Pak Affairs

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ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE Pak Affairs (Screening Test)

1. Pakistan officially joined SCO as a full b. Balochistan d. December 1916

member in which year?
c. Sindh 8. East India company was formed through the
a. 5th June 2017 Royal Charter through Queen Elizabeth 1 on:
d. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
b. 9th June 2017 a. December 31, 1600 AD
5. The Chauri Chaura incident took place at
c. 7th June 2017 Chauri Chaura in Gorakhpur on: b. December 21, 1600 AD

d. 6th June 2017 a. 4 February 1922 c. December 11, 1600 AD

2. The total area of Federally Administered b. 8 February 1923 d. December 01, 1600 AD
Tribal Areas (FATA) is
c. 8 February 1922 9. The ruins of Harappa were discovered in
a. 23,220 square kilometer 1921, are located in:
d. 8 February 1923
b. 27,220 square kilometer a. Sahiwal
6. Which pass connects Chitral with Dir in
c. 21,220 square kilometer Khyber Pakhtunkhwa? b. Bahawalpur

d. 25,220 square kilometer a. Shandur Pass c. Dera Ghazi Khan

3. The first Khilafat Conference was held in: b. Lowari Pass d. Bahawalnagar

a. November 1918 c. Dorah Pass 10. Baznama (The Book Falconry) was authored
b. November 1919 d. None of these
a. Hamza Shinwari
c. November 1920 7. The Lucknow pact between congress and
Muslim League was signed in which year? b. Abdul Ghani Khan
d. November 1921
a. December 1913 c. Abdul Rahman baba
4. Tanda Dam is located at which province of
Pakistan? b. December 1914 d. Khushal Khan Khattak

a. Punjab c. December 1915 11. The 18th Amendment committee had how
many members from both the houses?

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

a. 25 d. None of these b. Frank Messervy

b. 26 15. When did China signed an air transport c. David Gracy

agreement with Pakistan?
c. 27 d. Muhammad Musa
a. 1950
d. 28 19. When did Pakistan witness the imposition
b. 1953 of second Martial Law in its history?
12. Which of the following is not correct about
the Cabinet Mission Plan? c. 1960 a. 1977

a. Provincial grouping d. 1963 b. 1971

b. Interim cabinet of Indians 16. In which year Zakat and Ushar Ordinance c. 1985
was promulgated as a result of which Zakat and
c. Acceptance of Pakistan Ushar Department was established? d. 1969

d. None of these a. 1980 20. Who announced the plan which is known as
3rd June Plan?
13. Simla Deputation, consisting of 35 leaders of b. 1976
the Muslim community, met with viceroy under a. Lord Wavell
the leadership of of Sir Agha Khan in Simla on: c. 1978
b. Lord Linlithgow
a. 1st September 1906 d. 1979
c. Lord Willington
b. 1st October 1906 17. The Bogra Formula which was presented on
7th October 1953, is also called: d. Lord Mountbatten
c. 1st November 1906
a. Grossi’s Formula 21. Sir syed ahmed khan advocated the
d. 1st December 1906 inclusion of Indians in Legislative Council in his
b. Constitutional Formula famous book, Causes of the Indian Revolt, as
14. The Constitution of India was framed by the early as:
constituent assembly under: c. Democratic Formula
a) 1850
a. August Offer of 1940 d. None of these
b) 1860
b. Cripps Proposal of 1942 18. Paistan’s first Commander-in-Chief was:
c) 1870
c. Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 a. Ayub Khan

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

d) None of these 25. The renowned author of the Spirit of Islam c) Jawab-i-Shikwa
and a Short History of the Saracens was:
22. Who repeatedly refers to Sir Syed as Father d) None of these
of Muslim India and Father of Modern Muslim a) Shiblee
India: 29. Sir sultan Muhammad shah, the agha khan
b) Nawab Mohsin headed the historic simla deputation which
a) Hali successfully presented Muslim demands on 01,
c) None of these October 1906 before:
b) Abdul Qadir
26. Nawab Sir Salimullah Khan was President of a) Lord Curzon
c) Ch. Khaliquz Zaman Bengal Musilm Leage in:
b) Lord Irwin
d) None of these a) 1903
c) lord Minto
23. Military strength of East India Company and b) 1913
the Financial Support of Jaggat Seth of d) None of these
Murshidabad gave birth to events at: c) 1923
30. Quaid-i-Azam said in an interview on any
a) Plassey d) None of these hope of India and Pakistan coming to a peaceful
settlement ‘provided the Indian government
b) Panipat 27. The first issue of Maualana Abul Kalam
shed the superiority complex and deal with
Azads ‘Al Hilal’ came out on 13 July:
Pakistan on an equal footing given to special
c) None of these
a) 1912 correspondent from:
24. Clive in one of his Gazettes made it
b) 1922 a) Germany
mandatory that no Muslim shall be given an
employment higher than that of chaprasy or a b) France
c) 1932
junior clerk has recorded by:
d) None of these c) Switzerland
a) Majumdar
28. At the annual session of Anjuman Hamayat d) None of these
b) Hasan Isphani
Islam in 1911 Iqbal’s poem was recited,
31. Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s
c) Karamat Ali poetically called:
foreign policy:
d) None of these a) Sham-o-Shahr
a) 1963-1972
b) Shikwa
b) 1954-1962

