It-1 Intro To Computer Software With Application.
It-1 Intro To Computer Software With Application.
It-1 Intro To Computer Software With Application.
Word Processing
ICT Conventional Learning Materials to Enhance Teaching Learning
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
- B.B. King –
I. Course Overview
This course provides the students with the fundamental understanding of MS Word Software, MS
PowerPoint and ICT Conventional Learning Materials and the treads that conveys on the topic. This
course requires basic knowledge in computer to perform different ICT activities.
Tasks and Completion times for one week of a 18-week, 3-credit using module
Task Time
Completing a pre-test activity 15 minutes
Reading and Understanding the Topics 1.45 Hours
Answering the Activities 1 Hours
Total 3 Hours
IV. Introduction
Three major topics are included in this module.
These notes, combined with other materials published on, represent our
effort and contribution to realization and promotion of the human right to education and
information considering IT area. We hope that this education will help you master basic
computer skills and with that hope we wish you to learn as much as you can thus
becoming an active member of modern IT society.
- Team –
Basics of the information technology
Information technology (IT) is a technology which uses computers to gather, process, store, protect, and transfer
information. Today, it is common to use the term Information and communications technology (ICT) because it is
unimaginable to work on a computer which is not connected to the network.
• Motherboard - MBO
o a computer "backbone" responsible for communication between components and transmission
of information
• Central Processing Unit - CPU
o functions: command execution, data transmission, computer function control
o basic characteristics:
• speed (in Mega Hertz (MHz), Giga Hertz (GHz))
• amount of memory (Cache in Bytes)
• Random Access Memory - RAM
- a memory container for programs that are currently running and data that is being processed
• graphics processing units (GPU) o function: processing and displaying image on the monitor o it
consists of a graphics processor and its own working RAM memory
basic characteristics:
• type of graphics processing units (ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce, or other)
• RAM size
• connection interface/slot type
• ports:
o Parallel Port o Serial Port
o Universal Serial Bus (USB)
o Output devices:
o monitor
o projector
o printer
o plotter
o speakers
o earphones
Software - a computer program which, as opposed to hardware, is an intangible part of the computer,
written to perform a single or multiple task on computer using the built-in hardware.
Software types:
• operating systems (OS) - the basic program on your computer that is automatically loaded when
computer is started up:
o Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Knoppix...)
o Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7...)
o Mac OS X (Cheetah, Panther, Snow Leopard...)
• application software – some types of software that can be used on an installed operating system:
o office programs -, LibreOffice, Microsoft Office o antivirus program – Avira, Sophos,
Kaspersky etc.
o Web browser: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari
E -accessibility options:
• voice recognition software,
• screen reader,
• magnifying tool,
• on-screen keyboard.
Computer types:
Mainframe Computer
o large, powerful and expensive computers,
o often used within large systems and organizations,
o can be used by more than one user simultaneously.
Personal Computer – PC
o first PC was made by IBM in 1981,
o it was originally made for executing a single task by a single user at the time.
o today: a single person can execute many tasks simultaneously (multitasking).
Beside notebooks and palms, there are other portable digital devices:
• mobile phone
• smartphone – mobile phone with advanced functions such as e-mail, Internet browser, ebook reader
• multimedia player: iPod, iRiver, Zune
• LAN (Local Area Network) - a small network that physically connects nearby computers
(computers within the firm, organization, or a household)
• WAN (Wide Area Network) - a larger network that covers a city or a region,
• Internet – a world network of connected computers, connected through WAN and LAN
• Intranet - a smaller network, closed version of internet to which only certain (authorized) people are granted
access (members of an organization)
• Extranet – an intranet version, to which only certain people are granted access (not exclusively members of
an organization, but also outsourced experts for performing common tasks),
• World Wide Web (WWW) - one of the services that can be used on Internet which enables us to view and
search contents in a form of web-pages other services on Internet that can be used:
o Instant messaging (IM) - Google Talk, Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo!
