Assignment 2 Sampling Analysis
Assignment 2 Sampling Analysis
Assignment 2 Sampling Analysis
• Explain the sampling and data analysis procedures used in research reports
• Determine whether the researcher wants to generalize his/her specific findings and/or
conclusions to a group of people larger than those included in the sample and evaluate the
degree to which a given sample is adequate for generalizing findings and/or conclusions
beyond the participants
• Identify and interpret the results of statistical analyses presented in research reports
• Explain the techniques used in qualitative data analysis and assess whether the researcher
moved beyond description to analysis
• Evaluate the degree to which a study provides reliable and generalizable results or findings
• Assess the degree to which the results or findings support (or warrant) the claims that the
researcher makes, the conclusions that s/he draws, and the implications or recommendations
for practice that the researcher makes
• Assess the contribution of a piece of research to the body of knowledge
This is a group assignment. I will assign the members. Your grade will be a group grade.
You will analyze two articles. There are two components to the assignment. (1) One is the Flow Chart
for Articles You Read for both the List A and List B articles you select to analyzed. Do not spend too
much time on this. The total points for your work on the flow chart are 40 out of 200. The purpose of the
flow chart is for you to have all information needed based purely on what the authors say in the article.
(2) The second and most important component is your responses to the discussion questions. These
responses account for 160 of 200 points. I will grade your work on the List A and List B articles
separately, scoring each on the basis of 200 points. I average the two scores to produce a group grade
for the assignment as a whole.
There is a discussion board for each group on canvas. You can use this space to share documents and
work together on the assignment. It’s the best tool to use for collaboration in terms of getting input and
assistance from me and to be able to share documents during class meetings when you get time to
work on the assignment in class. However, you can use other collaborative platforms like Teams
(Microsoft) or Google Docs. I will not be able to routinely check those –would not have access at all
unless you give me access to each folder that you set up. To be quite honest, I do not want the all
folders on multiple platforms with multiple passwords, etc. that I would have to manage for the 8
groups that will be working on this assignment (there are two sections to the class). However, I do not
want to force you to use Canvas either. You will have some time in class to work on the assignment on
October 08 and October 22. You must have boxes 1-3 of the flow chart for each other posted to your
team’s weekly discussion board on October 8. You must have boxes 4-8 posted by October.
ONE member of your team should submit the assignment. Do not submit multiple versions. You will
upload four Word documents, two for each article using the document file name given in the table
below. The document “Flow Chart for Articles You Read” is linked through home page: Click on
Documents by Swisher and you will find the link to this document in the second row of the table
There are two tables at the end of this document that delineate my assessment procedures. The first
one is a general set of assessment criteria, specific to this assignment. This is the tool I use to assign
points to each component of your work. The second table provides the detailed factors I use in deciding
how many points to award for each component in the general assessment. I use a qualitative approach
for each factor – rating your responses as excellent, satisfactory or needs improvement. I then consider
the overall pattern of response to determine the numerical score for the first table. I provide the first
table and comments for each assignment.
I would encourage each member of the group to develop a flow chart for both the List A and the List B
article, using the template for Flow Chart for ARTICLES YOU READ. However, I understand the time
limitations that we all face and if your team decides that this is not feasible, at least two people should
develop a flow chart for each article. This is important because there will be time in class for you to
compare your flow charts and develop a single chart based on group consensus. This chart provides
the basis for your responses to the discussion questions. It is important not make mistakes about the
basic content of the article. Therefore, multiple versions are much better than only one.
I provide an example of a Completed Flow Chart for Articles you Read. Provide enough detail in the
flow chart for me to understand how well you grasp the material in the article and your ability to apply
what we are learning in this class to your work on this assignment. If you provide “super short” answers
of a couple of words on the flow chart, I will not be able to assess whether you understood the article
and were able to identify the specific components in the article that you have to address in this
assignment. Do not write paragraphs or long discussion, but do not be vague: specific but brief
answers. For example, for sampling do not say something like “random sample” – specify the specific
type of random sample, e.g., systematic random sample.