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

c) 1947-53 c) Most thickly populated region 39. Cotton textile the largest industry of
Pakistan employ industrial labour force of
d) None of these d) None of these magnitude of ?
32. Zia established a course for Pakistan that 36. In connection with land reforms the Punjab a) 80 %
enabled the government to manage a complex: tenancy act was passed in:
b) 65 %
a) Foreign policy a) 1877
c) 50%
b) Co-existence b) 1887
d) None of these
c) None of these c) 1897
40. The emergence of Gwadar port and its
33. In the Hindu Kush Mountains all passes d) none of these development has promoted :
connect Pakistan with:
37. Excavations at moenjo daro have revealed a) Rural –urban migration
a) China in earthen vessels:
b) Urban-urban migration
b) Afghanistan a) Millet grains
c) None of these
c) Tajikistan b) Lentills
41. Mahmud of Ghazni waged war against
d) None of these c) Rice grains rebellious India in the year of:
34. The Hasni tribe is settled in: d) None of these a. 900
a) Southern NWFP 38. Kalabagh iron deposits are largest in b. 1000
Pakistan with an estimated reserve of:
b) Western Baluchistan c. 1100
a) 309 m tons
c) Central Sindh d. None of these
b) 509 m tons
d) None of these 42. Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghuri defeated
c) 709 m tons Pirthviraj in the year 1192 in the field of:
35. Rechna and Bari Doabs are considered:
d) None of these a. Panipat
a) Thickly populated region
b. Nagpur
b) Very thickly populated region

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

c. Tarori or Tarain a. 1849 50. The Simon Commission arrived in India on:

d. None of these b. 1859 a. 3rd February, 1927

43. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was succeeded on Delhi c. 1869 b. 3rd February, 1928
throne by:
d. None of these c. 3rd February, 1929
a. Aram Shah
47. Who was appointed first President of d. None of these
b. Iltumish Muslim league?
51. The British Prime Minister Ramsay
c. Razia Sultana a. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk Macdonald announced the Communal Award in
1932 at the end of:
d. None of these b. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
a. First Round Table Conference
44. The downfall of Muslim rule in India started c. Nawab Saleem Ullah
with the demise of: b. Second Round Table Conference
d. None of these
a. Akbar c. Third Round Table Conference
48. Who divided Bengal into East and West
b. Aurangzeb Bengal in July 1905? d. None of these

c. Bahadur Shah Zafar a. Lord Curzon 52. All India Muslim League observed the
“Direct Action Day” on:
d. None of these b. Lord Minto
a. August 6, 1944
45. The Holy Quran was first translated into c. Lord Morely
Persian by: b. August 6, 1945
d. None of these
a. Shah Ismail Shaheed c. August 6, 1946
49. Dyarchy was first introduced in the Act of:
b. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi d. None of these
a. 1909
c. Shah Waliullah 53. Objective Resolution was passed by the
b. 1919 Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on:
d. None of these
c. 1935 a. March 12, 1947
46. Anjuman-e-Islamia Punjab was founded for
the renaissance of Islam in the year: d. None of these b. March 12, 1948

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

c. March 12, 1949 57. Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 (c) Shah Jahan
Pakistan has the right to use exclusively the
d. None of these water of: (d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

54. With regard the division of power between a. Ravi, Sutleg and Chenab …………………………………………………………………………
Federation and Provinces the Constitution of …………………………………………………………………………
Pakistan (1962) was provided with: b. Sutleg, Chenab and Jhelum

a. Single list of subjects c. Chenab, Jhelum and Indus

b. Two lists of subjects d. None of these

c. Three lists of subjects 58. At present Pakistan has vast natural

resources and items of mineral as many as:
d. None of these
a. 14 items
55. The height of Pakistan’s highest mountain
Pak-Godwin Austin is as high as: b. 15 items

a. 26, 250 ft c. 16 items

b. 27, 250 ft d. None of these.

c. 28, 250 ft 59. Who constructed five canals to remove

scarcity of water?
d. None of these
(a) Alauddin Khaliji
56. The Government of Pakistan established the
Indus River System Authority in the year: (b) Ghyas-ud-Din Tughlaq

a. 1960 (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq

b. 1970 (d) Akbar

c. 1980 60. Who laid foundation of Agra city?

d. None of these (a) Sikandar Lodhi

(b) Babur

ABUBAKR ACADEMY KAMOKE; Cell No. 0303-4606846

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