Fiber Optics Notes
Fiber Optics Notes
Fiber Optics Notes
Physically an optical fiber is very thin flexible medium having a cylindrical shape that consists of
three sections namely core, cladding and jacket. A thin flexible strand of transparent glass in which
light is transmitted through multiple total internal reflections (MTIR) is known as optical fiber.
CORE: It is the inner most section of the fiber which is made of glass or plastic. It has a property of
transmitting an optical beam in flashes of light. It acts like a continuous layer of two parallel mirrors.
It has the diameter of the order 8m and is surrounded by a material called cladding.
Glass optical fibers are almost always made from silica, but some other materials, such as
fluorozirconate, fluoroaluminate, and chalcogenide glasses, are used for longer-wavelength infrared
applications. Like other glasses, these glasses have a refractive index of about 1.5. Typically the
difference between core and cladding is less than one percent.
Plastic optical fibers (POF) are commonly step-index multimode fibers with a core diameter of
0.5 mm or larger. POF typically have higher attenuation co-efficients than glass fibers, 1 dB/m or
higher, and this high attenuation limits the range of POF-based systems.
Sini / Sin = n2 / n1
sin < [ 1 - ( n 2 / n 1 ) 2 ]1/2 From equation 1
sin i < n1 /no [1- (n2 /n1)2]1/2
sin i < [( n12 -n22) / no2] ½
If the outside medium is air than no = 1. Then sin i< [( n12 -n22)]1/2
If ( n12 -n22) > 1 then TIR will occur for all values of i
sin iM = (n12 - n22) 1/2
when (n12 - n22) < 1
=1 when (n12 - n22) > 1
Numerical aperture, which is also called the figure of merit for optical fiber is defined as the ‘sin’ of
maximum angle of incidence. The maximum incidence angle is also called as "acceptance angle”.
It is defined as the maximum external incident angle I M coupled into the fiber and to propagate
through it.
sin iM = NA = (n12 - n22)1/2
Generally the refractive index of core n is 1.48 and refractive index of cladding n is 1.46. In this case
the numerical aperture is equal to 0.24. This results acceptance angle ‘i' as 14 degrees.NA can also
be written as [(n1 + n2) (n1 - n2)]1/2 = [2n1 (n1 - n2)]1/2 = n1 (2 )1/2,
where = (n 1 - n2)/n1
Increasing R.I
It is the simplest type of an optical fiber consists of a thin cylindrical structure n2
of transparent material of uniform refractive index n 1 surrounded by cladding
material of uniform but slightly lower refractive index n2. In this type of fiber
the refractive index n1 abruptly changes to n2 at the core-cladding interface.
As the refractive index changes in stepwise it is known as step index fiber.
Types of Optical Fibers
Optical fibers based on the materials used, type of propagation of the light signals within the core
are classified as
Single Mode cable is a single stand (most applications use 2 fibers) of glass fiber with a diameter of
8.3 to 10 microns that has one mode of transmission. Single-mode fiber has a much smaller core than
multimode, through which only one mode will propagate. Carries higher bandwidth than multimode
fiber, but requires a light source with a narrow spectral width.
Single Modem fiber is used in many applications where data is sent at multi-frequency (WDM Wave-
Division-Multiplexing). Single-mode fiber gives you a higher transmission rate and up to 50 times more
distance than multimode, but it also costs more. The small core and single light-wave virtually
eliminate any distortion that could result from overlapping light pulses, providing the least signal
attenuation and the highest transmission speeds of any fiber cable type.
Multi-Mode cable has a bit bigger diameter, with a diameter of 50-to-100-micron range. Multimode
fiber gives you high bandwidth at high speeds (10 to 100MBS - Gigabit to 275m to 2km) over medium
distances. Light waves are dispersed into numerous paths, or modes. Typical multimode fiber core
diameters are 50, 62.5, and 100 micrometers. However, in long distance cable (greater than 3000
feet), multiple paths of light can cause signal distortion at the receiving end, resulting in an unclear
and incomplete data transmission.
Power Losses in the Optical Fibers
The signal losses and power losses in the fiber optical cable are less. But there are number ways in
which signal is lost during the propagation through the fiber. These may be broadly can be
expressed as
Attenuation means loss of light energy as the light pulse travels from one end of the cable to the
other. It is also called as signal loss or fiber loss. It also decides the number of repeaters required
between transmitter and receiver. Attenuation is directly proportional to the length of the cable.
