Destabilization of Simple Repetitive DNA Sequences Transcription in Yeast
Destabilization of Simple Repetitive DNA Sequences Transcription in Yeast
Destabilization of Simple Repetitive DNA Sequences Transcription in Yeast
Monika Wierdl,*
Christopher N. Greene,t’:
Sue Jinks-Robertsont
and Thomas D. Petes*
*Department of Biology and Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina 27599-3280 and tDepartment of Biology, fGraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology, and sGraduate Program in
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Manuscript received January 17, 1995
Accepted for publication March 11, 1996
Simple repetitive DNA sequences in the eukaryotic genome frequently alter in length. In wild-type
strains, we find that transcription through a repetitive poly GT tractdestabilizesthe tract four- to
ninefold. In mismatch repairdeficient yeast strains, simple repeats are very unstable. High levels of
transcription in such strains destabilize repetitive tracts an additional two- to threefold.
FIGL'RE1.-Alterations in the length of a poly GT tract as a consequence of DNA polymerase slippage. During replication,
there is a transient dissociation between the primer (P) andtemplate (T) strands. The reassociation may result in DNA molecules
in which a GT repeat is unpaired in either the primer (left side of figure) or template (right side of figure) strands. If this
mismatch is not remired. continued redication will lead to an addition of one repeat (displaced repeat in primer strand) or a
deletion of one repeat (displaced repeat in template strand).
in a variety of experiments. The human transcription tively, at the 5' ends. pNKY48 has a HIS4-URA3 cassette that
was removed as a 1148-bp BnmHI fragment and inserted into
factor CTF is identical to NF-1, an initiation factor for the BnmHI site ofpSR339 to generate pSR348. Since yeast
adenovirus DNA replication (JONES et al. 1987). Several strains with a mutant uru3 gene at the normal URA3 locus
components of the nucleotide excision pathway are as- and an integrated copy of pSR348 grow in medium lacking
sociated with transcription factor complexes in both uracil, this construction results in a functional URA3 fusion
protein. pSR231 contains a pGALl0-LYS2 fusion constructed
prokaryotes and eukaryotes (reviewed by DRAPKIN et al. by ligating a 685-bp BumHI-EroRI GALI-GALlOpromoterfrag-
1994). Fox ~t al. (1994) showed that transcription inter- ment from pBMl3O (JOHNSTON and DAVIS1984) withPsfI
fered with the function of the E. coli MutY mismatch linkers into pSR229. pSR229 is a derivative ofpDPG (FLEIC
repair gene. In addition, a number of researchers (WV rt al. 1986) containing a promoter-less LYS2 gene and was
constructed by digestion with Hind11 and EcoRV followed by
~t al. 1988; RAHMOUNI and W~1.1-s 1989) foundthat creating flush ends with Klenow fragment and ligation of PstI
transcription alters DNA superhelicity, which could in- linkers.
fluence either DNA replication or DNA repair.
DATTAandJINKS-ROBERTSON (1995) recently showed
that transcription increases the level of reversion of a
frameshift mutation in yeast -30-fold. Since such rever-
sion events often represent changesin short runsof the
same base (C. GREENE and S.JINKS-ROBERTSON, unpub-
lished data), this result suggests the possibility that tran-
scription might also alter the stability of microsatellite
sequences. Below, we show that poly GT tracts of 31 or
35 bp aredestabilized four- to ninefold by high levels of
transcription and that this destabilization results partly
from an interference with DNA mismatch repair. CUILI-IO
The plasmid pSR348 has a single BglII site within the LYS2 Strains SJR453-31 and SJR454-35 are gal80 derivatives of
sequence where annealed oligonucleotides containingthe MBW1-31 and MBW1-35, respectively. These strains were con-
poly GT repeat were inserted. pMBWl was derived from structed by transformation of theparental strains with a
pSR348 by insertion of a 33-bp poly GT repeat at the unique BamHI fragment containing a gal80 gene disrupted by inser-
BglII site. Two complementary oligonucleotides with cohesive tion of a hisGURA3-hisC cassette, derived from plasmid
BglII ends and the following sequences were synthesized: 5' pSR372 (provided by J. FRIDOVICH-KEIL, Emory University).
