Intro GG
Intro GG
Intro GG
Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK
Release 10.7
2 June 2018
To control processing the software uses C-shell scripts (stored in /com and mostly named
to begin with sh_ ) which invoke the Fortran or C programs compiled in the /libraries,
/gamit, and /kf directories. The software is designed to run under any UNIX operating
system supporting X-Windows, including LINUX and MacOS. The parameter logic
allows a maximum of 99 sites and the standard distribution is dimensioned for 80 sites,
but since the run is proportional to the cube of the number of parameters, with networks
larger than 50 sites greater efficiency is obtained by parallel processing using connected
subnets. IGS processing at MIT includes over 300 sites, and processing at New Mexico
Tech for the North American Plate Boundary Observatory over 1000 sites.
The first chapter of this manual provides some theoretical background for readers not
familiar with high-precision GNSS analysis. Chapter 2 describes the setup of tables and
commands for automatic processing to obtain time series of daily position estimates, and
Chapter 3 provides a guide to evaluating your results. In Chapter 4 we discuss various
approaches to generating time series and estimating station velocities from observations
spanning several years. More detailed documentation is available in the longer GAMIT
Reference Manual and GLOBK Reference Manual. There are also tutorials available on-
line at The most up-to-date information about the commands
is available through help files, invoked by typing the name of the shell-script or program
without arguments.
2 June 2018
High-precision geodetic measurements with GNSS are performed using the carrier beat
phase, the output from a single phase-tracking channel of a GNSS receiver. This
observable is the difference between the phase of the carrier wave implicit in the signal
received from the satellite, and the phase of a local oscillator within the receiver. The
phase can be measured with sufficient precision that the instrumental resolution is a
millimeter or less in equivalent path length. The dominant source of error in a phase
measurement or series of measurements between a single satellite and ground station is
the unpredictable behavior of the time and frequency standards ("clocks") serving as
reference for the transmitter and receiver. Even though the satellites carry atomic
frequency standards, the instability of these standards would still limit positioning to the
several meter level were it not for the possibility of eliminating their effect through signal
A second type of GNSS measurement is the pseudo-range, obtained using the codes
transmitted by the satellites. Pseudo-ranges provide the primary GNSS observation for
navigation but are not precise enough to be used directly in geodetic surveys. They are
useful, however, for estimating the offsets of receiver clocks, resolving ambiguities, and
repairing cycle slips in phase observations.
For a single satellite, differencing the phases (or pseudo-ranges) of signals received
simultaneously at each of two ground stations eliminates the effect of bias and
instabilities in the satellite clock. This measurement is commonly called the between-
stations-difference, or single-difference observable. Forming a second difference,
between satellites, eliminates the effect of bias and instabilities in the station blocks.
Since the phase biases of the satellite and receiver oscillators at the initial epoch are
eliminated in doubly differenced observations, the doubly differenced range (in phase
units) is the measured phase plus an integer number of cycles. (One cycle has a
wavelength of 19 cm at GPS L1 and 24 cm at GPS L2 for code-correlating receivers; half
these values for squaring-type receivers used prior to the mid-1990s, and slightly
different values for the primary frequencies transmitted by Glonass, Beidou, and Galileo.
In the manuals we will use the term “L1” to refer to the higher and “L2 the lower of the
two L-band frequencies though these may be, e.g. for Galileo E1(L1) and E5.) If the
measurement errors, arising from errors in the models for the orbits and propagation
medium as well as receiver noise, are small compared to a cycle, there is the possibility
of determining the integer values of the biases, thereby obtaining from the initially
ambiguous doubly differenced phase an unambiguous measure of doubly differenced
range. Resolution of the phase ambiguities improves the uncertainties in relative position
measures by about a factor of 1.5 for 24-hr sessions, 3 for 8-hr sessions and more than 5
for short sessions. (see, e.g., Blewitt [1989], Dong and Bock [1989] ).
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GAMIT incorporates difference-operator algorithms that map the carrier beat phases into
singly and doubly differenced phases. These algorithms extract the maximum relative
positioning information from the phase data regardless of the number of data outages, and
take into account the correlations that are introduced in the differencing process. (See
Bock et al. [1986] and Schaffrin and Bock[1988] for a detailed discussion of these
algorithms.) An alternative, (nearly) mathematically equivalent approach to processing
GNSS phase data is to use formally the (one-way) carrier beat phases but estimate at each
epoch the phase offset due to the station and satellite clocks. This approach is used by
the autcln program in GAMIT to compute one-way phase residuals for editing, display,
and estimating atmospheric and ionospheric slant delays.
In order to provide the maximum sensitivity to geometric parameters, the carrier phase
must be tracked continuously throughout an observing session. If there is an interruption
of the signal, causing a loss of lock in the receiver, the phase will exhibit a discontinuity
of an integer number of cycles (“cycle-slip”). This discontinuity may be only a few
cycles due to a low signal-to-noise ratio, or it may be thousands of cycles, as can occur
when the satellite is obstructed at the receiver site. Initial processing of phase data is
often performed using time differences of doubly differenced phase ("triple differences",
or "Doppler" observations) in order to obtain a preliminary estimate of station or orbital
parameters in the presence of cycle slips. The GAMIT software uses triple differences in
editing but not in parameter estimation. Rather, it allows estimation of extra bias
parameters whenever the automatic editor has flagged an epoch as a cycle slip that cannot
be repaired. Various algorithms to detect and repair cycle slips are described by Blewitt
[1990], and also in Chapter 4 of the GAMIT Reference Manual.
Although phase variations of the satellite and receiver oscillators effectively cancel in
doubly differenced observations, errors in the time of the observations, as recorded by the
receiver clocks, do not. However, the pseudo-range measurements, together with
reasonable a priori knowledge of the station coordinates and satellite position, can be
used to determine the offset of the station clock to within a microsecond, adequate to
keep errors in the doubly differenced phase observations below 1 mm.
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factors (receiver, antenna, multipath environment, latitude, time of day, sunspot activity)
and must be determined empirically by analyzing the data with both observable types.
In examining phase data for cycle slips, it is often useful to plot several combinations of
the L1 and L2 residuals. Single-cycle slips in GPS L1 or L2 will appear as jumps of
2.546 or 1.984 cycles, respectively, in LC. Single-cycle slips in both GPS L1 and L2 (a
more common occurrence) appear as jumps of 0.562 cycles in LC, which, though
smaller, may be more evident than the jumps in L1 and L2 because the ionosphere has
been eliminated. If the L2 phase is tracked using codeless techniques, the carrier signal
recorded by the receiver is at twice the L2 frequency, leading to half-cycle jumps when it
is combined with full-wavelength data. Hence, a jump of a "single" L2 cycle will appear
as 0.992 in LC, and simultaneous jumps in (undoubled) L1 and (doubled) L2 will appear
as 1.554 cycles in LC. Another useful combination is the difference between L2 and L1
with both expressed in distance units
φ LG = φ L2 − 0.779 φ L1 (2)
for GPS, called "LG" because the L2 phase is scaled by the "gear" ratio (f2/f1 = 60/77 =
1227.6/1575.42 for GPS). In the LG phase all geometrical and other non-dispersive
delays (e.g., the troposphere) cancel, so that we have a direct measure of the ionospheric
variations. One-cycle slips in L1 and L2 are difficult to detect in the LG phase in the
presence of much ionospheric noise since they are equivalent for GPS to only 0.221 LG
If precise (P-code) pseudorange is available for both GNSS frequencies, then a "wide-
lane" (WL) combination of L1, L2, P1, and P2 can be formed which is free of both
ionospheric and geometric effects and is simply the difference in the integer ambiguities
for L1 and L2:
The WL observable can be used to fix cycle slips in one-way data [Blewitt, 1990] but
should be combined with LG and doubly differenced LC to rule out slips of an equal
number of cycles at L1 and L2.
These various combinations of phase and pseudorange observations are used not only in
data editing, but also in resolving the phase ambiguities. When the LC observable is
used, we determine the L1 and L2 ambiguities by first resolving n2 - n1 (“widelane”)
and then n1 (“narrow lane”). If precise and unbiased pseudoranges are available, the
widelane ambiguities can be resolved for baselines up to thousands of kilometers under
any ionosphere conditions. For measurements prior to 1995, and possibly prior to 2000,
inter-channel receiver biases can corrupt the pseudoranges and it is necessary to use the
phase observations alone with a constraint on the ionopshere to resolve the widelane
ambiguities (see, e.g., Blewitt, 1989; Dong and Bock, 1989; Feigl et al., 1993]. GAMIT
gives you the option of selecting the method to be used, either pseudoranges (LC_AUTCLN)
or ionospheric constraints (LC_HELP). When using the pseudorange approach with
2 June 2018
Although GAMIT can process data from single-frequency receivers, ionsopheric errors
begin to limit relative positioning accuracy for station separations greater than 100-2000
m, depending on time of day, latitude, and the solar sunspot cycle. So for most
applications, the use of two frequencies is required to remove first-order ionsospheric
effects. Although some GNSS satellites transmit signals on three of more frequencies,
GAMIT is currently limited to using only two. GAMIT is also limited to processing data
from only one GNSS at a time, though the GAMIT position estimates from several GNSS
tracked during a session can easily be combined in GLOBK.
The motion of a satellite can be described, in general, by a set of six initial conditions
(Cartesian position and velocity, or osculating Keplerian elements, for example) and a
model for the forces acting on the satellite over the span of its trajectory. To model
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Besides the orbital motion of a satellite, we must take into account meter-level offsets
between its center of mass and the phase-center of the transmitting antenna, including
temporary excursions of several decimeters lasting up to a half-hour during the
maneuvers the satellites execute to keep their solar panels facing the Sun when the orbital
plane is nearly aligned with the Earth-Sun direction. For the satellites in each orbital
plane, this alignment occurs for several weeks twice a year, the so-called "eclipse
season". Yoaz Bar-Sever and colleagues at JPL have spent considerable effort
developing models of the satellites' orientation, even to point of making the behavior
more predictable by getting the US Defense Department to apply a small bias about the
yaw axis to GPS satellites—a change that was implemented gradually between June,
1994, and November, 1995. See Bar-Sever [1996] and Kouba [2009) for a discussion of
GPS yaw, and Montenbruck et al. (2015) for other GNSS.
The position of the ground station in the Earth-centered inertial system defined by the
satellites’ orbits is affected by a number of geophysical phenomena. These include the
Earth’s rotation, precession and nutation of the spin axis in inertial space, motion of the
spin axis with respect to the crust (“wobble”), luni-solar solid-body tides, and loading of
the crust by ocean tides and the atmosphere. All of these effects are incorporated into
the model of the phase and pseudorange observations computed in program model.
In modeling the phase and pseudorange observations, we must also take into account
changes in the apparent distance due to variations in the phase centers of the transmitting
and receiving antennas. With matched ground antennas in a regional network, these
effects nearly cancel, but for longer baselines and/or different antenna types they can
amount to several centimeters in estimated heights. Models for the phase center offsets
(PCOs) and variations (PCVs) with elevation and azimuth for most commonly used
ground antennas have been determined by electro-mechanical measurements
[;], and for the satellite
antennas by analysis of global tracking data [Schmid et al., 2007].
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Also part of the phase and pseudorange model is the propagation delay caused by the
neutral part of the Earth’s atmosphere. This effect is represented by a time-dependent
“zenith delay”, a “mapping function” that extends the delay to other elevation angles, and
a simple function for north-south and east-west gradients. The zenith hydrostatic (“dry”)
delay (ZHD) can be well represented by surface pressure, available either from an
empirical function of latitude, longitude, and season (the GPT2 model of Legler et al.,
2013) or at six-hour intervals from a numerical weather model as computed by TU
Vienna (VMF1) (Boehm et al, 2006) and distributed in yearly grid files by MIT for
GAMIT users. The hydrostatic and “wet” mapping functions are also part of both the
GPT2 and VMF1 models. The component of the zenith delay due to water vapor (zenith
“wet” delay, ZWD) and the local gradients cannot be accurately determined even from a
numerical weather model and must be estimated from the GPS data. The details of these
models are described in Chapter 7 of the GAMIT Reference Manual. As noted above the
first-order effect of the ionosphere on the signal delay is made nearly negligible by
combining L1 and L2 measurements. However, during periods of high ionospheric
activity, 2nd and 3rd order effects at the millimeter to centimeter level are possible and can
be modeled in GAMIT using the approach described by Petrie et al. [2010].