Attenuation is defined as the ratio of optical output power to the input power in the fiber of length
α= [10log10 (Pi/Po)]/L db/km
where, Pi= Input Power Po= Output Power, α is attenuation constant The various losses in the cable
are due to Absorption, Scattering, Dispersion, Bending
1. Signal Distortion
a) Modal Dispersion: In the optical fiber different light rays take various allowed paths (modes).
Large angle rays travel more distance than the low angle rays. There by there is difference between
the arrivals of light pulse at the end of fiber. The difference of arrive (0\or the distance) between
the slow mode and fastest mode is called modal dispersion.
b) Chromatic Dispersion: Chromatic dispersion is the spreading of a light pulse as it travels down a
fiber. During the propagation of light, all of its spectral components propagate accordingly. These
spectral components travel at different group velocities that lead to dispersion called group velocity
dispersion (GVD). Dispersion resulting from GVD is termed chromatic dispersion due to its wavelength
dependence. The effect of chromatic dispersion is pulse spread.
As the pulses spread, or broaden, they tend to overlap and are no longer distinguishable by
the receiver as 0s and 1s. Light pulses launched close together (high data rates) that spread too much
(high dispersion) result in errors and loss of information. Chromatic dispersion occurs as a result of
the range of wavelengths present in the light source.
2. Bending Losses
Extrinsic attenuation can be caused by two external mechanisms namely macro-bending or micro-
bending. Both cause a reduction of optical power.
a) Macro bending: occurs when the fiber is bent beyond its minimum bend radius. A macro-bend is
a large-scale bend that is visible, and the loss is generally reversible after bends are corrected.
To prevent macro-bends, all optical fiber has a minimum bend radius specification that should
not be exceeded.
b) Micro Bending: caused by a nick or dent in the fiber that disrupts the mode. If a bend is imposed
on an optical fiber, strain is placed on the fiber along the region that is bent. The bending strain
affects the refractive index and the critical angle of the light ray in that specific area. As a result,
light traveling in the core can refract out, and loss occurs. Micro-bending is caused by imperfections
in the cylindrical geometry of fiber during the manufacturing process. Micro-bending might be related
to temperature, tensile stress, or crushing force. Micro-bending causes a reduction of optical power
in the glass. Micro-bending is much localized, and the bend might not be clearly visible on inspection.
Typically the micro-bends increase the fiber loss by 0.1-0.2 dB/Km.
3. Coupling Losses
There is always some type of imperfection present at fiber optic connections that causes some loss
of light. In any fiber optic connection, P o and Pi are the optical power levels measured before and
after the joint, respectively. Fiber-to-fiber connection loss is increased by the following sources of
intrinsic and extrinsic coupling loss:
• Reflection losses • Core and cladding diameter mismatch
• Fiber separation • Numerical aperture (NA) mismatch
• Lateral misalignment • Refractive index profile difference
• Angular misalignment • Poor fiber end preparation
Absorption due to
impurities like OH-
• Need more expensive optical transmitters and receivers
• More difficult and expensive to splice than wires.
Fiber Optic Cable Splicing
Two optical fiber splicing methods are available for permanent joining of two optical fibers. Both
methods provide much lower insertion loss compared to fiber connectors.
1. Fiber optic cable fusion splicing – Insertion loss < 0.1dB
2. Fiber mechanical splicing – Insertion loss < 0.5dB
Fiber optic cable fusion splicing
Fiber optic cable fusion splicing provides the lowest-loss connection. Special equipment called
fusion splicer is used to perform the fiber fusion splicing. The fusion splicer performs optical fiber
fusion splicing in two steps.
1. Precisely align the two fibers
2. Generate a small electric arc to melt the fibers and weld them together
High precision fusion splicers are usually bulky and expensive. With proper training, a fiber splicing
technician can routinely achieve less than 0.1dB insertion loss splicing for both single mode and
multimode fiber cables.
1. Define the terms Numerical aperture and acceptance angle and derive an expression for
numerical aperture
2. Describe double crucible method to fabricate an optical fiber. Mention the applications of
optical fibers.
3. Mention advantages and disadvantages of optical fibers.
4. Discuss various types of loss in signal propagation through optical fibers.
5. A silica optical fiber has a core refractive index of 1.49 and a cladding refractive index of 1.47.
Determine the critical angle at the core cladding interface, numerical aperture, and acceptance
angle in air for the fiber.