The SIESTA Method Developments and Applicability
The SIESTA Method Developments and Applicability
The SIESTA Method Developments and Applicability
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Recent developments in and around the SIESTA method of first-principles simulation of
condensed matter are described and reviewed, with emphasis on (i) the applicability of the
method for large and varied systems, (ii) efficient basis sets for the standards of accuracy of
density-functional methods, (iii) new implementations, and (iv) extensions beyond ground-state
1. Introduction and overview methods were proposed and tested on empirical Hamiltonians,
the attention soon shifted to the problem of how to perform
Within the last two decades, the first-principles simulation full DFT calculations with a linear-scaling effort, since the
of condensed matter systems has expanded spectacularly, calculation of the Kohn–Sham Hamiltonian also displayed
from physics and chemistry into life, earth, nanoscale and inefficient scaling. The SIESTA method started in 1995 [2]
materials sciences. This success has been based on both the by merging Sankey’s finite-support atomic orbitals [3], with
steady growth of computing power and the development of a 3D real-space grid representation of the density and the basis
methods based on density-functional theory (DFT). However, functions. The grid offered a natural way of dealing with
deeply rooted algorithms within the standard methods demand long-range electrostatics, which does not allow for localized
computer resources that grow too rapidly (scaling as N 3 ) treatments (localization being the key for linear scaling). This
when increasing the number of atoms in a simulation box, N . method was coupled to several linear-scaling solvers, and
Although cube-scaling algorithms are still used in most of the coded in the SIESTA program in 1996 [4], a pioneer in linear-
DFT calculations done today (up to about 1000 atoms on the scaling DFT.
best supercomputers), it is obvious that in the long run linear- Other linear-scaling efforts started around that time in both
scaling algorithms will be of advantage. the quantum chemistry (QC) and condensed matter physics
The early 1990s witnessed considerable activity in communities. When overviewing the status of linear-scaling
the search for algorithms that could solve one-particle-like DFT, the first point to emphasize is that we are referring to
Hamiltonians in linear-scaling operations [1]. After several Kohn–Sham based DFT, as opposed to the so-called orbital-
10 Permanent address: Department of Earth Sciences, University of free DFT [5], which computes the total energy directly from
Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK. the electron density with approximations to the kinetic energy
functional in addition to exchange and correlation. This Finally, there are hybrid methods that use a mix
approach is not only linear-scaling, but extremely efficient, of technologies from both the physics and chemistry
and best suited for metals, where linear-scaling Kohn–Sham communities: atomic-orbital basis sets and integration grids,
approaches still fail. The main weakness of orbital-free DFT is or plane waves as auxiliary basis set. This is the case of
that the kinetic energy functionals proposed so far offer good the CP2K program (formerly QUICKSTEP) [18], which uses the
approximations only for systems close to the homogeneous Gaussian bases of the chemists, and calculates some integrals
electron liquid, i.e. mostly simple metals [5]. as in QC, some using plane waves [19]. SIESTA as a method also
Within Kohn–Sham approaches, several groups in QC falls within this family, but using numerical atomic orbitals
have obtained and implemented methods for building the of finite support instead of Gaussians. This implies several
Hamiltonian in linear-scaling operations, using their traditional differences. Gaussian basis sets have been developed over
Gaussian basis sets, while the linear-scaling Hamiltonian decades of QC work, and are tabulated, and thus can be
solvers have not been widely introduced so far. Head- used mainly off the shelf. This is not the case for numerical
Gordon and collaborators started the line within QC [6] orbitals of finite support, which are generated by other means
and their methods have been implemented in the QCHEM (see below). On the other hand, numerical orbitals offer
program [7]. Challacombe’s contributions [8] are implemented flexibility in the choice of radial shapes of the basis functions
in the MondoSCF package [9], and the work of Scuseria and at no cost, while varying the radial shapes in Gaussian bases
co-workers [10] have been incorporated into the GAUSSIAN requires adding more Gaussian primitives, which increases the
program [11]. A characteristic of the QC approach to linear computing effort needed for some of the Hamiltonian matrix
scaling is that the key localization approximations are normally elements. The other main difference is in the fact that finite
done by ‘thresholding’, i.e. by neglecting the matrix elements support offers matrix elements that are exactly zero when their
with values below a given threshold, while other approaches support regions do not overlap, while Gaussians tails do not
impose localization regions for the relevant functions from strictly vanish, and matrix elements have to be neglected, as
the outset. Another important difference with respect to for the ‘thresholding’ described above. This difference is
tendencies in physics is that these methods obtain non- only important if enforcing tight localization: it is a valid
local exact exchange routinely, with an effort similar to the approximation in both cases, but in the finite-support case, the
computation of the Hartree term, given that they calculate both calculations remain exactly within the defined Hilbert space,
within the atomic-orbital representation by computing large while in the other case, the operators deviate from it, with
amounts of bi-electronic integrals over Gaussian functions. possible numerical instabilities for large thresholds.
