3foundation Generating Electricity Self Study Questions

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Exampro GCSE Physics Name:

P1 Foundation - Generating Electricity Self Class:

Study Questions



Time: 78

Marks: 78


Page 1 of 39
Q1. The bar chart shows the different energy sources used to generate the UK’s electricity in

(a) (i) The wind is a renewable energy source.

Name one more renewable energy source used to generate electricity.


(ii) Complete the following sentence by drawing a ring around the correct line in the box.


Using less fossil fuels to generate electricity will not change the


amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.


Page 2 of 39
(b) The graph shows how the demand for electricity in the UK varied over one day in the

(i) Describe how the demand for electricity varied between 4.00 am and 10.00 am.





(ii) Which type of power station has the fastest start-up time?

Draw a ring around your answer.

coal natural gas nuclear oil

(Total 5 marks)

Page 3 of 39
Q2. A householder was out shopping when her electricity meter reading should have been taken.
The electricity company estimated the reading and sent the following bill. Unfortunately, the bill
was damaged in the post.

(a) Use the equation in the box to calculate the cost of the electricity used between 12 June
and 13 September.

total cost = number of kilowatt-hours × cost per kilowatt-hour

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Total cost = .................................................


(b) The estimated reading shown on the bill was not very accurate. The correct reading was

How many kilowatt-hours of electricity had the householder actually used between
12 June and 13 September?


(Total 4 marks)

Page 4 of 39
Q3. The diagram shows the National Grid system.

(a) The National Grid includes step-up transformers.

Explain why.





(b) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly
and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Over the next 10 years, more than 300 kilometres of new high voltage transmission cables
are to be added to the National Grid. Most of the new cables will be suspended from pylons
and run overhead while the rest will be buried underground.

Page 5 of 39
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of both overhead transmission cables and
underground transmission cables.













Page 6 of 39
(c) When an electric current flows through a transmission cable, a magnetic field is produced.

The graph shows how the strength of the magnetic field varies with distance from both
overhead and underground transmission cables that carry the same current.

What conclusions may be drawn from this graph?





Page 7 of 39
(d) Some people think that, because of the magnetic fields, living close to transmission cables
is dangerous to health. Laboratory studies on mice and rats exposed to magnetic fields for
two or more years found that the magnetic fields had no effect on the animals’ health.

Draw a ring around the correct answer in the box to complete the sentence.


Using animals in scientific research raises environmental issues.

(Total 11 marks)

Q4. Iceland is a country that generates most of its electricity using geothermal power stations
and hydroelectric power stations.

(a) (i) Complete the following sentences to describe how some geothermal power stations

In regions where volcanoes are active, the ground is hot.

Cold ............................................. is pumped down into the ground

and is ............................................. by hot rocks.

It returns to the surface as steam. The steam is used to turn a turbine.

The turbine drives a ............................................. to produce electricity.


(ii) Which one of the following statements about geothermal power stations is true?

Tick ( ) one box.

Geothermal power stations use fossil fuels.

Geothermal power stations produce carbon dioxide.

Geothermal power stations provide a reliable source of electricity.


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(b) What is needed for a hydroelectric power station to be able to generate electricity?

Tick ( ) one box.

Falling water

A long coastline

Lots of sunny days

(Total 5 marks)

Q5. (a) Geothermal energy and the energy of falling water are two resources used to generate

(i) What is geothermal energy?



(ii) Hydroelectric systems generate electricity using the energy of falling water.

A pumped storage hydroelectric system can also be used as a way of storing energy
for future use.

Explain how.







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(b) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly
and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Read the following extract from a newspaper.

Page 10 of 39
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the plan to build thousands of offshore wind
turbines around Britain and the suggested electricity power link between Britain and


















(Total 9 marks)

Page 11 of 39
Q6. (a) A student investigated how the number of blades on a wind turbine affects the output
voltage of the turbine.

The student used the apparatus shown in the diagram.

The fan was used to turn the wind turbine.

(i) The fan was always the same distance from the wind turbine.




(ii) After switching the fan on, the student waited 20 seconds before taking the voltmeter

Suggest why.



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(iii) The student changed the number of blades on the wind turbine.

The student’s results are shown in the scatter graph.

Number of blades

What conclusion can be made from the results in the scatter graph?





