Minor Industrial Safety

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Chemical Engineering Scheme &Syllabi - 2023

B. Tech. with Minor in Industrial Safety

Offered by

Department of Chemical Engineering

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B.Tech. Chemical Engineering Scheme &Syllabi - 2023

1. Subject Code: 22CHT308 Course Title: Process Safety and Risk Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: V
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: To deliver a broad level of risk identification and management in
process plant integrity management. Student will be able to recognize and evaluate
occupational safety and health hazards in the workplace
6. Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course students will be able to:
i. Understand the fundamental principles underlying safety and risk management
ii. Understand the toxicology, fire & explosion hazards
iii. Establish expertise relevant to the practice of safety and risk management
iv. Undertake a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Origin of process hazards, Laws Codes, Standards, Case Histories, 5
Properties of Chemicals, Health hazards of industrial substances, Personal
Protective equipment.
2. Toxicology: Toxic materials and their properties, effect of dose and 5
exposure time, relationship and predictive models for response, Threshold
value and its definitions, material safety data sheets, industrial hygiene
3 Fire and explosion: Fire and explosion hazards causes of fire and 14
preventive methods. Flammability characteristics of chemical, fire and
explosion hazard, rating of process plant. Propagation of fire and effect of
environmental factors, ventilation, dispersion, purifying and sprinkling,
safety and relief valves.
Other Energy Hazards: Electrical hazards, noise hazard, radiation hazard
in process operations, hazards communication to employees, plant
management and maintenance to reduce energy hazards.
4 Risk Analysis: Component and plant reliability, event probability and 8
failure, plant reliability, risk analysis, HAZOP, HAZAN,SIL, event and
consequence analysis (vapour cloud modelling) Designing for safety,
measurement and calculation of risk analysis.
5 Hazard Assessment: Failure distribution, failure data analysis, modelling 8
for safety, safety training, emergency planning ad disaster management,
case studies

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8. Books:
(A) Text Books

S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1. Crawl D.A. and Louvar J.A., “Chemical Process Safety 2020
Fundamentals with Applications,” 4th Ed., Prentice Hall.

(B) Reference Books

S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1. Lees, F. P., "Loss Prevention in Process Industries", Vol.1 and 2, 4th2012
Ed., Butterworth.
2. Wentz, C.A., “Safety Health and Environmental Protection,” 1998
McGraw Hill.

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1. Subject Code: 22CHT304 Course Title: Industrial Regulations and Occupational

Health Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: V
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective:
i. Regulations and statutory requirements relevant to health, safety and environment.
ii. Promotion of occupational health and prevention of occupational diseases.
6. Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course students will be able to:
i. Appraise various acts and rules and use them for the development of safe and healthy
working environment
ii. Identify the need of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards in an organization.
iii. Formulate plans for the promotion of occupational health and prevention of
iv. Analyse workplaces, equipment, and work postures to recognize ergonomics
deficiencies and suggest solutions
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Factories act and rules, Workmen compensation act, Indian explosive act, 10
Gas cylinder rules - SMPV Act, Indian petroleum act and rules,
Environmental pollution act, Air Act, Water Act, Fly ash Rules.
2. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical rules 1989, 10
Indian Electricity act and rules.Overview of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001
Inflammable Substance Act, 1952, Building and other construction workers
(Regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1996 and The
Central Rules, 1998.Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012.
3 Occupational Health and Toxicology: Concept and spectrum of health: 10
functional units and activities of occupational health services, pre-
employment and post-employment medical examinations, occupational
related diseases, levels of prevention of diseases, notifiable occupational
diseases such as silicosis, asbestosis,pneumoconiosis, siderosis,
anthracosis, aluminosis and anthrax, lead-nickel, chromium and manganese
toxicity, gas poisoning (such as CO, ammonia, coal and dust etc.,) their
effects and prevention: cardio pulmonary resuscitation, audiometric tests,
eye tests, vital function tests.Industrial toxicology, local, systemic and
chronic effects, temporary and cumulative effects, carcinogens entry into
human systems.

4 Occupational Physiology:Man as a system component, allocation of 10

functions, efficiency, occupational work capacity, aerobic and anaerobic

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work, evaluation of physiological requirements of jobs, parameters of

measurements, categorization of job heaviness, work organization, stress-
strain, fatigue, rest pauses, shift work, personal hygiene.

8. Books:
(A) Text Books

S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I & II, 1985
International Labour Organisation, Geneva.
2 McCornick, E.J. and Sanders, M.S., Human Factors in Engineering 1996
and Design, 5th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill.
3 The Factories Act 1948, Madras Book Agency, Chennai. 2000
4 The Environment Act (Protection), Commercial Law Publishers 1986
(India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5 Explosive Act, 1884 and Explosive rules, 1883 (India), 10th Ed., 2002
Eastern Book company, Lucknow.

