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Maps preserving the fixed points of sum of operators

Article in Operators and Matrices · August 2013

DOI: 10.7153/oam-09-34 · Source: arXiv


4 257

3 authors:

Ali Taghavi Roja Hosseinzadeh

University of Mazandaran University of Mazandaran


Vahid Darvish
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology


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Volume 9, Number 3 (2015), 563–569 doi:10.7153/oam-09-34



(Communicated by C.-K. Li)

Abstract. Let B(X ) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Banach space
X with dim X > 2 . In this paper, we characterize the maps on B(X ) which preserve the
fixed points of sum of operators. Moreover, if X is a finite dimensional Banach space, we
also characterize the maps on B(X ) which preserve the dimension of fixed points of sum of

1. Introduction

The study of maps on operator algebras preserving certain properties is a topic

which attracts much attention of many authors (see [1]–[18] and the references cited
there.) Some of these problems are concerned with preserving a certain property of
sum or products of operators (see [1]–[11] and [16]–[18]).
Let B(X ) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex
Banach space X . Recall that x ∈ X is a fixed point of an operator A ∈ B(X ),
whenever we have Ax = x . For A ∈ B(X ) , denote by LatA and F(A) the lattice
of A, that is, the set of all invariant subspaces of A and the set of all fixed points of
A, respectively. Authors in [3] characterize the maps φ : B(X ) → B(X ) which
satisfy one of the following preserving properties: Lat(A + B) = Lat(φ (A) + φ (B)),
or Lat(AB) = Lat(φ (A)φ (B)), or Lat(AB + BA) = Lat(φ (A)φ (B) + φ (B)φ (A)), or
Lat(ABA) = Lat(φ (A)φ (B)φ (A)), or Lat(AB − BA) = Lat(φ (A)φ (B) − φ (B)φ (A)).
Since F(A) ∈ LatA, one can replace the lattice preserving property by the fixed
points preserving property. Moreover, one can consider the maps preserving the di-
mension of fixed points which is a very weaker condition. For usual product, in [16],
we characterized the surjective maps φ : B(X ) → B(X ) satisfying dim F(AB) =
dim F(φ (A)φ (B)), where dim F(T ) denotes the dimension of F(T ).
In this paper, we characterize the maps φ : B(X ) → B(X ) and φ : Mn →
Mn satisfying F(A + B) = F(φ (A) + φ (B)) and dim F(A + B) = dim F(φ (A) + φ (B)),

Mathematics subject classification (2010): 46J10, 47B48.

Keywords and phrases: Preserver problem, operator algebra, fixed point.

c D l , Zagreb 563
Paper OaM-09-34

2. Maps preserving the dimension of fixed points of sum of operators

Recall that two operators A and B are adjacent if A − B is of rank one.

L EMMA 2.1. Let n be an integer number such that n > 2 . Suppose that φ :
Mn −→ Mn is a map which satisfies

dim F(A + B) = dim F(φ (A) + φ (B)) (A, B ∈ Mn ).

Then the following statements are hold:

(i) φ is injective.
(ii) If φ is surjective, then φ preserves adjacency in both directions.

Proof. (i) From n = dim F(A + I − A) = dim F(φ (A) + φ (I − A)) we obtain

I = φ (A) + φ (I − A) (2.1)

for every A ∈ Mn . Let φ (A1 ) = φ (A2 ). By (2.1) we have

n = dim F(φ (A1 ) + I − φ (A2 ))

= dim F(φ (A1 ) + φ (I − A2 ))
= dim F(A1 + I − A2 ),

which implies that A1 + I − A2 = I and so A1 = A2 .

(ii) Let A and B be two matrices such that A − B is of rank one. Preserving
property of φ together with (2.1) implies that

n − 1 = dim ker(A − B) = dim F(A − B + I)

= dim F(φ (A) + φ (I − B))
= dim F(φ (A) + I − φ (B))
= dim ker(φ (A) − φ (B))

which implies that φ (A) − φ (B) is of rank one and so φ preserves adjacency. Since
φ −1 has the preserving property of φ , we can conclude that φ preserves adjacency in
both directions. 

T HEOREM 2.2. Let n be an integer number such that n > 2 . Suppose that φ :
Mn −→ Mn is a surjective map which satisfies

dim F(A + B) = dim F(φ (A) + φ (B)) (A, B ∈ Mn ).

Then there exists a matrix R ∈ Mn and invertible matrices U, S ∈ Mn such that φ (A) =
US−1Aσ S + R or φ (A) = US−1Atσ S + R, for every A ∈ Mn , where σ is an automor-
phism of C and Aσ = [σ (ai j )] for A = [ai j ].

Proof. By Lemma 2.1, φ is injective and so bijective and preserves adjacency in

both directions. By fundamental theorem of geometry of matrices [8], the forms of
bijective adjacency preserving map φ : Mn −→ Mn is φ (A) = TAσ S + R or φ (A) =
TAtσ S + R, where R is a matrix, T, S are invertible matrices, σ is an automorphism of
the underlying field and Aσ = [σ (ai j )] for A = [ai j ].
Let the first case occurs. From (2.1) we have φ (0) + φ (I) = I which implies that
R + T Iσ S + R = I . Since Iσ = I , we obtain T S = I − 2R. Setting U = I − 2R, we obtain
T = US−1 . Therefore, φ (A) = US−1Aσ S + R. Since

dim F(2R)) = dim F(2φ (0)) = dim F(0) = 0,

F(2R) = ker(I − 2R) = 0 and so I − 2R is invertible. In a similar way, we can obtain

the second case. 

