a critical part of the process of
Limitations of the study ensuring that transfusion is as safe as possible.2
Although the strength lies in the fact that data from a large
number of cases is available,but the limitations lies in the WHO recommends an integrated strategy to improve
fact that it is a hospitalbased study. blood transfusion safety by establishment of well-organized

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Ryhan, et al.: Seroprevalence of HIV infection in blood donors at SKIMS Soura Srinagar

blood transfusion services, blood collection from voluntary sensitive and advanced techniques (like NAAT testing) for
nonremunerated donors, screening of blood for at least the detection of TTIs. Furthermore, reduce blood usage at
four major TTIs with quality assured system and rational minimum by rational use of blood and blood products and
use of blood.1,12 increasing blood donations from voluntary blood donors,
it is possible to decrease the incidence of seropositivity of
A WHO report states that the viral dose in HIV transmission TTIs and improve the blood product safety.
through blood is so large that one HIV positive transfusion
leads to death, on an average, after 2 years in children and
after 3–5 years in adults.13 As per NACO, 3.5% of HIV ACKNOWLEDGMENT
infection is attributed to blood transfusion.14
The authors are thankful to record keeping section
There is wide variation in seroprevalence of HIV from Transfusion sections at Department of and Blood
different parts of India which could be attributed to use Tr a n s f u s i o n a n d I m mu n o h e m a t o l o g y S K I M S
of different methods for testing and use of different Soura -Srinagar Kashmir India.
generation of ELISA test kits, having different sensitivities
and specificities. In our blood donor population (who are REFERENCES
representatives of Srinagar region of Jammu and Kashmir
State, the overall seroprevalence of HIV infection seen 1. Chadha T and Adlekha S. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV
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0 and 3.87).15,16 Although very less number of female 2. Handoo S, Ryhan R, Reshi R, Imran S and Wani H.
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3.87%.16 In a report of NACO, India showed that an
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Authors’ Contributions:
RR, HAT, FA- Conception and design. acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; RR, IAT, KF- Drafting the work, critical revision for intellectual content;
RR, HAT, SAS- All authors approved the final draft for publication.

Work attributed to:

Department of and Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar, Kashmir, India.

Orcid ID:
Dr. Shabir Ahmad Shiekh -

Source of Support: Nil, Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Oct 2023 | Vol 14 | Issue 10 127

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