Minor Industrial Safety
Minor Industrial Safety
Minor Industrial Safety
Offered by
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B.Tech. Chemical Engineering Scheme &Syllabi - 2023
1. Subject Code: 22CHT308 Course Title: Process Safety and Risk Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: V
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: To deliver a broad level of risk identification and management in
process plant integrity management. Student will be able to recognize and evaluate
occupational safety and health hazards in the workplace
6. Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course students will be able to:
i. Understand the fundamental principles underlying safety and risk management
ii. Understand the toxicology, fire & explosion hazards
iii. Establish expertise relevant to the practice of safety and risk management
iv. Undertake a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Origin of process hazards, Laws Codes, Standards, Case Histories, 5
Properties of Chemicals, Health hazards of industrial substances, Personal
Protective equipment.
2. Toxicology: Toxic materials and their properties, effect of dose and 5
exposure time, relationship and predictive models for response, Threshold
value and its definitions, material safety data sheets, industrial hygiene
3 Fire and explosion: Fire and explosion hazards causes of fire and 14
preventive methods. Flammability characteristics of chemical, fire and
explosion hazard, rating of process plant. Propagation of fire and effect of
environmental factors, ventilation, dispersion, purifying and sprinkling,
safety and relief valves.
Other Energy Hazards: Electrical hazards, noise hazard, radiation hazard
in process operations, hazards communication to employees, plant
management and maintenance to reduce energy hazards.
4 Risk Analysis: Component and plant reliability, event probability and 8
failure, plant reliability, risk analysis, HAZOP, HAZAN,SIL, event and
consequence analysis (vapour cloud modelling) Designing for safety,
measurement and calculation of risk analysis.
5 Hazard Assessment: Failure distribution, failure data analysis, modelling 8
for safety, safety training, emergency planning ad disaster management,
case studies
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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
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B.Tech. Chemical Engineering Scheme &Syllabi - 2023
8. Books:
(A) Text Books
S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of
1 Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R., Tchobanoglous, G., “Environmental 1985
Engineering”; McGraw Hill.
2 Masters, G.M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and 1991
Science, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall.
3 Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., “Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and 2003
Reuse”, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
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B.Tech. Chemical Engineering Scheme &Syllabi - 2023
1. Subject Code: 22CHT355 Course Title: Process Engineering and Plant Design
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Credits: 3 Semester: VI
4. Pre-requisite: Nil.
5. Course Objective: To provide comprehensive knowledge of various process parameters
and economics involved in the development of process and plant design.
6. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
i. Understand the concepts of engineering and economics for chemical plant design
and optimization
ii. Synthesize a process flow sheet for recycle structure
iii. Calculate different costs involved in a process plant
iv. Perform breakeven analysis and optimum design of a process
7. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Process Design and Development: Design considerations; Hierarchy 12
of process design, the nature of process synthesis and analysis;
Development of a conceptual design and finding the best flowsheet:
input information and batch versus continuous, Input/output structure
of the flowsheet; Recycle structure of the flowsheet; Separation system;
Heat Exchanger Networks.
2. Plant Design: Process design development and general design 8
3. Process Economics: Economic feasibility of project using order-of- 8
magnitude cost estimates, plant and equipment cost estimation, product
cost estimation.
4. Cash Flows: Time value of money, investment, costs, sales, profits, 6
taxes, depreciation.
5. Profitability Analysis: Rate of return, payback period, discount rate of 6
return, net present worth, internal rate of return, comparing investment
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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
S. No. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of
1 Douglas, James M., “Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, 1988
McGraw-Hill, International Editions (Chemical Engineering
Series), New York, USA.
2 Peters, Max S., K.D. Timmerhaus and R.E. West, “Plant Design 2017
and Economics for Chemical Engineers”, (5th Ed.,), McGraw-Hill
International Editions (Chemical Engineering Series), New York,
3 Mahajani, V.V., “Chemical Project Economics”, Macmillan Indian 2005
Ltd., New Delhi, India.
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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
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8. Books:
(A) Text Books
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