GAMIT (program solve) incorporates a weighted least squares algorithm to estimate the
relative positions of a set of stations, orbital and Earth-rotation parameters, zenith delays,
and phase ambiguities by fitting to doubly differenced phase observations. Since the
functional (mathematical) model relating the observations and parameters is non-linear,
GAMIT produces two solutions, the first to obtain coordinates within a few decimeters,
and the second to obtain the final estimates. (See the discussion in Section 2.2 of the
GAMIT Reference Manual.)
In current practice, the GAMIT solution is not usually used directly to obtain the final
estimates of station positions from a survey. Rather, we use GAMIT to produce
estimates and an associated covariance matrix ("quasi-observations") of station positions
and (optionally) orbital and Earth-rotation parameters which are then input to GLOBK or
other similar programs to combine the data with those from other networks and times to
estimate positions and velocities [Feigl et al., 1993; Dong et al., 1998]. GLOBK uses a
Kalman filter (equivalent to sequential least squares if there are no stochastic parameters
in the solution) which operates on covariance matrices rather than normal equations and
hence requires that you specify a non-infinite a priori constraint for each parameter
estimated (see, e.g., Herring et al. [1990]). In order not to bias the combination, GAMIT
generates the solution used by GLOBK with loose constraints on the parameters. Since
phase ambiguities must be resolved (if possible) in the phase processing, however,
GAMIT also generates several intermediate solutions with user-defined constraints
before loosening the constraints for its final solution. These steps are described in detail
in Section 3.4 of the GAMIT Reference Manual.
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The uncertainties in a GNSS analysis, however, cannot be treated with white noise
statistics because errors with temporal correlations dominate both the phase observations
and estimates of station coordinates (the quasi-observations input to GLOBK). In the
phase residuals (from cview or the sky plots produced by sh_gamit), the visible noise—
from multipathing and tropospheric fluctuations—is typically correlated over spans of
15-30 minutes. This implies that only samples taken at these intervals are independent,
and, to a first approximation, we would get realistic uncertainties by multiplying the
formal errors by the square root of the ratio of this interval to the sampling interval
used—e.g., for the 2 minute sampling commonly used in solve, we would increase the
uncertainties by a factor of 3-5. There also errors with longer correlation times that do
not show up in the residuals but are absorbed into the parameter adjustments. Assessing
the magnitude of these errors requires us to use noise visible in the residuals (phase or
coordinates) to infer the character of the noise at lower frequencies. There are a number
of excellent studies of the character of the errors discussed in the presentation
‘Error_Analysis.ppt’ from our most recent workshops on the Documentation page of the
GAMIT/GLOBK web site (e.g., Mao et al. [1999], Dixon et al. [2000], and Williams
[2003]). Once you have adopted a particular weighting of the data, it is often possible to
use external knowledge of the expected behavior of the coordinates or velocities to
validate the uncertainties; see McClusky et al. [2000], Davis et al. [2003], and McCaffrey
et al. [2007].
In GAMIT/GLOBK there are several ways you can control the uncertainties you obtain
for coordinates and velocities, and it is important for you to keep clearly in mind how
each of these operates. The uncertainties generated by solve and passed to GLOBK in the
h-file are determined by the a priori error assigned to the phase observations and by the
sampling interval—solve does not rescale by the square root of χ2/df (“postfit nrms” in
the q-file). In the initial (“preliminary”) solution, we normally assign an uncertainty of
10 mm to each one-way L1 phase. By Equation (1), the assigned uncertainty in an LC
phase becomes 32 mm. The mean rms of one-way LC residuals is typically ~6-9 mm, so
the nrms computed by solve is 0.2-0.3. In the second (“final”) solution, we normally
reweight the observations using a constant and elevation-dependent term computed in
2 June 2018
data editing by program autcln from the actual (one-way LC) phase residuals. In order to
keep the overall weighting approximately the same as with the 10 mm constant error, the
values computed by autcln (ATELV table in file are multiplied by an
arbitrary factor of 1.7 (in script sh_sigelv) before being input to solve (via the N-file). We
chose to use inflated values of the a priori phase error and not rescale by the nrms in
order to generate coordinate uncertainties that (in the presence of correlated noise) are
approximately realistic with 2-minute sampling. An equally valid approach would be to
rescale by the nrms (i.e. make χ2/df =1.0) and compensate later for the unrealistically low
coordinate uncertainties. With whatever weighting you use in solve, you can increase the
coordinate uncertainties used by GLOBK by rescaling all covariances on the h-file or by
adding white noise or random-walk noise to the variances of individual stations. We
discuss in Section 4.3 why the latter approach is usually preferred.
GAMIT is composed of distinct programs which perform the functions of preparing the
data for processing (makexp and makex), generating reference orbit and rotation values
for the satellites (arc, yawtab), interpolating time- and location-specific values of
atmospheric and loading models (grdtab), computing residual observations (O-C's) and
partial derivatives from a geometrical model (model), detecting outliers or breaks in the
data (autcln), and performing a least squares analysis (solve). Although the modules can
be run individually, they are tied together through the data flow, particularly file-naming
conventions, in such a way that most processing is best done with shell scripts and a
sequence of batch files set up by a driver module (fixdrv) for modeling, editing, and
estimation. Though the data editing is almost always performed automatically, the
2 June 2018
solution residuals can be displayed or plotted so that problematic data can be identified
Likewise, GLOBK operates through distinct programs, which can be invoked with a
single command or run separately. The primary functions are to combine quasi-
observations--either GAMIT/GLOBK “h-files” or the internationally accepted SINEX
format--from multiple networks and/or epochs (glred or globk), and to impose on this
solution a reference frame appropriate to the scientific objective (glorg). Note that globk
and glred are the same program, just called in different modes: glred to read data from
one day at a time for generating time series, globk for stacking multiple epochs to obtain
a mean position and/or velocity.
The full sequence of steps to take you from phase data to time series is accomplished
with two shell scripts: sh_gamit looks for RINEX data over a range of days and invokes
the GAMIT programs to produce constrained and loose estimates of coordinates together
with sky plots of phase data as a record of the processing; sh_glred uses the GAMIT
results to produce time series of day-to-day repeatability or a combined h-file that may be
further combined with those from other epochs to estimate station velocities. The only
preparation required is assembling the meta-data from station logs; setting up the control
files, most of which are common to all analyses of a particular era; and assembling
RINEX files not available from public archive in one or more directories on your system.
Note that all of the scripts and programs that use command-line control are self-
documenting: to see the input commands, just type the script or program name with no
2.1 Setup
The first step in running the scripts is to create a project directory (e.g. /emed18 or
/emed/2018 for data from 2018 for the eastern Mediterranean) with two subdirectories:
/rinex and /tables. Copy into the /rinex directory all of the local RINEX files you plan to
use in your processing. GAMIT will handle either RINEX 2 or RINEX 3 formats, but the
RINEX 3 files must be renamed to the 10-character RINEX 2 naming scheme (lowercase
ssssddds.yyo and brdcddds.yyn; this happens automatically in sh_gamit). RINEX files
for IGS directories to be down-loaded automatically during the processing are specified
using entries in a control file (site.defaults) (see Section 2.3 below and Section 6.3 of the
GAMIT Reference Manual). Then run sh_setup to link or copy into the [project]/tables
directory the appropriate control and data files. All of the required templates and tables
reside in ~gg/tables, where ~gg is a required alias pointing to the highest level of the
GAMIT/GLOBK installation. Executing sh_setup will invoke sh_links.tables to link the
standard data tables described in Section 4.1) and will copy the eight control and data
files listed below:
2 June 2018
process.defaults : Edit this file to specify your computation environment, sources for
internal and external data and orbit files, start time and sampling interval, instructions for
archiving the results, and an email address to receive a summary of the run.
: Edit this file to specify which local and IGS stations are to be used and
how station meta-data are to be handled. :This file contains the receiver and antenna type and height of instrument (HI)
values as a function of time for all occupations of the stations you will use. Although it
can be generated during processing by sh_gamit, the best approach is usually to construct
the file prior to processing using the tools described in Section 2.3.
coordinate files : sh_gamit maintains in the experiment ./tables directory two files of a
priori coordinates. The file ending in .apr (set as aprf in process.defaults, itrf14_comb.apr in
the template) contains the Cartesian coordinates (position and velocity) of stations you
wish to have unchanged throughout the processing. The L-file ( lfile. ), which can contain
either Cartesian position and velocity (default, same as .apr file) or spherical position
(GAMIT old-style, use -oldfmt_lfile option in sh_setup), is updated after each day is
processed if the adjustments exceed a specified value (0.3 m by default). If you have
good coordinates for stations not in the apr file, you should append these to the apr-file if
you want them to be unchanged. For any station that does not have coordinates in lfile.,
sh_gamit will attempt to calculate coordinates via a pseudorange solution, or (if use_rxc Y
in process.defaults) use the coordinates in the RINEX header. When GAMIT runs, these
coordinates will be updated in [expt]/tables/lfile. from the phase solution so that for
successive days on which the same station is observed, the accurate coordinates will be
sestbl.and sittbl. : Edit these files to set the appropriate options for your analysis. Make
sure that any station for which you specify tight constraints in sittbl. has accurate
coordinates in the apr file.
autcln.cmd : Controls for cleaning the data in program autcln. This file will usually not
require editing unless you encounter unusual data during the processing.
Once you have edited appropriately the template files, you can start the processing from
within the experiment directory by giving sh_gamit simply the 4-character code for the
project or subnet (termed “experiment”) and a range of days to process:
sh_gamit -expt emed -d 2018 034 035 036 >&! sh_gamit.log
The sh_gamit command is executed at the project-directory level. The time span can also
be specified using -s <start_day> <stop_day> to indicate a range of consecutive days, or -r
<days> to indicate that you want to process a single day <days> before the current date. If
you plan to process data from more than GPS, use –gnss [sys], where sys is G for GPS, R
for Glonass, C for Beidou, E for Galileo, and I for IRNSS. You may also override some
of the parameters specified in process.defaults:
-orbit <type> Type of orbit (e.g. igsf igsr igsu codm gfzm siof; see sh_orbits; default igsf)
-eops <name> EOP series to be used (usno [default], usnd)
2 June 2018
-sessinfo Sampling interval, #epochs, start time (HH MM) (e.g. 30 2880 0 0 )
-copt List of files to compress in the day directory (default x, k, autcln.out, d)
-dopt List of files to delete from the day directory (default C-files only)
-pres ELEV Plot phase vs elevation and as skyplots (default no)
-nogifs Do not create gif files of sky plots (default is to create from postscript)
-yrext Add year prefix to names of day directories
-netext <char> Add suffix (character) to names of day directories
-noftp Don’t try to ftp any data from outside your system (default is to ftp)
Most of the time the parameters may be omitted in favor of the values you have specified
in process.defaults for the whole experiment. The overrides are useful, however, if you
wish to test the effect of processing a day with a different orbit, EOP table, or session
length, or for different GNSS, in which case you can create a second directory for the
same day by appending a character to its name (e.g., -netext t to create /034t). When –gnss
is specified, the day directories will automatically be named with the GNSS code as the
extent (e.g. 034E for Galileo). Finally, you may launch sh_gamit from anywhere on the
system by specifying the full path name of the processing directory with -dir <path>. When
the script runs, it will write to the screen a record of each step, which you may choose to
redirect to a file (e.g., >&! sh_gamit.log). Examining the screen log together with the
comments and source code in gg/com/sh_gamit and the GAMIT.fatal file, will allow you to
identify the point and reason for failure should that occur.