Messenger o Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) - protocol used for voice transfer over IP network; it
basically enables us to use internet in order to make phone-calls
o Really Simple Syndication (RSS) – used for dissemination of information or articles etc. published on web
page using RSS channel (RSS news usually consists of title, few sentences and link to a web page where
users can read the whole article). Users have to subscribe to RSS channel in order to receive news in their
RSS reader. This eliminates a need for visiting a web page in order to find out latest news
o web log blog
o podcast - digital file that contains audio or video record
Network communication:
• PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) – a technical expression for public telephone system
• ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
• ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) – most common communication standard in the consumer market
Ways to publish and share contents on the internet: blog, podcast, photos, video and audio contents.
Information and Communication Technology (ITC) exists in every aspect of modern society. Some well-known
applications include:
o applications for corporations (airlines, insurance companies, internet banking)
o applications for state organizations (electronic voting, tax refund)
o applications for healthcare (data about patients, diagnostic tools and instruments, special surgical
o applications for education (computer based training - CBT, distance learning, eLearning): adaptive
learning time, flexible learning location, multimedia learning experience, reduced costs.
Telecommuting (telework)
• Advantages:
o increasing the employment of vulnerable groups: parents with small children, people with mobility
problems and people living in the remote areas,
o commuting time reduced or not necessary at all; cost and time of transportation to the workplace
decreased or nonexistent
o greater possibility to concentrate on the job o flexible working hours
o reduced maintenance costs for the workspace
• Disadvantages:
o lack of business human contact o lack of direct teamwork o requires great self-discipline
• The most common health problems associated with the computer usage:
o repetitive, excessive or improper use of keyboard and mouse RSI (Repetitive Strain
Injury) o flickering screen or working from an improper distance from the monitor vision
impairment, headache
o artificial light from monitors insufficient light, improper contract or glare can cause eyestrain,
headache and decreased productivity
o improper seating and the use of inappropriate chairs spinal problems (position of the computer, desk
and chair affect posture and can therefore create problems)
o well-being while using computers will improve through regular exercise, regular minibreaks (5 - 10
minutes per hour) and rest frequent eye rest.
• cables - always use electric cables obtained with the computer
• power supply - overloading the power source may result in fire
Environmental protection
• use of electronic documents reduces the need for printed material
• recycling of printed materials and printing equipment (paper and toners/cartridges)
• using monitors with lower energy consumption
• disposing damaged or old computer components at the recycling center
Information security
• information security is defined as:
o preservation of information confidentiality, integrity and availability
o information security measures are the rules of data protection on physical, technical and organizational
• Increased level of the data security can be reached through the use of the following procedures:
o username and password o properly shut down computer o the use of continuous power supply (UPS -
Un-interruptible Power Supply) - in a case of power failure, without UPS your desktop computer will shut
down and all data that are not saved on hard disk will be lost. Documents should be often saved in order
to narrow down the possibility for losing data but only UPS will enable saving your work as well as
shutting down the computer properly without losing anything.
o professional maintenance of computer is recommended o creating backups of all important data on
portable memory devices, network disk etc. (i.e. copy them from your computer to another location)
Malware - computer code - program that can infect computer, spread on other computer independently or with a
help from a user thus stealing or damaging data, and enabling crackers to take over control of your computer.
• most commonly spread via attachments in e-mail,
Copyright - the right of an author of text, images, music, film, etc. to protect their intellectual property.
Product identification number (PID) is a number that comes with legally purchased software as an authenticity
• Licensed software identification: serial number check-up, registration, software license inspection.
Freeware - software free for personal use; for example: Adobe Reader.
Open source - software whose source code is publicly available for inspection, use, modification and redistribution;
for example, - office suite software, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, MediaWiki, Joomla.
Assessment Tasks
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Module 2 Understanding Word
Take Note The lessons in this book are created using the Windows 10 operating system. If your computer is
running the Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 operating system, some screenshots and steps might
appear slightly different than those provided in this module.
Before you begin working in Microsoft Word 2016, you need to acquaint yourself with the pri -
mary user interface (UI). When you open a blank document in Microsoft Word 2016, you see a
screen similar to that shown in Figure 1-1.
Microsoft has designed the Word UI to provide easy access to the commands you need most often
when creating and editing documents. (Note that your screen might vary somewhat from the one
shown here, depending on your program’s settings.) Use Figure 1-1 as a reference throughout this
lesson as well as the rest of this book.
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GET READY. Before you begin these steps, be sure to turn on and/or log on to your computer.