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1. Subject Code: 22CHT351 Course Title: Industrial Pollution Control

2. Contact Hours: L:3 T:0 P:0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: VI
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: To understand the important issues and their control principles of
industrial pollution.
6. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
i. Gained knowledge of the Environmental legislation and standards
ii. Analyze/design of suitable treatment operation for wastewater
iii. Model the atmospheric dispersion of air pollutants and design of air pollution control
iv. Analyze the characteristics of solid waste, its handling &management
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Industrial pollution, Different types of wastes generated in an industry, 6
Legislation, standards for water and air, Environmental regulatory
legislations and standards
2. Wastewater Treatment: Identification, quantification and analysis of 16
wastewater, Classification of different treatment methods into physico-
chemical and biochemical techniques, Physicochemical
methods,General concept of primary treatment, Liquid-solid separation,
Neutralization and flocculation, Disinfection, Biological
methods,Concept of aerobic digestion, Design of activated sludge
process, Concept of anaerobic digestion, Biogas plant layout, Different
unit operations and unit processes involved in conversion of polluted
water to potable standards.
3. Air Pollution Control: Sources and classification of air pollutants, 10
nature and characteristics of gaseous and particulate pollutants,
pollutants from automobiles. Air pollution meteorology, plume and its
behavior and atmospheric dispersion, control of particulate emissions by
gravity settling chamber, cyclones, wet scrubbers, bag filters and
electrostatic precipitators. Control of gaseous emissions by absorption,
adsorption, chemical transformation and combustion.
4. Solid Waste Management: Analysis and quantification of hazardous 8
and non-hazardous wastes, Treatment and disposal of solid wastes, Land
filling, Leachate treatment, Incineration.

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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of
1 Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R., Tchobanoglous, G., “Environmental 1985
Engineering”; McGraw Hill.
2 Masters, G.M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and 1991
Science, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall.
3 Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., “Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and 2003
Reuse”, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

(B) Reference Books

S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of
1 De Nevers, N., “Air Pollution Control Engineering”, 2nd Ed., 1999
2 Mahajan, S. P., “Pollution Control in Process Industries,” Tata 1985
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3 Modi, P. N., “Sewage Treatment and Disposal and Waste Water 2020
Engineering,” Vol. II, 17th Ed. Standard Book House, Delhi.

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1. Subject Code: 22CHT355 Course Title: Process Engineering and Plant Design
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: VI
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: To provide comprehensive knowledge of various process parameters
and economics involved in the development of process and plant design.
6. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
i. Understand the concepts of engineering and economics for chemical plant design
and optimization
ii. Synthesize a process flow sheet for recycle structure
iii. Calculate different costs involved in a process plant
iv. Perform breakeven analysis and optimum design of a process
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Process Design and Development: Design considerations; Hierarchy 12
of process design, the nature of process synthesis and analysis;
Development of a conceptual design and finding the best flowsheet:
input information and batch versus continuous, Input/output structure
of the flowsheet; Recycle structure of the flowsheet; Separation system;
Heat Exchanger Networks.
2. Plant Design: Process design development and general design 8
3. Process Economics: Economic feasibility of project using order-of- 8
magnitude cost estimates, plant and equipment cost estimation, product
cost estimation.
4. Cash Flows: Time value of money, investment, costs, sales, profits, 6
taxes, depreciation.
5. Profitability Analysis: Rate of return, payback period, discount rate of 6
return, net present worth, internal rate of return, comparing investment

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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of
1 Douglas, James M., “Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, 1988
McGraw-Hill, International Editions (Chemical Engineering
Series), New York, USA.
2 Peters, Max S., K.D. Timmerhaus and R.E. West, “Plant Design 2017
and Economics for Chemical Engineers”, (5th Ed.,), McGraw-Hill
International Editions (Chemical Engineering Series), New York,
3 Mahajani, V.V., “Chemical Project Economics”, Macmillan Indian 2005
Ltd., New Delhi, India.

(B) Reference Books

S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1 Biegler, L.T., I.E. Grossmann and A.W. Westerberg, Systematic 1997
Methods of Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall (Pearson
Education), New Jersey, USA
2 Smith, R. Chemical Process Design and Integration. John Wiley & 2005
Sons, West Sussex, England.

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1. Subject Code: 22CHT401 Course Title: Fire Engineering and Explosion

2. Contact Hours: L:3 T:0 P:0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: VII
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: Principles of fire and explosion and characteristics of various materials,
design of fire prevention and suppression systems.
6. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
i. Explain the physics and chemistry of fire.
ii. Identify the class of fire and suitable extinguishing method to suppress that.
iii. Outline the main principles and practices of fire and explosion prevention and
iv. Describe the behavior of structural materials, buildings and building contents in a fire.
v. State and comply with the relevant statutory and regulatory requirements in fire and
explosion safety.
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Physics and Chemistry of Fire:Fire properties of solid, liquid and 8
gases, fire spread, toxicity of products of combustion, combustion
characteristic, flash point, fire point, ignition temperature, LFL, UFL,
flame propagation. Flames, diffusion flame, pyrolysis, premixed flame.
Glowing combustion, Smouldering, Deep-seated fire. theory of
combustion and explosion, properties of explosive, propellent, vapour
clouds, flash fire, jet fires, pool fires, unconfined vapour cloud
explosion, shock waves, auto-ignition, boiling liquid expanding vapour
explosion, case studies:Flixborough, Mexico disaster, Pasedena Texas,
Piper Alpha, Peterborough, and Bombay Victoria dock ship explosions.
2. Fire Prevention and Protection:Sources of ignition, fire triangle, 8
principles of fire extinguishing, active and passive fire, protection
systems, various classes of fires, A, B, C, D, E, types of fire
extinguishers, fire stoppers, hydrant pipes, hoses, monitors, fire
watchers, layout of stand pipes, fire station, fire alarms and sirens,
maintenance of fire trucks, foam generators, escape from fire rescue
operations, fire drills, notice-first aid for burns, Emergency rescue
techniques in high rise buildings, chemical industries, and oil and gas
industries. Safety requirements for Hot work in oil and gas industry.