They have thus linear-scaling access to Hartree–Fock and The SIESTA method has been evolving since its inception,
hybrid-functional Hamiltonians at the cost of possibly larger and has been applied by an ever expanding user community
scaling pre-factors for comparable basis sizes (quantitative to a large variety of problems in many different fields. Note
comparisons are beyond the scope of this work). that we are distinguishing here between the SIESTA method
Among physicists, the early proposal of finite-elements and its program implementation: the former is the set of
calculations (the so-called blip functions, distributed in a algorithms and ideas as published (see [20] for a detailed
Cartesian way around atoms) together with grid integrals [12] account), and thus what defines the calculations, while there
has been implemented in the CONQUEST code [13]. The are different implementations by other groups in addition to
scalability of this program for parallel computing is the SIESTA program developed by the SIESTA team. In this paper
outstanding. It offers an unbiased basis set that can be we report on the present status of the method and its main
improved systematically just by introducing more, smaller implementation, other developments that interface with it, and
blips homogeneously in space. The same advantage is its applicability.
offered by the much more recent development of the ONETEP
scheme [14]. It works on a real-space discretization in a similar
2. Recent developments in SIESTA
fashion as a finite-difference method would, but computes the
kinetic energy and other matrix elements with fast Fourier 2.1. Multigrid solver for electrostatics
transforms on different ‘boxes’, i.e. regions of space ample
enough to offer a good approximation to the matrix element The SIESTA method as described before [20] and used nowadays
at hand. A strictly finite-difference approach to linear-scaling relies on periodic boundary conditions (PBC) in the three
DFT has also been developed by Fattebert and co-workers [15], directions of space, and so, clusters, molecules or point defects
and there are also other developments happening around (0D), chains, tubes or line defects (1D), and surfaces, interfaces
finite-element methods [16]. The capacity for an unbiased or plane defects (slabs, 2D) are treated with 3D supercells. The
convergence of the basis set, and, not least, for having a clear only algorithm that imposes these boundary conditions is the
and unique procedure to ensure such convergence comes at a fast Fourier transform (FFT) used for the Hartree term, which
price, which is again the higher computational cost reflected in scales as N log N . To replace FFTs, a multigrid solver [21] for
a higher pre-factor to the linear scaling. The pre-factor scales the Poisson equation on the grid has been implemented [22].
with the number of basis functions per atom, with powers that It allows the SIESTA method to become strictly linear-scaling,
depend on the particular method and implementation. Wavelets and offers substantial flexibility with the boundary conditions,
provide basis sets with localization in both real and reciprocal allowing for truly 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D calculations. Dirichlet
space, and are also used in this context [17]. boundary conditions are used on single clusters or molecules
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 064208 E Artacho et al
Dipole (Debye)
1.37 MG (Dirichlet BC)
Energy (meV)
0 10 20 30
Box edge length (A)
Figure 2. Top panel: eggbox effect (energy variation with position)
Figure 1. Convergence with box size of energy and dipole moment for a Mo atom on a 70 Ryd grid. Lower panels: eggbox amplitude
for a water molecule in a cubic box, using FFT or multigrid (MG) as versus grid cut-off for I, B, and Os, with (dashed line) and without
the Poisson solver. filtering (continuous line).
(This figure is in colour only in the electronic version)
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 064208 E Artacho et al
respectively [29], on the Cambridge HPCF supercomputer, of this method: TRANSIESTA, as a utility of SIESTA, TRANSIESTAC,
where an average time step (with 10 SCF steps) takes 25 min in distributed commercially by other authors, SMEAGOL [39], and
32 processors. In the absence of high-quality communications TRANSAMPA [40]. Recent developments include the possibility
the practical concurrency limit is 8–16 processors. A revision of inelastic scattering of electrons by phonons [41], as well as
of the parallelization strategies is being carried out at the the calculation of electromigration effects [42]. It should be
Barcelona Supercomputer Centre [30], in which, in addition remembered, however, that the Kohn–Sham spectrum, with its
to an optimization of domain decompositions, instances of known limitations, is behind the electron transport properties
global communications are being minimized and substituted obtained. Otherwise it overcomes many of the limitations of
by the minimum set of point-to-point communication calls, as previous approaches to transport.
obtained from graph-theory analysis.