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(b) The amount of electricity generated using wind turbines is increasing.

Which graph, A, B or C, is most likely to show the electrical power output from a wind
turbine over one day?

Time Time Time

Write the correct answer, A, B or C, in the box.

Give a reason for your answer.



(Total 6 marks)

Q7. A farmer has installed a biogas electricity generator on his farm. This device generates
electricity by burning the methane gas produced from rotting animal waste. Methane is a
greenhouse gas. When methane burns, carbon dioxide and water are produced.

The animal waste rots in an anaerobic digester. The digester and the generator are kept inside a
farm building and cannot be seen from the outside.

(a) The animal waste used in the anaerobic digester is a renewable energy source.

What is meant by an energy source being renewable?



(b) Suggest one reason why farmers have been encouraged to install their own biogas



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(c) The farmer’s monthly electricity bill using the mains electricity supply was £300.
The biogas generator cost the farmer £18 000 to buy and install.

Assuming the biogas generator provides all of the farmer’s electricity, what is the pay-back
time for the generator?


Pay-back time = ............................................................


(d) It would have been cheaper for the farmer to have bought and installed a small wind

Give two advantages of using the biogas generator rather than a wind turbine, to generate
the electricity used on the farm.

1 .....................................................................................................................


2 .....................................................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)

Page 15 of 39
Q8. The picture shows a temporary road traffic information board.

The batteries power the LEDs used in the information board.

The solar cells keep the batteries charged.

(a) Use words from the box to complete each of the following sentences.

chemical electrical light sound

The solar cells transfer light energy to ............................................................. energy.

The batteries transfer ............................................................. energy to electrical energy.

The LEDs transfer electrical energy to ............................................................. energy.


(b) When the total energy input to the solar cells is 200 joules, the useful energy output from
the solar cells to the batteries is 50 joules.

Calculate the efficiency of the solar cells.

Use the correct equation from the Physics Equations Sheet.




Efficiency = ......................................................

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(c) Which one of the following statements gives the reason for using solar cells to charge the

Tick ( ) one box.

Solar cells will charge the batteries day and night.

The information board can be used anywhere it is needed.

A small number of solar cells produce a lot of electricity.

(Total 6 marks)

Page 17 of 39
Q9. (a) The graph shows how the demand for electricity in the UK changes during one 24-hour

Time of day

The table gives the start-up times for two types of power station.

Type of power station Start-up time

Gas A few minutes

Nuclear Several days

How would these two types of power station be used to meet the demand for electricity
during this 24-hour period?







Page 18 of 39
(b) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly
and using specialist terms where appropriate.

A farmer plans to generate all the electricity needed on her farm, using either a biogas
generator or a small wind turbine.

The biogas generator would burn methane gas. The methane gas would come from rotting
the animal waste produced on the farm. When burnt, methane produces carbon dioxide.

The biogas generator would cost £18 000 to buy and install. The wind turbine would cost
£25 000 to buy and install.

The average power output from the wind turbine would be the same as the continuous
output from the biogas generator.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods of generating electricity.

Conclude, with a reason, which system would be better for the farmer to buy and install.









(Total 9 marks)

Q10. Electricity is generated in power stations. It is then sent to all parts of the country through a
network of cables.

(a) Complete the following sentence by using one of the words in the box.

Grid Power Supply

The network is called the National ............................................................................. .


Page 19 of 39
(b) In the diagram, A, B, C and D are transformers.

(i) Which transformer, A,B,C or D, is a step-up transformer?

Transformer .........................

(ii) Which transformer, A, B, C or D will supply homes, offices and shops?

Transformer .........................

(c) Complete the following sentence by drawing a ring around the correct line in the box.

In a step-up transformer, the potential difference (p.d.) across the

less than

primary coil is the same as the p.d. across the secondary coil.

more than
(Total 4 marks)

Q11. (a) (i) A student wrote "Coal traps energy from the Sun". Explain what the student




(ii) How is energy released from coal?



Page 20 of 39
(b) The diagram shows the waste products from a coal-fired power station.

(i) In what form does the power station waste energy?


(ii) Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere will lead to a rise in the Earth’s
temperature. Why?


(Total 5 marks)

Page 21 of 39
Q12. Four students are talking about the different energy sources used to generate electricity in
the areas where they live.

