CC 4057

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CC4057 Introduction to Information

Lab work – week 2
1. Create a database named “MyStore”.
2. Create a table named “suppliers” in the database with the following fields:
name VARCHAR(255)
address VARCHAR(255)
phone VARCHAR(255)
3. Create a table named “products” in the database with the following fields:
product_code VARCHAR(255)
name VARCHAR(255)
quantity INT
price INT
*The foreign key supplier should reference the supplier_ID field of the
suppliers table.
4. Insert data into the “suppliers” table
supplierID name address phone
1 Adidas Lalitpur 889-22-12
2 Nivea Pokhara 686-48-34
3 CG Kathmandu 950-43-11
5. Insert data into the “products” table
productID product_code name quantity price supplier
1 p001 waiwai 10000 20 3
2 p002 cream 2000 200 2
3 p003 shirt 2500 600 1
4 p004 pant 5000 1200 1
5 p005 tv 50000 50000 3

6. Write SQL statements to do the following:

a) show all records from both tables
b) show the names and the prices of all products
c) show the productID and quantity of all the products
d) show the names and phone numbers of all the suppliers
e) show the phone number of supplier named “Adidas”
f) show all the products having supplier as 1
g) show the names and prices of products which are expensive than 500
h) show the product_code and quantity of the products having quantity
less than or equal to 5000
i) show the price of “waiwai”
j) show all the details of the products which are expensive than 500
and having quantity greater than 2000
k) change the price of “waiwai” to 30
l) change the quantity of cream to 1500
m) delete the data of “waiwai” from the products table
n) add a column named “info” with type VARCHAR(255) in the products
o) in the products table set the value of the column “info” to “from CG
group” where supplier is equal to 3

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