(USCG Cert) - Techcross - Aprill30 - 2019
(USCG Cert) - Techcross - Aprill30 - 2019
(USCG Cert) - Techcross - Aprill30 - 2019
Techcross, Inc.
433 Noksansaneopbuk-ro
Gangseo-gu, Busan KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
This is to certify that the above listed BWMS, with the listed treatment capacities, has been
satisfactorily examined and tested by Independent Lab Korean Register in accordance with the
requirements contained in 46 CFR 162.060. The system shall be installed and operated in
accordance with the Techcross Electro-Cleen Operation, Maintenance, and Safety Manual (OMSM),
Rev. 0.6, dated April 30, 2019.
Operational Limitations:
Salinity: Not Applicable
Ambient Temperature: 0-45ºC
Hold Time: 48 Hours in Fresh Water (<1 PSU)
Not Applicable in Brackish/Marine Water (>1 PSU)
Electrolyte Feed Temperature: 0-36ºC
Electrolyte Feed Salinity: 1.5 Practical Salinity Units (PSU)
Total Residual Oxidant (TRO): 7.5 mg/L in Fresh/Brackish Water (<28 PSU)
7.8 mg/L in Marine Water (>28 PSU)
The Techcross Electro-Cleen models with the “Ex-“ prefix meet the requirements of 46 CFR
111.105 and may be installed in hazardous locations to which they are certified on a U.S.
flag vessel. The auto neutralization unit, power distribution equipment, and control PC must
remain outside of hazardous locations. The BWMS may be installed in hazardous locations to
which they are certified on a foreign flag vessel subject to approval of the foreign
The BWMS must be marked in accordance with 46 CFR 162.060-22. A copy of this Type Approval
Certificate shall be carried on board a vessel fitted with the ballast water management
system at all times. This certificate supersedes Approval number 162.060/7 dated June 5,
2018; update approves change to performance claim and strainer in the fresh water cooling
line. All equipment manufactured under Approval number 162.060/7 before June 14, 2019 remains
*** End ***
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the above named manufacturer has submitted to the undersigned satisfactory evidence that the item specified herein complies
with the applicable laws and regulations as outlined on the reverse side of this Certificate, and approval is hereby given. This approval shall be in effect until the
expiration date hereon unless sooner canceled or suspended by proper authority.
Chief, Machinery Branch
Consideration will be given to an extension of this approval provided application is made 3 months prior to the expiration
date of this Certificate.
The approval holder is responsible for making sure that the required inspections or tests of materials or devices covered
by this approval are carried out during production as prescribed in the applicable regulations.
The approval of the item covered by this certificate is valid only so long as the item is manufactured in conformance with
the details of the approved drawings, specifications, or other data referred to. No modification in the approved design, construction,
or materials is to be adopted until the modification has been presented for consideration by the Commandant and confirmation
received that the proposed alteration is acceptable.
NOTICE: Where a manufacturer of safety-at-sea equipment is offering for sale to the maritime industry, directly or indirectly,
equipment represented to be approved, which fails to conform with either the design details or material specifications, or both, as
approved by the Coast Guard, immediate action may be taken to invoke the various penalties and sanctions provided by law
including prosecution under 46 U.S.C. 3318, which provides:
"A person that knowingly manufactures, sells, offers for sale, or possesses with intent to sell, any equipment subject to this
part (Part B. of Subtitle II of Title 46 U.S.C.). and the equipment is so defective as to be insufficient to accomplish the purpose for
which it is intended, shall be fined not more than $10,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years or both."