When processing of each day is completed, sh_gamit will send a mail message to you
(mailto in process.defaults) giving the number of stations used, the rms of the one-way
phase residuals for the two best and two worst stations from the autcln postfit summary
file, the nrms values from the Q-file, the number of ambiguities resolved, and a list of any
large adjustments to station coordinates. These statistics will let you know whether you
need to examine the GAMIT output further for possible reprocessing.
To use sh_glred to obtain a time series of position estimates, you need to edit one and
possibly more control files in the /gsoln directory established by sh_setup. In the simplest
case, in which you want to use all of the sites in your GAMIT solutions and are not
combining these solutions with h-files from an external source, you need only edit
glorg.cmd to specify which sites will be used to define your reference frame. If you want
to omit some sites or indicate where steps should be applied in the time series to account
for earthquakes or changes in instrumentation, you may need to edit also globk.cmd and an
earthquake/rename file. These are described in Section 2.3. Then run, e.g.,
sh_glred -expt emed –s 2018 34 2018 36 -opt H G T >&! sh_glred.log
The H option tells sh_glred to translate GAMIT h-files in the day directory to GLOBK
binary h-files and put them into /glbf; G indicates that glred is to be run (you can use
sh_glred just to do the h-file translation if you wish); and T indicates that time-series plots
are to be generated using sh_plot_pos (invoking first tssum the program that extracts
2 June 2018
coordinates from the glred output .org file to produce .pos files). Prior to Release 10.6,
the coordinates could be extracted only with programs ensum and multinbase to produce
mb files and plotted with sh_plotcrd. This option is still available in 10.7 with key letter
E but will be deprecated in future releases. Finally, it is possible to combine the h-files
you have created in the day directories with global or regional h-files generated by an
external processing center (e.g. MIT or SOPAC), using the hfnd token in
[project]/process.defaults (see Section 2.3).
sh_glred uses the –netext option with one or more GNSS (or other netext) codes to select
which day directories to access for GAMIT h-files, appending a (lowercase) letter to the
GLOBK binary h-file to distinguish among files in the globk gdl list.
To understand how to set up input controls and evaluate your solution, you need to have
in mind the data and solution files produced at each step. The examples below are from
the 5-station 2000 February 3rd (day-of-year 034) GPS-only southern California survey
used in previous releases for testing the installation.
Note that GAMIT files are named with single- or two-digit years and day-of-year and
have a required format, whereas GLOBK h-filenames are arbitrary but conventionally
named with two-digit year, month, day, hour, and minute. A full description of the
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preprocessing steps undertaken by makexp and makex to produce x-files and the
coordinate, clock, and orbit files used by model can be found in Chapter 2 of the GAMIT
Reference Manual; naming of c-files and a description of the q- and o-files produced by
solve is in Chapter 3. Of the GAMIT-produced files, only the h-file has more than a one-
digit year in its name since it is the only file that is carried beyond the processing for a
single survey. The org file is described in Chapter 3 below.
It is also useful to have in mind the way the files containing external data, survey
metadata, and command files get from their natural homes to the day directory for
processing. “Global” files, which contain information useful for many surveys reside in
gg/tables but are linked by sh_gamit into the project /tables directory (script sh_link_tables)
and then into the day directory (script, usually under the same name. These
EOP tables from the IERS: ut1. pole.
Lunar-solar ephemerides nbody
GPST - UTC leap.sec
IGS receiver/antenna codes rcvant.dat
User-defined receiver/antenna codes1 guess_rcvant.dat
Ground antenna mechanical dimensions hi.dat
Satellite block #s, PRN #s, masses svnav.dat
Ground/SV antenna phase center models antmod.dat
P1-C1, P1-P2 code biases dcb.dat
Empirical ZHD &mapping functions (MF) gpt.grid
Time- & space dependent ZHD and MF map.grid, map.list
Ocean loading otl.grid, otl.list
Atmospheric tidal loading atl.grid, atl.list
Non-tidal atmospheric loading atml.grid, atml.list
The particular version of each of these files is specified by the link in gg/tables or the
project /tables directory. For example, the FES2004 ocean loading model is selected by
linking otl.grid to otl.FES2004.grid in gg/tables. For EOP tables, the source (e.g., IERS
Bulletin A, coded as usno or usnd) is specified in process.defaults or the sh_gamit
command line and implemented via the link in the project /tables directory. For the non-
tidal atmospheric loading (otl.grid) and the atmospheric delay (map.grid) files the link in
the project /tables directory is made to a gg/tables version for the appropriate year. The
grid files for VMF1, atmospheric tidal loading, and non-tidal atmospheric loading may
not be needed for most analyses, so their links can remain empty (see below for sestbl.
entries). All of these global tables need to be updated from time to time--the EOP and
the VMF1 and ATML grid files daily or weekly if you are processing in near real-time;
dcb.dat, monthly; leap.sec yearly; svnav.dat whenever a new satellite is launched; and the
receiver/antenna tables whenever new instrumentation appears. Note that with the 10.7
release the Earth and Sun positions are obtained from a 20-year tabulation, file named
nbody which may be linked in gg/tables either to the MIT/CfA file nbody740.2020.asc
used in the past to produce soltab. and luntab. for each year or to the JPL file JPL.DE200,
which is the IGS standard. We've found no significant difference in GPS orbital accuracy
between the two ephemerides and hence have created the link in gg/tables to the
2 June 2018
MIT/CfA file for continuity. Nutation, which were tabulated in nutabl for each year from
an IERS-produced subroutine, are now computed internally from the subroutine. If the
nbody link is empty, GAMIT will revert to using soltab.[yyyy], luntab.[yyyy], and
nutabl.[yyyy] which are available through 2018 but will not be created in the future.
The command files (process.defaults, sites.defaults, sestbl, sittbl. autcln.cmd, and the
GLOBK files) are usually specific to a particular survey or processing effort, so the
master version of these is usually kept in the [project]/tables directory or a higher-level
directory common to multiple projects, each of which may pertain only to a single year’s
data. (It is possible to include multiple years within a single project by pre-pending the
year to the day directories, but this introduces complications in linking single-year,
meteorological, and loading files into the [project]/tables directory. When sh_gamit runs
it will link these files into each day directory. However, if a file by the same name
already exists in the day directory, it will not be removed, so if you need to have a
different setting for one day (e.g. a day-specific autcln.cmd file), you can create it within
the day directory and it will be maintained through repeated processing of that day.
The third set of files comprises those that are day-specific. These include the data files
shown at the beginning of this section, but also the orbit, clock, and coordinate files
created during the processing. The primary orbital information for GAMIT is the (short,
ascii) g-file (e.g., gigg0.034 where the 'f' for final in the –orbt command has been replaced
by 'g' to indicate GPS), which contains for each satellite the values of position and
velocity at a particular epoch (usually 12:00 on the day being processed) and coefficients
of the 9-component solar radiation-pressure model. These 16 parameters are sufficient
for arc to generate a tabular ephemeris (binary t-file, e.g., tigsg0.034) for model to use in
computing the theoretical value of the observations. In normal processing, the g-file is
created by sh_gamit (invoking sh_sp3fit) in the /igs directory by fitting arc’s model to an
ascii tabular ephemeris (in the IGS sp3 format) from an external source. sh_gamit then
copies the g-file to the /gfiles directory and creates a link from the day directory to the file
in /gfiles. This complicated procedure is useful for two reasons: 1) GAMIT requires
partial derivatives of the orbital position with respect to the initial parameters in order to
estimate these parameters, and these are not available on the sp3 file; 2) the /igs and/or
/gfiles directories can be used to create multiday orbits for processing pre-IGS data. The
satellite clock file (e.g., jcodr0.034 or jbrdc0.034) and receiver clock files (e.g., kblyt0.034,
iscal0.034) all exist solely within the day directory. A description of each of these files
may be found in Chapters 1 and 2 of the GAMIT Reference Manual. The master
coordinate file for the survey is named lfile. and kept in the project /tables directory.
When sh_gamit runs it makes a day-specific link, e.g. lscal0.034 within each day
directory, where updates are made by after each of the two solutions and given the
names, e.g., lscala.034 and lscalb.034. We discuss in Section 2.4 the rules for updating
2 June 2018
# Directory for translation of raw data (may have links to /rawfnd)
set rawpth = "/data13/simon/mitnet/raw"
# Directory path for raw archives (search all levels); e.g. /data18/simon
set rawfnd = ""
# Input files for RINEX translators
set mpth = "$procdir/mkrinex"
# RINEX files directory
set rpth = "$procdir/rinex"
# Directory path for RINEX archives (search all levels); e.g. /data18/simon
set rnxfnd = ""
# Directory for RINEX navigation files (Broadcast orbits)
set bpth = "$procdir/brdc"
# IGS files directory
set ipth = "$procdir/igs"
# Directory for g-files
set gpth = "$procdir/gfiles"
# GAMIT and GLOBK tables directory
set tpth = "$procdir/tables"
# Globk solution directory
set glbpth = "$procdir/gsoln"
# Globk binary h-file directory
set glfpth = "$procdir/glbf"
# Output directory for skyplots (converted from ps to gif to save space)
set gifpth = "$procdir/gifs"
# Place to store temporary control files
set cpth = "$procdir/control"
# Archive root directory (cannot be null even if not used)
set archivepth = "$procdir/archive"
This first section simply names the directories to be used for the processing. Most of the
directories will be created with these names whether or not you include the entry and
whether or not you actually use the directory. The only entry you are likely to change is
glbpth, for which you may want to assign successively different directory names (e.g.,
gsoln, hsoln, tsoln) if you perform parallel sh_glred solutions using, for example, different
combinations of data.
# Set sampling interval, number of epochs, and start time for processing
set sint = '30'
set nepc = '2880'
set stime = '0 0
# Variables for updating tables (see sh_upd_stnfo)
set stinf_unique = "-u"
set stinf_nosort = "-nosort"
set stinf_slthgt = "2.00"
# Set "Y" to use RINEX header coordinates if not in lfile or apr file
set use_rxc = "N"
# 4-character code for broadcast orbits
set brdc = 'brdc'
# Set the ftp archives to be searched for RINEX files
set rinex_ftpsites = ( sopac cddis unavco )
# Minimum x-file size to be processed (Def. 300 blocks)
set minxf = '300'
# Set search window for RINEX files which might contain data for day
set rx_doy_plus = 1
set rx_doy_minus = 1
2 June 2018
The session variables are set here by default but can be overridden with the –sessinfo
option on the sh_gamit command line. They specify, respectively, the sampling interval,
number of epochs (2880 is 24 hr at 30s intervals), and the start time (hr min). The next
four entries allow you to control how and the L-file are updated. They work
with sites.defaults entries and are explained in the next section. The rinex_ftpsites
option specifies what remote archives are to be searched for RINEX files; you may add
archives of your choosing by editing gg/tables/ftp_info. The minimum x-file size option
allows you to exclude from GAMIT processing data from sessions too short to be useful
for your application. The 300-block (300 Kb on most machines) default sets the limit at
about 3 hours of tracking; change this to a small number to process short sessions. The
search window options instruct sh_gamit to look for RINEX files named with day-of-year
different from the one being processed. This assures that you will not miss local data
within a file named for a previous day (rx_doy_minus ), and for midnight-crossing
sessions, that you will ftp and include IGS data from the part of the session on the
following day (rx_doy_plus ). The rx_doy_minus option may need to be increased if
you have RINEX files covering many days (the GAMIT maximum is 7). Changing these
to 0 will save a little time if you know that all of your data are within the expected 0-24h
span. Both of these options can be specified in the sh_gamit command line if you want to
change them on a day-to-day basis.
# Minimum raw disk space in Kbytes
set minraw = '30000'
# Minimum RINEX disk space in Kbytes
set minrinex = '30000'
# Minimum archive disk space in Kbytes
set minarchive = '20000'
# Minimum working disk space in Kbytes
set minwork = '200000'
The resource settings prevent processing from starting if there is inadequate disk space to
complete it.