1.On the Windows 10 desktop, click the Start button. The Start menu appears (see
Figure 1-2).
2. On the Start menu, locate Word 2016 and click the icon. The Word 2016 screen
appears (see Figure 1-3). On the left side of the screen, you see the recent
documents that have been accessed, and the right side displays the blank document
page and templates.
Figure 1-3
Word 2016 screen
PAUSE. LEAVE the Word 2016 screen open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note Windows 10 is for PC users at home, work, and school. It is a powerful tool that controls the user
interface, storage devices, other software, peripheral devices, networks/security, system
resources, and task scheduling. Windows 10 is the latest operating system standard for
computers, laptops, and tablets. Windows 10 also comes in multiple versions, such as Windows
10 Home and Windows 10 Pro, to support your personal needs and how you use your device.
Windows 10
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supports touch-capable devices in addition to traditional mouse and keyboard commands.
In this exercise, you learn to use the Ribbon by making tabs active, hiding and displaying command
groups, and using the dialog box launcher and drop-down arrows.
In the Office 2016 programs, the Ribbon is contextual, which means it displays commands related
to the type of document or object that you have open and onscreen.
The Ribbon
2. Review the other tabs on the Ribbon and review each group associated with
the tab, and identify the arrows that launch a dialog box (if present).
3. Click the Layout tab to make it the active tab. Notice that the groups of
commands change. The Layout tab contains three groups: Page Setup, Paragraph,
and Arrange. Notice that in the Page Setup and Paragraph group a small arrow
appears in the lowerright corner. Clicking on the arrow opens the dialog box with
more options to select or complete a command.
4. Click the Home tab.
5. Click the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner of the Font group. The
Font dialog box, as shown in Figure 1-5, appears. The Font dialog box contains two
tabs with the Font tab being the active tab. There are many options to select within
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the Font dialog box. You can click Cancel if you want to close the dialog box. We’ll
continue without clicking Cancel.
Figure 1-5
6. Click the drop-down arrow on the Font command box in the Font group to produce
a menu of available fonts, as shown in Figure 1-6.
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After you create your first document, you see the filename on the document title bar, which
displays as Document1. Word assigns chronological numbers to all subsequent files that you open
in that session. When you save and name your documents, the name you assign replaces the
document number name originally assigned by Word. When you close and reopen Word, the
program begins its chronological numbering of new documents at number 1 again.
Microsoft has included the Touch/Mouse Mode option to the Quick Access Toolbar in Word
2016. If you have a touch-capable device, you can use Touch Mode. Touch Mode provides more
space between buttons and icons to prevent you from accidently pressing one with your finger or
stylus. In this exercise, you learn to customize the Quick Access Toolbar. You also learn to
change its position in relation to the Ribbon.
Clicking the Save button in the Quick Access Toolbar for the first time opens the Save As screen.
Save As also appears as a command listed in Backstage view when you click the File tab. When
saving a document for the first time, you need to specify the filename and location where the
document will be saved. You can save a document to your local drive, your flash drive, OneDrive,
or any other portable device. After you select a save location, the Save As dialog box lets you select
a file format.
The Undo command lets you cancel or undo your last Word command or action. You can click the Undo command as many
times as necessary to undo previously executed commands. Also, if you click the arrow beside the Undo command, a history of
actions you can undo appears. Clicking the Repeat command repeats your last action. Note that commands on the Quick Access
Toolbar are not available if their buttons are dimmed.
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5. Click Show Below the Ribbon. Notice that the toolbar is moved below the Ribbon.
6. Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar again. Click
Show Above the Ribbon to return the toolbar to its original position.
You can create a document from a blank page or use a template that is already formatted. When
you start typing text at the insertion point in a blank document, you have begun to create a Word
document. As you type, Word inserts the text to the left of the insertion point and uses the
program’s defaults for margins and line spacing. The margin defaults are set to one-inch top,
bottom, left, and right margins; the line spacing is set to 1.08; and the spacing after each
paragraph is set to 8 points. Word also has a number of tools and automatic features to make
creating a document easier, including nonprinting characters, AutoComplete, and Word Wrap.
Later in this chapter, you learn to create a new document by selecting different line spacing and
margin settings.
