TP1 ACT RPT CMS ARI 13 9202 ClimateTippingPoints
TP1 ACT RPT CMS ARI 13 9202 ClimateTippingPoints
TP1 ACT RPT CMS ARI 13 9202 ClimateTippingPoints
Final Report
Date: 21/04/2014
: Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, University of Córdoba,
: Advanced Concepts Team, European Space Research and Technology Centre
(ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, Netherlands;;francisco.fernandez.,
1 Introduction 3
4.1.2 Long memory model: Recurrent Product Unit Neural
Network (RPUNN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3.1 Dataset Selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3.2 Metrics Considered for Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3.3 Algorithms Selected for Comparison Purpose . . . . . . . 36
4.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5 Conclusions 39
Chapter 1
ultimate aim of predicting future transitions, the effort is concentrated in over-
coming the limitations of the finite length of the time series and simultaneously
reveal statistical parameters that unfold the system’s global properties. Focus-
ing on a single transition event, identifying the slowing down as an early warning
signal (EWS) before the Younger Dryas period draw a lot of attention in 2008
in the work of Dakos et al. (2008). Discussion was raised on what the precursors
of a bifurcation point are, naming increase in autocorrelation as a prominent
indicator. Ditlevsen and Johnsen (2010) brought forward that respecting the
fluctuation-dissipation theorem (Kubo, 1966) imposes both increasing autocor-
relation and variance before crossing a bifurcation. The fluctuation-dissipation
theorem is in the centre of the theoretical analysis of the statistical findings,
as it relates the response of the system to external perturbations to its fluctu-
ations when in thermal equilibrium (Palmer and Weisheimer, 2011). Based on
the same theorem, Cimatoribus et al. (2013) suggested a shortcoming of the
previous statement based on the fact that the climate system is not in thermal
equilibrium. Preprocessing or filtering the raw proxy data in order to achieve
stationarity and infer more straightforward diagnostics is suggested, such as
the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) coefficient and the modified DFA
coefficient. Livina and Lenton (2007) measured the proximity of a system to
a tipping point not in units of critical parameter difference, but by monitor-
ing the evolution of the DFA propagator. Held and Kleinen (2004) proposed
the method of degenerate fingerprinting and hypothesised the system as an
auto-regressive process with lag-1 autocorrelation, including only exponentially
decaying modes and white noise in the dynamics of the system. Livina et al.
(2011) applied tools of potential analysis to describe the location and stability
of distinct global states of a system from climate time series data.
The above studies involve an implicit association of the performed analysis
to a selected transition point. It makes sense to focus on certain abrupt events
which are seen in the data series with bare eye, in terms of comprehensive
analysis, but certain algorithms can also be used for a quantitative description
of the time series. Rahmstorf (2003) tried to automatise the characterisation of
the DO events by introducing an event detection algorithm based on the data
slope. The author also proposed estimating systematic and dating errors and
suggested that the DO events are very likely synchronised to an external forcing
of Bond cycle periodicity (Bond et al., 1992). Cimatoribus et al. (2013) went
a step forward in the use of algorithms employing bootstraping, an advanced
boostrapped ensemble method to estimate the probability error in detecting
DO events within the Pleistocene ensemble of DO events.
While debate on the statistical parameters suitable for detecting a transition
is still vivid, attributing DO events to one among three types of transitions as
defined in Ashwin et al. (2012) is a requirement of direct relevance to the seek of
EWSs. The hypotheses on the causality of the DO events include noise-induced
transitions, relaxation oscillations and excitability of the system of which the
stochastic resonance is a subcase (Crucifix, 2012). Each case stems from a dif-
ferent simple mathematical model which demonstrates complex behaviour. The
patterns preceding a transition can include EWSs which can be diagnosed and
studied in the controlled environment of simulated data. Simulated time series
are used to complement the findings from the finite time series analysis, since
in lack of long and regular observational time series of climate variables, the
study of the statistical properties is hindered. Concepts drawn from various dy-
namical systems are merged into EMICs (Models of Intermediate Complexity)
(Ganopolski and Rahmstorf, 2001; Stocker and Johnsen, 2003; Claussen et al.,
2003; Arzel et al., 2012) in order to produce evolution of variables in thousands
of model years and test hypotheses for the forcings and processes that possibly
shaped the proxy time series. Since the simplified forcings are in direct cor-
respondence with an idealised mathematical model, hypotheses of underlying
mechanisms can be verified or rejected by additional comparison of simulated
data behaviour to the proxy data observable. In this reverse engineering ap-
proach more than a single model can reproduce the variability encountered in
the ice core or any other paleoclimatic record, so interpretation of dynamical
systems should be used with caution and in combination with scientific insight
(Crucifix, 2012). Returning to the DO and Younger Dryas abrupt changes en-
countered in the ice core records, grouping them according to the behaviour
preceding them is only advantageous for reinforcing or weakening the existing
hypotheses on their incidence.
This Ariadna study proposes a different approach to address the problem of
EWS detection in time series. We supply no prior knowledge of tipping point to
the algorithm and employ a segmentation method for classifying the different
kinds of segments presented in the time series. The goal of time-series segmen-
tation is to provide a more compact representation of time series data through
dividing time series data into segments and using a high level representation
to approximate each segment. The time-series segmentation problem has been
widely studied within various disciplines. For example, time-series segmenta-
tion algorithms have been successfully applied in phoneme recognition (Xiong
et al., 1994; Prandom et al., 1997), paleoecological problems (Bennett, 1996),
telecommunication applications (Himberg et al., 2001) or financial problems
(Tseng et al., 2009). For an excellent review of time-series segmentation see
Keogh et al. (2001).
