4 - Hand Over SIMION

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MONDAY 05 December 2016

Welcome on board LPG/C SURVILLE.


Working hours are from 07:30 hrs to 12:00 hrs and from 14:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs.

The engineer on duty should do an evening check from 22:00 until 23:00; during this
period, dead man alarm must be ON while you are alone in the engine room.

Coffee break is from 10:00 to 10:15 and from 16:00 to 16:15.

You will be on duty every 3 days.

According to circumstances, Sunday afternoon is free.

You will be reporting to the 1st Engineer and the Chief Engineer.

On your watch, before leaving the Engine room, you have to complete the UMS


The login id of shipsure is simrad and the password is 1977. You can consult Chief
Engineer about changing the password and username.

The password for Engine room door is 890.Near HAND OVER I attached ISPS Drill
procedure(citadel procedure in case of piracy attack).keep it in one hiding place.

You will be responsible for the following machineries and items:

 FO/DO/LO purifying and supply system.

 Bunkering and transfers of FO/LO/DO.
 Sewage plant.
 Water analysis & treatment.
 Emergency generator.

 Hydrophore system
 Boilers water treatment
 Water spray pump
 Ballast pumps
 Fire, bilge & GS pumps
 LO analysis of all engines

All maintenance work is done according to shipsure. All maintenance is up to date.


DAILY: -top up FO settling tank / I let the transfer pump in auto mode

-Back flush mineralizer

-Check the machinery under your responsibility
- Check the correct pressure of Hydrophore

WEEKLY: -test: emergency generator

Tanks level alarms (when in port or sts Master told me not to do the
E/R flooding and FO Tks High level alarms even if I call OOW – will sound also in CCR and
on the deck and to do not disturb cargo operators) to discuss this matter with new C/E
and Master
-analysis: ME, DG, boiler water and ME cooling water; sewage.
-boiler: Blow down (bottom and surface, depending of the test results)
- add weekly dose of Gamazine
- clean filters of FO/DO system (usually HFO Purifier Supply Pp)
- HFO Tks Sounding – ALL record in Auto Sounding excel together with
sounding from LO (wiper)

MONTHLY: -monthly end paper to fill: analysis results, quantity of boiler water & LO
chemicals. We have enough boiler water test chemicals. The test results are to be
recorded every two days and at the end of the month, have to be given to the Chief


There are some routines that you have to follow here on Sundays. Those are:

 Trying out Emergency Diesel Generator (Manual, Start, 5-10min, Stop, Auto).
 Test of the level alarms in engine room

 Test of the bilge alarms
 Sounding of the fuel tanks


Make: Samgong – Mitsubishi Self Ejector

Specifications: Type – self cleaning, total and partial discharge.

Model – SJ50GH.

Currently No. 1 purifier is in service and should be cleaned when you will have
maintenance in Shipsure. All maintenance for purifiers is changed now so you will have
the jobs at specific running hours. For now the Purifier is working well, I did not have
leaks or other alarms. Anyway check suction press for supply pump.

No. 2 purifier is cleaned and kept in ST-BY.Tested and ready to use.

No.1 purifier bowl maintenance – 7808 RHrs

No.2 purifier bowl maintenance –12800 RHrs

Purifier supply pump suction filters are cleaned weekly. For the frequency of cleaning a
good indicator is the suction pressure.

As for operation you can change from Supply Pp 1 to Pp2 without stopping the separator
just put MMI off, open 75V, start new pump and close after the flow regulator from
pump in stby 33V or 34V. Same for changing Settl tks from 1 to 2 or viceversa just turn
MMI off and open close 140V and 141V (change also after the press side from one
Service tk to the other 139V, 137V). Put ON MMI after press is stabilized.

Normal operating parameters: flow 2000-2200, backpress 0.15MPa, temp 95-98.

The HFO Purifier temperature controllers are working both ok so you do not have to
worry about Settling Tks temperature too much. If the HFO Purifier is ON you will have
about 80-85 degrees C in Service and between 60(when transfer pp fills the tk) and
80(before the pump start) for Settling Tk. To adjust if you go in cold areas.

All maintenancefor both of purifiers is recorded in shipsure.


Make: Samgong – Mitsubishi Self Ejector

Specifications: Type – self cleaning, total discharge.

Model – SJ20GH (for M/E)

Model – SJ10GH (for G/E)

M/E lubricating oil purifiers are in good working condition. No2 is kept in St-by .

For now No.1 is in service

No.1 M/E LO purifier bowl maintenance - 7659 RHrs

No.2 M/E LO purifier bowl maintenance – 6030 RHrs

G/E LO purifier bowl maintenance – 8741 RHrs

Generator LO purifier is in good working condition, has been cleaned on 20/09/2015.

The heater of this separator has been cleaned in AUGUST (15.08.2016) the C/E has
introduced this job in SSH, at 30 – 40 days to prevent large accumulation of deposits
inside of it.

Normal operating parameters: flow 1100, backpress 0.15MPa, temp 80-85 for ME

Normal operating parameters: flow 450-500, backpress 0.15MPa, temp 80-85 for GE

All maintenance is recorded in shipsure.we receive spares(TEFLON RINGS AND O-


BUNKERING SYSTEM: Regarding this system I suggest to pay attention to the

temperature of the tanks, especially in cold water, (any way the temperature must be
keep it between 36-45C) to help the pumps during the fuel transferring. The suction
pressure value of the Transfer pump it was used as indicator for the cleaning of the

In the present the transfer pump nr. 1 is in service and is kept in automatic mode.
The MGO transfer is kept in the manual mode always. In the present the suction of MGO

pump is open on the portside (very low sulphur) please be carefully with the fill in valves,
on the service tanks (from transfer pump), these are closed (V23& V24). The same
situation is with the backline in valves from the generators.

The ME and Composite Boiler you should keep on Serv1 and the DG on Serv2

For Bunker station speak with motorman: he knows were the needed items are. The
sampling valve, screws, barrel, tools, gaskets, oil spill pump and material etc. The
sampling plastic bags are in the E/R store.

In n°1 HFO bunker tank starboard and n°2 HFO bunker tank starboard we have new
hfo.is not necessary to avoid mixing.is already make it this operation.


Sewage treatment plant is in good working condition. Opened inspection cover from all
tks and washed all with SEA WATER. Both suction from decantation to primary tk work
ok. Added gamazime. The non-return valve from ejector pump was also cleaned so
Sewage Treatment Plant should be trouble free.FOUNDED piece of ropes IN CLAPET. For
circulating pump waiting to receive impeller and mechanical seal to be changed.
Maintenance was make it according shipsure.sludge must discharge every week to avoid
sludge accumulation and wash with sea water.we receive 2 valves for vacuum pump.is
situated near 30 bars compressors.blue colour.one of them was changed already.


There are only a few things that you have to take care of, in this system:

1) Hydrophore – Hydrophore is working fine. The level of water in the Hydrophore is

maintained as per the mark on the sight glass. If the level is more, you can charge
air via the air connection given near the Hydrophore. No major intervention at

2) Calorifier -- The calorifier is electrically and steam heated. The setting is done so
that the steam heats up first and only if there is not enough, the electric heater
starts.at this was founded untight bolts from frame.was retight and every week
checked.much vibration in his area.changed just rope filters

3) Mineralizer – The only routine we do on the mineralizer is to back flush it once a
week. The instructions are clearly written on the mineralizer and also in the
manual.From mineralizer and sterilizer rope filters was changed with new ones
begin of January.after according to maintenance manual changed with washed
rope filter.The dolomite was cleaned end of november. The cleaned dolomite
granules are kept in the E/R store. just change rope filters and dolomite rocks
cleaned and refill with new ones.is make it one order from dolomite and rope

The filters from mineralizer and sterilizer from rope cotton are in E/R Store


Boiler water and jacket Water are treated as per their test results. The test kit for both
boiler water and jacket water are the same and is kept in the ECR. All the test chemicals
are there in stock and again it is kept in the ECR. You have to blow down boiler water
once a week (or depend of the analysis results). And depending upon the pH value and P-
Alkalinity value you have to add chemicals. In Lube oil analysis, you have to test for
water content in oil & TBN. Spare test chemicals and test cells are kept in ECR. LO results
for main engine, all generators, and they are recorded in excel folder.

!!!The results from water analyses should be recorded ONLY on ECR2 computer due to
soft copyright protection, the only one working is – on desktop, Unitor Waterproof
shortcut!!! It is 1 order for chemicals in shipsure.for alkalinity and chloride tablets and
PH paper.analise for boiler is in range.for cooling water is in range the same and for feed
water.was changed a little the analise procedure.you will see in unitor electronic
analyses.folders with analyses is already prepared for end of month.


Emergency diesel generator is in good working condition. It is tried out weekly. You have
to start and run for at least 10 minutes without load. The parameters then have to be
noted and entered in shipsure as weekly checks.

