Management of Kidney Diseases 2023
Management of Kidney Diseases 2023
Management of Kidney Diseases 2023
of Kidney
Debasish Banerjee
Vivekanand Jha
Nicholas M. P. Annear
Management of Kidney Diseases
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Debasish Banerjee • Vivekanand Jha
Nicholas M. P. Annear
Management of Kidney
Debasish Banerjee Vivekanand Jha
St George’s University Hospitals NHS The George Institute for Global Health
Foundation Trust and St George's, New Delhi, India
University of London
London, UK
Nicholas M. P. Annear
St George’s University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust and St George’s,
University of London
London, UK
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There was a time, not that long ago, when nephrology was a speciality only
practiced in a few high-income countries. There was a time when available
nephrology experts were so few, and the cost of kidney replacement therapy so
high, that it seemed nephrology would never expand beyond those countries.
And there was little available evidence to guide the work of nephrologists, so
the world hung on the expert advice of those few from high-income countries.
Happily those times are gone. Nephrology is now a worldwide speciality,
recognising its unique clinical challenges in different parts of the world. True
experts and authoritative teachers in nephrology come from almost every part
of the world. There is a growing library of high-quality evidence to support
the clinical work of nephrologists everywhere.
This book reflects those changes. It covers the whole gamut of nephrology
in all parts of the world. Its editors and contributors come from many differ-
ent heritages and practice in many different places.
The book presents all aspects of modern nephrology, with a clear focus on
practical clinical management. And it is especially welcome that coverage
includes topics which in recent years are gaining in importance as their con-
tribution to the best nephrology care is being better understood. One such
theme is transitional care for adolescents and young adults. Another is a more
informed and balanced approach to the value of conservative care in the man-
agement of advanced kidney failure. Another is the increasing role of renal
registries informing practice, assisting service planning, and providing a sub-
strate for audit, research and clinical quality improvement.
The book provides the reader with a most approachable and clear knowl-
edge base—case-based discussions and concise text; multi-coloured dia-
grams, flow charts, and tables which are easily assimilated; key practice
points; the inclusion of current high-quality evidence; questions at the end of
each chapter to help readers test their assimilation of knowledge.
The three lead editors and their many and diverse contributors have pro-
duced a first-rate text that will be much read and well used around the world.
It will certainly be popular with specialist trainees equipping themselves for
future practice and preparing for the examinations required of most before
their training is completed. And it is a most handy reference for practice and
teaching which will also be used by established specialist nephrologists.
viii Preface
trainees for continuing to inspire and motivate us; and of course most of all
to our families for sacrificing the time, space and support to complete this
important project.
x Contents
The Approach to the Patient
with Kidney Disease
Debasish Banerjee , Nicholas M. P. Annear ,
and Vivekanand Jha
Coarse crepitations
over lung bases
Suprapubic tenderness
/ palpable bladder
haematuria; frothy urine
vasculitic rash –
buttocks / lower
legs (IgAN/HSP)
Leg oedema
Also inspect groins, neck, precordium, and abdomen for scars/evidence suggestive of
current or previous kidney replacement therapy (haemodialysis (arteriovenous
fistula/dialysis catheter) /peritoneal dialysis (tenchkoff catheter) access and/or
transplantation (J-shaped/Rutherford-Morrison scar)).
Fig. 1.1 Physical signs that can be associated with kidney disease
after the weekend; peritoneal dialysis patients treatment if necessary. Kidney replacement ther-
and kidney transplant patients may present with apy is available in all countries; and patients are
fever and abdominal pain, both requiring careful frequently managed by clinicians other than
history and physical examination to arrive at a nephrologists, hence a good working knowledge
likely differential diagnosis, and start immediate about how to make a prompt diagnosis, and man-
1 The Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease 3
Table 1.1 The approach to the kidney patient depends on Acute kidney injury: A sudden rise in serum cre-
the presence of a past history of kidney replacement
atinine over hours or days (>50% from baseline).
Chronic kidney disease: Gradual, progressive
Patients with no known Patients on dialysis, with
kidney disease kidney transplantation
and irreversible rise in serum creatinine over at
Presents with symptoms or Presentation with least 3 months.
signs such as oedema, general signs and Kidney stones: Colicky loin pain, haematuria
oliguria suggestive of kidney symptoms such as with graveluria.
disease or urine breathlessness, fever or Urinary tract obstruction: Inability to pass
abnormalities and rising chest/abdominal pain in
creatinine patients on kidney urine, with structural and functional abnormali-
replacement therapy ties with urinary retention.
Requires a careful history Requires a careful Kidney tubule defects: Abnormalities of elec-
and physical examination to history and physical trolytes, acid-base in blood and urine.
formulate a differential examination to
diagnosis from common formulate a differential
Urinary tract infections: Infections of kidney,
kidney syndromes such as diagnosis for causes of ureter, urinary bladder, prostate or urethra.
nephrotic syndrome, breathlessness, fever and
nephritic syndrome, chronic chest/abdominal pain
kidney disease or acute
kidney injury
natomical Localisation of Kidney
age complications is important amongst nephrol- The presenting signs, and symptoms, and pres-
ogists and non-nephrologists alike, in all regions ence of blood and urinary abnormalities are
of the world (Table 1.1). dependent on the anatomical structure of the uri-
nary tract involved, as shown in the Table 1.2.
1 The Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease 5
Table 1.5 Conditions causing abnormalities in comple- further history taking, physical examination and
ment levels tests to establish a diagnosis.
levels Condition
Low C3, Low Lupus nephritis Haematuria
C4 Cryoglobulinaemia
Infective endocarditis
Shunt nephritis Haematuria is defined as an abnormal number of
Type 1 mesangio-proliferative red cells in the urine i.e. more than 3 red blood
glomerulonephritis (MPGN)
cells seen under one high power field under the
Low C3, Type 2 mesangio-proliferative
Normal C4 glomerulonephritis (MPGN) laboratory microscope. Haematuria may originate
Post-infective/post-streptococcal from the kidneys, or from the urinary tract.
glomerulonephritis Table 1.6 can help with differentiating between
the two:
Investigations for haematuria will be guided
Radiological Abnormalities by the presentation, but may include urine
microscopy, urinary protein quantification, ultra-
Radiological abnormalities of the urinary tract sound of the kidneys and urinary tract, and CT
may be picked up incidentally, and should prompt and cystoscopy if necessary (Tables 1.7 and 1.8).
1 The Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease 7
Table 1.6 Clinical features of haematuria from kidney Table 1.8 Causes of red or brown urine
compared to that from urinary outflow tract
Haematuria originating substances Foods Drugs
from the urinary Red blood cells Food colouring Rifampicin
Haematuria outflow tract: ureters,
Haemoglobin Beetroot Adriamycin
originating from urinary bladder &
the kidneys urethra
Myoglobin Blackberries, Chloroquine
Bilirubin Blueberries Deferoxamine
Age at Could be at any Usually >50 years
presentation age Porphyrins Fava beans Levodopa
Urine colour Dark red, brown, Bright red
Melanin Paprika Methyldopa
smoky Rhubarb Metronidazole
Urinary clots No Yes Nitrofurantoin
Mixed with urine Yes May be at beginning or Phenytoin
end of micturition Prochlorperazine
Lower urinary No Yes Quinine
tract symptoms Sulfonamides
Proteinuria Yes No
Dysmorphic red Yes No
blood cells
resentation of Kidney Failure
Oedema Yes No
Raised serum Yes No
Patients on Kidney Replacement
creatinine Therapy
Hypertension Yes No
Fever, rash, chest Yes No
Common presenting features for kidney failure
patients on kidney replacement therapy include,
fever, breathlessness, chest pain, confusion, fatigue,
Table 1.7 Common causes of haematuria falls and abnormal blood tests such as hyperkalae-
Category Cause
mia and rising serum creatinine in a kidney trans-
Benign Renal masses (angiomyolipoma (AML), plant patient. Infection and malfunction of dialysis
oncocytoma vascular access are very common causes of acute
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
Urethral strictures
admissions for patients on haemodialysis and peri-
Stones Staghorn calculi toneal dialysis, followed by breathlessness due to
Calcium stones fluid volume overload. Rapid ultrafiltration on hae-
Uric acid stones
modialysis and obligatory ultrafiltration with peri-
Infective Pyelonephritis
Cystitis toneal dialysis can alternatively lead to volume
Urethritis depletion, hypotension and falls, particularly in
Trauma Pelvic trauma
Renal injuries
elderly dialysis patients. Fatigue and tiredness due
Foreign bodies to anaemia and malnutrition are also common com-
Renal IgA nephropathy plaints in patients on renal replacement therapy.
Thin basement membrane disease
Hereditary nephritis
A rising serum creatinine on routine blood test
Medullary sponge kidney results is a common reason for hospital atten-
Iatrogenic Recent endoscopic procedure (e.g. transurethral dance in kidney transplant recipients, which
resection of the prostate (TURP)
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate
could be due to acute transplant rejection, urinary
biopsy infection, transplant urinary tract obstruction,
Traumatic catheterisation transplant renal artery stenosis, or most com-
Indwelling ureteric stents monly volume depletion (Table 1.9).
Renal biopsy
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ECSWL)
Malignant Renal cell carcinoma
Transitional cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Urothelial cell carcinoma
Prostate acinar adenocarcinoma
8 D. Banerjee et al.
Table 1.9 Common causes to consider based on symptoms and blood results in patients on kidney replacement
symptoms Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis Kidney transplantation
Fever Dialysis access related PD catheter exit site Urinary tract infection atypical
infection infection, peritonitis infection of chest and blood stream e.g.
Infections of chest and Infections of chest and CMV, EBV, TB
urine urine
Breathlessness Fluid overload Fluid overload Fluid overload
Chest infection Chest infection Chest infection
Anaemia, loss of native Anaemia, loss of native Anaemia
renal function renal function
Fatigue Anaemia Anaemia Anaemia
Malnutrition Malnutrition
Falls Hypotension due to excess Hypotension due to excess Volume depletion, infection
ultrafiltration on dialysis ultrafiltration on dialysis
Drug-induced hypotension Drug-induced hypotension
Cardiac arrythmias, Cardiac arrythmias,
infection infection
Hyperkalaemia Missed dialysis High potassium diet, Tacrolimus
High potassium diet underlying high cell High potassium diet
turnover state Kidney transplant failure
1 The Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease 9
was deemed appropriate to manage her in an On examination pulse was 100/min, tempera-
ambulatory manner—avoiding admission—and ture 38 °C, blood pressure 110/60 mmHg. The
encouraging oral fluid intake of 2–3 litres of fluid exit site of her tunneled catheter was clean.
per day, and commencement of a course of oral Blood cultures were sent. Her white cell and
antibiotics (amoxycillin + clavulanic acid 6750 mg CRP were raised.
orally tds for a 5 day course), with a view to being What is next best plan of management?
re-assessed by her local nephrology team in a A. Investigations for lupus nephritis.
week’s time, on return to her native country. B. Investigations for lymphoma
C. Start antibiotics for catheter related
Questions D. Start oral steroids
E. Start intravenous cyclophosphamide
1. A 22 year old black female presented with Correct answer: C mostly cause of fever is cath-
weakness, tiredness. On examination her eter related bacteremia and lupus id less likely.
pulse was 82/min, blood pressure was 4. A 55 year old asymptomatic man was admit-
165/80 mmHg and she had a red rash over her ted to hospital from the transplant clinic with
face. Urine examination showed blood and rising creatine 15 days post kidney transplant
protein. Blood test showed low haemoglobin from 150 to 230 μmol/L. He was on mycophe-
and creatinine was 187 μmol/L. nolate 250 mg bd and tacrolimus 2 mg bd. His
What is most likely diagnosis tacrolimus level was 5 ng/mL (target 10–15).
A. Henoch Schulein purpura His pulse was 78/min, blood pressure
B. Systemic amyloidosis 130/60 mmHg. His urine had no blood pr pro-
C. Systemic lupus erythematosus tein. Ultrasound of the transplanted kidney
D. Essential cyroglobinimia was normal.
E. Systemic vasculitis What is the likely cause of his AKI
Correct answer: young woman with low haemo- A. Acute rejection
globin, haemo-proteinura and rash is most B. Acute intestinal nephritis
likely to be lupus. C. Tacrolimus toxicity
2. A 45 year old black man presented with tired- D. Thrombotic microangiopathy related to
ness and frothy urine. On examination his pulse tacrolimus
was 89/min, blood pressure was 130/82 mmHg. E. Urinary tract infection
He had a white deposit over his tongue and
inner side of his cheek. His urine Test your learning and check your understand-
protein:creatinine ratio was 300 mg/mol ing of this book’s contents: use the “Springer
(Normal < 15). His kidney ultrasound showed Nature Flashcards” app to access questions. To
bilateral normal size bright echogenic kidneys. use the app, please follow the instructions below:
What is the likely cause of his nephrotic
syndrome? 1. Go to
A. Amyloidosis login.
B. Type 2 diabetes 2. Create a user account by entering your e-mail
C. Hypertension address and assigning a password.
D. HIV associated nephropathy 3. Use the following link to access your SN
E. Systemic lupus nephritis Flashcards set: If the
3. A 23 year old female with lupus nephritis, end link is missing or does not work, please send
stage kidney failure on haemodialysis pre- an e-mail with the subject “SN Flashcards”
sented with fever and lethargy. She denied and the book title to customerservice@spring-
Joint pain, dysuria, cough, diarrhoea or rash.
10 D. Banerjee et al.
Investigating Kidney Disease
Mukunthan Srikantharajah, Rukma Doshi,
Debasish Banerjee , Vivekanand Jha ,
and Nicholas M. P. Annear
nephrologist: as a cheap, well-validated and eas- inform the clinician about the potential cause of
ily available blood test, it is performed on most kidney disease, and infer the chronicity and com-
patients who attend hospital as an inpatient, and plications of kidney disease: we will set about
is frequently used to screen patients for kidney describing them as follows (Tables 2.1, 2.2, and
dysfunction in ambulatory, outpatient and com- 2.3).
munity settings. Understanding the timeframe
over which a serum creatinine result has become
abnormal can help determine whether a kidney Serum Biochemistry
impairment is either acute or chronic; and using
other widely available demographic data for the One of the key functions of the kidney is main-
patient, including gender, age, ethnicity, along- taining electrolyte homeostasis. Thus, measure-
side the serum creatinine, an estimate for the glo- ment of blood urea, creatinine, electrolytes and
merular filtration rate (GFR) can be made. pH can be used to assess the functions of the kid-
Alongside the serum creatinine, various other ney in filtering and reabsorbing electrolytes, thus
biochemical, haematological, immunological maintaining electrolyte concentrations and blood
and virological blood tests that are used to further pH within a ‘normal’ range.
Urea and Electrolytes Individuals with greater muscle bulk tend to have
a higher serum creatinine level at baseline, as are
Sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate are individuals of black ethnicity, although the rea-
all small ions, which are freely filtered and son for this is uncertain. Serum creatinine is a
actively reabsorbed in the kidney. sensitive marker of kidney function, and increases
non-linearly as kidney function deteriorates.
Most filtered creatinine is excreted by the renal
Urea and Creatinine tubule. It is important to note that this excretion
can be blocked by certain medications such as the
Larger molecules like urea and creatinine are antibiotic trimethoprim/co-trimoxazole, which
excreted and not resorbed by the kidney. results in an increase in serum creatinine, that is
Creatinine is a waste product of muscle metabo- not related to a change in glomerular filtration
lism and is excreted by the kidneys into the urine. rate (GFR).
14 M. Srikantharajah et al.
Table 2.2 Haematology tests in kidney disease Table 2.3 Immunolological and virological tests in kid-
ney disease
(Abbreviation) Investigation Description
Normal Anti-neutrophil c-ANCA
values–SI units cytoplasmic Diffuse cytoplasmic staining,
(Conventional Causes of raised Causes of low antibody corresponding to antibodies
units) levels levels (ANCA)—marker against neutrophil proteinase-3
Haemoglobin Polycythaemia Deficient EPO of small vessel (PR3). Positive in 90% of patients
(Hb) may be primary, production by vasculitis with active granulomatosis with
M 130–180 g/L related to juxtaglomerular polyangiitis
F 115–165 g/L excessive EPO cells can lead to a p-ANCA
production in normocytic renal Perinuclear staining corresponding
polycystic kidney anaemia to antibodies against neutrophil
disease, or myeloperoxidase (MPO). Positive
upregulation of in 60% of patients with
hypoxia inducible microscopic polyangiitis and 30%
factor in tumour of patients with Churg-Strauss
conditions such as syndrome
VHL disease Anti-glomerular Positive in anti-GBM disease
White cell May be raised in May be reduced basement (Goodpasture’s disease). Patients
count (WCC) infection or in immune membrane can present “double positive”
Total WCC: proliferative states suppression, such (anti-GBM) (ANCA vasculitis plus the
3.6– as due to antibody presence of anti-GBM antibody)
11.0 × 109/L mycophenolate Anti-nuclear Many subtypes exist such as
mofetil antibody (ANA) anti-Ro, anti-La and anti-Sm
Neutrophils: Typically raised in May be reduced antibodies. Therefore, can be used
1.8–7.5 × 109/L bacterial infections in immune in the diagnosis of many
suppression, such autoimmune disorders
as due to Anti -dsDNA Positive in 50% of patients with
mycophenolate active SLE. Can be used to
mofetil monitor disease activity in SLE
Lymphocytes: May be raised in May be reduced Complement Low C3 + C4 (classical
1.0–4.0 × 109/L viral infections acutely in viral concentrations C3 complement pathway activation).
infections and C4 Used in SLE diagnosis and as a
Eosinophils: May be raised in marker of activity. Isolated
0.1–0.4 × 109/L interstitial reduction in C3 (alternate
nephritis complement pathway activation) is
Platelet count May be raised in May be reduced seen in C3GN and infection related
(Plt): acute in haemolytic GNs
140– inflammatory and states Cryoglobulins Present in various conditions
400 × 109/L infective associated with renal impairment
conditions (i.e. SLE, multiple myeloma,
Mean cell May be raised in Reduced in HIV). The most often quoted link
volume alcohol excess, microcytic is with Hepatitis-C related
(MCV): thyrotoxicosis, anaemia and membranoproliferative GN
80–100 fL B12 and folate β-thalassaemia Viral serology: Hepatitis B and Hepatits C—
deficiency—renal Hepatitis B, C and associations with membranous
anaemia is HIV nephropathy and
typically mesangiocapillary GN
normocytic HIV—associations with FSGS and
Haemoglobin Raised in poorly n/a HIV-associated nephropathy
A1c (HbA1c) controlled diabetes Virology is also key to perform
<42 mmol/mol mellitus when commencing patients on
(6%) dialysis or immunosuppression
2 Investigating Kidney Disease 15
16 M. Srikantharajah et al.
Table 2.4 Equations commonly used to calculate the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
Cockroft-Gault Equation:
eGFR = (140 – age) x weight x 1.23 [if Male] OR 1.04 [if Female]
MDRD eGFREquation:
eGFR = 175 x (SCr)-1.154 x (age)-0.203 x 0.742 [if Female] x 1.212 [if Black]
CKD-EPI Equation:
eGFR = 141 x min(SCr/κ, 1)α x max(SCr/κ, 1)-1.209 x 0.993(age) x 1.018 [if Female] x 1.159 [if Black]
κ = 0.7 (Female) or 0.9 (Male)
α = -0.329 (Female) or -0.411 (Male)
min = indicates the minimum of SCr/κ or 1
max = indicates the maximum of SCr/κ or 1
Protein Standard dipsticks measure albumin only but may fail to pick
up total protein as well as microalbuminuria (I.e. urine
albumin 3-30mg/mmol creatinine). Proteinuria may equate to
glomerular disease. Note – 70% of protein in the urine is
The imaging modalities most often used in the • Unilateral: when lobar and associated with
initial assessment of the kidney patient are plain lobar collapse, may be consistent with
film radiography of the chest, and urinary tract infection, and secondary AKI.
ultrasound. Cross-sectional imaging using com- • Bilateral: may be consistent with bilateral
puted tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance infection, pulmonary haemorrhage or—
imaging (MRI) is more frequently a second-line more commonly—fluid overload,
investigation. particularly when associated with pleural
effusions secondary to kidney failure or
nephrotic syndrome (this may also be sec-
Plain Radiography ondary to other transudative causes such as
cardiac or liver failure).
Chest X-Ray
Breathlessness is a common presentation in kid- –– Hilar lymph node enlargement (associated
ney disease, thus a chest radiograph may be used with infection, autoimmune and inflammatory
to look for evidence of: conditions such as sarcoidosis, and underlying
20 M. Srikantharajah et al.
Table 2.8 Causes of small and large kidneys on What Is the Resistive Index (RI)?
Small kidneys (<10 cm) Large kidneys (>12 cm) Resistive index (RI) = (Peak systolic veloc-
Chronic kidney disease Diabetes mellitus ity − End diastolic velocity)/Peak systolic
Renal artery stenosis Acromegaly
Hypoplasia Amyloidosis
Lymphoma (Normal RI < 0.70)
Polycystic kidneys The resistive index (RI) is a calculated flow
parameter in ultrasound, derived from the max-
imum, minimum and mean doppler frequency
features related to chronic kidney disease, such shifts during the cardiac cycle. It works on the
as when the echo-consistency of the renal cortex principle that as a vessel narrows and resis-
is reduced compared to the medulla and the col- tance to flow increases, the RI will increase. It
lecting system. The loss of this ‘corticomedullary can be used to monitor a kidney transplant
differentiation’ is a sensitive but non-specific blood vessel flow, particularly in the early
marker of chronic kidney disease. post-transplant period. Causes for a raised RI
in the transplanted kidney are multiple, and
can be related to transplant renal vein and renal
Practice Point 1 artery thrombosis, acute tubular necrosis,
rejection, immunosuppressive toxicity, peri-
Orienting the ultrasound image: the top of nephric fluid collection, and transplant renal
the ultrasound image is the location where artery stenosis [5].
the sound waves enter the patient first—so
irrespective of position and tipping, the
skin will always be at the top. Computed Tomography (CT)
a b
Fig. 2.4 Computed Tomography (CT) imaging of normal kidneys. Coronal CT scan of the normal kidneys and blad-
der—without contrast (a) and following administration of iodinated contrast (b)
• Filtered through • Filtered through • Excreted by renal • Binds to renal • Binds to renal
the glomerulus the glomerulus tubules cortex cortex
• Excreted by renal
Perfusion • Perfusion • Diminished renal – Renal scarring • Renal scarring
• Vascular supply • Vascular supply function from chronic from chronic
– Filtration – Filtration • Kidney infection— infection
• Measuring renal • Measuring renal transplants Infarction • Infarction
function function – Renal mass • Renal mass
(glomerular (glomerular – Differential renal • Differential renal
filtration rate) filtration rate) mass (proportion mass (proportion
– Drainage • Drainage of total renal of total renal mass
• Detects Detects obstruction mass contributed contributed by
obstruction • Diminished renal by each kidney) each kidney)
• Kidney
24 M. Srikantharajah et al.
(99mTc-DMSA). Local availability of radioiso- ney biopsy) to obtain sample cores. Following the
topes is absolutely key to obtain simple radioiso- procedure, patients are required to have a period of
tope imaging. bed rest (6–8 h), during which their vital signs are
measured, and their urine monitored for visible
haematuria (around 1:100). Bleeding is the major
Histopathology primary complication; in rare cases this may lead
to significant retroperitoneal haemorrhage (around
A definitive diagnosis of kidney disease—partic- 1:1000) and the need for blood transfusions, and
ularly in diagnosing and grading severity of tubu- either radiological or surgical intervention to stop
lointerstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis and the bleeding. There is also a very small risk of
transplant rejection—often requires the direct death (<1:1000). The decision to undertake a kid-
examination of kidney tissue, which is obtained ney biopsy should therefore be made after careful
by percutaneous kidney biopsy. This is most evaluation of the risks and benefits of the procedure
often ultrasound or CT-guided, in order to mini- to the patient [7–8].
mise complications.
Kidney Biopsy
Kidney biopsies can help confirm a diagnosis
Despite medical advancements in recent years, the (in particular for suspected glomerular patholo-
needle core kidney biopsy remains an invaluable gies), evaluate disease activity or establish dis-
tool for the nephrologist: It is an invasive investiga- ease stage/severity (e.g. lupus nephritis) and
tion, in which samples of kidney tissue are obtained hence help determine disease prognosis
for histopathological study. Usually performed (Table 2.10).
with local anaesthetic, with or without sedation, Although kidney biopsies have an invaluable
and under ultrasound or CT guidance, a specialised role in providing a definitive diagnosis, there are
biopsy needle is guided retroperitoneally via the certain situations where they are relatively or
patient’s back (native kidney biopsy—normally absolutely contraindicated, as the risk of the pro-
taken from the left lower pole when the anatomy is cedure potentially outweighs any conceivable
uncomplicated) or anteriorly over (transplant kid- benefit from a result (Table 2.11).
Relative Absolute
Single functioning kidney Small kidneys
Limited patient cooperation Uncorrectable bleeding diathesis / intravascular
Technical difficulties (for example due to Uncontrolled hypertension
large body habitus / unable to lie flat)
2 Investigating Kidney Disease 25
Light and Electron Microscopy Table 2.12 Different histochemical stains and their rela-
tion to renal histopathology
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 2.6 Renal histopathological stains under light stain illustrating amyloid deposition in the glomerulus (e);
microscopy. Haematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) stain (a); Apple green birefringence under polarised light reflecting
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain (b); Masson’s Trichrome amyloid deposition in the glomerulus (f); Sirius red stain
stain (c) and Silver stain (d) of the normal glomerulus of the normal kidney (g)
under light microscopy at ×40 magnification; Congo red
2 Investigating Kidney Disease 27
Fig. 2.8 Electron Microscopy Imaging. Annotated Electron Microscopy Image at ×1000 magnification of the normal
288 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Table 15.11 Diagnosis & Management of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)§ [13, 14]
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 289
Glomerular diseases
• Congenital steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS)
• Pierson syndrome
• Denys-Drash syndrome (DDS); Frasier syndrome; WAGR syndrome
• Nail-patella syndrome
• Schimke immuno-osseous dystrophy
• Mitochondrial disorders with SRNS
• Glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits
• Alport syndrome
• Alport syndrome with leiomyomatosis
• Fechtner syndrome (Al port syndrome with macrothrombocytopaenia)
• Benign familial haematuria (thin basement membrane disease/TBMN)
• Alstrom syndrome
• C3 glomerulopathy (C3G)
• Atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (aHUS)
• Fabry disease
• Familial amyloidosis
Afferent arteriole
convoluted tubule
Efferent arteriole
ascending limb
Collecting Duct
Loop of Henle
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 293
Abbreviations: ACEi Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, AD Autosomal dominant, aHUS Atypical Haemolytic
uremic syndrome, AR Autosomal recessive, CKD Chronic kidney disease, CNI Calcineurin inhibitor, CP
Cyclophosphamide, CYA Cyclosporin, CS Corticosteroids, DDS Denys-Drash Syndrome, DMS Diffuse mesangial scle-
rosis, EM Electron microscopy, ESKD End stage kidney disease, FSGS Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, GBM
Glomerular basement membrane, LVH Left ventricular hypertrophym, LM Light microscopy, MCD Minimal change
disease, MMF Mycophenolate mofetil, Mt Mitochondrial inheritance, RAASi Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhi-
bition, SRNS Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome, TBMN Thin basement membrane nephropathy, WAGR Wilms tumour/
aniridia/genitourinary problems
Table 15.13 Diagnosis & Management of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and C3 glomerulopathy# [16]
Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS) and C3 glomerulopathy (C3G)[14]
Ultra-rare; characterised by AKI, thrombocytopenia & MAHA
>50% of aHUS patients have underlying inherited and/or acquired complement
Eculizumab (a humanized anti-C5 mAb) enables control of aHUS, preventing progression
to ESKD (plasma exchange therapy can be used where eculizumab unavailable)
Triggers include autoimmune conditions, transplants, pregnancy, infections, drugs and
metabolic conditions
Although time course & persistence not well understood, many patients appear at life-
long risk for recurrent acute presentations[14]
C3G characterised by uncontrolled activation of complement cascade, leading to
glomerular C3 deposition
Dysregulation of C3 convertase driven by genetic and/or acquired defects
Majority of C3G patients follow a chronic, indolent course with persistent alternative
pathway activation, resulting in a 10-year kidneysurvival of around50%[14]
- Measure ADAMTS13 activity to - Measure serum/plasma
diagnose or exclude TTP complement levels ;
- Investigate for STEC-HUS - Test complement activity:
- Measure serum/plasma required to define type/degree of
complement levels complement deregulation
Genetic - Genetic testing recommended for - Benefit of genetic analysis in C3G
Diagnosis patients in whom discontinuation currently unclear since our
of eculizimab is being considered understanding of genetic basis for
C3G remains incomplete
- Minimum gene panel that should be screened in aHUS & C3G includes
- Because of frequent concurrence of genetic risk factors in aHUS, analysis
should include genotyping for risk haplotypes CFH-H3 and MCP
- Genetic analysis essential in live-related kidney donor transplantation
Treatment approach in aHUS[14]
294 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Liver transplantation can be considered for kidney transplant recipients with liver-derived
complement protein abnormalities, uncontrolled disease activity despite eculizumab
therapy, or financial considerations regarding cost of long-term eculizumab therapy[14]
Abbreviations: ACEi Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, AKI Acute kidney injury, ARB Angiotensin receptor
blocker, BP Blood pressure, C3NeF C3 nephritic factor, ESKD End stage kidney disease, mAb Monoclonal antibody,
MAHA Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, STEC-HUS Shiga toxin E. coli-associated haemolytic uraemic syn-
drome, TTP Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
is shorthand reference for where aHUS and C3G are referenced in other tables in this chapter
296 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Kidney Tubular and Metabolic in those tubule segments (Causes of genetic kid-
Diseases ney tubular and metabolic diseases are sum-
marised in Fig. 15.5 and Table 15.15). The
In primary kidney tubulopathies, the primary diagnosis and management of X-linked hypo-
genetic defect causes loss of function of a spe- phosphataemia is detailed in Table 15.16, that of
cific kidney transport protein or signalling mole- Gitelman Syndrome (GS) in Table 15.17, and
cule. As certain transport systems are expressed that of Cystinosis is detailed in Table 15.18. In
ascending limb
Loop of Henle
Collecting Duct
Collecting duct
•Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA)
•Distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA)Type 1
•RTA with deafness
•SeSAME syndrome (EAST syndrome)
•Liddle syndrome
•Pseudohypoaldosteronism Types 1a & 1b
•Pseudohypoa ldosteronism type II (Gordon's syndrome)
•Nephrogenic diabetes insipidustypes 1 & 2
300 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Onset in infancy
Low Mg2+; normal Ca2+; CLDN16:
High urinary Ca2+/Mg2+; claudin-16
Isolated nephrocalcinosis; stones; EGF:
recessive hypo- progressive CKD; epidermal
magnesaemia AR Mg2+ replacement
recurrent UTIs; polyuria, growth factor
(IRH) polydipsia; failure to thrive; CLDN19:
muscle cramps, weakness; claudin-19
tetany; tremor; seizures
Low Mg2+; Low Ca2+
magnesaemia TRPM6:
AR Tetany; muscle spasms; Mg2+ replacement
with secondary HOMG
developmental delay
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 301
MLR1: Fluid balance
Pseudohypo- type 1, ↓Na+, ↑K+,
mineralo- Na+ supplementation
aldosteronism AD ↑aldosterone, ↑renin
corticoid K+ binding resins
Type 1a Neonatal vomiting and
receptor 1 Improves with age
Pseudohypoaldosteronism ENaC-α Manage fluid balance;
type 1, ↓Na+, ↑K+, SCNN1B: high Na+ /low K+ diet;
Pseudohypo- ↑aldosterone, ↑renin ENaC-β K+ binding resins;
aldosteronism AR Severe neonatal vomiting and SCNN1G: Prostaglandin inhibitors;
Type 1b dehydration ENaC-γ Alkalizing agents;
Respiratory distress (loss of Thiazide diuretics
Pseudohypo- Pseudohypoaldosteronism, Dietary Na+ restriction;
aldosteronism low renin; ↑K+; ↑Cl−; ; K+ binding resins;
Type 2 AD metabolic acidosis; Prostaglandin inhibitors;
protein kinase
(PHA2; Gordon hypertension low/high Alkalizing agents;
syndrome) aldosterone Thiazide diuretics
302 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Abbreviations: AD Autosomal dominant, AR Autosomal recessive, FSGS Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Glu
Glucose, GS Gitelman syndrome, H2O Water, K+ Potassium, LMW Low molecular weight, Mg2+ Magnesium, MOI
Mode of inheritance, Mt Mitochondrial inheritance, Na+ Sodium, NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate, NaCl Sodium chloride,
PO4 Phosphate, PTH Parathyroid hormone, TIN Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, TmG Tubular maximum rate for glucose
transport, T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Vit. D Vitamin D, XD X-linked dominant, XR X-linked recessive
See Table 15.16
See Table 15.17
See Table 15.18
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 303
secondary kidney tubulopathies the genetic Gene identification has rendered this heteroge-
defect does not directly affect a tubular transport neous disease group of tubulopathies more acces-
or transport signalling protein, but rather non- sible to unequivocal diagnostics, and thereby to
specifically leads to damage of kidney tubular the promise of more refined management strate-
cells, and thereby to kidney tubular dysfunction. gies [3].
304 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Oxalate nephrolithiasis
metabolic acidosis;
failure to thrive; HOGA1: High fluid intake
Primary hyperoxaluria nephrocalcinosis; 4-hydroxy-2- Urinary alkalinization
AR oxoglutarate vegetarian diet (Type 3)
type 3 (PH3) ESKD; hypothyroidism;
cardiac failure; aldolase 1 KRT
APRT: Allopurinol
Adenine- Urate nephrolithiasis;
adenine High fluid intake
phosphoribosyl- AR radiolucent stones;
phosphoribosyl Low purine diet
transferase deficiency DHA nephropathy
transferase Monitor crystalluria
xanthine calculi;
failure to thrive;
gross/microscopic High fluid intake
haematuria; pyuria; XDH: Low purine diet
Xanthinuria AR renal colic; UTI; xanthine
arthropathy; dehydrogenase Surgical care for
myopathy; low serum xanthine stones - ESWL
High fluid intake
Haematuria; medullary Diet modification
nephrocalcinosis; GDNF: Thiazide diuretics (Ca2+
Medullary Sponge nephrolithiasis; stones), allopurinol
(AD) Glial-derived
Kidney (MSK) urolithiasis; UTI; (urate stones), Ca2+
neurotrophic factor
metabolic acidosis citrate (oxalate stones)
Antibiotic therapy
308 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Abbreviations: ESWL Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, UTI Urinary tract infection
See Table 15.21
See Table 15.22
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 309
310 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Table 15.22 Diagnosis & Management of Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1^^ [24]
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 [24]
Clinical • Rare autosomal recessive inborn error of glyoxylate metabolism, caused by deficiency of the
Presentation liver-specific enzyme alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase
• Results in overproduction and excessive urinary excretion of oxalate, causing recurrent
urolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis
Genetic • Genetic tests for mutations in AGXT recommended in subjects with phenotypic
Diagnosis characteristics of PH1
• Mutation analysis should be extended to siblings and parents, offering prenatal diagnosis
using mutation analysis to parents of an affected child [24]
Management General principles
• Early initiation of conservative treatment
• High Fluid intake (at least 3 L/m2 per 24 h)
• Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine) in patients with proven PH1 aiming to decrease urine oxalate
• Calcium oxalate crystallization inhibition by use of alkalization with oral potassium citrate
aims at maintaining renal function [24]
• Conservative measures should be initiated as soon as investigations are completed and while
renal function is maintained.
• Once ESKD established, pyridoxine is the only specific treatment that should be pursued.
These measures apply to all types of PH, with the exception of pyridoxine, which is specific
to PH1 [24].
• Endoscopic removal is recommended as preferential strategy to manage urolithiasis in
patients who require intervention.
• Avoiding any form of dialysis unless absolutely necessary is recommended and to consider
pre-emptive transplantation in PH1 patients with progressive CKD
• Where pre-emptive transplantation is not possible high efficacy dialysis is recommended as
conventional dialysis is unable to remove sufficient quantities of oxalate proportionate to the
continuous daily production; avoid loop diuretics post transplantation; dialyse pre-emptively
immediately post transplantation to help clear residual oxalate load [24]
• In ESKD due to PH1, simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation should be considered
^^is shorthand referring to where PH1 is referred to back in tables earlier in the chapter
Table 15.23 Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract CAKUT [3]
314 R. G. Sritharan et al.
316 R. G. Sritharan et al.
Abbreviations: ACEi Angiotensing converting enzyme inhibitor, AD Autosomal dominant, AFP Alpha-fetoprotein lev-
els, AR Autosomal recessive, ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker, BOR Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, CKD Chronic kid-
ney disease, ESKD End stage kidney disease, FSGS Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, MOI Mode of inheritance,
PUJO Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, RAS Renal artery stenosis, US Ultrasound, VUR Vesico-ureteric reflux
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 317
tant as the continuing drive to develop novel ther- A subsequent ultrasound scan reveals multi-
apies for these diseases. ple cysts on both kidneys. His blood tests
reveal his serum creatinine is 70 μmol/L
(eGFR >90 mL/min/1.73 m2). He has no his-
Questions tory of diabetes mellitus, no skin rashes, and
no other medical problems of note.
1. An 18 year old gentleman of mixed heritage His father and paternal grandmother were both
is been found to have isolated microscopic said to have had chronic kidney disease, with
haematuria on dipstick, with a normal ultra- ‘lots of cysts’ on their kidneys, but there is no
sound scan. His serum creatinine is history in the family of progression to ESKD.
60 μmol/L, (eGFR >90 mL/min/1.73 m2). Which of the following is least likely to be
His mother – who was born in China, also included on the list of differential
has dipstick haematuria, as does his maternal diagnoses?
grandmother. His father, from India, does
not. There is no family history of deafness, A. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
visual disturbance or ESKD requiring KRT. disease (ADPKD)
Genetic testing has identified that he is hetero- B. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
zygous for a COL4A3 mutation. What should C. Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial
the patient be advised? kidney disease (ADTKD)
D. Renal cysts and diabetes (RCAD)
A. The diagnosis is consistent with Alport syndrome
disease E. Alport syndrome
B. The diagnosis is consistent with IgA
nephropathy (IgAN) Answer: E—Whilst each of the diseases listed
C. The diagnosis is consistent with thin can display an AD inheritance pattern, as
basement nephropathy (TBMN) illustrated in the patient’s family history,
D. He is likely to progress to ESKD Alport syndrome is more typically X-linked
E. He is likely to develop deafness recessive, and not characterised by cystic
kidney disease, but rather by microscopic
Answer: C—The patient has been shown to be haematuria, progressive proteinuria, and an
heterozygous for a COL4A3 mutation. This association with hearing loss.
is consistent with TBMN, with an AD inheri- 3. A 22-year-old female medical student has
tance pattern of a phenotype demonstrating found to have multiple cysts on both kidneys
isolated haematuria. To confirm this, genetic on a screening ultrasound scan. She had been
testing should be undertaken on both parents. advised to do so by her father, a doctor, who
As a carrier of a gene associated with AR has recently been diagnosed with autosomal
Alport syndrome, there is a risk of his off- dominant polycystic kidney disease, and has
spring developing Alport syndrome, depen- had to start haemodialysis. He has been
dent on any prospective partner’s carrier found to have a pathogenic PKD1 mutation.
status, and the patient should be signposted To her knowledge, her paternal grandmother
toward genetic counselling when the time is had a kidney transplant some years ago, but
appropriate. she doesn’t know the cause of her kidney
2. A 29-year-old male banker is found to have disease.
dipstick haematuria, but no significant pro- On examination, her blood pressure is
teinuria on his routine medical examination. 120/70 mmHg, and her pulse 56 beats/min-
320 R. G. Sritharan et al.
ute. Her cardiac, chest, abdominal and neu- 4. A 24 year old female airport worker – origi-
rological examinations are all unremarkable. nally from Ghana - presents to her primary
Her blood tests reveal a serum creatinine of care practitioner with headaches and mild
56 μmol/L (eGFR >90 mL/min/1.73 m2). abdominal discomfort, which is affecting her
There is no history of diabetes mellitus, no memory and concentration. Her urinalysis
skin rashes, and no other medical problems revealed dipstick haematuria. A subsequent
of note. abdominal ultrasound scan reveals several
What is the next most appropriate step in her bilateral solid kidney masses, associated
management? with several cysts. Blood tests reveal a serum
creatinine of 80 μmol/L (eGFR >90 mL/
A. Drink 1–1.5 L of fluid per day min/1.73 m2).
B. Gene sequencing panel for cystic kidney She experienced a normal childhood in Ghana,
disease and is noted to have a facial rash, which has
C. Cross-sectional imaging (CT/MRI) become more extensive during adolescent
D. Commence Tolvaptan immediately years, and painful nodules under the nails of
E. Counsel her about obtaining a pre- her first and fourth fingers of her right hand.
implantation genetic diagnosis To her knowledge, there is no family history
of any similar condition.
Answer: C—She is highly likely to have inher- What is the most likely diagnosis?
ited the pathogenic PKD1 mutation from her
father, and she is also highly likely to prog- A. Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)
ress to ESKD, as have her father and paternal B. Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) Disease
grandmother. Obtaining baseline cross-sec- C. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
tional imaging to establish her baseline total D. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS)
kidney volume (TKV) can serve to provide a E. Hereditary leiomyomas and renal cell
marker to facilitate prognostication, as well carcinoma (HLRCC)
as a baseline to evaluate the response to pro-
spective Tolvaptan (or other) therapy. She Answer: C The patient’s physical features are
should be advised to increase her water most in keeping with bilateral kidney angio-
intake (likely to much more than 2 L per myolipomas (AMLs) and associated cysts,
day), alongside close monitoring of her associated with facial angiofibromas, and
blood pressure. Confirming her genetic diag- subungual fibromas. These would be suffi-
nosis by sequencing PKD1 to confirm inheri- cient to meet the criteria for a definite diag-
tance of the pathogenic PKD1 mutation nosis of TSC (Table 11). Whilst her
would facilitate discussion about her options headaches, that may be affecting her memory
with regard to having offspring in future, and and concentration may be a non-specific pre-
should form part of (but not the main focus sentation, the clinical context should never-
of) the discussion around genetic testing. theless prompt urgent cross-sectional brain
Tolvaptan therapy would be indicated where imaging to exclude significant mass lesions,
a patient has, or is at risk of rapidly progress- such as an obstructing subependymal giant
ing, CKD stages 1–3 in adult ADPKD cell astrocytoma (SEGA), causing hydro-
patients aged <50 years. Whilst she is cer- cephalus, which may necessitate urgent neu-
tainly at risk of progressing, in the clinical rosurgical intervention, and subsequent
context, it would be sensible to obtain base- consideration of mTOR inhibitor therapy.
line cross-sectional imaging first. There should be further consideration of the
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 321
possibility of an underlying seizure disorder. Answer: D All of the above differentials are
The other differentials on the list are associ- characterised by deafness, often associated
ated with skin lesions (NF1), kidney masses with kidney dysfunction, and may all present
(HLRCC, VHL), and Lennox-Gastaut syn- with an AD inheritance pattern. Whilst
drome (LGS) is a rare and severe kind of epi- Alport syndrome would be the commonest
lepsy that starts in childhood. cause, the presence of pre-auricular pits and
5. A 26-year-old male is referred as an emer- a neck lesion – consistent with a branchial
gency to the kidney service with a plasma fistula – makes BOR the more likely diagno-
creatinine of 1235 μmol/L (eGFR <5 mL/ sis in this context. Genetic testing is war-
min/1.73m2). He attended his primary care ranted to sequence the EYA, SIX1 and SIX5,
doctor with a 3-week history of oral thrush, although a panel approach excluding other
nausea, weight loss, nocturia and pruritus. causes of deafness and kidney dysfunction
He does not complain of visual problems, may be more appropriate.
rash or arthralgia and is not taking any medi- 6. A 24 year old male army recruit presents with
cations. His hearing has been impaired since complaints of weakness of the right lower
birth, to the point that he has required hear- limb of two months’ duration. Neurological
ing aids from the age of 11. His mother, evaluation determines a clinical impression
maternal grandfather, maternal aunt and of a compressive myelopathy at cervical ver-
uncle, and a brother, are also deaf. His mater- tebral levels C6–7. MRI of the brain and
nal aunt was known to have a moderate kid- spine reveals a predominantly cystic mass in
ney impairment. On examination, his blood the left cerebellar hemisphere, with enhanc-
pressure is 168/97 mmHg, his chest was ing intramedullary mass lesions, consistent
clear and abdominal examination unremark- with cerebellar and spinal haemangioblasto-
able. He is noted to have pre-auricular pits, mas. The patient is further investigated with
and a raised skin lesion over his neck. an abdominal ultrasound, which reveals mul-
Urinalysis demonstrates proteinuria 4+ and tiple simple cortical cysts in both kidneys,
haematuria 3+; urine protein:creatinine ratio with some solid components. The liver, pan-
is 560 mg/mmol. Blood tests show a haemo- creas, spleen and adrenals are otherwise nor-
globin of 72 g/L, MCV 90.6 fL, platelets mal. There is no history of familial
243 × 109 g/L, potassium 5.9 mmol/L, urea involvement. In view of the imaging findings,
47.4 mmol/L and creatinine 1235 μmol/L. His a clinical diagnosis of VHL disease is made.
serum albumin is 40 g/L, corrected serum What should be the next investigation?
calcium 1.97 mmol/L, phosphate
1.96 mmol/L and parathyroid hormone level A. MRI scan of the abdomen
64.0 pmol/L. Haematinic levels are normal. B. CT scan of the chest
His autoimmune screen shows no abnormal- C. Genetic sequencing of VHL
ity. Abdominal ultrasound demonstrates that D. Genetic sequencing of SDH, FH, TSC
both kidneys are <8 cm in bipolar length. and VHL
What is the most likely diagnosis? E. Brain biopsy
lar the solid elements to the mass lesions on min, and examination of all other systems is
his kidneys, as there is a significant risk of normal. Urine microscopy shows 50
associated malignancy in the kidneys, as white cells/high power field, urine
well as the pancreas, and phaeochromocyto- protein:creatinine ratio was 105 mg/mol, and
mas, which should be followed with an her serum creatinine was 150 μmol/L.
appropriate multi-disciplinary team discus- What is the most likely genetic defect in the
sion about appropriate further treatment. family?