On the other hand, climate time series can also be modelled by using pre-
dictive models. The term Time Series (TS) refers to a succession of data values
chronologically sorted that belongs to a magnitude or phenomenon that has
been sampled at a certain rate. An example of time series could be the evolu-
tion of the maximum daily temperature, the unemployment rate of a country
or the amplitude of the seismic waves of an earthquake. Time series are present
in most of the science fields like econometrics (Gonzalo and Ng, 2001), weather
forecasting (Arroyo and Maté, 2009) or control engineering (Lee and Davier,
2013). Nowadays, TS research concerns about TS Analysis (TSA) and TS
Forecasting (TSF). The goal of TSA is to extract the main features and charac-
teristics that describe the underlying phenomena, while the objective of TSF is
to find a function to predict the next value of the time series using its p lagged
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a very popular Machine Learning
(ML) tool used for TSF (Hansen and Nelson, 1997). In the field of TSF, there
are different ANN architectures. Feedforward Neural Networks (FFNNs) are the
most common and simplest type of ANNs, where the information moves in a
forward direction (Johansson et al., 1991; Ahmed and Rauf, 1991). For example,
the Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) consists on a FFNN whose inputs are
the delayed values of the TS (Sitte and Sitte, 2000). Instead, Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN) are based on a different architecture where the information
through the system moves forming a direct cycle (Connor et al., 1994). This
cycle can storage information from previous data in the internal memory of the
network, which be useful for certain kind of applications. One example of RNN
is the Long Short Term Memory Neural Network (LSTMNN) (Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber, 1997), whose main characteristic is the capability of its nodes to
remember a time series value for an arbitrary length of time. Robot control
and real time recognition (Baccouche et al., 2011) are example of real applica-
tions of LSTMNN. Echo State Networks (ESNs) are RNNs whose architecture
includes a random number of neurons whose interconnections are also randomly
decided. This provides the network with a long term memory and a competitive
generalisation performance (Jaeger, 2002; Gallicchio and Micheli, 2011; Rodan
and Tiňo, 2011). From the previous introduction to ANNs in TSF, it can be
derived that one of the main differences between FFNNs and RNNs lies on their
storage capacity. RNNs have a long term memory because of the architecture
of the model, whereas the memory of FFNNs is provided by the lagged terms
at the input of the network.
The parameter estimation algorithm is also very important when analyzing
the different algorithms. The more complex the structure of a neural network is,
the more challenging its weight matrix estimation turns. Traditional Backprop-
agation (BP) algorithms can result in a very high computational cost, specially
when dealing with complex nonlinear error surfaces. The Extreme Learning Ma-
chine (ELM) is an example of an algorithm that can estimate the parameters
of a FFNN model efficiently (Pan et al., 2009). It is a highly implemented al-
gorithm that determines the hidden layer parameters randomly and the output
layer ones by using the Moore-Penrose (MP) generalised inverse (Huang et al.,
2012), providing a better generalisation performance than traditional gradient-
based learning algorithms for some problems. As will be analysed later in this
document, this Ariadna study also contributes a new algorithm for TSF.
The results of this Ariadna study have been included in two journal publi-
cations and one international conference contribution:
• Isabelle Dicaire, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez, Antonio Durán, Athanasia
Nikolaou, Francisco Fernández-Navarro, César Hervás-Martı́nez. Detec-
tion of yearly warning signals in paleoclimate data using a genetic time-
series segmentation algorithm. Submitted to Climate Dynamics. 2014.
• Marı́a Pérez Ortiz, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez, Javier Sánchez Monedero,
César Hervás-Martı́nez, Athanasia Nikolaou, Isabelle Dicaire, Francisco
Fernández-Navarro. Time series segmentation of paleoclimate tipping
points by an evolutionary algorithm. Accepted in the 9th International
Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2014). Sala-
manca, Spain. June, 2014.
• Marı́a de los Angeles de la Cruz, Francisco Fernández-Navarro, Pedro An-
tonio Gutiérrez, Adiel Castaño, and César Hervás-Martı́nez. Time Series
Forecasting by Evolutionary Recurrent Product Unit Neural Networks.
Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Sys-
tems. 2014.
This study report is organised in five chapters: after this Introduction, a new
algorithm for time series segmentation is presented in Chapter 2, analysing its
performance for EWS detection. Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of alternative
fitness functions and evaluation methods for the considered algorithm. Then,
Chapter 4 presents a new modelling technique for time series. Finally, Chapter
5 summarises the contributions of the study.
Chapter 2
the tipping of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation following a multi-objective
optimisation method. The time-series segmentation algorithm presented in this
chapter is a significant extension of the one in Tseng et al. (2009). The fi-
nal goal of the proposed GA is to minimise the distance of each segment to
its centroid in a six-dimensional space where the six dimensions are statistical
properties of each segment. The proposed approach first groups the segments
into k clusters according to their statistical characteristics by using the k-means
clustering technique (MacQueen et al., 1967). The Euclidean distance is used to
calculate the distance of each segment with respect to its centroid. Because two
segments may have different lengths and characteristics, six statistical metrics
are measured for each segment such that the distance can be calculated and
the clustering technique can be applied using this six-dimensional space. The
algorithm is specifically adapted to time-series with abrupt changes.
The proposed approach features the following characteristics:
• Assigns a class label to the different segments via the combination of
the GA with the clustering technique; traditional approaches would only
provide the segmentation points (Sclove, 1983; Himberg et al., 2001; Keogh
et al., 2001). This is specially useful for finding common pattern analysis
from climate data.
• As mentioned in the previous point, the focus in the present study is not
just on the determination of the cut points (ti , i = 1, . . . , m − 1). Rather,
the idea underlying the development here is that of transitions between
classes. As stated previously, the labels Cj , j = 1, . . . , k are categorised
using six statistical measures. The analysis of this transitions is crucial to
the detection of EWSs.
• The algorithm considers all segments of the paleoclimatic record and at-
tempts to find common characteristics within the different segments. This
approach is not unlike that of Cimatoribus et al. (2013), who considered
the average behaviour of the ensemble of DO events with the added bonus
that our approach can also analyze each transition and their underlying
statistical properties by applying a label to each climate segment.
• Each segment is represented by a six-dimensional vector where the dimen-
sions are several statistical metrics some of which have been previously
considered in detecting EWSs of critical transitions by various authors
(Cimatoribus et al., 2013; Dakos et al., 2008, 2012).
• Instead of representing the time series evolution by plotting one of its
metrics, the approach proposed in this chapter allows to visualise several
metrics simultaneously and to compare several sections of the time series
to find common patterns.
This chapter is organised as follows. Section 2.1 introduces the segmenta-
tion algorithm with a detailed description of the embedded genetic algorithm,
the six statistical metrics and the clustering process. Section 2.2 presents the
paleoclimate datasets used in this study and the algorithm parameters. Section
2.3 presents the main results of the segmentation algorithm including a detailed
analysis of the statistical metrics preceding DO events. Finally, Section 2.4 dis-
cusses the results from the point of view of the stochastic resonance model and
possible limitations of the algorithm.
