Assignment Unit 4 - With Answer

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Assignment unit 4

For the unit 4 assignment, you must create a circuit using Logism that implements a
memory register capable of storing a 4 bit binary number. You should investigate the
different circuits that can be used to store a bit of memory and then utilize the one that
meets the following requirements.

Your register circuit must be able to support the inputs detailed in the following

(may snipping tool ako ginawa)

Each bit of the register circuit must support a data in, a data out, and a control. The
control functions such that the data value will only be changed when the control bit is
toggled on.

The value in the register must be persistent and can only be changed when the control
bit has been toggled.

You should develop and test the 4 bit register using logism.
It constructs the D Flip-Flops and every D Flip-Flop has been an Enable
input, which communicates to the Control input point out in the
difficulty statement.

In Clock indication is frequent to all 4 Flip-Flops, however, it Controls

the signal. There is the four Data inputs identity to the D3, D2,D1, and
D0 convey in sequence it can accumulate into the 4-bit
Memory Register. Tthe control effort it has to be in elevated either
logic 1.
The clock signal should have an increasing edge either pass from 0 to
The control' input is low down either logic 0,not anything happens.
The preceding worth of it however it should corresponding to the hold,
otherwise the do-nothing

When you have successfully developed a functioning 4 bit register, you should duplicate
the circuit and add it to the two inputs of the ALU circuit that you developed in the
previous unit.
ALU Circuits
with Output

Complete and test all of your circuits using Logism and submit the following materials.

1. Using the export image feature in Logism (Use File-Export Image from menu),
export your basic 4 bit register circuit in jpeg format include it as part of your
post. Moodle has the ability to insert a jpeg image.
2. Using the export image feature in Logism (Use File-Export Image from menu),
export your registers added to your ALU from last week in jpeg format include it
as part of your post. Moodle has the ability to insert a jpeg image.
3. Save both of the logism models (4 bit register and the registers added to the ALU
circuit) as circ fiels and and attach the file to your assignment posting.

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