7. A 45 year old Caucasian man presents with a
two year history of burning sensation is his A. Cystinosis
hands and feet, dry skin, palpitations and pro- B. Fanconi disease
teinuria. On examination he is tall, his pulse is C. Juvenile nephronophthisis
95 beats/min, with a forceful cardiac apex D. UMOD mutation
beat and a normal neurological examination. E. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
Investigations show a serum creatinine of
87 μmol/L, haemoglobin 122 g/L, normal Answer: D With minimal proteinuria, leukocy-
liver function tests, a fasting glucose of turia, CKD and a strong family history, a
5.4 mmol/L, and a urine protein:creatinine familial form of tubulointerstitial disease is
ratio of 330 mg/mol. His kidney ultrasound the most likely diagnosis
and chest X-ray are normal, and his echocar- 9. A 54 year old lady presents to the medical
diogram demonstrates left ventricular intaking service with intermittent nausea,
hypertrophy. vomiting, muscle cramps and weakness. On
What is the most likely cause of his symptoms examination, her blood pressure is
and proteinuria? 110/70 mmHg, and her pulse 90 beats per
minute. Her chest, abdomen and cardiovas-
A. Apolipoprotein deficiency cular system examinations are normal; she
B. Alpha-galactosidase deficiency has proximal muscle weakness, but her
C. Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial remaining neurological exam is normal. Her
nephritis blood tests at presentation are:
D. Amyloidosis Sodium: 139 mmol/L
E. Diabetes mellitus Potassium: 2.1 mmol/L
Urea: 5.1 mmol/L
Answer B: His presentation with acroparaes- Creatinine: 54 μmol/L
thesia, hypohydrosis, LVH and proteinuria in Urine microscopy: normal
a 45 year old male are suggestive of Fabry Urine dipstick: normal
disease (alpha-galactosidase deficiency). Urinary potassium: 60 mmol/L
8. A 34 year old female presents with an inci- What is the most likely cause of her
dental finding of proteinuria and a raised hypokalaemia?
serum creatinine following living kidney
donation 5 years ago. Her mother—the kid- A. Low potassium diet
ney allograft recipient -had been diagnosed B. Lower Gastrointestinal tract loss of
with end stage kidney disease of unknown potassium
cause, and had presented with minimal pro- C. Movement of potassium from plasma to
teinuria and a normal blood pressure. Her cells
uncle also received a kidney transplant D. Renal tubular defect
5 years ago. On examination her blood pres- E. Upper Gastrointestinal loss of potassium
sure is 125/68 mmHg, her pulse 68 beats/
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 323
Answer: D With a high urinary potassium, the another institution had been reported as show-
most likely cause of her hypokalaemia is ing ‘chronic glomerulonephritis’.
renal potassium loss The nephrologist noticed that the patient looked
10. A 54 year old lady presents to the medical at him intently during the consultation,
intaking service with intermittent nausea, which led to a sense of unease. At the end of
vomiting, muscle cramps and weakness. On the consultation the patient mentioned that
examination, her blood pressure is for some time her eyesight had been worry-
110/70 mmHg, and her pulse 90 beats/min. ing her. Haemoglobin 148 g/L, creatinine
Her chest, abdomen and cardiovascular sys- 186 μmol/L (we should state mg/dL in
tem examinations are normal. She has proxi- brackets too), albumin 40 g/L, urine protein
mal muscle weakness, but her remaining 1.2 g/24 h, Urine: RBC 60/μL, WBC <5/μL,
neurological exam is normal. Her blood tests Culture sterile. She was referred to the oph-
at presentation are: thalmologist for further assessment.
Sodium: 139 mmol/L In a chance meeting between the ophthalmolo-
Potassium: 2.1 mmol/L gist and nephrologist the following week, the
Urea: 5.1 mmol/L former was triumphant: “I’ve made both an
Creatinine: 54 μmol/L important ophthalmological diagnosis, and
Urine microscopy: normal made your diagnosis for you!” What is the
Urine dipstick: normal most likely diagnosis?
Urinary potassium: 60 mmol/L
She recalls that her brother, and a maternal A. Chronic glomerulonephritis
cousin have had ‘problems with their potas- B. Alport syndrome [unspecified]
sium’. Which of the following is the most C. Alport syndrome with anterior lenticonus
likely cause of her hypokalaemia? and hearing defect
D. IgA nephropathy
A. Bartter syndrome E. Alport syndrome with hearing defect
B. Gitelman syndrome
C. Liddle syndrome Answer: C Alport syndrome with anterior lenti-
D. Apparent mineralocorticoid excess conus and hearing defect.
E. Glucocorticoid remediable hypertension
A. Chronic glomerulonephritis --- Incorrect ---
Answer: B In the setting of hypokalaemia, and Answer not sufficiently focused.
notably a normal/low blood pressure - along- B. Alport syndrome [unspecified] ---
side proven excessive renal potassium wast- Incorrect --- Can be more specific.
ing, and without obvious other causes of C. Alport syndrome with anterior lenticonus
renal or GI potassium losses such as diuretics and hearing defect --- Correct ---
or laxatives, as well as a suggestive family Deafness meant that patient had to look
history of problems with potassium metabo- carefully at the doctor’s mouth when he
lism, consistent with an AR inheritance pat- was speaking. Her recent visual blurring
tern, Gitelman syndrome is the most likely of added to her difficulties. The anterior len-
the options. ticonus of Alport’s syndrome typically
11. A 20-year old Gujarati woman presented to presents at the age of 20.
Renal Outpatients. The referral letter stated D. IgA nephropathy -- Incorrect ---
that she had recently moved house and wanted Insufficient information for this option.
a review of her renal condition. It also men- E. Alport syndrome with hearing defect ---
tioned that 2–3 years earlier, a renal biopsy at Incorrect --- Less focused than Option C.
324 R. G. Sritharan et al.
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7. Chapman AB, Eckardt K-U, Gansevoort RT, Harris complex diagnostic criteria update: recommenda-
T, Horie S, Kasiske BL, Odland D, Pei Y, Perron tions of the 2012 International Tuberous Sclerosis
RD. Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease Complex Consensus Conference. Pediatr Neurol.
(ADPKD): executive summary from a Kidney Disease: 2013;49(4):243–54.
Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies 14. Krueger DA, Northrup H. Tuberous sclerosis com-
Conference. Int Soc Nephrol. 2015;88(1):17–27. plex surveillance and management: recommenda-
8. Gansevoort RT, Arici M, Benzing T, Birn H, Capasso tions of the 2012 International Tuberous Sclerosis
G, Covic A, Devuyst O, Drechsler C, Eckardt KU, Complex Consensus Conference. Pediatr Neurol.
Emma F, Knebelmann B, Le Meur Y, Massy ZA, Ong 2013;49(4):255–65.
AC, Ortiz A, Schaefer F, Torra R, Vanholder R, Więcek 15. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
A, Zoccali C, Van Biesen W. Recommendations for (KDIGO) Glomerulonephritis Work Group. KDIGO
the use of tolvaptan in autosomal dominant polycys- clinical practice guideline for glomerulonephritis.
tic kidney disease: a position statement on behalf of Kidney Int Suppl. 2012;2:139–274.
the ERA-EDTA Working Groups on Inherited Kidney 16. Goodship TH, Fakhouri F, Fervenza FC, Frémeaux-
Disorders and European Renal Best Practice. Nephrol Bacchi V, Kavanagh D, Nester CM, Noris M,
Dial Transplant. 2016;31(3):337–48. https://doi. Pickering MC, Rodríguez de Córdoba S, Roumenina
org/10.1093/ndt/gfv456. Epub 2016 Jan 29. LT, Sethi S, Smith RJ. Atypical hemolytic uremic
9. Irazabal MV, Rangel LJ, Bergstralh EJ, Osborn syndrome and C3 glomerulopathy: conclusions from
SL, Harmon AJ, Sundsbak JL, Bae KT, Chapman a “Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes”
AB, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Hogan MC, El-Zoghby (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int.
ZM, Harris PC, Erickson BJ, King BF, Torres VE, 2017;91(3):539–51.
Investigators CRISP. Imaging classification of 17. Schiffmann R, Linthorst GE, Ortiz A, Svarstad E,
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a Warnock DG, West ML, Wanner C. Screening, diag-
simple model for selecting patients for clinical tri- nosis, and management of patients with Fabry dis-
ease: conclusions from a “Kidney Disease: Improving
15 Genetic Kidney Diseases 325
Fig. 16.1 Coronal contrast-enhanced CT scans showing a 65 mm left sided upper pole lesion (white arrow, left) and
23 mm right upper pole lesion (yellow arrow, right)
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 327
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
328 R. Shone et al.
330 R. Shone et al.
Fig. 16.2 Pathophysiological mechanisms involved in FGFR (FGF receptor), PDGF (platelet-derived growth
the development of renal cell carcinoma (Adapted from factor), PDGFR (PDGF receptor) and VEGFR (VEGF
Choueiri TK, Motzer RJ. Systemic Therapy for Metastatic receptor), mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR),
Renal-Cell Carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2017 Jan 26;376 MHC (major histocompatibility complex), PD-1 (pro-
(4):354–366 [9]) grammed cell death protein) PD-L1 (PD-1 ligand, and
Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), VEGF (vascular endo- PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase)
thelial growth factor) FGF (fibroblast growth factor),
16 Kidney Cancer 331
Scrotal varicocele
(majority are left-
Given the paraneoplastic presentations of The most important criterion for differentiating
RCC, patients can present with a myriad of malignant lesions is the presence of enhance-
symptoms related to this, including: ment, with contrast enhanced CT and MRI being
the modalities of choice. For the diagnosis of
• Systemic symptoms of fever, weight loss, complex renal cysts, MRI may be preferable: it
sweats, pallor, cachexia, myoneuropathy has higher sensitivity and specificity for small
• Signs of hepatic dysfunction cystic renal masses and tumour thrombi. Contrast
• Lower limb oedema—may represent inferior enhanced ultrasound also has a high sensitivity
vena cava involvement and specificity.
• Scrotal varicocele The Bosniak Classification is used to stratify
• Signs of an underlying hereditary syndrome cysts by their radiological features on cross-
sectional imaging and thus determine a suitable
work up and follow up plan (Table 16.5).
Practice point 1
Imaging is key to diagnosis: Most renal
masses can be diagnosed accurately by
imaging alone
T2 – N1 – M1 –
Tumour >7 cm in greatest dimension but limited to kidney Metastasis in Distant
o T2a - Tumour >7 cm but ≤ 10cm regional lymph metastasis
o T2b – Tumour >10 cm but limited to the kidney nodes.
T3 – NX –
Tumour extends into major veins or perinephric tissues but Regional lymph
not into ipsilateral adrenal gland and not beyond Gerota’s nodes cannot
fascia be assessed
o T3a - Tumour extends into renal vein or invades
perirenal fat but not beyond Gerota fascia
o T3b – Tumour extends into vena cava below
o T3c – Tumour extends into vena cava above the
Table 16.9 World Health Grade 1 Nucleoli absent or inconspicuous and basophilic at
Organisation (WHO)/ 400 x magnification
International Society of
Urologic Pathology (ISUP) Grade 2 Nucleoli clearly visible and eosinophilic at 400 x
Tumour Grading [1] magnification
Grade 3 Nucleoli conspicuous and eosinophilic at 100 x
Grade 4 Extreme nuclear pleomorphism, multinucleate cells,
rhabdoid or sarcomatoid differentiation.
16 Kidney Cancer 335
– ≤
– ≤
– ≤
Surgical candidate or
minimally invasive RN
Localised disease
Active surveillance
Elderly / comorbid with or
small lesion
RFA / Cryoablation
have small (<4 cm tumours) or those who have argon coolant is delivered at subfreezing temper-
multiple and/ or bilateral tumours. These treat- atures. This forms an ‘ice ball’ around the probe
ments include cryotherapy and radiofrequency tip, destroying the tumour tissue. Helium is then
ablation. There are currently no data demonstrat- passed through the probe to induce a slow thaw.
ing any oncological benefit of these treatments In most cases, two freeze-thaw cycles are
over PN, although benefit has been shown in performed.
reduction in loss of kidney function. Increased
local recurrence has been seen when compared to adiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
partial nephrectomy but cancer specific survival Percutaneous RFA can be carried out under local
is similar [17]. anaesthesia and sedation or general anaesthetic.
One or more radiofrequency electrodes are
Cryoablation inserted percutaneously into the tumour under
Cryoablation can be performed by either the per- imaging guidance. Radiofrequency energy is
cutaneous or laparoscopic route, with no signifi- then delivered via the electrode to create high
cant difference in complication between the two temperatures and destroy the tumour tissue.
routes. Under ultrasound or CT guidance, a probe Figure 16.7 summarises the approach to man-
is inserted into the tumour through which an agement of kidney cancer.
338 R. Shone et al.
IMDC Intermediate and Pembrolizumab + Axitinib Or
Poor Risk Or Sunitinib
Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Or
Fig. 16.8 Selection of therapy in metastatic kidney cancer (Adapted from EAU Guidelines [1])
16 Kidney Cancer 339
Targeted Therapies
Lenvatinib, cavozantinib
kidney cancer
Fig. 16.9 Mechanism of action of targeted and immuno- FGFR (FGF receptor), PDGF (platelet-derived growth
logical therapies factor), PDGFR (PDGF receptor) and VEGFR (VEGF
(Adapted from Choueiri TK, Motzer RJ. Systemic Therapy receptor), mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR),
for Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma. N Engl J Med. MHC (major histocompatibility complex), PD-1 (pro-
2017 Jan 26;376 (4):354–366 [9]) grammed cell death protein) PD-L1 (PD-1 ligand, and
Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), VEGF (vascular endo- PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase)
thelial growth factor) FGF (fibroblast growth factor),
340 R. Shone et al.
Prognosis Follow up
The prognosis depends on stage of the kidney Surveillance following treatment aims to detect
cancer as shown in Fig. 16.10 local recurrence or metastatic disease while the
patient is still curable. Controversy exists regard-
ing the optimal duration/intervals for follow up
of patients who have completed treatment for
RCC, and there is no existing evidence base to
Distant disease (Stage IV) guide clinicians. The surveillance modality is
guided by the individual patient’s risk profile.
Factors increasing risk include larger tumours
(>7 cm), or when there is a positive surgical mar-
Reginal disease (Stage III)
70% gin. Follow up following cryoablation or RFA
may be more intensive due to the higher recur-
rence rate (Table 16.13).
Localised disease (Stage I+II)
Practice Points
1. Imaging is key to diagnosis: most
renal masses can be diagnosed accu-
Fig. 16.10 Renal Cell Cancer 5 year percentage survival rately by imaging alone
by stage [18] 2. Surgery is the first line treatment for
localised disease
3. Despite attempted curative treatment
with nephrectomy (either partial or rad-
ical), approximately 30% of patients
with ccRCC with localised disease will
go onto develop metastases [15]
4. Small molecule inhibitors, targeted
therapies and immune checkpoint-
based immunotherapy form the treat-
ment pathway for advanced or
metastatic kidney cancer; There is no
role for chemotherapy [1]
Table 16.13 Proposed Surveillance Schedule (Adapted from EAU Guidelines [1])
Surveillance interval
Risk Profile
3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 18 mo 24 mo 30 mo 36 mo >3 year
CT every
Low CT - CT - CT
- - 2 years
Intermediate - CT CT CT CT
- yearly
(CT should be contrasted if possible, or appropriate imaging schedule agreed with radiologists)
16 Kidney Cancer 341
A. Urgent partial nephrectomy Test your learning and check your understand-
B. Urgent radical nephrectomy and ing of this book’s contents: use the “Springer
metastasectomy Nature Flashcards” app to access questions using
C. Watchful waiting To use the app, please fol-
D. Active Surveillance low the instructions in Chap. 1.
E. Consideration for cytoreductive nephrec-
tomy, metastasectomy and consideration
of first line systemic therapy with References
Pembrolizumab and Axitinib
1. European Association of Urology. Guidelines on
Answer: E
Renal Cell Carcinoma. [Online] EAU Guidelines
A. Incorrect—This lady has new metastatic Office, Arnhem, The Netherlands; 2021. https://
renal cell cancer, which warrants cytore- ell-c arcinoma/.
ductive nephrectomy, metastasectomy Accessed 5 July 2021.
2. Cancer Research UK. Kidney cancer: types and
and consideration of first line systemic
grades; 2020.
therapy with Pembrolizumab and about-c ancer/kidney-c ancer/stages-t ypes-g rades/
Axitinib, since partial nephrectomy alone types-grades. Accessed 30 Nov 2020.
will not be sufficient to fully treat her 3. Caliò A, Warfel KA, Eble JN. Papillary adenomas and
other small epithelial tumors in the kidney: an autopsy
study. Am J Surg Pathol. 2019;43(2):277–87.
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5. Cumberbatch MG, Rota M, Catto JW, et al. The
and consideration of first line systemic
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therapy with Pembrolizumab and nogenesis: a comparison of exposures and meta-
Axitinib, since radical nephrectomy and analysis of incidence and mortality risks. Eur Urol.
metastasectomy alone are unlikely to 2016;70(3):458–66.
6. Hidayat K, Du X, Zou S, et al. Blood pres-
fully treat her disease
sure and kidney cancer risk. J Hypertens.
C. Incorrect—This lady has new metastatic 2017;35(7):1333–44.
renal cell cancer, which warrants cytore- 7. Wong G, Staplin N, Emberson J, et al. Chronic kidney
ductive nephrectomy, metastasectomy disease and the risk of cancer: an individual patient
data meta-analysis of 32,057 participants from six
and consideration of first line systemic
prospective studies. BMC Cancer 2016; 16(1).
therapy with Pembrolizumab and 8. Hajj P, Ferlicot S, Massoud W, Awad A, Hammoudi
Axitinib – watchful waiting would inevi- Y, Charpentier B, Durrbach A, Droupy S, Benoît
tably lead to further disease spread, and G. Prevalence of renal cell carcinoma in patients
with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
would not be the most appropriate line of
disease and chronic renal failure. Urology.
management for a young, fit patient. 2009;74(3):631–4.
D. Incorrect—This lady has new metastatic 9. Choueiri TK, Motzer RJ. Systemic therapy for
renal cell cancer, following delayed re- metastatic renal-cell carcinoma. N Engl J Med.
imaging on active surveillance. Her cur-
10. Marconi L, Dabestani S, Lam TB, Hofmann F,
rent disease warrants consideration for Stewart F, Norrie J, Bex A, Bensalah K, Canfield
cytoreductive nephrectomy, metastasec- SE, Hora M, Kuczyk MA, Merseburger AS, Mulders
tomy and first line systemic therapy with PFA, Powles T, Staehler M, Ljungberg B, Volpe
A. Systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic
Pembrolizumab and Axitinib
accuracy of percutaneous renal tumour biopsy. Eur
E. Correct—This lady has new metastatic Urol. 2016;69(4):660–73.
renal cell cancer, which warrants consid- 11. Kunath F, Schmidt S, Krabbe LM, Miernik A, Dahm
eration of cytoreductive nephrectomy, P, Cleves A, Walther M, Kroeger N. Partial nephrec-
tomy versus radical nephrectomy for clinical local-
metastasectomy and first line systemic
ised renal masses. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
therapy with Pembrolizumab and Axitinib 2017;5(5):CD012045.
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12. Van Poppel H, Da Pozzo L, Albrecht W, Matveev V, 16. Akdogan B, Gudeloglu A, Inci K, Gunay LM, Koni
Bono A, Borkowski A, Colombel M, Klotz L, Skinner A, Ozen H. Prevalence and predictors of benign
E, Keane T, Marreaud S, Collette S, Sylvester R. A lesions in renal masses smaller than 7 cm pre-
prospective, randomised EORTC intergroup phase sumed to be renal cell carcinoma. Clin Genitourin
3 study comparing the oncologic outcome of elec- Cancer. 2012;10(2):121–5.
tive nephron-sparing surgery and radical nephrec- clgc.2012.01.005. Epub 2012 Mar 7.
tomy for low-stage renal cell carcinoma. Eur Urol. 17. Pan XW, Cui XM, Huang H, Huang Y, Li L, Wang
2011;59(4):543–52. ZJ, Qu FJ, Gao Y, Cui XG, Xu DF. Radiofrequency
13. Blom JH, van Poppel H, Marechal JM, Jacqmin ablation versus partial nephrectomy for treatment of
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tion: preliminary results of the EORTC randomized 18. American Cancer Society. Survival Rates for Kidney
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Ficarra V. Renal cell carcinoma. Nat Rev Dis Primers.
Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice
Mohamed Elewa and Sandip Mitra
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 349
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
350 M. Elewa and S. Mitra
17 Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice 351
Fig. 17.1 Key Components of Hemodialysis Treatment. Diagram illustrating four key components of haemodialysis
treatment: the blood circuit, the dialyser and dialysate delivery system, and the water treatment system
patient. ECC is comprised of a pre-dialyzer limb are fitted in the dialysis machine so that pressure
(arterial) and a post-dialyzer limb (venous). changes, or air can be detected, and when detected
These are manufactured from inert, biocompati- the blood pump would stop, a clamp secures the
ble and sterilized materials. A blood pump pro- venous line to prevent blood return, and the alarm
pels the blood through the tubing system using sound is activated [4] (Fig. 17.1).
negative pressure. The commonest blood pump Pressures in the tubing of the ECC is detected
design is the roller design; rotator rollers com- by transducer devices inside the machine which
press the blood in the tubing system and sweep convert the pressure changes into electronic sig-
the blood towards the dialyzer. The pump speed nals. Transducer protector act as barrier between
is displayed on the machine as Qb (mL/min), and the blood in tube and transducer in the machine.
this can be adjusted, with ranges of up to 500 mL/ If these protector filters are wet, they prevent air-
min. This is automatically calculated from the flow and need to be changed immediately after
number of pump revolutions per minute, and the inspection. The ECC pressures are dependent of
volume of the blood in the tubing system within the blood flow rate and resistance to flow across
the pump. It is important to note that the calcu- the tubing and at the access sites. Pressure
lated Qb could be higher than the actual blood changes will trigger an alarm when it exceeds the
flow rate. This is due to a negative pressure set limits of tolerance in the machine.
exerted by the pump on the tubing system to pro- The arterial pump effect is measured as the
pel the blood. A more accurate measurement is “arterial pressure”, which is a negative value. At
the Effective Blood Flow Rate (EBFR), or cor- pressures −150 mmHg or lower, EBFR deviates
rected Qb for the measured “arterial pressure”. significantly from calculated Qb and can lead to
After the blood passes through the dialyzer, the loss of treatment efficiency. Excessive negative
blood then moves towards the “venous side” of pressures may indicate poor arterial inflow, likely
the circuit, eventually returning back to the due to problematic vascular access. This must be
patient via the AV access. The tubing design addressed to ensure adequate blood flow. High
which has integrated blood chambers and drips, Venous pressures (VP) are caused by an obstruc-
ensures monitoring and safety. These chambers tion distal to the point, kinks in lines or access
352 M. Elewa and S. Mitra
stenosis. Low VP caused by poor arterial flow, or concentrate can be tailored to each patient’s
wet venous isolator. A dislodged venous needle needs. The various combinations of fluid con-
may not trigger a venous alarm, hence vigilance centrations may be limited by local guidelines
and adherence to taping policy with a risk mitiga- and availability (Table 17.1).
tion strategy is imperative to avoid exsanguina-
tion. Venous alarms must not be reset without
visual inspection of access site. Ultrafiltration Control Systems
Blood volume monitors are sensors built into
specific blood lines for noninvasive monitoring The goal of ultrafiltration apparatus inside the
of relative changes in plasma volumes by con- HD machine is to ensure precise removal of fluid
tinuously tracking changes in hematocrit or in a safe manner. Ultrafiltration is controlled by
plasma density induced by ultrafiltration. The the means of an ultrafiltration control unit, that
changes can be used to guide ultrafiltration, espe- gets input from the information provided pre-
cially in frequent hemodynamic instability and treatment about desired UF volumes. The unit
intradialytic hypotension [4]. controls the UF rate by means of an UF pump. A
balancing chamber within the machine
(Volumetric Device) adjusts to ensure that dialy-
Dialysate Preparation & Monitoring sate flow to and from the dialyzer is balanced for
accuracy. A Flow Control Device is an alterna-
The purpose of the dialysis circuit or the fluid tive method based on flow sensors on the inlet
pathway within the machine is to prepare the and outlet of the dialyser to achieve accuracy and
dialysate by adding acid concentrate and alkaline balance. The advances in these systems have
buffer to treated water, and deliver it to the dia- enabled large fluid volume shifts across high per-
lyzer at a predetermined rate. It is also designed meable dialysers with relative ease and
to ensure the dialysate has the appropriate com- accuracy.
position, temperature, and pH through a series of
monitors and detectors along the dialysate deliv-
ery system. Finally, the discarded dialysate is Water Treatment Systems
drained along with the excess fluid removed from
the patient through ultrafiltration. For 4 h, thrice weekly standard hemodialysis ses-
The treated water is initially delivered to the sions, an individual patient’s blood comes in con-
dialysis machine, deaerated and warmed, and tact with at approximately 18,000 L of water
moved to the proportioning system. The dialy- per annum at a dialysate flow rate of 500 mL/
sate is prepared here by combining water with min. This underpins the importance of high-
specific portions of acid concentrate (compris- quality standards, adequate water treatment sys-
ing of acetate or citrate with chloride salts of tems, and its effective monitoring in order to
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and ensure patient safety. The water purification sys-
glucose) and bicarbonate buffer solution or tems in use are Reverse Osmosis (R/O) or
powder to produce a physiological solution Deionizer (D/I) systems. The water is “pre-
(final dialysate) which is fed into the dialyser treated” by passing through a series of filters:
inlet to come in contact with blood across the sediment filter, softener, a carbon filter, and
semipermeable membrane. The table below micro-filters. Each of these acts to remove con-
describes the essential safety checks that are taminants, sediments, and minerals. Local guide-
carried out in the prepared dialysate after pro- lines set recommended specification of water
portioning and mixing and prior to it being fed treatment systems and quality, along with the rec-
into the dialyser at commencement of HD. The ommended frequency of monitoring of dialysis
final concentration of electrolytes is generated water. Ultrapure water is defined as water with a
by a process known as proportioning. Dialysate bacterial count below 0.1 colony-forming unit
17 Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice 353
(CFU)/mL and endotoxin below 0.03 endotoxin from natural materials, they are less biocompat-
unit (EU)/mL and is recommended for use in ible. Biocompatibility can be improved by sub-
hemodiafiltration. This is made feasible by addi- stituting hydroxyl groups, which reduces the
tional highly reliable endotoxin adsorption filters ability of cellulose membranes to activate com-
in the dialysate fluid pathway within the machine. plement and cause leukopenia. Synthetic mem-
branes are more biocompatible and have higher
permeability. Some examples of membrane
Dialyser Membranes and its materials commonly in clinical use include
Performance polysulfone, polyethersulfone, cellulose triace-
tate, polyacrylonitrile, polycarbonate, and
The blood is propelled from the “arterial” side of polymethylmethacrylate.
the circuit towards the hemodialyzer, where the The primary mode of removal of small solutes
dialysis process, an exchange of molecules is diffusion. The rate of diffusion of a solute is
occurs across the dialyser semipermeable mem- dependent on thickness of the membrane, pore
brane, can take place. Most dialyzers available sizes and shape, and diffusivity of the solute. This
today are designed as rigid cylinders, packed is expressed as K0A, and is an in-vitro measure-
with membrane material configured in the form ment provided in specification by manufacturers.
of capillary fibres (Hollow Fibre design). High-efficiency dialyzers can achieve greater
Membranes are either synthetic or non- urea clearances than low flux dialysers at compa-
synthetic. Non-synthetic membranes are derived rable blood flow rates.
354 M. Elewa and S. Mitra
The main mode of removal of large solutes, on ferred in acute kidney injury with severe uremia
the other hand, is convection. The ability of a to prevent dialysis disequilibrium syndrome,
larger solute to pass through the pores of a mem- whilst large surface area dialyzers are indicated
brane is expressed as the sieving coefficient of in the treatment of poisoning, drug overdose and
the membrane for a given solute. Dialyzer manu- toxicity [1].
facturers provide sieving coefficients of albumin,
B12, beta-2 microglobulin and others, as a mea-
sure of convective performance. Hemodialysis Techniques
The ultrafiltration coefficient (KUF) is a mea-
sure of the water permeability of a membrane, Three principle hemodialysis techniques are used
and values above 20 mL/h/mmHg indicate high in clinical practice (Table 17.2).
flux dialyzers which can readily move large vol- Hemodiafiltration may be considered as a
umes of fluid at low transmembrane pressure gra- treatment for intra-dialytic hypotension refrac-
dients. A dialyzer with higher KUF will typically tory to other measures, and for dialysis patients
have higher diffusive and sieving coefficient with favorable prognosis who are unable or
values. unlikely to be transplanted. There has been a
Majority of international guidelines recom- growth in the use of HDF as a treatment modality
mend the use of high flux, high efficiency dialyz- and is recommended for consideration for
ers and Information about membrane properties Incentre and satellite hemodialysis by NICE, UK
is provided by manufacturers. For intensive care (2019). Further evidence generating studies in
units, small surface area dialyzers may be pre- HDF are ongoing [5].
Conventional • The setup allows blood flow into a dialyser compartment, and the dialysate flow
Hemodialysis in the other compartment, in opposing direction to maximize solute movement
(Low Flux or High Flux using a low or high flux dialyser acting as the interface membrane. High flux
Membrane) hemodialysis, predominantly a diffusive treatment combined with limited
volumes of convective clearances.
Hemodiafiltration • Hemodiafiltration (HDF), combines both diffusive and high dose convective
(with an additional HDF therapy.
pump and reinfusion) • Newer technology has enabled ultrapure replacement solution to be generated
and delivered by the device (on-line HDF), allowing higher convective volumes
and easier delivery of this therapy to patients.
• A large convective volume creates a solute drag for middle and large middle
molecules, the convective volume replaced by reinfusion of online generated
substitution fluid or using packaged solutions by a separate HDF pump for
• The volume control is achieved by balancing the rate of fluid replacement using
precise volumetric devices with in the machine.
Expanded Hemodialysis • Expanded HD (HDX) define a treatment where diffusion and convection are
(Using a dedicated technically integrated inside a hollow-fiber dialyzer equipped with a medium
membrane) cut-off membrane (MCO) without the need for substitution fluid.
• The MCO Dialyzer, through its innovative design, combines the functional
features of enhanced permeability, increased selectivity, controlled retention,
and improved internal filtration into a single dialyzer, enabling removal of
small, conventional middle molecules and large middle molecular uremic
toxins without the need for additional pump or reinfusion fluid.
17 Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice 355
operative period (in a 12 h window), anticoagu- or alteration in appetite can all lead to changes
lant free dialysis should be performed. Sodium in target weight. Target weights should be
chloride 0.9% 200 mL boluses may be used if reviewed ideally on a monthly basis.
required [6]. Higher blood flow rates are effective
in reducing need for anticoagulation. Outside
these settings, where circuit is unstable with Connecting and Commencing
clots, a minimal dose of heparin/LMWH may be Treatment
considered after discussion with nephrologist or
hematologist. A single HD treatment is initiated with a disin-
Circumstances when HD with minimal or fection cycle in the machine, mixing of the dial-
heparin free anticoagulation may be required ysate and a compulsory test program. Once this
is complete the machine is setup with blood
lines and dialyser followed by priming to de-
Practice Point 3
aerate and adjust the bubble trap levels.
Heparin free dialysis may be necessary if: Following this the treatment and machine set-
tings are entered followed by preparing the anti-
• Active bleeding or clinically suspected coagulation and cannulation of the vascular
active bleeding access using an appropriate needle gauge and
• Immediate preoperative period (within aseptic non touch technique. The Arteriovenous
12 h of surgery) Fistula (AVF) anatomy and examination charac-
• Immediate post-operative period (12 h teristics determine the choice of the needle
post-surgery) gauge and the optimal cannulation technique.
• 12 h before and after invasive tests The cannulated access is then connected to the
(angiogram, biopsies) blood lines and the treatment initiated.
• Therapeutic anticoagulation with UFH /
LMWH for other conditions
• Severe blood dyscrasias or bleeding Optimizing Dialysis Prescription
• Acute trauma The use of wider needle gauge, higher blood
flows, efficient dialysers with high permeability,
optimum anticoagulation and the prescribed time
are key factors in driving optimal clearances for
ltrafiltration (UF) and Residual
U both diffusion (urea Kt/V) and convection (high
Renal Function (RRF) substitution volumes) in a standard HD or HDF
treatment. In selected individuals, less frequent,
Careful assessment of volume status, with revi- incremental or shorter sessions can be provided
sion of target weight is needed, to tailor UF pre- in presence of residual renal function, or to
scription accordingly. Assessment of volume achieve better quality of life when longevity is
status may be aided with static measurements not a prime target. HD therapy is often tailored to
of fluid compartments using bioimpedance patients’ needs provided it is safe and adequate
devices or with more dynamic real time assess- for the individual.
ment of changing relative blood volume (RBV)
during ultrafiltration using blood density or
hematocrit monitoring (blood volume moni- Other HD Techniques
tors). Large registry dataset analysis has dem-
onstrated that high ultrafiltration rates (>12 mL/ Isolated Ultrafiltration (Iso UF)
kg/h) are associated with adverse cardiovascu-
lar outcomes and should be avoided [7]. Iso UF mode is used when rapid ultrafiltration is
Underlying illnesses, hospitalization, cachexia required, typically in emergencies such as pul-
17 Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice 357
monary oedema. The dialysate delivery is in the dialyzer, and the venous pump pushing blood
bypass mode, and the transmembrane pressure back to the patient. This happens in sequence, to
is generated by negative pressure in the dialy- allow both outflow and inflow via a single needle.
sate compartment. Iso UF rates deployed are The effective blood flow cannot exceed 300 mL/
typically 1 L per hour but this may be varied. min. Major drawbacks include recirculation and
Hemodynamic stability is often better main- reduced dialysis efficiency. Some advantages of
tained in the absence of circulating dialysate SNHD include the ability to use an inadequate
fluid whilst rapid ultrafiltration is achieved. fistula with limited access (repair, infiltration,
Lack of blood contact with dialysate during Iso short segments) or maturing access reducing
UF prevents diffusion and thereby achieves no puncture-related pain, stress and complications
net solute removal. The time spent on Iso UF by avoiding double puncture [8]. Other modes
will achieve fluid removal only but no solute that can be used include sustained low efficiency
removal, hence the process must not be consid- dialysis (SLED), and profiled dialysis. SNHD
ered as dialysis time. reduces the risk of significant blood loss in the
event of a needle dislodgement, as the blood
pump would automatically stop, protecting
achine in Bypass and Recirculation
M against ongoing blood loss. Patients on Frequent
Mode Nocturnal HD often use this mode for routine
The dialysis machine is specifically configured
to allow the dialysate fluid to bypass the dialy-
ser and be discarded to waste (Machine in Dialyser Reuse
Bypass). This is a potential safety feature for
unsafe dialysate to be spent without coming in Hemodialyzer reuse refers to the practice of
contact with blood and harming the patient. The using the dialyzer multiple times for a single
same mode of bypass is activated to perform patient. The process, with the right implementa-
Isolated Ultrafiltration. The bypass mode is tion, is potentially a safe and cost-effective pro-
also utilized to disconnect the blood circuit cedure for high-flux dialyzers. However, there
from the patient and allow the extracorporeal has been a steady decline of this practice in the
blood volume to recirculate only for a limited United States and Europe since late 1990s par-
period of time (5–20 mins). This option allows ticularly since the introduction of regulatory
the patient to have a temporary disconnection label of “single use only” for dialysers. The
from dialysis to reposition access needles or practice is still prevalent in some countries.
troubleshoot any patient issues without disman- Dialyser reprocessing is essential to render it
tling the whole setup and circuit. Extracorporeal safe with a membrane surface suitable for con-
recirculation of blood beyond a limited time tact with blood. Dialyser reuse involves several
period risks alteration in the composition of step processes of rinsing, cleaning, performance
blood which may be unsafe to return back to the testing, and disinfection of dialyzers prior to
patient. reuse and requires systems in place for its moni-
toring. The process requires the use of cleaning
and germicidal agents that are potentially toxic,
Single Needle Hemodialysis (SNHD) and accidental contact with these agents may
expose both patients and dialysis staff to health
Once a popular option, especially in Europe, the hazards [9]. Rigorous quality assurance proce-
single needle dialysis lost its popularity in the dures need to be in place to monitor the proce-
eighties. In single needle hemodialysis, a specific dures for flushing and testing dialysers, patient
double pump facility must be available in the specific dialyser usage and verification proce-
machine, which propels the blood through the dures for “volume pass” and “reuse number
tubing, with the arterial pump delivering blood to pass” [10].
358 M. Elewa and S. Mitra
• A medical director Both answer to a governing body; which adopts and enforces
• A facility administrator rules relative to, health care and safety of patients, patients'
personal and property rights, health care and safety.
Personnel • Nurse in charge • Technicians
• Nursing staff • Dietitian
• Support workers • Social worker
Physical Attention should be paid to the physical environment of the facility. This includes equipment,
environment fire safety, patient care settings, water quality, and infection control measures.
Several standard and quality metrics are being used to measure quality and promote
Quality performance improvement:
Process metrics: dialysis adequacy, vascular access (AVF vs graft vs lines), target hemoglobin, infection rates,
Improvement Immunizations, etc.
measures Outcome measures: mortality, hospitalization, and transplant rates, quality adjusted life years, patient safety and
patient satisfaction
Fig. 17.2 Managing a Dialysis Facility. Diagram illustrates the elements recommended to manage a dialysis facility;
divided into three domains: personnel, physical environment and quality improvement measures
17 Hemodialysis in Clinical Practice 361
complications. Button hole cannulation may be 2. The signs that indicate excessive clotting in
considered to allow use of short segment AVF, circuit during treatment are:
to achieve higher blood flows and mitigate A. Raised venous pressure
against future catheter related complications. B. Reduced arterial pressure
Extended dialysis, ideally in the home settting, C. Raised trans membrane pressure (TMP)
could improve adherence, resolve many of the D. Visible signs of clotting, streaky dialyser
restrictions of incentre HD, and potentially E. Low dialysate conductivity
improve cardiovascular outcomes. Correct answer (A, B, C, D)
Since its inception nearly six decades ago, 3. Indicate which of these factors will not trig-
Hemodialysis therapy for clinical use, has under- ger alarms for High venous pressures
gone a massive technological progress led by A. Blood Circuit connection error
unprecedented engineering advances and entre- B. AVF stenosis
preneurship. Fundamentally, the current dialysis C. Kink in the blood tubing, returning
machine is not dissimilar to the early models set limb
up by the forefathers of modern dialysis, and con- D. Kink in blood tubing pre dialyser
stitutes, a blood circuit, a dialyzer and the dialy- E. Occluded venous limb of dialysis
sate pathway with precise control systems to catheter
ensure safety. Further advances have led to Correct answer (A, D)
increased safety, tolerability, and greater efficacy 4. Disconnection haemorrhage from a catheter
and flexibility of treatment. The efficacy of the can be prevented by
treatment, however, is still critically reliant on a A. Keeping access site visible at all time
reliable access to the bloodstream and an effec- during a treatment
tive anticoagulation regimen to maintain extra- B. Adherence to a Safe Taping policy
corporeal patency and blood flow. C. Optimum securement of the lines
Hemodialysis therapy remains one of the D. A robust HD governance structure
greatest technological inventions in modern med- E. Specific modules incorporated in staff
icine and the cornerstone therapy for sustaining competency training and assessment
human lives afflicted by kidney failure. The Correct answer (A, B, C, D, E)
improvements in HD safety and technology have 5. Which of these constitute good practice in
seen an unprecedented uptake and increase in HD Ultrafiltration?
prevalence. Further innovation is necessary to A. Limit Interdialytic weight gain to 3%
improve patient experience, outcomes and qual- body weight
ity of life on dialysis. B. UF rate should vary between 10–20 mL/
C. Empower patients with knowledge on
Questions fluid balance
D. Reassess target weight on a monthly
1. The single most effective means of increasing E. Use relative blood volume monitoring
diffusive clearance of small solutes during for unstable patients
HD such as in Predialysis Hyperkalemia is: F. Use Iso UF regularly for fluid overload
A. Increasing Dialysate flow rate Correct answer (A, C, D, E)
B. Increase Dialyser Size 6. The following are some clinical features of
C. Administer Insulin dextrose middle molecule toxicity
D. Increasing haemodialysis machine blood (Residual syndrome)
flow rate A. Macroglossia
E. Increasing Time on dialysis B. Arthropathy
Correct answer (D) C. Haemochromatosis
362 M. Elewa and S. Mitra
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 363
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
364 O. I. Ameh et al.
options. Complications of continuous ambula- ume that has to be removed within a time con-
tory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) are discussed in straint of usually 4 h. Normally in the setting of
a separate chapter. volume loss, cardiovascular and neurohormonal
mechanisms are activated, including: increased
heart rate and myocardial contractility, increased
Cardiovascular Complications peripheral resistance and activation of the sym-
of Haemodialysis pathetic nervous system and the renin angioten-
sin aldosterone system. These all promote
Intradialytic Hypotension plasma refilling, and thereby maintain intravas-
cular volume and BP. With intradialytic hypo-
Definition of intradialytic Hypotension [1, 2]: tension however, certain procedure-related and/
Intradialytic hypotension was defined by KDOQI in
2005 as a reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP)
or patient-related factors lead to ineffectual
≥20 mmHg or a reduction in mean arterial pressure responses with resulting hypotension (Fig. 18.1).
(MAP) by 10 mmHg with associated symptoms of Dialysis-related factors usually include dialy-
cardiovascular (CV) compromise such as dizziness, sate composition (low sodium, low calcium),
nausea, vomiting, deep sighing or yawning [1]. More
recently, KDIGO proposed in 2020 this be amended to
use of warm dialysate, acetate dialysate buffer,
“Any symptomatic decrease in SBP or a nadir aggressive ultrafiltration, and low plasma osmo-
intradialytic BP <90 mmHg should prompt lality. Large interdialytic weight gain, pre-dialy-
reassessment of BP and volume management [2]” sis use of antihypertensive medications,
ingestion of meals during dialysis sessions
Intradialytic hypotension is prevalent in (leading to significant splanchnic bed pooling of
between 15 and 50% of dialysis sessions, blood volume), hypoalbuminemia, pre-existing
depending on the case definition criteria comorbidities (e.g. pericardial effusion, periph-
employed [2, 3]. Pathophysiologically, it is a eral vascular disease, autonomic dysfunction in
maladaptive response to the acute and appar- diabetic patients) are all examples of patient-
ently fixed fluid (water) shifts that occur during related factors that are associated with intradia-
a dialysis session i.e. a target ultrafiltration vol- lytic hypotension.
Cardiac factors
– Myocardial infarction
– Arrhythmias
– Pericardial tamponade
– Structural heart disease
Patient-related factors:
– Use of antihypertensive drugs Dialysis-related factors:
– Anaemia
– Diabetes with autonomic neuropathy
Intradialytic – Use of acetate dialysate
– Low dialysate sodium
– Food ingestion (splanchnic vasodilation) hypotension – Low dialysate calcium
– Ongoing infection (sepsis) – Generation of cytokines (e.g., NO, IL-1)
– Increase in core body temperature (fever)
reaction Hemolysis
The acute management of symptomatic intra- function due to repeated kidney parenchymal
dialytic hypotension episodes is dictated by the ischaemia (Fig. 18.2).
severity of each episode and can entail postural Given the serious consequences, preventive
adjustments to improve venous return (e.g. the strategies must be implemented in the HD patient
Trendelenburg position), stopping ultrafiltra- who suffers repeated episodes of intradialytic
tion—with or without terminating the dialysis hypotension: First line preventive measures, as
session altogether, and the administration of outlined by the European best practices guide-
intravenous fluid and oxygen. lines [8], include dietary sodium restriction,
There are long term sequelae to repeated intra- bicarbonate buffer use, a clinical reappraisal of
dialytic hypotension. Hence, this should be mini- patient’s dry weight, adjusting dialysate tempera-
mised in HD patients, as it portends adverse ture to 36.5 °C, avoiding meals during dialysis,
morbidity and mortality outcomes. The conse- and adjusting the doses and timing of administra-
quences of repeated intradialytic hypotension tion of antihypertensive medication. In more
includes repeated myocardial stunning with refractory cases, Midodrine—a selective alpha-1
resultant myocardial fibrosis and cardiac hyper- adrenoceptor agonist—may be used, and l-
trophy [4, 5], endotoxin translocation due to gut carnitine supplementation is also advocated. If all
ischaemia associated with chronic systemic measures are unsuccessful, the patient may ben-
inflammation [6, 7], and loss of residual kidney efit from a change in dialysis modality.
• Myocardial stunning
• Vascular access
• Myocardial fibrosis
• Cardiac hypertrophy
release or short acting BP lowering agents to SCA represents an interplay between a trigger-
lower the BP. The long-term management of ing event for a fatal arrhythmia and a predispos-
intradialytic hypertension involves a downward ing/underlying CV disease. CKD and kidney
review of dry weight over time i.e. dry-weight failure are associated with myocardial structural
probing, reducing dialysate sodium to reduce the changes, such as left ventricular hypertrophy
dialysate-plasma gradient, and the use of (LVH), coronary vascular calcification, and myo-
antihypertensives prior to commencing dialysis cardial fibrosis, which in turn disrupt the architec-
sessions. Dry weight probing addresses the ture of cardiac electrical pathways resulting in
chronic ECW excess state in these patients while arrhythmogenic zones and conduction delays in
a less steep or flat dialysate-plasma sodium gra- fibrotic areas [25]. Fluxes in electrolyte levels
dient ensures that ultrafiltration effectively especially with regards to dialysate potassium and
addresses the ECV compartment alone. calcium (low levels of both predispose to pro-
Withholding antihypertensives prior to dialysis longed QT interval and QT dispersion on ECG),
sessions should not be a broad approach applied intracorporeal fluid compartment volume fluctua-
to all dialysis patients. In patients with recurrent tions, and myocardial stunning, constitute identi-
intradialytic hypertension, non-dialyzable anti- fied triggers [26, 27]. A relationship exists
hypertensives (e.g. Amlodipine) can be adminis- between dialysis timing and the occurrence of
tered [19]. While the choice of antihypertensives SCD. HD patients are most at risk after a long
is driven by factors such as comorbid states and interdialytic interval (>2 days), with the risk being
underlying CV risk factors, ACEis/ARBs and highest in the last 12 h of the interdialytic period,
β-blockers are particularly beneficial. during or after the first dialysis session of the
week and within 6 h after a dialysis session [28–
31]. Both tachy- and bradyarrhythmias are known
ardiac Arrhythmias, Sudden Cardiac
C to occur in the dialysis population. While tachyar-
Arrest, and Sudden Cardiac Death rhythmias have been widely held to be the com-
moner cause of SCA, more recent data suggests
Cardiovascular disease remains an important cause that bradyarrhythmias account more for fatal
of mortality in kidney failure patients with sudden intradialysis arrests. Tachyarrhythmias include
cardiac death (SCD) accounting for 78% of CV atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia,
causes of death [20]. SCD has been defined as “an and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia [32].
unexpected death due to cardiac causes in a person Management strategies are directed towards
with known or unknown cardiac disease, within 1 h the prevention of arrhythmias and encompass
of symptom onset (witnessed SCD) or within 24 h avoiding rapid electrolyte shifts during dialysis
of the last proof of life (unwitnessed SCD) [20, sessions, more frequent dialysis session schedul-
21]”. Included in this definition is a distinct sub- ing to avoid long interdialytic intervals, the use of
group of patients in whom sudden cardiac arrest cardioprotective agents such as ACEi/ARB which
(SCA) in dialysis is the cause of SCD. The risk for are known to have a beneficial effect on modify-
arrhythmias and SCA is higher among HD patients ing myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis, and
relative to CAPD patients in the first 2 years of β-blockers with pleiotropic benefits beyond BP
dialysis initiation but this risk equalizes thereafter control including inhibitory effect on the sympa-
[16]. Forty percent of deaths among dialysis thetic system, promoting of heart rate variability,
patients are attributable to arrhythmias and SCA and improving baroreceptor sensitivity. The use
with the reported event rates of occurrence ranging of cardiac devices such as implantable defibrilla-
between 4.5–7.0 per 100,000 HD sessions [22–24]. tors has also been advocated. Other causes of
Prognosis following intradialysis SCA is dismal SCD in dialysis patients other than fatal arrhyth-
with 7.8% dying intradialysis following unsuccess- mias identified from autopsy series include acute
ful resuscitative attempts while only 40% remain myocardial infarction and dissecting aortic aneu-
alive 2 days post event [23]. rysms [33].