2.1 Segmentation Algorithm
2.1.1 Mathematical description of the segmentation prob-
The problem of time-series segmentation considered here is the following: Given
a time-series Y = {yn }N n=1 , partition the set of values of yn into m segments
within which the behavior of yn is homogeneous. The segmentation algorithm
should provide a partition of the time index set (n = 1, . . . , N ) into subsets:
S1 = {y1 , . . . , yt1 }, S2 = {yt1 , . . . , yt2 }, . . . , Sm = {ytm −1 , . . . , yN }, where t’s
are the cut points and are subscripted in ascending order (t1 < t2 < tm−1 ).
Each subset Sl , l = 1, . . . , m is a segment. The integer m and the cut points
ti , i = 1, . . . , m − 1, have to be determined automatically by the algorithm.
Formally, the segmentation problem is a special case of the general clustering
Furthermore, the segments considered in this study are grouped into k dif-
ferent classes (k < m), where k is a parameter defined by the user. Therefore,
each Sl segment has associated a class label: (S1 , C1 ), (S2 , C2 ),. . .,(Sm , Cm ),
where Cl , l = 1, . . . , m, is the class label of the l-th segment. The class label of
each segment, Cl , has k possible values.
Time series segmentation:
Input: Time series.
Output: Best segmentation of the time series.
1: Generate a random population of t time series segmentations.
2: Evaluate all segmentations of the initial population by using the fitness
3: while not Stop Condition do
4: Store a copy of the best segmentation.
5: Select parent segmentations from current population.
6: Generate offsping: apply crossover and mutation to construct new candi-
date segmentations.
7: Evaluate the fitness of the offsping segmentations.
8: Replace current population with offspring.
9: end while
10: return Best segmentation from final population
a) Example chromosome. Each position represents an index of a time series value.
4 8 13 18
b) Segments of the time series resulting from the chromosome.
1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22
Segment 4 Segment 5
c) Corresponding segmentation and time series. The characteristics of each segment will be
obtained for the corresponding part of the time series.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
t1 t2 t3 t4
1. Variance (Ss2 ): It is a measure of variability that indicates the degree of
homogeneity of a group of observations. The mathematical expression of
this metric is:
1 X 2
Ss2 = (yi − y¯s ) (2.1)
ts − ts−1 i=t
where (ts − ts−1 ) is the number of points of the segment, ts−1 is the index
of the first point in the s-th segment, ts is the index of the last point in
the segment, yi are the time series values of the segment, and y¯s is the
average value of the segment.
2. Skewness (γ1s ): The skewness represents the asymmetry of the distribu-
tion of the series values in the segment. Segments can be skewed either
up or down with respect to the arithmetic mean. The skewness is defined
as: Pts
1 3
ts −ts−1 i=ts−1 (yi − y¯s )
γ1s = , (2.2)
where Ss is the standard deviation of the s-th segment.
3. Kurtosis (γ2s ): It measures the degree of concentration that the values
present around the mean of the distribution. Positive kurtosis (i.e. long
tails) indicate large excursions away from the arithmetic mean. Kurtosis
is defined as: Pts
1 4
ts −ts−1 i=ts−1 (yi − y¯s )
γ2s = − 3. (2.3)
4. Slope of a linear regression over the points of the segment (as ): A linear
model is constructed for every segment trying to achieve the best linear
approximation of the points of the time-series in the evaluated segment.
The slope of the linear model is a measure of the general tendency of the
segment. The slope parameter is obtained as:
as = 2, (2.4)
(Sst )
where Ssyt is the covariance of the time indexes, t, and the time series
values, y, for the s-th segment; and where Sst is the standard deviation of
the time values. The mathematical expression for the covariance is:
1 X
Ssyt = (i − t¯s ) · (yi − y¯s ). (2.5)
ts − ts−1 i=t
5. Mean Squared Error (M SEs ): This statistic measures the degree of non-
linearity of the segment. As done for the slope, we also fit a linear model
for the segment and then we measure the M SEs of this linear fitting. This
is defined by:
M SEs = Ss2 · (1 − rs2 ), (2.6)
rs2 = 2. (2.7)
Ss2 · (Sst )
6. Autocorrelation coefficient (ACs ): It measures the degree of correlation
between the current values of the time-series and the values of the time-
series in the previous time stamp. The ACs is defined as:
Pts −1
i=ts−1 (yi − y¯s ) · (yi+1 − y¯s )
ACs = . (2.8)
Once the six statistical metrics have been calculated for each segment in a
chromosome, a clustering technique is applied over this six-dimensional space.
2.1.7 Fitness
All GAs need a measure which allows assigning a quality index for each indi-
vidual of the population. If we are dealing with a clustering process, a way to
evaluate the obtained groups is to consider the Sum of Squared Errors (SSE),
which consists of the sum of squared distances between each segment and its
cluster centroid:
SSE = d2i (2.10)
where i is the segment being evaluated, m is the total number of segments, and
di is the Euclidean distance between segment i and its closest centroid.
Our goal is minimise this SSE in order to obtain more compact clusters
(where each point is as closer as possible to its centroid, but the centroids are
as far as possible from each other). However, when the GA tries to minimise
the SSE, it tends to minimise the number of segments as much as possible, in
the extreme case producing a partition where each cluster is a single segment.
For instance, assuming that the number of clusters considered is five and that
a chromosome include only five segments, the SSE would be minimum in this
case, SSE = 0, because each segment would constitute a cluster. Taking into
account that this is not an acceptable solution, the fitness function is redefined
considering also the number of segments:
f itness = . (2.11)
In this way, the algorithm tries to find partitions of the time series where
the number of segments is sufficiently high to assure the acquisition of valuable
information from the clustering process.
10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59 10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59
10 15 26 33 36 47 59 9 15 16 26 31 32 47 52 53
a) Mutation operator: remove two cut points c) Mutation operator: randomly move cut-
(18 and 52). points to the left.
10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59 10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59
10 15 18 26 33 36 39 47 52 59 10 17 20 29 33 36 47 54 63
b) Mutation operator: add a cut point: 39. d) Mutation operator: randomly move
cut-points to the right.
