Educ001 Reviewer
Educ001 Reviewer
Educ001 Reviewer
Development - the way individuals grow and change over the course of their lifespan.
Human Development - pattern of movement/ change that begins at conception and through the
- includes growth and decline.
- can be positive or negative.
Major Principles of Human Development
Principle 1 - development is relatively orderly.
● Proximodistal pattern
○ Muscular growth of the trunk and the arms comes earlier as compared to the
hands and fingers.
● Cephalocaudal pattern
○ greatest growth always occurs at the top (head) to bottom.
Principle 2 - pattern of development is similar but the outcome may vary.
Principle 3 - development takes place gradually.
Principle 4 - as a process, development is complex. It is the product of biological, cognitive and
socioemotional processes.
Different domains of Development:
● Biological - physical growth and developments in motor skills
● Cognitive - memory, reasoning and problem solving, imagination, creativity, and
● Emotional - changes in emotional experience and understanding.
● Social - changes in our understanding of ourselves and other people, how we relate to
● Socio-emotional - changes in the individual/s relationship with others, changes in
emotions, and changes in personality.
These are important in organizing our own thinking about the nature of development.
Psychodynamic Theories - rooted in the work of Sigmund Freud - “human development is driven
by conflict”, “sex is the most important instinct”.
Psychosexual Theory
Stages in the Psychosexual Development
● Oral Stage (18 months) - pleasure is centered on the mouth (sucking, chewing and
● Anal Stage (1 ½ - 3 y/o) - pleasure involves anus or its eliminative functions (urination
● Phallic Stage (3-6 y/o) - pleasure focuses on the genitals (child sexually desires
opposite-sex parent - Oedipus complex, for boys - Electra complex, for girls. Resolved
through identifying sex-role characteristic and moral standards same-sex parent).
● Latent/Latency Stage ( 6 y/o - puberty) - sexual desires are supressed channelled into
intelectual and social activity, resulting the development of superego.
● Genital Stage (puberty - onwards) - reawakening of sexual desires but the pleasure is
from outside the family (form relationships with peers, leading to marriage and raising of