March 2020
March 2020
March 2020
NoDak Pharmacy
Volume 33, No. 2 March 2020
NDSHP President
Jesse Rue, PharmD
(701) 430-0731
t takes
Tab l e o f a
Cumulative Multi-Policy Discount
If you place your other policies with Auto-Owners, you could receive a discount on your
C o n t en ts
Businessowners Policy. The more policies you place with us, the higher the total discount.
And you can include your personal insurance when using the multi-policy discount to
ocal business
improve the value of your insurance program. Ask your independent4 agent about this
NDPhA EVP Message.................................................................
discount today!
135th ND Pharmacy
135th AnnualCommercial
Convention Registration Form.................... 6
Convention Umbrella
Schedule........................................... 7
owner to
You can
Student Auction increase your
Donation general liability and automobile liability coverage
Form................................................. 9 with a Commercial
Umbrella policy. Ask your agent for more details.
NAPT Award Nominations Criteria........................................... 10 MARCH
NAPT Award Life InsuranceApplication.
Nominations and Disability Income
.................................... 11 Mar 8 Daylight Savings Begins
protect one.
Auto-Owners offers a wide variety of products, including:
NDPhA Award Nominations Criteria........................................ 12 Mar 17 St. Patrick’s Day
• Key Person Insurance
Greetings from the• NAPT Board...............................................
Term Life, Whole Life, Universal Life Insurance 14
NAPT - Amanda Chase • Annuities
Article.................................................. 15 APRIL
Pharmacy Convention • Disability Insurance
Article................................................... 16 Apr 1 April Fool’s Day
urance company • Long Term Care Insurance
Aldevron Tower dedication set for May 1 at NDSU................ 18-19 Apr 12 Easter Sunday
est, which All of these can be tailored to meet your specific needs. You can also get discounts on your
NDPhA Membership
As a personal
small business andowner
in our policies when you
community, buy life insurance
I understand
what itfrom us. Ask Apr
your 24-26 135th ND Pharmacy
e highest in the
takesagent for a proposal.
to protect your small business. Let me help you get insurance Convention
ior) rating. for your business at a great value. Stop in or give me a call. Grand Hotel, Minot
e ranks
gest insurance
yader in
M Richter CLU, Agent May 5 Cinco de Mayo
19th Street
in ND
savings to 324
2nd Ave SW
Jamestown, ND 58401 May 10 Mother’s Day
01-223-7440 May 16 Armed Forces Day
Sheila Welle CIC® LUTCF® LTCP Jorin J. Johnson CFP®
Fri 8:30AM to 5:00PM
ngs & Saturday by Appt jorin@superior.agencyMay 25 Memorial Day
704.361.1067 701.356.3256 May 14-16 NABP Annual Meeting –
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, Florida
6 State Farm Lloyds, Richardson, TX Baltimore, MD
Note: The analysis of coverage is in general terms and is superseded in all respects by the Insuring Agreements, Endorsements, Exclusions, Terms
and Conditions of the Policy. Some of the coverage mentioned in this material may not be applicable in all states or may have to be modified
June 6-10 to ASHP Summer Meeting –
conform to applicable state law. Some coverages may have been eliminated or modified since the printing of this material.
Seattle, WA
June 14 Flag Day
June 21 Father’s Day
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 3
N D PhA Noda k Jour n a l
Mike Schwab
Attending conventions also require or force you to break
out of your comfort zone a little bit as well. There is
nothing like a room full of like-minded people. There is NDPhA EVP
something to be said about people who are willing to
take time away from the office or their families to learn
something new and interact with colleagues. Sometimes
it’s about taking a selfie with someone you have not seen
in a long time or with someone who’s influenced you
and your practice. Sometimes it’s about sharing an idea,
making a new connection or visiting with mentors. Invest
in yourself and your profession.
4 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
It takes a
local business
owner to
protect one.
As a small business owner in our community, I understand what it
takes to protect your small business. Let me help you get insurance
for your business at a great value. Stop in or give me a call.
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, Florida
1706446 State Farm Lloyds, Richardson, TX
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 5
1 35 th N D Pha r m a cy C o nve n t i o n
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Type of Card (circle one) Visa Mastercard Amex
/ /
Credit Card Number Expiration Date CVV (3 digit code)
Signature: Date:
Mail Completed Forms and Payment to NDPhA, 1641 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501
Or Register On-line at, select Convention Tab and click on On-line Convention Registration
6 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
1 35 th N D Pha r m a cy C o nve n t i o n
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 7
C o nvention
Nodak Hig hlig
P harmacy Jo urhntasl
Convention Fast
April 24-26, 2020
Minot, ND
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Grand Hotel in Minot, ND.
Call 800-735-4493 and our group name is ND Pharmacy Convention.
The block of rooms will be held until April 9, 2020.
Katie Veidel
Account Manager,
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of North Dakota
8 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
St u den t Auc t ion D o n a t i o n Fo r m
This year, we will begin the Silent Auction around 5:00pm allowing more time and opportunity for those
attending to participate and get in their bids. The Pharmacy Advancement Corporation Scholarship Annual
Live Auction will be held Saturday April 25, 2020 after the President’s Banquet during the convention.