10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59 62 68 75 80 84 88 92 95 99
15 20 23 27 32 36 45 48 55 65 71 77 81 86 91 96 98 99
a) Before applying crossover operator.
10 15 18 26 33 36 47 52 59 65 71 77 81 86 91 96 98 99
15 20 23 27 32 36 45 48 55 62 68 75 80 84 88 92 95 99
b) After applying crossover operator. The crossover point was randomly decided to be 60.
2.2 Experiments
2.2.1 Climate datasets
The datasets chosen for this study are the GISP2 Greenland Ice Sheet Project
Two and the NGRIP North Greenland Ice Core Project δ 18 O ice core data
(Grootes and Stuiver, 1997; Stuiver and Grootes, 2000; Andersen et al., 2004;
Svensson et al., 2008). The δ 18 O water isotope record is a proxy for past atmo-
spheric temperature but also reflects changes in water temperature and seasonal
snow accumulation. In this study we focus on the 20-yr resolution δ 18 O isotope
records from both drilling sites.
Pre-processing the datasets in the form of a 5-point average was found to
help reduce short-term fluctuations within the datasets and improve the analysis
of time series segmentations. If {yn }N
n=1 is the original time series, then the time
N/5 P5i+4
series we have considered is {yn∗ }n=1 with yi∗ = 15 j=5i yi .
2.3 Results
This section presents the main results of the segmentation algorithm for the two
paleoclimate datasets under study. The segmentation returned by the GA in the
last generation was analyzed, and the following approach has been considered
for its analysis. First it was verified whether the DO events were belonging to
Table 2.1: Detection accuracy for early warning signals of Dansgaard–Oeschger
events when considering the results of the GA for the 10 seeds.
in MSE and variance but a decrease in autocorrelation coefficient on the
onset of DO events. This signature was minor in the GIPS2 δ 18 O dataset
(e.g. DO 2, 10) but much more present in the NGRIP δ 18 O dataset (e.g.
DO 0, 1, 5, 7, 8, 10). Hints of this behaviour could already be found for
DO 1 by Lenton et al. (2012). We stress that the increase in variance and
MSE is a much more robust EWS for NGRIP especially.
5. Analysis of paleoclimate records GIPS2 and NGRIP did not find any con-
sistent change in skewness nor kurtosis on the onset of DO events.
12 10 8 7 65 43 2 1 0
GISP2 metrics evolution
−2 MSE
−50 −45 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0
Time before present (kyrs)
Figure 2.5: Time Series metrics after the clustering process (i.e. the segments
found by tha algorithm are replaced with their clusters centroids). The increase
in MSE is associated with an increase in variance and autocorrelation on the
onset of DO events. Several DO events are represented for reference (GISP2
δ 18 O ice core, seed = 10) (Online version in colour).
Figure 2.6 presents the detailed segmentation results for GISP2 and NGRIP
δ 18 O ice core data for a given seed value, including the segmentation, the DO
events and the centroids for each cluster. The Dansgaard-Oeschger events are
found grouped into two or three main classes with high autocorrelation, MSE,
and variance corresponding to classes C1 and C2 for GISP2 and classes C1 and
C5 for NGRIP for that run. Class C5 (cyan curve in Fig. 2.6b) is considered
the main DO class in NGRIP data for that particular run with a highly linear
relationship (ratio of 1:1) between variance and MSE within that class and a
constant high autocorrelation coefficient. This is illustrated in Figure 2.7b.
Class C3 for GISP2 dataset was the third main class grouping segments
with the lowest MSE, variance, and autocorrelation for that seed run and was
found at the onset of several DO events (e.g. 1, 4, 8, 12) collocated with the
Heinrich events H1, H3, H4, H5 as well as during the Holocene period (for an
introduction to Heinrich events see Hemming, 2004). Classes C4 and C5 have
been found outside the plotted area (in the -50ka, -60ka range) and therefore
do not appear in the graph. As for the NGRIP dataset classes C2 and C4 with
the lowest MSE, variance, and autocorrelation have been found at the onset of
several DO events as well (e.g. 4, 7, 8, 10 and 12) with a strange behaviour
in the autocorrelation coefficient for DO 1. A detailed analysis of their six-
dimensional vector revealed that classes C2 and C4 differ only from the point
of view of kurtosis in that run. This is further discussed in the discussion
section about the limitations of the algorithm. Considering algorithm runs with
different seed values revealed minor differences such as DO events belonging
to other classes but the main characteristics described here and in the five
main points remained robust throughout the results. The reader is invited to
Appendix 2.6 for the detailed segmentation results of GISP2 and NGRIP δ 18 O
ice core data for another seed value.
−34 −34
1 −36 1
−38 8 7 65 43 2
8 7 65 43 2
−39 −40
−44 −46
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
Time before present (kyrs) Time before present (kyrs)
(a) Segmentation results on GISP2 dataset (b) Segmentation results on NGRIP dataset
2.4 Discussion
As expected the two ice core studied showed a few differences with respect
to the detectability sucess of DO events (see Table 2.1) but overall the main
characteristics could be captured within the two datasets. For instance changes
in statistical parameters were detected in the GIPS2 ice core for DO 3, 5, 6 and
10 with medium success (30%–60%) and with medium to low success (20%–60%)
for DO 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 10 in the NGRIP ice core, suggesting that these particular
DO events possess weak EWSs. Furthermore the segmentation algorithm could
not find any EWS for DO event 9. We suggest here that this particular event
does not possess any EWS, i.e. that the transition to a warm ocean circulation
mode close to a bifurcation point is taking place because of internal noise. The
detection of EWSs at the onset of some DO events and absence in other events
is a strong argument in favour of the stochastic resonance model as proposed in
Ganopolski and Rahmstorf (2001, 2002). It is worth mentioning that DO 9 is
also different from the point of view of its amplitude within a given time period.
0.6 0.8
0.2 1
0 0
0 1
0 0.6
0.2 0.8
0.4 0.6 0.4
0.6 0.4 0.6 0.2
0.8 0.2 0.8
1 0 0 Mean Squared Error
Mean Squared Error 1
Variance Variance
Using a simple event detection algorithm based on the data slope Rahmstorf
(2003) could not detect DO 9 as the associated warming was slower than in the
other events documented in Dansgaard et al. (1993).
