Practical 12 Sec
Practical 12 Sec
Practical 12 Sec
➢ To familiar with the E -waste management rules of
2008 , 2011, and 2016.
The evolution of e-waste management and rules has
• These rules shall apply to every producer, consumer or
bulk consumer, collection centre, dismantler and recycler
of e-waste involved in the manufacture, sale, purchase
and processing of electrical and electronic equipment or
components as specified in schedule – The regulatory
agencies involved are SPCBs/PCCs and cpcb.
• The e-waste Rules apply to all electrical and electronic
equipment and The rule will not apply to lead acid
batteries as covered under the Batteries (Management
and Handling) Rules, 2001. The rules shall not apply to,
Micro and Small enterprises as defined in the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises.