Project Familiar
Project Familiar
Project Familiar
Tagoloan District
This Action Research PROJECT FAMILIAR: “Fuller Approach blended with Modeling
Innovatively the Language to Improve Academically in Reading”
Prepared and submitted by Eugene D. Lugcohan, School Research Coordinator/TI of Rosario
Elementary School, Tagoloan District has been checked and recommended for acceptance and
approval for oral examination
RES Research Coordinator /TI
Reviewed by the District Research Committee:
reading skills are important to their success in school as they will allow them to
access the breadth of the curriculum and improve their communication and language
skills. For this reason, the importance of reading is a necessary tool in studying as
well as in learning. Reading is not just a simple matter of knowing the words or the
Reading Comprehension and word recognition skills are vital in the teaching-
learning process because reading is a tool subject. Unless the child is equipped with
the basic reading skill, he would not be able to study independently and effectively
Education supports Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP), which aims to make
every Filipino a reader and a writer in his/her grade level. But unfortunately, every
school year, reading performance is one of the concerns of every school. Some of
the learners are poor in reading that they belong to frustration level or non-reader. In
other words, these learners reading performance are below in their grade level.
“Every Child A Reader Program” (ECARP) and to address the concern of the
level and non-reader, this action research is done and implemented through the
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
above considering the new set-up of learning, the New Normal Education.
Reaching out these frustration level and non-reader learners in the New
Normal Education, the school has made a program suited for this new set-up of
learning. The BAKTAS project, literally means Hiking and also stands for “Bringing
Academe and Knowledge To Learners Amidst crisis Situation”. The BAKTAS project
was a regular visitation by every teacher in every grade level to the low performing
learners to constantly check, monitor and assist them and in the case of this action
research, they were the low performing learners in reading. This BAKTAS project
was the channel of realizing the implementation of project FAMILIAR. Upon reaching
out the frustration level and non-reader learners, the safety health protocols
In this action research, it provided a well-thought action plan for the Grade Six
learners of Rosario Elementary School who belong to the frustration level and the
non-reader in English. In this action research, the approaches that best used and
adapt to the learners were highly given importance. For instance, The Fuller
approach; This approach is widely used for the beginner in reading English. The
concept of this approach is reading through phonics with the total physical response.
It is important that the letters and sounds of the alphabet are mastered first by the
learners as basis to read simple words by blending them together and accompanied
language modeling approach. The concept of this approach is through modeling, the
teacher models how to read the words and will be followed and read together until
the learners will read the word by themselves. The steps will be, “Teacher/Teacher,
patterned with the Explicit Instruction, introduced in ELLN (Early Language, Literacy
and Numeracy) Digital Program. The steps will be, “I/Do, We/Do, and You/Do”. Total
performance of the frustration level and non-reader of Grade Six learners. Through
the implementation of this Project FAMILIAR by the Grade Six teacher, the positive
This was an action plan used by the Grade Six teacher to address the
problem of the learners who belong to frustration level and non-reader in English.
The focused of this action research was “Using FAMILIAR for the Frustration Level
and Non-reader learners in Grade Six at home to check, monitor and assist these
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
learners in reading using the project FAMILIAR. In this project, Fuller Approach was
introduced first as the strategy for beginner in reading. In this strategy, the learner
needed to learn first the phonics or the correct sound of each letter and blending
them to form a word. Fuller approach helped a lot for the non-reader even the
This Fuller Approach was best implemented if blended with the Language
Modeling Approach. Language Modeling Approach was patterned with the Explicit
concept was modeling how to read the language using “I/Do, We/Do, and /You/Do”.
Language Modeling Approach was basically the pattern on how the mother naturally
introduced the language by modeling until the baby gradually learns to talk,
understand and use the language. This helped a lot in oral reading.