When analyzing the results of segmentation algorithms one must also con-
sider the segment lengths to obtain meaningful information. It can happen that
the algorithm is not able to assign a proper class to a segment and prefers to di-
vide the segments into smaller sections to reduce e.g. MSE and kurtosis values.
The new smaller sections are likely to be grouped together in this parameter
space, allowing the algorithm to perform the clustering process. Moreover, an-
alyzing Eq. (2.11), fitness is directly proportional to the number of segments so
segmentations with a high number of segments will be prefered. One signature
of this effect is seen in the fact that all small segments are found in a single class
with very low kurtosis (γ2s =[-1.6,-1.9]), constant skewness (equal to 0), and a
large range of slope coefficients. They are represented by a straight line in Fig.
2.8. Special care was taken to discard those small segments (e.g. containing 2
or 3 points) in the analysis of EWSs. The difficulty of evaluating the clustering
quality is the origin of these problems. Sum of squared errors (SSE) directly
depends on the number of segments of the segmentation in such a way that, if
the number of segments is not taken into account for the fitness function, the
segmentations tend to be too simple (few segments per cluster) resulting in too
coarse-grained information. As discussed, when introducing the number of seg-
ments, the algorithm tends to discover small segments. However, as consecutive
small segments are usually labelled with the same class, the final result is still
useful. More advanced quality metrics for clustering could avoid this kind of
On the other hand, when considering the EWSs discovered by the algorithm
in future events, the length of the segments should be defined. This could be
done by analyzing the historical data obtained for the time series (for one or
even several different seeds).
1 0.8
0.6 0.5
0.2 0.2
0 1 0.1
0 0.8 0
0 1
0.6 0.2 0.8
0.4 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6 0.4
0.8 0.2 0.8 0.2
Kurtosis 1 0
1 0 Kurtosis
Skewness Skewness
Figure 2.8: 3D representation of the clustering results for slope, skewness and
kurtosis (normalised values) where each point is a segment within its own cluster.
The centroids are represented by black circles (Online version in colour).
is the segment with the highest Euclidean distance from the first centroid
previously selected. The third centroid will be that which is farthest from
both, and so on. This assures a deterministic initialisation process, as the
same time that the initial centroids are as far as possible from each other.
2. Then the usual k-means algorithm is applied, i.e.:
(a) We calculate the distance between each segment and all the centroids.
(b) Each segment is assigned to the cluster of the closest centroid.
(c) The centroids are recalculated, as the average value of all the seg-
ments belonging to the corresponding cluster.
(d) If the stop condition is not fulfilled, return to (a). The algorithm
stops when the centroids are not modified for two consecutive itera-
−34 −34
−36 1
−36 1
NGRIP oxygen isotope data
GISP2 oxygen isotope data
−37 12
−38 8 7 65 43 2
−38 8 7 65 43 2
−39 −40
−44 −46
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
Time before present (kyrs) Time before present (kyrs)
Chapter 3
The experiments in Chapter 2 showed some important limitations for the fitness
function considered. In this chapter, we consider alternative fitness functions for
the segmentation algorithm. Moreover, we approach a method for automatic
clustering result evaluation. Measuring the quality of a segmentation can be
only achieved by expert evaluation of the solutions given by the algorithm.
We present a quantitative method to perform comparisons with respect to an
expected ideal segmentation of the series to assess the robustness and stability
of the method. This method allows evaluating a segmentation algorithm with
a minimal effort by the expert, who has only to provide the ideal segmentation.
The rest of the chapter is organised as follows. Section 3.1 presents some
the new alternative fitness functions, while Section 3.2 presents a proposal for
segmentation comparison and discusses the experimental setting. The results
are included in Section 3.3.
segments to be found. Note that the segments metrics are normalised at this
step as well. We have considered four different metrics:
1. Sum of squared errors (SSE): The simplest error measure is the sum of
squared errors (considering errors as the distance from each point to their
centroid), i.e.:
Pk P
SSE = N1 i=1 x∈Ci d(x, ci )2 , (3.1)
where k is the number of clusters, ci is the centroid of cluster Ci and
d(x, ci ) is the Euclidean distance between pattern x and centroid ci . This
function does not prevent clusters to fall very close in the clustering space.
As this index has to be minimised, the fitness will be defined as f = 1+SSE .
2. Caliński and Harabasz index (CH): This index has been found to be one
of the best performing ones for adjusting the value of k. It is defined as:
Tr(SB )·(N −k)
CH = Tr(SW )·(k−1) , (3.2)
where N is the number of patterns, and Tr(SB ) and Tr(SW ) are the trace
of the between and within-class scatter matrix, respectively. Note that
the value of k will be fixed in our algorithm. As this index has to be
maximised, the fitness will be defined as f = CH.
3. Davies-Bouldin index (DB): This index also attempts to maximise the
between-cluster distance while minimising the distance between the cluster
centroids to the rest of points. It is calculated as follows:
Pk α +α
DB = k1 i=1 maxi6=j d(ci i ,cjj) , (3.3)
The Dunn index has been found to be very sensitive to noise, but this
disadvantage can be avoided by considering different definitions of clus-
ter distance or cluster diameter. For example, as suggested in (Xu and
Wunsch, 2008), the cluster diameter can be computed as:
3.2 Automatic evaluation method and experi-
mental setting
As previously, the dataset chosen for this chapter is the North Greenland Ice
Core Project (NGRIP) δ 18 O ice core data (Andersen et al., 2004; Svensson
et al., 2008). The δ 18 O water isotope record is used as a proxy for past atmo-
spheric temperature. We focus on the 20-yr resolution δ 18 O isotope records.
The dataset is pre-processed by obtaining a 5-point average in order to reduce
short-term fluctuations within the data. In this way, the time series we have
N/5 P5i+4
considered is {yn∗ }n=1 with yi∗ = 15 j=5i yi .
1. Rand index (RI) This metric is particularly useful for data clustering eval-
uation (Rand, 1971). It is related to the accuracy, but is applicable even
when class labels are not available for the data, as in our case. A set
Y = {yn }N n=1 is given (in our case, the time series), and two clustering par-
titions of Y are to be compared: X = {X1 , . . . , Xr } and Z = {Z1 , . . . , Zs }.