Please take care to make sure that you do not misstate the author’s objectives, research
question, and theoretical hypotheses. If you get these wrong, everything else in your analysis is
likely to be wrong. For example, your assessment of the adequacy of the sample will depend on
whether the sample was “good enough” to answer the research question. If you misunderstand or
misstate the research question, you will not be able to assess the adequacy of the sample. You may
not like the author’s objectives or question. You may think s/he should have asked a different or
Discussion Questions are THE CORE OF THE ASSIGNMENT. You will provide a description of what
the author did in the flow chart. In answering the discussion questions, you will assess the quality of
the procedures used and the overall value of the work. Do not repeat what you said in the flow chart.
Concentrate on evaluating what the author(s) did. Answer the discussion questions in narrative form. I
suggest you use very short paragraphs with each paragraph making a separate point – sort of
“elaborated” bullet points. Start each paragraph with a key sentence in bold typeface that states
clearly the point you want to make. Long rambling paragraphs filled with unsubstantiated statements
will convince me that you do not understand the key concepts we discuss in this class and that you did
not use the research design literature to assess the article. Here is an example of a paragraph that
would be appropriate as part of an answer to Q3 about qualitative data analysis:
Overall, the authors were not specific about the analytic procedures used.
(1) The authors do not include any details about the specific steps they used to reach
conclusions, saying only that they used a “grounded theory” approach in their work.
Saini & Shlonsky (2012, p. 116) argue that “…regardless of the epistemological or
ontological assumptions guiding a particularly qualitative study, the ‘story’ should be told in a
consistent, transparent way and should adhere to the highest standard of methods
associated with the philosophical traditions the investigators purportedly draw from.” Simply
saying “grounded theory” fails to meet this kind of standard.
(2) Their view of grounded theory as an approach to qualitative data analysis seems to
ignore its similarities to other ways of conducting qualitative analyses. Renne (2000)
reflects what we found in our analysis of this study: “… we view most core methodological
writings on grounded theory as rather insular, placing too little emphasis on making
connections with other traditions of qualitative inquiry and ways of conceptualizing, justifying
and practicing social science research.”
(3) The authors of our article make no attempt to explain which of the many approaches
to grounded theory they believe they used in this study, leaving us uncertain of the
reliability of the very interesting conclusions they reached.
(4) In their final discussion, the authors employed none of the four kinds of questions
that researchers should address when they use qualitative analysis identified by
Patton (2002, p.467). Two of these were, in our view, particularly important omissions. The
authors provided no discussion of the degree to which their findings are supported by
previous research (qualitative or quantitative in nature), nor did they discuss the degree to
which their findings are new, or innovative.
Practice critical thinking, not criticism. Be neither over critical nor too willing to accept “pretty much
anything.” I am not upset if you give answers that are “kind of yes and kind of no” – as in we thought
maybe the sample was adequate because…. But then we also thought there were some problems with
the sample because… I want to know how well you understand the principles of research design. It’s
all about your explanations – how sophisticated they are and whether they show a good grasp
of the materials we have covered.
Consider multiple perspectives about research design in your response. For example, you will find
that disparate view about the value of case study designs in the literature. If you are discussing a case
study design, I want to see that you understand these differences. Use the research design literature
abundantly – above and beyond required readings.
Focus on showing that you can think about design in a sophisticated way. There are no “right”
and “wrong” answers to the discussion questions. You may have actual “wrong things” on the flow chart
– but here I want to see your thought processes. I’m not looking for a single “right” answer. There isn’t
one. You have to demonstrate what you’ve learned. In fact, as you answer the discussion questions
you may spot errors in the flow chart. Do not spend time changing the flow chart. Rather use this as an
opportunity to demonstrate that you thought about your responses carefully. Draw attention to the error,
explain what is “wrong” with your comment on the flow chart and explain what you now think is a better
interpretation of the material in the article.
se, cite and reference materials about research design. Do not try to do the assignment first and
then add some references. I expect you to indicate how you used the reference in your responses to
the discussion questions. Use the required materials and additional materials indicated at the course
website as well as materials that you find for yourself. Use, cite and reference all materials consulted.