368 O. I. Ameh et al.
Dialysis disequilibrium
Drugs: Toxins:
– lntradialytic removal of anticonvulsants – Alcohol withdrawal
– Use o– epileptogenic drugs – Aluminum intoxication
Focal neurological disease: Others:
– lntracerebral / intracranial hemorrhage – Sustained hypotensive episodes
– Microangiopathy – Uremic encephalopathy
– Atheroembolism – Hypertensive encephalopathy
Electrolyte / Metabolic:
– Hypocalcaemia
– Hypomagnesemia
– Hypoglycaemia
of epileptogenic drugs (e.g. theophylline) can be as a result of HD, with no particular pathogno-
triggers of a seizure disorder during dialysis. In monic characteristics, and which spontaneously
addition, HD-related processes such as a rela- resolves within 72 h of the termination of the
tively rapid clearance of solutes such as urea can dialysis session [47]. Diagnostic criteria help to
lead to an osmotic gradient between the brain and distinguish DRH from other headache phenom-
the plasma, leading to dialysis disequilibrium ena that may be observed in HD patients [47]:
syndrome (DDS): brain edema that manifests as
neurological symptoms such as headache, nau- Diagnostic criteria for dialysis-related headaches
sea, vomiting, muscle cramps, tremors, disturbed (DRH) [47]
consciousness, and convulsions. Other 1. Patient is on HD
HD-related processes including the use of acetate 2. Two of the following to demonstrate HD
buffer, heparinization-related intracerebral hem- (a) Headache occurring during an HD session
orrhage, and erythropoietin administration have (b) Each headache episode worsening during the
also been associated with HRS [45, 46]. dialysis session and/or each headache episode
resolving within 72 hours of HD completion,
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are more com-
3. Three headache episodes meeting the specifics
monly observed than non-convulsive seizures above
[45]. There is a dearth of clinical trial efficacy 4. Headaches no longer occurring after renal
data regarding the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs transplantation and cessation of HD altogether
in the prevention and management of HRS.
Diazepam, a benzodiazepine that is non- A previous diagnosis of primary headache
dialyzable has been reported to prevent the recur- appears to be a risk factor for
rence of HRS [44]. DRH. Pathophysiologic mechanisms have been
attributed to changes in levels of solutes such as
sodium, magnesium, and urea as well as intradia-
Headache lytic changes in blood pressure and volume status
[48, 49]. No clinical trial data is available to
Dialysis-related headache (DRH) is a common guide prophylactic and therapeutic approaches to
neurologic complication of HD and is described DRH management. There are case reports [50,
by the International Headache society as a sec- 51] describing the prophylactic role of chlor-
ondary form of headache occurring during, and promazine, ACE-i [51], magnesium oxide and
18 Complications of Haemodialysis 371
nortriptyline, while paracetamol and the ergot towards the end of a dialysis session and may
alkaloids (ergotamine, dihydroergotamine) have result in the premature termination of a session
also been shown to have therapeutic benefits of dialysis. Cramps have been reported in up to
[50]. The risk of AV fistula closure with alkaloid 86% of HD patients [55]. Short-term painful
derivatives necessitates caution in its application discomfort to the patient and long-term inade-
for the treatment of DRH. quacy of dialysis sessions are consequences of
muscle cramps that should be avoided. Muscle
cramps usually occur in the lower extremities
Dialysis Dementia but can also manifest in the arm, hand, and
abdominal muscles. The exact causes of cramps
Dialysis dementia is prevalent in about 4% of the during dialysis are unknown but the temporal
HD population [52], and is associated with an occurrence towards the end of a treatment ses-
increased risk of dialysis withdrawal and death. sion lend credence to the role of changes in
With the highly restricted use of aluminum- ECV and solute/osmolarity shifts in promoting
containing phosphate binders and improved water the abnormal muscular energy utilization and
treatment systems that safeguard against aluminum cramp triggering. Muscle cramps are observed
contamination of dialysates, dialysis dementia in in up to 74% of intradialytic hypotensive epi-
HD patients is now rarely observed [53]. It is a sub- sodes [56]. It is believed that volume contrac-
acute, progressive, and fatal dementia occurring due tion from high ultrafiltration rates account for
to aluminum deposition in the cerebral cortex. More this. Preventive and treatment approaches thus
recently, risk factors for dialysis-related dementia involve limiting interdialytic weight gain
include the poor clearance of middle-molecules (which limits dialysis sessions UF goals) and
with neurotoxin activity; the preservation of resid- sequential/controlled ultrafiltration, respec-
ual renal function in HD patients which ensures to tively. Hyponatremia has also been implicated
an extent the excretion of middle molecules has as a predisposing factor to muscle cramping by
been associated with reduced odds of dialysis its role in influencing serum osmolarity and
dementia [52]. The chronic oxidative stress and influencing water shifts across the various
inflammatory states induced by HD have also been human volume compartments. Magnesium
implicated. Risk factors for dementia in the general plays a critical role in skeletal metabolism
population (increased age, race, low educational influencing neuromuscular excitability. It also
status, comorbidities such as cerebrovascular dis- plays a regulatory role in sodium, potassium,
ease and diabetes) are also observed in patients with and calcium ion channels transport.
dialysis dementia. The management of aluminum- Hypomagnesemia among HD patients contrib-
related dementia includes aluminum chelation with utes to the occurrence of dialysis-related
deferoxamine, improved water treatment methods, cramps. Magnesium is freely diffusible across
and substituting aluminum-containing phosphate the dialysis membrane and increasing dialysate
binders with non-aluminum alternatives (calcium- magnesium concentrations cause an increase in
or non-calcium-based binders) [54]. The clinical serum magnesium thus promoting neuromuscu-
efficacy of medications for dementia in the general lar excitability stability. The use of magnesium-
population have not been defined in the dialysis based phosphate binders can also be employed
population, but hold promise. to improve serum magnesium levels in the HD
population [57]. Broad non-specific treatment
approaches employed include carnitine, and
Dialysis-Related Muscle Cramps vitamins C and E supplementation [58, 59]. The
use of benzodiazepines has also been docu-
Muscle cramps are a frequent muscular compli- mented [60].
cation in HD and typically present, usually
372 O. I. Ameh et al.
• Aspirin
• Sulphonamides
• Nitrofurantoin
• Quinidine
• Hydralazine
• Malignant hypertension,
• autoimmune conditions (e.g., SLE and TTP),
• sickle cell anaemia,
• G6PD deficiency
• hypersplenism
Fig. 18.4 Proposed aetiological factors for the devel- SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus, TTP Thrombotic
opment of intradialytic haemolysis thrombocytopenic purpura, G6PD Glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase
The symptoms are non-specific. Chronic and ensuring correct positioning of tubings in the
intradialysis haemolysis is usually asymptom- dialysis machine pumps.
atic, presenting as chronic anaemia with fatigue
or erythropoietin resistance. Acute intradialysis
haemolysis presents with nausea, vomiting, Haemorrhage
abdominal pain, diarrhoea, increasing dyspnoea
and hypertension, headache, dark urine and pos- The need for extracorporeal anticoagulation dur-
sibly death. Inspection of the extracorporeal cir- ing HD has introduced an increased likelihood
cuit may reveal a cherry red (less opaque) colour for bleeding complications especially for indi-
which may be associated with a pink tinged dial- viduals who are at increased risk. Major bleed-
ysate fluid if haemolysis is massive. Another ing episodes occur in 1.7% to 3.7% of HD
indicator is a reduction in both arterial and venous patients [69]. Bleeding can occur at any site—
circuits suggesting a kink in the bloodline. vascular access site [70], gastrointestinal, gall
Important investigations include haptoglobin, bladder, intracerebral, subdural, retroperito-
LDH, Coomb’s test, blood film, serum free hae- neum, perinephric or even into the vitreous
moglobin and methaemalbumin. humor. Factors that increase risk of intradialysis
Once acute haemolysis has been identified, it haemorrhage include suboptimal control of BP,
is important to stop dialysis immediately and not pre-existing gastrointestinal lesions, renal cystic
to return the blood in the extracorporeal circula- disease, diabetic retinopathy, recent surgery or
tion to prevent fatal arrythmias from hyperkalae- trauma, concomitant use of warfarin or aspirin
mia. Some patients may require ICU care. Serum and acute stroke [71]. The clinical presentation
potassium levels should be monitored closely. usually depends on the site of bleeding.
Blood products should be given as indicated. The Prevention or minimization of bleeding may be
aetiology of the haemolysis should be investi- done by using dialysis modes that do not require
gated immediately and identified to prevent use of systemic anticoagulation including using
repeat episodes [68]. Prevention of this compli- CAPD, heparin-free HD, regional anticoagula-
cation requires strict adherence to protocols for tion with citrate, prostacyclin or mesilates.
dialysis water safety by appropriately trained Regional heparin anticoagulation may also be
staff; avoidance of small needle/large flow rates employed.
374 O. I. Ameh et al.
erythropoietin or androgen therapy [85]. Dialysis ATPase in the cochlea has also been implicated
induced hypoxaemia and acidosis have also been as a pathophysiologic pathway for sensorineural
suggested as risk factors. Priapism may resolve hearing loss in HD patients [86]. Some have sug-
spontaneously or require the use of surgical gested osmotic disequilibrium in the inner ear
intervention. initiated or worsened by HD. Patients on HD will
benefit from pure tone audiometry for monitoring
of hearing function [87].
Hearing Loss Acute visual loss following HD is an uncom-
mon complication which could be caused by sud-
Hearing impairment affecting low, middle and den hypotension or rapid ultrafiltration leading to
high frequency sounds is not uncommon among a non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropa-
adult HD patients. The stria vascularis and renal thy [88]. The risk factors for visual loss caused
tubular cells have similar modes of active trans- by HD include diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia,
port of fluids and electrolytes and may be respon- smoking and hypertension. Immediate post-
sible for the simultaneous affectations in dialysis reduction in ocular perfusion pressure,
medications that have ototoxic and nephrotoxic choroidal and retinal thickness has been reported
properties [86]. An inhibition of the Na+-K+ [89].
Propoxyphene is a narcotic pain reliever reducing hemoglobin levels. However, the lat-
which is not known to have any effect on pru- ter will affect multiple dialysis patients in the
ritus. All others have been shown to have ben- same centre. Gram positive organisms like
eficial effect in individuals with pruritus. Staph Aureus are the commonest organisms
3. A 56-year-old woman with end-stage renal implicated and having an established fungal
disease secondary to diabetic nephropathy catheter-related infection is an indication for
uses a cuffed, tunneled, right internal jugular removing the catheter.
catheter as vascular access for hemodialysis 4. A 60-year-old diabetic female with a current
for 5 months. After the first 35 minutes of HD, weight of 102 kg has recently commenced
she develops nausea and rigors and has a tem- hemodialysis. Dry weight estimation by bio-
perature of 38.3 °C. Her BP drops from electrical impedance analysis is 93 kg. She
157/80 to 100/61 mmHg, and her heart rate is has been unable to complete her last 3 sched-
113 beats per minute, regular. She had a simi- uled HD sessions due to intra-dialysis MAP
lar experience during dialysis 3 days ago, but drops up to 15 mmHg. The following are car-
the temperature was 37.7 °C and she had tran- diovascular and neuroendocrine mechanisms
sient rigors. Examination revealed mild ery- that are expected to have occurred in this
thema and tenderness of the exit site but no patient except
purulent discharge. No other patient having A. Augmented myocardial contractility
dialysis at the centre has similar occurrence. B. Increased peripheral resistance
What is the most correct statement? C. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous
A. Take a swab from the exit site and start system
empiric antibiotic D. Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin-
B. The most likely cause of this intradialysis Aldosterone system
complication is bacterial contamination of E. Increased heart rate
dialysis water The correct answer: C.
C. Commence IV antibiotic following local Options A, B, D and E are all known com-
resistance pattern for Gram positive and pensatory, adaptive mechanisms that occur
negative bacteria after taking samples during hemodialysis to prevent blood pressure
from the exit site, one from the catheter drops intradialysis.
lumen (hub), and one from the bloodline. 5. One of the following can prevent the occur-
D. The most common causative organisms rence of intradialytic hypertension
are Gram negative organisms A. A steep dialysate-to-plasma sodium gradi-
E. Catheter removal is not essential if a fun- ent favoring intracellular fluid shifts alone
gal organism is cultured. B. A moderate dialysate-to-plasma sodium
The correct answer is C. gradient favoring net extracellular fluid
This is most likely a catheter-related blood shifts
stream infection. C. A moderate dialysate-to-plasma calcium
The identification of the offending organ- gradient favoring total body water fluid
ism and sensitivity pattern is critical in the loss
establishment of correct treatment and pre- D. A steep dialysate-to-plasma sodium gradi-
vention of metastatic infection and death. ent favoring total body water fluid loss
Taking a swab sample from the exit site only E. A zero dialysate-to-plasma sodium gradi-
may not establish the offending organism(s) ent to prevent rebound hypervolemia
as catheter and bloodline samples are also Correct answer: B.
important. Bacterial contamination of water As sodium plays a central role in determin-
would present with chills/rigors within one ing serum osmolarity and thus intravascular
hour of treatment associated with fever one to volume, sodium shifts induced by dialysate-
two hours after treatment, hypotension and serum sodium gradients induce fluid
18 Complications of Haemodialysis 379
4. Burton JO, Jefferies HJ, Selby NM, McIntyre ing hemodialysis: a randomized crossover study. Am
CW. Hemodialysis-induced cardiac injury: deter- J Kidney Dis. 2015;65:464–73.
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Peritoneal Dialysis
Angela Yee-Moon Wang
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 383
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
384 A. Y.-M. Wang
clinical approach to low clearance and low drain PD is contraindicated if the peritoneal cavity
volume in PD will be discussed. is obliterated or the membrane is not functional,
for example due to peritoneal adhesions or cath-
eter placement is not possible. Obesity may pres-
Assessing and Preparing Kidney ent a challenge but is not a contraindication to
Failure Patients for PD PD. Obese patients receiving PD may be at an
increased risk of catheter leak, hernias, exit site
The provision of pre-dialysis education and deci- infection, and peritonitis compared with non-
sion aids increase the likelihood of patients obese patients. A high body mass index may lead
choosing home dialysis therapy such as to inadequate solute clearance especially with
PD. Home dialysis or PD provides patients more loss of RKF, thus requiring larger dwell volumes.
freedom and flexibility with their time and In morbidly obese patient, an extended catheter
improves their sense of well-being. When being with a high abdominal or pre-sternal exit site may
told of the need for dialysis, patients very often be used to avoid placement in a skin fold or the
have difficulties accepting it and are fearful that pannus region, but this would require consider-
dialysis initiation might impact their work, able operator experience. A history of previous
personal life, travel and quality of life. Pre- abdominal surgery does not preclude percutane-
dialysis education provided by a multidisci- ous PD catheter placement unless extensive
plinary team of experienced staff plays an adhesions are present or anticipated. Polycystic
essential role in alleviating fear and anxiety of kidneys may increase intra-abdominal pressure
patients, help patients to better understand kidney and increase risk of hernias. However, PD has
failure, face and accept dialysis, make their pre- been successfully performed in these patients.
ferred choice of dialysis modality, prepare and Thus, the decision of modality choice in patients
cope with life on dialysis better and maintain a with polycystic kidneys need to be individual-
feeling of control with their health condition. ized, taking into consideration the enlarged kid-
Generally, patients should be referred to pre- neys and/or liver size, patients’ body build and
dialysis education at least 4–6 months before sense of abdominal fullness with the enlarged
dialysis initiation or when their eGFR falls below kidneys and/or liver. Patients with chronic consti-
15 mL/min/1.73 m. The multidisciplinary team pation, diverticular disease and other causes of
involved in giving pre-dialysis education should abnormal colonic distention may be unsuitable
include experienced nephrologist, renal nurse, candidates for PD. Patients with cirrhosis and
dietitian, physiotherapist, psychologist, and ascites are at an increased risk of spontaneous
social worker. The program should be designed bacterial peritonitis and protein loss, but PD is
according to local settings, culture, staff avail- not contraindicated. PD has been successfully
ability and patient load in individual hospitals. performed in these patients and the PD catheter
Lack of patient preparedness and an urgent start allows drainage of ascites.
to dialysis are associated with lower survival and
higher morbidity.
In assessing patients planning for PD therapy, Choice in PD Modality
a careful history should be taken in relation to
their co-morbidities, bowel habits, personal The choice of PD modality should be personal-
hygiene, and prior abdominal surgeries. Patients’ ized, involving a shared decision-making
general condition, ability to perform PD, family approach between physicians and patients and is
support and home environment need assessment. the modality that patient chooses after receiving
Assisted PD may be considered in elderly patients dialysis education and decision support. Patients
or patients with mental or physical disabilities and caregivers need to be informed of the chal-
who choose PD. lenges, considerations, and trade-offs of the dif-
19 Peritoneal Dialysis 385
ferent dialysis modalities so that modality which the modality has been chosen prior to the
selection can be tailored to their individual health need for dialysis and there is an access ready for
and social circumstances. use at the initiation of dialysis. An unplanned
start is dialysis initiation when access is not ready
for use or requires hospitalization or when dialy-
PD Catheter Placement sis is initiated with a modality that is not the
patient’s choice.
PD catheter can be placed by traditional open PD is possible in both planned or unplanned
surgical techniques, laparoscopic implantation, and urgent or nonurgent start. However, patients
or percutaneous insertion. Percutaneous insertion with hyperkalemia, volume overload, or marked
is preferred because it can be done under local uremia are not good candidates for urgent-start
anaesthesia, is less invasive and less costly. PD.
Physicians can be easily trained to perform per- The major barriers to an urgent-start PD pro-
cutaneous PD catheter insertion and this signifi- gram are lack of operators who can place a PD
cantly minimizes delays in arranging catheter catheter within the urgent start time frame and
insertions. Both laparoscopy and open surgery limited capacity of the health care facility to sup-
typically require general anaesthesia, are most port PD for urgent-start patients and nursing
costly and usually reserved for cases with manpower to train patients at short notice
previous abdominal surgeries. In placing a PD (Table 19.1). Where technical expertise in PD
catheter (double cuffed preferred), the catheter catheter placement is lacking, this can be
coil must be positioned in the most dependent addressed by increasing training of nephrolo-
region of the peritoneal space: the posterior low gists. In urgent start, PD patients may have lim-
pelvis. Meticulous attention should be placed to ited time to receive required education for an
the location of the catheter exit site, creation of informed decision making on their initial choice
an inferiorly angled tunnel through the rectus of modality. These patients need to be provided
abdominis muscle, and establish a stable position with the required education and support to enable
of catheter coil within the pelvic cul-de-sac. transition to their preferred modality when
Prophylactic antibiotics should be given prior to feasible.
catheter operation. After catheter placement, a Starting PD exchanges shortly after PD cath-
breathable dressing must completely cover the eter placement instead of waiting for 2 weeks
abdominal incision wound and catheter exit site. period for the cuff ingrowth and abdominal
Both the wound and exit site dressing should be wound healing requires treatment modifications
kept dry and intact. Unless the catheter is used include doing intermittent PD in hospital in
immediately as part of an urgent-start program, a
minimum 2-week healing time is needed to
ensure tissue ingrowth of the catheter cuffs and
Table 19.1 Institutional infrastructure setup required for
prevent fluid leaks prior to starting PD. urgent-start PD programs
(i) Ability to place a peritoneal catheter immediately
within 48 h;
Urgent Start PD (ii) Staff education regarding use of catheter
immediately after placement;
Urgent start PD is defined as the situation in (iii) Administrative support in inpatient and outpatient
which PD needs initiation in less than 48 h after
(iv) Identification of appropriate candidates for
presentation to correct life-threatening complica- urgent-start PD;
tions. Non-urgent start refers to those in which (v) Utilization of protocols in every step of the
dialysis initiation can be delayed more than 48 h urgent-start process from patient selection for PD
after presentation. A planned approach is one in through appropriate post-discharge follow-up.
386 A. Y.-M. Wang
recumbent position and reducing instillation vol- (ii) inability to control volume status or blood
ume to prevent leaks. pressure;
(iii) progressive deterioration in nutritional sta-
tus refractory to interventions.
I nitiation of PD Therapy for End-
Stage Kidney Disease Initiation of PD therapy should not solely be
based on numerical values of eGFR.
For patients who choose PD modality, initiation
of therapy should be considered when one or
more of the following are present: PD Modalities
(i) symptoms or signs attributable to kidney PD can be performed manually or via automated
failure (e.g., neurological signs and symp- system. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy-
toms attributable to uremia, pericarditis, sis (CAPD) is done manually. Automated perito-
anorexia, medically resistant acid-base or neal dialysis (APD) includes: continuous cyclic
electrolyte abnormalities, reduced energy peritoneal dialysis (CCPD), intermittent perito-
level, weight loss with no other potential neal dialysis (IPD), tidal peritoneal dialysis
explanation, intractable pruritus, or (TPD). Details of the different modalities are out-
bleeding); lined in Table 19.2.
ease (MBD) guideline and International Society atherogenic visceral fat, weight gain, dyslipid-
of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) Adult Cardiovascular emia and worsening glycemic control in PD
and Metabolic guideline 2015 suggested the use patients with diabetes.
of 1.25 mM calcium-containing PD solution to The standard heat sterilization of glucose-
avoid positive calcium balance or hypercalcemia. based solutions accelerates the generation of
GDPs. Glycated local proteins form advanced
glycation end-products (AGEs). Both GDPs and
Types of PD Solutions AGEs are directly cytotoxic to the peritoneal
mesothelial cells and contribute to the long-term
Glucose-Based Solutions bio-incompatibility of glucose-based solutions
The ultrafiltration rate across the peritoneum is (Fig. 19.1). They cause mesothelial cell loss,
directly proportional to the initial glucose inflammation, submesothelial fibrosis and thick-
osmotic gradient (Table 19.3)
Table 19.3 Ultrafiltration volume with different glucose
dverse Effects of Glucose-Based PD
A concentrations
Solution Glucose solution Average ultrafiltration
Cumulative glucose absorption through the peri- concentration volume (mL)
toneum incurs negative effects to the peritoneum 1.36%/1.5% 100–200
and systemically including worsening of insulin 2.27%/2.5% 200–400
resistance, hyperglycemia, accumulation of 3.86%/4.25% >400
Intraperitoneal Glucose
AGE pathway
Fluid overload
1200 DWELL
Overnight Daytime
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (hr)
Table 19.4 Current recommendations for icodextrin use eutral pH Low-GDP Solutions
• Icodextrin is recommended to improve ultrafiltration Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition (EMT) of
independent of the dialysate to plasma creatinine peritoneal mesothelial cells is a hallmark feature
ratio [ISPD 2020 guideline].
in the peritoneum of PD patients and plays a
• Icodextrin should be used as the long dwell in high
transporter patients with a net peritoneal mechanistic role in the initiation of peritoneal
ultrafiltration <400 mL during a PET with a 3.86% fibrosis, leading onto peritoneal membrane func-
glucose solution [European Best practice working tion decline and failure.
Bicarbonate is the most physiologic and bio-
• Once daily icodextrin should be considered as the
long-dwell dialysis solution in diabetic peritoneal compatible buffer. However, calcium and magne-
dialysis patients for better glycemic control (2C) sium precipitate with bicarbonate in alkaline
[ISPD 2015 guideline]. pH. The biocompatible PD solution adopts a
dual-chamber dialysate bag in which one cham-
ber contains the bicarbonate buffer of 34 mmol/L
trolled fluid overload than standard glucose PD and the other contains a solution with calcium
solutions without compromising RKF. and magnesium. The two solutions are mixed
Icodextrin as the long-dwell solution mini- together only prior to instillation into patients’
mizes glucose exposure and absorption, and abdomen to prevent calcium and magnesium car-
incurs less metabolic disturbance compared to bonate precipitation. It allows heat sterilization
glucose solutions. Icodextrin improves glucose and storage occurring at a lower pH in a separate
metabolism, insulin sensitivity and reduces dys- bag and minimizes generation of GDPs. Some of
lipidemia compared to glucose solutions. It has the low GDP solutions used bicarbonate instead
been shown to reduce insulin requirement, lower of lactate as buffer. Mixing the contents of the
fasting glucose, improve glycated hemoglobin, two chambers just before use produces a more
lower serum triglycerides and has fewer adverse physiological solution with a neutral pH of
events than glucose solution in diabetic PD around 7.0.
patients. It also reduces insulin resistance index The use of neutral pH, low GDP solutions was
in non-diabetic PD patients. Icodextrin did not associated with better preserved peritoneal mem-
adversely impact on RKF. brane morphology, function, better host immune
Adverse effects of icodextrin may include defense and less systemic inflammation and is
sterile or chemical peritonitis or skin rash as a effective in ameliorating metabolic acidosis. The
result of allergy to starch (around 10%). Sterile Cochrane systemic review of several randomized
peritonitis with icodextrin IS related to contami- trials concluded that neutral pH, low GDP solu-
nation of icodextrin by peptidoglycan which is a tions was associated with better preservation of
constituent of bacterial cell walls. Clinically, RKF and greater urine volumes when used for
patients with sterile or chemical peritonitis may 12 months or more and also beyond 12 months
remain well despite having cloudy effluent. The though less significant. Peritonitis rates did not
differential cell count of PD fluid shows differ between neutral pH, low GDP solutions
predominantly eosinophilia but not neutrophils. and standard glucose solutions. A trend towards
PD effluent usually clears up rapidly on with- lower ultrafiltration volume and lower incidence
drawal of icodextrin. of inflow pain was observed with neutral pH low
Icodextrin and its metabolites may interfere GDP solutions compared to standard glucose
with some laboratory analytical methods on plasma solutions but not reaching statistical significance.
glucose measurements. Glucometers that use glu- There is no data to show that this solution impacts
cose dehydrogenase-pyrroloquinolinequinone patients’ survival. Table 19.5 lists the current rec-
overestimate blood glucose in patients using ommendations for use of neutral pH, low GDP
icodextrin. solutions.
19 Peritoneal Dialysis 391
Table 19.5 Current recommendation for Neutral pH, Table 19.6 Factors affecting clinical outcomes of PD
low GDP solutions patients
• Neutral pH, low GDP solutions is recommended Factors Impact
for better preservation of RKF if used for Age Impaired physical function
12 months or more [ISPD 2015 and 2020 Impaired cognitive function, dementia /
guidelines]. delirium
Protein energy wasting
mino Acid Solutions
A Falls, frailty
The 1.1% amino acid solution contains Multi- Symptoms
morbidity Polypharmacy
87 mmol/L of amino acids, 61% of which is Impaired physical function
essential amino acids. The nitrogen absorbed Impaired cognitive function
from a single daily dwell of 1.1% amino acid Protein energy wasting
solution is sufficient to offset the daily losses of Dialysis- Symptoms
related Infections
amino acids and protein from the peritoneum
which may mount up to 3–4 g of amino acids and Volume status—volume overload or
4–15 g of proteins per day even in stable condi- depletion
tion. This amount may increase further with peri- Protein energy wasting
Burden of dialysis
tonitis. Usually, around 72–82% of amino acids
Psycho-social Depression
are absorbed in a single daily dwell and this may Anxiety
amount up to 18grams a day, thus providing a Financial stress
good source of protein supplement without add- Social support
ing phosphorus load. It provides an ultrafiltration
volume comparable to that achieved with 1.36%
glucose solutions. The peak plasma amino acid Pattern (PDOPPS) showed a lot of variations in
concentration is usually achieved around an hour. PD prescription in terms of modalities, types of
Compared to glucose solution alone, com- PD solutions and PD regimens around the world.
bined amino acids and glucose PD solutions have Indeed, the modality of PD should be individual-
been shown to improve protein kinetics and ized according to the patients’ need, peritoneal
whole body protein synthesis. 1.1% amino acids transporter characteristics and RKF (Table 19.6).
solution has confirmed safety. Potential adverse
effects include nausea and anorexia. Some
patients may develop mild metabolic acidosis. Key Principles in PD Care Delivery
This may be ameliorated by adjusting to using a
bicarbonate-based solution in the other The ISPD 2020 guideline recommended that PD
exchanges. The overall clinical benefit of 1.1% prescription should be ‘goal-directed’ and should
amino acid solution on nutrition status has involve shared decision-making in establishing a
remained equivocal. It may be reserved as a personalized realistic care goal that maintains
glucose-sparing solution and for use in subjects quality of life for the person doing PD as much as
at risk or exhibit features of PEW syndrome. possible, enables them to meet their life goals,
minimize symptoms and treatment burden while
ensuring the delivery of high-quality care. Patient
D Prescription in Terms of Choice
P reported outcomes are crucial measures of the
of PD Modality, PD Solutions effectiveness of patient centered care. Patients
and Doses should have the opportunity to report them and to
receive the required symptom evaluation and
For years, PD prescription has been focused on management in order to improve the care they
small solute clearance and urea clearance (Kt/V) received.
has been used as a target in defining dialysis ade- Patients doing PD should be educated and
quacy. The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcome Practice given choice as far as is possible concerning the
392 A. Y.-M. Wang
(b) Volume status is an important part of PD The diagnosis of PEW is made based on the
delivery. Urine output and fluid removed by presence of three out of the four characteristics
PD both contribute to euvolemia. Regular listed in the table above. Unintentional weight
assessment of volume status, including blood loss should lead one to consider the presence
pressure and clinical examination, should be of PEW. Loss of 5% of non-edematous weight
part of routine PD care. within 3 months or an unintentional loss of
(c) Nutrition status should be assessed regularly 10% of non-edematous weight over the past
through evaluation of the patient’s appetite, 6 months is an indicator of PEW, independent
clinical examination, body weight measure- of weight-for-height measures. Loss of body
ments and blood tests (potassium, bicarbon- fat and muscle mass are considered as impor-
ate, phosphate, albumin). Dietary intake of tant criteria for diagnosing PEW. Inflammatory
potassium, phosphate, sodium, protein, car- markers such as C-reactive protein are usually
bohydrate and fat may need to be assessed elevated in the setting of PEW.
and adjusted as well. (d) Removal of uremic solutes may be estimated
Various nutritional indices including body using Kt/Vurea and/or creatinine clearance.
weight changes, appetite, subjective global Both are measures of small solute clearance.
assessment (SGA), serum albumin, handgrip
strength may be used.
Hypokalemia is associated with poor Residual Kidney Function
nutritional status and adverse outcomes
including peritonitis. Hypoalbuminemia is RKF is an important parameter in predicting
more common in PD than hemodialysis and clinical outcomes of PD patients and its contri-
is associated with PEW and peritoneal pro- bution is stronger than PD clearance. Having a
tein losses (Table 19.8). Hyperphosphatemia better preserved RKF is associated with better
is multifactorial and associated with adverse small solutes and middle molecule uremic
outcomes in PD. Factors to consider include retention solutes clearance, better extracellular
patients’ dietary intake, compliance to phos- volume control, less inflammation, better con-
phate binders, RKF and PD prescription. trol of CKD-bone mineral disease, better nutri-
tion status and less resting hypercatabolism,
Table 19.8 International Society of Renal Nutrition and thus contributing to overall better survival and
Metabolism Consensus Criteria to diagnose protein- cardiovascular outcomes and better quality of
energy wasting (PEW) life (Fig. 19.4). PD patients with faster decline
Dietary intake in RKF or urine volume were associated with
Unintentional low dietary energy intake <25 kcal/kg/ worse patient survival and technique survival.
day for at least 2 months
Unintentional low dietary protein intake <0.8 g/kg/
It is therefore imperative to measure urine vol-
day for at least 2 months ume or RKF regularly in PD patients
Body mass (Table 19.9).
Body mass index <23 kg/m2
Unintentional weight loss over time: 5% over
3 month or 10% over 6 month
reserving Residual Kidney Function
Total body fat <10%
Muscle mass
in PD Patients
Muscle wasting: Reduced muscle mass 5% over 3 m
or 10% over 6 month It is generally recognized that avoid over-
Reduced mid-arm muscle circumfrence area >10% dehydration and hypotensive episodes as well as
in relation to 50th percentile of reference population avoid nephrotoxins and iodinated contrast use
Creatinine appearance
may be important. Diuretics increases urine vol-
Serum biochemical parameters
Serum albumen <38 g/L (bromcresol green method)
ume and sodium excretion and minimizes use of
Serum prealbumin (transthyretin) <300 mg/L hypertonic PD glucose solutions but did not pre-
Serum cholesterol <100 mg/L serve RKF.
394 A. Y.-M. Wang
↓ Residual renal
↓ Removal of
↓ Erythropoietin ↓ Urea and
↑ Resting energy middle molecule ↑ ↓ Sodium and ↓ Phosphorus
production and creatinine
expenditure uremic toxins, for Inflammation fluid removal removal
anemia clearance
example, p-cresol
Table 19.9 Recommendations on RKF APD versus continuous form of PD may influ-
• RKF should be monitored at least once every ence the rate of decline in RKF differentially.
6 months in PD patients with urine output
• Management should focus on preserving RKF as
long as possible in PD patients.
Assessment of RKF
Neutral pH, low GDP biocompatible PD solu- Residual glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is esti-
tion was associated with better preserved RKF mated by averaging 24-hour urine urea and cre-
and greater urine volumes for use greater than atinine clearance and is normalized to body
12 months. The ISPD Adult Cardiovascular and surface area. Unmodified urine creatinine clear-
Metabolic Guidelines recommended that neutral ance substantially overestimates the true GFR
pH, low GDP solutions should be considered for due to tubular secretion of creatinine while renal
better preservation of RKF if used for 12 months urea clearance underestimates GFR. At a mini-
or more (2B). On the other hand, glucose poly- mum, urine volume should be measured and
mer or icodextrin solution has no significant tracked regularly.
effect on RKF in PD patients (Fig. 19.5).
Two very small trials suggested better preser-
vation of RKF with angiotensin converting ssessment of Indices of Dialysis
enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor block- Adequacy
ers. A small trial suggested benefit of ketoacid
supplemented low protein diet in preserving RKF ‘Dialysis adequacy’ is used to denote small sol-
in PD patients. Two small single-arm pilot stud- ute clearance, namely urea clearance normalized
ies suggested that oral N-acetylcysteine 1200 mg to total body water (Kt/V) and creatinine clear-
twice daily for 2–4 weeks may be useful in ance, normalized to body surface area (CrCl)
increasing urine volume and residual GFR. These (150) in PD patients. Both are comprised of two
preliminary findings need further confirmation in components, namely clearance from RKF and
adequately powered RCTs. There is no c onclusive clearance from PD. Kt/V and CrCl are estimated
evidence to suggest the modality of PD, namely from the urea and creatinine output from the
19 Peritoneal Dialysis 395
Prevent PD biocompatible
peritonitis solutions
Use Use ACE
radiocontrast inhibitors/
judiciously ARBs
Optimise BP hypotension
control and
a 1.2
b 1.2
Slow Slow
Low average Low average
1.0 1.0
High average High average
Rapid Rapid
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Glucose Creatinine
nutrition status, perceived well-being and quality There was weak evidence to suggest that
of life of PD patients so for their life participation anuric PD patients should have a weekly Kt/V of
and not for the role purpose of reaching an arbi- at least 1.7. In the NECOSAD (Netherlands
trary numerical clearance target. Cooperative Study on the Adequacy of Dialysis)
Patients who remain symptomatic despite a observational Study, peritoneal Kt/V <1.5 and
Kt/V >1.7 should have other dialysis and non- CrCl <40 L/week per 1.73 m2 were associated
dialysis related factors reviewed as possible con- with higher mortality (175).
tributing factors. In emerging countries, every In elderly patients who are frail or have a poor
effort should be made to conform to the same prognosis, there may be a quality of life benefit
principles in PD prescription, taking into account from a modified dialysis prescription to minimize
resources limitation (Fig. 19.7). treatment burden (Table 19.11).
398 A. Y.-M. Wang
Table 19.11 Evaluations in PD patients with a low Kt/V regarded as sufficient ultrafiltration. Values below
or CrCl result
this indicate relative ultrafiltration failure (UFF).
1. Are there incomplete or missed collection of Symptoms of UFF may not manifest overtly until
24 h urine and dialysate?
2. Any non-adherence to the dialysis prescription
RKF has declined significantly or completely
or missed cycles? lost.
3. Any clinical and other biochemical evidence of Ultrafiltration is an important parameter for
inadequate dialysis? assessing adequacy of dialysis, and ultrafiltra-
4. Are the dialysis prescription, namely the number
of cycles and the concentration of PD solutions
tion has been shown to be associated with sur-
optimal for the patient? vival in anuric APD patients; low ultrafiltration
5. Are actual dwell times differ from that volume below 750 ml per day was associated
prescribed? with a higher mortality (176). However, a
6. Any recent loss in residual urine volume and
numerical target for daily ultrafiltration volume
7. Any incomplete drain was not recommended as the overall volume
8. Any hypercatabolic conditions? status depends also on the residual urine volume
as well as salt and fluid intake of patients and
there may be substantial intra-individual
valuation of Patients with Low
E variation.
Delivered Urea/Creatinine The ISPD guideline 2020 as well as the ISPD
Clearance Values Cardiovascular and Metabolic guidelines 2015
emphasized the importance of maintaining
eneral Principles in Adjusting PD
G euvolemia as one of the key treatment goals in
Prescription PD. Attention should be paid to both urine vol-
umes and PD ultrafiltration volumes.
If dialysis dose is confirmed inadequate, dialy- Sodium and fluid removal are important pre-
sis dose may be increased by increasing the dictors for survival in PD patients. Fluid overload
instilling volume as tolerated, thereby maximiz- is a highly prevalent complication in PD patients.
ing mass transfer and dwell time or by increas- The estimated prevalence of fluid overload using
ing the number of daily PD exchanges while bioimpedance spectroscopy, was at least over
maximizing the dwell time. For example, for PD 50% in PD patients and was even higher in anuric
patients who are prescribed three daily patients. Patients with fluid overload is associ-
exchanges of 2 L × 1.5% and have a low Kt/V ated with increased risk of mortality.
because of loss of RKF, one may increase the Many factors contribute to fluid overload in
dialysis dose by either increasing to four PD patients, one of which is low drain volume or
exchanges daily of 2 L × 1.5% or by increasing ultrafiltration (Table 19.12). It is essential to take
the volume per exchange to 2.3–2.5 L × 1.5% as a thorough history and physical examination
required and as tolerated. If there is a need to (Fig. 19.8 and Table 19.13).
increase ultrafiltration volume as well, then one
may consider replacing 1.5% with 2.5%
solution. High Transporters
short dwell times as in APD or NIPD using stan- status is associated with an increased mortality.
dard glucose solution and then a long day dwell Proposed mechanisms for increased mortality
using icodextrin. observed in high transporters include fluid over-
Some patients may start as high transporters load, chronic inflammation, increased peritoneal
but some may gradually become high transport- protein loss and increased risk of PEW.
ers over time on PD. A high peritoneal transport
Fluid overload
If drain volume low, then True If drain volume not low, then look for
Loss of Ultrafiltration other causes such as –
non-compliance to dialysis
prescription and to diet, loss of
Review PET D/P Cr ratio residual kidney function
D/P Dialysate to plasma, UFF ultrafiltration failure, PET peritoneal equilibration test, RKF residual kidney function
Table 19.13 Clinical evaluation in patient with low The cumulative incidence of UFF was esti-
drain volume
mated to be 2.6% after 1 year on PD, rising to
If drain volume is low, review: 9.5% after 2 years and to 30.9% after 6 years.
(i) any mechanical issues that may explain low
Peritonitis may partly influence the time course
drain volume
(ii) any constipation of small solute and solute-free water transport.
(iii) is outflow position related Patients with previous peritonitis showed an ear-
(iv) catheter position lier and more pronounced increase in the mass
(v) Any fibrin clots that may obstruct outflow transfer area coefficient for creatinine and glu-
(vi) Any omental wrap cose and a decrease in solute-free water transport
(vii) Peritoneal membrane transport characteristics and ultrafiltration rate compared to patients with
(viii) Any features to suggest peritoneal adhesions
or encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
no peritonitis. In long-term peritonitis-free PD
patients, small solute transport decreased, while
ultrafiltration increased.
permeability. Short term adjustment of PD pre- Type II UFF occurs as a result of loss of peri-
scription may be needed to improve toneal surface area, resulting in decrease in peri-
ultrafiltration. toneal transport of small solutes and water. This
is less common and usually occurs in the context
of peritoneal adhesions secondary to severe peri-
Ultrafiltration Failure (UFF) tonitis or after surgical complications that sub-
stantially reduces peritoneal surface area and
Conventionally, UFF is defined as having a net transport capacity for both solutes and water.
ultrafiltration volume below 400mls with a stan- Type II UFF may be a manifestation of encapsu-
dard 2 L 3.86% glucose solution during a 4 h lating EPS although in early stages of EPS, a high
exchange. rather than a low peritoneal transport is usually
There are 3 types of UFF. Type I UFF is the seen. EPS can be diagnosed by contrast CT
commonest and is partly attributed to long- abdomen.
standing glucose exposure of the peritoneal Type III UFF occurs when lymphatic reab-
membrane. Peritoneal membrane showed sorption of fluid from the peritoneal cavity is
submesothelial fibrosis, vasculopathic changes large enough to reduce ultrafiltration. It is a diag-
and neovascularization. The neovascularization nosis by exclusion since peritoneal lymphatic
increases the effective peritoneal surface area, flow is not measured in most PD centers
leading to more rapid PSTR. The process is (Table 19.14).
thought to be mediated by vascular endothelial To evaluate UFF, a modified PET using 3.86%
growth factor (VEGF) through induction of glucose solution is preferred over 2.5% dextrose
nitric oxide. Clinically, the osmotic gradient for solution to maximize osmotic drive (227). During
glucose dissipates rapidly before adequate ultra- the PET, the D/P sodium curve typically shows
filtration has occurred due to very high PSTR. It an initial fall due to high ultrafiltration rate.
usually has a more gradual onset and increases Ultrafiltration is low in sodium concentration ini-
with time on PD. In some cases, temporary ces- tially due to sodium sieving. Dialysate sodium
sation of PD or resting the peritoneal membrane concentration reduces, resulting in a fall in the
may allow re-mesothelialization and may tran- D/P sodium ratio. With the cessation of ultrafil-
siently improve ultrafiltration capacity (216). tration later in the dwell, dialysate sodium gradu-
However, in some cases, encapsulating perito- ally equilibrates with that of plasma, and D/P
neal sclerosis (EPS) may develop after switch- sodium ratio gradually returns back to baseline.
ing to hemodialysis. Absence of the initial fall in D/P sodium ratio is a
19 Peritoneal Dialysis 401
• PD prescription should be ‘goal-
directed’ and should involve shared For the 68 year old lady discussed in the clinical
decision-making in establishing a per- case, peritoneal dialysis offers the advantages of
sonalized realistic care goal that main- being able to undergo kidney replacement ther-
tains quality of life for the person doing apy at home, while enjoying her family life,
PD as much as possible, enables them to maintaining her residual kidney function, fewer
meet their life goals, minimize symp- dietary restrictions, a more gradual correction of
toms and treatment burden while ensur- her metabolic acidosis, whilst avoiding the com-
ing the delivery of high quality care. plications, inconvenience and costs associated
• In order to ensure high quality PD care, with in-centre haemodialysis. She will neverthe-
the following assessments should be less require close monitoring of her peritoneal
included: (1) Patient reported outcome dialysis adequacy and ultrafiltration, and prepa-
measures, (2) volume status, (3) nutri- ration for transplantation.
tion status, (4) uremic solutes removal.
• Preserving residual kidney function
(RKF) is an important treatment strategy Questions
in PD patients as having better preserved
RKF is predictive of better clinical out-
comes. RKF should be monitored at least 1. A 36-year-old man with end stage kidney fail-
once every 6 months in PD patients with ure due focal segmental glomerulosclerosis,
urine output. Management should focus on peritoneal dialysis for six years presented
on preserving it as long as possible. with shortness of breath and leg swelling. He
• Patients who remain symptomatic used 15 L of glucose based peritoneal dialysis
despite a Kt/V > 1.7 should have other fluid with an osmolality of 395 mosmol/L for
dialysis and non-dialysis related factors nighttime daily dialysis for the last few
reviewed as possible contributing fac- months. His ultrafiltration was 300 mL per
tors. This include hypokalemia, protein day. He produced very little urine. On exami-
energy wasting, hypoalbuminemia and nation his blood pressure was 160/80 mmHg
hyperphosphatemia. pulse 90 beats per min respiratory rate 20
• Maintaining euvolemia is one of the key breaths per minute, with leg oedema. His
treatment goals in PD patients and atten- respiratory system exam revealed bibasilar
tion should be paid to both urine vol- crackles.
umes, PD ultrafiltration volumes as well What is most likely cause of his fluid
as salt and fluid intake pattern of retention?
patients. A. Increased plasma hydrostatic pressure
• Patients with low drain volume should B. Decreased plasma hydrostatic pressure
evaluate any mechanical issues, consti- C. Heart failure with preserved ejection
pation, whether drain is position-related, fraction
catheter position, any fibrin clots that D. Low plasma osmotic pressure
may obstruct outflow, any omental E. Lack of osmosis across the peritoneal
wrap, peritoneal membrane function membrane
and any features to suggest peritoneal Answer E Increased glucose concentration is
adhesions or encapsulating peritoneal associated with damage and fibrosis of the
sclerosis. peritoneal membrane
19 Peritoneal Dialysis 403
2. A 55-year-old end stage kidney failure patient without any history of diabetes, hypertension
on peritoneal dialysis presented with recur- or heart disease. He was prepared for a perito-
rent abdominal pain fever and cloudy perito- neal catheter placement as PD was his modal-
neal effluent. She was treated for ity of choice. What measures help and
staphylococcal peritonitis a month before. On uncomplicated start of dialysis.
exam she had blood pressure of 130/84 mmHg, A. Erythropoietin therapy before catheter
pulse 84 beats per minute, temperature 36 placement
degrees Celsius. Her abdomen was soft and B. Iron therapy before catheter placement
non-tender. Her peritoneal fluid showed 600 C. Prophylactic antibiotic at catheter
white cells per ml and culture grew Candida placement
albicans. D. A surgical catheter placement as opposed
What is the next best step management? to medical catheter placement
A. Start intraperitoneal vancomycin and E. Prophylactic anticoagulation
intravenous gentamicin Answer C Prophylactic antibiotic is beneficial to
B. Start oral fluconazole prevent infections
C. Start intravenous amphotericin 5. A 56-year-old female with polycystic pre-
D. Start oral fluconazole and remove perito- sented with tiredness and eGFR of 10 mL/
neal dialysis catheter min/1.73 m2. She opted for peritoneal
E. Start intravenous cefuroxime dialysis.
Answer D Fungal infection is an indication for What is not an indication to start dialysis?
catheter removal, difficult to eradicate A. An eGFR of 10 mL/min/1.73 m2
3. A 56-year-old woman with known liver cir- B. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting and
rhosis and ascites due to autoimmune hepati- anorexia
tis and ESKD due to IgA nephropathy was C. Fluid overload not responding to diuretic
referred to advanced CKD clinic. Her eGFR therapy
was 15 ml/min. Physical examination showed D. Recurrent hyperkalaemia
ascites. She opted to have peritoneal dialysis E. Weight loss and poor nutritional status
for her ESKD. Answer A all but an absolute eGFR are indica-
What is true about peritoneal dialysis in tions for starting dialysis
patients with liver cirrhosis?
A. Associated with increased risk of Test your learning and check your understanding
peritonitis of this book’s contents: use the “Springer Nature
B. Associated with increased risk of perito- Flashcards” app to access questions using https://
neal leak To use the app, please follow the
C. Increased risk of encapsulating peritonitis instructions in Chap. 1.
D. Does not help the drainage of ascites
E. Peritoneal dialysis as a therapy for ESKD
is contraindicated Further Reading
Answer A PD in Cirrhosis patients can be done,
helps drain the ascites but increases risk of Brown EA, Blake PG, Boudville N, Davies S, de Arteaga
J, Dong J, Finkelstein F, Foo M, Hurst H, Johnson DW,
infection Johnson M, Liew A, Moraes T, Perl J, Shroff R,
4. A 55 year-old man with IgA nephropathy pre- Teitelbaum I, Wang AY, Warady B. International
sented in the advanced CKD clinic with an Society for Peritoneal Dialysis practice recommenda-
eGFR of 10 mL/min/1.73 m2, haemoglobin tions: prescribing high-quality goal-directed peritoneal
dialysis. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(3):244–53. https://doi.
102 g/L and leg oedema. He was slim and org/10.1177/0896860819895364. Epub 2020 Jan 21.
404 A. Y.-M. Wang
Morelle J, Stachowska-Pietka J, Öberg C, Gadola L, La literature and revision of recommendations. Perit Dial
Milia V, Yu Z, Lambie M, Mehrotra R, de Arteaga J, Int. 2020;40(3):254–60. https://doi.