# UNIX df command to return free space in kilobytes
set udf = 'df -k'
# old HP
# set udf = ‘bdf –k’
# UNIX mail command to allow subject in the command line
set umail = 'mail -s'
# old HP
# set umail = ‘mailx –s’
2 June 2018
# Mail address for the processing report (if null will default to #
`whoami` in sh_gamit)
set mailto = ' '
# Host name for email and anonymous ftp password use
# (if null will default to `hostname` in sh_gamit)
set machine = ' '
# Ghostscript path
set gspath = '/usr/bin'
# ImageMagick path for ‘convert’, used for gif conversion
set impath = ‘/usr/bin’
# set impath = '/usr/bin/X11'
The only system-dependent setting likely to need changing is the path for the convert
program, used to convert the sky plots from postscript to png. If your UNIX installation
does not have convert available, use –nopngs in the sh_gamit command line so that the
sky plots will be left as postscript in the day directory
The site.defaults file determines how each station will be used in the processing. Since all
sites in your /rinex directory will be automatically included in your processing, in most
cases you need to list here only those sites for which you want to automatically download
data from a remote archive (ftprnx token). This assumes that you do not want to
include or exclude individual sites from automatic updating in (xstinfo token)
or to exclude from processing sites for which you have RINEX files in the /rinex directory
(xsite token). Note that you must include after each site name the 4-character
“experiment” name you use in your processing (shown in the example below as scal).
This requirement derives from the feature to allow sites.defaults to select sites to be used
in each of several sub-networks when you are processing multiple sub-networks.
2 June 2018
The processing within GAMIT itself (arc, model, autcln, solve ) is controlled by sestbl.,
sittbl., and autcln.cmd. The sestbl. entries that you are likely to consider in setting up your
processing are shown below:
Choice of Experiment = BASELINE. ; BASELINE/RELAX./ORBIT
Satellite Constraint = N ; Y/N ( N ignores the next two lines, giving constraints in ppm
and %)
all a e i n w M rad1 rad2 rad3 rad4 rad5 rad6 rad7 rad8. rad9
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1
AUTCLN Command File = autcln.cmd ; filename; default none (use default options)
Station Error = ELEVATION 10. 0.0001 ; a**2 + b**2/sin(elev)**2 in mm, default = 4.3 7.0
The values shown are appropriate for regional or global processing for most data
acquired after 1995. By setting Choice of experiment = BASELINE, you are fixing the
orbits and omitting the orbital parameters from your GAMIT processing and output h-
files. If you intend to combine your h-files with those from global processing at, e.g.,
MIT or SOPAC, or if you are processing a GNSS with poor orbits, then you should set
Choice of experiment = RELAX and apply constraints to the orbital parameters. The
values given for orbital parameters (1 part in 109 or about 2 cm) are reasonable for current
IGS orbits (see for orbital accuracy over time).
The next four entries control the observations used and ambiguity resolution. LC_AUTCLN
and LC_HELP are the usual choices with dual-frequency receivers and all but the shortest
baselines. With the LC_AUTCLN option, the widelane ambiguities are assigned and
resolved in autcln using the pseudoranges. With LC_HELP, the wide-lane ambiguities are
2 June 2018
resolved by applying an ionospheric constraint (see Dong et al., 1998). For data acquired
with codeless receivers (before ~1994), LC_HELP should be used. The sensitivity
parameters for both wide-lane (with LC_HELP) and narrow-lane ambiguities are set
conservatively but may be varied if you need to squeeze greater accuracy out of short
observing sessions. See Dong et al. [1998] and Section 3.5 of the GAMIT Reference
Manual for a detailed discussion. For baselines less than a few km, using L1 and L2
independently or only L1 may reduce noise compared to using the ionosphere-free
combination. To check for the size of ionospheric errors, it’s wise to try LC_HELP,
L1_ONLY, L2_ONLY, and L1,L2_INDEP and compare the results. If your data were
acquired with a single-frequency receiver, you should set L1_RECEIVER in the sestbl. and
also add the L1only command to autcln.cmd since autcln by default will attempt to use
both L1 and L2 in cleaning (even if L1_ONLY is requested for solve).
The next block of entries controls the modeling and estimation of the atmospheric delay.
The first command specifies the mapping function to be used to project the zenith delay
to the elevation angle of the satellites. Different functions must be used for the
hydrostatic (“dry”) delay and the “wet” delay due to water vapor. The default, sufficient
for all but the most accurate studies of heights and for meteorological studies, is the
“global mapping function” (GMF) developed by Boehm et al. [2006a] from fitting
numerical weather model (NWM) data over 20 years. A more accurate reconstruction of
the NWM data can be obtained by interpolating hydrostatic and wet mapping function
coefficients as a function of time and location from the (large) global grid files compiled
by the Vienna group [Boehm et al., 2006b]. You have access to these values by
downloading the VMF1 grid files for each year from pub/GRIDS on, and
setting map.grid = Y, DMap = VMF1 and WMap = VMF1. The next command controls
the source of pressure (most importantly, but also temperature) for the a priori zenith
hydrostatic delay (ZHD). The most accurate values, if they are available, are from local
measurements of surface pressure, which can be written into RINEX met files and stored
in a /met directory for use by sh_gamit. Setting the first option of Met obs source =
RNX tells GAMIT to use these for any station for which they are available. The next most
accurate source would be the ZHD values from the VMF1 grid files. Since GAMIT reads
the grid file for all sites used for the day and writes the values into the U-file, you select
this option by setting Met obs source = UFL and map.grid = Y. (If you use a VMF1
station-list file, map.list, the second option, GPT or UFL can be used for stations
missing from the list file. Since the only source of NWM ZHD data currently tabulated
for GAMIT is the VMF1 mapping-function grids, the met.grid and met.list files are
not yet supported.) Finally, as with the mapping functions, the Vienna group has
constructed from the NWM data an analytical model, designated “global pressure and
temperature” (GPT2), of Lagler et al., Geophys. Resl. Lett. 40, doi:10.1002/grl50288,
2013). It reads from table gpt.grid in ~/gg/tables values of zenith hydrotstatic delay
(ZHD), temperature, lapse rate, and dry and wet mapping functions as a function of
latitude, longitude, and day-of-year that are averages from a fit to 10-year monthly
averages from a global numerical weather model. The option STP implies standard
constants (1013.25 hPa, 20 C), used prior to Release 10.3 but now effectively obsolete.
To keep errors in height estimates below 2 mm, you need an accuracy of about 10 hPa in
a priori pressure [Tregoning and Herring, 2006]. The Interval zen command controls the
2 June 2018
number of zenith delay parameters estimated using the session. For geodetic studies,
estimating values at 2-hour intervals with the constraints given is more than adequate.
For meteorological studies, you may want to estimate more parameters and/or alter the
constraints (see Chapter 7 of the GAMIT Reference Manual). For atmospheric gradients,
we allow a linear change during the session (two parameters each for N/S and E/W
The command to update the L-file assures that the second solve solution will have
adjustments within a linear range and allows sh_gamit to apply updated coordinates to
the processing of successive days. The criterion for updating is set by default to be
adjustments larger than 30 cm (though this can be changed with a sestbl. command, not
shown). If you know that all of your a priori coordinates are accurate to within a few cm
and don’t want bad data to corrupt the coordinates in the L-file, you can set Update T/L files
The next three commands control how the phase data are weighted in the preliminary and
final solutions. The Station Error entry shown tells solve to use elevation-dependent
weighting for the phase date. In the preliminary solution, the assigned error is 10 mm
with negligible elevation dependence. With AUTCLN postfit = Y (default with Type
of analysis = 1-ITER) the second solve run will assign weights to the phase data
based on the actual scatter computed by autcln in its “postfit” edit, and will contain both
a constant and an elevation-dependent term, as recorded in the output print file Elevation-dependent weighting is recommended for almost all analyses;
an exception might be tests of models (e.g. mapping functions) sensitive to low-elevation
Related to the error weighting is the sampling of data for the solution. For cleaning
purposes (model, autcln), the full sampling of the x-file (usually 30s or 15s) is used.
However, since the phase errors are correlated over many minutes, it is not necessary to
use sampling this frequent in solve. The default decimation factor (4, resulting in 2-
minute sampling for the usual case) provides formal uncertainties that are usually
reasonable within a factor of two while reducing time significantly (See the discussion of
uncertainties in Section 1.3.) For the preliminary solution used to get decimeter-level
coordinates for editing and to avoid non-linearity in the final adjustments, 5-minute
sampling is sufficient.
There are over a dozen sestbl. entries controlling the models used in processing the data.
These are all given at the bottom of the template file in gg/tables and discussed in Section
3.2 of the GAMIT Reference Manual. The three shown here are those most likely to need
editing for current applications. Changing Antenna Model to NONE allows bypassing of
the phase-center-variation (PCV) file antmod.dat, an option advisable only if you are
using identical antennas within a small regional network. The Tides applied option is
binary coded, allowing any combination of the various tidal models to be applied in
model. For most applications you may keep the default, which is to apply all of the tidal
effects currently available in GAMIT (though the 2-bit for K1 is not necessary with the
current IERS 2003 model for the solid-body tides, and the pole tide can be applied later
in GLOBK). If your data are not strongly affected by ocean tidal loading (“otl”) or you
do not wish to copy over the large ocean loading grid files, you might omit this model,
2 June 2018
setting Tides applied = 23 instead of 31. The otl components are read from a station
list file or a global grid, with station-list values taking precedent if Use otl.list = Y
and the station is within 10 km of a station in the file. If you have local stations close to
an IGS station, it is advisable to use the grid exclusively so that you don’t introduce
artifacts in the relative motions of two stations.
The sittbl. contains options that can be set on a station-by-station basis. The width of the
table is variable, with the entries determined by the column headers present. A complete
version is available as gg/tables/sittbl.long, but the short version shown below contains the
only entries you are likely to change—the a priori station constraints to be applied in
GAMIT to enhance ambiguity resolution and to obtain a solution that you can inspect
visually (this assumes that your final solution will come from GLOBK).
<< default for regional stations >>
ALL 100. 100. 100.
<< Stations to constrain >>
BLYT Blythe_ 0.010 0.010 0.02
JPLM JPL Mesa 0.010 0.010 0.02
MATH Lake Matthews 0.010 0.010 0.02
The 4-character site name must appear in the first four columns, the 12-character name is
of arbitrary length beneath a blank header, and the coordinate constraints are free-format
but must fall within the columns denoted by the header --COORD.CONSTR.--. The
constraints are north, east, and up in meters.
The remaining control file for GAMIT is autcln.cmd. It is complicated but can almost
always be left unchanged. Cases for which you might want alter the default settings
include data from codeless receivers, stations for which you cannot get a priori
coordinates better than 10 m, or short sessions ( < ~3 hours). For a detailed discussion of
the autcln settings, see Section 4.2 of the GAMIT Reference Manual.
There are two required control files for sh_glred. The names globk.cmd, and glorg.cmd are
set by the script but can be overridden with the command line options -globk_cmd
and -glorg_cmd. Unlike the GAMIT sestbl. And sittbl., which for which entries must begin
in column 1, all GLOBK files, as well as the sh_gamit control files process.defaults and
site.defaults, follow the convention that a non-blank first column denotes a comment (* or
# below in the examples below) except that you can specify (arbitrary) keywords
beginning in line 1 that match the <OPTIONS> list at the end of the globk/glred command
line. If the keyword is given as an option, globk/glred will replace the keyword in the
command file by a blank, thus activating the command. For example, with the command
file shown below
sh_glred -expt emed –s 2018 34 2018 36 –ncomb 3 –globk_prefix COMB -opt G
will will transform the command file from one appropriate for time series (solution for
each day) one that will stack all of the days together and create a combined h-file for the
period of the survey.
