Class 10 Physics Electricity All Questions
Class 10 Physics Electricity All Questions
Class 10 Physics Electricity All Questions
Physics – Electricity
1. The filament of an electric bulb draws a 10. How many electrons should be
current of 0.4 ampere. Calculate the removed from a conductor so that it
amount of charge flowing through the acquires a positive charge of 3.5 × 103 C
filament if the bulb glows for 2 hours. 11. An electric bulb draws a current of 0.5A
Also calculate the number of electrons for 10 minutes. Calculate the amount of
passed. electric charge that flows through the
2. Calculate the work done in moving a circuit.
charge of 2C through a potential 12. Find the resistance of a nichrome wire
difference of 5V. of length 1m and area of cross-section 2
3. A polythene piece is rubbed with wool. mm². The resistivity of nichrome is 100
It is found to acquire a negative charge x106 Ω-m.
of 3.2 *107 C. Estimate the number of 13. Find the resistance of a nichrome wire
electrons transferred to the piece. of length 2 m and area of cross-section
4. How many electrons pass through a 2 mm². Resistivity of nichrome =
wire in 1 minute if the current passing 100*106 Ω-m.
through the wire is 200 mA? 14. Find the resistance of a copper wire of
5. 2.5 mj of work is done in moving a length 1 m and area of cross-section 2
charge of 10 C from one point to mm². The specific resistance of copper
another. What is the potential = 1.7 x 10-8 Ω-m.
difference between the two points? 15. The length of a wire is doubled by
6. 1020 electrons each having charge of pulling it. Find the new resistance.
1.6 x 10-19 C pass from point A towards 16. Find the current drawn by the battery
another point B in 0.1 s. Calculate the and the potential difference between A
current in ampere and give its direction. and B.
7. 2 ampere of current is flowing through
a wire. What is the amount of charge
passing through it in 1 min? Also find
the number of electrons passed
through a cross-section of wire in this
time. 17. Find (a) total resistance (b) the total
8. Find the electric potential of a point if 2 current drawn from the battery (c)
J of work is done in bringing a charge of potential difference between B and C.
0.2 C from infinity to that point.
9. Find the potential difference between
two points if 5J of work is done in
moving a charge of 2 mC from one
point to another.
18. A cell of emf 2 V and internal resistance 23. A piece of wire of resistance 20Ω is
0.1Ω is connected to a 20 Ω resistor. drawn out so that its length is increased
What is the current in the circuit? to twice it's original length. Calculate
the resistance of the wire in its new
24. A current of 1 A is passed through a
resistor of resistance 20Ω for 1 minute.
19. For the circuit shown in the diagram
Find the heat produced in the resistor.
25. A resistor of resistance 20Ω is
(a)The value of current through each
connected across a potential difference
resistors. (b) The total current in the
of 20 V for one minute. Calculate the
circuit (c) The total effective resistance
heat produced in the resistor.
of the circuit.
26. Calculate the resistance of a bulb rated
100 W, 220 V. What is the current
flowing in the bulb when connected
across a potential difference of 220 V?
27. A current of 0.45 A flowing in a resistor
20. In the given circuit, find the current dissipate 100 J of energy in one second.
drawn from the battery. Calculate the resistance of resistor.
28. An electrical appliance of 1000 W is
used 6 hours/day. What is the
electricity bill of the appliance in one
day if the rate charged by electricity
21. Find the equivalent resistance between board is ₹4/unit?
point A and B in the given circuit. 29. Two lamps, one rated 60 W at 220 V
and the other 40 W at 220 V are
connected in parallel to the electric
supply at 220 V.
a. Draw a circuit diagram to show the
22. Calculate the effective resistance
between A and B. Also find the reading
b. Calculate the current drawn from
of ammeter and voltmeter for part (c).
the electric supply.
c. Calculate the total energy
consumed by the two lamps
together when they operate for one
45. .What is (a) the highest, (b) the lowest Ω and 12 Ω, respectively. How much
total resistance that can be secured by current would flow through the 12 Ω
combinations of four coils of resistances resistor?