In the present in MGO tank is low sulfur MGO.

For on load test (monthly) you have to check with bridge – normally you do the test
when not in port or maneuvering so you can start all consumers. First you check so that

S/G pump running is no.1 (if not Call Bridge to change pump + autopilot). When E’cy DG
starts, it will stop power supply from Main Bus, No2 S/G Pump will stop and you will
have no steering for a 1-2 minutes (if the other pump is not running) until EDG is on and
power the ESB. This situation should be avoided.

After you cleared this speak with 2nd Eng to prepare E’cy Air Compressor. Turn the switch
to ENG+ACB (you can warm the generator first by testing it in manual mode but C/E said
to try it directly like in real life situation). Wait so that the DG start and connect ESB.
Now you can speak with bridge to commute to S/G Pump and Autopilot to No. 2. Start
the other consumers one by one:

- No3 E/R Vent FAN, E’cy Fire Pump – Call Bridge, S/g Exhaust Fan – Local, CO2 Room
Fan(usually on just check), BowT Room Fan – Local at bow entrance, E’cy Air Comp – call
2nd Eng in ECR

- take parameters after all consumers are on and keep generator running for about 20
minutes after turn off one by one. Call bridge to commute SG to No1 and stop E’cy Fire

- turn switch to Normal. The ESB will switch off and the DG will stop after a few minutes.

After DG is stopped check also manual operation of e’cy DO shut-off valve and level in
DO Tk. to be above red line (18h) minimum operation – inspectors will check this so be
careful. Was only one intervention at this.dismantle and cleaned the air filter.on load
test is register in shipsure and log book.


The Em-cy Fire pump working condition is ok.Only check to be in parameters and good
condition.was cleaned suction filter and checked zinc anode.all is ok


There are some documents that you have to complete and give to C/E at the end of the
month. Those include:

 LO test results for the whole month.

 Water test results

All these files are there in the 4/E‘s folder. You have to update these documents and
transfer that to the C/E’s folder. Chief – Monthly – and the respective month.

 Pumps – all ok no leaks so normally there will be no problems. N°2Ballast pump

was overhauled.report is make it and is situated in 3rd Eng folder.was changed
both casing rings and mechanical seal.exist one requisition from new shaft to
have on board in spare.

FOR Stby, FWE, BOSP and EOSP :

For preparing the engine for Stby you need to put telegraph from FWE to STby so that
the HPS pumps start and you can make prelube on MOP Panel – Auxiliaries – Cylinder
lubrication. After you can either turn ME with Turning gear either with air slow turn.

Check power demand and if cargo compressors are running so that you know how many
DG to use for maneuvering.

To turn by air you need first to open starting air vlv and distributor vlv – normally closed.

Also you need to open heating bypass approx. 50%, start HT pump and stop small port
use one; check that all cylinder cocks are open.

Now you should have on telegraph no red lights and all alarms disappeared. You can
turn by air after bridge confirmation for clear propeller.

For slow turn you activate button from ME indicator panel in front of telegraph not on

You put ME air run switch from Normal to Air Blowing OFF position, put telegraph in
dead slow and turn switch to Air blow ON for about 5 sec. After put telegraph in stop.

Repeat without slow turn; after put switch in normal position, close cylinder cocks,
turbine vlv, and make test Ahead and Astern with HFO. After finish pass ME command to

For BOSP until Half you can run on one LT and one CSW one cooler in service, for Full
Ahead you need to start second LT, second CSW and open second cooler.

ATTENTION: do not open second cooler if only 1LT and 1CSW Pp are running; you need
to have 2+2 Pps due to low press alarm for cooling water

Start also FW Gen when Full Ahead – check that you have FW press on the manometer

Close heating and fully open the heater bypass.

For EOSP is vice versa just when drifting you need to pay attention to heater bypass so
you do not have low temp alarm for HT water(close about 50-55%)

You have the procedure in ECR


For flow meters – locally in purifier room

For Rev from touchscreen near telegraph

For Energy, power and torque from shaft power meter blue buttons, NEVER TOUCH
green button

For Total Cyl Oil: on MOP, Aux, Cyl Lubrication

For RH: on ACONIS – Run Hour 4

For Composite Boiler run hours press on Local screen – Main, Setup, Plant Settings, Hour
Counters, Boiler Total


Voiaj Bun!!!!
Outgoing 3rd ENG Incoming 3 rd ENG

Simion RADU

Chief Engineer:

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