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Hiding White Space
The white space is the space between pages of the document. This appears as a gray area
between the bottom of each page and the top of the next one. By default, the white space
appears in Print Layout view. You can change the view of the document to reduce the amount of
gray appearing by double-clicking between the pages. In this exercise, you learn to hide and
unhide the white space.
When sending professional correspondence to customers, it is good business practice to ensure the document is in an acceptable
format and error free. The Block Style letter format has open or mixed punctuation and is common to many business documents.
Block Style format aligns text along the left margin, including the date, inside address, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and
signature. Open punctuation requires no punctuation after the salutation or the closing, whereas mixed punctuation requires a
colon after the salutation and a comma after the closing.
We are pleased that you have chosen to list your home with Tech Terrace Real
Estate. Our office has bought, sold, renovated, appraised, leased, and managed more
homes in the Tech Terrace neighborhood than anyone and now we will be putting that
experience to work for you.
Our goal is to sell your house quick for the best possible price.
The enclosed packet contains a competitive market analysis, complete listing data, a copy
of the contracts, and a customized house brochure. Your home has been input into the MLS
listing and an Internet ad is on our website. We will be contacting you soon to determine
the best time for an open house.
We look forward to working with you to sell your home. Please do not hesitate to call if you
have any questions.
7. Press Enter once.
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8. Type Sincerely,
9. Press Enter twice.
Type Steve Buckley. Your document should appear as shown in Figure 1-8. This letter still needs to be formatted in an
accepted mailable format and this is discussed in a later lesson.
Take Note It is always important to save your document before closing the program. However, if you close the
document or Word by accident, a prompt appears, asking whether you want to save your
document. Choose Yes to save and close, No to close without saving, or Cancel to stop the Close
By default, newly created documents are saved with a specific filename closely related to the
content of the document so that you can locate the file quickly. After editing an existing
document, you can choose to save that document with a new filename, a different file format, or
in another location. When saving a document to the Cloud, such as OneDrive, you have access
to your documents on any computer or tablet and can share them with others. In some cases,
you might want to save the original and edited documents in the same place but with different
filenames. Keeping the original document enables you to reference it at a future date on any
The Save As command enables users to save their work to the cloud and access the document quickly from any computer or
tablet. In Lesson 13, you learn to save documents to OneDrive. In this exercise, you learn to save a document with a specific
filename to your flash drive.
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AutoRecover is a feature that automatically saves your data at scheduled intervals. Be
default, Word 2016 saves your work every 10 minutes. This makes it possible to recover
Troubleshooting some of your work if a problem occurs. However, this useful option is not a substitute
for frequently saving your documents as you work. You should always click the Save
button regularly to avoid losing work in case of a power outage or computer crash.
Figure 1-10
Convert prompt
3. T
ave the document in the Word 2016 file format, click the File tab.
4. Click Save As, and then click your flash drive. Then in the File name box,
type Tech Terrace Update. Click Save. The new filename displays in the
title bar.
PAUSE. CLOSE the document and leave Word open for the next exercise.
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You can work more efficiently by creating many of your new documents using templates provided by Word. You can
choose from many different categories of templates, such as letters, resumes, faxes, labels, cards, calendars, and more.
Some templates are preinstalled with Word and there are more options available online. A template is a master
document with predefined page layout, fonts, margins, and styles that is used to create new documents with the same
basic formatting. Using templates keeps you from having to recreate the layout and formatting of recurring documents,
such as letters and interoffice memoranda. Templates are reusable even if you saved the document with a different file
name. In this exercise, you locate an installed template, enter information, and save the document as a template.
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Finding Templates on the Internet
Microsoft offers numerous templates online, and other templates are also available from third-
party providers, as well as other users in the community. You can select from a category using
the Templates section or search for a template online by specifying keywords in the
Search bar. In this exercise, you select a template category and view a listing of templates
Previewing in Backstage
Before printing your document, you need to preview its contents so you can correct any text or layout errors. In this
exercise, you learn to use Backstage to preview your document.
Take Note the Backstage view is a screen that appears when you click the File tab in Word 2016.