GATCGTCGACA(TG)lGTACTCGAG 3' and 5' GATCCTC- The resulting Ura+ transformants were then plated on me-
GAGTA(CA)IGTGTCGAC3'. These oligonucleotides were an- dium containing5FOA to select for loss of the URA3 insertion
nealed by the method described by HENDERSON and PETES within the gal80 gene. The gal80 mutation was confirmed by
(1992),and ligated to BglII-digestedpSR348. The ligated PCR and by testing the isolates for sensitivity to Zdeoxygalac-
products were transformed into the E. coli strain DH5a. A tose (PIATT 1984).
positive clone was identified by restriction analysis and the Measurements of simplesequencestability: The starting
DNA sequence confirmed by themethod of KRAFT et al. strains were phenotypically Ura- as a consequence of the out-
(1988). In pMBWl, the poly GT tract was oriented such that of-frame insertion of the poly GT tract (either 35 or 31 bp).
the GT repeats were in the transcribed strand. The plasmid Consequently, we monitored alterations that restored the cor-
pMBW2 was constructed as described above, except theoligo- rect reading frame by measuring the frequency of Ura+ colo-
nucleotides had a 31-bp poly GT repeat in the opposite orien- nies. Yeast strains were pregrown under conditions that lead
tation within pSR348 compared with pMBWl. to high or low transcription levels of the fusion gene using
The plasmid pSR376, used to monitor thelevel of induction two different protocols (as described below). For -20 inde-
of transcription from the PGALI-GALlOpromoter, is a U R A 3 pendent colonies derived from each strain, we measured the
marked integratingplasmid containing a pGAL-LacZfusion. It frequency of Ura+ cells in each colony by plating cells to
was derived from pRY131 (YOCUM et al. 1984) by deleting medium (SGuracil) that contained galactose (to induce ex-
a 1.9-kb SpeI fragment containing the 2-pm plasmid DNA pression of the fusion gene) and lacked uracil. Ura+ colonies
replication origin. Linearizing pRS3'76 by StuI digestion tar- were counted after 2 days incubation at 30". The rates of Ura+
gets integration at URA3. events per generation were calculated using the method of
Mediaand growth conditions: Standard SD-complete and the median (LEA and COULSON 1949).
YEPD media were used (SHERMAN 1991). YEPGal plates were Two methods of elevating transcription levels were used.
identical toYEPD, with galactose replacing glucose as a carbon GAL80 strains were pregrown on plates containing SD com-
source. Carbon sources for the various media were 2% glucose plete medium (glucose as carbon source, low rate of transcrip-
(YEPD and SD-complete); 2% galactose (YEPGal); 2% galac- tion of fusion gene) or on plates with SG complete medium
tose, 1%raffinose (SG-complete); and 2% glycerol, 1%ethanol (galactose as carbon source, high transcription rate of fusion
(YEPGE). Cells were grown at 30". For one protocol, cells were gene). In other experiments, isogenic GAL80and gal8Ostrains
pregrown on plates containing SDcomplete or SG-complete were pregrown on rich medium containing ethanol andglyc-
media for 3 days. In the other protocol, cells were pregrown erol (YEP-GE), resulting in low (GAL80 strains) and high
for 5 days on plates containing YEP-GE medium. (gal80strains) levels of expression of the fusion gene. Individ-
Yeast strain constructions: All yeast strainsused in this ual colonies derived from the pregrown cells were examined
study were derived from AMY125 (MATa a d d his7-2 leu2- for the frequency of Ura+ cells as described above.
3,112 trpl-289 ura3-52; STRANDet al. 1993) by transformation Analysis of thelength of repetitivetracts by hot PCR
with various plasmids. The strain MBW1-33was created by Lengths of poly GT tracts in Ura+ colonies were measured by
transformation (SHERMAN et al. 1983) of AMY125 with EcoRI- the method described by FARRER et al. (1994). PCR primers
digested pMBWl DNA. The insertion of pMWl at the LEU2 complementary to the LYS2 coding sequences flanking the
locus was confirmed by Southern blot analysis (SAMBROOK et poly GT tract (5' CCAACGTGGTCATTTAATGAGC and 5'
al. 1989). Since the poly GT insertion was in-frame with the GCTTGAACTCGTCTAATTTG) were used to amplify an
fusion protein, MBW1-33 was Ura+. -200-bp product. The 20 pI PCR reactions contained: 200-
MBW1-31 and MBW1-35 strains were obtained as spontane- 500 ng yeast DNA, 12.5 pM of the primers, 1 unit Taq poly-
ous 5-fluoroorotic acid-resistant (5FOA') derivatives of merase (Perkin-Elmer), and 2.5 pCi "'P-dATP in a solution
MBW1-33 and hadpoly GT tracts of 31 and 35 bp, respectively. of 10 mM Tris (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 0.001% gelatin, 3 mM
Single colonies ofMBW1-33 were spread on solid medium MgC12,and 0.25 mM dNTPs. PCR products were analyzed on
containing 5FOA (which selects for Ura- cells; BOEKEet al. 6% sequencing gelswith control DNA samples containing
1984) and 5FOA' papillae were identified. The lengths of the poly GT tracts of 31, 33 and 35 bp.