State responses to all questions in your own words, including what you put in the flow chart. Do
not “copy and paste” from the article. I base my assessment of your comprehension and ability to apply
key concerns in large part on your ability to state things in your own terms. When you can explain
things in your own words, I know whether you understand the concepts or not. Your task is to apply
what you have learned – not rote repetition.
1. What is your assessment of the degree to which the features of the design were adequate to
answer the researcher’s question and respond to his/her hypotheses or propositions in a
convincing way? This refers to the confidence (internal validity) that one can have in the
conclusions reached by the author. Show that you have a good understanding the relationships
between the research question, the author’s hypotheses or propositions and the sampling and
analysis procedures the author employed – and how all of these together, as a system, affect the
confidence that we can have in the conclusions (or claims) that the author makes. A good approach
to answering this question is to identify both the strengths and weaknesses in the study. For
example, one can use statistical methods to account for unexplained variance, which can improve
both internal and external validity. Using multiple comparison groups greatly improves ability to
2. Which, if any, of the conclusions do you think the author can generalize in the way that s/he
wanted to generalize them? Distinguish between theoretical and statistical generalization. An
author may want to generalize theoretically, for example, but be relatively uninterested in statistical
generalization – or vice versa. Consider all aspects of the study as you answer this question. For
example, even though we rarely get the “perfect” sample, there ways to offset the impact of a “less
than perfect” sample – like carefully defining the theoretical population to reduce inherent variance
that would have to be taken into account in a sample of the “general population” of some city, state
or nation. Refer to the research question as you think about this. For example, there are some
instances in which the ability to generalize will depend greatly on having a probability sample. Do
you think the researcher needed a probability sample? If the researcher needed and/or tried to get
a probability sample, did the sample meet all requirements for a true probability sample? If you think
the sample failed to meet all requirements, what aspects of the sampling procedure do you think
violated the requirements? One way to think about this is to ask yourself if the sample is
“representative enough” to achieve the kind of generalization the author wants to make.
3. What is your assessment of the explanatory power of this study? Explanatory power refers to
our ability to add to the body of knowledge. I know that you may not know much about the theory or
the topic of the study and I am not grading this based on your expertise in that regard. Make sure
you specifically comment on the degree to which the author (1) expanded the empirical evidence in
the literature, (2) added to our overall understanding of the phenomenon of interest, such as new
or novel explanations for how and why it occurs, and (3) added to theory through theory-testing,
theory-building or both. Remember, research does not have to produce “earthshaking” results to be
good, solid work that contributes. However, not all research really adds much to what we know. To
answer this question, you need to assess the overall “quality” of the research question, examine the
degree to which the researcher draws conclusions (moves beyond results), and the degree to which
the design decisions about sampling and design affect explanatory power.
Responded to all aspects of this assignment in Responded to many aspects of this assignment in Consistently relied upon direct quotes and
your own words, even the complex components your own words, but had difficulty expressing or paraphrases in your responses
Relied little on direct citations or paraphrased explaining more complex ideas in your own Consulted and referenced few materials about
repetition of what the authors’ say words research design in your responses, especially
Consulted and referenced extensive materials Tended to rely on direct citations or paraphrased materials about sampling, design choice, and
about research design in your responses, repetition of what the authors’ say analysis, and included very few materials other
especially materials about sampling, design Consulted and referenced some materials about than the required readings
choice, and analysis, including materials other research design in your responses, especially Failed to cite several of the references in the body
than the required readings materials about sampling, design choice, and of the document
Cited all references in the body of the document analysis, including materials other than the Did not explain how you used the information in
Consistently explained how you used the required readings each resource to reach conclusions
information in each resource to reach conclusions Cited most, but not all, of the references in the Never cited materials with opposing or conflicting
When appropriate, cited materials with opposing or body of the document perspectives
conflicting perspectives and explained which Sometimes explained how you used the Often seems to “throw in” citations or references
perspective was used and why information in each resource to reach conclusions not directly relevant to the discussion
Rarely cited materials with opposing or conflicting