(a) Draw one line from where each student lives (List A) to the energy source in their area
(List B).

Draw only four lines.

List A List B
Where each student lives Energy


Where I live is the sunniest part

of the country.


Where I live, the land is very flat

and it always seems to be windy.


Where I live, it is not safe to swim.

The sea is always too rough.


Where I live, you can see steam

coming out of the ground.


(b) All of the energy sources given in part (a) can be used to generate electricity.

What else do all these energy sources have in common?



Page 22 of 39
(c) In a hydroelectric power station, the energy from falling water is used to generate

Which one of the following gives a disadvantage of a hydroelectric power station?

Put a tick ( ) in the box next to your answer.

has a fast start-up time

large areas of land are flooded

polluting gases are produced

(Total 6 marks)

Q13. The outline diagram below shows part of the National Grid. At X the transformer increases
the voltage to a very high value. At Y the voltage is reduced to 240 V for use by consumers.

(i) At X a transformer increases the voltage. What happens to the current as the voltage is


(ii) Why is electrical energy transmitted at very high voltages?



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(iii) The transformer at Y reduces the voltage before it is supplied to houses. Why is this


(Total 3 marks)

Page 24 of 39
M1. (a) (i) any one from:

• waves
do not accept water

• tides

• falling water
accept hydroelectric

• biofuel / biomass

• solar
accept sun / sunlight
do not accept light
accept solar cells / panels

• geothermal
do not accept heat

(ii) decrease

(b) (i) increases from 4am (to 8am) remains constant from 8am (to 10am)
accept increases from 30 000
accept stays constant from 40 000
allow 1 mark for goes up then stays the same
for full credit must be some indication of time or power

(ii) natural gas


M2. (a) £19.20

allow 1 mark for correct substitution
ie 160 × 12
allow 1 mark for an answer (£)1920
an answer of 1920p gains both marks
an answer of £40.80 gains both marks
allow 1 mark for 340 × 12

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(b) 340
allow 1 mark for correctly using the reading 62580
ie 62920 − 62580
accept £40.80 for both marks

M3. (a) increases the voltage (across the cables)

decreases the current (through the cables)

reducing energy losses (in cables)

accept heat for energy
do not accept electricity for energy
do not accept no energy loss
accept wires do not get as hot
increases efficiency of (electricity / energy) transmission
ignore reference to travel faster

Page 26 of 39
(b) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written
Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response.
Examiners should also refer to the Marking Guidance, and apply a ‘best-fit’
approach to the marking.

0 marks
No relevant content

Level 1 (1-2 marks)

There is a brief description of one advantage or disadvantage of using
either overhead or underground cables.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

There is a description of some of the advantages and / or disadvantages
for both overhead and underground cables, with a minimum of three
points made. There must be at least one point for each type of cable.

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

There is a clear and detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages
of overhead and underground cables, with a minimum of five points made.
At least one advantage and one disadvantage for each type of cable.

examples of the points made in the response

marks may be gained by linking an advantage for one type of cable
with a disadvantage for the other type of cable
overhead cables are easy to repair = 1 mark
overhead cables are easier to repair = 1 mark
overhead cables are easier to repair than underground cables = 2


• (relatively) quick / easy to repair / maintain / access

easy to install is insufficient
do not accept easy to spot / see a fault

• less expensive to install / repair / maintain

less expensive is insufficient

• cables cooled by the air

accept thermal energy / heat removed by the air

• air acts as electrical insulator

accept there is no need for electrical insulation (around the cables)

• can use thinner cables

difficult to reach is insufficient
land beneath cables can still be used is insufficient


• spoil the landscape

• greater risk of (fatal) electric shock

• damaged / affected by (severe) weather

Page 27 of 39
accept specific examples eg high winds, ice
more maintenance is insufficient

• hazard to low flying aircraft / helicopters

kites / fishing lines can touch them is insufficient
hazard to aircraft is insufficient


• cannot be seen

• no hazard to aircraft / helicopters

• unlikely to be / not damaged / affected by (severe) weather

less maintenance is insufficient

(normally) no / reduced shock hazard

installed in urban areas is insufficient


• repairs take longer / are more expensive

accept harder to repair / maintain
have to dig up for repairs is insufficient

• (more) difficult to access (cables)

hard to locate (cables) is insufficient
faults hard to find is insufficient

• (very) expensive to install

• thicker cables required

• need cooling systems

• need layers of electrical insulation

• land disruption (to lay cables)

accept damage to environment / habitat(s)
cannot use land either side of cable path
accept restricted land use