2 June 2018
eq_file ~/gg/tables/igs14_comb.eq
ITRF08 eq_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.eq
# Optionally add a second eq_file for analysis-specific renames
x eq_file my_eq_file.eq
# For time-series runs, it's faster not to use the "com_file" command
# (com_file need not be created; only needed if glorg or glsave are
# to be run by themselves after globk completes).
* This group of commands must appear before any others:
KEEP com_file ! Allows parallel runs
srt_dir +1
2 June 2018
* Invoke glorg
org_cmd glorg.cmd
2 June 2018
* If orbits free in GAMIT (RELAX.) and you want them fixed, use:
x apr_svs all F F F F F F FR
* but if you are combining with globk h-files, better to leave them
* on but, if the models are incompatible, turn off radiation-pressure
* parameters,
x apr_svs all 100 100 100 10 10 10 0R
* When using MIT GLX files, which have satellite phase center positions
* estimated, fix antenna offsets to IGS a priori values by using:
apr_svan all F F F
The first group of commands define files used by glred/globk and which must be listed
first in the command file in order for the program to work properly. For time-series
computations, all but the eq_file can be considered scratch files. The eq_file,
described below, allows you to exclude sites or to rename them to account for breaks due
to earthquakes or instrument changes.
The next two entries specify the a priori files to be used for Earth orientation and
coordinates. If these are omitted, the values will be taken from the h-file (i.e., the
GAMIT solution), which may be ok in many circumstances.
The max_chi command allows automatic removal of an h-file when the data are bad,
detected in globk by checking for a high chi-square, a large adjustment of coordinates
from their a priori values, or a large rotation of the network. For a network less than 10
km in extent, it may be necessary to loosen these values since the rotation will not be well
2 June 2018
Including the name of the glorg command file ( org_cmd glorg.cmd ) tells globk to call
glorg for frame definition (“stabilization”) after globk is run. The org_opt command
prescribes what is included in the glorg print summary ( “org” file ). PSUM means a
summary of position adjustments; GDLF means to list the name of the input h-file; and
CMDS means to echo both the globk and glorg command files. If you are invoking glorg,
then the globk print will not be very useful and is suppressed by prt_opt NOPR.
Commands of the form apr_ serve both to tell globk to estimate the parameter and to
specify the a priori constraint to be used. If you are stabilizing by estimating both
translation and rotation in glorg (the usual case with a robust network), then both the
coordinate ( apr_neu ) and EOP ( apr_ut1 apr_wob ) constraints should be loose, as
shown above. If you estimate only translation in glorg, preferable for less than four
stations or a network less than 1000 km in extent, then you should tightly constrain EOP
(and orbits). To apply finite constraints instead (not recommended), set the apr_neu
values as appropriate for each station and do not invoke glorg (comment out the org_cmd
Sites to include in the solution are selected or deselected with he use_site. The default
is to include all sites in the h-file(s), but you can command a subset by started the list
with clear followed by the site names, either four characters (all 8-character versions of
the site) or the full eight (to select only certain versions); listing the site preceeded by a
minus will remove it from the list. In the example we've referred to a separate file
(../tables/uselist) rather than include the use_site commands in the main command file.
For site selection from an h-file of global processing, you can invoke the use_pos to
include or exclude sites within a geographical region (See the globk help file or Section
3.1 of the GLOBK Reference Manual.)
The out_glb command, when invoked, tells globk to write the solution out in the form of
an h-file. This is useful for aggregating data in weekly or monthly averages and/or
combining your own processing with global or regional h-files from an external source
(see Chapter 4).
If you need to provide for step changes in coordinates (or velocities) and/or to exclude
sites during certain periods, you can use an “earthquake-rename” file (eq_file) with
globk. The file has two types of entries. The first renames sites (creates new logical sites
for globk) automatically based on their proximity to an earthquake:
With the lines above included in the eq_file, all sites within 700 km of the 2002 Denali
(Alaska) earthquake will be renamed ( _gps à _gdn ) for h-files with start and stop times
later than 22:12 on 3 November 2002. The eq_cosei and eq_post commands prescribe
2 June 2018
the constraints applied to the co-seismic and post-seismic changes. (See the globk help
file and Section 3.1 of the GLOBK Reference Manual.) The second type of command
renames sites according to explicit instructions to account for changes in data quality or
The first of these lines accounts for a position change with the introduction of a new
receiver at Matera; the second removes some bad data at Kitab for a four-day period; the
third accounts for the use of an incorrect antenna height in h-files whose names include
the substring “emed”. You may use the equate feature of glorg to force the horizontal
adjustments for madr_gps and madr_xhi to be the same (see Chapter 4). It is also possible
to use the rename command to shift the position of a site without introducing a new site,
useful to apply offsets known from local measurements or assumed from an earthquake
The entry applies 3 mm offsets of the north and east coordinates of the site based on an a
priori model for the Nisqually ( NI ) earthquake near Seattle, Washington. For ITRF sites
the igs14_comb.eq file provides a set of renames consistent with the igs14_comb.apr file
(similarly itrf08_comb.eq and itrf08_comb.apr).
* Parameters to be estimated
pos_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
VEL rate_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
# Optionally, if estimated scale in GLOBK:
SCALE pos_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot scale
xSCALE rate_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
# or if translation-only
2 June 2018
2 June 2018
2 June 2018
The next two entries in the file control the weighting of the quasi-observations (site
coordinates) in the stabilization. For cnd_hgtv the first two values specify (for position
and velocity, respectively) the down-weighting of heights relative to horizontal
coordinates. The default is 10, under the assumption that the uncertainties in heights are
about three times higher than for the horizontal coordinates; however, you can increase
this ratio if want to define only a horizontal frame or you know that the height estimates
are unreliable. The last two values set limits on the uncertainty in height allowed to have
a site included and serve to remove from the stabilization poorly determined sites. For
stab_ite the first value is the number of iterations used in the stabilization, the second
the amount of reweighting that can take place between iterations, and the third the ratio of
residual to uncertainty (sigma) allowed before a site is removed from the stabilization.
You can change the last value to fine-tune the inclusion or exclusion of sites from the
frame definition. These commands are discussed in more detail in the glorg help file and
Section 3.2 of the GLOBK Reference Manual.
sh_gamit -expt scal -d 2000 034 035 036 -noftp -pres ELEV -copt x k p -dopt c ao >&! sh_gamit.log
In this example, we start with all of the data to be processed already present in the /rinex
directory. If you wanted to add additional data available from a global or regional
archive, you would specify the site names in sites.defaults, enter the ftp information (if not
already present) into gg/tables/ftp_info, and remove the -noftp option from the call to
sh_gamit. As a result of the command shown, sh_gamit will execute for each day the
following steps, noted in the screen output redirected to sh_gamit.log :
1) Assign parameters for program flow, giving precedence first to the command-line
arguments, then to the parameters set in process.defaults and sites.defaults, and then to
default assignments within sh_gamit itself. In this case, the command-line entry -
noftp overrides the default to search archives for requested or updated observation,
navigation, and EOP files; and the command-line entries for which files to compress
or delete at the end of the run override those set in process.defaults.
2) Create the day-directory and/or standard directories which do not yet exist (all of
these are already present in the gg/example directory).
3) Link into the day directory ( /034) the standard tables ( see script ) and the
RINEX files that contain data for the specified interval (00:00-24:00 as set in
2 June 2018
4) Download orbital sp3 files from a global data center and create GAMIT g-files using
script sh_get_orbits.
5) Run sh_upd_stnfo, which invokes program mstinf to update from the
RINEX headers. (It is recommended that this step be skipped by setting xstinfo [expt]
all in sites.defaults. )
6) Run makexp to create the input files for makex (scal.makex.batch) and fixdrv
7) Run sh_check_sess to make sure that all of the satellites included in the RINEX
observation files are present in the navigation file ( /brdc/brdc03400n, previously
downloaded at MIT from an IGS archive) and in the g-file (created previously at
MIT from an IGS sp3 file).
8) Run sh_makej to create a j-file of satellite clock estimates from the sp3 file (default)
or navigation file. .
9) Run makex to create x-files (observations) and k-files (receiver clock estimates)
using phase and pseudorange data from the RINEX observation files, broadcast
ephemeris from the navigation file, and satellite clocks from the j-file. A record of
makex, showing the data found and any problematic data encountered is written to
10) Run fixdrv to create the batch file for GAMIT processing. Though not used directly,
fixdrv also reads the k-file of episodic clock values and fits a first-order polynomial
to them as a crude check for jumps and rapid drifts in the receiver clock ( fixdrv.out).
11) Execute the batch run to generate a tabular orbital ephemeris (arc), model the phase
observations (model), edit the data (autcln), and estimate parameters (solve), a
sequence completed twice in order that autcln may operate on flat residuals and that
the final adjustments in solve are well within a linear range. A record of this run is
not written to sh_gamit.log (to save space) but is recorded in GAMIT.status,
GAMIT.warning, and GAMIT.fatal in the day directory.
will be made if the entry is present and matches the RINEX header). If the
antenna height information is correct but the receiver and antenna names not IGS
standard, you can still use this feature if you put into /gg/tables/guess_rcvant.dat a
substring that will uniquely match what appears in the header. If you know that all of
your receivers and/or antennas are of the same type, you can force their use by specifying
them as ant default and rcv default in guess_rcvant.dat. If you expect sh_gamit to
generate entries from the RINEX header information, you should review the
antenna and receiver names used in all of the headers before you start (e.g., by grep'ing
on the RINEX files for 'REC #' and 'ANT #'). Antenna heights can also be problematic.
In the RINEX standard, the header value is supposed to be a vertical height to antenna
reference point (ARP), but often a slant height is actually given in the file. If the latter is
the case, then stinf_slthgt in process.defaults can be set to a height above which the value
will be assumed to a slant height to the outside edge of the ground plane. (Setting
stinf_slthgt to 0 or a large number will cause all values to be interpreted as direct height
If you have any doubts about the validity of the RINEX headers, it is better to create (and
check!) before you start the GAMIT processing. You can create a file with all
of the entries for your survey by running sh_upd_stnfo manually with your RINEX files,
then edit the file as appropriate. In creating this file, it is best to start with a template
from the current MIT or SOPAC global file (available in
/incremental_updates/tables) so that you can conveniently add entries for continuous
stations from the global file. This template can be header-only, but the preferred
approach is to start with the full global file and use the -l [sitelist] option of
sh_upd_stnfo to extract only the stations you need, either from an existing list or one
created automatically by sh_upd_stnfo from the sites with ftprnx in sites.defaults and/or
the file names in your experiment /rinex directory. Hence, if you have a current copy of
the MIT or SOPAC in gg/tables, have run run sh_setup to copy it into your
experiment /tables directory, and have edited sites.defaults to specify the RINEX files you
want from a remote archive (using ftprnx), you can run (in /tables)
sh_upd_stnfo -ref -l sd
which will produce with the global entries for only the ftprnx sites. (If
the sites you need from the global file are not in sites.defaults with ftprnx, but
are present in the /rinex directory, you can use –l sdrnx or –l rnx in the sh_upd_stnfo
command.) Then make sure the RINEX files in the experiment /rinex directory are not
compressed, rename to and run (in /tables)
sh_upd_stnfo -files ../rinex/*o
sh_upd_stnfo also allows entries for to be created from IGS log files or SINEX
files. If you construct in advance of your processing, set xstinfo [expt]
all in sites.defaults to block any attempt by sh_gamit to update the file from RINEX
Bad a priori coordinates will result in autcln’s detecting too many cycle slips and deleting
all of the data. A clear indication that this has happened is Range rms values greater than
2 June 2018
about 20 m at the top of the autcln.prefit.sum file together with 0 for DATA AMOUNTS in the
same file. When this happens, you should check the [project]/tables/lfile. for the source of
the coordinates used. If a priori coordinates for a station are not available in the L-file
(or apr file) from previous processing, sh_gamit will by default invoke the sh_rx2apr
script to perform a pseudorange solution. Coordinates good to 10-20 m can usually be
obtained from the data at the station of interest (better if SA is off), but the preferred
approach is to perform the solution differentially, using also a RINEX file from an IGS
station with known coordinates. To make sure this happens, you should specify ftprnx in
sites.default and have present in the /rinex directory or available via ftp from an IGS data
archive the RINEX files for each day from one or more IGS stations. (You can use this
setting to get a differential pseudorange solution even if you have –noftp specified for
sh_gamit provided you copy the IGS data into the /rinex directory in advance of the run.)