4Ω,8Ω, 12Ω and 24Ω? 53. How many 176 Ω resistors (in parallel)
46. An electric iron of resistance 20Ω takes are required to carry 5 A on a 220 V
a current of 5 A. Calculate the heat line?
developed in 30 s. 54. Several electric bulbs designed to be
47. An electric motor takes 5 A from a 220 used on a 220 V electric supply line, are
V line. Determine the power of the rated 10 W. How many lamps can be
motor and the energy consumed in 2 h. connected in parallel with each other
48. A piece of wire of resistance R is cut across the two wires of 220 V line if the
into five equal parts. These parts are maximum allowable current is 5 A?
then connected in parallel. If the 55. A hot plate of an electric oven
equivalent resistance of this connected to a 220 V line has two
combination is R', then the ratio R/R' is resistance coils A and B, each of 24 Ω,
49. A copper wire has diameter 0.5 mm and resistance, which may be used
resistivity of 1.6 x 10-8 Ω -m. What will separately, in series, or in parallel, What
be the length of this wire to make its are the currents in three cases?
resistance 10Ω ? How much does the 56. Compare the power used in the 2 Ω
resistance change if the diameter is resistor in each of the following circuits:
doubled? (i) a 6 V battery in series with 1Ω and 2
50. The values of current I flowing in a Ω resistors, and (ii) a 4 V battery in
given resistor for the corresponding parallel with 12Ω and 2Ω resistors.
values of potential difference V across 57. Two lamps, one rated 100 W at 220 V,
the resistor are given below: and the other 60 W at 220 V, are
I Current (amperes) connected in parallel to electric mains
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 supply. What current is drawn from the
V Voltage (volts) line if the supply voltage is 220 V?
1.6 3.4 6.7 10.2 13.2 58. Which uses more energy, a 250 W TV
Plot a graph between V and I and set in 1 hr, or a 1200 W toaster in 10
calculate the resistance of that resistor. minutes?
51. .When a 12 V battery is connected 59. An electric heater of resistance 8 Ω
across an unknown resistor, there is a draws 15 A from the service mains for 2
current of 2.5 mA in the circuit. Find the hours. Calculate the rate at which heat
value of the resistance of the resistor. is developed in the heater.
52. A battery of 9 V is connected in series 60. .Why is parallel arrangement used in
with resistors of 0.2Ω, 0.3 Ω, 0.4 Ω, 0.5 domestic wiring?
Calculate the potential difference to happen in this case and why? What
between the two terminals of a battery change, if any, needs to be made?
if 100 Joules of work is required to 88. Two resistors with resistances 5Ω and
transfer 20 coulomb of charge from one 10Ω respectively are to be connected to
terminal of the battery to the other. a battery of emf 6V so as to obtain: (i)
84. An electric circuit consisting of a 1 m maximum current(ii) minimum current
long metallic wire XY, an ammeter, a flowing a) How will you connect the
voltmeter, 4 cells of 1.5 V and a plug resistances in each case. B) Calculate
key was set up. Draw a schematic the strength of the total current in the
diagram of this electric circuit in the on circuit in the two cases.
position. Following graph was plotted 89. A current of 1A flows in a wire for 5
between the values of potential minutes. Find the amount of electric
difference (V) and current (l). What charge that flows through the wire.
conclusions do you draw about the 90. How much work is done in moving a
relation between V and I from this charge of 5C between two points in a
graph? State this relation in your words. circuit having a potential difference of
10 V?
91. An electric bulb is connected to a 220 V
source. If the resistance of the bulb
filament is 1000 Ω, find the current. (b)
85. An electric fuse of rating 3A is An electric heater coil is connect to a
connected in a circuit in which an 220 V source. If the resistance of the
electric iron of power 1 kw is connected heater coil is 220 Ω, find the current.
which operates at 220V. What would 92. Resistance of a metal wire of length 2 m
happen? Explain? is 40 Ω. If the diameter of the wire is 0.3
86. Two resistors of resistances 4Ω and 12 mm, what will be the resistivity of the
Ω are connected (i) in parallel and (ii) in metal at that temperture?
series. Calculate the values of effective 93. .A 8Ω resistance wire is stretched to
resistance in each case. double its length .Calculate the new
87. In a household electric circuit different resistance of the wire.
appliances are connected in parallel to 94. A bulb whose resistance is 10Ω is
one another. Give two reasons. An connected to a 6 V battery. Calculate (a)
electrician puts a fuse of rating 5A in the current through the circuit (b) the
that part of a domestic electrical circuit potential difference across the bulb.
in which an electrical heater of rating 95. In the circuit diagram, suppose the
1.5 kW, 220V is operating. What is likely resistors R₁, R₂ and R3, have the values
5Ω, 10Ω and 30Ω respectively which