For a given segmentation, the partitions are defined in the following way:
14 12 8
17 11
16 15 10 7 6 5
13 43
−40 2
Non DO event
DO event
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
the onset of the DO events is detected from combined analysis of benthic sediment data and
ice core analysis (Peterson et al., 2000). Those data do not always agree, therefore part of the
error margin. The method of timing contributes the rest of the error.
Table 3.1: NGRIP average segmentation results for different algorithm settings.
3.3 Results
All these results are included in Table 3.1. The first part of the table compares
the different fitness functions for a predefined value of k = 5 (as we initially
observed that this was obtaining suitable results). As can be seen, both DB
and DU fitness functions obtain very good segmentation quality and stability,
although DB performs slightly better. In contrast, CH and SSE are perform-
ing poorly in both scenarios (it is noteworthy the very low stability obtained by
the SSE fitness function, which may be due to the fact that it only minimises
the intra-cluster distances and obviates the inter-cluster distances). The result
that the algorithm is robust and stable to different initialisations is crucial for
the following parts of the study (i.e. develop an early warning system for TPs of
climatic component). Concerning the experiment that studies different values
of k, it can be seen that k = 5 is indeed the optimal value for the segmentation.
This result indicates that the concept and nature of DO events is too complex to
only consider a binary approach (TPs versus non TPs). The climate system ex-
hibits a dynamical behaviour with intrinsic variability hence a binary approach
is not able to encompass all features present within a DO event, being k = 5 a
reasonable choice. Moreover, the method can group several DO events together
and is still a useful tool to better understand the behaviour of DO events.
The segmentation obtaining the highest ARI Ideal metric (with a value of
0.498) for the fitness function DB, along with a representation of the 18 DO
events can be seen in Figure 3.2. The segments have been coloured according
to their cluster assignation. The clusters associated to the DO events are C1
and C5 . If we compare this segmentation to the one in Figure 3.1, we can see
that almost all DO events are correctly segmented by the algorithm (C1 and
C5 segments are always close to the DO onset) and that there are not “false
positives” labels (C1 and C5 segments are not found in a non DO event part of
−36 0
−37 12
17 11 8
−38 16 6 5
15 10 7
−39 13
4 3
9 2
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
Figure 3.2: Best time series cluster assignation after the evolutionary process.
2.5 4 16
2 14
1.5 12
1 2
1 6
−0.5 0
−1.5 −2
−2 −2 −4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3.3: Clustering space for the six metrics (each point represents a seg-
the series). However, five events are not detected: 2, 9, 11, 13 and 16 (some of
which have been found in the literature to be caused by random fluctuations of
the dynamics of the time series and for which there is no evidence of increase
in the selected statistics). The clustering space of this segmentation can be
analysed in Figure 3.3. This Figure confirms that there are some differences
between the two clusters associated to the DO events (C1 and C5 ), mainly from
the values of the Ss2 metric.
Chapter 4
This chapter is focused on Product Unit Neural Networks (PUNNs) and its ap-
plication on TSF. The basis function of the hidden neurons of PUNNs is the
Product Unit (PU) function, where the output of the neuron is the product of
their inputs raised to real valued weights. PUNNs are an alternative to sigmoidal
neural networks and are based on multiplicative nodes instead of additive ones
(Durbin and Rumelhart, 1989). This model has the ability to express strong in-
teractions between input variables, providing big variations at the output from
small variations at the inputs. Consequently, it has increased storage informa-
tion capability and promising potential for TSF. However, they result in a highly
convoluted error function, plenty of local minima. This handicap makes conve-
nient the use of global search algorithms, such as genetic algorithms (Li et al.,
2011), evolutionary algorithms (Luque et al., 2007) or swarm optimisation algo-
rithms (Cai et al., 2004), in order to find the parameters minimising the error
function. PUNNs has been widely used in classification (Hervás-Martı́nez and
Martı́nez-Estudillo, 2007) and regression problems (Martı́nez-Estudillo et al.,
2006), but scarcely applied to TSF, with the exception of some attempts on
hydrological TSA (Dulakshi S. K. Karunasingha and Li, 2011; Piotrowski and
Napiorkowski, 2012). It is important to point out that, in TSF, there is an au-
tocorrelation between the lagged values of the series. In this way, theoretically,
PUNNs should constitute an appropriate model for TSF because they can eas-
ily model the interactions (correlations) between the lagged values of the time
The first goal of this chapter is to evaluate the performance of Autoregre-
sive Product Unit Neural Networks (ARPUNN) on TSF. The ARPUNN model
should yield high performance for TSF, as it fulfils the requirements that al-
low the modelling of TS: ability to express the interactions between inputs and
increased storage capability. However, as mentioned above, long term memory
ANNs usually obtain better results than FFNNs. For this reason, a second
goal of this work is to propose a hybrid ANN combining an ARPUNN with a
reservoir network with the objective of increasing the storage capability of the
resulting model. The short term memory is provided by the different lags of
the TS included in the input layer and the long term memory is supplied by a
reservoir network included as one of the inputs of the system. The final model
is called Recurrent Product Unit Neural Network (RPUNN).
From the points of view of the learning algorithm, the complex error surface
associated to PUs implies serious difficulties for searching the best parame-
ters minimising the error function. A novel hybrid algorithm is proposed in this
work to alleviate these difficulties. It combines the exploration abilities of global
search algorithms with the exploitation ones of local search methods. The Co-
variance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm (Hansen,
2006; Jastrebski and Arnold, 2006) is used to calculate the parameter values
of the hidden layer, whereas the weights of the output layer are determined by
means of the MP generalised inverse. These combinations provide us with a
hybrid model and algorithm capable to afford the difficulties of TSF, obtaining
a competitive performance.
This chapter is organised as follows: Section 4.1 describes the ANN hybrid
model proposed to be applied in TSF. Section 4.2 explains the hybrid search
algorithm designed to get the parameters which optimise the error function.
Sections 4.3 and 4.4 explains the experiments that were carried out and the
results obtained.
