Vedic Astrology - Nakshatra Tatwa Details
Vedic Astrology - Nakshatra Tatwa Details
Vedic Astrology - Nakshatra Tatwa Details
Vedic Astrology
► 2016 (8)
5 Mriga Seerisha Jala Bhu Loka
► 2015 (4)
6 Ardra / Thiruvathirai Manas
► 2014 (2)
7 Punarvasu Akasa ▼ 2013 (21)
► October (1)
8 Pushya Vayu
Jala ► September (1)
9 Aslesha / Ayilyam Agni
► July (2)
10 Magham Jala ► June (1)
► April (2)
12 Uttara Balguni / Uttaram Vayu
► March (3)
13 Hastam Akasa ▼ February (6)
19 Mulam Agni
Vayu ► 2012 (7)
20 Purvashada / Puradam Vayu ► 2011 (26)
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Please Note that:
Vedic Astrology
Agni & Jala are considered as Nakshatra, Rasi and Loka Gantantha at
Aswini, Asleha, Magha, Jyeshta, Mula and Revathi Stars. There is no Feedjit
bridging between Agni and Jala Nakshatras as thse are really junctions
between different worlds - the three lokas. One has to leap to cross like a Visits to this Site
lion or a horse and sometimes they can fall and this will result in 159,811
suffering. These three junctions are called Gantantha where ganta
means Kandan - portion. This indicates that the best alone can survive.
Anta means end.
At Purva Balguni and uttara balguni Tatwa Gantantha takes place
between Agni and jala (between the stars) which indicates a fight
between Celebacy Vs Marriage. Also between the stars a Nakshatra
ganta takes place between Prithivi and view which will result in fluid
loss and dryness.
Between Swathi and Visaka again a Nakshatra Ganta takes place
between Agni and Jala which indicates Marriage widow etc.,
Tha nakshatra ruled by Ketu in the beginning of the agni signs and
Mercury in the end of the Jala signs set in to Gantantha junctions. For
this reason, the combination of Ketu and Mercury leads to breakage of
bones due to a terrible fall or a natural disaster.
The nakshatras that do not get subjected to Gantantha are that of Jala
Planets Venus and Moon and Vayu Planets Saturn and Rahu.
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