Energy and Head
Energy and Head
Energy and Head
Eq 1→2 Eq 3→4
V21 p1 V22 p2 V23 p3 V24 p4
+ + z1 = + + z 2 + HL + + z3 = + + z 4 + HL
2g 2g 2g 2g
p2 p4
0 + 0 + 20 = 0 + +0+0 10 + 8 + 0 = 10 + +0+7
p2 p4
= 20 ft = 1 ft
2-100. A 12” pipe is connected by a reducer to a 4” pipe. Points 1 (c) Molasses (sg = 1.50)
and 2 are at the same elevation. The P 3(12)2
pressure at 1 is 30 psi. Q=1 cfs flowing HL1−2 = = = 4.615 ft
from 1 to 2, and the energy lost between
1 and 2 is equivalent to 3 psi. Compute
Q = vA
the pressure at 2 if the liquid is: 1
v1 = 2 = 1.273 ft/s
π 12
(a) Water 4 12
P 3(12)2 1
HL1−2 = = = 6.923 ft v2 = 2
= 11.459 ft/s
62.4 π 4
4 12
Q = vA
1 V21 P1 V22 P2
v1 = 2
= 1.273 ft/s + + z1 = + + z2 + HL
π 12 2g 2g
4 12 (1.273)2 30(12)2 (11.459)2 P2
1 + +0= + + 0 + 4.615
v2 = = 11.459 ft/s 2(32.2) 1.5(62.4) 2(32.2) 15(62.4)
π 4
4 12 �� = �, ���. ��� ��� = ��. ��� ���
V21 P1 V22 P2 3-100. In Fig. A, with 0.5 cfs of water flowing from 1 to 2,
+ + z1 = + + z2 + HL the pressure at 1 id 15 psi and at 2 is 10 psi. Compute the loss
2g 2g
2 of head between 1 and 2.
(1.273) 30(12)2 (11.459)2 P2
+ +0= + + 0 + 6.923 Q = vA
2(32.2) 62.4 2(32.2) 62.4 0.5
v1 = 2 = 0.637 ft/s
�� = �, ���. ��� ��� = ��. ��� ��� π 12
4 12
(b) Oil (sg = 0.80) v2 = 2 = 5.30 ft/s
P 3(12)2 π 4
HL1−2 = = = 8.654 ft 4 12
Q = vA V21 P1 V22 P2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + HL
1 2g 2g
v1 = 2 = 1.273 ft/s (0.637)2 15(12)2 (5.30)2 10(12)2
π 12 + +0= + + 0 + HL1−2
4 12 2(32.2) 62.4 2(32.2) 62.4
v2 = 2 = 11.459 ft/s ���−� = ��. ��� ��
π 4
4 12
V21 P1 V22 P2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + HL
2g 2g
(1.273)2 30(12)2 (11.459)2 P2
+ +0 = + + 0 + 8.654
2(32.2) 0.80(62.4) 2(32.2) 0.80(62.4)
V21 P1 V22 P2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + HL
2g 2g
(1.273)2 P1 (11.459)2 10(12)2
+ +0= + + 0 + 0.05 10(12)2 − P1
2(32.2) 62.4 2(32.2) 62.4
5-100. If the smaller pipe of Fig A is cut off a short distance past 7-100. In Fig C, with 1.2 cfs of sea water (sg 1.03) flowing
the reducer so that the jet springs free into air as in Fig B, compute from 1 to 2, the pressure at 1 is 15 psi
the pressure at 1 if Q=5 cfs of water, �1 is 12”, and at 2 is -2 psi. Point 2 is 20’ higher
than point 1. Compute the lost energy in
and �2 4”. Assume that the jet has the diameter
pounds per square inch between 1 and 2.
