Mock 1
Mock 1
Mock 1
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
Q. No. 2: Critically examine Congress Ministries of 1937. How far it is correct to suggest that it paved the
way for a separate Muslim homeland in India? (20 marks)
Q. No. 3: What major economic challenges are being faced by Pakistan? What recommendations do you
suggest to deal with these issues? (20 marks)
Q. No. 4: What are the main causes of the energy crisis in Pakistan? What measures do you recommend
to address it? (20 marks)
Q. No. 5: Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did he save the Indian Muslims
from political annihilation and religious degeneration? (20 marks)
Q. No. 6: The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had deep impacts on Indian
politics. Discuss. (20 marks)
Q. No. 7: Critically analyze the elections of 1937 and the sufferings and grievances of the Muslims under
the Congress rule in the provinces (1937-1939). How much did it help in popularizing the idea of a
separate Muslim state in India? (20 marks)
Q. No. 8: Discus the role of judiciary in the constitutional development of Pakistan. (20 marks)