4.1 Models
In this section, we first introduce a ARPUNN model, which is then extended by
considering a reservoir to result in the RPUNN model. The models proposed
addressed the TSF problem. This problem is mathematically formulated as
follows. Let {yn }N +p
n=1 be a TS to be predicted, where N + p TS values are
given for training. In this way, the function f : Rp → R is estimated from
a training set of N patterns, D = (X, Y) = {(xn , yn+p )}N n=1 where xn =
{yn+p−1 , yn+p−2 , . . . , yn } is the vector of input characteristics (p past values of
the TS) taking values in the space Ω ⊂ Rp , and the label, yn+p , is the value of
the TS for the n + p instant. Both models are now explained in the following
model proposed has been included in the supplementary material of the paper
associated to this chapter 1 .
The final model is linear in the basis function space together with the ini-
tial variables. A similar architecture (which is usually referred to as skip-layer
connections) was also considered for classification in previous works for PUs
(Hervás-Martı́nez and Martı́nez-Estudillo, 2007; Gutiérrez et al., 2010) and Ra-
dial Basis Functions (RBFs) (Gutiérrez et al., 2011). The TS value is estimated
by ybn+p = f (xn , θ) : Rp → R, where the final output of the model is defined as
X p
f (xn , θ) = β0 + βs Bs (xn , ws ) + αk yn+p−k , (4.1)
s=1 k=1
where βs ∈ R denotes the weight of the connection between the hidden neu-
ron s and the output neuron (s = 1, 2, . . . , S), leading the structure that
provides the non linear contribution of the inputs. The β vector includes
all the parameters connecting the hidden with the output layer and the bias
β = (β0 , β1 , β2 , . . . , βS ) ∈ RS . The linear contribution of the inputs is controlled
by αk which is the weight of the connection between the input k and the output
layer (k = 1, 2, . . . , p). The vector α contains all the parameters connecting the
input and the output layer, α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αp ) ∈ Rp . Another kind of weights,
ws ∈ Rp , represent the connections of the hidden neuron s and the input layer.
The θ vector contains the full parameter vector (θ = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wS , β, α}).
Finally, Bs (xn , ws ) : Rp → R represents the output of the s-th PU basis function
and it is defined as:
Y wis
Bs (xn , ws ) = (yn+p−i ) ,1 ≤ s ≤ S (4.2)
where wis ∈ R is the weight of the connection between the i-th input node and
the s-th basis function and yn+p−i denotes the i-th lagged past value of the TS.
reservoir node and each PU and all reservoir nodes receive yt−1 time series value as input. The
interconnections between reservoir nodes are random. Internal connections of the reservoir
are given by κ.
Figure 4.1: Architecture of the Recurrent Product Unit Neural Network
section. The output layer contains only one neuron while the hidden layer of
the network is composed by S neurons, whose basis function is the PU. The
input layer considered has p + m neurons that correspond to the p lagged values
of the TS plus the m outputs of the reservoir network. The p lagged values
provides to the network the short memory. The reservoir part is formed by a
set of m nodes and the output of each of these nodes is considered as an input to
the RPUNN, providing the whole structure with a dynamic memory. The only
input considered for the reservoir is the first lagged value of the input of the
network. The estimated TS value is defined by the final output of the model,
ybn+p = f (xn , θ) : Rm+p → R, as follows:
X p
f (xn , θ) = β0 + βs Bs (xn , ψ , ws ) + αk yn+p−k (4.3)
s=1 k=1
where ψ(n) ∈ Rm is the reservoir state vector for time n, and θ = {w1 , w2 , . . . ,
wS , β, α, κ} represents the set of the network weights, composed by the vectors
β ∈ RS and α ∈ Rp (previously defined), ws ∈ Rm+p , which represents the
connections of the hidden neurons and the input layer, s = 1, . . . , S, and, finally,
the matrix of the connections for the reservoir network, κ ∈ Rm×(m+2) . At last,
Bs (xn , ψ(n) , ws ) : Rm+p → R represents the basis function considered in the
hidden layer yielding the following nonlinear output for the model:
p p+m wjs
Y wis
Bs (xn , ψ(n) , ws ) = (yn+p−i ) ψj (4.4)
i=1 j=p+1
The reservoir consists of a sparsely connected group of nodes, where each
neuron output is randomly assigned to the input of another neuron. This allows
the reservoir reproducing specific temporal patterns. All the reservoir nodes are
sigmoidal nodes, as this model is more adequate in order to keep a long term
memory of the TS:
ψj = Rj (ψ(n−1) , κj ) = (4.5)
= σ κ0j + κij ψi + κ(m+1)j yn−1 ,
For both ARPUNN and RPUNN models, the target parameters under op-
timisation by the CMA-ES algorithm are the weights from the input layer to
the hidden layer {w1 , w2 , . . . , wS }. The hybrid algorithm starts by randomly
generating the values for these weights. Although the rest of the weights are
needed to obtain the cost function, they can be analytically calculated by using
the MP generalised inverse, as done in the ELM (Huang et al., 2012). This
process has to be performed on each iteration of the CMA-ES algorithm and
for each individual of the population. Let φ = (β1 , . . . , βS , α1 , . . . , αp )T denote
the weights of the links connecting hidden and output layers. The calculation
of φ can be done by taking into account that the system is linear is the basis
function space is considered. In this way, the nonlinear system can be converted
into a linear system where:
Y = Hφ (4.6)
where H = {hij } (i = 1, . . . , N and j = 1, . . . , S + p) represents the hidden and
input layers output matrix: if 1 ≤ j ≤ S, hij = Bj (xi , wj ) (for the ARPUNN
model) or hij = Bj (xi , ψ(i) , wj ) (for the RPUNN model); if S < j ≤ S + p,
hij = yi+p−j . Finally, the determination of φ can be obtained by finding the
least-square solution of the equation:
φ̂ = H† Y (4.7)
4.3 Experiments
In order to analyze the performance of the proposed methods, an experimental
study was carried out. The TS data selected, the metrics considered to evaluate
the performance of the models and the algorithms used for comparison purposes
are described in the following subsections.
The datasets have been preprocessed to adapt the inputs to the mathemati-
cal characteristics of the PU-based models: input variables have been scaled in
the rank [0.1, 0.9]5 . The experimental design was conducted using a 5-fold cross
validation, with 10 repetitions per each fold.