3. Industrial Fire Protection Systems: Sprinkler, hydrants, stand pipes, 8

special fire suppression systems like deluge and emulsifier,selection and
design criteria of the above installations, reliability, maintenance,
evaluation and standards, alarm and detection systems. Other

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suppression systems – CO2 system, foam system, dry chemical powder

(DCP) system, halon system, Inergen, FM200, Novec – need forhalon
replacement, smoke venting. Portable extinguishers, flammable liquids,
tank farms indices of inflammability, fire fighting systems. Fire tender-
Operations, Equipment and maintenance- Overview of NFPA.
4. Building Fire Safety:Objectives of fire safe building design, Fire load, 5
fire resistant material, and fire testing, structural fire protection,
structural integrity, concept of egress design, exists, width calculations,
fire certificates, fire safety requirements for high rise buildings,
5 Explosion Protecting Systems:Principles of explosion-detonation and 8
blast waves-explosion parameters, Explosion Protection, Containment,
Flame Arrestors, isolation, suppression, venting, explosion relief of large
enclosure-explosion venting-inert gases, plant for generation of inert gas
rupture disc in process vessels and lines explosion, suppression system
based on carbon dioxide (CO2) and halons-hazards in LPG, ammonia
(NH3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), chlorine (Cl2) etc.

8. Books:
(A) Text Books

S.No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1 Derek, James, “Fire Prevention Hand Book”, 9th Ed., Butter Worths 2016
and Company, London.
2 Gupta, R.S., “Hand Book of Fire Technology” 2nd Ed., Orient 1993
Longman, Bombay.
3 Council Safety National, “Accident Prevention manual for industrial 2008
operations” 3rd Ed., N.S.C., Chicago.

(B) Reference Books

S.No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1 DinkoTuhtar, “Fire and explosion protection” 3rd Ed. 2007

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1. Subject Code: 22CHT451 Course Title: Disaster Management

2. Contact Hours: L:3 T:0 P:0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: VIII
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: Principles and elements of disaster management and emergency
preparedness, control measures to mitigate the effects of industrial disasters.
6. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
i. Describe the elements of disaster management practices
ii. Develop on-site and off-site emergency plans for hazardous industries and
coordinate the implementation of the same
iii. Conduct environmental impact assessment for sustainable development
iv. Demonstrate countermeasures for natural and man-made disasters.
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Philosophy of Disaster management, Introduction to Disaster 8
mitigation, Hydrological, Coastal and Marine Disasters, Atmospheric
disasters, Geological, meteorological phenomena, Mass Movement and
Land Disasters, Forest related disasters, Wind and water-related
disasters deforestation, Use of space technology for control of
geological disasters, Master thesis.
2. Technological Disasters, Case studies of Technology disasters with 8
statistical details Emergencies and control measures-APELL-Onsite
and Offsite emergencies, Crisis management groups, Emergency
centers and their functions throughout the country, Softwares on
emergency controls, Monitoring devices for detection of gases in the
atmosphere, Right to know act.
3. Introduction to Sustainable Development, Bio Diversity, Atmospheric 8
pollution, Global warming and Ozone Depletion, ODS banking and
phasing out, Sea level rise, El Nino and climate changes, Eco-friendly
products, Green movements, Green philosophy, Environmental Policies,
Environmental Impact Assessment, case studies-Life cycle.
4. Offshore and onshore drilling-control of fires, Case studies, Marine 8
pollution and control Toxic, hazardous &Nuclear wastes, state of India’s
and Global environmental issues carcinogens, complex emergencies,
Earthquake disasters, the nature, extreme event analysis, the immune
system, proof and limits.
5 Environmental education, Population and community ecology, Natural 8
resources conservation, Environmental protection, and law, Research
methodology and systems analysis, Natural resources conservation,
Policy initiatives and future prospects, Risk assessment process,
assessment for different disaster types, Assessment data use, destructive

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capacity, risk adjustment, choice-loss acceptance-disaster aid-public

liability insurance, stock taking and vulnerability analysis, disaster
profile of the country, national policies, objectives and standards
physical event modification, preparedness, forecasting and warning, land
use planning.

8. Books:
(A) Text Books

S.No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1 Gilbert, M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and 2006
Science, 3rdEd. Pearson.
2 Miller, G. Tylor, Environmental Science, 13th Ed.Brookes-Cole. 2010

(B) Reference Books

S.No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

1 R. Sivakumar, Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2005
2nd Ed., Vijay Nicole Imprints.

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