If a differential pseudorange solution was used and you still have bad coordinates, try
executing sh_rx2apr manually with data from each of several days and compare the
coordinates to see if the day you used originally was an anomaly because it was short or
had bad pseudorange data. To by-pass sh_rx2apr and use the coordinates from the
RINEX header, set use_rxc = Y in process.defaults. This option should be used only if
you know that the header values are always present and accurate or if you have RINEX 3
files, which the programs svpos and svdiff invoked by sh_rx2apr will not yet support.
Note that a large adjustment of coordinates, due to bad data or a short session, on one day
can cause problems with the next day since lfile. in the experiment /tables directory will be
updated. You can avoid this update by copying into the aprf file specified in
process.defaults any site coordinates that you know to be good; the L-file will be
initialized with these values as processing begins for each day.
sh_gamit can also fail if it is unable to ftp required global RINEX files or orbital
information from an IGS archive (CDDIS or SOPAC if not otherwise specified). The
GAMIT.fatal message will usually make clear what file is missing. In this case, check the
ftp connection manually and restart the processing.
For the most part, you can rerun a day after a failure with simply a remedy of the detected
problem (e.g., a bad entry). However, in some circumstances old corrupted
files will be used: (a) Unless you specify remakex Y in the command line, any existing x-
file in a directory will be used again and the script assumes that there is a valid
entry for this file (if not, the process will fail). (b) Any existing RINEX file linked in the
day directory will be assumed to exist. If the link is now empty because you have
renamed or removed the file in the remote directory, this may not be detected correctly on
all systems. (c) A previously added entry will be used (and not replaced) if it
applies to the day being processed. (d) Coordinates in the L-file will be used if they exist
(so if the entry has been corrupted it should be removed and/or correct coordinates put in
to the apr-file).
Descriptions of how to run sh_gamit with sessions crossing day boundaries can be found
in Section 6. 3 of the GAMIT Reference Manual.
2 June 2018
To generate time series from the GAMIT runs for the three days in the example, type at
the project-directory level ( /2000 )
sh_glred -expt scal -s 2000 034 2000 036 -opt H G T >&! sh_glred.log
The script will execute the following steps, noted in the screen output redirected to
sh_glred.log :
1) Search all day directories between /034 and /036 for GAMIT h-files containing the
substring scal and run htoglb to convert these to binary h-files for glred. Since
each GAMIT h-file contains two solutions, one with ambiguities estimated as real
numbers (“biases free”) and one with ambiguities resolved (“biases fixed”),
htoglb will create two binary h-files, with extents glr (GAMIT loose free) and glx
(GAMIT loose fixed), respectively. They are stored in the /glbf directory and
named with the year/month/day/hr/min, e.g h0002031200_scal.glx for day 034.
2) Generate in the /gsoln directory a gdl file (h-file list) for each day (glx is default).
3) Run glred for each day, using commands of the form
glred 6 globk_scat_00034.prt globk_scal_00034.log globk_scal_00034.gdl globk.cmd
The .log and .org files provide a record of the output.
4) Run sh_plot_pos to invoke program tssum to create PBO-format .pos files from
the coordinates of each site on each day in the .org files and invoke GMT to plot
the time series. (Specifying E instead of T on the command line will use the older
program ensum to generate mb_ files for plotting with sh_plotcrd.)
This task could be accomplished in individual steps by running htoglb directly with wild
cards specifying the day directories, creating a gdl file in /gsoln using ‘ls ../glbf/h*glx’,
running the program glred (rather than the script sh_glred) with this gdl file, and running
sh_plot_pos. In fact, for velocity solutions and time-series using combined files, you will
need to use this approach (see Chapter 4). The advantages of the script are threefold: 1)
fewer commands, 2) it allows easy daily combination of local h-files with those from an
external processing center (e.g. MIT or SOPAC), using the LA, LB and LC options (see
Section 4.1 below); and 3) it allows easy aggregation of days into weekly or monthly
combined h-files, using the –ncomb option (see the sh_glred help by typing the command
without arguments). You can mix using sh_glred with running glred directly as long as
you keep in mind two differences: 1) sh_glred, like sh_gamit, is launched from the
project directory but executes glred within the /gsoln directory whereas glred is launched
directly from within the /gsoln directory itself; and 2) sh_glred creates a gdl-file for each
day whereas running glred itself efficiently requires creating a single gdl-file containing
the h-files for all of the days. In a gdl-file, the + symbol is used to indicate to glred that
h-files are to be combined before performing the solution. For example, using the file
../glbf/h1211021200_pan1.glx 1.0 +
../glf/h1211021200_pan2.glx 1.0 +
../glbf/h1211021200_pcnw.glx 1.0 +
../glbf/nmt17125.e.glb 1.0
../glbf/h1211031200_pan1.glx 1.0 +
2 June 2018
../glbf/h1211031200_pan2.glx 1.0 +
../glbf/h1211031200_pcnw.glx 1.0 +
../glbf/nmt17126.e.glb 1.0
glred would combine all four h-files for day 2012 11 2 before performing a solution, and
then do the same thing for the four files for day 2012 11 3. (Running globk, rather than
glred, would combine all of the files listed into a single solution whether or not the +’s
are present).
Other options of sh_glred specify the ftp’ing of data from a remote archive ( F ), removal
of old h-files from the gdlf directory ( R ), and compressing the h-files at the end of the run
( C ). Type sh_glred without arguments to see all options.
To avoid overwriting useful h-files or using obsolete ones, it is important to keep in mind
the precedence rules of the script. For local data (sh_gamit day directories), specifying
the H option will force htoglb to be rerun for all directories within the time span
indicated, whether or not a binary file or link exists in the /glbf directory. Omitting H will
cause no new binary files to be created, so it is not possible to retranslate only a selected
group of ascii H-files. This is not an important limitation, however, because htoglb runs
quickly. For global ascii h-files ftp’d from SOPAC, setting H will also force htoglb to be
rerun on any ascii H-files present or linked (by LA) in the H-file (glbf) directory, but you
can safely set F since the script will not re-ftp any remote (ascii) H-files that are present.
Note that most of the shell scripts called by sh_gamit and sh_glred can be run stand-alone
for specific processing tasks. The most useful of these are sh_make_rinex (templates for
running teqc to translate raw data files), sh_get_nav, sh_get_rinex, sh_get_orbits,
sh_sp3fit, sh_update_eop, sh_link_rinex, sh_oneway (to get sky plots from DPH files),
and sh_get_hfiles. Type the name of the script without arguments to see the
Input options -expt scal -d 2000 034 -netext a -orbit IGSF -noftp -remakex Y
Processing 2000 034 GPS week 1047 4 Raw 0
2 June 2018
Disk Usage: 37537 Free 31764.5 Mbyte. Used 55%
Check first that all of the data you expected got into the processing. The “Total xfiles”
should equal the number of raw or RINEX files available. If the “Number of stations
used” is less than the total x-files, then some x-files were created but then discarded
because they were too small (tracking session too short or data discarded by makex) as
measured against the minxf value you set in process.defaults, or because you have
excluded them with the xsite option in sites.defaults or the sh_gamit command line.
There are three indications of data quality and they each measure slightly different things.
The block of lines beginning with “RMS” are all extracted from and show
the one-way root-mean-square residuals by satellite and station. In the RMS second line,
the first value is an overall rms in mm. The remaining values on that line break down the
scatter by satellite and report the value in tenths of mm to allow better discernment of
differences that might indicate a bad orbital model for one satellite. The last four lines
report the values for the two sites with the lowest (JPLM and MATH in the example) and
the highest (7001 and BLYT) scatter. In a typical project, the best sites will have values
of 3-5 mm, and the worst 7-9 mm. Values between 10 and 15 mm indicate high but
acceptable levels of noise, but if you reweight the data using autcln (default and
recommended) the uncertainties in position estimates for these sites will be 2-3 times
higher than for the better sites. RMS values greater than 15 mm suggest a poorly
tracking receiver, a high multipath environment, severe weather, or a problem with
convergence in autcln, usually caused by poor coordinates or a short span of data. If the
site’s coordinates had large adjustments from the preliminary run (e.g., because this was
the first day of processing a new site) and the RMS value is high, try simply rerunning
the day with the now-updated coordinates. For sites with high scatter, examining the sky
plots and phase versus elevation plots in the /gifs directory may help you understand the
source of the noise. If both of the “worst” sites have high rms, you should look at to check other sites, which might also have high values but did not make
the “top two” in the summary.
2 June 2018
If either or both of the “best” two sites have 0 RMS, then all of the data from these sites
were removed by autcln. The most common reason was that autcln inserted too many
“bias” flags (detection of a possible cycle slip), either because of poor a priori
coordinates or poor receiver performance. The tables in allow you to
determine the reason. If it is bad a priori coordinates, the pseudorange rms at the top of
the file will make this immediately clear:
Maximum values of 1-2 m, as in the example, are typical; if the value is greater than 5 m,
a bad site coordinate is likely the problem. You can corroborate your assessment using
the table reporting what autcln did with bias flags:
The block labeled # Flagged reports how many bias flags were initially added scan for
each station and the reason why--either gap or jump in the data. For example, the DDS
column indicates the number added during the scanning of the double-difference
residuals. If this number is high, autcln detected many discontinuities, which can be due
to noisy phase data but would also result if there is a large slope in the residuals due to
poor coordinates or orbits. The # Remaining block reports how many flags remained
after autcln has finished its editing. You would like all stations to look like BLYT, but this
is rarely the case. The # Edited block reports the number of bias flags removed by
deleting the data affected by the bias flag (as opposed to removing the flag by reliably
resolving the integer number of cycles between data segments). Confirmation of autcln’s
action is given in the editing report:
2 June 2018
Note whether each site has the expected number of “good” data (the original sampling
interval for 7001 in this example was 120s, compared with 30s for the other receivers, so
the number of data is what we would expect). If a site shows many data deleted, the
column headers tell you the reason; see the autcln help file and Section 4.2 of the GAMIT
Reference Manual for an explanation of each header.
The last part of the sh_gamit summary file is extracted from the solve q-file. The first
four lines list, respectively, the normalized rms (square root of χ2 per degree of freedom)
for the constrained solution with ambiguities free, constrained solution with ambiguities
resolved, loose solution with ambiguities free, and loose solution with ambiguities
resolved. With the current weighting of phase observations, all of these should be ~ 0.2.
If the constrained nrms values are significantly larger than the loose nrms, the data are
good but the constraints you have imposed in the GAMIT solution, either on coordinates
( sittbl. ) or orbits ( sestbl. ), are too tight. If this is the case, try constraining only the most
reliable site and look at the adjustments of the others in the q-file. The last line in the
summary gives the percentage of wide-lane (WL) and narrow-lane (NL) ambiguities
resolved. (Note: This form of the summary is for LC_AUTCLN; with LC_HELP there are
only two numbers, the first being the total number of ambiguities esimated, WL + NL,
corresponding to twice the first number in the LC_AUTCLN summary, and the second being
the number of NL ambiguities resolved.) With LC_AUTCLN more than 90% of the WL
ambiguities should normally be resolved for any size network unless you have short
sessions, noisy pseudoranges, and/or you are not using a dcb.dat table that includes
estimated values for the epoch of your data. The percentage of NL ambiguities resolved
depends on the session length, size and configuration of the network, quality of the orbits
and a priori coordinates, and atmospheric conditions. If it is less than ~80%, there may
be deficiencies you can address with a different analysis approach.
The definitive check of your data and processing is provided by the time-series generated
by sh_glred as postscript files in /gsoln. With 24-hr sessions and a robust stabilization,
you should obtain uncertainties and repeatabilities at the level of 1-2 mm for horizontal
coordinates and 3-5 mm for heights. With 8-hr sessions, the horizontal should be 2-4 mm
and height 10-15 mm. If the uncertainties are high for some sites but not others, check
the session length (RINEX or x-file), number of data deleted (editing summary of, and data noise (RMS table and “Elevation angle dependent RMS
statistics of and/or “A priori receiver measurement error model” in the q-
file). If the uncertainties for all sites are high, then check the record of the glred and
glorg run, e.g.