poly GT tracts in the Ura- isolates were determined by the Assay of transcription induction by the GAL10 promoter:
hot PCR method described below. Strain MBW2-31 was iso- The plasmid pSR376 was transformed into MBW1-31 and
genic to MBW1-31 except that the poly GT repeat had the SJR453-31 to create the strains SJR474-31 and SJR475-31. Sin-
opposite orientation. This strain was constructed by transfor- gle copy insertion at the U r n 3 locus was confirmed by South-
mation of AMY125 with EcoRI-treated pMBW2. ern analysis. These strains were grown in 5-ml cultures con-
The strain MS121 (provided byM. STRAND, Univ. of North taining either 2% glycerol and 2% ethanol (YEP-GE) or
Carolina) is isogenic to AMY125 except for a disruption of cultures containing 2% galactose (YEPGal). Early log phase
the MSH2 gene by a URA3 insertion. A 5FOA' derivative of cultures were harvested by centrifugation. The cultures were
MS121 was transformed with pMBWl to construct the strain diluted and permeabilized cells were assayed for P-galactosi-
MBW3-33. Southern analysis confirmed that the Leu+ Ura+ dase activity as described by AUSUBEI. et al. (1987).
transformant contained a single integrated copy of the plas- statistical analyses: For each strain, the numbers of Urd+
mid. The strain MBW3-35 was a 5FOA' derivative of MBW3- cells were determined for -20 independent colonies per ex-
33. By the PCR method described below, we showed that periment, andeach experiment was done atleast twice. From
MBW3-35 contained a 35-bp poly GT tract (instead of the 33- the measured numbers, rates were calculated by the method
bp tract of MBW3-33). Strain SJR482-35 is a pmsl derivative of the median (LEAand CCXILSON 1949). Therates obtained
of MBW1-35 constructed by two-step transplacement using for each experiment were then averaged for each strain or
the BstXI-treated plasmid pSR211; this plasmid (provided by growth condition.
D. MALONEY,Univ. of California, Berkeley) contains a dele- To determine whether the rates of instability were signifi-
tion mutant allele of PMSl with flanking sequences inserted cantly different for one strain compared with another (or one
in YIp5. The deletion in SJR482-35 was confirmed by PCR. growth condition compared to another), we converted the
716 M. Wierdl et al.
number of Ura+ cells to a rate measurement for each individ- DNA sequence analysis showed that all such derivatives
ual colony by using the number of Ura+ cells for each colony
had alteredpoly GT tractsthat restored the correctread-
as the median value and then employing the method of the
median described by LEA and COULSON(1949). These rates ing frame for the fusion URA3 gene.
were ranked for the two strains (or conditions) being com- Destabilization of simplerepeats bytranscription:
pared in order from highest to lowest using the same number The fusion URA3 gene is transcribed from the galactose-
of colonies for each strain (or growth condition). We then inducible GALI-10 promoter, which is positively regu-
determined by chi-square analysis whether one strain had sig-
nificantly more colonies ranked in the top half of the rate lated by Gal4p and negatively regulated by Gal80p
values than the other strain. Chi-square values >3.85 (P < (JOHNSTON and CARLSON 1992). Ingal80 strains grown
0.05) were judged to be significant. For example, for strain in medium containing glycerol and ethanol as carbon
MBW2-31, we measured 37 rates under conditions of low tran- sources or in GAL80 strains grown in medium con-
scription and 37 under conditions of high transcription. When
these 74 rates were ranked in a single list, 33 of the highest taining galactose, transcription occurs at a high rate
37 rates were derived from the high-transcription experiments. from this promoter. In GAL80 strains grown in medium
If there is no significant difference in the rate of instability containing glucose or glycerol and ethanol, transcrip-
under the high- and low-transcription conditions, one would tion occurs at a low rate. Consequently, to determine
expect equal numbers (18.5) of the 37 topranked rates to be
derived from cells under the two conditions. By chi-square the effect of transcription on simple repeat instability,
analysis, we found that our observed result was a significant we used two different growth protocols. In the first pro-
departure (x' = 21, P < 0.001) from that expectation. tocol, we compared the rateof the appearance of Ura'
Confidence limits (95%) were calculated forthe rates colonies in a GAL80 strain that was pregrown on me-
shown in Tables 1 and 3. Using Table A-25a of DIXON and
MASSEY (1969), we calculated 95% confidence limits on the
dium containing glucose (low transcription) with the
median number of Ura' cells for each experiment. For exam- rate measuredin the same strain pregrown on galactose
ple, for one of the three experiments in which we examined (high transcription). In the second protocol, we com-
the rate of instability in MBW1-35 under low transcription pared the rate of Ura+ colonies in a GAL80 strain that
conditions, we measured the numberof Ura+ cells in 15inde- was pregrown on medium containing ethanoland glyc-
pendent colonies and these numbers were ranked. The me-
dian number of Ura+ cells was 71. From Table A-25a, if the erol (low transcription), with the rate in an isogenic
number of independent observations is 15, one can conclude gal80 strain pregrown on the same typeof medium
that the 95% confidence intervals are between the 4th and (high transcription).