Page 28 of 39
(c) examples of acceptable responses:
allow 1 mark for each correct point

• closest to cables field from underground is stronger

• field from overhead cables stronger after 5 metres

• field from underground cables drops rapidly

• field from overhead cables does not drop much until after 20 metres
accept values between 20 and 30 inclusive

• overhead field drops to zero at / after 50 metres

• underground field drops to zero at / after 30 metres

• (strength of) field decreases with distance for both types of cable
if suitably amplified this may score both marks

(d) ethical

M4. (a) (i) water


accept boiled or turned to steam
do not accept evaporated


(ii) geothermal power stations provide a reliable source of electricity


(b) falling water


M5. (a) (i) energy from hot rocks in the Earth

accept heat that occurs naturally in the Earth
accept steam / hot water rising to the Earth’s surface
accept an answer in terms of the energy released by radioactive
decay in the Earth
heat energy is insufficient

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(ii) water is pumped / moved

up (to a higher reservoir)

this mark point only scores if first mark point is awarded

(b) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written
Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response.
Examiners should also refer to the Marking Guidance and apply a ‘best-fit’
approach to the marking.

0 marks
No relevant content

Level 1 (1-2 marks)

There is a brief description of at least one advantage or disadvantage for
either the planned wind turbines or the suggested electricity power link.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

There is a description of advantages and disadvantages for
either the planned wind turbines or the suggested electricity power link.
A description of the advantages or disadvantages for both the planned
wind turbines and the suggested electricity power link.

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

There is a clear and detailed description of at least one advantage and
one disadvantage for both the planned wind turbines and suggested
electricity power link.

examples of the points made in the response

Offshore wind turbines


• renewable (energy resource)

• low running costs

• energy is free

• no gas emissions (when in use)

accept a named gas eg CO2
accept no fuel is burned
accept less dependent on fossil fuels

• land is not used (up)

Page 30 of 39

• unreliable – accept wind does not always blow

ignore references to destroying or harming habitats

• hazard to birds / bats

• visual pollution – do not accept noise pollution

do not allow if clearly referring to onshore wind turbines
do not accept spoils landscape

• difficulty of linking turbines to the National Grid

• large initial cost

• difficult to erect / maintain

accept a lot of maintenance needed

• CO2 emissions in manufacture (of large number of turbines)

Suggested Link


• income for Iceland

• using Iceland’s (available) energy (resources)

accept using (Iceland’s) renewable energy (resources)
do not accept reduce the amount of Iceland’s wasted energy

• provide electricity when wind does not blow / reliable

• provide electricity at times of peak demand

• even out fluctuations in supply

• excess electricity from Britain (windy days) to Iceland and used to pump water up to
store energy

• Britain less dependent on fossil fuels

accept Britain needs fewer (new) power stations
accept conserves fossil fuels


• large initial cost

accept expensive (to lay cables)

• power loss along a long cable

• (engineering) difficulties in laying / maintaining the cable

accept difficult to repair (if damaged)

Page 31 of 39
M6. (a) (i) changing the distance may / will affect / change the voltmeter reading
accept so only one independent variable
accept distance affects speed of wind (turbine)
accept it is a control variable
accept to give valid results
fair test is insufficient
to make the results accurate is insufficient

(ii) any sensible practical suggestions, eg

• so fan reaches a steady / full speed

accept power for speed

• so wind (turbine) reaches a steady / full speed

• so voltmeter reaches / gives a steady reading

accept accurate or valid reading a correct reading is insufficient
do not accept precise reading

(iii) as the number of blades increases so does the (voltmeter) reading / output /
number of blades affects the reading / output is insufficient

further relevant detail, eg

• voltmeter increase is greatest up to 3 blades

• voltmeter reading hardly changes with 4, 5 or 6 blades

accept does not change between 4 and 6 blades

• increase is directly proportional up to 3 blades

• it reaches a limit
accept does not change after 4 / 5 blades

• a numerical example giving two pairs of numbers, eg 2 blades = 0.6V, 4

blades = 1V

(b) C
reason scores only if C is chosen

wind speed / strength varies

accept wind is not constant / reliable

M7. (a) can be replaced as fast / faster than it is used

accept will not run out
can be used again negates this mark

Page 32 of 39
(b) any one from:

