03 March 2001
03 March 2001
03 March 2001
.1I."llIt• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-DIGIT 231 03
~Rg~ogl~118'.R'. JULl' 4~'
HINERAl VA 23117-3425
on 1174"8'5';'I1087Z'slllf,
Now There Are Three!
Alinco Wide-Range Receivers with Features
You Won't Find Elsewhere!
Listening adventures come alive with this family of Alinco receivers!
• 100 KHz - 2.150 GHz coverage· • Ni-Cd battery & quick charger
• 2000 memory channels • CTCSS search & decode
• Advanced " on board" help feature • DigitaL Recorder
• Computer programmable • Iwc-staqe Attenuatar
• Alphanumeric channel labels • Direct Frequency input
• Flash Tune'" tocks onto local signals ** • User-programmable frequency step
• Transweeper" searches for "bugs" ** • ChannelScopeTOI
• RF Frequency Counter • Super-wide coverage new antenna
• Digital TXCO 1 ppm stability • Much more!
• AM, NFM, WFM, FM Stereo" **, (W, LSB, USB Modes
OJ·X10 Wide·Range
Communications Receiver
• 100 KHz - 26Hz Range* • "Beginner" and "Expert" modes
• 1200 memory channels • Alphanumeric channel labels
• ChannelScope'NDisplay • Automatic Memory Write feature
• AM, WFM , NFM , USB, LSB CW modes • Cloning feature
• On-board HELP messages • Attenuator
• Superb sensitivity • ExceUent audio
U.S.A. Alinco Branch: 438 Amapola Ave. • Suite 130 •Torrance, CA 90501
Specification s SUbject to chaoge without notice or oollgalloo.
• Cel lular blocked ~ USA mode's Unblocked vers,ons 81illilable for e:qJ01'l and authorized use, •• Patent applied for, '''Accessory stereo headptloo ~ or speakers req uired,
ISSUE #4 8 4
EI Suprem o & Fo under
Wayne Gree n W2NS D/1
Associate Publi sher
F. I. Marion
Executi ve Ed ito r
Jack Burnell Radio Today
Managing Ed itor
Joyce Sawte lle
Te chnical Ed itor
Larry Anto nuk WB 9RR T
Co ntributing Cu lprit s 10 Way Co ol Rocket Project : Part 2 - N4XVF 49 Ad Index
M ike Bryce WB8VGE This 70cm rocketborne radio telemetry system is strictly 64 Barter 'n ' Buy
Jim Gray II for kids - NOT ! 37 Calend ar Events
Jack H elle r K8 7NO 50 The D igital Port - KB7NO
46 Hamsats - W5ACM
Chuck Hou ghton W861G P 18 Build Yourself an NVIS - VE2EQL
3 9 Homing In - K00V
Andy Mac Alliste r WSACM If you want to talk to the guy in the next county on HF,
4 Never Say Die - W2NSD/l
Joe Moell KOO V of course. 48 New Products
Steve Nowak K E8YNJ5
38 On the Go - KE8YN/4
Dr. Rick Olse n N6NR 19 Insi de Digita l TVNe R Tuner s - W6WTU 60 Propagation - Gray
Pari 7: Conclusion . 43 ORP
Ad vertising Sales 1 ORX
Evelyn Ga rrison WS7A 23 Build This Variable AC Bench Supp ly - K81HQ 63 Radio Bookshop
21 704 $ ,E. 35th 51. If you can find a Varia c transformer, that is.
Issa qua h WA 980 29
425-557-9611 26 $5 Infrared Remote Tester - WA 9PYH
Fax: 425- 557-9 612 Build this and look like a hero.
bench and the handy ·smart·knob' has ~reat analog leel and is intelli·
Wireless RF Data Link Modules
RF link boards are perfect for any wireless COl1t~ applicabon; alarms, data
lransmlsslOl1. e eceoec monllori!l9'''YOO name n. Very stabte SAW resonator
. ~
"".m ..... _ . -
gently ena ~ed when entenrq or chartglng parameters in any field - a
real time saver! All functions can be continlJ(lUsly varied Wltllout the
need for a shift or second function key. In short, this is the generator
you'll want on your bench. yoo woo1 find a harder working RF signal
lransrmtler, crystal conlr~1ecI receeer - no frequency drift! Range up to 600 111m< generator - and yoo'lI save almost $3,000 over competitive units!