11th ranked values. For this experiment, these values were 58 Our Ura' rate measurements are summarized in Ta-
and 88 Ura+ cells. Using these numbers and theaverage num-
ber of cells per colony, we calculated rates using Table 3 of ble l. Similar results were obtained with both methods
LEAand COULSON(1949), resulting in arate estimate for this of inducing high transcription levels. For the GAL80
experiment of 1.1 X 10-5/cell division with 95% confidence strain with the 35-bp tract of poly GT (MBW1-35) pre-
limits between 0.9 and 1.2 X (Table1). grown on medium containing glucose (low transcrip-
tion),we found a rateof Ura' derivativesof 1 X
RESULTS mitotic division. Since we find (as described below) that
all of these Ura' derivatives had alterations in length
Experimental system: To analyze the stability of sim- of the polyGT tract, this rate represents the rate of
ple repetitive sequences, we used a frameshift assay, simi- tract instability. When MBW1-35 wasgrown in galactose-
lar to those described previously (HENDERSON and PETES containing medium (high transcription), the rate in-
1992). We inserted an in-frame 33-bp tract of poly GT creased about sixfold, a statistically significant differ-
into the coding sequence of a URA3 fusion gene in ence (x' = 19.9, P < 0.001). The rate of Ura' colonies
the plasmidpSR348 (Figure 2) to create the plasmid was ninefold higher for theguZ80 strain SJR454-35 (high
pMBW1. A yeast strain with a uru? mutation (AMYl25) transcription) compared with the GAL80 strain MBW1-
was transformed withthisplasmid and Uraf trans- 35 (low transcription) when both strains were grown in
formants were isolated. Insertion ofpMBWl into the medium containing glycerol and ethanol (x*= 26.3,
chromosome resulted in a strain (MBW1-33) in which P < 0.001).
the fusion gene is located between duplicated copies of In similar comparisons with strains containing poly
LEU2. When we selected Ura- derivatives of MBWl-33 GT insertions of 31 bp (strains MBW1-31 and SJR453-
by using 5FOA, we found that some of these derivatives 31), the high transcription levels elevated the rate of
contained alterations of the poly GT tract leading to tract instability by about three- to fivefold (Table 1).
out-of-frame insertions; two such derivatives had 31-bp Statistically significant differences were found compar-
(MBW1-31) and 35-bp(MBW1-35)polyGT tracts. In ing rates for MW1-31 pregrown on glucose- (low tran-
addition, we found derivatives of MBW1-33 in which the scription) or galactose-containing (high transcription)
fusion gene was lost as a consequence of recombination medium (x' = 8.7, P < 0.01), and comparing rates
between the flanking LEU2 genes. Consequently, rather for MW1-31 (low transcription) and SJR453-31 (high
than assessing tract instability by measuring the fre- transcription) pregrown on YEPG medium ( x 2 = 24.5,
quency of 5FOAR cells derived from MBW1-33, we moni- P < 0.001).
tored the frequency of Ura' cells derived from the Ura- For both protocols, the induction of instability by
strains MBW1-31 and MBW1-35. As described below, high transcription levels was about twofold less for the
Transcription-Associated Mutations 717
Increased destabilizationof simple repetitive sequencesby high levels of transcription
31-bp tract than for the 35-bp tract. The difference ap- or growth condition. The GAL80 strain SJR474-31 had
pears to reflect a lower rate of instability for the 35-bp 360-fold more ,&galactosidaseactivity when grown in
tract under conditions of low transcription, rather than mediumcontaining galactose (YEPGal) than when
a higher level of instability of the 35-bp tract under grown in medium with glycerol and ethanol (YEP-GE).