While the ribbon contains commands, you use while working within a document, the
Backstage view contains commands for managing the document. On the left side of
the Backstage screen, there are tabs that enable you to create, open, save, close, share,
print, and view information about your documents. To exit the Backstage screen, you
can click the Return to Document icon, which is a circled left arrow located in the
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upper-left corner, or press the Esc key. The Print command feature includes three sets
of options: Print, Printer, and Settings. Choosing the Print button automatically prints
the document to the default printer using the default settings. Use the Copies spin box
to change the number of copies to be printed. The Printer options enable you to select
an installed printer, print to a file, or change printer properties. Use the Settings
options to control document-specific print parameters. For example, you can choose
to print only specific pages, change the paper size, and select collation options. You
also have access to Page Setup here, where you can change additional settings for the
document. You learn more about changing the document’s layout in Lesson 5.
The Preview screen to the right of the Print options settings enables you to view your
document as it will appear when it is printed, so you can make any necessary changes,
such as changing the margins or orientation, before printing. The Preview screen lets
you preview every page by clicking on the right and left arrows to page through
multiple-page documents.
Choosing a Printer
If your computer has access to multiple printers, you might need to choose a destination printer for your document. If
your printer is already set up and ready to print, as is the case in most classroom environments, you do not need to
complete this exercise. Otherwise, follow this exercise to choose a printer.
Take Note Before printing your document, check with your instructor.
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STEP BY STEP Choose a Printer
USE the document that is open from the previous exercise.
1. Click the File tab, and then click Print.
Figure 1-12 2. In the Printer selection area, click the drop-down arrow to produce a list of all
printers connected to your computer (see Figure 1-12).
Available printers
Figure 1-13
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Print options
Print settings
2. Select Print Current Page, and then click the Print icon. Selecting this option
prints the current page.
3. Return to the Print screen area. In the Copies section of the Print options
area, click the up arrow to select 2, and then click the Print icon.
4. Place your insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph, and then
hold down the left mouse button and drag to the end of the paragraph to
select it.
5. Click the File tab, and then click Print. Click the Print Current Page drop-down
arrow, select Print Selection, and then change the number of copies from 2
to 1 by clicking the down arrow. Next, click the Print icon. The selected
paragraph is printed.
6. Click the File tab, and then click Close to close the document.
7. The Annual Report document should still be open from a previous exercise.
Click the File tab, and then click Print. Under Settings, click the drop-down
arrow by 1 Page Per Sheet and select 2 Pages Per Sheet, and then click the
Print icon. This eight-page document is now printed on four pages with two
pages per sheet.
8. Click the Close button to close both the document and Microsoft Word.
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. The first screen you see when you open Word 2016 is called the:
a. Word screen
b. Recent screen
c. Start screen
d. Screen saver
2. Which of the following contains the commands you use most often, such
as Save, Undo, and Repeat.
a. Quick Access Screen
b. Quick toolbar
c. Quick Access Toolbar
d. Quick command
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3. The headings that appear on the Ribbon, such as File, Home, and Insert,
are called: a. groups
b. tabs
c. shortcuts
d. menus
4. Which command would you use to save a document for the
first time? a. Save
b. Save As
c. Save for th e first time
d. Either a or b
5. Which of the following options would you use when saving a
document with a new filename? a. Save
b. Save As
c. Ctrl+S
d. Either a or b
Circle “T” if the statement is true or “F” if the statement is false.
T F 2. Clicking the Print button on the Backstage Print screen sends the
document straight to the currently selected printer with the default settings.
TF 3. The File tab can be used to save and print files.
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11. It was our pleasure meeting with you last week to discuss quotes for the
components you requested. As agreed, upon, the specifications discussed
will be provided to you once we receive final approval from you.
12. Press Enter twice.
13. Type At Prose ware, Inc., we appreciate your business.
14. Press Enter twice.
15. Type the closing Sincerely,
16. Press the Enter key four times.
17. Type Joe Villanueva.
18. Proof your document carefully.
19. Click the File tab, and then click SAVE. The updated version of the letter will
be saved with the same filename in the lesson folder on your flash drive.
Understanding MS PowerPoint
Lesson 3: Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation
Module 3 Why use PowerPoint 2016?