Due to the absence of face to face instruction, this project was done by
constant home visitation. Observing and following the safety protocols mandated by
1. What are the difficulties faced by the frustration level and non-reader of Grade
2. What is the impact of project FAMILIAR in the reading performance of the Grade
The participants of this action research were the 7 or 30.42% out of 23 learners,
2 learners were non-readers and the 5 learners were in frustration level of Grade Six
Table 1
Learner 1 6 Non-reader
Learner 2 6 Non-reader
Learner 3 6 Frustration
Learner 4 6 Frustration
Learner 5 6 Frustration
Learner 6 6 Frustration
Learner 7 6 Frustration
protocols before conducting the study. Submit letter to the school head and
endorsement to the SDS to conduct research. The researcher had gathered the data
on the frustration level and non-reader of Grade Six learners through the reading
pre-test to determine these learners under this category. The researcher had
conducted the intervention based from the problem and also had conducted reading
post-test to know the effectiveness of the intervention. The result was gathered,
This study was using descriptive statistical tools in analyzing the data. The
data from the survey questionnaire were processed, interpreted and analyzed using
mean, median, mode, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. These were
Scoring Procedures
In this study, the four-point Likert scale is used in determining the level of
V. Discussion of Results
support of the related literature and studies to back-up the result of the study.
statistical tools.
Problem 1. What are the difficulties faced by the frustration level and non-reader
Table 1
Gathered Frustration level and Non-reader Learners’ Difficulties in Reading
English words
2. Reading 1.57 Disagree Low level of
simple English difficulty
3. No one is 4.00 Strongly agree Very High level of
guiding me to difficulty
4. Reading 3.14 Agree High level of
without a peer difficulty
in my age
5. I am reading 1.71 Disagree Low level of
by myself. difficulty
6. Reading more 2.71 Agree High level of
than 2 difficulty
7. Reading by 2.42 Disagree Low level of
memorization difficulty
8. Reading in 3.42 Agree High level of
many audience difficulty
9. No one to 3.14 Agree High level of
follow in difficulty
English words
10. No one is 3.00 Agree High level of
monitoring my difficulty
Table 1 presents the Mean level of Frustration level and Non-reader Learners’
Difficulties in reading English words. The result revealed that on the average,
learners agree on the given indicators which means that they faced high level of
difficulty with their average total mean (x=2.811). The indicator with the highest
mean of (x=4.00). This means that they need someone to guide and help them to
read. This is backed up with the study according to Oxford Learning (2017), the
key to encouraging reading habits in kids is reading with them at home from a
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
young age While the indicator with a lowest mean is on the “Difficulty in reading
This means that the frustration level and non-readers of Grade- Six learners
need help, guidance, and monitoring in reading English words. This implies that if
these learners will be guided and monitored in their reading practice, they will be
Table 2
Mean Level of Impact of Project FAMILIAR
The result revealed that on the average, learners agree on the given indicators
which means that the given intervention is effective with an average total of
(x=3.282). the indicator with the highest mean is on “I was motivated to read
(x=3.85). This means that learners strongly agree that project FAMILIAR helped
improved the attitude of the learners to read as well as the reading performance.
kids is reading with them at home from a young age. While the indicator with a
lowest mean is on the “I gained confidence every time I was able to read English
words” with a mean of (x=3.00). This means that learners need to practice more
in reading English so that they will gain more confidence in reading. This implies
Table 3
23 Before After
project project
Non-reader 2 8.69% 1 4.34% 4.35 %
level %
FAMILIAR, there were two (2) non-readers and five (5) in frustration level
learners. After the implementation of project FAMILIAR, there was one (1)
non-reader and four (4) in frustration level. The percentage decreased was
13.04% from 30.42% down to 17.38%. This signifies that project FAMILIAR
has improved the reading performance of the frustration level and non-reader
of Grade-Six learners.