Davies S. ISPD recommendations for the evaluation of org/10.1177/0896860819898307. Epub 2020 Jan 14.
peritoneal membrane dysfunction in adults: classifica- Crabtree JH, Shrestha BM, Chow KM, Figueiredo AE,
tion, measurement, interpretation and rationale for Povlsen JV, Wilkie M, Abdel-Aal A, Cullis B, Goh
intervention. Perit Dial Int. 2021;41(4):352–72. BL, Briggs VR, Brown EA, Dor FJMF. Creating and Epub maintaining optimal peritoneal dialysis access in the
2021 Feb 10. adult patient: 2019 update. Perit Dial Int.
Boudville N, de Moraes TP. 2005 Guidelines on targets 2019;39(5):414–36.
for solute and fluid removal in adults being treated pdi.2018.00232. Epub 2019 Apr 26.
with chronic peritoneal dialysis: 2019 update of the
Complications of Peritoneal
Dialysis: Prevention
and Management
Infective Complications
B. Cullis (*)
Hilton Life Renal Unit, Hilton, South Africa Apart from catheter malfunction, infections pose
Department of Nephrology and Child Health, the biggest threat to the continuity of PD in an indi-
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa vidual, and represent an important barrier to the
R. Freercks uptake of PD. Where there may be no alternative
Department of Nephtrology, Livingstone Hospital, forms of KRT in LMIC, this can lead to significant
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
morbidity and mortality [1]. Clinicians must there-
Department of Nephrology and hypertension, fore be well-versed in the effective prevention and
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 405
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
406 B. Cullis and R. Freercks
management of infection in PD, and should develop 5. The use of anti-fungal prophylaxis during
clear protocols in their own units for use by all staff. antibiotic treatment for peritonitis (with
Much progress has been made over the last few nystatin or fluconazole, depending on local
decades in addressing the prevention and treat- resistance and drug interaction concerns).
ment of infections in PD, and in providing sound 6. Soaking of the transfer set adapter in 10% povi-
recommendations for clinical practice. To this end, done iodine solution at transfer set change [6].
the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
(ISPD) has published graded and pragmatic guide- Observational data has shown that automated
lines for clinical use which were recently updated peritoneal dialysis (APD) may be associated
in 2016 (peritonitis) and 2017 (catheter-related with a lower risk of peritonitis, but definitive
infection) [2, 3]. We will focus on many of these data is lacking. Other measures that appear to be
recommendation in this chapter, but it is important helpful but lack randomised data include the use
to note that the local context will determine which of prophylactic antibiotics for touch contamina-
problems are prevalent in any specific area and tion or accidental disconnection (gram positive
recommendations will need to be adapted accord- cover) and prior to most endoscopic/dental pro-
ingly. Patients on PD are also at increased risk for cedures (gram positive and negative cover) and
systemic infections such as tuberculosis (TB), and the avoidance of hypokalaemia and constipation
other severe bacterial and viral illnesses, but this to reduce bacterial translocation. Loss of patient
chapter will focus on those specific to PD. motivation and depression are also risk factors
It is recommended that each PD unit monitors for infection and should be actively enquired
the incidence of peritonitis as a quality control after during patient interactions.
indicator. While the overall peritonitis rate should The ideal exit site should be situated away
be less than 0.5 episodes per year at risk, the rate from the belt line and skin folds and be down-
achieved will depend on local factors, including ward and lateral facing to allow for good drain-
whether patients have been given a choice in age. Showering is permissible, as is swimming
terms of dialysis modality, clinic attendance, and in the sea or private pools, however baths and
possibly sociodemographic factors and comor- communal pools should be avoided, and are
bidities such as HIV and diabetes. Lower socio- associated with pseudomonal infections. Many
economic status has not been consistently shown recommend covering the exit site during swim-
to associate with peritonitis risk [4, 5]. ming with an occlusive dressing such as an
stoma bag. Patients should keep their nails
trimmed and inspect and clean the exit site at
Prevention of Infection least twice weekly or after every shower, follow-
ing hand hygiene in a clean environment free of
The key emphasis needs to be placed on adequate wind and pets. The exit site can be cleansed with
training of the patient by experienced staff in soap and water or 2% chlorhexidine or similar
terms of hand hygiene, exit site care and exchange antiseptic. After rinsing and drying the exit site
technique. Further specific measures have also well, a small amount of antibacterial ointment
been shown to be effective: can be applied with a cotton bud or gauze and
then dressed with gauze and secured with tape.
1. The administration of prophylactic antibiotics In warm climates, leaving the exit site open has
(with gram positive cover such as cefazolin or also been shown to be a safe option. Avoidance
vancomycin) prior to catheter insertion. of excessive movement at the exit site is very
2. Daily topical application of mupirocin or gen- important and taping the catheter to the skin
tamicin preparations to the catheter exit site. about 2 cm away from the exit site should be
3. Adequate catheter immobilisation during done. Securing the catheter extension set in a
daily care. purpose-made fabric belt has proven very useful
4. Modern connectology: The use of disconnect in assisting immobilisation. There are currently
systems that utilize a “flush before fill” design no firm data to recommend one dressing or
and avoidance of manual spike systems. cleaning solution over any other.
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 407
Table 20.3 Steps in Investigating for PD peritonitis with systemic antibiotics along with intensified
Steps in investigating for PD peritonitis daily exit site care and careful clinical follow up.
• Dialysate fluid should be drained and inspected The initial empirical antibiotic choice should cover
then sent for an urgent cell count, gram stain and S. Aureus, according to local or known sensitivity
culture prior to initiation of antibiotics.
• Culture yields should be >85%, and are increased patterns but cover for Pseudomonas should be
by placing 5–10 mL directly into aerobic and added where the patient has a history of such an
anaerobic blood culture bottles and through infection. The prescription should be adapted
re-suspended sediment culture after centrifuge of according to culture results as soon as available.
a 50 mL aliquot.
• It is important to liaise with the local Common appropriate initial empiric choices are
microbiology lab in order to increase diagnostic cloxacillin/flucloxacillin or Clindamycin/
yields. Linezolid, depending on local sensitivities. The
• The exit site and tunnel should be carefully duration of treatment should be a minimum of
evaluated for signs of infection and any purulent
discharge cultured. 2 weeks and until the exit site looks normal, but
• The Gram stain is only predictive of the final 3 weeks for associated tunnel infection or pseudo-
organism, or if fungal elements are present. monas. Where pseudomonas is cultured and is sus-
• The presence of gram-negative rods indicates the ceptible, an effective treatment consists of
need for pseudomonal cover if not already in
place. combined oral ciprofloxacin with topical ciproflox-
acin drops and gauze soaks 4 times per day. The
gauze is soaked in a solution made up of 125 ml of
Treatment of Infections vinegar (acetic acid) mixed with 125 ml of sterile
(or cooled boiled) water and 1 teaspoon of salt.
Catheter-Related Infection Resolution of any tunnel infection should be con-
Clinical judgement is required to distinguish bac- firmed by the absence of fluid around the catheter
terial colonisation (positive culture without evi- on follow-up sonography—persistent fluid around
dence of inflammation) from true infection in the catheter would indicate refractory infection.
order to avoid unnecessary antibiotic prescription For refractory/relapsing exit site or tunnel infec-
and the promotion of antimicrobial resistance. tions in the absence of peritonitis, simultaneous
Apart from culturing any exit site discharge, peri- catheter removal and replacement under antibiotic
tonitis should also be ruled out through fluid cover is recommended [8, 9]. In this instance, low
assessment and culture. Mild exit site infection in volume PD (or supine APD) can be used initially to
the absence of tunnel involvement or peritonitis avoid the need for temporary HD. However, cath-
can initially be managed with intensified local eter salvage therapy has been successfully per-
care. The presence of S. Aureus or Pseudomonas formed by shaving off the external cuff and
on initial cultures, or a failure to respond to this re-tunnelling the catheter through a new exit site
regimen within 1 week would indicate the need under ongoing antibiotic cover. This technique may
for systemic antibiotics, even if initially mild. be preferable, particularly in resource-constrained
Chronic exit site inflammation can lead to the for- areas, and allows continued PD immediately.
mation of a pyogenic granuloma, which can fur-
ther become infected. Topical application of silver Peritonitis
nitrate is often successful in this context and any
associated infection should also be treated. Initial Management of Suspected
Concomitant peritonitis or abdominal wall Peritonitis
abscess implies deep cuff involvement and man- Send appropriate cultures and cell count, exam-
dates catheter removal as well as the use of ine the exit site and tunnel carefully and culture
intraperitoneal antibiotics until catheter removal. In any purulent discharge present. Initiate empiric
this instance and depending on residual renal func- broad-spectrum antibiotics (see Table 20.4) while
tion, temporary haemodialysis may be required. awaiting culture and it is an option to add heparin
More severe exit site and/or superficial tunnel 500u/L to the first few exchanges to prevent
infection and any febrile patient should be treated fibrinous catheter occlusion. Approximately 70%
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 409
Table 20.4 Commonly used antibiotics and their dosing sidered for IV antibiotics, although most patients
(adapted from ISPD 2016 update [2])
will be able to be treated as outpatients, provided
ONCE they have ready access to transport back, and
their pain is not severe. Ancilliary use of antifun-
(per (mg/L, unless gal prophylaxis (nystatin orally or fluconazole
exchange, indicated 200 mg po alternate days) should be given. Note
DRUG once dly) otherwise) that a temporary increase in dialysate glucose
Vancomycin 20–30 mg/ LD 30 mg/kg,
concentration or use of icodextrin may also be
kg every MD 1.5 mg/kg/
5–7 days or bag necessary since an increase in membrane trans-
if level <15 port due to inflammation is common in peritoni-
Teicoplanin 15 mg/kg LD400 mg/bag/ tis, and may result in fluid overload.
every MD 20 mg/bag
5 days
Basic principles of Antibiotic Therapy for
Cefazolin 15–20 mg/ LD 500/MD 125
kg Peritonitis:
Cloxacillin ND LD 500/MD 125 • Broad spectrum antibiotics to cover both gram
Clindamycin ND MD 600 mg/bag positive and gram negative organisms are ini-
Ampicillin 2 g BD MD 125 tiated empirically but narrowed down after
Ceftazidime 3 g stat, LD 500/MD 125 positive culture is obtained. The combination
1–1.5 g/day of a glycopeptide and ceftazidime has been
Ceftriaxone 2 g stat, ND shown to be superior to other regimens [10].
then 1 g/ Glycopeptides cover many inherently
day penicillin-
resistant gram positive organisms
Cefipime 1g LD 500/MD 125 and ceftazidime affords pseudomonal in addi-
Ciprofloxacin ND (can MD 50
use orally) tion to other gram negatives. There are many
Gentamycin 0.6 mg/kg LD 8/MD 4 rational combinations and the choice should
Tobramycin 0.6 mg/kg LD 3 mg/kg/MD be tailored according to local susceptibility
0.3 mg/kg data and ecology (Table 20.4).
Amikacin 2 mg/kg LD 25/MD 12 • Intraperitoneal (IP) antibiotics are superior in
Cotrimoxazole 960 mg orally BD
efficacy compared to IV, with the exception
Fluconazole 200 mg ND
Meropenem 1g LD250/MD125 being in the presence of systemic sepsis. They
Imipenem/Cilastatin 1 g BD LD250/MD50 should be added to the dialysate in a sterile
Note: Most antibiotics are stable for at least 5 days when fashion (after 5 min of disinfection of the
mixed in the bag and stored at room temperature. The injection port) by trained personnel.
exception to this is ampicillin (12 h) where intermittent • Once-daily IP treatment of most antibiotics is
mixing/dosing required. (At room temperature: possible and has equivalent efficacy to inter-
Vancomycin is stable 28 days, Gentamycin 14 days,
cefazolin 8 days; Ceftazidime 4 days, but 7 days if refrig- mittent dosing, provided the dwell is at least
erated). First line agents are all stable in icodextrin if 6 h.
refrigerated • Antibiotics can be added to the same bag but
Once daily dosing requires a dwell of at least 6 h should not be mixed in the same syringe.
LD = loading dose per litre in first bag, MD = mainta-
nence dose per litre in each bag, ND = No data • Antibiotics can be mixed in the unit and pro-
vided to patients to take home with them.
They can be mixed at home, but given the sta-
of infections are related to gram positive organ- bility of the agents, in-unit mixing is
isms, with the balance being gram negative or preferable.
other (such as fungal or mycobacterial). Consider • Serum vancomycin levels can be checked
whether a surgical cause for peritonitis may be after 3–5 days, and a trough concentration of
present and manage appropriately. Patients who >15 μg/ml should be maintained, although
have systemic sepsis should be admitted and con- there is no good evidence to support this prac-
410 B. Cullis and R. Freercks
tice. Dosing is usually required every 7 days, (Table 20.5). Cure rates for fungal peritonitis
but every 3–5 days in those with good residual are less than 10%.
kidney function. • Early catheter removal is mandatory for all
• Aminoglycosides appear largely safe when organisms if there is concomitant tunnel infec-
necessary and do not impact residual kidney tion (or where an exit site organism is the
function or cause ototoxicity when dosed cor- same as peritoneal fluid), with the exception
rectly, daily and for ≤1 week. However, where for coagulase negative staphylococcal (CNS)
an alternative non-toxic therapy is unavailable, and streptococcal infection that is rapidly
safe use has been reported over up to 3 weeks. responding (Table 20.5).
• Data concerning APD are scant, but strategies
for dosing include dosing per bag as for CAPD Specific Organisms and Their Treatment
(preferred strategy), reprogramming the cycler In general, the narrowest spectrum antibiotic avail-
to allow a daily 6-hour dwell, switching to able should be used to limit the development of
CAPD for the duration of treatment, and inter- resistance. Some specific recommendations can be
mittent instillation of a 6-hour dwell for gly- made regarding certain organisms (Table 20.6):
copeptide dosing [11].
Final Assessment of the Patient:
• The duration of therapy should be 3 weeks,
Further Assessment of the Patient Should but 2 weeks in CNS/streptococcal infection
Occur Within 2–3 Days: with a rapid response.
• Most patients improve rapidly within 2–3 days • After catheter removal, treatment should con-
and failure to do so demands re-consideration tinue for 10–14 days.
of the diagnosis, possible further imaging • Each peritonitis episode should be interro-
(Chest radiograph/CT Abdomen/ultrasonog- gated and patients should be re-trained
raphy of the tunnel), repeat cell count/cultures regarding hygiene and aseptic technique plus
including TB/fungal cultures and a possible touch contamination protocols.
switch in therapy to broaden cover. Failure to • The transfer set should be changed once fluid
respond by day 5 necessitates prompt catheter clears.
removal to protect the membrane. A high
index of suspicion for TB should also be
maintained in endemic areas. Table 20.5 Indications for PD catheter removal
• Dialysate cell count >1090 cells/μL
Catheter removal is considered necessary for:
(1.09 × 109/L) on day 3 strongly predicts treat- 1. Refractory peritonitis (failure to resolve by day
ment failure [12]. 5).
• For patients that have responded well clini- 2. Fungal peritonitis
cally, antibiotic therapy should be narrowed 3. Relapsing peritonitis (peritonitis with same
organism ≤4 weeks after successful treatment)
according to culture results. 4. Refractory exit site or tunnel infection.
• For those patients with a rapid clinical Note: For relapsing peritonitis due to non-virulent organ-
response but negative culture, it is usually safe isms or in the presence of persistent exit site/tunnel infec-
to continue only gram positive cover provided tion with resolved peritonitis, simultaneous removal and
the cell count has dropped markedly by day 3, replacement of the catheter can be safely performed after
2–3 week’s treatment, sometimes avoiding HD. However,
since most culture negative episodes are gram for refractory peritonitis, a new catheter should only be
positive in origin. An alternative is to continue placed a minimum of two weeks after full resolution of
an oral quinolone antibiotic for 10 days. peritonitis. Successful return to peritoneal dialysis after
• The presence of fungal elements on initial catheter removal for infection is successful in a large
number of patients, but should be carefully considered in
gram stain or subsequent culture demands those with repeated infections (peritonitis with a different
immediate removal of the catheter and a organism ≥4 weeks after successful treatment) or after
switch to include antifungal treatment fungal peritonitis
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 411
As the PD fluid drains into the true pelvis in omentopexy and tip suturing have been shown in
the upright position, a catheter sited there is much a large meta-analysis to lead to better long term
more likely to drain effectively and to near com- outcomes, with fewer mechanical complications.
pletion. If the catheter has moved out of the pel- As constipation is by far the most common
vis it often (but not universally) leads to poor reason for catheter migration, maintenance of a
drainage. The migration of the catheter may be regular bowel habit through the regular use of
because of significant constipation with the laxatives in PD patients is recommended to pre-
loaded sigmoid colon moving the catheter into vent catheter migration.
the upper abdomen and this is by far the most
common cause. It is easily diagnosed with a plain
abdominal x-ray which shows both the catheter Table 20.8 Advanced laparoscopic techniques to pre-
vent PD catheter blockage
migration as well as the faecal loading. The
catheter may also migrate when the omentum
technique Description
wraps around the catheter and with traction pulls Musculofascial • Involves the formation of a
it out of the pelvis. Omental wrapping cannot be tunnelling tunnel along the posterior
distinguished from other causes of migration rectus sheath in a caudal
without the use of laparoscopy. Catheters may direction prior to the catheter
entering the peritoneal space.
also become blocked with fibrin. This usually • Keeps the catheter directed
leads to problems with both drainage into and out into the pelvis, and if
of the abdomen, but occasionally a ball valve migration occurs will allow it
effect may be seen and only inflow drainage to return to its original
position through its elastic
occurs. In this situation, the abdominal x-ray usu- memory.
ally shows the catheter in the correct position. Omentectomy • Was used historically, and can
Some rarer causes of obstruction are reported in be performed via either
the literature, such as obstruction due to fallopian laparotomy or laparoscopic
tubes, appendices and other mobile structures in
• Removal of a large proportion
the abdomen. It is also relatively common for of the omentum prevents it
patients with significant peritonitis or following reaching into the pelvis and
surgery to develop adhesions, and these can oblit- entrapping the catheter:
Unfortunately, the omentum
erate the pelvis or create pockets where fluid col-
is a highly vascular structure,
lects and drains slowly. All of the above need to and extreme care needs to be
be diagnosed at laparoscopy or laparotomy. taken to ensure haemostasis
as post-operative bleeding
results in both fibrin
occlusion of the catheter, as
revention of PD Catheter
P well as formation of
Obstruction adhesions.
Omentopexy • Is preferred over
In recently published ISPD access guidelines, omentectomy.
• Involves suturing the end of
practical methods to ensure optimal PD access the omentum to either the
and reduced complications are discussed mesocolon or a point on the
(Table 20.8) [13]. These guidelines analyse meth- anterior abdominal wall in
ods of insertion of catheters, as well as some one of the upper quadrants.
Only needs to be performed
techniques to prevent complications. Although when the omentum is long
there is no evidence of superiority of different enough to reach the level of
methods of insertion of PD catheters in the hands the pelvic brim, and can be
of a skilled operator, if the laparoscopic route is confirmed at the time of
chosen, then advanced laparoscopic techniques
such as musculofascial tunnelling, omentectomy,
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 413
than for open laparotomy may facilitate a return tions, which makes defects in the abdominal wall
to PD immediately, provided that the laparo- more apparent. Other factors such as malnutri-
scopic port sites are sutured internally. tion, polycystic kidney disease and surgery for
Laparoscopy is not available in many centres catheter placement also increase the risk. They
due to a lack of expertise, and expensive consum- may become apparent initially, with initiation of
able devices. In this situation, the catheter can be dialysis or after many years. Hernias are defects
replaced by performing a mini-laparotomy, or in the abdominal with an intact peritoneum,
alternatively, the catheter can be replaced at the whereas a leak is a defect where the peritoneal
bedside. This latter technique involves dissection membrane has been disrupted. The latter can
and freeing of the deep cuff under local anaesthe- commonly occur after an episode of peritonitis or
sia. The catheter is slowly withdrawn until the surgery, and with rest may resolve, however her-
first side hole is visualised. Using a peel-away nias almost always need to be repaired.
sheath PD catheter insertion kit, the guidewire is
fed through the side-hole into the abdomen. The Hernias
catheter can then be completely withdrawn, leav- The most common sites for hernias in PD patients
ing the guidewire with the distal tip in the perito- are inguinal, umbilical and paraumbilical. Other
neal cavity. The catheter can be freed of any hernias occurring less commonly are femoral,
fibrin, and then is replaced in the abdomen using diaphragmatic and Spigelian, along with recto/
the peel-away sheath percutaneous technique, vaginocoeles. The usual presentation is a sudden
over the guidewire. swelling over the affected area, however there are
Catheter obstruction secondary to fibrin depo- reports of patients presenting with recurrent peri-
sition: It is common for fibrin to be found in the tonitis associated with intermittent subacute
PD effluent, and this can cause occlusion of the obstruction of bowel.
lumen and side-holes. This can cause both uni- If it is uncertain as to whether there is a hernia
and bi-directional flow obstruction. Under sterile or not, then further imaging may be helpful. The
conditions, the catheter can be flushed vigorously simplest is CT peritoneography (Fig. 20.1).
with saline or PD solution, using a 20 ml syringe. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be
Avoid aspirating rapidly, as it is possible to entrap used, with the PD solution acting as the contrast
mobile structures, such as omental folds in the tip media (Gadolinium is usually avoided due to the
of the catheter. Gentle aspiration may alterna- risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and possi-
tively result in removal of the responsible fibrin ble peritoneal fibrosis). This technique may be
plug, and restore PD fluid flow. If this is unsuc- more helpful for diagnosing a leak as discussed
cessful, then the catheter may be locked with a later [16].
thrombolytic solution. The most commonly rec-
ommended is tissue plasminogen Activator (tPA), ernia Prevention and Management
which is made up to a 1 mg/mL solution and Prior to insertion of a PD catheter, all patients
8 mls (in an adult Tenckhoff catheter) is slowly should have all potential hernia sites inspected; if
injected and left for 1 h, then aspirated. This will a hernia is present, this needs to be repaired at the
usually result in restoration of flow if fibrin is the time of surgery to place the PD catheter.
cause of the obstruction. If a hernia is diagnosed at a later point, it is
usually advisable for the hernia to be repaired,
but occasionally if it is small, not increasing in
Hernia and Leak size, and has a wide neck, it can be left in patients
who have a limited life expectancy. In other
Hernias and leaks occur in approximately 15% of patients, due to the likelihood of significant wors-
patients on PD, and appear to be more prevalent ening, it should be repaired. Inguinal hernias can
than the general population due to the increased often be repaired using an extraperitoneal
abdominal pressure associated with PD solu- approach which will allow early reinstatement of
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 415
bag. This may identify a leak, but does not give dire consequences for the patient, and requires
good definition. CT or MR peritoneography, as early identification. Significant thickening of the
discussed earlier, may offer better definition and peritoneal membrane results in adhesion of bowel
demonstration of the site of the leak, and where a loops, and cocooning of the bowel, resulting in
repair is needed (Fig. 20.2). bowel obstruction (Table 20.9). There is often
Most leaks may resolve if PD is withheld for a associated ascites associated with this, especially
period of 2 weeks, allowing the peritoneum to in patients who have transferred to haemodialysis
seal itself. If following this rest period, the leak or had a kidney transplant.
recurs, then it will usually require surgical repair. The most common clinical features are vomit-
ing and abdominal pain, with rarer symptoms
Hydrothorax being ascites, blood stained dialysate and an
Hydrothorax occurs due to leakage through a abdominal mass.
defect in the peritoneum and diaphragm. This The cause remains uncertain, with numerous
may be a congenital defect, or alternatively a rup- theories under investigation. One prevalent the-
ture of a pleural bleb. The usual presentation is an ory is that there is a predisposition to membrane
asymptomatic pleural effusion on chest radio- thickening such as increased time on PD, or an as
graph (CXR), however it may cause shortness of yet unidentified genetic cause, following which a
breath and in extremely rare cases, tension hydro- second insult leads to excessive peritoneal mem-
thorax. As with other PD leaks, there is frequently brane fibrosis: this could be an environmental
associated poor ultrafiltration, and the patient toxin, or infection. Underlying this theory is a
may present with oedema and signs of fluid over- strong association with time on dialysis, with
load. It may therefore be difficult to distinguish more than 90% of cases presenting after 3 years
between a pleural effusion secondary to a leak on PD. Although it was initially considered
and one due to fluid overload, or right ventricular important, there is no clear link between number
failure on clinical grounds. A confident diagnosis of peritonitis episodes and the development of
may be made by measuring the glucose in the EPS. Many studies have demonstrated a discon-
fluid aspirated from the pleural space is nect between ultrafiltration failure (UFF) and
>40 mmol/L or >3 mmol/L above that of the peritoneal transporter status: normally, patients
serum. CT/MR Peritoneography or scintigraphy with UFF are high transporters, whereas this is
may also be helpful in diagnosing a leak, and the not necessarily the case in EPS, presumably due
former may even demonstrate the exact position to the fibrotic thickening disrupting the usual per-
which can be sutured thoracoscopically. formance of the membrane in the PET test. This
is important, as many studies have shown that
Management of Hydrothorax patients continuing PD for 3 years or more after
This is determined by whether the leak occurred the development of ultrafiltration failure are at
following an episode of peritonitis or not. If so, exceptionally high risk of EPS.
then following a period of 2 weeks’ rest, the
healed mesothelium may prevent further leakage.
Table 20.9 Clinical and Radiological features of
If it occurs at the start of PD, it is unlikely to Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis (EPS)
resolve spontaneously. The options are then to
Radiological findings on
perform a thoracoscopic surgical repair, or more Clinical presentation CT
commonly pleurodesis. This will usually result in • Typically after • Thickened bowel loops
a good functional outcome, and very seldom >3 years on PD and peritoneum
recurs. • Vomiting • Diffuse peritoneal
• Abdominal pain membrane calcification
• Ascites • Loculated ascites
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis (EPS) • Blood stained
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis is a condition dialysate
that occurs in 1–2.5% of patients on PD, can have • Abdominal mass
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 417
The diagnosis of EPS is usually made with tion, a hernia or fluid leak all less likely causes of
radiological imaging, on the background of the his presentation. Further, the fact that he is a rela-
appropriate clinical picture. The gold standard tively new starter on APD makes EPS improba-
diagnostic test is CT imaging, demonstrating fea- ble. The absence of a purulent discharge from
tures of thickened bowel loops and peritoneum, around his catheter is only part reassuring—from
diffuse calcification of the membrane, and locu- the perspective of helping to exclude an exit site
lated ascites. None of these features is diagnostic. infection. However, as in 75% of cases, the most
Normally in the supine patient, bowel loops tend likely cause of his presentation remains
to “float” on the ascites, and are in contact with PD-associated infection, and we must therefore
the anterior abdominal wall. In patients with pay careful attention to excluding PD peritonitis,
EPS, the bowel loops are often posterior to the for which shorter dwell times associated with
ascites which collects anterior to them. APD may explain his clear bags: sending an
Ultrasound can be used to look for bowel wall urgent PD fluid cell count, gram stain and culture
thickening, but is very operator dependant, and prior to initiation of antibiotics is essential, as per
therefore less reliable for making the diagnosis. the local PD peritonitis protocol, ensuring at least
The optimal therapy for EPS remains uncer- a 6 h dwell time, and with a view to revising anti-
tain. If patients are young, with a reasonable biotics according to the results of the gram stain
prognosis, then a transfer to haemodialysis is rec- and culture.
ommended. Small case series have suggested In conclusion, infectious and non-infectious
some benefit with the use of tamoxifen, cortico- complications of PD are common: Through rig-
steroids and other immunosuppressants. No ran- orous patient training and ensuring familiarity
domised controlled trials have been done to amongst clinicians of local protocols, we can
determine the best treatment, and publication facilitate timely and pro-active investigation and
bias makes it difficult to determine the best management of PD complications, and in the
option. Also, as EPS has different phases from majority of cases, allow patients to return to PD
early inflammatory phase to late fibrotic phase, it for long term dialysis.
may be important to target different therapies at
different stages. Once the patient has developed
symptoms of bowel obstruction, surgical inter- Questions
vention may be necessary. It is recommended
that this be undertaken in a centre experienced
with performing peritonectomy, where a multi- 1. Which of the following are most important in
disciplinary approach to parenteral nutrition, and a patient presenting with cloudy effluent?
a combination of peritonectomy and plication of A. Peritoneal fluid culture and cell count
the intestine can be performed. EPS has a high B. Exit site inspection and pus swab if
mortality, and malnutrition is thought to play a inflamed
key role in this, hence the need for aggressively C. Start on intraperitoneal antibiotics with
treating this prior to surgery. both gram positive and gram negative
D. Discussion on the possible causes for
Conclusions peritonitis and consider retraining the
Returning to our 35 year old PD patient, who pre- E. All of the above
sented in the initial clinical scenario with nausea, Answer: E.
vomiting and generalised abdominal pain: with PD peritonitis is usually simply a coagu-
good drainage of his PD fluid, preserved ultrafil- lase negative staphylococcal infection which
tration, and physical signs consistent with is easily treated, however if appropriate
euvolaemia, we may consider catheter obstruc- investigation of the cause and rapid initiation
418 B. Cullis and R. Freercks
of antibiotics to cover gram negative organ- D. A PD effluent cell count >1000 on day 3
isms is not performed then there is a higher is predictive of failure to clear by day 5
chance of catheter loss in those with other E. In relapsing (same organism within
causes. 4 weeks) peritonitis simultaneous
2. The ISPD guidelines recommend a culture removal and replacement of the PD cath-
negative rate of <20% for peritonitis. Which eter after 2 weeks antbiotics is feasible
methods can be used to increase this yield? Answer: C.
A. Centrifuge 50mls of fluid, resuspend the Fungal peritonitis carries a very high
pellet and culture treatment failure rate and a 25% mortality.
B. Inoculate blood culture bottles with Although there are case reports of successful
10mls of PD fluid treatment with antifungals but this is not
C. Ensure fluid samples are collected before recommended.
antibiotics are added to the bag 5. A patient presents with a case of PD peritoni-
D. Discuss with local microbiology lab the tis secondary to pseudomonas aeriginosa, the
importance of the primary samples following are the most appropriate treatment
E. All of the above options:
Answer: E. A. Remove the PD catheter immediately
Discsussion with local microbiologists B. Continue ceftazidime/gentamicin for
can be extremely helpful as peritoneal fluid 2 weeks
specimens are often not regarded as particu- C. Treat with 2 anti-pseudomonal antibiot-
larly important in the lab and may not be ics for 3 weeks
given appropriate consideration. D. Shave the cuff on the catheter as it is the
Understanding of the value of centrifugation most likely source.
and use of blood culture bottles to increase Answer: C.
yield and peritonitis outcomes are essential. Gram negative peritonitis requires 2
3. Exit site infections should be managed with: agents to improve treatment success.
A. Warm compresses with a towel soaked in Although an exit site infection and peritonitis
boiling water with pseudomonas with likely require tube
B. Increased exit site care if mild removal it is not necessary unless refractory
C. Shaving of the cuff and retunneling peritonitis or recurrent peritonitis occur.
D. Antibiotics appropriate to cultures for 6. A patient who has poor ultrafiltration, with a
2 weeks PET test result showing slow average trans-
E. B and D porter status should be considered to have a
Answer E. mechanical complication until proven
Exit site infections may be very mild and otherwise.
immobilisation of the catheter and increased A. True
exit site care can resolve it. If there is a puru- B. False
lent discharge or pain though then appropri- Answer: A.
ate antibiotics are necessary and should be Patients with poor ultrafiltration espe-
continued for 2 weeks cially early in the course of PD and not asso-
4. Which of the following is incorrect? ciated with hyperglycaemia are likely to have
A. Peritonitis which does not resolve by day a mechanical complication, most especially a
5 is called refractory peritonitis leak and CT peritoneography should be
B. If PD effluent has not cleared by day 5 considered.
the catheter should be removed to pre- 7. A patient presents with a right sided pleural
serve the membrane for future use effusion. Which of the following are not
C. Fungal peritonitis can be safely treated likely to assist in the diagnosis of a leak:
with fluconazole but if not cleared by day A. Pleural aspiration showing a fluid:serum
5 then the catheter should be removed gradient >3 mmol/L
20 Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis: Prevention and Management 419
B. Echocardiogram to exclude right heart PKD patients often do well on PD and although
failure those with massively enlarged kidneys may
C. Pleural biopsy find large fill volumes uncomfortable, it is not
D. Nuclear scintigraphy a contraindication to therapy. Hernias are
E. MRI of the thorax more common in these patients, and should be
Answer: C. sought and repaired pro-actively, before or at
All of the investigations are helpful in dis- the time of PD catheter placement.
tinguishing between a pleural effusion due to
fluid overload and a leak except c. A pleural Test your learning and check your understand-
biopsy may be necessary in the case of an ing of this book’s contents: use the “Springer
exudative effusion but hydrothorax is always Nature Flashcards” app to access questions
a transudate. using To use the app,
8. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a please follow the instructions in Chap. 1.
rare complication of PD associated with
thickening and cocooning of the peritoneal
membrane. The following are options for References
therapy except:
A. Tamoxifen 1. Boudville N, et al. Recent peritonitis associates with
mortality among patients treated with peritoneal dial-
B. Peritonectomy ysis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012;23(8):1398–405.
C. Prednisone 2. Li PK-T, et al. ISPD peritonitis recommendations:
D. Intraperitoneal antibiotics 2016 update on prevention and treatment. Perit Dial
E. Sirolimus Int. 2016;36(5):481–508.
3. Szeto C-C, et al. ISPD catheter-related infection
Answer: D. recommendations: 2017 update. Perit Dial Int.
Although all of the above are treatment options, 2017;37(2):141–54.
there is no consensus on the optimal treatment 4. Davidson B, et al. Outcomes and challenges of a
regimen and randomised trials are needed, PD-first program, a south-African perspective. Perit
Dial Int. 2018;38(3):179–86.
however given the paucity of cases it is 5. Htay H, et al. Center effects and peritoneal dialysis
unlikely this will be achievable. peritonitis outcomes: analysis of a national registry.
9. Rapid of inflow of fluid and poor drainage Am J Kidney Dis. 2018;71(6):814–21.
thereof is likely to be secondary to: 6. Firanek C, et al. Comparison of disinfection proce-
dures on the catheter adapter-transfer set junction.
A. Catheter migration out of the pelvis Peritoneal Dialysis Int. 2016;36(2):225–7.
B. Constipation and faecal loading 7. Kwan TH, et al. Ultrasonography in the management
C. Omental wrapping of the catheter of exit site infections in peritoneal dialysis patients.
D. Fibrin Nephrology. 2004;9(6):348–52.
8. Kirmizis D, et al. Exit-site relocation: a novel,
E. All of the above straightforward technique for exit-site infections.
Answer: E. Perit Dial Int. 2019;39(4):350–5.
Poor drainage may be due to any of these 9. Wong FS. Use of cleansing agents at the
causes however the most common and easily peritoneal catheter exit site. Perit Dial Int.
treatable is faecal loading and should be 10. Morimoto K, et al. The impact of intraperitoneal
aggressively treated. antibiotic administration in patients with perito-
10. Polycystic kidney disease patients should not neal dialysis-related peritonitis: systematic review
be treated with PD due to the high risk of and meta-analysis. Renal Replacement Ther.
hernia and lack of space in the abdomen? 11. Schaefer F, et al. Intermittent versus continuous intra-
A. True peritoneal glycopeptide/ceftazidime treatment in chil-
B. False dren with peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis. J
Answer: B. Am Soc Nephrol. 1999;10(1):136–45.
420 B. Cullis and R. Freercks
12. Chow KM, et al. Predictive value of dialysate cell 15. Hevia C, et al. Alpha replacement method for dis-
counts in peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis. placed peritoneal catheter: a simple and effective
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;1(4):768–73. maneuver. Adv Perit Dial. 2001;17:138–41.
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peritoneal dialysis access in the adult patient: 2019 peritoneal cavity among peritoneal dialysis patients,
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stiff-wire manipulation without fluoroscopic control.
Perit Dial Int. 1998;18(4):415–8.
Kidney Transplantation:
The Pre-Transplantation Recipient
& Donor Work-Up
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 421
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
422 P. Jawa et al.
Table 21.1 Contraindications for a kidney transplant Table 21.3 The transplant team
Absolute contraindications for a kidney transplant, Transplant team
but are not limited to: • Transplant surgeon—to evaluate for any surgical
1. Active infections such as tuberculosis. issues.
2. Active substance abuse • Nephrologist—to evaluate for any medical issues
3. Severe cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, or other • Transplant co-ordinator—primary contact for the
comorbid conditions that create an unacceptable risk patient to help navigate through the transplant
for transplant surgery or immunosuppression process
4. Factors limiting the candidate's ability to adhere to • Social worker—to assess socio-economic
medical care post-transplant, such as living condition.
situation, active mental illness, or psychosocial • Financial co-ordinator (optional)—to get medical
condition. insurance clearance.
5. Malignancy with prognosis suggesting an • Pharmacist (optional)—to educate the patient
anticipated survival of <5 years about medications post-transplant.
Relative contraindications for a kidney transplant, but • Psychologist (optional)—to evaluate for mental
are not limited to: disorders
1. Active infection (HIV, HCV, HBV, tuberculosis) • Dietician (optional)—overweight and
2. Active systemic diseases such as Good pasture’s underweight patients
Syndrome with the persistent presence of anti-GBM
antibodies, Systemic lupus erythematosus, or
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
3. BMI >40% of transplants. The role of a recipient evaluation
4. Inadequate social support system team is to provide constant support and encour-
5. Malnutrition
6. Frailty
agement to the patient and help them understand
and navigate the evaluation process (Table 21.3).
The team must frequently meet to address patient
Table 21.2 Vaccinations and Cancer screening
needs and clear them medically and surgically
Pre-transplant vaccinations: for transplant. It is also necessary to evaluate if
– Tetanus/diphtheria (Td)
– Pertussis (Tdap) the patient has adequate social support and
– Influenza vaccine (yearly) means to support visits and medications
– MMR post-transplant.
– Pneumococcal vaccine (recommended with a
booster every 3–5 years)
– Neisseria meningitides (MCV4. For patients at
high epidemiological risk) Transplant Recipient Testing
– Hepatitis A, hepatitis B
– Varicella vaccine—Varivax (seronegative The necessary cardiac screening and work-up for
– Polio (inactivated/live-activated) infectious diseases follow a thorough medical
– HPV (Females 9–45 years and males 9–26 years history and physical examination. Additionally,
and MSM > 26) transplant centers can determine their required
Do not administer to post-transplant patients. and optional testing based on the local environ-
– Varicella-Zoster
– Influenza (live-attenuated) ment and demographics of the population they
– MMR serve (Tables 21.4 and 21.5).
– Polio (live-attenuated)
– Tdap (Td was >5 years ago)
Cancer screening:
– Pap smear (Women >21 years) omorbid Conditions in Renal
– Mammogram (Women >40 years) Transplant Recipient
– Colonoscopy (> 50 years)
– PSA (Men >50 years) Cardiovascular Disease
– CT chest (for patients >30 pack-years of
smoking) In many developed and developing countries,
– Renal ultrasound (long dialysis vintage, cystic CVD is the most common cause of death at all
disease, or strong family history) points post-transplant. The risk factors are older
– Cystoscopy (long history of tobacco or use of age, pre-existing CVD, time on dialysis, and
– Ultrasound liver (history of cirrhosis of liver) diabetes mellitus. Most of the deaths occur
21 Kidney Transplantation: The Pre-Transplantation Recipient & Donor Work-Up 423
Table 21.4 Pre-transplant evaluation required testing CAD is very prevalent in CKD and ESKD
Transplant recipient required testing patients compared to the general population.
– ABO compatibility CKD patients undergoing transplant evaluation
– HLA typing and anti-HLA antibody screening
– Complete blood count—TLC with differential,
should undergo a comprehensive screening with
Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Platelets. either non-invasive or invasive testing. There are
– Complete chemistry panel—sodium, potassium, no uniform guidelines from various medical soci-
bicarbonate, urea or blood urea nitrogen, eties (Table 21.6). The assessment will depend
creatinine, calcium, PTH
– Liver function tests—AST, ALT, Total bilirubin,
mainly on the history of diabetes and cardiovas-
Direct Bilirubin, Total protein, Albumin. cular disease. In patients without diabetes or
– Serum/Urine toxicology screen. other risk factors, the cardiovascular review
– HbA1C or 2-h glucose tolerance test could be limited to history, physical examination,
– Hepatitis A IgG, Hepatitis B surface antigen, b
core antibody, Hepatitis C antibody, HIV antibody.
and electrocardiogram. However, the presence of
– Type and screen for blood risk factors determines further assessment by
– VDRL, CMV IgG, echocardiogram and stress test (treadmill or
– Coagulation panel (PT, INR, PTT) dobutamine) or nuclear imaging. A long history
– PPD (TB skin test) or interferon-gamma release
assay (IGRA)
of diabetes and the presence of cardiovascular
– Beta HCG (women of childbearing age) risk factors may require an evaluation by a cardi-
– Chest X-ray ologist and possible cardiac angiography [2, 3].
– Electrocardiogram Recipients with heart failure due to left ven-
– Abdominal ultrasound or computed tomography
tricular systolic or diastolic dysfunction should
undergo evaluation by history, physical examina-
tion, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, and echo-
Table 21.5 Pre-transplant evaluation complementary
optional testing cardiogram. Like CAD, there is a need to
Optional testing
determine the etiology of cardiac dysfunction
– Alkaline phosphate, uric acid, fasting lipids, and work on the risk factors. It also includes
glucose, magnesium, phosphorus. looking at dialysis adequacy and volume control.
– EBV, HSV, HTLV, Varicella, Toxoplasmosis, The presence of LVH and higher LA volume are
Rubella, Strongyloides, T. Cruzi, West Nile,
Chagas disease.
independent predictors of death in patients who
– Cardiac ECHO or Stress test (depending on age are wait-listed for renal transplantation. AST and
and comorbidities) Canadian guidelines do not recommend listing
– 24-h blood pressure monitoring for kidney transplantation alone in patients with
– Hypercoagulable work up (history of bleeding,
thrombosis, miscarriages)
severe irreversible (non-uremic) cardiac dysfunc-
– Cardiology clearance (patients with a history of tion. [see Chap. 11 for more information].
CAD, arrhythmia, abnormal cardiac imaging tests).
– Transplant psychologist (history of mental Cerebrovascular Disease
disorder, e.g., depression or anxiety)
– Nutrition assessment (uncontrolled diabetes,
The rate of patients hospitalized with stroke is
BMI >40%, frailty, weight loss, undernourished) markedly higher for dialysis patients compared
– Cystoscopy (cyclophosphamide exposure) to the general population even after adjustment
– Pulmonary function tests with pulmonary consult for age, gender, and race [4]. The risk continues
(patients with COPD)
– CT angiography of abdomen and pelvis and
to be increased close to 8% even after renal trans-
lower limbs (vasculature evaluation) plant. The main predictors are age, peripheral
vascular disease, and diabetic nephropathy.
Similar to cardiovascular evaluation, there is a
within 30 days post-transplant. In the pre-trans- need for the identification of patients at a high
plant evaluation, it is needed to identify moder- risk of cerebrovascular disease and work on risk
ate to high-risk patients and work on their risk modifications such as the use of statin therapy.
factor management, such as treatment of hyper- The patients’ evaluation should include an elec-
tension, hyperlipidemia and stop cigarette trocardiogram, carotid Doppler +/− CT of the
smoking. head, or MRI. Carotid endarterectomy indica-
424 P. Jawa et al.
Table 21.6 Guidelines from transplant societies for car- tions are similar to the general population. As per
diovascular evaluation
Canadian guidelines, kidney transplantation
Canadian guidelines:
1. All patients should be assessed for the presence
should be deferred in patients with a history of
of ischemic heart disease with an ECG and a stroke or transient ischemic events for six months
chest radiograph following the event.
2. Further testing for IHD depends on the pretest Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic
probability of coronary artery disease (CAD).
The following patients should have further
kidney (ADPK) disease have 4 to 5 times higher
non-invasive testing: prevalence of intracranial aneurysm. The guide-
• Symptomatic patients or patients with a prior lines suggest screening patients with ADPK dis-
history of CAD, including: ease and a family history of an intracranial
– Previous history of myocardial infarction
(Grade A)
aneurysm, history of headaches, or those who
– Symptoms of angina (Grade A) have an at-risk activity. Evaluation by MRA or
– Signs or symptoms of congestive heart CT angiogram is indicated for high-risk patients,
failure (Grade A) and neurosurgery should be consulted for further
• Asymptomatic patients with:
– Diabetes (type 1 or type 2) (Grade B)
assessment and management. The intervention is
– Multiple risk factors for CAD (3 or more) recommended if the size of the aneurysm is
(Grade B): >7 mm.
Age >50 years
Prolonged duration of chronic kidney
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Family history of CAD (first-degree Peripheral vascular occlusive disease after renal
relative) transplantation has been associated with lower
Significant smoking history 10-year patient and graft survival [5]. The risk
Dyslipidemia (high-density lipoprotein
level <0.9 mmol/L or total cholesterol
factors are age, preoperative peripheral vascular
>5.2 mmol/L), BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 disease, diabetes, and smoking. There is a higher
History of hypertension incidence of peripheral arterial disease and death
3. A cardiologist should assess all patients with a in patients waiting for a kidney transplant. At the
positive non-invasive test to undergo
angiography (Grade B).
time of transplantation, abnormal toe brachial
4. Very high-risk patients should be considered for index and history of diabetes are the most signifi-
angiography even with a negative non-invasive cant risk factors for proximal foot amputation.
test (Grade C). The vasculature should be evaluated by Doppler’s
KDIGO guidelines:
1. All patients evaluated for kidney transplantation
or computed tomography of the abdomen, pelvis
should undergo assessment for the presence and and lower limbs for all high-risk patients such as
severity of cardiac disease with history, physical diabetics or with a history of claudication.
examination, and electrocardiogram (ECG).
2. Patients with signs or symptoms of active
cardiac disease (e.g., angina, arrhythmia, heart
failure, symptomatic valvular heart disease) Patients with ESKD and on dialysis have a higher
should undergo an assessment by a cardiologist risk of cancer than patients not on dialysis, espe-
and be managed according to current local cially kidney and bladder cancer. The mortality
cardiac guidelines before further consideration
for a kidney transplant.
among transplant recipients with a history of can-
3. Asymptomatic KTCs at high risk for coronary cer is 30% higher compared to other patients.
artery disease (CAD) or reduced functional Therefore, transplant candidates should be
capacity undergo non-invasive CAD screening. screened for cancer, depending on their age and
4. Asymptomatic KTCs with known CAD not be
revascularized exclusively to reduce
risk factors.
perioperative cardiac events. Patients with a malignancy history have a
5. Exclude candidates with advanced triple vessel waiting time from 2–5 years after their curative
coronary disease from kidney transplantation. treatment, depending on the type and stage of
However, the risk of a post-transplant major
cardiac event should be a significant
cancer; some malignancies do not require a wait
consideration and discussed with the candidate time prior to transplantation (Table 21.7). The
21 Kidney Transplantation: The Pre-Transplantation Recipient & Donor Work-Up 425
Table 21.7 Malignancy with no waiting time m2 and super obese as >35 kg/m2. For candidates
Malignancies with no waiting time (KDIGO of Asian ethnicity, obesity is defined as a BMI
guidelines) >27.5 kg/m2. As per WHO, waist to hip ratio of
• Non-melanoma skin cancers (surgically or
otherwise treated)
>0.85 for women or >0.9 for men is considered
• Small renal cell cancer (<3 cm) obese. Obese patients have a similar graft sur-
• Prostate cancer (Gleason score ≤6) vival compared to non-obese patients; however,
• Carcinoma in situ the risk of DGF is higher. Most of the transplant
• Thyroid cancer (follicular/papillary <2 cm of
low-grade histology)
centers do recommend weight loss before trans-
• Superficial bladder cancer plantation; however, the threshold for a kidney
transplant is dependent on the transplant center
and its policies. Most centers decline patients
Table 21.8 Malignancy and its recurrence risk
with BMI >40 kg/m2 and recommend some inter-
Recurrence vention for weight loss.