3. Maps preserving the fixed points of sum of operators

We recall some notations. X ∗ denotes the dual space of X . For every nonzero
x ∈ X and f ∈ X ∗ , the symbol x ⊗ f stands for the rank one linear operator on X
defined by (x ⊗ f )y = f (y)x for every y ∈ X . Note that every rank one operator in
B(X ) can be written in this way. The rank one operator x ⊗ f is idempotent if and
only if f (x) = 1 . We denote by F1 (X ) and P1 (X ) the set of all rank one operators
and the set of all rank one idempotent operators on X , respectively.
Let x ⊗ f be a rank one operator. It is easy to check that x ⊗ f is an idempotent if
and only if F(x⊗ f ) = hxi (the linear subspace spanned by x ). If x⊗ f isn’t idempotent,
then F(x ⊗ f ) = {0} .
Let x, y ∈ X . We denote by Gcv{x, y} = {λ x + (1 − λ )y : λ ∈ C} the generalized
convex combination of x and y.
In order to prove the main results of this section, first we prove some auxiliary
lemmas. In the following lemmas assume that dim X > 3 .

L EMMA 3.1. [5] Let A, B ∈ B(X ) be non-scalar operators. Suppose that for
every such x ∈ X that x and Ax are linearly independent or that x = Ax , Bx ∈
Gcv{x, Ax} . Then B = λ I + (1 − λ )A for some λ ∈ C \ {1} .

L EMMA 3.2. Let A, B ∈ B(X ) be non-scalar operators. If F(A + P) = F(B +

P), for every P ∈ P1 (X ), B = λ I + (1 − λ )A, for some λ ∈ C \ {1} .

Proof. By Lemma 3.1, it is enough to consider the following two cases.

Case 1. Let x and Ax be linear independent. So there exists a linear functional f
such that f (x) = 1 and f (Ax) = 0 . Setting P = (x − Ax) ⊗ f yields that (A + P)x = x
which implies that (B + P)x = x and so Ax = Bx . Therefore, Bx ∈ Gcv{x, Ax} .
Case 2. Let x = Ax . There exists a vector z ∈ X such that x and z are linear
independent and so there exists a linear functional f such that f (x) = 0 and f (z) = 1 .
Setting P = z ⊗ f yields that (A + P)x = x which implies that (B + P)x = x and so
Ax = Bx . Therefore, Bx ∈ Gcv{x, Ax} . 

L EMMA 3.3. Let A, B ∈ B(X ). If F(A+ R) = F(B+ R), for every R ∈ F1 (X ),

then A = B.

Proof. Let x ∈ X . If x and Ax is linear independent, then there exists a linear

functional f such that f (x) = f (Ax) = 1 , because dim X > 3 . Setting R = (x−Ax)⊗ f
yields that x ∈ F(A + R) which implies that x ∈ F(B + R) and so Ax = Bx .
Let Ax = ax for a nonzero complex number a . There exists a linear functional f
such that f (x) = 1 . Setting R = (1 − a)x ⊗ f yields that x ∈ F(A + R) which implies
that x ∈ F(B + R) and so Ax = Bx . The proof is complete. 

L EMMA 3.4. Let φ : B(X ) −→ B(X ) be a map which satisfies

F(A + B) = F(φ (A) + φ (B)) (A, B ∈ B(X )).

Then the following statements are hold:

(i) φ is injective.
(ii) φ (P) = UP + R for every rank one idempotent P, where U = I − 2φ (0) and
R = φ (0).

Proof. (i) From

X = F(A + I − A) = F(φ (A) + φ (I − A)),

we obtain
I = φ (A) + φ (I − A), (3.1)
for every A ∈ B(X ) . Let φ (A1 ) = φ (A2 ). By (3.1) we have

X = F(φ (A1 ) + I − φ (A2 )) = F(φ (A1 ) + φ (I − A2 )) = F(A1 + I − A2 ),

which implies that A1 + I − A2 = I and so A1 = A2 .