3.3. Time-dependent DFT
3. Developments around SIESTA
Improved electronic spectra within the SIESTA context are
3.1. Phonons, polarization, effective charges and infrared obtained within the framework of time-dependent DFT (TD-
spectra DFT) in the frequency domain [43]. It takes advantage of
the localization of the response functions in real space, as
Normal modes of vibration are calculated by obtaining the discussed in [44]. TD-DFT was also implemented in the time
dynamical matrix with a finite-difference derivation of the domain [45], and was used initially to obtain the non-linear
forces [31], automatized in the VIBRA utility. Phonons at any optical response of C60 . It has been recently used to study the
point in the BZ can be computed using suitable supercells. This non-adiabatic response of insulators to ions moving through
is instead of the more popular way of calculating phonons, them at high velocity [46], the first ab initio calculation of
which uses density-functional perturbation theory (linear electronic stopping power in insulators. Time-evolving TD-
response) [32]. The latter represents a more elegant method DFT has recently been merged with the new treatment of finite
which can treat any phonon independently from the others. electric fields in periodic systems [47] to study the response of
The finite-difference approach scales better with system size, dielectric media to time-dependent electric fields.
however, allowing for linear-scaling calculations of the phonon
modes, including the electronic computation [33]. Linear-
response DFT has also been implemented on SIESTA for 4. Basis sets
the calculation of phonons [34]. There is no fundamental
The SIESTA method requires the use of finite-support atomic-
difference in the accuracy achievable by both methods, which
like basis functions, i.e., functions composed of a spherical
is limited by the underlying DFT theory, but finite-difference
harmonic and a radial function that becomes zero beyond a
calculations should be done with enough precision to get
radius rc . The user has absolute freedom in everything else:
sensible second derivatives: the eggbox should be minimized
where to centre them (on atomic nuclei or not), how many
as much as possible, and the structure used as reference should
angular momentum channels around any given centre, how
be at the energy minimum within a much tighter tolerance than
many radial functions for a given channel, what rc and what
that used for a structural study.
radial shape to use for each basis orbital. Wisely chosen basis
The infrared activity of the modes is obtained from the
Born effective charges (BEC; derivatives of the dielectric sizes and shapes optimize the efficiency–accuracy dichotomy.
polarization with respect to atom displacements). They are also There is a vast literature on this in the QC community, but
obtained from finite differences by calculating the polarization given the finite-support constraint and the numerical flexibility
at every displacement used in the force calculations for in the radial shape, the SIESTA community builds their own
the dynamical matrix. The BECs allow the calculation of bases following QC strategies. The SIESTA code incorporates
the splitting of the LO and TO phonon bands [35]. The different ways to introduce basis functions, and also offers
calculation of the polarization [36] uses by default the Berry- preset algorithms and criteria to define reasonable basis sets
phase formalism, but it becomes very demanding for large automatically [48].
systems. An efficient alternative uses the centres of the More accurate finite-support bases can be obtained
localized solution functions obtained by the linear-scaling variationally [49, 50]. Although a systematic prescription
solver of Ordejón et al [25], using the fact that they are has not been found, some practical rules have emerged from
Wannier-like functions [37]. experience: (i) the rc values for the first-ζ orbitals should not
be shorter than 5 bohr, and there is normally no point in their
being longer than 7 bohr. The energy-shift criterion [48] gives
3.2. Ballistic transport
too short values for orbitals of anions and for internal orbitals
Keldysh’s method of calculating ballistic currents based on (e.g. in partially filled 3d shells) but unnecessary large for the
non-equilibrium Green’s functions has been implemented on valence orbitals of alkalis. A value of 6.5 bohr is sensible in
top of the SIESTA method [38], exploiting the suitability of local general. (ii) Smooth is preferable to hard confinement [49],
bases for transport calculations. It allows for finite currents with an onset between 80% and 90% of rc , and V0 between
through junctions or interfaces, beyond the linear regime, by 50 and 100 Ryd. Their variations are not critical, except for
obtaining self-consistency in the presence of the bias voltage orbitals that are (close to) unbound in the free atom. (iii) The
and current. There are at least four different implementations quality of the basis is quite sensitive to the cut-off (matching)
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 064208 E Artacho et al
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