Cancer risk
Incidental renal cancer 1%
Uterus (body) 4%
Testicular cancer (including seminomas, 5% At all ages, renal transplantation offers a substan-
teratomas, embryomas, tial survival advantage over dialysis. In patients
choriocarcinomas, mixed cell, and older than 60, the 5-year survival is 90% com-
unclassified tumors)
pared to 27% for patients on dialysis. However,
Cervix of uterus 6%
one-year survival is almost similar between the
Thyroid and other endocrine tumors 7%
Colon Cancer 21% two groups. Therefore, elderly patients should be
Prostate cancer 18% considered for transplant if their life expectancy
Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s and 11% is >2 years. Currently, as per SRTR (Scientific
Non-Hodgkin’s) Registry of Transplant Recipients) data, 23.8% of
Malignant Melanoma 21% wait-listed patients are 65-year-old or older.
Wilm’s tumor 13%
Age alone can be misleading in transplant
Breast Cancer 23%
Clinically apparent or symptomatic renal 27%
recipient evaluations. Elderly patients should
cancer undergo a frailty assessment by Hopkins frailty
Bladder cancer 29% phenotype scoring. Frail alone increases the risk
Kaposi’s and other sarcomas 29% of death by two-fold. In the Hopkins phenotype
Multiple myeloma 67% frailty measure, the definition of frailty, as a clini-
Non-melanoma skin cancer 48%
cal syndrome, relies on having three or more fol-
lowing five criteria: unintentional weight loss,
waiting time for cancers after treatment is two self-reported exhaustion, weakness, slow walk-
years for malignancy with low recurrence rates ing speed, and low physical activity.
(1–7%) and 2–5 years for cancers with interme- The cognitive function should also be evalu-
diate (11–21%) and high recurrence risk (>23%). ated in detail, as the ten-year dementia risk is
Cancers such as leukemia have minimal data to 17% for patients 75 years and older.
propose waiting time, and for patients treated for
liver cancer, there is a high rate of recurrence, so I nfections—HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis
renal transplantation is not recommended C, Tuberculosis
(Table 21.8 illustrates common malignancies and
their recurrence risk). HIV
These patients are currently considered for a kid-
Obesity ney transplant if they are compliant with their
KDIGO recommends using BMI or waist to hip medical treatment, have an undetectable viral
circumference ratio to evaluate for obesity. In load for more than six months, CD4 count is
terms of BMI, obesity is defined as BMI >30 kg/ >200/μL, and no opportunistic infections.
426 P. Jawa et al.
Table 21.9 Canadian guidelines for patients with pul- States, according to the Organ Procurement and
monary disorders
Transplantation Network data, 38% of the kidney
Canadian guidelines for pulmonary disorders transplants performed in 2019 were from living
1. Patients with the following respiratory
conditions and severity are not candidates for
donors. In Europe, 28% of total kidney transplants
kidney transplantation: were from living donors (Table 21.10).
• A requirement for home oxygen therapy
• Uncontrolled asthma
• Severe cor pulmonale
• Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Kidney Donation Evaluation
(COPD)–pulmonary fibrosis or restrictive
disease with any of the following parameters: Ideally, living donor candidates should be evalu-
best forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) ated by a team, preferably separate from the kid-
<25% predicted value, PO2 room air <60
mmHg with exercise desaturation, SaO2
ney recipient team. The kidney donation team
< 90% > 4 lower respiratory infections in the should include a nephrologist and transplant sur-
last 12 months, a moderate disease with geon (both not involved in the recipient’s care),
evidence of progression co-ordinator, social worker, and other optional
2. Patients with moderate COPD–pulmonary
fibrosis or restrictive disease with any of the
members, including dietitians, psychologists, and
following parameters have a relative psychiatrists. The advocate for the living donor
contraindication for kidney transplantation helps a well-informed decision for donation pro-
(Grade C): viding independent information and assuring the
• Best FEV1 25–50% of the predicted value
• PO2 room air <60–70 mmHg
absence of coercion. Every living donor should
• Restrictive disease with exercise desaturation, have informed consent, which details their rights,
SaO2 90% consent for donation, risks involved not limited
to the medical or surgical, and the psychosocial
risk related to donation. Kidney donors undergo a
(dialysis access or thrombosis of the portal, thorough evaluation to identify medical, surgical,
hepatic, mesenteric veins), arterial thrombosis, or psychosocial conditions that may put them at a
family history of thrombosis, and recurrent mis- high risk of chronic kidney disease in the future
carriage. Perioperative anticoagulation can [6, 7]. Every center can modify the testing based
decrease the risk of allograft thrombosis. on the endemic disease in their patient popula-
tion, but necessary work-up should be standard
for any donor (Tables 21.11 and 21.12). There are
Living Donor Evaluation a few absolute and relative contraindications for
donors to donate (Table 21.13).
Living donor kidney transplantation, more fre-
quently than deceased donor kidney transplanta-
tion, provides excellent graft function and, Donor History
depending on HLA compatibility, longer graft lon-
gevity. As per the Global Observatory on Donation A detailed history helps us to understand better as
and Transplant, 36% of 90.306 kidney transplants well as inform donors of their risk of chronic kid-
performed worldwide in 2017 were from living ney disease in the future. During history taking
donors. The number of living donor transplants and laboratory review, if the risk of immediate
were more in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, kidney disease is considerable, one should not
and Southeast Asia compared to the Americas and proceed with the donation.
European region. In the United States, the number Donor Medical history: It should focus on
of living donors increased in 2018 and 2019 after their past medical history and their future risk of
being stable for most of the decade. In the United developing the disease, especially diabetes,
428 P. Jawa et al.
Table 21.10 Kidney transplants by world region in 2018. Data from the Global Observatory on Donation and
Transplantation (GODT)
Region All kidney transplants in 2018 LD kidney transplants DD Kidney transplants
Americas 36,541 11,021 25,308
South East Asia 7963 6772 1164
Europe 27,879 7820 20,059
Western pacific 16,315 3823 12,492
Africa 268 268 –
Eastern Mediterranean 1858 1685 173
Data from the Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT). LD, living donor; DD, deceased donor
Table 21.12 Optional testing for Donors according to infections is significant, especially for donors
individual characteristics and environmental exposures
from endemic areas to avoid transmission of dis-
Optional testing: ease to recipients.
– Alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin,
total bilirubin, uric acid, AST, ALT, fasting lipids,
Surgical history: Should focus on previous
glucose, magnesium, phosphorus. abdominal surgeries, which could cause unex-
– Varicella, Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, pected problems during kidney retrieval—also,
Strongyloidosis, T. Cruzi, West Nile, Chagas any surgery, which was complicated by kidney,
disease and hypercoagulable work up in donors
with a history of bleeding or thrombosis.
ureter, or bladder injury.
– Nuclear medicine kidney scan for evaluation of Social history: a history of smoking (both
split GFR (DTPA, MAG 3) active and passive is essential), excessive alcohol
– Donors older than 50 years: echo and stress intake, intravenous or illicit drug use may have
testing (treadmill test for men, Adenosine Sesti
for women)
caused some other organ damage which may
– CT-angiogram (CTA) need further evaluation.
– 24 h Blood pressure monitoring if needed Family history: the focus should be to identify
– Nutrition assessment (Hypertension, BMI >30%, any genetic kidney disease (such as polycystic
unexplained weight loss)
– Psychosocial evaluation with transplant social
kidney disease) which may manifest in the donor
worker or transplant psychologist. later. Detailed family history may help guide
future risk of illness in the living donor.
Medical Risk
hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, The risk of ESRD is slightly high compared to
nephrolithiasis. Medical history of cancer is vital non-donors. In one report, the relative risk
along with their medication history (nephrotoxic increased between 3.5 and 5.3 for 15-year kidney
medications such as but not limited to non- failure, according to sex and race. An online tool
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). History of (
430 P. Jawa et al.
may be used to estimate the projected lifetime account other risk factors. Candidates with albu-
risk of ESRD in the absence of donation accord- minuria >100 mg/d should not donate.
ing to baseline demographic and clinical charac-
teristics. The projected pre-donation risk can be Hematuria
multiplied by the estimated donation attributable Donors with microscopic hematuria should be
risk to calculate the projected post-donation risk. considered as kidney donors after they have been
However, the absolute risk is generally low. evaluated in detail. In the concomitance of albu-
Moreover, it seems to be no increased risk for minuria (> 30 mg/d), genetic risk, abnormal uro-
chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes logic or urinary stone evaluation donation should
or cardiovascular disease, or any adverse psycho- not proceed. In some cases, the evaluation may
social outcomes. In living donors, eGFR at six include a cystoscopy or a kidney biopsy.
months may be an independent predictor for
ESRD. The incidence of ESRD 15 years post- Prediabetes
donation with eGFR <50 mL/mim/1.73 m2 at Living donors with impaired glucose tolerance
6 months mark is 33 per 10,000 donors compared may be able to donate without any significant
to 11.7 donors per 10,000 with eGFR >70 mL/ comorbidity. KDIGO guidelines recommend
min/1.73 m2. considering patients with prediabetes if their risk
of developing diabetes is low and with no other
Pre-Eclampsia comorbidities.
The risk of pre-eclampsia and HTN is double in
female living kidney donors. However, there is BMI >35
no significant risk of preterm birth or low birth There is an increased risk of ESRD in obese
weight. patients. For an increase in BMI >27 kg/m2, there
is a 7% increase in ESRD risk [8]. It is similar for
all donors irrespective of gender, race or baseline
pecial Considerations in Kidney
S eGFR spectrum. Therefore, most transplant
Donors centers are hesitant in considering donors with
high BMI, especially with a higher prevalence of
lomerular Filtration Rate
G metabolic syndrome.
Ideally, donors should have a GFR of 90 mL/min
per 1.73 m2 or greater. When the GFR is between Hypertension
60 and 89 mL/min per 1.73 m2, the decision for Ideally, donors should have normal blood pres-
donation must take into account the demographic sure, as defined for the general population.
and health profile of the donor in relation to what According to the KDIGO guideline, donor candi-
the transplant program considers an acceptable dates without evidence of organ damage and
risk. Donor candidates with GFR less than hypertension controlled to systolic blood pres-
60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 should not donate. When sure less than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood
GFR is asymmetric or in the presence of paren- pressure less than 90 mmHg using one or two
chymal, vascular abnormalities, or urological antihypertensive agents may be acceptable for
abnormalities that do not preclude donation, the donation.
affected kidney should be used for donation.
Albuminuria Kidney donation is associated with an increase in
Patients with albuminuria <30 mg/d can be con- serum uric acid concentration, which may
sidered for kidney donation. If albuminuria increase the risk of gout. In non-donor popula-
ranges between 30 and 100 mg/day, the donation tions, hyperuricemia is associated with a higher
should be on a case by case basis taking into risk of CKD. In a large kidney-donor cohort
study in the incidence of gout was not increased
21 Kidney Transplantation: The Pre-Transplantation Recipient & Donor Work-Up 431
in donors; however, donors with gout had more ADPKD. DNA testing can also sometimes help
frequent diagnoses of acute kidney injury, CKD, diagnose or exclude the condition. PKD1 and
and other disorders of the kidney. An increased PKD2 mutation screening, with a good tech-
risk occurred in African Americans, older donors, nique, may help to elucidate whether or not the
and men. Therefore, donor candidates should be donor candidate is acceptable.
asked about prior episodes of gout.
plantation. What is the best possible test for C. Modulation of the recipient’s immune
screening for coronary artery disease? system by the use of intravenous
A. coronary angiography immunoglobulins
B. CT calcium score D. Organise a paired exchange using the
C. Exercise treadmill test national paired exchange scheme
D. Dobutamine stress test E. Reduction of the B lymphocyte pool anti-
E. MRI of the heart CD20 antibody rituximab
Answer D Answer D, as this is has the best possible
3. Which vaccine should be avoided in the outcome
immediate post transplant period? 7. A 55 year old man with diabetes, hypertension
A. Hepatitis A with advanced CKD and eGFR 15 ml/
B. Influenza min/1.73 m2 was referred for kidney transplan-
C. MMR tation. A dobutamine stress test showed revers-
D. Pneumococcus ible ischaemia in 4/17 myocardial segments.
E. Tetanus What is the best possible test for manage-
Answer MMR vaccine, as it is a live virus ment for possible coronary artery disease?
4. Which of the following malignancies A. CT coronary angiogram
requires a long waiting time before kidney B. Coronary angiogram
transplantation? C. Exercise treadmill test
A. Breast Cancer D. MRI without gadolinium
B. Carcinoma in situ E. Myocardial perfusion scan
C. Non-melanoma skin cancers (surgically Answer A
or otherwise treated) 8. A 55 year old man with diabetes, hyperten-
D. Small renal cell cancer (<3 cm) sion with advanced CKD and eGFR 15 mL/
E. Prostate cancer (Gleason score ≤6) min/1.73 m2 was referred for kidney trans-
Answer A, the rest of the malignancies do not plantation. A dobutamine stress test showed
require any waiting reversible ischaemia in 4/17 myocardial seg-
5. What is not an absolute contraindication for ments. A coronary angiogram showed left
living kidney donation anterior descending artery stenosis which
A. GFR <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 was treated with coronary stent.
B. History of nephrolithiasis What is next best possible step in
C. Solitary kidney management?
D. Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, not A. Offer no antiplatelet therapy
well controlled. B. Start aspirin and wait 1 year before kid-
E. Uncontrolled psychiatric disorder ney transplantation
Answer B C. Start aspirin and clopidogrel and wait
6. A 57 year old male was willing to donate a 1 year before transplantation
kidney to his wife. His blood group was A+ D. Start aspirin and clopidogrel and wait
and his wife was B+. 3 months, then stop clopidogrel, continue
What is best option to improve graft aspirin proceed to transplantation
survival? E. Start clopidogrel and proceed to
A. Anti-A/B antibody depletion at the time of transplantation
transplantation using PP, double-filtration Answer D
PP/membrane filtration, or selective or 9. A 55 year old man with diabetes, hyperten-
unselective immunoadsorption sion on dialysis was referred for kidney
B. Continue with kidney transplantation transplantation. A dobutamine stress test
without any measures showed reversible ischaemia in 5/17 myocar-
21 Kidney Transplantation: The Pre-Transplantation Recipient & Donor Work-Up 433
dial segments. A coronary angiogram showed 2. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
(KDIGO) Kidney Transplant Candidate Work Group.
triple vessel disease. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines on the evaluation
What is next best possible step in and management of candidates for kidney transplanta-
management tion. Transplantation. 2010;104:S1–S103. https://doi.
A. Do nothing as patient is asymptomatic org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.019.
3. Tabriziani H, Baron P, Abudayyeh I, Lipkowitz
B. Plan for coronary stent M. Cardiac risk assessment for end-stage renal dis-
C. Plan for coronary artery bypass graft ease patients on the renal transplant waiting list.
D. Start calcium channel blocker Clin Kidney J. 2019;12(4):576–85. https://doi.
E. Start isosorbide and hydralazine org/10.1093/ckj/sfz039.
4. Seliger SL, Gillen DL, Longstreth W, Kestenbaum
Answer C, will be the most common step though B, Stehman-Breen CO. Elevated risk of stroke
the evidence is not clear among patients with end-stage renal disease.
10. A 45 year old patient was referred for a live Kidney Int. 2003;64(2):603–9. https://doi.
donor kidney transplant from his mother. He org/10.1046/j.1523-1755.2003.00101.x.
5. Sung RS, Althoen M, Howell TA, Merion
has not received his COVID-19 vaccines and RM. Peripheral vascular occlusive dis-
has not suffered from COVID-19. ease in renal transplant recipients: risk fac-
What is the best possible advice for tors and impact on kidney allograft survival.
COVID-19 vaccination? Transplantation. 2000;70(7):1049–54. https://doi.
A. Avoid vaccination 6. Lentine KL, Kasiske BL, Levey AS, Adams PL,
B. Receive both doses at least two weeks Alberú J, et al. KDIGO clinical practice guideline
before transplantation on the evaluation and care of living kidney donors.
C. Receive the last dose the day before kid- Transplantation. 2017;101(8S):S1–S109.
7. Garg AX, Levey AS, Kasiske BL, Cheung M,
ney transplant Lentine KL, et al. Application of the 2017 KDIGO
D. Receive both doses after transplantation guideline for the evaluation and care of living kidney
E. Receive the second dose a day after donors to clinical practice. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
transplantation 15: 896–905, 2020. doi:
Answer B, as this gives the best chance for 8. Locke JE, Reed RD, Massie A, Maclennan PA,
immunity Sawinski D, Kumar V, et al. Obesity increases the
risk of end-stage renal disease among living kidney
Test your learning and check your understand- donors. Kidney Int. 2017;91(3):699–703. https://doi.
ing of this book’s contents: use the “Springer 9. Ammary FA, Luo X, Muzaale AD, Massie AB,
Nature Flashcards” app to access questions using Crews DC, Waldram MM, et al. Risk of ESKD in To use the app, please fol- older live kidney donors with hypertension. Clin J
low the instructions in Chap. 1. Am Soc Nephrol. 2019;14(7):1048–55. https://doi.
10. Mena-Gutierrez, A. M., Reeves-Daniel, A. M.,
Jay, C. L., & Freedman, B. I. (2020). Practical
References considerations for APOL1 genotyping in the liv-
ing kidney donor evaluation. Transplantation,
1. Contra-indications for transplantation. Nephrol 104(1), 27–32. doi:
Dialysis Transpl. 2000;15(suppl_7):5–6. https://doi. tp.0000000000002933.
Management of the Patient After
Kidney Transplantation
Madhu Bhaskaran and Shahrzad Ossareh
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 435
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
436 M. Bhaskaran and S. Ossareh
kidney allograft, can lead to rapid allograft • Co morbidities that require special attention
loss post-transplantion, e.g. Hypertension, diabetes
• SLE: previously thought to have low risk of mellitus, coronary artery disease, congestive
recurrence, however transplant needs to be heart failure including diastolic dysfunction,
delayed until disease is quiescent; There is peripheral arterial disease, obstructive sleep
increasing awareness of recurrence in the apnoea, prior neoplastic disease, chronic infec-
transplant kidney tion, previous/prior immune suppression,
• Paraproteinemia: unrecognized pre-transplant opportunistic infections e.g. HHV8, HIV, hep-
can lead to recurrence and allograft loss early atitis B, hepatitis C, BK virus, cytomegalovi-
post-transplant rus (CMV), Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Oxalosis: in many instances will require a (MTB), Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare
simultaneous liver-kidney transplant to avoid (MAI) [1].
recurrence in the transplanted kidney
Practice Point 2
• Be mindful of urinary tract abnormali-
Practice Point 1 ties in younger candidates and obtain
• Obtain as much information about native cysto-urethrography
kidney disease, including prior transplant • Bladder outlet obstruction in anuric
course, any biopsies, recurrent disease dialysis patients may be asymptomatic
• Obtain genetic panel when available— • Ensure immunosuppression-free inter-
where original disease is unknown and val prior to retransplant in candidates
particularly where there has been prior with neoplasia related to immunosup-
rapid allograft failure pression and prior BK virus, CMV, MAI
• Be mindful of missed paraproteinemia, and HHV 8 infections and ensure clear-
Alport syndrome with anti-GBM in prior ance of Parvovirus B19 viraemia in col-
allograft, oxalosis variants with partial lapsing glomerulopathy related to it
enzyme deficiency, Fabry disease • Invasive screening for coronary artery
disease may be prudent in candidates
who have uncontrolled or prolonged
diabetes mellitus, other vascular dis-
o-Morbidities that Affect Post-
C eases and/or a long dialysis vintage
Transplant Care
Table 22.2 Crossmatch methods CKD risk factors, cold ischemia time (CIT)
• Pre-transplant complement-dependent cytotoxicity and anatomical factors such as accessory renal
(CDC) crossmatch: detects alloantibody that binds vessel(s) and ureter(s).
and is cytotoxic to donor lymphocytes, in the
presence of complement
• Flow cytometric crossmatch: detects antibody that
binds to donor lymphocytes, but does not assess eri-Operative Events Which Affect
cytotoxicity Post-Operative Care
• Solid phase assay for donor specific antibodies:
Detects the presence of antibody without additional
information on lymphocyte binding or cytotoxicity Cold ischemia time, delayed graft function, ana-
• Virtual crossmatch: Information on details of donor tomic issues such as small accessory renal artery
HLA and most current recipient antibody repertoire, from the donor that could not be anastomosed,
without any sensitizing events in the interim allows for
a ‘virtual’ crossmatching remotely without needing
leading to loss of renal tissue, hypotension, com-
either donor or recipient tissue or blood samples. plications such as ureteral obstruction, leak, vas-
cular thrombosis or stenosis.
An accessory renal artery to the lower pole of should be included in communication in the
the donor kidney, if too small and hard to salvage transition between inpatient and outpatient care
during transplant surgery may be the harbinger of 8. Clear and simple education and reference mate-
a compromised donor ureter. rials, listing post-transplant medications and the
warning signs of potentially serious events that
would require urgent medical attention
Discharge and Education 9. Transition of care to outpatient care teams,
with a clear discharge summary and post-
Patient education is absolutely key to post- operative follow-up care needs
transplant success. Such education starts during
the transplantation work-up phase, but the time in
hospital after the kidney transplantation should Practice Point 3
be utilized as best as possible when patient are • Establishing consistently smooth com-
alert and pain-free. The following issues can be munication amongst all providers and
addressed prior to discharge: caregivers
• The transplant recipient is integral to
1. Special attention to polypharmacy and sus- their optimal post-transplant care
ceptibility to medication errors • Ensuring a high level of adherence with
2. Transplant care being active, and complex medications and follow-up care is nec-
compared to passive and relatively simple essary for optimal outcomes in sensi-
self-care during dialysis tized recipients, and previously known
3. The need to establish consistent and accessi- non-adherent recipients who have lost
ble contact for post-operative care and prior allografts prematurely
communications • Young age, prior substance mis-use, psy-
4. The potential need for a care-giver with ade- chiatric illnesses and prior non-adherence
quate skills that are complementary to the are risk factors for non-adherence
transplant recipients’ own abilities
5. The need to identify barriers to optimal care,
such as a language barrier, cognitive ability,
comorbid psychiatric issues, transportation Post-Discharge Care
issues and substance mis-use (Table 22.3)
6. The need to identify and work with social The following issues should be considered dur-
determinants of health to achieve optimal ing outpatient clinic visits: Whilst the COVID-
outcome pandemic has heralded a much greater demand
7. Specific issues that need to be followed-up for the flexibility and inexpensive nature of tele-
post-discharge, such as the need for ureteric phone consultation clinics. No doubt that the
stent removal, imaging abnormalities requiring need for face-to-face consultations to help to
follow-up, e.g. peri-nephric collections—all build a good rapport and trust between patient
and clinician is also acknowledged.
Table 22.3 Addressing Barriers to optimized care • Post-operative outpatient clinic schedule:
Very frequent to start with 2-3 times a week
Clinicians should be aware of:
• Cognitive impairment and then less frequent but at regular intervals.
• Caregiver issues • Any need for post-operative home visits in-
• Non-adherence with medications, medical advice person or via Telehealth to check medication
and follow up visits
adherence, wound check, vital signs check
• Language barrier
• Psychiatric issues • Education of home care giver and collabora-
• Issues with mobility and transportation tion with home care giver for optimized care
• Medical coverage and financial issues including and monitoring
poverty, food security and homelessness
22 Management of the Patient After Kidney Transplantation 439
• Home glucose, weight, urine put, temperature, Weight, urine output, blood pressure, glucose
blood pressure checks and flow sheets levels, medication side effects, surgical wound
• ‘Pill box’ filling and monitoring of adherence characteristics suggestive of healing vs. poor
• Lab test request; education regarding accurate healing and infection
trough level check of immunosuppressive agent Blood counts, blood chemistry including
• In person home visit or Telehealth check Calcium, Phosphate, magnesium; urinalysis,
regarding any warning signs needing to proper urine protein/creatinine ratio; Trough levels of
office visit or laboratory check/imaging study immunosuppressive agents—Tacrolimus,
• Coordination of care with other involved pro- Sirolimus, Everolimus or Cyclosporin.
viders such as endocrinologist, cardiologist, Monitoring for opportunistic infection—BK
psychiatrist, primary care giver and primary virus PCR in blood; CMV PCR in blood follow-
nephrologist. ing cessation of antiviral prophylaxis.
Table 22.4 Post-transplantation clinic follow-up schedule • Low blood pressure and Orthostasis:
The schedule can be variable and may need to Dehydration and hypovolemia, antihyperten-
individualized; an example schedule is as follows, and sive side effect, adrenal insufficiency
may be adjusted to suit needs:
• Twice weekly for the first 2 weeks post-transplant
• Hyperglycemia: New onset or poorly con-
• Once weekly for weeks 1–2 trolled diabetes mellitus
• From 1st to 3rd month every 2 weeks • Hypoglycemia: Iatrogenic, adrenal
• From the following 3 months, monthly till the end insufficiency
of the first year
• Then every 2 months until end of second year,
• Diarrhea: Mycophenolate toxicity, Viral infec-
• Then every 3 months following 2 until 5 years tion—Rota virus, Sapovirus, Clostridium dif-
• Then every 6 months lifelong ficile toxin
• Constipation: Opioid side effect;
A typical model for post-transplantation clinic Hypothyroidism
follow-up is illustrated in Table 22.4: • Abdominal Pain: Urine leak, post-operative
wound infection, calculus cholecystitis, pan-
creatitis, cyst rupture, nephrolithiasis
Practice Point 5
• Fever: Infectious—Urinary infection, oppor-
• End all post-transplant visits by summa-
tunistic infections, pneumonia, post-operative
rizing any medication changes made
wound infection and abscess, Deep vein
during the visit and clarifying any doubts
thrombosis, acute rejection, Post-transplant
and establishing a time line for follow up
lymphoproliferative disorder
visit based on individual circumstances
• Shortness of breath: pulmonary embolism,
• Questions about smoking and alcohol
congestive heart failure, fluid retention,
use need to be carefully repeated at fol-
uncontrolled hypertension
low up visits
• Increased urine output: hyperglycemia,
• Urinary frequency: small bladder, prostatism,
ommon Clinical and Laboratory
C ureteric stent related
Abnormalities and Triage • Hematuria: Retained clots in bladder, native
kidney related-cyst rupture, Urinary tract
The causes of frequently encountered clinical infection, ureteral stent related, BK virus
and laboratory abnormalities are as follows: infection, urinary bladder calculus
• Decreased urine output: Dehydration,
Hypovolemia, low blood pressure, acute
Clinical rejection
• Urinary retention: Prostatism, neurogenic
• Rapid weight gain: Fluid retention: dependent bladder, bladder calculus
oedema, elevated blood pressure, orthopnea • Dysuria: Urinary tract infection, hematuria,
and exertional dyspnoea. Increased risk of ureteral stent related, Interstitial cystitis
post-transplant new onset diabetes mellitus if • Stent extrusion
non fluid weight gain
• Oedema: Fluid retention, Deep vein thrombo-
sis, Congestive heart failure, Side effect of med-
ications—nifedipine, amlodipine, sirolimus Practice Point 6
• Weight loss: New onset diabetes mellitus; • Based on the time interval following
Poor appetite or severe diarrhea with malab- transplant, prioritize enquiry during the
sorption, Mycophenolate toxicity post-transplant visit for potential major
• Elevated blood pressure: Need to restart antihy- likely issues affecting allograft and
pertensive, Tacrolimus toxicity, Acute rejection, patient outcome
Transplant renal artery stenosis, Fluid retention
22 Management of the Patient After Kidney Transplantation 441
Blood Chemistry
• Special attention to quality-of-life issues
as well as medication side effects and • Hyponatremia: Water intoxication, Urine leak,
personal biases will ensure improved Hypothyroidism, Thiazide therapy
adherence • Hypernatremia: Dehydration, osmotic diure-
• New onset diabetes is easily missed in sis from hyperglycemia, polyuria from
transplant recipients hypercalcemia
• Dysuria without urinary infection is often • Hyperkalemia: Tacrolimus and cyclosporin
reported in presence of haematuria. toxicity, urinary retention, NSAID use, hae-
molysis, rhabdomyolysis, dehydration /
• Hypokalemia: Polyuria related to hyperglyce-
Complete Blood Count mia, hypercalcemia, diuretic use
• Acidosis: Calcineurin inhibitor related Type 4
• Leukopenia: Viral infections—CMV, renal tubular acidosis, urinary retention, renal
Mycophenolate toxicity, Thymoglobulin insufficiency
• Leukocytosis: Bacterial infections, corticoste- • Alkalosis: Diuretic use, hypovolemia
roid related, lymphoproliferative disorder • Abnormal liver function tests: Elevated trans-
• Anaemia: Related to chronic kidney disease, aminases, bilirubin, GGT:
Mycophenolate toxicity, Parvo B19 infection, –– Drug induced-mycophenolate, azathio-
T cell proliferative disorder, hemolysis, related prine, calcineurin inhibitor related
to dapsone use, Thrombotic microangiopathy –– Infection-related: CMV infection, viral
• Erythrocytosis: Post transplant erythrocytosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, underlying liver
renal cell carcinoma disease
• Thrombocytopenia: Mycophenolate toxicity, • Non-therapeutic tacrolimus/cyclosporin
Thymoglobulin related, Thrombotic trough levels: Adherence issues, diarrhoea
microangiopathy and constipation, co-intake of medications
leading to interruptions, erratic absorption
related to prior bowel surgery, food
Practice Point 7 interactions
• Carefully review for trends in abnormal- • Elevated creatinine: acute rejection, urine
ities and schedule shorter interval fol- leak, urinary retention, hypovolemia, vascular
low-up to avoid life threatening issues, transplant renal artery stenosis or iliac
situations such as severe neutropenia or artery stenosis, elevated calcineurin inhibitor
thrombocytopenia level, Infections such as pyelonephritis, viral
• Special attention to decreasing haemo- infections—BK virus, CMV, Adeno virus,
globin in recipients with significant cor- Parvo virus
onary artery disease • Nephrolithiasis , bladder outlet obstruction—
• Ensure native kidney imaging to look for mechanical or functional , drug toxicity—cal-
renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and trans- cineurin inhibitor, NSAIDs, contrast-related;
plant renal artery doppler to rule out ste- thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), post
nosis prior to initiating ACEI/ARB transplant lymphoproliferative disorder
therapy in erythrocytosis post-transplant (PTLD)
442 M. Bhaskaran and S. Ossareh
Imaging Abnormalities
Practice Point 8
• Special attention to trend in creatinine Ultrasound with Doppler
since I has low sensitivity at high GFR • Imaging indicated for evaluation of elevated
levels. Be mindful of rejection when creatinine, hematuria, changes in urine output,
Tacrolimus level is sub therapeutic with hypertension, recurrent urinary infections, fol-
a rise in creatinine low up of prior abnormal findings.
• Careful with Tacrolimus (or Cyclosporin) • Fluid collection: lymphocele, urinoma,
and Sirolimus combination therapy since hematoma
Tacrolimus toxicity can occur even with • Elevated velocity: Transplant renal artery ste-
otherwise therapeutic levels nosis, Iliac stenosis, transient post-operative
• Repletion of low magnesium • Tardus Parvus wave form abnormality: trans-
(<1.5 MEq/L) or phosphorus plant renal artery stenosis
(<2.5 MEq/L) may be due to elevated • Elevated Resistive indices: Intrarenal pathol-
Tacrolimus level but likely need to be ogy, acute rejection, Acute tubular necrosis
repleted • Decreased resistive indices: Transplant renal
• An elevated Ca (>12 MeQ/L) with ele- artery stenosis, hypovolemia
vated iPTH level will necessitate • Reversal of flow in transplant renal artery:
increased hydration and possible treat- Transplant vein obstruction
ment with Cinacalcet • Hydronephrosis: Full calyces from distended
• A low WBC count (<2.5) or low platelet bladder with ureteral reflux; bladder outlet
count may necessitate adjustment or or obstruction, transplant ureteral obstruction
discontinuation of mycophenolate ther- from stricture, stone or edema
apy. Neutropenia if severe (<500) and • Native kidney lesions: Complex cyst, neo-
persistent may warrant growth factor plasm, source of recurrent urinary infection
therapy involving GMCF.
CT scan: In further evaluation of fluid
PET scan: Post transplant lymphoprolifera-
Microbiology tive disorder
Induction agents:
Lymphocyte depleting-Thymoglobulin,
Practice Point 9 Campath (alemtuzumab)
• Check CMV PCR following discontinu- Non depleting: Basiliximab
ation of Valganciclovir prophylaxis Maintenance immunosuppression:
since this is a risky time period for CMV Calcineurin Inhibitors: Tacrolimus,
resurgence with clinical disease Cyclosporine
• CMV IgG if negative is less reliable in mTOR inhibitors-Sirolimus, Everolimus
recipient candidates since it has less Co stimulatory Blockade: Belatacept
sensitivity in end stage kidney disease Combination regimen post transplant:
patients Tacrolimus (Cyclosporin) + Mycophenolate
(+ Prednisone)
22 Management of the Patient After Kidney Transplantation 443
• Sulfonylurea-Glipizide, Glimepiride
• Meglitinides-Repaglinide, Nateglinide Practice Point 14
• SGLT 2 inhibitors-Canagliflozin and • Always review entire medication list at
Empaglifozin each post transplant visit and have recip-
ients carry a list of all they take including
over the counter and any traditional
Practice Point 13 medications such as herbal supplements
• Though SGLT2 inhibitors are found to
have many benefits in diabetics, their
use in kidney transplant recipients is yet
to be widespread for fear of urinary tract Post-Transplant Infections
• Continuous glucose monitoring with or The common infections associated with time post
without the use of an insulin infusion kidney transplantation are summarized in
pump is becoming more widespread, Table 22.1 [2].
with obvious advantages
• If post-operative period insulin require-
ment is >20 units per day at discharge, it Urinary Tract Infections
would be preferable to maintain them on
a lower insulin-containing regimen on Bacterial: E. coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella.
discharge initially ESBL E. coli will need often parenteral
Fungal: Candida-oral, esophageal, urinary
tract, systemic
Other Agents: Recurrent, resistant and life-threatening infec-
Antiplatelet agents-Aspirin tion should prompt additional studies including
H2 blockers and PPI: Famotidine, omepra- imaging, cystoscopy, reduction in
zole, Pantoprazole immunosuppression
Stool softeners and Laxatives
Antibiotics Pneumonia
Anti fungal agents
Antiviral agents Bacterial: Pneumococcal, Gram negatives
Note: All attempts must be made to follow any MTB: In endemic areas, be vigilant for resis-
deceased donor blood, urine and any tissue cul- tant MTB
tures to inform post-transplant antimicrobial MAI: Ensure resolution prior to re-transplant
regimen especially blood and urine cultures. if pre-existent
Drug–Drug major interactions with
Calcineurin Inhibitors (CNIs):
Rifampicin Fungal
Erythromycin, Clarithromycin
Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Voriconazole Pneumocystis: Prevention better than treatment.
Food–Drug interactions with CNI are summa- Low threshold for diagnosis tests if not on
rized in Table 22.6. prophylaxis
Aspergillus: Can be life threatening
Table 22.6 Food–Drug interactions with CNI Mucor: High mortality; Surgical approaches
Clinicians should be aware of the following: are often necessary for resection of infected
Grapefruit areas
Fruit punch
22 Management of the Patient After Kidney Transplantation 445
Localized Infections
CMV infection has highly effective prophylaxis
and treatment options available. Look for drug Fungal: Oral candidiasis , dermatophytic fungi
resistance and combination regimen as may be Nocardia: Can be localized cutaneous, bursa
necessary. Foscarnet is nephrotoxic. Oral Mycobacterium marinum: Often associated
Valganciclovir is used for prophylaxis and treat- with fishing related minor skin injuries
ment of mild to moderate infections and IV
Ganciclovir for sever infections requiring
Influenza: Seasonal vaccination ; antiviral Practice Point 15
therapy with modest benefit. Can cause multi • Infections can masquerade with mini-
organ failure mal symptoms until severe, fast progres-
RSV: Often associated with leukopenia neces- sion to life threatening condition, with
sitating discontinuation of anti proliferative agent more difficulty in diagnosis and need
Coronavirus COVID 19 Pandemic saw many prolonged treatment for response in
transplant recipients succumb to the infection immunosuppressed host
with others having lung, renal and neurological • High degree of suspicion, microbiology
sequelae sampling of tissues and body fluids and
West Nile Virus: High suspicion and knowl- expert infectious disease input can help
edge of endemicity can help diagnose this early and
quick with potential ability to save the recipient.
446 M. Bhaskaran and S. Ossareh
Fig. 22.1 Common infections associated with time since encephalopathy, LCMV Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
kidney transplantation [2]. Abbreviations: C. difficile virus, MDRO Multi- drug resistant organism, MRSA
Clostideroides difficile, CMV Cytomegalovirus, EBV Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, M. tuberculo-
Epstein-Barr virus, ESLB/CRE Extended spectrum beta- sis Mycobacterium tuberulosis, PTLD Post-transplant lym-
lactamase/carbapenem resistant enterobacteria, HBV phoproliferative disease, T. cruzi Trypanosoma cruzi, VRE
Hepatitis B virus, HCV Hepatitis C virus, HSV Herpes sim- Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, VZV Varicella zoster
plex virus, JC/PML JC virus/progressive multifocal leuko- virus, WNV West Nile virus
Banff lesion score 0 1 2 3
Intimal arteritis£ ≥ v None <25% luminal ≥25% luminal area Transmural and/or
area lost lost fibrinoid change
and medial smooth
musscle necrosis
Fig. 22.2 Synopsis of the thresholds for all Banff Lesion Scores [3]. Abbreviations: max Maximum, PTC Peritubular
Recipients of High-Risk Donor Organs Apart from ensuring being cancer free at the time
of transplant with an appropriate cancer-free
Recipients of high-risk donor derived organs for interval, long term monitoring plan for recur-
transmission of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV due rence identification and prompt intervention is
to well known risk factors in the donors are to be required in this group of recipients who will oth-
followed for these infections in the post-transplant erwise benefit from transplantation.
period for unto 6 months post-transplant mini-
mum and preferably unto 1 year. Certain seasonal/
periodic testing of deceased donors are practiced, Preventive Measures
based on endemicity and seasonal or geographic
variation of diseases such as Zika, Chagas disease Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
and West Nile virus infections.
Smoking cessation, daily physical activity, main-
taining optimized weight, optimized control of
ecipients of HCV Positive Donor
R blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood
Organs glucose.
In those with known coronary artery disease
Recipients of known Hepatitis C infected donor or history of coronary re vascularization, anti-
organs (HCV PCR or antibody positive) are to be platelet therapy, beta blocker, statin and lifestyle
followed and tested by blood PCR to confirm modifications as noted above are to be ensured as
HCV transmission and are to be treated until there appropriate [4].
is a sustained viral response using broad spectrum
or genotype-specific anti-HCV regimen and are to
be followed to ensure sustained viral response. Dermatology Surveillance
452 M. Bhaskaran and S. Ossareh
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 455
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
456 M. Phanish et al.
most parts of the world, with steady improvement diabetes mellitus and vascular disease, poor func-
in long term outcomes, but it is widely recognised tional capacity, second and subsequent transplants.
that more work needs to be done to improve long- Although age and obesity are often mentioned as
term outcomes. For deceased donor kidney trans- high-risk recipient factors, good outcomes have
plants, the UK national transplant registry been achieved in older recipients (60–75 years) and
(2019/2020) reports 94% (95% CI: 94%–95%) patients with high BMI (up to 38). Immunological
1-year graft survival and 86% (95% CI: 85%–87%) risk, the degree of HLA matching and sensitisation
5-year graft survival; 97% (95% CI: 96%–97%) status of the recipient, including presence or
1-year patient survival and 88% 5-year patient sur- absence of pre-formed donor specific antibodies
vival (95% CI: 87%–88%). Corresponding figures (DSA), development of de-novo DSAs following
for living donor kidney transplant are 98% (95% transplant have a key influence on rejection rates
CI: 98%–99%) 1-year graft survival and 93% (95% (acute and chronic) and transplant outcomes.
CI: 92%–93%) 5-year graft survival; 99% (95%
CI: 98%–99%) 1-year patient survival, and 95%
(95% CI: 94%–96%) 5-year patient survival. Key urgical Complications of Kidney
determinants of graft survival are donor and recipi- Transplantation
ent factors. Higher risk donors are older (>60 years),
have more medical co-morbidities (e.g. hyperten- Figure 23.1 and Table 23.1 describe surgical com-
sion) and suffered a medical cause of death. High plications following kidney transplantation. Most of
risk recipient factors are co-morbidities such as the serious complications such as haemorrhage,
Early Early
Early - Wound infection
- Bladder outflow issues
- Peri-Tx haematoma - Lymphocele
- Urinary fistula
- Renal vein thrombosis - Haematuria
- Ureteric stenosis
- Renal artery thrombosis
Late Late
Late - Ureteric stricture - Incisional hernia
- Pseudoaneurysm - Reflux
- Renal AV fistula - Stone disease
- Transplant RA stenosis
462 M. Phanish et al.
transplant kidney artery and vein thrombosis are mal clinical signs apart from a rising serum creati-
very rare. It must be noted that allograft dysfunction nine. Therefore, simultaneous consideration of
following kidney transplant can be due to surgical surgical and medical causes of complications, with
complications such as a ureteric leak, or poorly per- systematic clinical, laboratory and radiological
fused kidney, or due to medical complications, such assessments are essential to make the correct diag-
as acute rejection or tacrolimus toxicity, with mini- nosis, and initiate appropriate treatment.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 465
Patient stable Unstable patient Drain fluid & serum U&E for comparison
Mild blood loss Moderate to severe
blood loss
Resuscitation and
Conservative Urinary leak Lymphocele
definative procedure
depending on
If not resolved
surgical repair
Ureterovesical Leak
Ureteric leak
Fig. 23.2 Proposed management algorithm for high drain output post kidney transplant
Practice Point 1
High drain output post kidney transplant surgery
Clinical Scenario:
A 43-year-old female patient with a BMI of 38 kg/m2 on peritoneal dialysis, having a history
of ESKD secondary to ADPKD received her first live donor kidney transplant from a 58-year-
old genetically unrelated ABO-compatible donor. The donor kidney had a small lower polar
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 467
artery, in addition to a main renal artery, which was separately anastomosed. She had unevent-
ful transplant surgery, with immediate graft function. From immediately post transplantation,
she had a high drain output, which failed to settle over the ensuing days
This is a common presentation after kidney transplantation: iatrogenic missed peritoneal
membrane injury or injury to a native kidney cyst can confuse the common differential diag-
nosis of urinary leak or lymphocoele. A smaller lower polar artery, if thrombosed, can increase
the risk of distal ureteric necrosis, resulting in a urinary leak. A high BMI is a risk factor for
Haemodynamically stable patients with no additional symptoms except heaviness around the
transplant site. There were no external clinical signs, apart from mild wound tenderness due to
recent surgery. There was straw coloured fluid in the drain.
Good allograft function with a stable Hb. Drain fluid showed creatinine of 156 μmol/L, com-
pared to a serum level of 147 μmol/L, which excluded a urinary leak. An ultrasound of her
transplant kidney showed a large peri-transplant collection, which was drained:
a b
Image shows a kidney transplant ultrasound scan, demonstrating a large peri-transplant collection (a,
white arrow), which resolves post drainage (b):
The case was initially managed with instillation of 5% povidone-iodine solution through the
drain, which did not lead to a reduction in drain output, hence surgical laparoscopic fenestration
was successfully undertaken at 28 days post transplantation
Consevative approach
with initial antegrade
dilatation of stricture
and ureteric stenting
Good ureter length Short Ureter followed by retrograde
stent changes on
regular intervals +/–
neoureterocystostomy Psoas hitch surgery
Boari flap
Uretero-ureteric drainage
Practice Point 2
Hydronephrosis of the Transplant Kidney
Clinical Scenario:
A 63-year-old male with a history of ESKD secondary to diabetic nephropathy received a
kidney from a 69-year-old deceased donor after circulatory arrest (DCD). After an initial
period of delayed graft function (DGF), he had good kidney transplant function. He had urinary
retention following his catheter removal, and required re-catheterisation, with concomitant
alpha-blockade. He underwent removal of his double J ureteric stent at 6 weeks post transplan-
tation, following which his serum creatinine started to rise, with a dropping urine output.
This case illustrates a common presentation in elderly transplant recipients. In this case, age
and male gender are risk factors for prostatic hyperplasia, that can cause bladder outflow
obstruction. On the other hand, elderly DCD donor kidney has an increased risk of ureteric
ischaemia, and hence ureteric stricture or stenosis. The main challenge in this case is to differ-
entiate between urinary retention due to bladder outflow obstruction, or due to possible ureteric
Graft site fullness and tenderness can be a sign of kidney pathology, however an enlarged
palpable bladder with suprapubic tenderness and a dull suprapubic percussion note indicates
bladder pathology. Per rectal examination also gives useful information.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 469
Ultrasound of the kidney transplant and urinary bladder, with a post micturition residual
volume is a key primary investigation, that can differentiate between an enlarged urinary blad-
der due to distal obstruction or kidney pelvicalyceal system with a collapsed urinary bladder.
Specific investigations include transrectal ultrasound, CT urogram, and nephrostogram. In this
case, ultrasound showed a hydronephrotic transplant kidney. A nephrostomy, then a nephrosto-
gram was performed, which confirmed distal ureteric stenosis.
a b
Images shows an antegrade nephrostogram, demonstrating a distal ureteric stenosis (a), which is sub-
sequently stented, with distal contrast run-off post ureteric stent insertion (b):
Bladder outflow issues are mainly due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, and usually respond
well to alpha-blockers. Transuretheral resection of prostate gland is an option for advanced
disease. The management of ureteric strictures or stenosis depends on graft function, site of
pathology and availability of reconstruction choices. Generally, the distal ureter is affected, with
a reasonable transplant ureteric length, a resection of the ischaemic, stenosed segment, and neo-
uretero-cystostomy, with or without a psoas hitch. In case of a short ureteric length, the options
include a Boari-flap, uretero-ureteric (transplant or native) anastomosis, pelvi- calyceal-
cystostomy, or rarely ureterostomy. In this case, the patient subsequently underwent a definitive
elective ureteric re-implantation.
a b
Fig. 23.4 Stenting of a transplant renal artery post-trans- procedure on selective arteriography. (b) Post transplant
plant. (a) Transplant renal artery stenosis demonstrated renal artery stenting procedure—good flow and run-off
(white arrow) and post stenotic vessel dilatation pre- distal to the stricture is demonstrated
Practice Point 3
Oliguria post kidney transplant
Clinical Scenario:
A 59-year-old female patient with ESKD secondary to FSGS, with a previous history of
unprovoked DVT, received a cadaveric kidney transplant following donation after brain death
(DBD) from a 49-year-old male donor, with a history of acute kidney injury (AKI) Stage 2 at
the time of donation. The surgery was uneventful, but the patient suffered delayed graft func-
tion. On the 7th post-operative day, she had a percutaneous transplant biopsy. The procedure was
uneventful, but on the same night, she presented with sudden severe pain over her transplanted
kidney, and anuria.
The real challenge in this case is to differentiate between a vascular event, or simple acute
tubular necrosis due to donor AKI. Risk factors for thrombosis are a history of unprovoked
DVT, and potential post biopsy bleeding, compressing on the kidney transplant hilum, causing
renal vein thrombosis.
Investigations: Transplant coloured doppler US remains the first investigation to look for
organ perfusion, vascular flow and haematoma. In equivocal CT angiogram, or MAG3 nuclear
scans can be helpful. In this case, her US showed flow in the renal transplant artery, with rever-
sal of diastolic flow. There was no flow detectable in the renal vein.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 471
a b
Images shows a colour doppler scan of a transplanted kidney. US showed flow in the renal transplant
artery, with reversal of diastolic flow (a). There was no flow detectable in the renal vein (b).