conditions of high transcription (Table 1). This issue The gal80 strain SJK475-31, grown in YEP-GE, had 460-
will be discussed further below. fold more /%galactosidase activitythan the GAL80strain
We also examined the effect of the orientation of the SJR474-31, grown under the same conditions.
poly GT tract on transcription-stimulated tract instabil- Sequence analysis of altered tracts: In our previous
ity. In MBW1-31, the transcript of the fusion URA3 gene studies of alterations in poly GT tracts, we found that
will contain a poly CA tract in the mRNA. The strain most changes involve addition or deletion of one or
MBW2-31 is identical toMBW1-31, except for the orien- two repeats with -10% of the alterations representing
tation of the poly GT tract. High levels of transcription larger deletions or insertions (HENDERSON and PETES
resulted in a 3.0-fold induction (statistically significant 1992; STRAND et al. 1993, 1995). To confirm that the
with x2 = 21, P < 0.001) of tract instability in MBW2- Ura+ cells derived from the strains used in this study
31 (Table l ) ,similar to the 3.5-fold induction observed also resulted from tract alterations and to determine
by the same protocol for MBWl-31. the types of alterations, we examined tract lengths by
Level of transcription induction: To confirm levels analyzing PCK products on DNA sequencing gels.
of high and low transcription from the GAL10 pro- These results are summarized in Table 2.
moter, we inserted a single copy of a PGALlOlacZ re- All Ura' derivatives examined hadpoly GTtract alter-
porter gene intostrains MBWl-31(GAL80) and SJR453- ations that restored the correct reading frame of the
31 (ga180) to create thestrains SJR474-31 and SJR475-31, fusion protein. In strains with35-bp tracts, the most
respectively. Measurements of &galactosidase activity of common alteration was a deletion of one repeat, al-
four independent cultures were done for each strain though a few tracts with additions of two repeats were
718 M. Wierdl et al.
Tract length alterations in high and low transcription strains
Transcription destabilizes simple repeat tractsin the absence of mismatch repair
al. (1993, 1995), the lack of large alterations does not sion. Thus, the effect examined by DATTAand JINKS-
reflect strain differences. It could be a consequence of ROBERTSON would probably not be detectable in our
the different fusion genes used to assay tract instability experiments.
or a consequence of the location of the assayed gene The observed frequency of tract instability is likely to
(located within the chromosome in our experiments be a function of the error rate of DNA polymerase and
and on a plasmid in the experiments of STRANDet al. the efficiency of DNA mismatch repair. The error rate
(1993, 1995). of DNA polymerase reflects both the DNA polymerase
The six- to ninefold induction of microsatellite insta- slippage rate and the rate with whicherrors are corrected
bility by high levels oftranscription is lessthan the-30- by the associated proofreading exonuclease activity.
fold induction of reversion observed for a lys2 Thus, if the frequency with whichDNA polymerase gen-
frameshift mutation in studies done with the same pro- erates mismatches is a, and the frequency of mismatches
moter (DAITA and JINKS-ROBERTSON 1995). It is likely escaping the mismatch repair systemis 6, then the o b
that the induction of alterations by transcription in served frequency of simple repeat instability is ab, assum-
these two experiments has different causes. DATTAand ing that the frequencies of both processes are indepen-
JINKS-ROBERTSON (1995) suggested that high levels of dent. Transcription could elevate simple repeat
transcription may lead to increased levels ofDNA dam- instability in a variety of ways: by decreasing the rate of
age that is repaired (in part) by the error-prone REV3 mismatch repair, by increasing the error rate of DNA
encoded DNA polymerase. This effect increases the mu- polymerase, by affecting both DNA polymerase and mis-
tation rate from 10-g/division to 3 X 10-8/division. In match repair, or by activating a new pathway (for exam-
our experiments, high levelsof transcription elevate ple, recombination) leading to simple repeat instability.
tract alterations from -10-5/division to 6 x 10-5/divi- Our results limit the possible explanations for the
Tract alterations observed in mh2 (MT3W3-35) and pml (SJR482-35) mismatch repair mutants
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Mutations in the MSH3 gene preferentiallyleadtodeletions Communicating editor: P. L. FOSTER