(ii) For every nonzero x ∈ X and nonzero f ∈ X ∗ , we have

ker( f ) = F(x ⊗ f + I) = F(φ (x ⊗ f ) + φ (I))

which implies that

φ (x ⊗ f ) + φ (I) = I (3.2)
or there exists a vector y ∈ X and a linear functional g ∈ X ∗ such that

φ (x ⊗ f ) + φ (I) = y ⊗ g + I. (3.3)

By (3.1) we have
φ (I) + φ (0) = I (3.4)
and so if (3.2) holds, then φ (x ⊗ f ) = φ (0). This is a contradiction, because φ is
injective. Thus (3.3) holds and so ker( f ) = F(y ⊗ g + I) = ker(g) which implies that

f and g are linear dependent. Without loss of generality, we can assume that f = g
and hence
φ (x ⊗ f ) + φ (I) = y ⊗ f + I. (3.5)
Let f (x) = 1 . By (3.4) and (3.5) we have

hxi = F(x ⊗ f ) = F(φ (x ⊗ f ) + φ (0))

= F(y ⊗ f + I − φ (I) + φ (0))
= F(y ⊗ f + 2φ (0)),

which implies that (y ⊗ f + 2φ (0))x = x and so y = (I − 2φ (0))x . This together with

(3.4) and (3.5) yields that φ (x ⊗ f ) = (I − 2φ (0))x ⊗ f + φ (0) which completes the

T HEOREM 3.5. Let X be a complex Banach space with dim X > 2 . Suppose
that φ : B(X ) −→ B(X ) is a surjective map which satisfies

F(A + B) = F(φ (A) + φ (B)) (A, B ∈ B(X )).

Then φ (A) = UA + R for every A ∈ B(X ) , where U = I − 2φ (0) and R = φ (0).

Proof. If dim X = 2 , from Theorem 2.2 we can conclude that there exists a matrix
R ∈ M2 and invertible matrices U, S ∈ M2 such that φ (A) = US−1Aσ S + R or φ (A) =
US−1Atσ S + R, for every A ∈ M2 , where σ is an automorphism of C. Suppose the first
case occurs. This by assumption yields that

F(A + B) = F(U(S−1 (Aσ + Bσ )S) + 2R)

for every A, B ∈ M2 . It is easy to see that for arbitrary operators A, B ∈ B(X ),

F(S−1 AS) = S−1 (F(A)) and also F(A + B) = F(U(A + B) + 2R). Therefore, we obtain

SF(A + B) = F(Aσ + Bσ )

for every A, B ∈ M2 . Replacing A and B by

A1 = , B1 = 0

and then  
A2 = , B2 = 0
yields that S(x, 0) = (x, 0) and S(0, y) = (0, y), for all x, y ∈ C and hence S is the
identity operator. Thus we obtain

F(A + B) = F(Aσ + Bσ )

for every A, B ∈ M2 . Let a ∈ C be nonzero and set

C= , D = 0.
Replacing A and B by C and D yields that
{(x, ax); x ∈ C} = {(x, σ (a)x); x ∈ C}
which implies that σ (a) = a , for every a ∈ C and so σ is the identity automorphism.
Therefore, φ (A) = UA + R for every A ∈ M2 .
The second case can not occur. Otherwise, with a very similar way as above
discussion we obtain
F(A + B) = F(Atσ + Btσ )
for every A, B ∈ M2 . Again replacing A and B by C and D, yields that
{(x, ax); x ∈ C} = {(x, 0); x ∈ C}
which implies that a = 0 , a contradiction.
Now let dim X > 3 . Since F(2φ (0)) = F(0) = 0 , ker(I − 2φ (0)) = 0 and so
U = I − 2φ (0) is injective. Let ψ be a map on B(X ) such that U ψ = φ − R, where
R = φ (0). The injectivity of U yields that ψ is well-defined and that ψ satisfies
the preserving property of φ and also by Lemma 3.4, ψ (P) = P for every rank one
idempotent P. Therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume that U = I , R = 0
and so φ (P) = P for every rank one idempotent P.
We divide the proof into the following steps.
Step 1. φ (aI) = aI , for every a ∈ C.
Let A = aI , for a nonzero complex number a and set φ (A) = B. Let x be a
nonzero arbitrary vector of X . Then there exists a linear functional f such that
f (x) = 1 . Setting P = (x − Bx) ⊗ f yields that (B + P)x = x which implies that
(A + φ −1(P))x = x . So we obtain
(A + P)x = x ⇒ ax + x − Bx = x ⇒ Bx = ax.
Step 2. φ (A) = A for every rank one operator A.
Let x ∈ X and f ∈ X ∗ be nonzero. Since φ (I) = I , by (3.5), there exists a
y ∈ X such that
φ (x ⊗ f ) = y ⊗ f . (3.6)
On the other hand, by Lemma 3.2, there exists an λ ∈ C \ {1} such that
φ (x ⊗ f ) = λ I + (1 − λ )x ⊗ f , (3.7)
because by Step 1, φ (x ⊗ f ) is a non-scalar operator. From (3.6) and (3.7) we obtain
λ = 0 and y = x and so φ (x ⊗ f ) = x ⊗ f .
Step 3. φ (A) = A for every operator A ∈ B(X ).
Assertion follows from Step 2 and Lemma 3.3. 

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the referee for many helpful com-


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(Received May 21, 2014) Ali Taghavi

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
University of Mazandaran
P. O. Box 47416-1468 Babolsar, Iran
e-mail: Taghavi@umz.ac.ir
Roja Hosseinzadeh
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
University of Mazandaran
P. O. Box 47416-1468, Babolsar, Iran
e-mail: ro.hosseinzadeh@umz.ac.ir
Hamid Rohi
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
University of Mazandaran
P. O. Box 47416-1468, Babolsar, Iran

Operators and Matrices


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