+ GLORG Version 5.11I +
Stabilization with 20.0% constant, 80.0% site dependent weighting.
Delete sites with 4.0-sigma condition.
Height variance factor 10.00 Position, 10.00 Velocity
For Position: Min dH sigma 0.0050 m; Min RMS 0.0030 m, Min dNE sigma 0.00050 m
For Velocity: Min dH sigma 0.0050 m/yr; Min RMS 0.0030 m/yr, Min dNE sigma 0.00010 m/yr
Sigma Ratio to allow use: Position 2.00 Velocity 2.00
Starting Position stabilization iteration 1 L0002031200_scal.glx
2 June 2018
For 5 sites in origin, min/max hgt sigma 451.3 452.8 mm; Median 452.2 mm, Tol 10.0 mm
The top part of the file records the sites included in the stabilization. As glorg iterates the
stabilization, it will remove sites that have large height uncertainties or horizontal and/or
height residuals compared with the uncertainties. In the final iteration, there should be at
least three (and preferable many more) sites left in the stabilization, and the ‘Post RMS’
should be at the level you expect for the uncertainties (1-5 mm). The next part of the file
(not shown) echoes the globk and glorg command files (provided CMDS was set in
org_opt); make sure these match what you intended. The next useful section is the
position summary, which shows the adjustments and uncertainties of each of the sites in
north, east, and up:
The starred sites are those used in the stabilization (all in this case since the apr-file is
based on a previous solution); if there is sufficient redundancy, the individual
adjustments will be useful in determining if the quality (rms) of the stabilization is
degraded by the inclusion of particular sites. The stabilization statistics at the end of the
position summary are shown for each component (north east up) rather than a
combination of the three as given in the output at the top of the file. A more detailed
discussion of globk and glorg output can be found in Section 3.5 of the GLOBK
Reference Manual.
2 June 2018
and data storage. In this chapter we discuss strategies you might use to achieve your
analysis objectives with the tools available in the GLOBK suite of programs. The
computation of multi-year solutions may be carried out conveniently in a directory (e.g.
/vsoln) parallel to the directories used for each survey or year of continuous data. At this
same level, you may want to create an additional /tables directory containing files
common to all the years and the velocity solutions. If you carry out a series of multi-year
analyses, then command files in additional processing directories ( /asoln, /bsoln, ..) can
use the same path (../tables) to these common files.
There are several reasons why you may want to combine the h-files from your daily
GAMIT processing with other h-files before generating a times series or velocity
solution. you have more than ~50 sites in a regional network, it is more efficient and just
as accurate to process these in GAMIT networks of 30-50 sites and then combine them in
GLOBK than to use a single large network (the GAMIT limit is 99 sites). Further, if you
are processing a regional network and want to tie it rigorously to a larger regional or
global reference frame, you can do so by combining your h-file(s) with those generated
by MIT or SOPAC from their IGS processing or another analysis center’s processing of
regional continuous networks. Finally, to obtain more useful long-term statistics from
your time series, to strengthen the reference frame for survey-mode observations, or to
reduce the computational time for velocity solutions, you may wish to first combine the
h-files from 5-30 days into a single h-file to be used in subsequent solutions. We discuss
the pros and cons of these strategies in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, but their mechanical
implementation is straightforward. For processing of a single day, sh_glred combines the
GAMIT processing from multiple GNSS or multiple subnets using the –netext option and
includes independently processed regional or global networks using the LA, LB or LC
options. Running sh_glred for a single day with –globk_prefit COMB specified will direct
globk to save a combined h-file for further processing. For multiple days, this option
together with –ncomb will aggregate the data over several days.
sh_glred allows you to automatically download and/or link in h-files from an external
source. If the F option is specified, h-files implied by the -net option will be downloaded
from MIT or SOPAC into the primary h-file directory (specified by glfpath in
process.defaults and nominally /glbf). Alternatively, you can collect the h-files in advance
in the directory specified by hfnd in process.defaults and then set the LA, LB, and/or LC
options to link these files into /glbf. LA refers to ascii h-files (requiring htoglb
translation) of the form h[net][expt]?.yyddd (e.g. SOPAC network files), LB to binary h-
files of the form hyyddmm????_[net][expt].gl? (with glx given precedence over glr), and LC
to binary h-files of the form Hyyddmmdd_[net][expt].GLX (e.g., MIT combined h-files). For
example, to use local processing in combination with MIT global h-files previously
downloaded onto your system, the command to generate a 30-day time series for
experiment ‘emed’ would be
sh_glred -expt emed -s 2009 121 2009 150 -net MIT -opt H LC G T
2 June 2018
Since sh_glred will look for all binary h-files in the /glbf directory, created previously
when you generated the time series, you can leave out the –net, H, and LA options when
combining the files. This feature is particularly useful if the days you want to aggregate
are not continuous (e.g. from a survey) and you have used the –local option in the
sh_glred command that generated the time series.
If you are combining data over a span that is long enough that the error in the a priori
velocity of any of your sites is large enough to cause an error in position, you should
estimate velocities in the combination; however, it’s generally better to make the span of
the combination short enough that this is not an issue.
Your solutions will be corrupted if you include data that are statistical outliers. For a
time series from independent h-files, an error in one component of one site’s coordinates
will not affect any other site (and may have minimal effect on the other components), but
as soon as you combine h-files with common parameters, whether multiple networks on a
single day or the results from more than one day, the different estimates of the common
parameter will clash, raising chi-square and distorting the solution. There are two ways
you can remove outliers: using the rename command of the eq_file and using the
sig_neu command directly in the globk command file. In the rename command, if you
designate the extent as _XCL the site will always be excluded; with _XPS the site will be
excluded from any solution of more than one day but will still appear in daily time series;
will remove from the solution the observations of ALGO in any h-files containing the
characters “MIT” between 14 and 17 May 1997. Note that the date span specified must
completely encompass the start time of the first h-file and the end time of the last h-file.
The h-file selector entry and/or the dates may be omitted for a more expansive exclusion.
With the sig_neu command you can effectively remove the effect of an error in a
particular component by adding sufficient noise that it has negligible weight, e.g.
would reduce the effect of an error in height by adding 0.25 m2 in quadrature to the
variance of the height component as estimated from the h-files specified.
Which of these approaches you choose is a matter of taste and could depend on the tools
you use for editing. For continuous data, when you can afford to remove many outliers
without weakening the solution, using the nsigma option of the tsfit program (see Chapter
4 of the GLOBK Reference Manual) to automatically generate XPS commands, or the
and the MATLAB-based interactive program tsview (http://www- to generate XPS commands with the click of a mouse, are
quite convenient. For survey-mode date, when every observation counts and you often
2 June 2018
want to down-weight heights but not horizontal components or only one horizontal
component, sig_neu commands are more convenient. The GAMIT utility grw can be
used to generate sig_neu commands with only a few key-strokes.
As noted in Section 1.2, the dominant errors in GPS observations are not random, but
rather have correlation times ranging from a few minutes (multipath, water vapor) to days
or months (station motions due to monument instability and atmospheric, hydrological,
and ocean loading; non-gravitational forces on the satellites). Ignoring these correlations
will result in uncertainties that are too optimistic, mildly so for observations of a few
days, more strongly so for continuous data. In this section we assume that you understand
the theoretical and empirical basis for various approaches, and we describe how to
implement them in GLOBK. (For some theoretical background see the “Error Analysis”
presentation from a recent workshop on the Documentation of the GAMIT/GLOBK web
Studies of long-term GPS coordinate time series have shown that the noise over periods
of a few days is nearly white but increases steadily for longer periods. With continuous
data we can analyze the time series and, based on the character of the noise over periods
of weeks to years, infer the noise at the long periods relevant to estimating the error in
site velocities or long-term decay following an earthquake. A Kalman filter such as
globk cannot without significant complication realize all possible error models (in
particular a “flicker noise” model that best fits most GPS time series), but it can easlly
realize the two “end-member” models—white noise and a random walk—that together
allow us to achieve meaningful short-term statistics for data editing and realistic
uncertainties for estimated velocities.
The χ (chi-square) increments ( chii ) computed by globk when h-files are combined
reflect the inconsistency in the coordinate estimates from the current solution and the
estimates from the new h-file and can usually be seen in the time series. If the data from
all sites are properly weighted for their short-term scatter, the nrms of the time series and
the chi-square increments should be ~1.0. Chi-square increments less than one will
occur when there is little redundancy or if you have down-weighted the data to allow for
more realistic velocity estimates. Values greater than one will occur if the sigmas on the
h-files are too small or there are uncompensated outliers among the coordinate estimates.
These must be found using the time series and corrected as described in Section 4.2.
We have noted earlier that the weighting of the phase data in GAMIT is such that the
coordinate uncertainties in daily h-files are mildly pessimistic compared to the daily
scatter, so you should expect chi-square values of 0.3 to 1.0 when you stack these files in
globk. If you combine many days together, however, the h-file uncertainties will get
smaller, by the square root of the number of days combined, and the chi-square values
increase linearly with the number of days. You can compensate for this by adding white
noise to the coordinate estimates using the sig_neu command. The values to be added
can be determined from the short-term scatter in the time series. Adding white noise for
2 June 2018
a uniform network of continuous stations is, strictly speaking, not necessary since the true
uncertainty in velocity estimates will be dominated by the long-period noise added using
mar_neu (random-walk) command, but it can be useful in editing by establishing a more
realistic ratio between the uncertainties within an h-file that has a combination of
continuous and survey-mode data. For example, if some position estimates in the h-file
are based on thirty 24-hr sessions and others on two 24-hr sessions, the position
uncertainties on the h-file for the 30-day sites will be a factor of four smaller than the 2-
day sites even though their true uncertainties are nearly the same because of the
dominance of correlated noise. To take an example, suppose the formal uncertainty and
scatter in horizontal coordinates for all sites from a 24-hr session is 1.0 mm. In the
combined h-file, the uncertainty for the 30-day site will be 0.2 mm and for the 2-day site
0.7 mm. If we add quadratically 0.75 mm of white noise to the horizontal coordinates of
all sites on the h-files ( sig_neu all .00075 .00075 0 ), then the uncertainties used in
the solution will become 0.8 mm for the 30-day sites and 1.0 mm for the 2-day site, more
closely reflecting their scatter (and hence contribution to χ2). You may also want to add
white noise for individual stations that show a higher level of short-term scatter than is
reflected in their uncertainties---that is a higher nrms in the daily time series. Use of the
sig_neu command for reweighting is preferred over the variance factor used with h-files
in the gdl list since an elevated noise level is usually associated with only a subset of sites
in the h-file. An exception would be when you have h-files generated from GAMIT
solutions using different sampling times, in which case the variance factor is useful to
balance the weight with other h-files in your solution.
The primary way we account for the long-period noise that most influences velocity
estimates is by adding a random walk to the error model used by globk. For sites with
~100 or more position estimates, the appropriate value of the random walk for each
component can be determined using the First Order Gauss-Markov Extrapolation
(FOGMEX) or “realistic sigma” algorithm described by Herring [2003] and in the ‘Error
Analysis’ presentations from the workshops The algorithm uses the scatter in the time
series for all possible averaging times (e.g. 1 day to 600 days for a 1200-day time series)
to determine how the time series statistics depart from white noise. If the noise is white,
the rms should decrease as the square root of the averaging time, and the nrms stay the
same. In practice, however for GPS time series, the rms decreases much more slowly
with averaging time, and nrms increases (since the formal uncertainty decreases). By
fitting nrms (actually χ2 ) versus averaging time to an exponential function (expected for a
first-order Gauss-Markov process) and evaluating this function for infinite averaging
time, the algorithm determines both the scale factor to be applied to the white-noise
velocity sigma to get a more realistic sigma and the value of the random walk that will
produce this sigma in the globk solution. To get the mar_neu commands, run
where SUM.tsfit is the output of an sh_plot_pos run invoking tsfit, (or tsfit directly); or
2 June 2018
where [root] is an identifier of your choosing and the input file has the name va[root].ens,
obtained by renaming the VAL file from running sh_plotcrd (or ensum or enfit directly).