Once a diagnosis or suspicion of transplant renal vein or renal artery thrombosis is made, it
requires immediate exploration. Any chance of graft salvage depends on how quickly organs
can be re-perfused. In the majority of cases, graft nephrectomy is the only option. Small to
medium sized haematomas, not compressing on kidney vasculature, can be managed with a
conservative approach. In the above case the patient had transplant renal vein thrombosis, which
was not salvageable, and culminated in graft nephrectomy
Urgent surgical
Catheter flushed and
Catheter not blocked unblocked to establish
urine outflow +/–
plant recipients (steroid withdrawal on D7, performed at least one week apart. The typical
reduction in mycophenolate mofetil dose from duration of therapy is 2–4 weeks. Upon comple-
1 g BD to 500 mg BD after 30 days, long term tion of treatment, the options are either stop val-
dual immunosuppression in the majority of the ganciclovir and do monthly CMV PCR
patients), we have found that this approach results surveillance for a further 3–4 months or continue
in low CMV infection rates (5–8%), and is cost- prophylactic dose for 3–4 months. If the viremia
effective. Some centres continue prophylaxis for fails to respond to Valganciclovir, viral ganciclo-
200 days in D+/R− patients and also use prophy- vir resistance should be suspected, and appropri-
laxis for all patients except for D-/R− patients. ate resistance gene mutation studies should be
CMV can present in kidney transplant recipi- done. Both the treatment and prophylactic dose
ents as either asymptomatic CMV viraemia or of valganciclovir should be adjusted to estimated
CMV disease. CMV disease is defined as the creatinine clearance or estimated GFR (eGFR).
presence of CMV virus in blood or tissues (usu- Patients with severe disease may require treat-
ally detected in blood by CMV PCR), along with ment with intravenous ganciclovir for the first
clinical features of organ involvement. Usual 48–72 h. Options are limited for gancicloivir
clinical manifestations are hepatitis, colitis (diar- resistant CMV disease and these include
rhoea, with or without blood and mucus), and Foscarnet (toxic drug) and other newer/experi-
haematological (leucopenia). Other rare manifes- mental antiviral drugs such as Marabavir.
tations in severe disease include pneumonitis and There are two approaches to prevent CMV
meningoencephalitis, but these are uncommon in disease: either routine prophylaxis (usually with
the current era of kidney transplantation, where oral valganciclovir ) or routine monitoring for
immunosuppressive burden is usually kept at evidence of viraemia with pre-emptive
modest levels. treatment.
Diagnosis is either made by demonstrating
CMV antigenaemia to detect CMV proteins
(pp65) in peripheral blood leukocytes (isolated pstein–Barr Virus (EBV) and Post-
from buffy coat fraction of blood sample) or by Transplant Lymphoproliferative
PCR in peripheral blood sample (obtained in an Disorders (PTLD)
EDTA tube). At our centre, the diagnosis is made
by CMV PCR from whole blood. Higher viral Acute infection with EBV is not usually a clini-
loads are often associated with CMV disease, so cally relevant problem after adult kidney trans-
it is important to have close links with virology plantation, but an important long-term
laboratory as reporting units (DNA copies/mL or complication of EBV infection is the develop-
units/mL) vary widely between laboratories. ment of post-transplant lymphoproliferative dis-
Treatment is a reduction of immunosuppres- ease (PTLD), with an incidence of 0.5–1%.
sion, with or without antiviral therapy. We usu- Although it is usually described that most cases
ally manage asymptomatic CMV viraemia with of EBV-driven PTLD occur within one year post
immunosuppressive reduction alone (usually transplant, cases can occur at any time following
dose reduction or withdrawal of mycophenolate transplantation. The more intense the immuno-
mofetil), but in some patients deemed at high risk suppression used (in particular, lymphocyte
of rejection we treat with oral valganciclovir depleting antibody induction), the greater the risk
without altering their immunosuppression. In of PTLD, and the earlier it tends to occur. There
patients with high grade viraemia associated with is an increased risk of PTLD amongst EBV-
CMV disease, we treat with reduction in immu- negative recipients of EBV-positive donor organs.
nosuppression and oral valganciclovir. The treat- The majority of PTLD develops as a result of
ment is continued until complete resolution of EBV-driven uncontrolled B-cell proliferation, on
signs and symptoms of CMV disease and there is a background of suppressed cytotoxic T cells due
absence of CMV viraemia in two blood PCRs to immunosuppression.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 475
confirm the diagnosis of BKVN before altering obtaining microbiological proof, but every
immunosuppression. attempt should be made to demonstrate the organ-
Urine PCR for BKV is not recommended for ism from sputum (difficult in practice, usually
the diagnosis or monitoring of BKVN. The other need to be induced with saline inhalation) and
test often mentioned in the literature is ‘decoy’ bronchoscopic aspirate. Diagnostic yield is
cells in the urine. These are tubule cells infected enhanced by performing PCR from respiratory
with BKV, and shed in the urine, identified by tract secretions, in addition to conventional stain-
their morphology of ‘large irregular nuclei’ due ing and microscopy.
to viral inclusions but this test is not widely used PCJ in immunosuppressed recipients can be
in clinical practice. life threatening and therefore, prompt com-
The main treatment of BKV is a reduction of mencement of treatment upon high clinical suspi-
immunosuppression. We usually stop mycophe- cion is required. The treatment consists of high
nolate mofetil, maintain the patient on tacrolimus therapeutic dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
monotherapy while monitoring BKV viral load orally in mild to moderate disease or intrave-
in blood with 2–4 weekly PCRs and add small nously in patients with severe disease. In those in
dose of prednisolone (5 mg once a day) once whom trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is contra-
reductions in viral load is achieved. There is no indicated, alternative drugs include clindamycin/
specific antiviral treatment for this condition and primaquine, trimethoprim/dapsone, atovaquone
no randomised trials. The drugs that have been and pentamidine.
tried are a 2-week course of ciprofloxacin and It is routine clinical practice worldwide to give
more recently leflunomide. The leflunomide has prophylactic co-trimoxazole at a standard dose of
in vitro antiviral properties and is immunomodu- 480 mg once a day for 3–6 months to all kidney
latory, is well tolerated and we have observed sta- transplant patients. With this regime, there have
bilisation of graft function in patients with BKVN been marked reductions in the incidence of PCJ
upon treatment with this drug along with reduc- infections in kidney transplant patients.
tion of immunosuppression. Other approaches
that have been tried are- switching calcineurin
inhibitor (CNI) to mTOR inhibitor (Sirolimus/ Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB)
Everolimus) and intravenous immunoglobulin.
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) is an impor-
tant opportunistic infection in kidney transplant
Pneumocystis Jiroveccii (Carinii) recipients, with significant variation in preva-
lence in different parts of the world, based on
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP/PCJ) is a poten- community prevalence of the disease. Managing
tially life-threatening pulmonary infection that tuberculosis in transplant recipients is challeng-
occurs in immunocompromised individuals. ing in view of the non-specific clinical presenta-
Transplant patients are at highest risk in their tion, interaction of anti-MTB medicines with
first 3 months post-transplant due to higher levels immunosuppressive medications, and higher
of immunosuppression, but the infection can incidence of anti-MTB medicine-related adverse
occur at later stages in patients maintained on effects. The risk factors include a previous his-
higher levels of immunosuppression, and those tory of incompletely treated MTB, underlying
receiving treatment for rejection episodes. In the chronic lung disease, fungal co-infections, diabe-
transplant patient, PCJ typically presents as tes mellitus, poor nutritional status and high
hypoxic type1 respiratory failure, associated with immunosuppressive burden in particular, one that
fever and dry cough, with diffuse and bilateral includes lymphocyte depleting antibody induc-
pulmonary interstitial infiltrates on chest X ray tion. MTB in a kidney transplant patient could
and CT scan. The index of suspicion should be be: (a) endogenous reactivation of latent tubercu-
high and often treatment is commenced before losis infection (LMTB) in the post-transplant
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 477
period (b) donor-derived tubercular infection active MTB post-transplant and treat as
(rare) (c) de-novo infection due to exposure to appropriate.
MTB bacilli in the post-transplant period. The 4. Treat with Isoniazid alone (300 mg once a
presentation can be a typical respiratory presen- day), along with pyridoxine for 6 months,
tation of cough, fever, haemoptysis and weight starting at the time of transplant in high- risk
loss, or an atypical presentation with intermittent patient population in low prevalence areas of
fevers, weight loss and predominantly extrapul- the world, without prior screening for latent
monary disease. TB.
Mucormycosis is an angio-invasive fungal infec- levels due to the inhibition of CYP3A4 cyto-
tion. Rhino-paranasal sinus-cerebral mucormyco- chrome isoenzyme. Tacrolimus level needs to be
sis is the most common presentation. Other forms monitored closely in these patients and a dose
including pulmonary, cutaneous, gastrointestinal reduction is often needed. In severe, invasive fun-
tract (GIT), graft kidney and disseminated dis- gal infections and fungaemia, drugs such as caspo-
ease. Due to the angio-invasive nature the dis- fungin (An Echinocandin) or Anidulafungin and
semination of fungus is rapid with high fatality liposomal amphotericin B would be needed along
rate reaching up to 75% despite appropriate and with drastic reductions or complete withdrawal of
timely surgical and medical treatment. immunosuppression. Cryptococcal meningitis is
Endemic mycosis has varied presentation. treated with liposomal amphotericin B plus flucy-
Histoplasmosis presents as fever, weight loss, tosine followed by prolonged periods of oral fluco-
pancytopenia, and lymphadenopathy due to nazole. Invasive mucormycosis will need treatment
lympho- reticular system involvement. with IV liposomal amphotericin B with posacon-
Disseminated infection with CNS involvement azole as stepdown treatment if there is response.
may be seen. Blastomycosis can involve pulmo- The prognosis of kidney transplant patients
nary system causing acute respiratory distress with invasive fungal infections remains poor and
syndrome (ARDS) and can also involve muscu- therefore, measures to prevent or minimise the
loskeletal system. Coccidioidomycosis may have risk of these infections are of paramount
similar presentations. importance.
A high index of suspicion is important in diag- COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by the
nosing fungal infections, as the symptoms might coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was declared a global
be non-specific. Main principles of management pandemic in March 2020. The disease has
are reducing immunosuppression, removing/ affected millions of people globally with a case
replacing intravenous cannulae and urinary cath- fatality ratio of 25–30% in hospitalised kidney
eter. A combination of appropriate fungal stains transplant patients infected with the virus. The
and culture on suitable body fluids, molecular current strategies to combat the virus include
diagnostic methods and imaging would be needed societal measures to minimise the risk of aerosol
to make a diagnosis. Always work closely with transmission, hand hygiene, wearing masks in
microbiology department to facilitate appropriate closed spaces and vaccination. The management
investigations. A blood 1,3 beta-D-glucan is use- options available at the time of this writing in
ful as a screening test for invasive fungal infec- March 2021 are supportive measures, respiratory
tions, but it is non-specific. Cryptococcal support, reduction in immunosuppression (reduc-
meningitis is diagnosed by CSF examination by tion or withdrawal of mycophenolate mofetil
India ink stain and gram stain. Cryptococcal anti- depending on disease severity, continuation of
gen detection in CSF has excellent sensitivity and tacrolimus and steroids in most of the cases,
specificity and it is one of the best tests for a rapid dexamethasone in suitable patients as per
diagnosis. PCR to detect fungal nucleic acid RECOVERY trial evidence, Remdesivir as per
improves the diagnostic yield. local guidelines, Tocilizumab in severe cases as
Treatment depends upon the nature of the fun- per local and national guidelines along with par-
gus and severity of the illness. Oral Candidiasis ticipation in clinical trials testing new therapies.
may just require nystatin suspension whereas AKI is common in kidney transplant patients
Esophageal candidiasis would need Fluconazole with COVID-19 but most of the patients do
which interacts with Tacrolimus increasing the recover their graft function. The reduction in
480 M. Phanish et al.
• Acute rejection typically occurs within and vessel wall), C4D staining in peritubular cap-
3–4 months post-transplantation but it can illaries, thrombotic microangiopathy and pres-
occur anytime. Steroid resistant rejections and ence of donor specific anti HLA antibodies. C4D
recurrent episodes of rejections confer poor negative AMR is now well-recognised.
prognosis. Usually, there are no clinical fea- It must be emphasised that cellular (T-cell
tures associated with transplant rejection driven), and Antibody mediated rejections
except for severe cases where there could be (AMRs) often occur together.
graft tenderness. Additional categories belong to ‘chronic rejec-
• Suspect rejection in following situations: An tion’ and both chronic antibody mediated rejec-
increase in serum creatinine of ≥20–25% tion (transplant glomerulopathy, multilayering of
from baseline OR a serum creatinine that is peritubular capillary basement membrane seen on
stable but higher than expected following electron microscopy, C4D staining in PTCs, arte-
transplantation OR a creatinine that stops rial intimal fibrosis) and chronic T cell mediated
decreasing further following initial decline rejection (Chronic TCMR, characterised by vary-
post- transplant OR delayed graft function ing degrees of tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis
with dialysis dependence post- transplant. (IFTA) along with interstitial inflammation,
chronic allograft vasculopathy- arterial intimal
Rejection can only be definitely diagnosed by fibrosis with mononuclear inflammatory cells) are
graft biopsy and histopathology. The Banff grading now recognised and these are important causes of
system is updated and modified regularly to include chronic allograft dysfunction and eventually, graft
histological patterns, mechanisms of rejection, failure. Chronic rejection, in particular chronic
acute Vs chronic rejection, activity and chronicity AMR/transplant glomerulopathy is usually asso-
index within a given histological sample. The com- ciated with significant proteinuria and progres-
monly known ‘acute cellular rejection’ is a T-cell sively increasing proteinuria of >1 g/day is an
mediated process characterised by interstitial lym- indication to perform a kidney biopsy to diagnose
phocytic infiltrates and infiltration of tubular epithe- chronic AMR or recurrent glomerular disease.
lium by lymphocytes (tubulitis) severity of which is Late rejection episodes (occurring more than
graded depending upon the percentage of cortex 6 months after transplantation) are often due to
covered by cellular infiltrates and number of lym- inadequate immunosuppression either due to poor
phocytes per cross section of tubule (Type IA and adherence and non-compliance with immunosup-
1B rejection in 1997 Banff grading; Category 4, pressive medications or due to inappropriate reduc-
TCMR 1A and 1B in 2017 Banff grading). If blood tions in tacrolimus dose aiming for low levels to
vessels are involved by lymphocytic infiltration it minimise CNI toxicity or inappropriate late steroid
would be classed as more severe ‘vascular’ rejec- withdrawals. The tacrolimus levels should be
tion graded based on the extent of intimal involve- maintained between 5 and 7 ng/mL (with excep-
ment or transmural involvement (Type IIA, B and tion of PTLD and other malignancies where lower
III in 1997 Banff grading; Category 4, TCMR IIA, levels may be desirable) long term to minimise the
IIB and III in 2017 Banff Grading). These catego- risk of de-novo DSA formation, reduce the risk of
ries are T cell mediated rejection that often respond late acute and chronic rejections. Table 23.2 sum-
to IV methylprednisolone but cases with vascular marises the differences between acute T-cell medi-
involvement (in particular, grade IIB and III) often ated (cellular) rejection (ACR/Acute TCMR) and
require Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG). acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR).
The second main category of rejection is Maintenance of adequate immunosuppres-
acute/active antibody mediated rejection (AMR, sion, particularly maintaining tacrolimus levels
category 2 in 2017 Banff grading system) which in range most of the time reduce the risk of
requires demonstration of microvascular inflam- chronic TCMR as well as chronic AMR. While
mation in peritubular capillaries (PTC) or glom- keeping patients on triple immunosuppression
erulus (neutrophilic infiltrates in endothelium (Tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and pred-
482 M. Phanish et al.
Table 23.2 Differences between acute T cell mediated (cellular) rejection (ACR/Acute TCMR) and acute antibody-
mediated rejection (AMR) and management options
ACR (Acute TCMR) Acute AMR
Interstitial lymphocytic
• Present Absent (Can occur when there is
infiltration, Tubulitis concomitant TCMR)
Vascular mononuclear
• Present Absent
inflammation, fibrinoid
Donor-specific antibody
• Absent Present
in serum
Neutrophilic infiltrates in
• Absent Present
glomerular and
peritubular capillaries
with or without
microvascular thrombosis
(TMA), histological and
evidence of endothelial
C4d staining in
• Absent Present
peritubular capillaries
Absent Present
• Primary therapy Pulse methylprednisolone, rabbit Plasmapheresis (PEx) (Usually 5
anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) (for sessions), intravenous immunoglobulin,
vascular T-cell rejection, grade IIB and pulse steroids. ATG if concomitant
above), increase in baseline severe T cell mediated cellular/vascular
immunosuppression, consider assessing rejection. Optimise Tacrolimus levels.
mycophenolic acid exposure and adjust Consider assessing mycophenolic acid
the dose. exposure and adjust the dose.
Eculizumab is an option in severe cases
of AMR. Rituximab has been used with
limited evidence and the efficacy
remains unclear. IvIg and ATG should be
given post-PEx.
nisolone) long term seems like best option to with urinary cell transcriptomics, urinary bio-
reduce the risk of chronic rejection, there is no marker (free and exosomal proteins, miRNA)
evidence that this is the case compared to long panels diagnostic of rejection, circulating cell
term dual immunosuppression (Tacrolimus, free donor DNA to detect allograft damage and
mycophenolate mofetil OR tacrolimus, predniso- rejection in early stages, routine molecular
lone; which is our usual practice for majority of analysis of biopsy specimen, Safe CNI free
our standard risk transplant recipients) and long- regimen with co-stimulatory blockade, proto-
term triple immunosuppression is likely to be cols designed to develop transplant tolerance
associated with higher rate of infections and and evidence base for utilisation of DSAs as
malignancies. biomarkers to optimise long term outcomes. In
The optimal immunosuppression long-term addition to these, there is a need for good qual-
remains unclear and it should be individualised ity clinical research to identify optimal long
as much as possible taking in to account the term immunosuppressive regimes, treatment
immunological (rejection) risk, infection risk, protocols that are effective and safe for acute
cancer risk and patient preferences to achieve AMR and chronic rejection (cAMR and
best long-term outcomes. cTCMR), treatments that work for recurrent
Some of the new developments in this field glomerular diseases, in particular, recurrent
include: non-invasive diagnosis of rejection IgAN.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 483
Calcineurin Inhibitor these drugs may not be well tolerated which often
Nephrotoxicity leads to switching back to tacrolimus but in those
who tolerate these drugs, GFR tends to stabilise
Whilst the CNIs ciclosporin and tacrolimus revolu- and improve. Usual guideline for switching is:
tionized the world of solid organ transplantation by eGFR >35 mL/min and proteinuria <1 g/day
prolonging graft survival, they are potentially neph- (lesser the better). Hyperlipedemia, worsening
rotoxic agents. CNIs can lead to both acute kidney proteinuria and thrombocytopenia are potential
injury (AKI), which is due to dose dependent side effects of mTOR inhibitors. These drugs
reversible vasoconstriction of glomerular afferent should be stopped 2 weeks before any elective
arterioles leading to drop in GFR and chronic toxic- surgery and patient switched back to tacrolimus
ity (vasculopathy and tubulointerstitial fibrosis) as wound healing can be markedly impaired if
which is largely irreversible. However, as described operations are done while on mTOR inhibitors.
in previous section on rejection, very similar histo-
pathological changes of vascular sclerosis and tubu-
lointerstitial fibrosis do occur secondary to chronic Delayed Graft Function (DGF)
TCMR and chronic AMR and it can be quite diffi-
cult to distinguish between these entities. Electron DGF refers to poor transplant kidney function in
microscopic features of PTC multilayering, intersti- the immediate post-transplantation period and
tial inflammation and C4D positivity are suggestive can be caused by donor events before or during
of chronic rejection whereas striped interstitial retrieval that leads to ischaemic kidney injury,
fibrosis without inflammatory infiltrates is sugges- older donor age (and other extended criteria
tive of chronic CNI toxicity. donor), DCD (donation after cardiac death) kid-
Acute CNI nephrotoxicity is common is early neys, warm ischaemia or trauma to blood vessels
post- transplant period and rise in creatinine due at the time of organ retrieval, prolonged cold
to high tacrolimus levels usually settles down ischaemia or perioperative hypotension. The
within 48h-72h of dose reduction and achieving most common definition of DGF is the need for
therapeutic target levels. If the creatinine levels dialysis within one week of transplantation. The
remain high with tacrolimus dose reduction, a management is to run tacrolimus levels slightly
biopsy should be performed. low, transplant kidney biopsy to exclude rejection
Thrombotic microangiopathy can be a mani- after making sure perfusion of the kidney is fine
festation of CNIs toxicity which can occur at with patent renal vein and support the patient
any dose or plasma level. Treatment often is with dialysis and optimal fluid balance while
withdrawal of CNI and replacing CNI with waiting for the kidney to open up.
mTOR inhibitor such as sirolimus/everolimus
or maintaining on mycophenolate mofetil/pred-
nisolone combination. Belatacept is another Chronic Allograft Failure
option in these patients to keep them CNI free.
CNIs can lead to hyperkalaemia with a mild Over a period of years, the transplant kidney func-
acidosis due to type IV renal tubular acidosis. tion declines leading to progressive CKD and even-
Other electrolyte disturbance due to CNI toxic- tually graft failure requiring kidney replacement
ity include hypomagnesemia and hypophospha- therapy. There is often combination of factors that
taemia although the latter is more often likely lead to chronic inflammation and fibrosis in the
due to parathormone induced phosphate loss in transplant kidney leading to graft failure. These
patients with underlying secondary or tertiary include, chronic allograft nephropathy (A term used
hyperparathyroidism before transplantation. to describe immunological and non-immunological
Chronic allograft dysfunction attributed to causes of graft damage), chronic rejection (cAMR
CNI induced graft fibrosis can be managed by and cTCMR), hypertension and vascular disease
switching to mTOR inhibitors. Unfortunately, with or without diabetes mellitus, recurrent glomer-
484 M. Phanish et al.
ular disease, recurrent episodes of acute rejection, layering on electron microscopy and positive
recurrent episodes of urinary tract infections with or donor-specific HLA antibodies in serum favour
without obstructive uropathy in transplant kidney, the diagnosis of cAMR, whereas absence of these
calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) toxicity and BKV features and systemic complement abnormalities
nephropathy. It is important to focus on and opti- favour the diagnosis of recurrent MCGN. Primary
mise management of cardiovascular risk factors FSGS can recur in early post-transplant period
including appropriate management of hyperlipidae- with severe nephrotic range proteinuria and graft
mia, hypertension and diabetes along with smoking dysfunction or recur with a more indolent course.
cessation and weight management. The optimal Management of aggressive recurrent FSGS
management of these non-immunological risk fac- includes plasmapheresis (usually 5 sessions) fol-
tors play a vital role in long-term patient and graft lowed by Rituximab. These therapeutic measures
survival. Chronic rejection and CNI toxicity have may need repeating at regular intervals depend-
been discussed in previous section. ing upon clinical response and tolerability.
Recurrent glomerular disease is an important Recurrent IgA nephropathy is common after kid-
cause of graft dysfunction and failure. Primary ney transplantation with most of the transplant
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), kidneys demonstrating mesangial IgA deposits
mesangiocapillary, MCGN (membranoprolifera- 3–5 years post-transplant usually resulting in
tive, MPGN) and IgA nephropathy are the pri- chronic allograft dysfunction but more aggres-
mary glomerulonephritidis most likely to recur in sive recurrences with necrotising and crescentic
transplant kidney. Other glomerular disorders glomerulonephritis is also known. Unfortunately,
such as membranous glomerulonephritis can there is no specific treatment for this common
recur in the transplant kidney but this is not a recurrent disease in transplant kidney.
common clinical problem. ANCA positive vascu-
litis and anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM) disease very rarely recur in the transplant Cancer
kidney. De-novo anti-GBM disease has been
reported in patients with Alport’s syndrome Cancer rates are higher in transplant recipients
receiving a kidney from a donor with no Alport compared to general population. This is particu-
like collagen abnormalities. De-novo glomerulo- larly true for skin cancers and cancers driven by
nephritis has been reported but these are rare. viral proliferation such as PTLD (EBV), Kaposi’s
Thrombotic microangiopathy (renal limited, sys- sarcoma (human herpes virus 8, HHV8) and cer-
temic or both) can affect the transplant kidney in vical cancer (human papilloma virus). There is a
acute, subacute and chronic forms. Usually this is modest increased risk of other cancers such as
due to CNI toxicity (non-dose dependent), acute lung and gastrointestinal cancers while there seem
or chronic active AMR or combination of the to be no increased risk of other common cancers
two. Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome such as breast and prostate malignancies.
(aHUS) can recur in early post-transplant period The higher levels of immunosuppressive bur-
resulting in systemic thrombotic microangiopa- den over a period of time increases the risk of
thy, systemic complement abnormalities, glo- cancers. The mTOR inhibitors have been associ-
merular microthrombi and graft dysfunction ated with lower rates of cancer but higher inci-
which can lead to rapid graft loss. The manage- dence of side effects and poor tolerance have
ment consists of plasmapheresis and consider- prevented their widespread use. However, in
ation of Eculizumab. Recurrent MCGN is often selected cases of cancers, for eg, recurrent squa-
difficult to distinguish from chronic antibody mous cell skin cancers, a switch to sirolimus or
mediated rejection (cAMR) as glomerular histo- everolimus should be considered. The manage-
logical pattern can be similar in these conditions. ment of cancers consists of running immuno-
Positive C4D staining in peritubular capillaries, suppression as low as possible along with
peritubular capillary basement membrane multi- specific treatment for a given malignancy.
23 Complications of Kidney Transplantation 485
D. Vacuolation of tubular cells What is the most likely finding on the kid-
E. Oedema in the interstitium ney biopsy?
Answer – D A. Glomerular mesangial expansion
6. A 65-year-old female developed a tender B. Lymphocytic infiltrates in the interstitium
swelling over the right iliac fossa lateral to C. Striped fibrosis of the interstitium
the scar for her deceased donor kidney trans- D. Vacuolation of tubular cells
plantation five days prior. Her serum creati- E. Oedema in the interstitium
nine improved from 465 μmol/L to Answer B
260 μmol/L. The collection on ultrasound 9. A 43-year-old female patient with BMI of
which caused the swelling was drained with 38 kg/m2 on peritoneal dialysis with a history
ultrasound guidance. The drain fluid was yel- of end stage kidney disease secondary to adult
low had a creatinine of 270 μmol/L polycystic kidney disease received her first live
What is the most likely cause of the donor kidney transplant from a 58-year-old
swelling? genetically unrelated, ABO compatible donor.
A. Haemorrhage The donor kidney had a small lower polar
B. Infection artery, in addition to a main renal artery, which
C. Lymphocele was anastomosed separately. She had an other-
D. Lipoma wise uneventful transplant surgery, with imme-
E. Urine leak diate allograft function on the table. She
Answer – C continued to have a high drain output from
7. A 45-year-old female with a functioning sec- immediately post-operatively, which has failed
ond deceased donor kidney transplant was to settle
seen in the kidney transplant follow-up clinic. What is the most important next
Her serum creatinine levels had increased investigation?
from 100 μmol/L to 150 μmol/L between days A. Transplant kidney ultrasound
20 and 25 post transplantation. Her blood B. Measure drain fluid creatinine
tacrolimus levels were as expected, between 8 C. Drain fluid microscopy, culture and
and 10 ng/mL. She had a kidney transplant sensitivities
biopsy. Both she and her donor were negative D. Repeat haemoglobin
for CMV before transplantation E. Immediate serum urea and electrolytes
What is the most likely cause of her acute measurement
kidney injury? Answer – B The above case is a common pre-
A. Acute rejection sentation after renal transplant. Iatrogenic
B. Acute tubular necrosis missed peritoneal membrane injury or injury
C. Tacrolimus toxicity to a native renal cyst can confuse the com-
D. CMV infection mon differential diagnosis of urinary leak or
E. BK virus infection lymphocele. Smaller lower polar artery, if
Answer – A thrombosed increased the risk of distal ure-
8. A 45-year-old female with a functioning sec- teric necrosis resulting in urinary leak. High
ond deceased donor kidney transplant, was BMI is a risk factor for lymphocele. The key
seen in the kidney transplant follow-up clinic. initial investigation here is creatinine level in
Her serum creatinine levels increased from drain fluid to establish diagnosis of urinary
100 μmol/L to 150 μmol/L between days 20 leak or lymphocele
and 25 post transplantation. Her blood tacro- 10. A 63-years old male patient with history of
limus levels were as expected between 8 and end stage kidney disease secondary to dia-
10 ng/mL. She had a kidney transplant biopsy. betic nephropathy received a kidney from a
Both she and her donor were negative for 69-years old deceased donor after circulatory
CMV before transplantation arrest (DCD donor). After initial period of
488 M. Phanish et al.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 489
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
490 A. Banerjee et al.
Chronic Kidney Disease include that of disease aetiology, severity of the dis-
ease, rate of decline outside of pregnancy and pre-
CKD affects 0.1 to 3% of all pregnancies. The vious obstetric history. An additional factor
prevalence of CKD is rising, likely contributed by associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes inde-
the changing obstetric landscape worldwide with pendent of kidney disease is that of superimposed
increasing number of advanced maternal age pre-
eclampsia (PET). The responsibility of the
pregnancies, increasing incidence of diabetes healthcare professional is to facilitate an autono-
mellitus and obesity. Individualised pre-pregnancy mous and informed decision-making process.
counselling and optimisation for every single With regard to the optimal timing for concep-
woman of childbearing age with CKD is an tion, the aim would be to strive for quiescence and
important aspect not to be forgotten. stability of kidney disease before trying to conceive.
Traditionally, many nephrologists have advised Entering a pregnancy with kidney disease that has
women with CKD to avoid pregnancy. However, been quiescent for six months prior to conception
this paternalistic approach can and should no lon- has been shown to improve outcomes. For women
ger hold true. All women of childbearing age with mild CKD, the risk of significant loss of kid-
should be involved in shared decision-making with ney function at the end of pregnancy is possible,
health professionals regarding future planning for though not likely. For those with more advanced
pregnancies. The risks of pregnancy and progres- CKD however, the potential for loss of kidney func-
sion of maternal CKD need to be considered. Pre- tion must not underestimated, and women should
existing hypertension, proteinuria and kidney be counselled appropriately, and implications dis-
impairment are associated with an increased risk cussed before embarking on pregnancy.
for adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with The common causes of CKD in women of
CKD. Other factors contributing to outcomes childbearing age are described in Table 24.1,
Table 24.1 Risks of various causes of chronic kidney disease on pregnancy and pregnancy-specific aims and targets
Type of kidney Pregnancy-specific aims and
disease targets CKD-specific obstetric risks
Adult polycystic • Intensify targets for blood • Pre-existing hypertension is a risk factor for
kidney disease pressure control adverse pregnancy outcomes, others include
(APKD) • Infection (pyelonephritis)
• Kidney calculi
• Kidney cyst complications (rupture, haemorrhage)
IgA nephropathy • Intensify targets for blood • Pre-existing hypertension is a risk factor for
(IgAN) pressure control adverse pregnancy outcomes
• Presence of >1 g of protein a day is associated
with an increased risk of loss of residual
function, independent of pregnancy
Diabetic • Intensify targets for blood • Pre-existing hypertension is a risk factor for
nephropathy pressure control and glucose adverse pregnancy outcomes
(DN) pre-pregnancy and throughout • Risk of acceleration of kidney disease
pregnancy • Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for adverse
• Individualise when to stop pregnancy outcomes such as birth defects,
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pre-eclampsia, growth restriction, foetal
system (RAAS) blockade macrosomia, stillbirth (risk correlated with
pre-pregnancy or at time of glycemic control)
positive pregnancy test with • Proteinuria increases the risk for venous
appropriate switch in thromboembolism
medications if required
Lupus nephritis • Anti Ro and La antibodies (if • Pregnancy can trigger a relapse
(LN) present) can cross the placenta • Increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes
and confer a 2% risk of • Proteinuria (if present) increases the risk for
congenital heart block (CHB) venous thromboembolism
and 5% risk of neonatal
cutaneous lupus
24 An Approach to Obstetric Nephrology 491
along with targets to be achieved and specifics patients and this should be addressed and opti-
pertaining to each condition. mised prior to pregnancy. The importance of
optimisation of blood pressure control prior to
conception should also be reiterated.
Preparation for Pregnancy For genetic kidney conditions such as adult
polycystic kidney disease (APKD) or Alport
Pre-pregnancy counselling is essential, and each syndrome, women should be counselled on the
consultation with a woman with CKD is an excel- risk of inheritance for their offspring. Timely
lent opportunity to optimise and prepare for a genetic work-up if not previously performed and
future pregnancy. Lifestyle modifications include genetic counselling is key. Consideration for
smoking cessation, weight management and reg- preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) for some
ular exercise. The importance of achieving dis- genetic conditions may be possible, although
ease stability and conversion of potentially access to PGT may be limited depending on
teratogenic medications to pregnancy favourable location, and the indications for PGT and poli-
medications should be discussed at the precon- cies policing it also vary widely in different parts
ception visit in conjunction with the relevant spe- of the world.
cialists, with clinical decisions individualised Table 24.2 summarises the common drugs
based on the factors such as the underlying kid- used in pregnancy for women with CKD.
ney condition, degree of kidney impairment or
proteinuria and the likelihood of continued quies- Clinical Scenario 1
cent disease with change in medications. A 32 year old woman with Type I diabetic for the
Important preconception supplements include past 16 years presents to the preconception clinic.
at least 400 μg of folic acid, or high dose 5 mg She is planning her 4th pregnancy. Her creatinine
folic acid for women with diabetes, as well as is 122 μmol/L and her urine protein:creatinine
vitamin D supplementation. Folic acid should ratio (uPCR) is 142 mg/mmol. Her HbA1c is
ideally be initiated 3 months prior to conception. 88mmol/mol. She is on basal bolus insulin:
Anaemia is a common complication in CKD Novorapid and Levemir.
Table 24.2 Safety profile of medications for kidney disease during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Medication Pregnancy Breastfeeding
Azathioprine Safe Compatible
Steroids Safe but increased risks of gestational diabetes, hypertensive Compatible
disorders of pregnancy, infection, preterm delivery
MMF Teratogenic. Avoid
Avoid in pregnancy and stop at least 6 weeks before a
planned pregnancy.
Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) e.g. Safe but increased risks of gestational diabetes and Compatible
tacrolimus, cyclosporin hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Cyclophosphamide Teratogenic, Limited data
Avoid in pregnancy.
Can be considered for use in the 2nd and 3rd trimester if
required as no adverse effects have been observed in
observational studies.
Rituximab Stop 6 months prior to conception. Limited data
Although limited evidence has not shown it to be teratogenic,
2nd and 3rd trimester exposure is associated with neonatal B
cell depletion.
Biologics e.g. eculizumab Safe Compatible
Hydroxychloroquine Safe Compatible
492 A. Banerjee et al.
• What pre-pregnancy counselling would you done to assess for foetal defects. Pregnancies
offer her? complicated by CKD should also have serial
–– Advise her regarding the increased risk of growth scans in the third trimester for monitoring
deterioration of her kidney disease with of foetal well-being.
any future pregnancies and the implica- With regard to maternal surveillance for
tions of this pregnancies complicated by CKD, monthly kid-
–– Counsel her on the importance of achiev- ney function tests and urine protein:creatinine
ing optimal blood glucose and blood pres- ratio (uPCR) measurement is recommended.
sure control prior to conception Increasing the frequency of monitoring in the
–– Advise her to continue effective contracep- third trimester can be considered, especially if
tion until her glycaemic control has there is a suspicion of superimposed PET or
improved as the risk of congenital anomaly progression of kidney disease, so that decisions
increases with increasing HbA1c level. regarding timing of delivery can be made whilst
–– Advise her to remain on Ramipril 2.5 mg balancing maternal and foetal health. It is also
until she has a positive pregnancy test important to continue treatment of maternal
–– Commence 5 mg folic acid three months anaemia and optimising the haemoglobin
prior to conception to reduce the risk of throughout pregnancy, and especially around
congenital anomaly the time of delivery for maternal and foetal
Antenatal Care
Management of Hypertension
An early review by the multidisciplinary team in the Preconception, Antenatal
(MDT) comprising nephrologists, maternal foe- and Postnatal Period
tal medicine specialists, obstetric physicians and
midwives is important for timely individualisa- The recommended first-line choice of anti-
tion of care and surveillance. hypertensives drugs in pregnancy include labet-
Women with CKD are at higher risk of devel- alol and nifedipine. Methyldopa, which had
oping pre-eclampsia (PET). There is strong evi- traditionally been used widely in pregnancy in the
dence that low dose aspirin 75–150 mg taken past, is less commonly used now because of its
from 12 to 36 weeks of pregnancy reduces the association with antenatal and postnatal depres-
risk of PET. A recent randomised clinical trial sion. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
found a 62% reduction in preterm PET in women (ACE-I) and angiotensin II receptor blockers
taking aspirin 150 mg nocte from 11–14 weeks to (ARBs) used in renin-angiotension- aldosterone
36 weeks of gestation as compared with placebo system (RAAS) blockade are contraindicated in
[3]. In addition, women with significant baseline pregnancy, except in the rare event of a sclero-
proteinuria of >100–150 mg/mmol should be risk derma renal crisis (Table 24.3). For women with
stratified for venous thromboembolism, with diabetic nephropathy, the timing of discontinua-
consideration to initiating low molecular weight tion of RAAS blockade, e.g. either during the pre-
heparin (LMWH) prophylaxis during pregnancy conception period or at time of a positive urine
and up to 6 weeks postpartum. pregnancy test, should be individualised based on
With regard to foetal surveillance for pregnan- the severity of proteinuria or kidney function
cies complicated by CKD, women with CKD impairment. In making these decisions, it is
exposed to teratogenic drugs in the first trimester important also to understand that women with
should be referred to a specialist foetal medicine CKD may experience reduced fecundity and may
unit, with appropriate detailed anomaly scan require a longer time to conceive.
24 An Approach to Obstetric Nephrology 493
Table 24.3 Common anti-hypertensive medications used during pregnancy and breastfeeding
medication used in
Class of drug Risk of Teratogenicity Breast Feeding emergencies
Calcium channel blockers None Limited data Nifedipine MR oral
e.g. nifedipine MR, No adverse effects (Risk of headaches)
amlodipine reported with
Β-blockers None Limited data-widely Labetalol infusion
e.g. bisoprolol used (Risk of nausea and
α/β blockers Compatible dizziness)
e.g. labetalol
Central α-adrenergic None Compatible
e.g. Methyldopa
α-adrenergic blockers None Not recommended for
e.g. doxazosin, prazosin routine use in
pregnancy unless no
alternatives available
Peripheral arterial None Compatible Hydralazine infusion
vasodilator (Risk of maternal
e.g. hydralazine tachycardia &
ACE-inhibitors Yes Compatible
e.g. enalapril, captopril Lowest incidence of birth defects
with exposure in the 1st trimester
Risk of foetal anomalies in the
2nd and 3rd trimester e.g. foetal
kidney damage
With regard to blood pressure targets used in 88mmol/mol. She is on basal bolus insulin:
pregnancy, the Control of Hypertension in Novorapid and Levemir.
Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) trial published in 2015
demonstrated that targeting a tighter diastolic blood • What would be the treatment target for her
pressure of <85 mmHg had benefits of a reduced blood pressure in pregnancy?
likelihood of developing accelerated maternal –– There is increasing expert consensus that
hypertension, without increasing the risks of hypertension in pregnant women with CKD
adverse foetal outcomes as compared to less tight should be treated, with a target average
(100 mmHg) control [4]. Although the CHIPS trial blood pressure of <130/80 mmHg [5]. In
did not include women with proteinuria, there is addition, the results of the CHIPS trial
increasing expert consensus that hypertension in found that targeting a tighter diastolic blood
pregnant women with CKD should be treated to a pressure of <85 mmHg was associated with
target blood pressure of <130/80 mmHg [5]. a reduced likelihood of developing acceler-
ated maternal hypertension and its risks,
Clinical Scenario 1 without increasing the risks of adverse foe-
A 32 year old woman with Type I diabetic for the tal outcomes as compared to less tight
past 16 years presents to the preconception clinic. (100 mmHg) control [4]. The results of the
She is planning her 4th pregnancy. Her creatinine CHIPS trial may not be entirely reproduc-
is 122 μmol/L and her urine protein:creatinine ible in women with CKD as this study did
ratio (uPCR) is 142 mg/mmol. Her HbA1c is not include women with proteinuria.
494 A. Banerjee et al.
Contraception in Women with CKD diagnostic threshold for kidney injury in preg-
nancy [7]. AKI is associated with increased
All healthcare professionals should have a clear morbidity and mortality for both the mother and
understanding of options for contraception in foetus regardless of the underlying cause which
women with CKD. Decision-making on appro- can be either pregnancy specific (e.g. pre-
priate contraception needs to be individualised eclampsia, acute fatty liver of pregnancy) or
based on risks, acceptability to the patient and non-pregnancy specific (e.g. sepsis, hypovole-
likelihood of compliance. In general, oestrogen- mia). The causes of AKI in pregnancy can be
containing contraceptive methods (e.g. com- divided into three groups as listed in Table 24.4:
bined oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive pre-renal, renal and post-renal or obstructive
patch) should be avoided because of its asso- causes. These aetiologies may be overlapping
ciation with increased blood pressure, as well and therefore AKI in pregnancy is a heteroge-
as increased risks for thrombotic or vascular neous syndrome, defined as occurring during
events. Progestogen-only contraception [e.g. pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period
progestogen- only pill, intramuscular Depo- There are usually multiple co-existing factors
Provera® contraceptive injection, intrauter- for the development of AKI in pregnancy, with
ine system (Mirena®), implant (Nexplanon®)] pregnancy-specific complications such as PET,
are favoured for women with CKD as they are postpartum haemorrhage and sepsis. High vigi-
safe and effective. Barrier methods are accept- lance is required.
able options as well, although its effectiveness
and reliability with typical use is much lower Clinical Scenario 2
compared to other forms of contraception. A 29 year old primiparous woman presents at 24
Sterilisation (female and male) is effective but weeks’ gestation feeling unwell with a blood
irreversible, and can be considered if the couple pressure of 180/95 mmHg. Her serum creatinine
has completed their family or is certain that level is 222 μmol/L, and her platelet count is
future conception is not desired. 22 × 109/L.
• What are your differential diagnoses? Investigations for AKI in pregnancy should be
–– Pre-eclampsia performed in a timely and focused manner.
–– Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low Table 24.5 discusses the common investigations
platelets (HELLP) syndrome performed as part of the diagnostic workup for
–– Atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome AKI in pregnancy.
–– Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Clinical Scenario 2
(TTP) A 29 year old primiparous woman presents at
–– New onset glomerulonephritis 24 weeks’ gestation feeling unwell with a blood
pressure of 180/95 mmHg. Her serum creatinine pecific Conditions and Their
level is 222 μmol/L, and her platelet count is Management
22 × 109/L.
• What focused investigations would you con-
sider performing? Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder that
Urgent complicates 3–8% of pregnancies and constitutes
–– Full blood count, renal profile, liver profile, a major source of morbidity and mortality world-
clotting profile wide. In Latin America and the West Indies,
–– Urine protein:creatinine ratio (uPCR) hypertensive disorders contribute to almost 26%
–– Peripheral blood film of maternal deaths. In Africa and Asia they con-
–– ADAMTS-13* activity tribute to 9% of all maternal deaths. Traditionally,
24 An Approach to Obstetric Nephrology 499
pre-eclampsia is defined as new-onset hyperten- Table 24.6 The revised ISSHP Definition of Pre-
eclampsia [9]
sion developing after 20 weeks of gestation in the
presence of proteinuria. Newer definitions in Hypertension developing after 20 weeks’ gestation
and the coexistence of one or more of the following
recent years have recognised that even in the new onset conditions:
absence of proteinuria, new-onset hypertension 1. Proteinuria
associated with other maternal organ dysfunction 2. Other maternal organ dysfunction
or uteroplacental dysfunction would similarly (a) Kidney insufficiency (creatinine > 90 μmol/L)
qualify as a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. The (b) Liver involvement (elevated transaminases and/
or severe right upper quadrant or epigastric pain)
revised International Society for the Study of (c) Neurological complications (e.g. eclampsia,
Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) definition of altered mental state, blindness, stroke or more
pre-eclampsia is reflected in Table 24.6 [9]. commonly hyperreflexia when accompanied by
Placental growth factor (PLGF) based testing clonus, severe headaches when accompanied by
hyperreflexia, persistent visual scotoma
can be used as a diagnostic adjunct and a confir- (d) Haematological complications
matory test in women with suspected PET. The (thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular
PELICAN Study demonstrated that the negative coagulopathy (DIC), haemolysis)
predictive value of PlGF using a cut-off value of 3. Uteroplacental dysfunction
(a) Foetal growth restriction
more than 100 picograms/mL in women present-
ing with suspected pre-eclampsia between
20 weeks and 34 weeks plus 6 days of gestation hydralazine, common side effects include
was 98% [10]. maternal tachycardia and hypotension which
Pre-eclampsia leads to AKI in around 1.5–2% can be reduced by adequate hydration prior to
of cases [11]. The presence or absence of AKI in administration.
pre-eclampsia can be used as a marker of severity (b) Prevention of convulsions (eclampsia)
which may affect obstetric decisions such as tim- Magnesium sulphate is recommended for
ing of delivery. the prevention of eclampsia in women with
The principles of management of pre-eclampsia severe pre-eclampsia and is the drug of
are: choice for neuroprotection for the foetus
before 32 weeks of gestation. This is admin-
(a) Control of blood pressure istered as a loading dose of 4 g IV over
(b) Prevention of convulsions (eclampsia) 5–15 mins followed by a maintenance dose
(c) Fluid management of 1 g/h by continuous infusion for 24 h or
(d) Timely delivery until 24 h after delivery or last convulsion,
whichever is later. In cases with underlying
kidney impairment, administering the same
(a) Control of blood pressure bolus dose of magnesium sulphate and then
A blood pressure reading of 160/110 mmHg halving the maintenance dose to 0.5 g/h with
is an obstetric emergency. The goal of treat- regular surveillance of serum magnesium
ment is to aim for a systolic blood pressure levels would be the recommended approach.
of <140 mmHg to reduce the risk of intrace- Further dose adjustments may be required to
rebral haemorrhage. Commonly used anti- avoid maternal toxicity, and in cases of
hypertensive agents for the control of blood anuria, may require cessation entirely.
pressure at this time include oral nifedipine (c) Fluid management
MR and intravenous labetalol and hydrala- Endothelial damage as a result of pre-
zine. Common side-effects with intravenous eclampsia can also lead to pathologic c apillary
labetalol include nausea and dizziness. With leak that can present in the mother as oedema,
500 A. Banerjee et al.
Table 24.7 Definition of Postpartum Haemorrhage Table 24.8 Table of maternal weight when estimating
(PPH) blood loss and its consequences
Primary Bleeding per vagina > 500mL within 15% 30% 40%
PPH 24 h of delivery Estimated blood blood blood
Secondary Bleeding per vagina >500 mL more than Maternal total blood loss loss loss
PPH 24 weight volume (mL) (mL) (mL)
hours but less than 6 weeks after delivery 50 kg 5000 750 1500 2000
Minor Loss of 500–1000 mL of blood from the 60 kg 6000 900 1800 2400
PPH genital tract after the birth of a baby 70 kg 7000 1050 2100 2800
Major Loss of >1000 mL of blood from the 80 kg 8000 1200 2400 3200
PPH genital tract after the birth of a baby
Massive Postpartum blood loss >2000 mL or
PPH lesser amounts resulting in changes in lemic shock. The aim of management is to pre-
haemodynamic parameters which lead to vent progression of mild PPH to major or massive
moderate or severe hypovolemic shock haemorrhage, that carries a worse prognosis and
increased risk of AKI or permanent kidney
occurring within the first 24 h of delivery, and the damage.
latter referring to PPH at any time point after the In low resource settings, approaches to mini-
first 24 h up to 6 weeks after delivery. Table 24.7 mise blood loss and mitigate the effects of mas-
lists the various definition and severity classifica- sive haemorrhage include bimanual uterine
tion of PPH. It is important to remember that compression, aortic compression, and applying
individuals with pre-existing anaemia (e.g. those clamps to arrest bleeding from cervical and vagi-
with anaemia secondary to CKD) have a lower nal tears before referral or whilst waiting to be
tolerance to blood loss in general. transferred to the operating theatre. These should
The common causes of postpartum haemor- be done concurrently along with measures to
rhage can be divided into the 4Ts: maintain circulation.