�2 , that the pressure in the jet is atmospheric,
and that the loss of head from point 1 to point
Q = vA
2 is 5’ of water. 1.2
v1 = 2
= 1.528 ft/s
Q = vA π 12
5 4 12
v1 = 2 = 6.366 ft/s 1.2
π 12 v2 = 2 = 13.751 ft/s
4 12 π 4
5 4 12
v2 = 2 = 57.296 ft/s V21 P1 V22 P2
π 4 + + z1 = + + z2 + HL
4 12 2g 2g
(1.528)2 15(12)2 (13.751)2 2(12)2
+ +0 = − + 20 + HL
V21 P1 V22 P2 2(32.2) 1.03(62.4) 2(32.2) 1.03(62.4)
+ + z1 = + + z2 + HL
2g 2g
(6.366)2 P1 (57.296)2 14.7 HL = 15.188 ft (1.03 × 62.4) = 976.163 psf = �. ��� ���
+ +0= + +0+5
2(32.2) 62.4 2(32.2) 62.4
9-100. The diameter of a pipe carrying water changes gradually from 11-101. In Fig D, a 2” pipe line leads downhill from a reservoir
6” at A to 18” at B. A is 15’ lower than B. If the pressure at A is and discharges into air. If the
10 psi and that B is 7psi when 5 cfs is flowing, determine: (a) the loss of head between A and B is
direction of flow; (b) the frictional loss between the two points. 145’, compute the discharge.
12-101. A 6” pipe line (Fig E) conducts water from a reservoir and 13-101. Water discharges through an orifice in the side of a
discharges at a lower elevation through a nozzle which has a discharge large tank as shown in Gig F. The orifice is circular in cross
diameter of 2”. The water surface in the reservoir (1) is at elevation section and 2” in diameter. The jet is the
100’, the pipe intake (2 and 3) at elevation 80’, and the nozzle (4 same diameter as the orifice. He liquid is
and 5) at elevation 0. The water, and the surface elevation is
head loss are: from 1 to 2, 0’; maintained at a height h of 12.6’ above the
from 2 to 3, 2’; from 3 to 4, center of the jet. Compute the discharge:
30’; from 4 to 5, 10’. Compute (a) neglecting loss of head; (b) considering
the discharge and make a table the loss of head to be 10% of h. Make a table
showing elevation head, of heads at point 1, 2, and 3.
velocity head, pressure head,
and total head at each of the
five points.
1 2 3 4 5
15-101. A pump (Fig G) draws water from an 8” suction pipe and 16-102. In Fig H is shown a siphon discharging water from the
discharges through a 6” pipe in which the velocity reservoir A into the air at B. distance a is 6’, b is 20’, and
is 12 ft/s. The pressure is -5 psi at A in the the diameter is 6” throughout. If there
suction pipe. The 6” pipe discharges horizontally is a frictional loss of 5’ between A and
into air at C. To what height h above B can the the summit, and 5’ between the summit and
water raised if B is 6’ above A and 20 hp is B, what is the absolute pressure at the
delivered to the pump? Assume that the pump summit in pounds per square inch? Also
operates 70% efficiency and that the frictional determine the rate of discharge in cubic
loss in the pipe between A and C is 10 ft. feet per second and in gallons per minute.
17-102. Fig J shows a siphon discharging oil (sg=0.90). The siphon 18-102. A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to
is composed of 3” pipe from A to B followed reservoir B as shown in Fig K. The loss
by 4” pipe from B to the open discharge of head from A to 1 is 3 times the
at C. The head losses are: from 1 to 2, velocity head in the 6” pipe and the
1.1’; from 2 to 3, 0.7’; from 3 to 4, 2.5’. loss of head from 2 to B is 20 times
Compute the discharge, and make table of the velocity head in the 4” pipe.
heads at point 1, 2, 3, and 4. Compute the horsepower output of the
pump and the pressure heads at 1 and
2 when the discharge is: (a) 200 gpm;
(b) 600 gpm.
19-103. The 24” pipe shown in Fig L conducts water from reservoir A
to a pressure turbine, which discharges
through another 24” pipe into tailrace
B. The loss of head from A to 1 is 5 times
the velocity head in the pipe and the loss
of head from 2 to B is 0.2 times the
velocity head in the pipe. If the
discharge is 25cfs, what horsepower is
being given up by the water to the turbine
and what are the pressure heads at 1 and