You can also invoke the FOGMEX algorithm from within tsview by selecting Realistic
Sigma. For sites with fewer than ~100 estimates, the values you use for the random
walk will necessarily be less precise, so you might use, for example, the median value
from sh_gen_stats for the network or an “eyeball” estimate of long-period systematics in
the time series.
Although the GPS satellites provide a natural dynamic frame for ground-based geodesy,
the doubly differenced phase observations (or equivalently, undifferenced phase with
clocks estimated or provided) do not tie a ground station to the orbital constellation at the
millimeter level we require for scientific studies. Rather, we define and realize a precise
terrestrial frame by applying constraints to one or more sites in our network. GLOBK
allows two approaches. The simplest, used also in GAMIT, is to apply in the globk
command file tight a priori uncertainties on the coordinates (positions and velocities) of
one or more sites, e.g.
apr_neu all 1 1 1 .1 .1 .1
apr_neu algo .001 .001 .003 .001 .001 .003
apr_neu drao .002 .002 .002 .003 .003 .010
This “finite constraints” approach is rarely used in GLOBK, however, because it can
distort the network if the assigned constraints are not correct for the a priori coordinates
and data in your solution.
apr_neu all 1 1 1 .1 .1 .1
# EOP loose if estimating rotation in glorg
apr_wob 10 10 10 10
apr_ut1 10 10
mar_wob 3650 3650 365 365
mar_ut1 365 365
# EOP tight if estimating only translation in glorg
x apr_wob .25 .25 .1 .1
x apr_ut1 .25 .1
2 June 2018
Estimating both translation and rotation in glorg is necessary for global and large
regional networks and preferred for any network over ~50 km in extent. (The scale
parameter can usually be omitted—but see the discussion in Dong et al. [1998].)
However, estimating rotation in addition to translation is robust only if you have at least
six stabilization sites with a good geometric distribution. If there is only one site at the
outer edge of the network (i.e. with a long “lever arm”), all of its error will go into the
combination of rotation parameters in its direction. When this happens, both the
uncertainty and residual of that site will be very small, there will be insufficient
redundancy to provide stability to the network, and the stabilization statistics will be less
meaningful. When you estimate translation only, you can get by with fewer stabilization
sites and the geometry is much less important.
The simplest and most robust approach to frame realization, for all but the smallest
networks, is to incorporate into your solution 10 or more sites whose coordinates are
included with small uncertainties in the apr-file from the most recent International
Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) or its current IGS realization. The GLOBK template
command files are set up to use igs15_comb.apr, which is the current IGS 2014
realization plus the addition of older, no longer used sites from itrf14.apr. The
igs14_comb.eq file that accompanies this apr file has rename commands the are
consistent with the 8-character site names in igs14_comb.apr (or itrf14.apr). In your
solutions you can realize this frame either by including data from all of the chosen
reference sites in your GAMIT processing, run in BASELINE mode with IGS orbits fixed,
or by including in your GAMIT processing 3-4 IGS sites (not necessarily reference sites)
that will tie your h-file to an h-file generated by MIT or SOPAC from global processing
To be completely rigorous in this latter case, you should include orbit estimation in your
GAMIT run (RELAX mode) and allow the global h-file to determine the orbit. However,
in practice with current IGS orbits, you can keep them fixed in the regional solution
(BASELINE mode in GAMIT) and allow them to adjust implicitly (in the global solution)
by omitting the apr_svs command in globk. Whether orbits are estimated implicitly or
explicitly for the global network, you need to include a fully global h-file (e.g. MIT GLX
or all of the SOPAC igs h-files), though you do not have to explicitly estimate the
coordinates of all the sites. The principle here is that the global h-file(s) includes all of
the information from processing the phase data whether or not the parameters (orbital or
site coordinates) are explicitly estimated. Thus you can explicitly estimate (use_site )
only the sites you intend to use in glorg for stabilization or tectonic frame realization
(plate command of glorg) or which are otherwise important scientifically for your
study, thus saving considerable computation time compared with estimating explicitly the
orbits and the coordinates of 300+ sites in the global h-files. Using externally generated
2 June 2018
GLOBK h-files gives you access to a large number of stations without the computational
burden of running GAMIT yourself with a large network. The potential disadvantage is
that the models you have used may not match those used by the external processing
center (some matter more than others) and there is some burden imposed in downloading
and storing the files (15-20 Mb per day) on your system. The script sh_get_hfiles,
invoked directly or via sh_glred facilitates downloading the files.
If you have a small network with only one or two (or perhaps no) sites with good a priori
coordinates, you may be able to realize an adequate reference frame by fixing or tightly
constraining one site. This works because the uncertainties and errors in “absolute”
coordinates (relative to the satellites) map into uncertainties and errors in relative
coordinates (your primary interest) roughly reduced by a factor of the satellite altitude
(20,000 km) to the baseline length. So, for example., a 1-m uncertainty (or error) in the
coordinates of a constrained site induces an uncertainty (or error) of only ~1 mm over a
20-km baseline. (The actual reduction depends on session length and geometry, but for
short baselines you have considerable latitude in setting the a priori constraint.) Although
you can apply the constraints with the apr_neu command in globk, as noted above, you
may want to invoke glorg for other reasons and prefer to leave the globk constraints loose
and apply the constraint using the force or constrain commands:
When generating time series and velocity solutions used to evaluate the quality of the
data and your analysis approach, the theoretical definition of the reference frame is not
important. It is usually best to carry out these steps in the no-net-rotation (NNR) frame
of the ITRF (and strictly speaking, you should use this frame if you are not estimating
orbits since it is consistent with the EOPs). Eventually, however, you will want to view
the velocities in a frame that is natural for geophysical interpretation, and that is usually
with respect to a stable tectonic block near your network. If you want to use the
realization of a major plate as determined from the ITRF data set (e.g. Altamimi et al.
[2012]), then it is easy to do so simply by substituting in glorg (not necessarily in globk)
one of the rotated ITRF apr files provided in gg/tables (e.g. itrf14_eura.apr). The quality of
the stabilization should be identical to one carried out with igs14.apr (NNR) since the
relative motions of the sites has not been changed. If you want to realize a plate or
smaller rigid block from your own solution, then you can do so using the plate command
of glorg, e.g.
With this command present, glorg will estimate the rotation vector (Euler pole) for a
block (spherical cap) containing these sites with respect to the stabilization frame. The
2 June 2018
org-file print will contain the components and uncertainties of the rotation vector and will
replace the velocity adjustments from the stabilization (i.e., with respect to the apr-file)
with residuals with respect to the plate prescribed to include that site (the velocity
estimates themselves remain in the frame of the apr-file). You can estimate any number
of plates in a single solution so long as they are nearly independent and no one of them
contains almost all of the sites used for stabilization (this will create a numerical
instability). Running the script sh_org2vel with the glorg print file as input and the
plate(s) specified with the names used in the plate command will produce velocity
summary file(s) with the motions of all sites in the solution with respect to each of the
using cat with the gdl files produced by sh_glred, rather than ls with the glx and GLX
files in /glbf avoids having to add the + signs for multiple files within a day when running
glred for the long-term times series. (When running globk to get velocities all files are
combined regardless of whether the + signs are present or not.)
Your first step should always be to generate time series so that you can evaluate the
statistics of your data and determine if there are any outliers that will distort the velocity
solution. To run glred directly to produce a time series from this file, set (uncomment
glred 6 glred.prt glred.log pnw_all.gdl globk.cmd >&! glred_rep.out
The solutions for all h-files, obtained independently, are written into a single print file
(specified by prt_opt for finite constraints using globk, org_opt for generalized
constraints using glorg) so you can plot the results with
(Alternatively you can create/save residual pos files for inspection and repeated plotting
by running tssum first and then sh_plot_pos with *.pos instead of *.org for the input files.)
The first check of the solution for each epoch is the quality of the stabilization. You can
2 June 2018
get a summary of the statistics by grep’ing on ‘POS STAT’ in the print file. The NRMS
values for the stabilization should be near unity in all three components, and the WRMS
1-2 mm in horizontal and 3-10 mm in vertical (potentially higher if vertical was down-
weighted more than the default factor of 10). Check to make sure that no epoch has too
few sites in the stabilization. If you find any problems, look at the solution itself for that
epoch, noting which sites were removed from the stabilization and/or have large
adjustments in the position summary. Next look at the histograms of nrms and wrms
generated by sh_plot_pos to see if the distribution of scatters among your sites is
approximately Gaussian with the median nrms ~1.0. Finally, unless you have a network
of hundreds of sites (in which case you are probably too experienced to need this
chapter), you should view the time series for every site to be included in your solution,
whether or not it is of direct scientific interest. Look for outliers at individual epochs and
sites with unusually high nrms (> 1.5-2.0, depending on how you have weighted the
data). If a large number of sites have outliers at a single epoch, review the GAMIT
processing and the stabilization. Once you have identified any problematic position
estimates and created rename or sig_neu commands to remove them, you should repeat
the time series to verify that your entries accomplished what you intended.
Once you are satisfied with your time series, you can run globk with the same gdl-file to
obtain a velocity estimate:
globk 6 globk.prt globk.log. pnw_all.gdl globk..cmd VEL >&! glred_vel.out
where the VEL option invoked with the template globk.cmd file will turn on velocity
estimates and printout:
apr_neu all 10 10 10 1 1 1
and glorg.cmd, invoked from within globk_vel.cmd includes stabilization for velocity as
well as position:
* Set parameters to estimate in stabilization
pos_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
rate_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
The org-file output will contain stabilization information and a summary table for
velocities as well as positions. Also, the experiment list will now contain all of the files
used and the computed chi-square increments as each successive h-file is added to the
2 June 2018
With a weighting of the coordinates estimates such that the uncertainties from each
(combined) h-file are ~1 mm horizontal and ~5 mm vertical, the chi-square increments
are typically less than 0.5 for regional data alone and 0.4 to 1.0 for global data. If an h-
file is based on a poor GAMIT solution or there is a model incompatibility with previous
h-files, the chi-square increment will be anomalous. When this occurs, you will need to
return to the time series to see which sites show outliers that would create an
incompatibility. A common example is a wrong antenna height for a station, which will
show up as a height anomaly in the time series. How much chi-square is increased by a
problem at one site will depend both on the size of the error and how many sites are in
the solution. Very high chi-square values can result if you have two sites in the solution
with the same name but at different locations. To guard against this problem, you should
run glist before you start the processing (see Section 5.1 of the GLOBK Reference
where the –f argument is the prt, org, or vel file from which the SUMMARY VELOCITY is to
be plotted, and the second command-line entry gives the longitude and latitude range for
the plot using standard GMT commands. See the documentation at the top of the script
(or type sh_plotvel –help) for additional options for displaying site names, scaling the
uncertainties, setting the confidence level for error ellipses, and adding topography, fault
maps, and other geographic features. The scripts sh_map_calif, sh_map_china, and
sh_map_elements in gg/com may be helpful as templates.
For large networks, particularly those including continuous stations with discontinuities
and non-linear motion due to earthquakes, the interactive Matlab-based programs tsview
and velview can be powerful tools. Their use and installation ar documented on the
GAMIT/GLOBK webpage ( As a further aid
to handling large data sets, we have recently developed programs (tssum, tsfit) that allow
“prototyping” of GLOBK solutions by manipulating time series to identify discontinuities
and non-linear effects quickly (see Chapter 4 of the GLOBK Reference Manual).
It will often be the case that the set of stations you use for stabilization of the time series
for editing purposes define a reference frame that is inherently weaker in your region of
interest than the final velocity solution--either because the editing frame encompasses a
larger region and hence is more affected by spatially correlated errors, or because the
number of well-known stations available for stabilization of individual h-files is much
less than the total number of stations in the solution. The time series that best represents
your final velocity solution is one that is stabilized with all of the stations in the solution.
Thus, after you obtain this solution, you should rerun glred with an enlarged stab_site
list and an apr-file generated from the velocity solution. To get the apr-file, use sh_exglk,
2 June 2018
and to generate a stab_site list to include all sites with position and velocity
uncertainties below a specified level program org2stab.
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