Healthcare providers have a tendency to underes- • How would you manage her?
timate blood loss and efforts at visual quantifica- –– Admit to a high dependency unit
tion does help standardize the amount of blood –– Intravenous access
loss, especially in low resource settings [16]. It is –– Treat blood pressure appropriately
also important to recognise how differences in –– Assess for microangiopathic thrombotic
maternal weight with its corresponding estimated causes such as HELLP syndrome, atypical
total blood volume can contribute to varying haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) or
severity and impact on the individual. Table 24.8 thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
demonstrates this. (TTP) by performing appropriate
Management of PPH requires early diagnosis, investigations
a team approach to simultaneously minimise or –– Treat based on likely diagnosis. If HELLP
arrest the bleeding and maintain circulating blood syndrome is diagnosed, delivery after sta-
volume through replacing blood products if blood bilisation is recommended. If TTP is con-
loss more than 1000 mL and ongoing or any firmed, treatment with plasma exchange
patient triggers that indicate impending hypovo- should be initiated.
24 An Approach to Obstetric Nephrology 503
Conclusions D. Pre-eclampsia
E. Progression of chronic kidney disease-
Case 1 highlights the importance of pre- Answer: A
pregnancy counselling and surveillance of 4. The perinatal risk for chronic kidney dis-
chronic kidney disease during pregnancy. Case 2 ease in pregnancy include the following,
highlights the importance of timely investiga- except:
tions and recognition of AKI in pregnancy. The A. Fetal growth restriction
worldwide burden of CKD and AKI in preg- B. Hypercalcaemia
nancy and the inequalities in access to point of C. Lower birth weight
care testing and novel treatment options make a D. Perinatal mortality
compelling demand to develop more global col- E. Stillbirth
laboration and understanding of kidney disease Answer: B
in pregnancy. 5. Investigations at booking for a patient with
diabetic nephropathy in pregnancy include
the following:
Questions A. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
B. Bone profile
C. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
1. In the management of a patient with Chronic D. Renal profile
Kidney Disease in pregnancy, the following E. Renin-aldosterone ratio
are true except: Answer: D
A. Maintaining the Diastolic Blood Pressure 6. Surveillance for ongoing antenatal review of
less than 85 mmHg improves pregnancy include the following EXCEPT:
B. A serum creatinine of 100 μmol/L is con- A. Blood pressure
sidered abnormal in pregnancy B. Oxygen saturation
C. Pregnancy is inadvisable in a woman C. Schober test
with CKD D. Signs and symptoms of heart failure
D. Pre-pregnancy counselling, multivita- E. Urine dipstick for proteinuriaAnswer: C
mins, management by a multidisciplinary 7. Concerning dialysis in a pregnant woman,
team, replacement of teratogenic drugs the following are true:
for pregnancy safe drugs improves A. Indications include maternal urea con-
outcomes centration is 10–15 mmol/L
E. Aspirin 75–150 mg from 12 weeks B. Pregnant women with acute kidney
reduces the risk of superimposed injury due to massive haemorrhagic
pre-eclampsia shock do not require dialysis
Answer: B C. AKI complicating HELLP syndrome
2. The obstetric risks of chronic kidney disease may benefit from early dialysis
in pregnancy include the following except: D. Increased frequency of dialysis is
A. Miscarriage required for patients on dialysis who get
B. Placental abruption pregnant
C. Postpartum haemorrhage E. Peritoneal dialysis is preferred over
D. Sepsis haemodialysis
Answer: B Answer: D
3. The maternal risks of chronic kidney disease 8. Individual risk factors for pre-eclampsia
in pregnancy include the following EXCEPT: include the following EXCEPT:
A. Depression A. Cervical cerclage
B. Gestational diabetes mellitus B. Hypertension
C. Mortality C. In vitro fertilization
504 A. Banerjee et al.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 505
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
506 J. Popoola and C. Esezobor
18 months. Despite this, he progressed to end the short time he had been in the city, he
stage kidney disease (ESKD) by the age of hadn’t registered with a primary care practi-
3 years. Having had extensive prior abdomi- tioner, and was advised to do so by the emer-
nal surgery, peritoneal dialysis was pre- gency team. A series of presentations to
cluded, so he was established on different medical services ensued—culminat-
haemodialysis via a tunnelled catheter. ing in blood tests—and his formal diagnosis
Neither of his parents were found to be suit- with chronic kidney disease CKD stage G4A3
able live donors, but he received a deceased secondary to IgA Nephropathy. His condi-
donor kidney transplant at the age of 5 years. tion progressed rapidly, rendering him dialy-
Most of his early education had been through sis-dependent within 6 months. He found
home-schooling, or within the hospital set- adherence to dialysis extremely challenging,
ting. From the age of 15 however, his kidney and was unable to establish a stable home in
transplant function declined, and he had the city. He suffered with significant mental
recently returned to haemodialysis, just prior health issues: he often found it difficult to
to his transition to the adult kidney unit. express himself, and would tend to walk
The patient and his parents displayed away from situations where he did not feel he
considerable anxiety over his prospective was getting the help he required. Just four-
move to adult care. They had visited several teen months after his diagnosis, he took his
kidney units across the region, and had even- own life.
tually opted for one where all young adults Reflections:
were being dialysed as a cohort. His transi- Could any interventions have helped to
tional journey was supported by a young change the outcome for this patient?
adult worker, who worked as part of his kid- At which time points in his timeline could
ney care team. His three-week gradual trans- interventions have been made?
fer of care, with regular dialysis sessions (d) A 13-year-old male South Western Nigerian
alternating between the paediatric and adult apprentice car mechanic presented to the
centres, took place until he felt sufficiently local government general hospital with a
established in a routine on the adult dialysis history of excessive tiredness. Investigations
unit. He received his second deceased donor showed he was Hepatitis B/HIV positive,
kidney transplant one year later, and—now with CKD Stage G5. He had never been sex-
aged 20—is finishing his first year at univer- ually active. He was an orphan, as his mother
sity, with stable allograft function. had died from an undiagnosed wasting ill-
Reflections: ness six years ago, and he had never known
What unique dynamic may present in a his father. He lived with his trainer as an
young adult, dependent on healthcare sys- unpaid servant to pay for his training. He
tems for their whole life? was triaged as an adult, in accordance with
How can parents and schooling alter this hospital guidelines, and was presented with
dynamic? a bill for the investigations that had been
(c) An 18-year-old male called the emergency undertaken so far. He had no financial means
services with generalised “tiredness”. He to pay this bill, let alone the costs of treating
had moved just weeks before from the north his condition.
of the country to London, in the UK—away Reflections:
from his mother—who had herself struggled How does this young person’s experience
with alcoholism following the breakdown of differ from what would apply in the devel-
her previous relationships, including with his oped countries?
father. In moving, he had been hoping to get What interventions could make a difference,
work to generate funds to attend College. In what limits may the environment present?
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 507
Table 25.1 Stages of Transitional Care. Transition transfer into their chosen adult facility. The young person
should be a programmed progression through the various should be at the centre of this process; their family, carers
stages of the young person’s preparation, and subsequent and health professionals should be supportive in their role
require longer in the paediatric setting—particu- voice in a section of society. For the adolescent
larly those young adults with significant learningand young adult, transition occurs at a time when
difficulties, or who display challenging behav- they are seeking their individual identity and
iour [4–6], others may require shorter period voice—but are moved from one healthcare set-
where administrative measures stipulate transi- ting, in which they may feel at the centre of atten-
tion to adult services at a younger age. tion, and be seen as role-models to their peers—to
There are multiple tools and guidelines avail-another, in which they are no longer the centre of
able, all of which reflect a stepwise approach, attention, with few peers of their age. It is of no
rather than abrupt transfer when followed, to pro-surprise then, that young people’s perceptions of
vide the desired outcome for the young person healthcare are of being insignificant and unim-
[4–6]. Lack of interaction between the children’s portant, with no time or space given for their
and adult centres tends to be the main hindrance opinions to be heard or needs to be met.
in implementation, with despite understanding We should also highlight the important physi-
this process and the plethora of recent policy ological developmental changes that occur dur-
statements, transitioning to adult renal care is ing adolescence and young adulthood:
poorly coordinated, often delayed, and usually characterised in particular by the physical, neuro-
managed through a single referral letter, making logical and emotional developmental changes
it a challenge for the young person to engage. associated with puberty and beyond [7, 8].
Adolescents and young adults are thus especially
vulnerable—due both to potential disjunction in
What Makes Healthcare a developing brain, and behavioural and cogni-
for the Young Adult Population tive systems that mature over different times-
Different? cales, and concurrently contend with the control
of common independent biological processes,
The majority of patients engaging with hospital including sexual maturation [9]. Cognitive devel-
services outside of paediatrics are the middle- opment between childhood and adulthood may
aged and the elderly. As in most walks of life, be briefly summarised by the development of
majority groups tend to become the dominant abstract thinking from concrete operational
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 509
Table 25.2 Outline of the aspects of care which de-novo into adult services. The arbitrary split into
require identification and attention in the young adult health, social and developmental factors may help ensure
transitioning from the paediatric unit or transferring that all aspects of care of the young adult are dealt with
thought processes: Abstract thinking is the ability behavioural state of each young adult, regardless
to consider concepts, make generalizations, and of their chronological age. Developing a picture
think philosophically; Concrete thinking is a nec- of each young person is also essential through
essary first step in understanding abstract ideas: awareness of the various spheres impacting their
First, we observe and consider what our experi- life at a particular point in their life journey.
ences are telling us, and then we generalize, and These could be combinations of health, social or
build on our experiences, using these to self- developmental related factors with varying domi-
regulate appropriately. Development of abstract nance over time (Table 25.2).
thinking may alternatively be described as the
ability to move away from seeing individual
actions and the whole world as either black or hat Makes Adolescents and Young
white [10]. Adults on the Kidney Unit Different?
As these important stages in cognitive devel-
opment occur during adolescence and young In addition to all the normal influences on their
adulthood, the perspectives and behaviours of the lives, adolescents and young adults with kidney
young person become far more understandable. disease are also challenged with adapting to life
A common example is around medication with chronic kidney disease, or kidney replace-
concordance: ment therapy via haemodialysis, peritoneal dialy-
“I’ve done really well—I have been good all this sis, or kidney transplantation. Depending on the
week because I took all of my medications. What’s aetiology and their stage of kidney disease, they
the big deal if I missed a few doses because I was may have significant dietary and fluid restric-
out with my friends—they tell me I’m no fun ‘cos tions, a large number of medications to take each
I’m always fussing over my meds”
day—and with medication concordance being
With maturity, more developed abstract thought absolutely critical in particular following a kid-
processes may supersede the more basic ‘con- ney transplant [12]. Each young person may
crete’ observational thought processes, and the additionally be at a different critical period of
young person may come to the realisation that their social and emotional development—such as
they need to be wary of advice from their current making key relationships, going through educa-
company if they are not supportive of their self- tional changes, leaving home, all of which must
care. They may also start to recognise that miss- fit alongside the additional lifestyle changes
ing tablets regularly may have long-term required by their kidney disease (Fig. 25.1).
detrimental effects on their health [11]. Adolescents and Young Adults may present to
Taking the relative maturity of the young per- the adult kidney unit as a direct transition from
son’s thinking into account can make the their paediatric unit, or as a new referral:
approach for negotiation far clearer. Boundary- Depending on the aetiology of their kidney dis-
setting has to take into account the emotional and ease, they may merely require regular monitoring
510 J. Popoola and C. Esezobor
Hospital FAMILY
Admissions SHIPS
Outpatient LIFE
Clinic Visits
Young Adult
Fig. 25.1 The Impact of Kidney Disease on a Young adulthood (turquoise), and the additional factors that can
Adult Life. Bubble diagram illustrating factors influenc- impact the life of a young adult with kidney disease (blue)
ing the life of a typical adolescent moving into young
with a mixture of supportive and medical man- Non-adherence with kidney transplant medications
agement [13]. Their kidney function may alterna- amongst young adults, for instance, is four times
tively be on a trajectory heading toward end stage greater than in the general adult. Failure to engage
kidney disease, and the need for kidney replace- properly with adult services has been shown to be
ment therapy (KRT). The young person may associated with increased morbidity [17, 18].
already be on kidney replacement therapy: the
majority (73%) in this group will have a func-
tioning kidney transplant, although up to 35% of ow Can We Improve Outcomes
young adults lose a successfully functioning kid- for Young People in the Kidney
ney transplant within 36 months of moving to Unit?
adult services—this is a significantly increased
rate of allograft loss compared with children and Tailored psychological and social support is
older adults [14]. required, alongside direct medical care of their
Young people are particularly aware of their kidney disease, and any other co-morbidities, and
body image, hence peritoneal dialysis and hae- support for them when they are acutely unwell.
modialysis catheters, arteriovenous fistulae, and Interestingly, young kidney patient and healthcare
the impact of fluid retention and medications workers’ perspectives as to the impact of kidney
such as steroids and calcineurin inhibitors, which disease do differ markedly: A survey of over a 100
are all such clear and common clinical signs in young adults with kidney disease carried out at St
kidney medicine—can also compound a young George’s Hospital reported keeping active &
kidney patient’s frustrations [15]. exercising, limits on food & drink, and going out
Adolescents and young adults are thus twice as with friends as their top three major challenges.
likely to demonstrate concordance issues when By contrast, their caring healthcare workers felt
compared with the wider adult population [16]. that Limits on food and drink, attending dialysis
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 511
Table 25.3 Perceptions of Challenges to Daily Living for Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease. Breakdown
of the top three challenges to daily living reported by young adult patients with kidney disease, compared with perceived
limitations reported by caring staff, and age-matched medical students. Aspects of medical care and issues directly
related to their clinical condition were relatively low on their priority list even though they were perceived by health
care workers as a priority for the young adults
and hospital appointments were their three big- readmission, and shortening hospital stays, since
gest challenges (Table 25.3). Whilst both lists dis- young people with kidney disease are likely to
play an awareness of the patients’ loss of spend a considerable proportion of their life in
autonomy, it highlights the importance of identi- and around healthcare settings.
fying and helping to address patient reported fac- The young person may require additional sup-
tors, rather than merely staff perceptions. port around procedures such as surgery, dialysis
In order to achieve full engagement with their catheter insertions and investigations.
direct medical care, young adults require mental, Establishing a link surgeon, and anaesthetists
emotional and social support, to enable them with experience in dealing with young people
manage their physical and medical needs [19]. and children can be invaluable, in particular to
The way in which young adults present to adult deal with the slight nuances required to consent,
service, and their subsequent management can where the next of kin, or an alternative indepen-
make a profound impact on their short, medium dent witness may be required where a patient
and long-term outcomes. Planning and support lacks competence to consent. Of course, there are
therefore needs to take into account whether the other situations in which an adolescent under 16
young person has presented directly to adult ser- years of age may be deemed competent to con-
vices as an acute admission or via clinic, or as a sent through Gillick or Fraser competence.
planned transfer from paediatric services. Nursing staff and other members of the multi-
Embracing a methodical approach, such as disciplinary team need to be educated, and be
embracing a toolkit to guide their care can help provided with the tools around the nuances of
provide a structure, and uniformity of approach caring for and supporting young persons in kid-
(Table 25.4). ney units. An invaluable addition to the work-
Young persons are likely to need additional force is a Young Adult Worker, and identification
support in order to minimise hospital admissions, of a Transition and Young Adult Consultant lead.
since not understanding their perspective can It is beneficial if the latter has experience in pae-
lead to prolonged inpatient stays, particularly if diatrics to facilitate as seamless a transition as
they are perceived as not co-operating, and the possible.
quality of communication is poor, or even absent. Young adult workers (YAW) can offer an
Discharge planning for a young adult requires invaluable resource: when available, they should
early reflection, as it is not uncommon for them be involved in every aspect of the young persons’
to have complex discharge needs, particularly as pathway—for instance in their inpatient stay and
they may have concomitant long term disabili- discharge planning (Appendix 1). They serve as
ties, and other social and/or mental health con- the advocate and a liaison across the various spe-
cerns. Emphasis needs to be given to preventing cialties particularly to help overcome the young
512 J. Popoola and C. Esezobor
Table 25.4 A Toolkit for Transitional Care. The elements required to ensure a smooth and effective transition from
paediatric to adult services
person’s challenges around articulating their important to bear in mind that young adults may
needs, with a view to ultimately enabling self- themselves have young dependent children, or
empowerment of the young adult. The YAW pro- have independent carers where this is required, or
vides 1:1 support tailored to the individual young require additional reasonable adjustments to take
person they are able to relate in a maturity appro- account of their individual disabilities.
priate way to the young person and provide con- Adherence and concordance to treatment
tinuity of care. They also assist in co-ordinating schedules often requires innovation—for instance
appointments, investigations, support in the com- charts, medication cards, electronic reminders,
munity, as well as create social opportunities dosette boxes or blister packs, one-on-one train-
through buddies and peer support networks. They ing sessions with a pharmacist to talk about each
signpost the young person to educational and of their medications, the involvement of a ‘buddy’
career opportunities: interview/application/grant (peer support), and other members of their sup-
opportunities as young people with kidney dis- port network [11].
ease often miss schooling and examinations, Establishing integrated paediatric and young
leading to poor performance, which can prevent adult clinics are an important aspect of young
them from reaching their educational goals, and adult services. Such dedicated clinics promote
thus limit their career potential. Social Support more engaged young adults and provide the
Services maybe required—this is often practical opportunity for the young adults to be seen in the
to assist the young person with daily living, sort- same clinic. They work best where they incorpo-
ing out benefits, housing and social support. It is rate named members of the multidisciplinary
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 513
team as this enables continuity and more focused ing home environment. The many difficulties of
care of young people in a youth friendly sup- bringing up a child with a chronic illness may not
ported environment [20]. The Young adult clinic infrequently lead to the breakdown of the family
provides a unique opportunity to break down unit—such that young adult patients may live in a
feelings of isolation and promote support net- single-parent home. Financial strain is also com-
works, as the attendees are more likely to meet mon—consequent upon both the added expense
contemporaries when they are seen as a cohort. of supporting young adult patients, and because
Harnessing peer support can also have a posi- carers may be have to give up gainful employ-
tive impact on adherence to treatments such as ment, or work flexibly around the young person’s
dialysis for instance cohorting young adults on needs. There are also situations where care is pro-
the same shift. The provision of peer support with vided either wholly or in combination with a care
other young adults for instance on dialysis leads institution: whilst this may be associated with
to improved adherence to scheduled treatment greater costs for a family, and create a more con-
and improved wellbeing [21]. There is a need to fusing and unstable home environment for the
be mindful that peer pressure can cause emo- young adult patient, careful work to mitigate for
tional upheaval, which can be from other young these aspects may provide an optimal long-term
adults a partner and a desire to form intimate care environment for patients.
relationships, family (parents, siblings), lectures Feelings of inadequacy can arise in caregivers,
or teachers or friends. Provision of emotional as they not only negotiate the milestones of nor-
support is best achieved by discussing issues with mal transition from childhood to adulthood,
the young adults as they arise before they evolve. alongside other competing life events, but are
The young adult with disabilities such as deaf- also faced with the challenges of caring for a
ness, blindness, mobility issues, or learning dif- child with chronic illness: overseeing the daily
ficulties may require additional support—as may administration of medications, supporting
those whose parental culture or language may patients through procedures and treatments,
present a challenge to their receiving optimal attending other hospital appointments, and acting
healthcare. as patient advocate—all whilst maintaining an
outwardly positive outlook. Concurrently, they
may experience conflicts around letting go,
I mpact of Young Adult Care enabling and allowing the young person to transi-
and Transition on Caregivers tion into adult life, and developing the skills
required for independent self-care.
As resources are channelled into the care of Where clinical staff may witness individual
young people, it is important that the central role challenging episodes from a young adult patient,
of family, caregivers, and supporters is also high- caregivers may by contrast experience constant,
lighted: whilst healthcare providers may experi- sometimes bewildering outbursts or challenging
ence snapshots of a young adult’s clinical behaviours—the cause of which may not be
presentation, caregivers are closely involved in clear: caregivers frequently know best how to
the day-to-day support of the individual: in cer- manage these situations, and in a similar way,
tain circumstances, this can be unrelenting and should be recognised as key players in working
stressful, particularly in situations where the out how to achieve the best outcome for the
young adult patient has cognitive, behavioural, young person—whilst adopting a passive, or
mental health and/or significant physical more active role over the course of the young per-
disabilities. son’s care.
Young persons with kidney disease may have Caregivers may themselves require support,
siblings: competition between siblings for atten- and they should be signposted as to how to obtain
tion, parental feelings of guilt, overlaid with it accordingly: this may include receiving direct
other negative emotions, can lead to a challeng- support from a psychologist, and/or a social
514 J. Popoola and C. Esezobor
worker—for their own personal care, beyond that paediatric and adult nephrology specialists—to
of the young adult patient. There may also be the ensure that the best care is provided to this vul-
need to help enable caregivers to apply for grants nerable group. The aim should be that despite the
and other sources of financial support, to help the presence of a chronic medical condition, the
young adult patients and their families cope. young person should, in addition to being pro-
Similarly to their charges, caregivers may also vided with age-appropriate medical care, be
benefit from peer support or ‘buddying’, to help enabled to reach their maximal potential socially,
them work out solutions to every-day challenges. mentally and emotionally, whilst minimising
The importance of facilitating a healthy morbidity and mortality.
dynamic—not only for the young adult patient, but
also their caregivers—cannot be overemphasised.
Practice Points
2. An 18 year old female with end stage kidney lowing the divorce of his parents. Which of
disease secondary to IgA nephropathy is the following need to be taken into consider-
referred to the adult transplant follow up ation following his transfer to a new renal
clinic 1 year following her deceased donor unit?
transplant. Her baseline serum creatinine is A. Paid employment
90 μmol/L (1.02 mg/dL), and her urinalysis B. Social isolation
remains negative for protein and blood. C. Independent living
Which of the following is true? D. Educational opportunities
A. The risk of recurrence of IgA nephropa- E. All of the above
thy in her transplant kidney is 3% Answer E: Despite this young man having
B. The risk of her losing her kidney allograft plans of living independently he may not
in the next three years is up to around have means or the awareness and may have
35% in fact been dependent on one or both of his
C. Her risk of graft failure would be signifi- parents for support in managing his medical
cantly reduced if she had been trans- condition. At his initial consultation it would
planted at a younger age be essential to take a holistic approach to his
D. She should be followed up on an annual care exploring whether he is prepared for
basis in the kidney transplant clinic independent living in the community in addi-
E. The likelihood of her kidney allograft tion to his ability to take responsibility for
remaining functional at 5 years is 98% his medical condition.
Answer B: The risk of her losing her kidney 4. What age should the transition process ide-
allograft in the next three years is up to 35% ally start for the young person moving from
A. False. The risk of recurrence of IgA paediatric services to adult services consid-
nephropathy in the graft is 6–20%, ering WHO guidelines from the choices
although may be as high as 58% depend- below
ing on the rate of biopsy and the length of A. 14 years
follow-up. The risk of graft loss due to B. 15 years
recurrent IgAN is 1.6–16% C. 16 years
B. True. The risk of young adult kidney D. 17 years
transplant recipients losing their kidney E. 18 years
allograft within three years of transition- Answer A: Transition should be a seamless pro-
ing to adult services is up to around 35% cess not only for the young person concerned
C. False. Her risk of graft failure is not but also for the caregivers and healthcare
altered by age at transplantation professionals. This can only be achieved if
D. False. UK Kidney association clinical the transition process starts early in the path-
practice guidelines suggest 3–6 monthly way of the young adult with chronic illness
follow up after 12 months—this may in order that they becoming familiar and
need to be adapted to the individual don’t feel isolated in their journey through
patient setting. healthcare systems. In order to achieve the
E. The likelihood of her kidney allograft preparation and transition process needs to
remaining functional at 5 years is 75% start as early as possible sometimes this can
post deceased donor transplantation, be as early as 12 years.
although it may be lower than 65% (see 5. The following need to be taken in to consid-
B). eration in relation to the registered carer if
3. An eighteen-year-old, Caucasian male with they are the parent of a transitioned eighteen-
CKD Stage 3 due to IgA Nephropathy has year old autistic adult with renal disease who
moved from the North of England to London is wheelchair bound with multiple disabili-
as he is keen to make his own way in life fol- ties with the exception of.
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 517
A. Has the ability to care for the young the local university and turns up for an emer-
person gency review in your clinic complaining of
B. Is willing to care for the young person abdominal pain over the transplant feeling
beyond 18 years tired and haematuria. The creatinine has
C. Tertiary Education of the carer gone from her baseline of 1.1 mg/dL to
D. Works or plans to do so 2.3 mg/dL (97 μmol/L to 204 μmol/L). You
E. Training in communication skills have never seen her before although this is
Answer C: Carers need to be adequately her second semester at the university. High
equipped even if they are the parents of a on your differential diagnosis must include
child. It should not be assumed that they have A. Urinary tract infection
the ability or will be the carers of the child B. Acute rejection
after the age of 18 years particularly in situa- C. Direct Trauma
tions where the child has complex needs. D. Recurrent disease
There are some environments where there is E. Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
not the infrastructure to meet such a young Answer B: Rejection must be high on the list of
person’s needs and this may require focus in differentials and quickly diagnosed or
the future as more infants with complex excluded due to the potential consequences
needs are starting to survive in to adult hood. of undiagnosed rejection and the fact that if
Provision of tertiary care such as university detected early it is reversible. Often a further
education to the carer is not a direct support history around adherence can assist with
to the young person’s care. making the diagnosis. Transplant loss in
6. A fifteen-year old secondary school student young people in transition phases for instance
presents to the Accident and Emergency hospitals and education is common particu-
department while on a day trip in Wales with larly when appropriate checks and balances
severe abdominal pain, she has acute kidney are not implemented to assist prevention.
injury and an obstructing renal calculus. 8. Which of the following is the most common
Who of the following cannot give consent for concern among adolescent and young adults
surgery. with renal conditions?
A. The parents A. Taking medications
B. The legal guardian B. Social networks
C. The student C. Educational opportunities
D. None of the above D. Dietary restrictions
E. All of the above E. The nature of their renal disease
Answer D: All of the listed can give consent for Answer B: Interestingly healthcare providers
the procedure including the young person in have very different perspectives to what is
the event they are considered mature enough to most important for young adults and their
understand the process and potential risks and general wellbeing. While maintaining social
benefit. This is through Gillick Competence a networks with friends is the predominant
term used in medical law to determine if a child concern of young adults, healthcare profes-
less than sixteen can consent independently to sionals seem tend to assume that the health
their medical care. In circumstance where this condition of the young adults is their pre-
is not possible due to for instance disability or dominant concern.
immaturity and neither parents or legal guard- 9. One of your young adults—a 23-year-old
ians are available consent be provided by medi- Indo-Asian female—recently got married,
cal professionals in an emergency by making following her diagnosis of lupus one month
the young person a ward of the court. earlier. She has been started on mycopheno-
7. A twenty-one-year old with a live donor late mofetil (MMF) and steroids, and is start-
transplant from her Father 5 years ago attends ing to show good response. She is keen to
518 J. Popoola and C. Esezobor
start a family straight away, as she is being 11. The following strategies can be used to pro-
subjected to pressure from both her parents mote medication adherence among young
and her in laws. How would you manage her adults
case? A. Reduction of bill burden
A. Do nothing B. Highlighting potential side effects prior
B. Stop the immunosuppressive therapy to prescribing
C. Change her immunosuppression therapy C. Use of a dossette box or blister pack
immediately D. Enlisting a buddy or peer supporter
D. Refer for preconception counselling E. All of the above
E. None of the above Answer E: Adherence is an age old problem
Answer D: It is common to receive queries and one of the commonest causes of poor
from young adults hoping to get pregnant on response to treatment. All of the above strate-
potential teratogenic agents, in this case gies can be adopted other strategies include
mycophenolate mofetil. This patient is start- setting alarms, using electronic pill counters
ing to respond to therapy and we would nor- for monitoring. Ideally the aim of the transi-
mally aim for the lupus to stabilise prior to tion years is to reduce the dependence on the
pregnancy. Preconception counselling can carer so avoiding strategies that depend on
prove invaluable particularly if it involves the guardian to maintain adherence should
the partner, as it is an opportunity to make as be avoided.
safe a planned pregnancy as possible, with 12. One of your young adults—a nineteen-year-
improved concordance consequent upon an old male, had been hoping to receive a pre-
improved understanding, and ultimately pro- emptive renal transplant from his mother.
viding an optimal outcome for the young Unfortunately, his mother was found to have
person, and their chances of a successful a low GFR 59 and cystic changes to one of
pregnancy with minimal complications. her kidneys. The mother is insistent that she
10. A Young Adult Worker can take on the fol- donate to help her son regardless, as she
lowing roles except would do anything for her child. The follow-
A. Advocacy for young people ing would be the least appropriate approach:
B. Prescribing for young people A. Explore potential interim dialysis options
C. Enpowerment of young people B. Activate on the deceased transplant wait-
D. Creation of peer support opportunities ing list
for young people C. Arrange referral of mother to donor
E. Support co-ordination of clinics for surgeon
young people D. Explore other potential donors
Answer B: It would be unusual for a young adult E. Arrange counselling for patient and
worker to take on the role of prescribing medi- mother
cations for young people unless they had spe- Answer C: Where the care of young people is
cific training from another role which they concerned, it is not uncommon for parents or
carried a license for. A young adult worker has carers to want to take the place of their child in
a supportive role assisting the transition of the relation to the young person’s illness. In this
young adult and their subsequent care with in situation the mother would not be the best
the adult facility with the aim that the young donor for her son: for a young person, the
person is not inhibited from reaching their ideal donor offers as healthy a donor organ as
maximal potential in all spheres of life despite possible: additionally, it would lead her toward
their medical condition. a more significant renal impairment, which
25 Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adult Patients with Kidney Disease 519
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Conservative Care for Patients
with Chronic Kidney Disease
Helen Alston and Katie Vinen
When first developed, dialysis was offered only We acknowledge the relative paucity of data in
to young non-diabetic patients. As it became this area, and therefore highlight a practical
clear that it could benefit many other patients, in approach to delivering CC. We note key areas of
countries where resources allow, it was extended knowledge which are currently being actively
to older complex patients, including those over researched, supported by patients who see CC as
70. Whilst many benefit, for others the burdens of a top research priority.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 521
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
522 H. Alston and K. Vinen
hy do we Require a Conservative
W central Europe (95%, 18/19), Oceania and South
Care Pathway? East Asia (93%, 14/15), western Europe (90%,
18/20), the Middle East (82%, 9/11), and Africa
In high income countries (all treatment options (80%, 33/41). However, CC was offered by fewer
for CKD 5 available): Choice driven conserva- than half of countries in Latin America (44%,
tive care: 8/18), and just over half of countries in newly
In high income countries, the development of independent states, Russia (57%, 4/7) and North
CC is a response to changing demographics of America (67%, 6/9).
the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) population. Although some provision of CC was provided
Many patients are older or highly co-morbid, and at similar levels (75-85%) in countries of all
may benefit from or choose to have care which income levels, the provision of medically advised
avoids the burdens and medicalisation associated CC did rise with income level. Income also
with KRT. Care may involve a combination of appeared to affect the elements of CC that were
nephrological, care of elderly and palliative offered; only 37% of 154 countries offering CC
input. adopted a multidisciplinary team approach and
Improved treatments have also supported only 26% used shared decision-making tools
another population of patients (some relatively (e.g. practice guidelines for providers and patient
young) who begin dialysis in good health, but decision aids). Whilst systematic symptom man-
over years of treatment become frailer. Their agement of advanced kidney failure was provided
care may change to focus on symptom control, in 52% of countries, only 29% were able to pro-
reduced tablet burden and sometimes reduced vide psychological, cultural, and spiritual support
dialysis frequency. Care focuses on maintaining within CC.
quality of life and planning for end-of-life.
These interventions overlap CC but are deliv-
ered in parallel with KRT—this is often called hat Are the Key Elements
supportive care but is outside the scope of this of the Conservative Care Pathway?
In middle and lower income countries Whilst the key elements of comprehensive CC
(treatment choices may be restricted): Choice are defined, their relative importance varies over
restricted conservative care: time and, even in affluent health systems, there
In lower income countries, CC may be offered remains variation in elements of the pathway
as a choice-restricted option when resources do offered.
not allow provision of KRT for all patients. Here Where choice-driven CC is provided, early
the population receiving CC may be younger, with priorities include honest prognostic informa-
fewer co-morbidities. Where resources are lim- tion, excellent communication, and understand-
ited, only certain aspects of CC may be available. ing the patient’s own beliefs and wishes.
Preservation of function (physical, cognitive
and renal), excellent symptom control, reduc-
ariations in Conservative Care
V tion in treatment burdens (including maximising
Provision hospital-free days), and an effective network of
professional support can then be offered.
In 2019, an ISN global survey on care for ESKD Ensuring a “good death” and providing support
found that CC was offered in 124 (81%) of 154 for family before and after death are important
countries [3]. In 66 countries (43%), this option later aspects of CC.
was choice-restricted, whilst in 77 (50%) countries, In countries only able to offer choice-restricted
CC availability was driven by patients’ choice or CC, the focus of resources will be less on sup-
medical guidance, and not limited by resources. porting decision-making, and more on later
CC was offered in all countries in north, east, aspects such as symptom control. Key elements
and south Asia, and most countries in eastern and are summarised in Table 26.1.
26 Conservative Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 523
Decision making Stability Increasing End of life care Care after loss
Assessment Patient and family Patient and family Patient and family Family support
education education education
Preservation of Preservation of Optimisation of Memorial events
Choice kidney function kidney function quality of life
Many patients and clinicians feel uncomfortable dis- Helping patients make meaningful choices requires
cussing later life care. Whilst the prognosis associ- cognitive, functional and physical assessment to
ated with ESKD) is often worse than that of some reveal multi-morbidity or functional decline previ-
cancers, many patients believe that kidney failure is ously unrecognised in short nephrology appoint-
curable with transplantation, and indefinitely treat- ments. Initial assessment is time-consuming but
able with dialysis. Few patients understand the true vital to true shared decision-making (SDM).
burden of dialysis, and some falsely believe that dial- Education necessitates practical information
ysis will help dementia or cure poor mobility. Studies about what treatment pathways entail and realis-
suggest that patients want to have their prognosis dis- tic prognostic guidance for patients and families
cussed but this is rarely done. Overly-optimistic esti- about survival and quality of life associated with
mates of prognosis on dialysis can accidentally lead each choice. Some patients may actively choose
to overemphasis on disease-directed care. to forgo dialysis whilst for others the decision
Staff sometimes have a poor understanding of may be consensus-driven, due to frailty or cogni-
limited prognostic information, little time or tive impairment.
knowledge to use systematised assessment tools, Table 26.2 shows possible assessment tools
and poor training in communication skills. Any which may help the clinician to guide realistic
CC programme is based on well-informed staff choices. Where resources allow, these tools
who are skilled and confident to deliver difficult should not be used to deny a patient their treat-
and complex information sensitively. Links to ment choice but to inform the SDM process.
staff training resources are included in the key Initial treatment discussions may focus on age and
tools table at the end of the chapter [4]. trajectory of GFR decline, to establish likelihood of
Table 26.2 Clinician Tools which help guide older frailer ESKD patients through treatment choices
ESKD in the near future for older patients (some of Formal prediction tools may help patients to
whom have low but very slowly declining function). understand their comparative six-month survival
For those with a clear GFR decline, most patients chance were they to start dialysis. Co-morbidity
initially focus on length of survival. However, with should also be considered, as data suggest that for
limited data, discussions are often dominated by the those patients who enter CC, only about 50% die of
possibility (rather than probability) of life prolonga- uremia (with others dying from non-kidney related
tion (sometimes driven by the family not the patient). causes). Patients often perceive that death on the CC
Limited observational data has shown that for pathway will occur shortly after they would have
those over 70 with a WHO performance status of started dialysis. In fact, uremic death rarely occurs
≥3, those over 75 with ≥2 co-morbidities, or those until later, with a median survival of 6 months even
over 80 regardless of co-morbidity, there may be after GFR has fallen to 6–7 mL/min/1.73 m2.
little to no survival benefit in starting dialysis. Formal cognitive assessment aids clinical judge-
Higher clinical frailty scores predict an increased ment of a patient’s ability to understand complex
risk of hospitalisation and death in a renal popula- choices and management of practical aspects such as
tion, whilst starting dialysis from a nursing home possible disorientation in an unfamiliar dialysis unit.
is associated with only a 13% chance of one-year Factors that may help patients to consider
survival with a maintained level of functional sta- treatment options are shown in Fig. 26.1. In addi-
tus (with 87% of patients dying or declining). tion to overall survival, patients need support to
Symptoms directly related
to kidney, Symptoms
related to wider needs,
Preservation of cognitive
and physical function
Overall survival and
Religious beliefs, nature of
treatment free survival
medical decision (individual
Patient or family
Desire to avoid PRACTICALITIES:
medicalisation and
Physical ability to attend
operations, hobbies, time
hospital, confusion in
with loved ones,
hospital, travel burden to
international travel,
achieving PPC at end of
consider hospital-free days, symptom burden, Table 26.3 CKD treatment targets modified for CC
freedom to travel, and the likelihood of achieving
a preferred place of death (which has been shown Measure Target Comments
to be more likely in those choosing CC). Blood ≤160/90 mmHg European Society
pressure of Hypertension
Limited studies have assessed quality of life on 2018 Guidelines
CC. One important longitudinal study compared >80 years
QOL in late CKD 4 and CKD 5 patients who had Many
chosen a CC pathway, with those who had chosen
studies focus on
dialysis. Whilst the patients choosing CC were long term benefit
older, frailer and more co-morbid than those on rarely relevant in
dialysis, they maintained QOL, whereas for those CC
choosing dialysis, life satisfaction scores deterio- Diabetic HbA1c >7.5% Hypoglycaemia is
control greater risk in CC
rated after starting dialysis. All patients, especially
Cholesterol No target No evidence of
those with cognitive impairment, may find it hard relevance in frail
to understand the intrinsic uncertainty surrounding elderly.
treatments for the frail and elderly in ESKD. Any Acidosis Serum bicarbonate Evidence that
decision support tool must allow for this. >22 mmol/L acidosis may
contribute to
Data to support these difficult discussions are fatigue, muscle
largely based on small observational studies. The wasting and
British NIHR-supported PREPARE study is the malnutrition
first ever randomized control trial to look at out- Anemia 9.5–11.5 g/L If the patient is
comes in older frailer patients, comparing those lower levels of
who prepare to receive KRT with those who haemoglobin may
receive CC. Due to report in 2024, it will be a be acceptable
significant step forward in information available. High <6.5 mmol/L More relaxed
potassium targets may allow
easures to Prevent Progression
M Calcium and Immediate May help myalgia,
of CKD phosphate symptom benefit to pseudogout and
management keeping calcium restless legs
within normal Seeking to
Measures such as cessation of smoking, optimal range (eg normalize values
diabetic and blood pressure control and avoidance avoidance of to reduce vascular
of nephrotoxins are documented elsewhere in this fitting). calcification less
book. Factors that may receive attention in No specific target relevant for shorter
suggested for prognosis
younger patients (because they have long term phosphate—
sequelae) may be less relevant for those in later balance of QOL
life (e.g. high phosphate levels), or may need to and better nutrition
balance competing priorities e.g. high potassium with relevant
(arrhythmia risk) versus quality of life (enjoyment Fluid and Sodium and total Where fluid
from eating). Risk factors may benefit from more sodium fluid intake may be overload not
pragmatic targets, e.g. the balance of tight blood restriction limited where significant, less
pressure or diabetic control against the risk of volume overload restriction may
and breathlessness improve nutrition.
falls due to postural symptoms or hypoglycaemia. are significant
There are no internationally agreed treatment tar- symptoms
gets for CC patients, but pragmatically the authors
use the suggested values shown in Table 26.3.
528 H. Alston and K. Vinen
Table 26.4 Common symptoms in CKD stage 5, and suggested therapeutic approach
% of CC Possible Non-
patients with contributing factor pharmacological
Symptom symptom for correction approach Pharmacological approach
Fatigue, Fatigue 70% Vit D deficiency Exercise Sleep disturbance
weakness, and sleep Metabolic acidosis Energy Gabapentin 50–300 mg at night*
sleep disturbance: Hypo or conservation Amitriptyline 5 mg at night gradually
disturbance 39% hyperthyroidism strategies increasing to a maximum of 25 mg
Anxiety and Optimise sleep Zopiclone 3.75–5 mg at night
depression. hygiene
Medication toxicity
e.g. Benzodiazepine,
Nociceptive 62% Investigate and treat Physiotherapy As per modified WHO analgesic ladder
pain underlying cause of Nerve blocks Step 1 Paracetamol to maximum dose of
pain Trigger point 1 g 4 times per day
injections Step 2 Tramadol to maximum 50 mg
twice daily (watch for toxicity of
Step 3 Transdermal buprenorphine
starting at 5 ucg per hour release
Neuropathic 62% Investigate and treat Physiotherapy Gabapentin 50–300 mg per 24 h*
pain underlying cause of Nerve blocks Amitriptyline 10–25 mg per day
pain Trigger point Tramadol 25–50 mg (max 100 mg per
injections 24 h)
Buprenorphine transdermal patch
increasing gradually from 5 mcg per
Uraemic 55% Anemia and iron Emollients with Gabapentin 50–300 mg daily 1–2 h
pruritis deficiency high water content before sleep*.
Allergies, Camphor 0.25%/ Tricyclic anti-depressants e.g.
infestation, contact menthol 0.25% amitriptyline 10–25 mg before bed
dermatitis emollient Anti-histamines—although little
Dry skin Avoid skin evidence well tolerated and easy to judge
Heat warming such as if effective e.g. cetirizine
hot baths and
electric blankets
Short nails
Night-time gloves
26 Conservative Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 529
difficulties, however, may relate to the wider The CGA assessment process has been shown
health needs of the aging, frail patient; these are to improve outcomes in older clinically frail
addressed in a later section. patients when assessed during hospital admissions,
as measured by an improved chance of living in
their own home one year after hospitalisation. It
Drug Chart Review identifies medical, social and functional needs and
uses an MDT approach to create a coordinated
Many CC patients have acquired long burden- care plan. Key domains of assessment may include
some drug lists. Some have little prognostic value depression/anxiety, falls risk, cognition, polyphar-
for later life, others have significant side effects macy, continence, skin integrity, nutrition, ADLs
(e.g. anti-cholinergic drugs). Some are no longer and social issues, with relevant referrals and sign-
indicated but have remained on charts, whilst posting to services such as memory and falls
others previously carried a clear indication but clinic, or occupational and physiotherapy service.
have been ineffective. Such wider needs e nquiries may also help patients
Regular reviews using tools such as STOPP- and families to understand that correcting renal
START can minimise both tablet burden and side function alone is unlikely to improve quality of
effects. life, and time may be better spent on other inter-
ventions including advance care planning (ACP).
Social Supportive
workers care nurses
Health aides /
carer Nephrologist
Palliative care
/ Occupational
Primary care
Priest / Imam / physician / GP
Pastor / Family
Heart Failure
team /
Geriatricians /
Other medical
Social workers, from nephrology or palliative A recent meta-analysis found that creation of an
care, can provide advice on accessing benefits ACP was associated with greater achievement of
entitlements, arranging homecare, and obtaining preferred place of care at death (PPC), and
equipment such as commodes and hospital beds. increased hospital-free days in the last year of life.
The proportion of patients completing an ACP is
widely seen as a surrogate marker for good pallia-
istrict Nursing/Community Nursing
D tive care provision, and is used as a performance
Teams indicator (the only performance outcome measure
for renal palliative care services agreed by both
These teams may administer Erythropoetin, admin- patients and staff in a recent Delphi exercise).
ister end of life medications, provide wound care,
and provide pressure area monitoring.
Family Support After Bereavement
Social Care/Home Health Aides Patients and families often know the nephrology
team well, after years of renal care. Seamless
These provide personal care to patients, allowing transition is important so that patients and their
them to stay in their own homes, while relieving families do not feel “abandoned” by the move to
some of the burden on family members. Good community end of life care.
home care is essential to prevent unnecessary As well as formal grief counselling and sup-
hospital admissions. port, which may be available via the primary
care and/or community palliative care teams,
some centres send a condolence card, or organ-
Advance Care Planning ise an annual departmental Service of
Remembrance for patients who have died in the
Creating an Advance Care Plan allows patients to last twelve months (often appreciated by
express their wishes about the end of life. nephrology staff).
In many countries, ACPs are not legally bind- This is also important from the perspective of
ing, but are a useful way to structure a patient’s other patients within the department. If they feel
thoughts and discussions about priorities, and how that deceased patients are “brushed away” and
they envisage the end of their life. It is important forgotten, they may worry that the same will hap-
that families, particularly surrogate decision-mak- pen to them when they die.
26 Conservative Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 533
excreted metabolites. Many prefer to “put up decision before making any hard-to-
with” symptoms in order to reduce pill bur- reverse changes to her management plan.
den. Non-pharmacological treatments such as E. It is important to establish why she has
sleep hygiene, gentle exercise and counsel- changed her mind—have her symptoms wors-
ling for low mood and lethargy, distraction ened, or do her family believe that she will
techniques and medicated emollients for pru- live longer if she chooses to have dialysis?
ritis and neuropathic pain, and simply She has attended with her grandson in the
addressing her health-related concerns past, but he may not be the family’s main
directly in a gentle and reassuring way, may decision-maker. Ensure her whole family
reduce many of her symptoms to a more man- have a clear understanding of what dialysis
ageable intensity. can and cannot achieve, and understand that
GPs often shy away from prescribing in her life expectancy is limited either with or
CKD stage 5, and it is the responsibility of the without dialysis.
nephrology team to provide guidance on med- Manage any new symptoms, and reassure
ications which are and are not safe to use in her that she will not be in any pain or discom-
these patients, with appropriate dose reduc- fort (fluid overload is particularly difficult for
tions where necessary. patients to tolerate, and is a frequent trigger
It is true that “she should not expect to feel for decisions to change modality, but can
as healthy as she did when she was a girl”, but often be managed well without dialysis).
it is also unhelpful and does nothing to address Alternatively, she may have chosen CC in
her very treatable symptoms. Neither does it the past, to avoid dialysis “unless I really need
foster a good doctor-patient relationship. it”—many patients, particularly those who are
Gabapentin certainly has an important older, are extremely keen to avoid upheaval
place in the management of neuropathic pain, and change in their lives, and may choose to
but 300 mg nocte is too high a starting dose delay dialysis discussions for the time being
and is likely to lead to over-sedation, which by choosing conservative management.
will also increase her falls risk. Prescribing Others, with executive function impairment,
gabapentin in combination with diazepam and may have been unable to make a decision
mirtazapine, in a naïve patient with CKD about modality until a crisis point has been
stage 5, would be extremely dangerous. reached. Families will often report “she didn’t
Buprenorphine is not indicated for first- really understand what she was agreeing to”.
line management of neuropathic pain. A trial of dialysis may seem a good option but
3. Her symptoms improve but 12 months later can often extend for several months. Such lon-
with an eGFR of 7 mL/min/1.73 m2, her fam- ger trials can lead to loss of native function so
ily ask for her to be seen urgently as she has that if she subsequently decides to stop, she
“changed her mind and wishes to have dialy- may have a shorter life expectancy than if she
sis”. How do you approach this request? had not commenced dialysis.