The basic purpose of a PowerPoint presentation is to Making your presentation more interesting through
communicate information or media through a series of the use of multimedia can help to improve the
audience's focus. PowerPoint allows you
slides. Along with regular text, your slides can contain to use images, audio and video to have a greater visual
numerous types of content such as tables, images, drawings, impact. These visual and audio cues may also help a
presenter be more improvisational and interactive with
charts, links, word art, videos, audio and even embedded the audience.
add-ins from Microsoft. The software also has built-in editing
tools that you can use to resize, position and update content
without needing to open items in other applications.
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Whether you use one slide or many, you can find uses for PowerPoint in many professions and areas. Some
examples of PowerPoint projects include:
Work portfolios
Business meetings
Tutorials for students and workers
Photo slideshows
Mailing labels
Timelines and flowcharts
Family trees
Getting Started
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Viewing a Presentation
When you create a Blank Presentation in PowerPoint, the workspace opens in Normal view. Normal
view is divided into three areas:
Other views include Slide Sorter view which shows thumbnails of the entire presentation and Slide
Show view where you preview your presentation as your audience will see it.
Slide Pane
sen Notes Pane
Normal Slide Slide
View Sorter Show
To View View
Create a New Presentation:
1) Click on the File tab
2) Click on New
3) Select either a Blank Presentation, a featured theme or search for online templates and
4) Double-click Blank Presentation to create a new presentation
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Entering Text on a Slide
When you create a new presentation, the first slide to appear is a Title slide. It contains two
placeholders: a title placeholder and a subtitle placeholder. To add text, click within the placeholder
and type.
PowerPoint provides a wide variety of themes that apply a distinctive look to the text, bullets,
background colors, and graphics in a presentation. Using a theme is a big time-saver and immediately
adds a professional touch to your presentation. You can apply a theme when you create a new
presentation and you can change the theme as many times as you want.
To Apply a Theme:
1) Click on the Design tab
2) Select one of the themes in the Themes group
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To Format Text:
1) Click within the placeholder
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To Add New Slides:
1) Click on the Home tab
2) Click on New Slide in the Slides group
3) Choose a slide layout
Content Slides:
If you choose a slide with content, you will have six types of content to choose from.
Click on the type of content you want to create and PowerPoint will provide the tools needed to create it.
To Apply Transitions:
1) Click on the Transitions tab
2) Click on the drop-down arrow in the Transition to This Slide group to see a listing of all
available transitions
3) Click on the transition you want to apply
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4) Click on Apply to All to apply the transition effect to the entire presentation
To Print:
1) Click on the File tab
2) Click on Print
Under Settings click on Print All Slides and select one of the options to print:
• Print Layout
o Full Page Slides
o Notes Pages
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Activity 1
Define the following terms:
Animations -
I N T R O T O C O M P U T E R S O F T W A R E W I T H A P P L I C A T I O N | 34
Presentation -
Slide Show -
What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and more the mouse around the slide?
How to select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation? ____________________
Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as? ____________________
Slide sorter can be accessed from which menu? _______________
You can edit an embedded organization chart object by? __________________
Activity 2
B. C.
G. F. E.
Name Description
I N T R O T O C O M P U T E R S O F T W A R E W I T H A P P L I C A T I O N | 35
MS PowerPoint
“Create a slide show with yourself as the subject—you the person, you
the teacher. Use graphics drawn from any source you like. Make sure
you have at least eight first level topics (eight slides), as well as a title
slide and an acknowledgement slide. And present it to the class via
Google Meet or Zoom”
This module is a compilation of the works from internet sources, manuals, and books from
different authors and will be used for educational purposes only. Due recognition is given to
the authors who are the source of some parts found in this module. The compiler / owner
does not claim copyrights to any part taken from other sources.
Write your answers on a bond paper (may it be short or long). For handwritten outputs, write it
neatly, and avoid erasure. Students can take a picture of their answers and send it through a google
form link provided in our google classroom. Just make sure that the photos that you will send will be
in good quality. Don’t forget to write your name, date, and signature. For further queries, feel free to
directly contact your instructor. Remember copying words or ideas from someone else without giving
credit, failing to put a quotation in quotation marks, giving incorrect information about the source of a
quotation, and changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.
Plagiarism is illegal, sanctions may be given to the one’s caught.
1. Module 1 – Basic concepts of ICT -
2. Module 3 - Word Processing -, open computer e-education
3. Module 6 - Presentation -
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