VI. Conclusion
Based from the findings of this action research, the results revealed
the problem in reading such as difficulties in recognizing the letters and the
sounds, beginner in reading, how to read in a proper way and guiding the
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
the used of this project, learners reading performance have improved and
also they were motivated to read, have gained confidence and can read more
VII. Recommendation
1. Based from the finding gathered, the researchers conclude that project
constant visitation, monitoring and reading practice with the guidance of the
VIII. Reflection
Despite of the health crisis and the new set-up of learning, this action
trainings, SLAC or School Learning Cell, virtual or limited face to face oral
XII. References
DepEd Order No. 18, s. 2017 – Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2017 Every Child
A Reader Program Funds for the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
Program: Professional Development Component
DepEd Order No. 014 s. 2018, Section1 The Department of Education supports
Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP), which aims to make every Filipino a
reader and a writer in his/her grade level,
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
May I have the honor to ask permission and seek for an approval for conducting
Action Research in my Grade Six Class of Rosario Elementary School, Tagoloan District entitled
“Project FAMILIAR: “Fuller Approach blended with Modeling Innovatively the Language to Improve
Academically in Reading” for the school year 2020-2021.
1. To determine the difficulties faced by the frustration level and non-reader of Grade Six
learners in reading English.
2. To use well-designed approaches under project FAMILIAR to improve the reading
performance of the Grade Six learners under frustration level and non-reader.
3. To improve the reading performance of the Grade Six learners under frustration level and
non-reader through the intervention implemented.
Your favorable approval for the conduct of this Action Research is very much appreciated.
Truly yours,
Researcher/Teacher I
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
Schools Division Superintendent
ANNEX 3: Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of Interest
1. I, Eugene D. Lugcohan, understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and using
another’s ideas and works and passing them off as one’s own. This includes
explicitly copying the whole work of another person and/or using some parts of
their work without proper acknowledgement and referencing.
2. I hereby attest to the originality of this research proposal and has cited properly
all the references used. I further commit that all deliverables and the final
research study emanating from this proposal shall be of original content. I shall
use appropriate citations in referencing other works from various sources.
3. I understand that violation from this declaration and commitment shall be subject
to consequences and shall be dealt with accordingly by the Department of
Education and (insert grant mechanism).
/ Final
RES Research Coordinator /TI
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
Directions: Please put a check (∕) on the space that corresponds to the appropriate
number that represents your response to the correct answer for you.
4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree
5. I am reading by myself.
7. Reading by memorization
Directions: Please put a check (∕) on the space that corresponds to the appropriate
number that represents your response to the correct answer for you.
4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree
monitoring of my teacher.
This study was conducted to improve the reading performance using the
Project FAMILIAR “Fuller Approach blended with Modeling Innovatively the
Language to Improve Academically in Reading”. Descriptive research design
method was used to conduct the study. The participants of the action research
were the frustration level and non-reader learners of Grade-Six at Rosario
Elementary School. A survey questionnaire with four-point Likert Scale on the
difficulties of learners in reading English was administered to 7 respondents of
this research. Frequency, percentage, and mean were used to tabulate the result
of this action research. The findings of this study revealed that on the average,
learners agreed on the given indicators which means that they faced high level of
difficulty in reading English especially when no one is guiding them to read. The
learners agreed that project FAMILIAR helped them improve their attitude in
reading English as well as their reading performance. This is backed up with the
study according to Oxford Learning (2017) that the key to encouraging reading
habits in kids is reading with them at home from a young age. A decrease on the
number of frustration level and non-reader learners from 30.42% down to 17.38%
was evident. This implies that there was an increase of learners who improved
their reading performance in English. This signifies that the intervention
implemented boosted learner’s ability to read English words. Participants
conclude that using project FAMILIAR helped them recognizing letters and
sounds by blending them together to form a word, how to read in proper way
through guided-practice steps, motivated them to read and have gained
confidence by reading more English words than before. Therefore, the
researcher recommend that teachers should use project FAMILIAR to improve
the English reading performance of the struggling learners. Therefore, the school
initiatives should be sustained and properly monitored for continuous
improvement of the learners and teachers.
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
The researcher would like to express a heartily appreciation and thanks to all the
Above all, the Almighty Father, for providing the strength, intellect, and wisdom
to do work, without Him, this study would have remained only unfinished idea.
The Researcher
Table of Contents
Title Page
Letter of Intent
Approval Sheet
V. Discussion of Results
VI. Conclusion
VII. Recommendation
VIII. Reflection
XII. References
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental
Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism
Questionnaires for the Respondents
Curriculum Vitae