• reduce demand on power stations / National Grid (system)

• to increase the amount of electricity generated (from renewable energy)

• to conserve fossil fuels

accept use less fossil fuels

• plenty of animal waste / fuel (available)

accept so animal waste can be used usefully
accept to save money / sell the electricity
produces less harmful gases / SO2 is insufficient
better for environment is insufficient

(c) 60 (months) / 5 (years)

ignore any unit given

(d) answers must be in terms of the biogas generator

any two from:

• reliable energy source

does not depend on the weather
accept works all of the time

• uses up waste products

accept animal waste readily available

• not visually polluting

• concentrated energy source

• quieter
ignore it is renewable
do not accept generates more electricity (than wind turbine)

M8. (a) electrical




Page 33 of 39
(b) 25% or 0.25
allow 1 mark for correct substitution, ie 50 ÷ 200 provided no
subsequent step shown
answers of 25 with a unit or 0.25 with a unit gain 1 mark
answers of 25 without a unit or 0.25% gain 1 mark

(c) the information board can be used anywhere it is needed


M9. (a) any three from:

• gas can be switched on (and off) quickly but nuclear cannot

gas has a short start-up time alone is insufficient

• gas can be used to meet surges in demand

accept specific times from graph, anything from 1700 to 2200

• gas can contribute to / meet the base load

• nuclear provides base load

nuclear is used to generate all of the time

(b) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written
Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response.
Examiners should also refer to the information in the Marking guidance, and apply a
‘best-fit’ approach to the marking.

0 marks
No relevant content.

Level 1 (1-2 marks)

There is a brief description of one advantage or disadvantage of using either biogas
or wind
makes a conclusion with a reason.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

There is a description of some advantages and / or disadvantages for biogas
and / or wind
there is a direct comparison between the two systems and at least one advantage /
a detailed evaluation of one system only with a conclusion.

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

There is a clear and detailed comparison of the two systems.

There must be a clear conclusion of which system would be best with at least one
comparative reason given for the choice made.

Page 34 of 39
Examples of the points made in the response
extra information


• renewable

• energy resource is free

• reliable energy source

accept works all of the time

• does not depend on the weather

• uses up (animal) waste products

• concentrated energy source

• cheaper (to buy and install)

accept once only

• shorter payback-time (than wind)

• adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere

when waste burns it produces carbon dioxide is insufficient

• contributes to the greenhouse effect

contributes to global warming

• no transport cost for fuels

Wind turbine

• renewable

• energy resource is free

• not reliable

• depends on the weather / wind

• will be times when not enough electricity generated for the farm’s needs

• dilute energy source

• longer payback-time (than biogas)

• more expensive (to buy and install)

accept once only

• does not produce any carbon dioxide

accept does not pollute air
accept pollutant gases for carbon dioxide
produces visual or noise pollution is insufficient
harmful gases is insufficient

Page 35 of 39
M10. (a) grid
accept any unambiguous indication

(b) (i) A (only)


(ii) D (only)

(c) less than


M11. (a) (i) photosynthesis for growth

accept plants require sunlight for growth

plants change into coal

any mention of animals negates second mark

(ii) burning
do not accept heating
accept combustion

(b) (i) heat


(ii) less heat radiated into space

accept increased insulation round earth
accept reflects heat back to earth
accept greenhouse effect
accept traps heat or energy

Page 36 of 39
M12. (a) all 4 lines correct

allow 1 mark for each correct line

if more than 1 line goes from a box in List A then all those lines are

(b) all renewable

accept a correct description of renewable
eg replaced faster than used or never run out
do not accept can be used again
accept any other common feature
eg do not produce pollution /
polluting (gases)
no fuel is burnt
(energy input) is free
eco-friendly / environmentally friendly / natural resources /
sustainable sources are insufficient

(c) large areas of land are flooded


M13. (i) reduces

for 1 mark

(ii) less heat/energy/power wasted (in power lines)

for 1 mark

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(iii) for safety
for 1 mark

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