• The ESN and ELM algorithms require a higher number of hidden neurons
that can supply the network with sufficiently informative random projec-
tions (Huang et al., 2012). In this case, the set of hidden nodes considered
is formed by S ∈ {10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300}.
Further considerations on the parameters values for the models can be found in
the supplementary material of the paper.
4.4 Results
For all of the 29 data series, models were trained, predictions were made on the
test set, and the RMSE and NHN were computed for these predictions. The
detailed tables of results (for the two metrics considered) can be found in the
suplementary material of this brief. Table 4.1 reports the averaged results over
all the series for the methods compared (including the averaged value for the
metric and the averaged ranking). As can be seen in Table 4.1, the RPUNN
model yielded the best mean in RMSE (RM SE = 0.0583 and RRM SE = 1.793)
followed by the ARPUNN model (RM SE = 0.0624 and RRM SEG = 2.7586).
Despite this improvement, there are some datasets where the results were not
as accurate as expected, which might be caused by the degrees of freedom of the
models proposed. On the other hand, the minimun N HN is obtained by the
ESN model with a mean of 12.06 followed by the ARPUNN model with a mean
of 12.65. In terms of ranking the best results are obtained by the ARPUNN
model with a 2.46 mean position followed by the ESN model with a 2.75 mean
position. The RPUNN does not obtains as good results as in the case of the
RMSE getting a N HN of 15.10 and a RN HN of 4.10. These outcomes show
that the ARPUNN model is highly competitive regarding the simplicity of the
network. However, in the case of the RPUNN model, in order to get the best
performance it requires a larger architecture leading to a higher NHN. A boxplot
of the results obtained for the ranking of the RM SEG and NHN can be seen in
the Figure 4.2 where it can be appreciated the performance above mentioned.
Table 4.1: Summary of results for RMSE and NHN as the test variables, in-
cluding results of the Holm test for rankings.
NARNN 0.0652 3.7586• 14.37 3.41
NARRBFNN 0.0881 5.3448• 14.82 3.68•
ESN 0.0718 4.3793• 12.06 2 .75
ELM 1.1155 5.1379• 163.69 6.70•
NARSIGNN 0.0689 4.8275• 16.58 4.86•
ARPUNN 0 .0624 2 .7586 • 12 .65 2.46C
RPUNN 0.0583 1.7931C 15.10 4.10•
The best result is in bold face and the second one in italics
C: control method (Holm test)
•: significant differences wrt. the control method (Holm test)
The results provided in this brief were validated using non-parametric tests.
The Friedman test detected significant differences on a significance level of
(a) Test Variable: RRMSEG
Figure 4.2: Boxplot for the average ranking of RM SEG (RMSE over the gen-
eralisation set) and NHN over the 29 datasets
α = 0.10. Based on this fact, the Holm test was applied (with the same level
of confidence), considering as the control method for the RM SEG variable the
RPUNN algorithm, and the ARPUNN method for the N HN variable, because
they obtains the best mean ranking for these metrics. The Holm test shows
that the RPUNN model performs significantly better than the rest of the mod-
els considered. Regarding the N HN metric, the ARPUNN method shows a
significant lower size than the NARRBFNN, RPUNN, NARSIGNN and ELM
methods. A fully description of the non-parametric tests applied and the results
of all of them are included in the supplementary material of this brief.
Chapter 5
This Ariadna study has introduced two different tools for analysing paleoclimate
data: 1) a novel genetic algorithm (GA) (covered in Chapters 2 and 3), and 2)
two novel time series forecasting (TSF) models.
The GA, taken from the field of time series segmentation, has been ap-
plied to paleoclimate data to identify common patterns that would act as early
warning signals for abrupt climate change. The segments are represented in a
six-dimensional space with dimensions corresponding to statistical metrics that
contain information about the system undergoing a critical transition, and they
are automatically grouped by a clustering algorithm to uncover common proto-
types of segments throughout the time series. These common patterns can be
visualised in a straightforward manner by looking at their segment class label.
The GA presents differentiating characteristics with respect to previous time
series segmentation algorithms, specially in the generation of the initial popu-
lation, in the mutation operators based on moving cut points and in the fitness
function. The clustering process and the GA complement each other with the
final aim of achieving a higher level representation of the time series informa-
tion. Despite being a stochastic algorithm, the GA shows a robust behaviour in
different datasets, independently of the algorithm seeds, with very low standard
deviations for the fitness values.
Experimental results show that early warning signals of Dansgaard-Oeschger
events could be robustly found for several of these events in the form of an
increase in autocorrelation, variance, and mean square error in both GISP2 and
NGRIP δ 18 O ice core data. The GA applied to NGRIP δ 18 O ice core record
showed that increasing autocorrelation coefficient cannot be solely used as an
indicator of climate change. The quantitative results presented in this chapter
strongly support the hypothesis of stochastic resonance model brought forward
to explain abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger climate events. Finally the proposed
approach provides a novel visualisation tool in the field of climate time series
analysis and detection of critical transitions.
On the other hand, the GA has been complemented by the evaluation of
different fitness functions and a new method for automatically assessing the
performance of the algorithm. From the different experiments, the Davies-
Bouldin index presented in Section 3.1 is the best performing fitness function.
Future work about this first contribution includes extending the method to
find early warning signals and considering other time series datasets, mutation
and crossover operators and fitness functions.
This study has also proposed two new models of artificial neural networks
(ANNs) based on the use of product units (PUs) as a basis function for TSF.
The interest on the use of PUs arise from its ability to express strong inter-
actions between input variables, a feature truly important in TSF where there
is autocorrelation between the lagged values of the time series. Two models
of PU neural networks (PUNNs) have been implemented, the autoregressive
PUNN (ARPUNN), and the recurrent PUNN (RPUNN) which consists on an
enhanced version of the ARPUNN. The architecture of ARPUNN considers a
short-term memory provided by the lagged values of the time series, whereas
the RPUNN model includes an additional set of inputs supplied by a reservoir
network which provides a long-term memory to the model. The parameters of
the models were determined by a hybrid learning algorithm that combines a
global and a local search methods (the CMA-ES algorithm and the use of the
MP generalised inverse, respectively). The proposed models have been imple-
mented, tested and compared to the state-of-the-art ANNs for TSF. The results
show that the introduced models present a very good performance in terms of
root mean squared error (RMSE).
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