A. Arrange an urgent dialysis start 4. Three months later, she and her family are
B. Suggest a trial of dialysis happy with Conservative Care, but she and
C. Decline the request as she has previously her family still want her to be resuscitated.
made a choice for to follow a conservative How do you approach this?
management pathway A. Accept that it is her right to request CPR,
D. Meet the patient with her family, confirm even if it would be futile.
that she does wish to change her treatment B. Seek advice from the hospital legal team
pathway and organise line insertion to about lack of concordance of views in
start dialysis. CPR status
E. Meet the patient with her family, and find C. Agree to CPR for her and her family’s
out what has prompted this change of peace of mind.
536 H. Alston and K. Vinen
D. Explain that CPR is a medical decision, of life. She has now developed symptoms
and complete a DNAR order for her. (agitation and restlessness), which are not
E. Talk to her about her understanding of CPR, controlled by her current medications, and
and her ideas about end of life in general. which are causing her and her family some
E. Many people, particularly older patients, worry distress.
that agreeing not to be resuscitated means that Ideally, the community palliative care team
they will not receive any medical care at all. (or local equivalent) would already be
Reassure her that this is not the case. Explain involved in her care. If not (perhaps because
what is involved in resuscitation, and what CPR this deterioration was unanticipated), an
can and cannot do. Explore her plans for end of urgent referral should be done.
life (preferred place of death, degree of medi- An emergency home visit needs to be
calisation, etc), and whether CPR would align made, this evening, by either the renal
with those goals. Help her to complete an ACP team, palliative care team, or family doctor
document which sets out her wishes. Whilst it is (the most appropriate person will depend
important to be up to date with the legal posi- on the structure of local services), and a
tion in your own health care system, these full assessment of her symptoms and care
situations generally reflect communication dif- needs should be made. It is not reasonable
ficulties, which should be addressed first. to leave her in distress until the following
5. She confirms that she does not want to be day.
resuscitated, and wishes to die at home with It is also not reasonable ask a family to
her family. Six months later, you are called by bring a dying woman to the ED, as there is a
her daughter. She has been in bed for the past high chance of her either dying during the
two weeks, and has been sleeping for most of journey, or in a distressing environment such
the day. Tonight, she has woken and is very as the busy ED treatment area, instead of at
restless and agitated. Her daughter is distressed, home as she wished.
and asks for help. What do you suggest? For symptoms such as terminal agitation, a
A. Bring her in to the Emergency Department combination of either midazolam or haloperi-
for an assessment. dol, plus fentanyl, may be added to a syringe
B. Tell her daughter it sounds like she needs driver to manage her symptoms overnight. A
to start dialysis full assessment of her care needs (physical,
C. She has chosen supportive care, so is no emotional, spiritual, and family support
longer a renal patient—they should call needs) can be made once the immediate crisis
her GP in the morning has passed.
D. This sounds like terminal agitation, and
they need urgent palliative care input to Test your learning and check your under-
manage her symptoms standing of this book’s contents: use the
E. Explain that you will write a referral to the “Springer Nature Flashcards” app to access
local hospice team. questions using To use
D. The history of increasing sleepiness and leth- the app, please follow the instructions in Chap.
argy suggest that this lady is approaching end 1.
26 Conservative Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 537
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 539
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
540 G. B. Colbert.
NSAID: non-steroidal anitinflamatory drugs, SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, HIV: human immunodefi-
ciency virus, CNS: central nervous system
play between the pituitary gland and the kid- occurs within 48 hours. When the exact onset is
ney, primarily by adjusting the stimulation for unknown, the case in most patients, hyponatre-
free water intake and excretion. Changes in mia is treated as chronic. Rapid correction of
blood volume regulate antidiuretic hormone hyponatremia causes osmotic shifts across the
(ADH) secretion from the posterior pituitary blood brain barrier and can lead to the devastat-
as well. ing ODS (paraplegia, dysarthria, and dysphagia).
3. Urine is theoretically divided into two vol- Risk factors for ODS include severe hyponatre-
umes: solute clearance (urea and electrolytes) mia (<120 mEq/L), hypokalemia, malnutrition,
and free water clearance. Solute clearance is alcoholism and liver disease.
the volume of urine needed to excrete the Sodium > 130 mEq/L is usually managed in
ingested solute load. In the face of hypoosmo- the outpatient setting. Chronic asymptomatic
lality, the normal renal response is to increase moderate hyponatremia (Na 120–130 mEq/L)
electrolyte-free water excretion. In the can be treated in the outpatient setting as well.
pathologic syndrome of inappropriate antidi- For acute symptomatic hyponatremia, such as a
uresis (SIAD), the kidneys produce concen- patient presenting with seizures and a Na of
trated urine in the face of a hypo-osmolal 110 mEq/L or less, raising the serum Na concen-
serum. A simplified way to look at electrolyte tration by 4–6 mEq/L in the first hours is usually
free water clearance is through the equation: sufficient to abate the symptoms. A limit correc-
urine [Na] + urine [K]/serum [Na] [4]. A ratio tion of 10–12 mEq/L per day for patients at regu-
nearing or exceeding 1 indicates low electro- lar risk for ODS, and 8 mmol/L per day for
lyte free water excretion. A ratio much below patients at higher risk of ODS is suggested by US
1 indicates the opposite. guidelines. However, correction should not
4. Serum [Na] is measured in the whole serum exceed 18 mEq/l per day in any 48-hour period.
(water and solid phases). Only the sodium European guidelines recommend a limit of
concentration in the water phase is physiolog- 10 mEq/L in the first 24 h and 8 mEq/L in the
ically important. Conditions which increase following days. The higher the risk of ODS, the
the solid phase such as hyperlipidemia or slower the correction should be. For a malnour-
paraproteinemia cause the serum [Na] mea- ished cirrhotic presenting with a Na of 105 mEq/L
sured by most blood chemistry analyzers to be and a potassium of 2 mEq/L, a Na rise of 6 mEq/L
low. Measured blood osmolality makes the in the first day is a reasonable goal.
distinction between true hypotonic hyponatre- A 3% saline infusion is used to achieve a
mia and pseudo- or isotonic hyponatremia. prompt rise in serum sodium concentration.
Blood gas and point-of-care chemistry ana- Intermittent boluses of 100–150 mL over
lyzers provide accurate [Na] in these 10–20 min, or slow continuous infusions can be
circumstances. used. The expected correction of [Na] with each
liter of infused fluid can be calculated using the
Androgue-Madias equation: ([Na]
Treatment of hyponatraemia infusate − [Na] serum)/(total body water + 1).
This equation does not consider oral fluid intake,
Rate of sodium correction depends on severity, urine production nor other infused intravenous
acuity, symptoms, and risk fluids. Repeated measurement of Na is therefore
of osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS). necessary when managing hyponatremia.
Symptoms of severe hyponatremia include nau- Attention to urine output is important. A brisk
sea, vomiting, headache, altered mental status, diuresis could mean excretion of large amounts
and seizures. Patients with underlying intracranial of dilute urine and rapid correction. Urine chem-
pathology are at a higher risk of developing istries can be repeated along the course of treat-
severe symptoms of hyponatremia such as coma ment. Overcorrection can be treated with
from brain herniation. Acute hyponatremia hypotonic fluids +/− desmopressin. Concomitant
542 G. B. Colbert.
use of desmopressin with 3% saline is advocated restricted. Rarely, a hypothalamic disorder impair-
for by some and has been shown to reduce the ing thirst is the culprit in hypernatremia. The pre-
incidence of overcorrection. dominant symptom of hyponatremia is thirst.
Altered mental status has been associated in severe
Etiology Diagnosis
Hypernatremia is defined as a serum Two primary diagnostic questions can help solve
Na > 145 mEq/L, and could be secondary to water a case of hypernatremia:
deficit (most common), solute excess, or water
shift into cells (Tables 27.3 and 27.4). 1. Is there a loss of water?
Hypernatremia results in hypertonicity and nor- 2. Why is the patient not drinking appropriately?
mally stimulates the thirst mechanism with ADH
release and subsequent production of a concen- Non-kidney water loss is evident from the
trated urine. Restricted or insufficient water intake patient’s history. Kidney water loss is manifested
is necessary for hyponatremia to develop. Even as polyuria and is divided into 2 main categories:
individuals with complete diabetes insipidus (DI) diabetes insipidus and osmotic diuresis. The kid-
maintain near-normal [Na] if access to water is not ney’s ability to concentrate urine in cases of non-
Insensible losses
Osmotic diuresis
Mineralocorticoid excess
Excessive exercise
27 Electrolytes & Acid Base Disorders 543
CNS infections
Anoxic encephalopathy
Obstructive uropathy
kidney water loss is usually preserved and the x urine volume) typically exceeds 1000 mosm/
urine osmolality is typically >600–800 mosm/kg. day. In states of solute excess, the extracellular
The urine osmolality in central and complete space is usually expanded and urine Na is typi-
nephrogenic DI is usually <300 mosm/kg but cally >100 mmol/L (Fig. 27.1).
could be higher in partial nephrogenic Limited access to water is often due to altered
DI. Response of the urine osmolarity and volume mental status or physical debility. A hypothalamic
to exogenous desmopressin differentiates central lesion impairing the thirst mechanism should be
from nephrogenic DI. In cases of osmotic diure- suspected in alert patients with free access to
sis, the daily osmole excretion (urine osmolality water.
544 G. B. Colbert.
Lower GI losses
(eg: diarrhea, Renal Loss (DKA, Surreptutious
Laxative abuse, Type 1 or Type 2 Vomiting or diuretic Renal Loss
villous adenoma) RTA) with effect worn off
elimination is determined by the following fac- Signs and symptoms of hypokalemia are listed
tors: adequate distal tubular delivery, serum in Table 27.6. The three most common causes of
potassium, and the presence of aldosterone. Due hypokalemia are vomiting, diarrhea, and diuret-
to the huge adaptability of the kidney excretion ics and these are usually self evident on history
of potassium (20 meq–400 meq), diet alone is and examination (Table 27.5). However, if etiol-
seldom a cause for hypokalemia or hyperkale- ogy is not clear a systematic evaluation requires a
mia, though it can be a contributing factor. combination of acid- base status (metabolic aci-
Changes in distal delivery, Aldosterone, or kid- dosis/metabolic alkalosis) with kidney potassium
ney function can lead to hypokalemia or excretion (low or high potassium excretion) to
hyperkalemia. provide the answer (Fig. 27.2).
546 G. B. Colbert.
a Potassium Buffering
40 meq K–
3 orange juice
ICF ECF glasses
K+ K+
4-5 meq/L
140 meq/L
25 L 17 L
25 L 17 L
25 L 17 L
Step 1. Stabilize the IV calcium gluconate or Give if there are ECG changes as
membrane. Calcium Chloride demonstrated in Figure B. Continue to
(If no ECG changes and monitor ECG and continue to repeat calcium
hyperkalemia is not Usual dose 10ml of 10% every 5 minutes till ecg changes reversed.
severe, can skip step 1) calcium gluconate Calcium chloride has 3 times the calcium of
calcium gluconate but requires a central line
for administration
Step 2. Shift Potassium Glucose and insulin IV Impact starts in minutes, peaks at 1 hours
into the cell (to buy time and lasts 4-6 hours with a lowering of 0.5-
till step 3 can work) Usual Dose: 10 units of 1.5meq/L
regular insulin with 30-
If hyperkalemia is not 50gm of glucose (if hyperglycemia is present, can give insulin
severe and there is alone)
enough time for step 3 to Sodium Bicarbonate IV Impact starts in 1 hour and lasts 4-6 hours,
work, then can skip step with lowering of 0.5meq/L
2 Usual dose: 50meq given
over 5 mins Impact is low in patients with kidney failure
and those who don’t have metabolic acidosis
Beta 2 adrenergic Impact starts in 60-90 minutes and lasts 4-6
agonists (inhaled) hours with a lowering of 0.5-1.5 meq/L
Gastrointestinal acid Kidney acid loss Hypokalemia Alkali administration with Contraction
loss reduced kidney function alkalosis
Vomiting Primary Villous adenoma Calcium-alkali
mineralocorticoid syndrome
excess conditions
Gastric suction Licorice ingestion Malnutrition Bicarbonate infusion
Congenital chloride Liddle syndrome Laxative abuse Bicarbonate salt ingestions
diarrhea Apparent
excess state
Loop or thiazide
Bartter or Gitelman
Post chronic
hypercarbia state
Low urine Chloride (<20 mEq/L) Normal Urine Chloride (>20 mEq/L)
Vomiting or nasogastric suction Primary hyperaldosteronism
Diuretic-induced alkalosis Liddle’s syndrome
Laxative abuse Excess licorice ingestion (glycyrrhizic acid)
Cystic fibrosis with sweat loss Apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome
Congenital chloride diarrhea Bartter syndrome
Gitelman syndrome
to the serum [6]. Improvement in heart failure, bicarbonate levels, dialysis may be needed to
nephrotic syndrome, and cirrhosis exacerbations remove the excess bicarbonate. Low bicarbonate
can improve effective blood volume out of the so baths are usually used but have a high floor usu-
called “third space”. Improving the EABV will ally much higher than a normal HCO3 of
restore the kidney’s ability to reduce reabsorp- 24 mEq/L. Continuous renal replacement therapy
tion of sodium and chloride and allow bicarbon- (CRRT) may be used as more tailored dialysate
ate losses in the urine. The increased filtrate baths are available that could contain lower
delivery to the distal tubule will allow acid amounts of sodium bicarbonate, and some prepa-
secretion through the type B intercalated cells as rations are made with sodium lactate. Severe and
well. Once this is achieved, bicarbonaturia can rare cases of metabolic alkalosis of bicarbonate
be measured with a urinary pH above 7 levels greater than 50 mEq/l and/or pH greater
(Table 27.14). than 7.55 may need acid infusion [7]. Intravenous
Patients with impaired kidney function have HCl or precursors such as ammonium chloride
great difficulty with bicarbonaturia generation. In can be infused as a 0.1 N(100 mEq/L) solution of
some patients with markedly elevated serum HCl in normal saline.
554 G. B. Colbert.
Metabolic Acidosis ance, the lungs and kidneys work together to excrete
both these elements. The kidney must excrete acid
Metabolic acidosis is a frequent problem with as a combination of hydrogen ions with titratable
patients experiencing both acute kidney injury acids, particularly phosphate and ammonia.
(AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). While Ammonia (NH3) conversion to ammonium NH4+
regional and cultural diets are highly variable, those is an adaptive response from metabolism of gluta-
consuming a typical Western Hemisphere diet con- mine and the process can be increased as needed
sume 15,000 mmol of carbon dioxide and during episodes of acid loading [8].
50–100 mEq of nonvolatile acid are produced each Metabolic acidosis is defined as a process that
day. To maintain appropriate serum acid-base bal- increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in
27 Electrolytes & Acid Base Disorders 555
the body, thus lowering the bicarbonate concen- mon mnemonic used to list the causes of an anion
tration. Acidemia is defined as a lower arterial gap metabolic acidosis is GOLDMARK [10].
serum pH <7.35, which can result from patho- Treatment recommendations vary depending
logic processes of metabolic acidosis, respiratory on the disease state or condition leading to the
acidosis, or both. Metabolic acidosis can be mea- acidosis. Underlying conditions of diabetic keto-
sured with a low serum bicarbonate usually acidosis, lactic acidosis, acute kidney injury, or
<23 mEq/L [9]. Interestingly not every patient diarrheal illness should be corrected as they may
with a metabolic acidosis will have a lower arte- be the primary causes of the acidosis. Ingestions
rial pH. Both the pH and hydrogen ion concentra- such as aspirin, methanol and ethylene glycol
tion depend upon the coexistence of other should be stopped once recognized. Acute meta-
acid-base disorders. Therefore, the pH in each bolic acidosis and chronic metabolic acidosis are
individual patient will vary depending on the level generally treated as separate entities. Acute met-
of metabolic acidosis and other clinical factors. abolic acidosis should be treated with bicarbon-
While the pathophysiology of each is beyond ate therapy with severe acidemia indicated by a
the scope of this chapter, treatment depends on pH <7.1. It is also suggested to treat with bicar-
determining which category is leading to the aci- bonate if pH <7.2 in patients who have severe
dotic state. Causes of metabolic acidosis, sepa- AKI, as there may be survival and kidney func-
rated as those causing an anion gap and those tion improvement. Clinical impact of treating
without a gap, are listed in Table 27.15. A com- severe acute metabolic acidosis remains contro-
Table 27.15 Causes of metabolic acidosis both anion gap and normal gap
versial due to conflicting data. Most studies of accommodate acid loading, but when kidney
sick patients with acute MA have been from ani- function is impaired, or gastrointestinal bicar-
mal or tissue experiments, while human studies bonate losses are high, the serum pH and HCO3
of cardiovascular benefits have not been repli- balance can quickly become out of homeosta-
cated. Still many clinicians agree that starting sis. Treatment of existing underlying conditions
bicarbonate therapy when measured serum combined with the appropriate therapy of alka-
HCO3 is <5 meq/L with pH below 7.1 is line solution can improve serum HCO3, raise
prudent. pH to normal levels, and improve long term
Bicarbonate therapy is administered in the clinical status of patients.
form of oral sodium bicarbonate tablets, baking
soda powder, or intravenous sodium bicarbonate
diluted in a hypotonic solution. NaHCO3 is the Conclusions
most commonly used alkalinizing agent, as com-
pared with giving lactate, citrate, potassium Returning to the patient at the beginning of the
bicarbonate, or ketoacid anions (Table 27.16). chapter—the 48-year-old man with a past medi-
Intravenous sodium bicarbonate is usually deliv- cal history of Heart Failure with Reduced
ered as 8.4 percent (50 mEq/50 mL) 50 mL vials Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) 25%, and Chronic
or ampules. It is expected that if normal body Kidney Disease Stage G3, who has been strug-
water weight is present, one 50 mEq/L vial will gling with volume overload, and had recently
raise the HCO3 concentration between 1.3 and been prescribed an increased dose of his loop
1.5 mEq/L in a patient weighing 70 kg. If more diuretic. Whilst his 10 kg weight loss is reflected
than 1 vial is to be administered, hypotonic water in the improvement in his edema, he has noted
solution should be used to avoid hypernatremia large volumes of urination, and concomitant
as the bicarbonate will deliver a large quantity of increased fatigue. The case, and his blood test
sodium. results highlight the importance of understanding
Treating chronic metabolic acidosis is less that the likely cause of his hyponatremia is a
controversial as there are known consequences in result of an inability to excrete free water, and
patients with CKD including decreased muscle may be exacerbated by his diuretics. This is fre-
mass, bone health, and worsening eGFR. For quently seen amongst CKD patients with heart
long term maintenance treatment, potassium salts failure. His hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis
with bicarbonate can be effective for patients are also frequent complications of loop diuretic
with hypokalemia. use.
Metabolic acidosis exists as both an acute Broadly, understanding electrolyte and acid
and chronic problem. Patients usually can base disorders requires a thorough assessment of
the likely cause, which in turn will direct the best E. “Ecstasy” intoxication—Correct. Ecstasy
approach to treatment. causes a SAIDH picture with ADH
release leading to inappropriately con-
centrated urine osmolality. Additionally,
Questions frequently at parties young people are
encouraged to drink fluids such as alco-
hol, water, and flavored drinks leading to
1. A 21-year-old woman is brought to the further hypotonic ingestion.
Emergency Department (ED) after she suf- 2. A 32-year-old man is referred for evaluation
fered a tonic-clonic seizure outside of a party. of hypertension. He believes that his hyper-
She has no significant medical history and tension was first diagnosed at age 15 but he
takes no medications. Friends who also was never told what the etiology may be. Of
attended the party reported that “recre- note, his father died at age 43 with a stroke,
ational” drugs were at the party. On arrival to and he has a brother age 25 with hyperten-
the ED, her vital signs were notable for a sion. On physical examination, he is normal
temperature of 38.6 °C, pulse of 89 beats/ appearing with a blood pressure of
min, and blood pressure of 141/76 mmHg. 182/90 mmHg, and his fundoscopic exami-
Her examination was notable for some nation reveals mild arteriolar narrowing.
confusion and lethargy. Otherwise, her phys- There are no abdominal bruits. Laboratory
ical examination was within normal limits. studies revealed: Serum sodium: 145 mEq/L
Laboratory studies revealed: Serum Serum potassium: 3.0 mEq/L Serum chlo-
sodium: 121 mEq/L Serum potassium: ride: 108 mEq/L Serum bicarbonate:
4.3 mEq/L Serum bicarbonate: 21 mEq/L 30 mEq/L Serum creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL
Serum chloride: 92 mEq/L Urine osmolality: Urine potassium: 90 mEq/24 h Plasma aldo-
466 mOsm/kg sterone: 7 ng/dL Plasma renin activity: 0.6
Which of the following is the MOST Which of the following would be the
likely etiology of this patient’s presenting MOST likely cause of his hypertension and
symptoms and laboratory findings? associated laboratory findings?
A. Primary polydipsia A. Gordon’s syndrome
B. Synthetic marijuana B. Liddle’s syndrome
C. “Bath Salt” intoxication C. Bartter’s syndrome
D. Cocaine intoxication D. Gitelman’s syndrome
E. “Ecstasy” intoxication E. Primary hyperaldosteronism
Answer: E. “Ecstasy” intoxication Answer: B Liddle’s Syndrome
A. Primary polydipsia—Incorrect. A patient A. Gordon’s syndrome—Incorrect. This
with primary polydipsia should have a syndrome is associated with hyperkale-
very dilute urine in the acute setting of mia, hypertension and metabolic
water intoxication with urine osmolality acidosis
less than 100 mOsn/kg B. Liddle’s syndrome—Correct. This syn-
B. Synthetic marijuana—Incorrect. This is drome is associated with normal or sup-
not associated with hyponatremia with pressed plasma aldosterone and renin as
elevated urine osmolality there is inappropriate uptake of urine
C. “Bath Salt” intoxication—Incorrect. This sodium at the distal tubule. Patients fre-
is not associated with hyponatremia with quently have hypertension, hypokalemia,
elevated urine osmolality and normal or suppressed plasma and
D. Cocaine intoxication Incorrect. This is renin levels
not associated with hyponatremia with C. Bartter’s syndrome—Incorrect. This syn-
elevated urine osmolality drome is associated with hypokalemia,
558 G. B. Colbert.
hypotension, and increased serum renin 4. A 67-year-old man with bipolar disorder man-
and aldosterone levels aged for 25 years with lithium carbonate is
D. Gitelman’s syndrome—Incorrect. This admitted for acute appendicitis. Post
syndrome is associated with hypokale- operatively, his urine output is replaced milli-
mia, hypotension, increased serum renin liter for milliliter with 0.9% saline. The next
and aldosterone levels, and day, he is lethargic, and his serum sodium
hypercalcemia concentration is found to be 162 mEq/L.
E. Primary hyperaldosteronism—Incorrect. Which of the following about his condi-
This syndrome is associated with a high tion is TRUE?
aldosterone level and suppressed renin A. Lithium is not associated with
leading to an elevated aldosterone renin hypernatremia
ratio (ARR). B. A patient on lithium only has electrolyte
3. A 60-year-old man undergoes neurosurgery changes in early stages
for a craniopharyngioma. Postoperatively, C. The patient will likely have a very con-
his urine output is noted to be high for 2 days, centrated urine
and he is given two doses of intravenous des- D. The patient should have hypotonic fluid
mopressin. Replacement doses of hydrocor- given now such as 0.45% saline
tisone are prescribed, and he is discharged E. 0.9% normal saline is an appropriate
from the hospital. Two days later, he is read- fluid to give a patient with
mitted with lethargy and a serum sodium of hypernatremia
118 mEq/L. Answer D: The patient should have hypotonic
Which of the following is the MOST fluid given now such as 0.45% saline
likely cause of the hyponatremia? A. Lithium is not associated with hyperna-
A. Mineralocorticoid deficiency tremia- Incorrect. Lithium frequently is
B. A persistent effect of desmopressin associated with hypernatremia as it
C. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) causes a nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
deficiency B. A patient on lithium only has electrolyte
D. Degenerating hypothalamic neurons changes in early stages—Incorrect.
Answer: D. Degenerating hypothalamic Lithium is most associated with electrolyte
neurons changes in the chronic setting of exposure
A. Mineralocorticoid deficiency—Incorrect. The patient will likely have a very
No evidence related to deficiency with concentrated urine—Incorrect. The
clinic picture patient is likely to have a dilute urine as
B. A persistent effect of desmopressin— lithium leads to an insufficient concen-
Incorrect. Desmopressin last for less than trating defect and nephrogenic diabetes
12 hours whether endogenous or insipidus
exogenous. C. The patient should have hypotonic fluid
C. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) given now such as 0.45% saline—
deficiency—Incorrect. ACTH deficiency Correct. The patient cannot concentrate
would not cause hyponatremia this urine correctly and is needing a hypo-
quickly in a patient who can tolerate a tonic fluid replacement to return serum
diet and consume appropriate fluids. sodium back to normal range
D. Degenerating hypothalamic neurons— D. 0.9% normal saline is an appropriate
Correct. Desmopressin hormone is stored fluid to give a patient with hypernatre-
in the posterior pituitary. During surgery mia—Incorrect. 0.9% sodium has a Na
causing injury, the pituitary necroses and of 154 mEq/L and therefore does not
slowly releases the desmopressin stored have the best capacity to bring serum
likely causing the hyponatremia. sodium into normal range. A hypotonic
27 Electrolytes & Acid Base Disorders 559
fluid is more appropriate and effect per Which oral potassium binder or treatment
mL of volume. does not expose the patient to further sodium
5. A 32-year-old pregnant woman is being loading?
treated for pre-eclampsia and is noted to A. Patiromer
have a serum calcium of 7.5 mg/dL and a B. Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate
serum phosphate of 5.3 mg/dL, with a nor- C. Polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)
mal serum albumin. She has a BUN of 21 D. Normal saline IV push with furosemide
and a creatinine of 1.9 mg/dL. treatment
Which of the following is the likely cause E. Sodium bicarbonate
of the hypocalcemia? Answer: Patiromer
A. Chronic kidney disease A. Patiromer—Correct. The only oral potas-
B. Hyperphosphatemia sium binder not bound to sodium.
C. Hypermagnesemia Patiromer is bound with calcium.
D. Hyperkalemia B. Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate—
E. Hypernatremia Incorrect. This potassium binder is bound
Answer: C Hypermagnesemia with sodium.
A. Chronic kidney disease—Incorrect. This C. Polystyrene sulfonate—Incorrect. This
is not the best answer as Cr is not suffi- potassium binder is bound with sodium.
ciently high to be associated with a late D. Normal saline IV push with furosemide
stage CKD which is associated with treatment- Incorrect—Normal saline has
hypocalcemia 9 g of sodium per 1 L bag.
B. Hyperphosphatemia—Incorrect. The E. Sodium bicarbonate—Incorrect. Sodium
phosphate level in this patient is within bicarbonate is bound with sodium
the upper limits of normal. 7. A 24 year old woman presents to the emer-
C. Hypermagnesemia—Correct. Patients gency room with altered mental status. Her
with preeclampsia are frequently placed initial labs are drawn and she is found to have
on a magnesium infusion as prevent of an anion gap of 22. Which medical condition
moving into eclampsia. This patient or ingestion is not associated with a high
likely has an undiagnosed elevated serum anion gap acidosis?
magnesium leading to hypocalcemia. A. Ethylene glycol
D. Hyperkalemia—Incorrect. Hyperkalemia B. Diabetic ketoacidosis
does not directly cause hypocalcemia C. Isopropyl alcohol
and would not correlate with the clinical D. Metformin overdose
scenario E. Acetaminophen overdose
E. Hypernatremia—Incorrect. Hyper Answer: Isopropyl alcohol
natremia does not directly cause hypo- A. Ethylene glycol—Incorrect. This inges-
calcemia and would not correlate with tion causes a high AG and is frequently
the clinical scenario ingested accidentally or during a suicide
6. A 38 year man with heart failure with reduced attempt.
ejection fraction, CKD stage IV presents to B. Diabetic ketoacidosis—Incorrect.
clinic for follow up. He has lower extremity Ketoacidosis leads to a high anion gap
edema on exam and mild rales at the bases of and is part of the GOLDMARK acronym
his lungs on auscultation. You advise the for AG diagnoses.
patient based on guidelines to maintain a C. Isopropyl alcohol—Correct. Isopropyl
2400 mg/day sodium restriction. He is on alcohol is not associated with a high
Lisinopril 50 mg, Furosemide 20 mg twice a anion gap but causes an elevated osmolar
day, carvedilol at 12.5 mg twice a day. Labs gap.
show Na 136 mEq/L, K 5.7 mEq/L, HCO3 D. Metformin overdose—Incorrect. Metfor
21 mEq/L and Cr 2.8 mg/dL. min overdose leads to lactic acidosis type
560 G. B. Colbert.
D. 10–12 mEq/L rise in serum Na— guideline on diagnosis and treatment of hyponatrae-
mia. Eur J Endocrinol. 2014;170(3):G1–47. https://
Incorrect. A rise of this magnitude in the Erratum in: Eur J
first 24 h of treatment has been shown to Endocrinol. 2014 Jul;171(1):X1.
be associated with ODS symptoms. 3. Edelman IS, Leibman J, O’Meara MP, Birkenfeld
E. No limitation is recommended— LW. Interrelations between serum sodium concen-
tration, serum osmolarity and total exchangeable
Incorrect. Uncontrolled rise of sodium in sodium, total exchangeable potassium and total body
hyponatremia is directly related to ODS water. J Clin Invest. 1958;37(9):1236–56. https://doi.
symptoms. org/10.1172/JCI103712.
4. Kraut JA, Madias NE. Re-evaluation of the normal
range of serum total CO2 concentration. Clin J Am
Test your learning and check your understand- Soc Nephrol. 2018;13(2):343–7.
ing of this book’s contents: use the “Springer 5. Furst H, Hallows KR, Post J, Chen S, Kotzker W,
Nature Flashcards” app to access questions using Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh FN, Neilson EG. The urine/ To use the app, please fol- plasma electrolyte ratio: a predictive guide to water
restriction. Am J Med Sci. 2000;319(4):240–4.
low the instructions in Chap. 1.
6. Schwartz WB, Ypersele V, de Strihou KJP. Role of
anions in metabolic alkalosis and potassium defi-
ciency. N Engl J Med. 1968;279(12):630–9.
7. Mehta AN, Emmett JB, Emmett M. GOLD MARK:
References an anion gap mnemonic for the 21st century. Lancet.
1. Verbalis JG, Goldsmith SR, Greenberg A, Korzelius 8. Luke RG, Galla JH. It is chloride depletion alkalo-
C, Schrier RW, Sterns RH, Thompson CJ. Diagnosis, sis, not contraction alkalosis. J Am Soc Nephrol.
evaluation, and treatment of hyponatremia: expert 2012;23(2):204–7.
panel recommendations. Am J Med. 2013;126(10 9. Frick PG, Senning A. The treatment of severe meta-
Suppl 1):S1–42. bolic alkalosis with intravenous N /10 or N /5 hydro-
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2. Spasovski G, Vanholder R, Allolio B, Annane D, Ball 10. Garibotto G, Sofia A, Robaudo C, Saffioti S, Sala MR,
S, Bichet D, Decaux G, Fenske W, Hoorn EJ, Ichai Verzola D, Vettore M, Russo R, Procopio V, Deferrari
C, Joannidis M, Soupart A, Zietse R, Haller M, van G, Tessari P. Kidney protein dynamics and ammonia-
der Veer S, Van Biesen W, Nagler E, Hyponatraemia genesis in humans with chronic metabolic acidosis. J
Guideline Development Group. Clinical practice Am Soc Nephrol. 2004;15(6):1606–15.
The Role of Renal Registries
Mogamat Razeen Davids , Fergus J. Caskey ,
and John B. Eastwood
M. R. Davids (*)
Division of Nephrology, Stellenbosch University and Renal Registries Around the World
Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
Most developed countries have national renal
F. J. Caskey registries, that provide critical information to
Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol,
Bristol, UK support the planning, delivery and evaluation of
e-mail: dialysis and transplantation services. The
J. B. Eastwood European Renal Association (ERA) Registry is
Department of Renal Medicine, Institute of Medical the world’s oldest renal registry and was started
and Biomedical Education, St. George’s, University in 1964 [2, 3]. The ERA Registry publishes an
of London, London, UK annual report and several scientific papers each
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 563
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
564 M. R. Davids et al.
year. It also offers courses in epidemiology and been published mainly by North African coun-
training in data analysis. tries, starting with Egypt and Tunisia in 1975,
Many other registries have followed, includ- followed by South Africa in 1977, and thereaf-
ing the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and ter by Libya, Algeria and Morocco. Most of
Transplant Registry (ANZDATA, established in these registries failed due to resource con-
1977), the Canadian Organ Replacement Register straints, and in recent years only the re-estab-
(CORR, 1981), the Japanese registry (1983) [4], lished South African Renal Registry [6, 7] has
the United States Renal Data System (USRDS, published regular reports, starting with its anal-
1988), the Scottish Renal Registry (1991), the ysis of 2012 data. In 2015, the African
Malaysian Renal Registry (1992) and the UK Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) estab-
Renal Registry (1995). lished the African Renal Registry [8] and to
The international comparisons chapter of the date, six countries have joined this initiative
US Renal Data System annual report is an excel- and are using its online data capture platform.
lent resource, which collates information on the The International Society of Nephrology
treatment of kidney failure worldwide [5]. The (ISN) has a project under its advocacy theme
highest annual incidences of treated kidney fail- called SHARing Expertise to support the set-up
ure in 2018 were reported from Jalisco, Mexico of Renal Registries (SharE-RR) [9]. SharE-RR
(594 per million population (pmp)), Taiwan supports countries without registries and pro-
(523 pmp), Hungary (508 pmp) and the US (395 motes shared learning among countries with
pmp). The lowest rates were reported from established surveillance systems. One of its first
South Africa (16 pmp), Ukraine (40 pmp) and activities was to conduct a survey of kidney
Bangladesh (61 pmp). The highest prevalence health surveillance systems. Of the 85 respond-
rates in 2018 were from Taiwan (3587 pmp), ing organisations (Fig. 28.1), 99% collected
Japan (2653 pmp), the US (2354 pmp) and adult haemodialysis data, 92% collected perito-
Singapore (2255 pmp). The lowest rates were neal dialysis data and 74% collected transplant
reported from Bangladesh (119 pmp), South data. Paediatric haemodialysis, peritoneal dialy-
Africa (186 pmp) and Ukraine (227 pmp). sis and transplant data were collected by 75%,
The lack of renal registries in many low- and 66% and 60%, respectively. Data on CKD were
middle-income countries means that there are collected by 22% and data on AKI by 9%,
few reliable statistics on kidney failure and respectively [9].
KRT. For example, in Africa, registry data have
28 The Role of Renal Registries 565
Fig. 28.1 Countries reporting renal registries in the Latinoamericana de Nefrología e Hipertensión, SLANH;
SHARing Expertise to support the set-up of Renal yellow), Europe (European Renal Association, ERA;
Registries (SharE-RR) survey. Dark blue indicates blue) and Africa (African Association of Nephrology,
countries with registries. The inset shows coverage of the AFRAN; green). From Hole et al. [9].
regional registries in South America (Sociedad
Table 28.1 Some questions that can be addressed by renal registries. Focused on patients with kidney failure (stage
5 CKD/ESKD). Adapted from Davids et al. [10]
Epidemiology of kidney failure
– incidence of CKD stage 5
– incidence of patients accessing KRT
– aetiology
– prevalence of KRT
– KRT modalities
Patient characteristics and disparities in access to KRT
– age, sex, ethnicity
– comorbid diseases—diabetes, infections with HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C
– geography—urban/rural, regional/provincial disparities
– socio-economic status, medical insurance, access to private vs. public sector services
– access to medications such as erythropoietin, intravenous iron, immunosuppressive agents
Primary outcomes
– patient survival
– modality/technique survival
Other outcomes
– causes of death or reasons for cessation of treatment
– hospitalisations
– dialysis adequacy
– vascular access in HD patients
– laboratory data such as those related to anaemia management, bone-mineral disease, etc.
– rejection episodes in transplant patients
Patient-reported outcomes
– quality of life
– employment
– travelling and distances to treatment centres
Outcomes in sub-populations of interest
– children
– the elderly
– people with HIV
– people treated with supportive/palliative care, without KRT
Abbreviations: HD, haemodialysis; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; KRT, kidney replacement therapy; PD, peri-
toneal dialysis
comes. A small set of epidemiologic data is col- Definitions should conform to those used by
lected over many years. Unnecessary complexity well-established registries to facilitate compari-
should be avoided, as this will drive up costs and sons and to allow the aggregation of data. For
decrease compliance with data submission. example, the coding of the primary kidney dis-
ease should use an established system such as the
ERA Registry coding scheme [13].
Defining and Finding Cases
All patients who receive KRT for kidney failure ollecting Data and Ensuring Data
should be included, including those who do not Quality
survive to 90 days. It is important to report on those
patients who discontinue dialysis for financial rea- This is the most resource-intensive aspect of run-
sons and those “crash landers” who present very ning a registry. Well-documented processes
late and die soon after commencing KRT. The use should guide data collection and ensure data
of multiple sources of information increases com- quality. Where possible, data should be collected
pleteness and may include the patient’s doctor, directly from health information systems. Quality
treatment centres, laboratories, funders, and suppli- control must focus on data completeness, the pre-
ers of medications or consumables. vention of duplicates, validity and accuracy,
timeliness, usefulness of items and the accuracy
of data interpretation and reporting [14].
Minimum Dataset and the Data
ata Ownership and Access,
Many registries focus their annual follow-up data and Dissemination of Findings
collection on 31 December. A typical minimum
dataset would include the following: The question of who owns the data should be
clarified at the start. Making anonymised
• Country, region and centre information widely available is a principle com-
• Patient unique identification number and mon to many registries and requires data access
name and publication policies for responding to
• Date of birth and sex requests for data while safeguarding patient con-
• Primary kidney disease fidentiality. Routine outputs might include annual
• Date and modality of first treatment reports, presentations at academic meetings, pub-
• Changes of doctor, centre lications in medical journals and the release of
• Current treatment modality datasets.
• Changes of treatment modality since last cen-
sus, including cessation of treatment or loss to
follow-up Ethical Considerations
• Death details
Consideration of ethical aspects and privacy and
Optional data might include more aspects of the data protection legislation is extremely important
treatment, indicators of treatment quality and for registries. Many registries have obtained
additional outcomes such as hospitalisations and waivers of individual informed consent to facili-
quality of life. tate including all patients in the registry while
The data dictionary describes the elements to taking the necessary precautions to protect
be collected and specifies the data type (categori- patients’ personal information. Examples include
cal, numerical), precision (number of decimal the UK, Scottish, French and South African
points), range of acceptable values, etc. registries.
568 M. R. Davids et al.
follow-up data on graft function, patient survival, tant and common ethical concern over owner-
cancer and cause-specific mortality for one of the ship and sharing of personal data. It may be
randomisation arms by linking to routine data- useful for him to understand how the data col-
bases including Hospital Episode Statistics, the lated from all units across the country helps to
Office for National Statistics, UK Transplant and drive and maintain improvements in dialysis
the UK Renal Registry. care at his unit. He can be reassured that collat-
In Australia and New Zealand, the Better ing anonymised data from all patients receiving
Evidence for Selecting Transplant Fluids (BEST- kidney care in the country, whilst ensuring the
Fluids) trial is evaluating the effect of intravenous safety of all identifiable personal data, is central
therapy with Plasmalyte® versus 0.9% saline on to the role of the national renal registry. He may
delayed graft function following deceased donor also be interested to learn about how certain
kidney transplantation. Participants will be research studies have been delivered more effec-
enrolled, randomised and followed up using tively with the support of national renal regis-
ANZDATA, the Australia and New Zealand tries. Finally, he may like to see an example of
Dialysis and Transplant Registry [23]. the data report—which is made freely available
to clinicians and patients alike.
Practice Points
• Involving your patient in a national Questions
renal registry is central to improving
kidney care for all patients 1. What is the estimated global prevalence of
• Where there is no current national renal kidney disease?
registry—particularly in LMICs, there is A. 200 million
international support available to B. 350 million
develop one C. 500 million
D. 850 million
E. 1000 million
Answer D. The “single number” paper of Jager
Conclusions et al. estimated that the total number of peo-
ple with acute or chronic kidney disease
The importance of kidney health surveillance exceeds 850 million (Kidney Int. 2019;
systems has been recognised in the ISN’s inte- 96:1048–1050).
grated end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) strat- 2. Which is the world’s oldest renal registry?
egy [24]. Most high-income countries have a A. Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and
renal registry, but this is not yet the case for Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)
LMICs, where the impacts of kidney failure can B. European Renal Association (ERA)
be catastrophic at the human and societal level. Registry
Registry data is critical to inform the planning C. Malaysian Renal Registry
of nephrology services and to argue for more D. US Renal Data System (USRDS)
resources for comprehensive kidney care. More E. The South African Renal Registry
recently, registries are increasingly being used Answer B. The ERA Registry was the first,
in pragmatic clinical trials to reduce the costs established in 1964.
and improve the generalisability of the research 3. Which are the most important benefits of a
findings. renal registry?
Returning to the clinic, and our 54-year-old A. Informs the planning, delivery and evalu-
gentleman on haemodialysis, who wishes to ation of nephrology services
know what is happening to his data at the national B. Helps to direct the care of individual
renal registry. His question highlights an impor- patients
570 M. R. Davids et al.
8. Please indicate whether each of the follow- gramme, which saw a marked increase in
ing statements about renal registries are true access to peritoneal dialysis as the initial
or false. modality of treatment.
A. Renal registries can aid efforts to pre- C. Data from the Malaysian Renal Registry
vent, detect and treat the earlier stages was used to successfully argue for
of CKD by identifying the most impor- increased funding of KRT as their coun-
tant causes of kidney failure in each try’s national wealth increased
country D. The 3C study randomised kidney trans-
B. Renal registry data allows the nephrolo- plant recipients to tacrolimus or siroli-
gist to predict the exact cause of death in mus maintenance therapy, with follow-up
a patient who has been on kidney replace- data on graft function, patient survival,
ment therapy for four years and mortality obtained by linking to rou-
C. Registry data can highlight disparities in tine databases including the UK Renal
the provision of KRT services within and Registry
between countries E. In South Africa, the first report of the re-
D. A patient can request to have his/her established South African Renal Registry
identifiable data deleted from the revealed a markedly uneven distribution
registry of KRT across provinces and large differ-
E. Renal registries can identify sub-groups ences in prevalence rates between the
with reduced access to treatment or poor resource-constrained public healthcare
outcomes and monitor the adoption and sector and the well-resourced private sec-
impact of evidence-based interventions tor (73 vs. 620 pmp).
A. True Answers: A–E are all True.
B. False - Registry data reports on groups of 10. Which aspects of a registry facilitate com-
patients and can generate the probabili- parisons of aggregate data?
ties of outcomes of interest, but these A. Careful capturing of data from the notes
cannot be expected to always apply in of the treating doctor
individual patients B. Avoiding methods other than online data
C. True capture
D. True – If possible, suggest that your C. Obtaining ethical approval for data
patient considers the option of having sharing
only the identifiable information deleted, D. Ensuring that duplicate entries are avoided
or replaced by a code, so that all the infor- E. A data dictionary which uses well-
mation is not lost. Explain the importance established definitions and coding
of including everyone’s information and systems
the measures being taken to keep it safe. Answers: E. The data dictionary describes the
E. True elements to be collected and specifies the
9. Please indicate (True/False) whether each of data type (categorical, ordinal, numerical),
the following are real-life examples of ques- precision (number of decimal points), range
tions answered by a renal registry. of acceptable values, etc. Definitions should
A. Establishing the Tunisian dialysis regis- conform to those used by well-established
try led to an increase in the number of registries to facilitate comparisons and to
nephrologists, development of a new allow the aggregation of data. For example,
transplantation programme, new dialysis the coding of the primary kidney disease
units, and a kidney disease prevention should use an established system such as the
programme ERA Registry coding scheme.
B. The Thailand Renal Replacement 11. The majority of existing renal registries
Therapy Registry was instrumental in report on which group of patients
building the case for the “PD First” pro- predominantly?
572 M. R. Davids et al.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 575
Switzerland AG 2023
D. Banerjee et al. (eds.), Management of Kidney Diseases,
576 Index
ACS (see Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)) Congenital abnormalities of Kidney and Urinary Tract
aortic stenosis, 186–188 (CAKUT), 311, 318
arrythmias (see Arrythmias) Conservative care, 521
blood pressure (see Blood pressure) advance care planning, 533
CAD (see Coronary artery disease (CAD)) chronic kidney disease, 527
causes, 86 end-stage kidney disease, 522
classification, 77, 78 excellent symptom control, 528
definition, 75 key elements, 522, 523
diabetes (see Diabetes) network of Care, 532
diagnosis, 75, 82–84 palliative care team, 533
diagnostic criteria, 52, 53 shared decision making, 523, 526, 527
epidemiology, 76, 85 social work, 533
investigations, 86, 87 variations, 522
management, 89–91 wider needs assessments, 532
complications, 88 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), 386
drug dosing and adjustments, 88 Contrast induced AKI (CI-AKI), 176
KRT, 88, 89 Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS),
of anaemia (see Anaemia) 493
progression, 87, 88 Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 172, 173
reversible causes, 87 Coronary artery disease (CAD), 194, 436
SGLT2 inhibitors, 88 clinical presentation, 168
mineral and bone disorder in (see Chronic kidney factors, 168
disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD)) investigations, 168–171
mitral valve regurgitation (see Mitral valve management
regurgitation) clinical trials, 171, 172
pathophysiology, 76, 77 lipid modification, 171–173
patient history, 75, 85 OMT, 171
prevention, 82 revascularisation, 172, 173
progression and complications, 78–81 patient history, 167
Chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD- COVID-19, 260
MBD), 131, 142–144 Cryoablation, 337
clinical presentation, 134 Cryoglobulinaemia, 219, 220
epidemiology, 132 Cryotherapy, 337
investigations, 134, 135 Cystic kidney disease, 279
management Cystinosis, 304
active vitamin D, 137, 139 Cystinuria, 309
calcimimetics, 139, 140 Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 247, 248, 260, 445, 473, 474
calcium, 141 Cytoreductive nephrectomy (CN), 336
magnesium, 141
native vitamin D, 137
overview, 135 D
parathyroidectomy, 140 Delayed graft function (DGF), 483
phosphate binders, 136–139 Dengue fever, 262
phosphate restriction, 136 Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), 245
mechanisms of action, 141 Dengue shock syndrome (DSS), 245
pathogenesis of Dengue virus (DV) infection, 245
mineral metabolism abnormalities, 132, 133 Depression, 503
vascular calcification, 133, 134, 141 Diabetes, 75, 76, 79, 82, 118, 121, 150, 163–165
patient history, 131 clinical presentation, 149
Chronic pyelonephritis, 238, 239 differential diagnosis, 151
Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis (TIN), 238 investigations for, 149, 150
Cirrhosis, 403 management
CKD of unknown aetiology (CKDu), 76 augmenting therapy, 155
CKD-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formulae, DPP-4 inhibitors, 157, 158
15 first-line therapy, 153–155
CKD-modified diet in renal disease (CKD-MDRD), 15 GLP-1 RAs, 155, 157
COL4A3 mutation, 319 glycaemic control, 151
Colonic villous adenoma, 31 hypertension, 159–161
Complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), 437 lifestyle changes, 152, 153
Complement-mediated MPGN, 206, 207 meglitinides, 158, 159
Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA), 532 post-transplant diabetes mellitus, 159
578 Index
Viral infection W
CMV, 247, 248 Water treatment systems, 352–353
DV infection, 245
ebola infection, 245, 247
hantavirus, 245 X
hepatitis A virus, 248 X-linked Alport syndrome, 276
hepatitis B virus, 248, 249 X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH), 301
hepatitis C virus, 249, 250
hepatitis E virus, 248
HIV, 252 Y
mechanism of injury, 245, 246 Young adult worker, 511, 515
PVB, 247 Young kidney patient, 510
PVN, 247 Young person, 507, 511
SARS-CoV-2, 252, 253
VZV, 248