The auction committee would like to invite everyone to participate by donating items. The North Dakota
Pharmacists Association is celebrating 135 years so please consider providing a donation(s) to help celebrate
this momentous occasion. As in years past, several items will be placed on a silent auction with the highlight
of the evening being the “live” auction.
Thank you for your participation in the past and we look forward to another outstanding auction.
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 9
NA P T Awa rd Nom in a t i o n s A p p l i c a t i o n
Fax to: (701) 258-9312 or Email to: by MARCH 6, 2020.
Complete the nominee name and answer the appropriate questions related to the award you would like to nominate them for.
Feel free to use additional paper to expand on the highlights of your nominee.
Applications received are subject to meeting the minimum selection criteria. Any nomination not meeting the criteria will be disqualified
Contact Information:______________________________________________________________________________________________
Title check one): r North Dakota Registered Pharmacy Technician
r North Dakota Licensed Pharmacist
r Practicing professional in the medical field
10 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
NAP T Awa rd Nom i n a t i o n s C r i t e r i a
Fax to: (701) 258-9312 or Email to: by MARCH 6, 2020.
Nominations accepted from: • North Dakota Registered Pharmacy Technician
• North Dakota Licensed Pharmacist
• Practicing professional in the medical field
See requirements below and please fill out the nomination for on next page.
• The nominee shall be registered as a Pharmacy Technician in North Dakota.
• The nominee must be living, awards are not made posthumously.
• The nominee has not been a previous recipient of the award.
• The nominee is not currently serving as an officer of NAPT.
• The nominee has compiled an outstanding record of community and pharmacy service.
• The nominee has not been a previous recipient of the award.
• The nominee has been an advocate of NAPT and the Profession of Pharmacy
• The nominee can be a person(s) working in the Profession of Pharmacy; a person,
group, or organization.
Note: Nominations are only accepted from ND Registered Pharmacy Technicians.
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 11
N D PhA Awa r d Nom i n a t i o n s C r i t e r i a
12 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
Pharmacy Professional
Make sure you have the right protection today. Don’t let a
malpractice suit jeopardize the future of your business.
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 13
NAPT U pda t e
Greetings from the NAPT Executive Board!
As I prepare this article, it is a bitter cold day. My hope is that These positions are appointed positions and we are currently
by the time this article is published the warmth has started to taking names of those who are interested in serving in this
creep in and spring thaw is right around the corner! capacity. Please contact an executive board member to express
interest in serving on the board. The President of NAPT will be
Please consider attending the 135 ND Annual Pharmacy extending invitations for these positions during the month of
Convention. The convention will be held April 23-26, 2020 April.
at the Grand Hotel in Minot ND. Attending the convention is
a great way to network within the profession, obtain valuable NAPT will be holding our Annual Fall Conference on
continuing education and participate in the business meetings. September 18 and 19, 2020 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo ND.
NAPT will hold a general business meeting during lunch on The Fall Conference Committee is hard at work planning this
Saturday. Please join us to learn more about what NAPT is event. If you have any suggestions for the conference please do
doing for pharmacy technicians in ND! not hesitate to reach out to the NAPT Executive Board.
Serving on the NAPT Executive Board is a great way to be In closing, I hope to see you at the April Convention in Minot
active and have a voice in the profession. All position terms and/or the NAPT Annual Fall Conference in Fargo.
run 1 year with the exception of the Treasurer which is a 2-year
term. Positions that are open this year include: Vice-President
and Secretary. In this publication is the information of the
person running for Vice-President. Currently we do not have
anyone running for Secretary, if you are interested in serving
in this capacity please reach out to one of the current NAPT
Executive Board members. Also included in this publication
is a nomination form, please take a moment to complete the
form and return to NDPhA office by April 10, 2020. We also
have openings for 2 members at large and a parliamentarian.
14 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
NAP T U pda t e
Hello everyone!
Here is a little info about me. My name is Amanda Chase. great organization and assist in its continuing success by
Everyone calls me Mandy. I grew up in New Salem, ND and representing pharmacy technicians in North Dakota. I aim
currently live in Valley City, ND with my husband. Together, to continue promoting the pharmacy technician profession
we have 5 awesome children, Lane 22, MaKell 19, John 15, and strive to do this on a higher level. Pharmacy technicians
Parker 13, and Katy 11. I am employed by CHI Mercy Health are an integral part of the pharmacy profession as well as the
in Valley City and celebrated my 10th year there as a pharmacy healthcare system overall and I will ensure that this does not go
technician. I have also worked in retail and LTC pharmacy. I unnoticed. My passion is to support pharmacy technicians in
graduated from NDSCS in 2009 with an AAS degree in the maximizing their potential and show that their input is a vital
pharmacy technician program. I am currently a Member At component of the healthcare team. My objectives are to work
Large on the Northland Association of Pharmacy Technicians side by side with board members to guarantee responsibilities
(NAPT). are carried out and to act in good faith for what is in the best
interest of North Dakota pharmacy technicians.
Why am I running for the Vice President position on the
NAPT board? For me, I want to continue to be a part of this Thank you for giving me consideration and opportunity.
______ NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 15
N D Bo ar d of Pha rm a cy
• Average RX/Day 70
Cooling Costs
16 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 17
N DSU School of Ph a r m a cy
18 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
N D SU S chool of Ph a r m a cy
Additional activities with the ND Board of Pharmacy and
Pharmacists Association are possible in the new space. The new
facility reflects the ABCs (Association, Board and College) at
work, once again creating unique opportunities for the profession
and state.
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 19
2019 Recipients of the “Bowl of Hygeia” Award
Anne Daniels Catherine Worhatch Kowalski Mark Boesen Max Caldwell Thomas Branigan Philip Hritcko Madeline Moses Carmen Aceves Gordon
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida
Ira Katz Mike Minesinger Herb Halley Marilyn Osterhaus Vicki Schmidt Catherine Hanna Kim Dupuy Wixson Frank McGrady
Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine
Matthew Shimoda Adele Pietrantoni Gary Kadlec Karen Bastianelli Randy Calvert Sandra Bollinger
Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Todd Koepp Charles Krobot Diana Quach The “Bowl of Hygeia” Gary Merchant John Colaizzi, Jr. Dale McCleskey
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
Bradley Arthur Dennis Williams Dewey Schlittenhard Nnodum Iheme John Crumly Michele Belcher Janet Astle Lucia Garcia-Carmona
New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico
Anita Jacobson Wayne Buff Donald Frank Doug Duncan Jennifer Barnett Roger Fitzpatrick Kimberly Wright Steve Singer
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington
In Memoriam:
Carl Franklin
The Bowl of Hygeia award program was originally developed by the A. H. Robins Company to recognize pharmacists across the nation
for outstanding service to their communities. Selected through their respective professional pharmacy associations, each of these
dedicated individuals has made uniquely personal contributions to a strong, healthy community. We offer our congratulations and thanks
for their high example. The American Pharmacists Association Foundation, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations and the
state pharmacy associations have assumed responsibility for continuing this prestigious recognition program. All former recipients are
encouraged to maintain their linkage to the Bowl of Hygeia by emailing current contact information to The Bowl of
Hygeia is on display in the APhA History Hall located in Washington, DC.
20 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
Pharmacy Insurance
Imagine That.
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company | 808 Highway 18 W | PO Box 370 | Algona, Iowa 50511
P. 800.247.5930 | F. 515.295.9306 |
All products may not be available in all states and territories.
NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 21
The mission of APMS is to foster a culture of quality within the profession of pharmacy that promotes
a continuous systems analysis to develop best practices that will reduce medication errors, improve
medication use and enhance patient care and population health outcomes.
What is APMS® PSO?
What is a PSO?
As a member of the APMS® PSO, you can get a handle
The 2005 Patient Safety ACT allows for the creation of
on the inherent risks in your pharmacy's workflow and Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs). A PSO is a non-
discover opportunities for improvement in a legally governmental entity recognized by the Department of
protected environment. Health and Human Services that is established to
collect and analyze quality-related events (QREs) to
improve patient safety. The ACT allows healthcare
Do you know how many medication incidents occur in your providers to study patient safety data and conduct
pharmacies? quality assurance activities without fear of legal
Do you have tools to effectively manage and reduce them?
How we help pharmacies
Do you have a policy in place for when medication errors occur?
APMS® provides independent and chain pharmacies
Do you know when and how to do a root cause analysis? with quality assurance programs. Our products and
services help you to collect and analyze medication
Do you have access to continuing education and training for your errors, making it easy for your pharmacies to
pharmacists to help them with risk management? implement corrective training and workflow
adjustments to reduce risk.
22 A Voice for Pharmacy Since 1885 NoDak Pharmacy Journal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • March 2020
N D PhA – 2020 M e m b e r s h i p D u e s
Would you like to receive email updates from NDPhA?
Yes No
Legislative District Associate $50
Student (No fee)
Mail to: Additional Support
NDPhA Contribution to NDPhA Political Action Committee
1641 Capitol Way (PAC)
Bismarck, ND 58501-2195 Cannot be Coporate Checks AND must be a
Fax: 701-258-9312 Separate Check
Check Enclosed Amount We are sorry but we are unable to process PAC contributions online.
Make checks payable to NDPhA PAC.
Check enclosed:
Name on Card:
Street Address & Zip code billing address for card Contribution to the Pharmacy Advancement
Corporation (PhAC) Student Scholarship Fund
Type (check one): Visa MasterCard These funds are used entirely to provide scholarships
to NDSU College of Pharmacy Students. Personal or
Corporate Checks are accepted.
Check enclosed:
Expiration Date CVV Amount
(3 digit code on the back of the card)
Over-the-Counter Items to Serve You
Beauty Items
Dietary Supplements
4121 12th Ave NW • Fargo, ND 58102
phone: (701) 298-9026 • fax: (701) 298-9056
As the Midwest’s only independent drug wholesaler, Dakota Drug has grown by
addressing your needs as a community pharmacist. We are committed to personal
service and welcome the opportunity to be your trusted wholesale partner.