" ...~
loot, license free 433 MHz bene. EncoderlOecoOer units have 12 brt Holtek RSG-l 000B RF Signal GeoeratGl" . . .• , •• , , , , , , $1995.00
HT·12 series chips allowing multiple units all iodiolidually acoressatse, see ~-
wOO site for full details. Super small aea . that's a quarter in ee picture! Run
on 3-12 VDC, Fully wired and tested, ready to go ami easy to use' . ,
RX-433 DlIIa Re<:eive!, $1 6.95 TX433 DlIta Transmitter $1 4,95 "".''''-' -
RXD-433 Re~errDecoder 521.95 TXE-4~TransmitterlEncode r $19.95
World's Smallest TV Transmitters Professional synthesized FMStereo station in easy 10 use, handsome
cabillet. Most radio satons require a whole equipmem rack to hold all
. .~ ~,',' We call them the 'Cubes'.... Pe Mect videotransmissioo trom a frens-
, , 'd ,.'" , • ••
the leatures we've packed into the FM -1 oo, Set rreq with Up/Down
, . ' . .'. miller yoo can hide under a quarter ami only as thick as a stack 01 buttons, big LEOdispl(fl. Inpuf low pass fi~er gives great sound (no
. four pennies -een a nICkel J1 the picture! f ransmits color or B&W more sq ueals or swishirtg trom cheap CD inputsl) Limiters for max
; ,d . : > with fantastic quality · almost like a direct wired connection to any 'punch' In audIO - without over mod, LED meters 10 easily set audio
~ TV tuned 10 catse channel 59, Crystal controlled for no trequenq levels, buill-in mixer with mike, line level inpufs, Churches, drive'lns,
drift with percenence ltlat equals models thai cost hundreds more! Basic 20 mW model transrmts up to 300' while schools, colleges lind the FM-100 the answer to their transmitting
ltle highpower 100 mWunit goes up to 1/4 mile. Their very lighl weight and size make them ideal lor balloon and needs, you Will too, Great features, great price! Kit ocludes cabinet,
rocke1 launch€s, RiC models, «rots- you name itl Units run on 9 volts and hook-up to most any CCOcamera or wh ip anfenna, 120 VAC supply. We also offer a high power export
standa rd Video source. In tact, alt 01 our cameras have been tested to mate peMectly with ourCubes and work great. version or lhe FM·IOO rully assembled WIth one wa~ of RFpower, lor
Fully asse~· just hook~up power and 're on the aiM One cus!omer even put one on fus ! miles orprogram coverage. The export version can only be shipped if
C·2Ooo. BaSIC Video Transmitter............... .95 C·2OO1 Ht h Power VKleo TranSmitler...~'~79~.9~5""""= accompanied by a Signed slaternenr thai the lII1it wi!1be exported
FM·l00, Pro FMStereo Transmitter KR ••• . . . . . ... , .. , , , . $249.95
FM-l 00WT Full Wired Hi h Power FM·l 00. . .. """", .. $399.95
FM Stereo Radio
TOil quality Japanese Class 'A' Operates ill standard AM broad-
ceo array, over 440 line lille rescutco. not the ojt-spec cast band, Pro versco. AM·25. is synthesized for eta-
b e, !lO'drift frequency and is setable lor high power
arrays mat are founcl on many other cameras. Don1 be
tooled by the cheap CMOS single chip cameras which have output where regulahons allow, typical range 01 1·2 '\":'~';:::o::J No drift, microprocessor synthesiZed! Great alldio
miles Entry·level AM-t is nnatse. runs FCC maximum ::: , quality. connect to CDplayer, tape Oed:: or mike
112 the resoh.mon, t/4 the liglt sel1Sr1lV1ty and draw over mixer and you're on·the·air, strepetse for high or low powerl Runs 00
twice the curren~ The bladl & white mod~s are also super 100 mW, range 114 mile, Both acceptfne-level inputs
from tape decks, CD players or mike meers. run on 12 12 VDC or 120 VAC. Krt includes snazzy case. wh ip antenna, 120VAC
IR (Inlra-Red) seossve. Add our invisible to the eye, IR·l power adapter- easy ()1;)6 evening assembly
illummator kif 10 see to the dark ~ Color camera has Auto volts DC, Pro AM·25 includes AC power adapter,
matching case and bottom loaded wire antenna, Entry· FM·25, Synthesized Stereo Transmitter Kit ••••••••. ••... . $129,95
gain, white ba lance, Back Light coopensatoi and OSP!
Available with Wide·angle (80") or super stim Pin-hole style level AM·' has an available matching case and knob Lower cost alternative to our high performance trans-
lens. Run on 9VDC, stal'Klard 1 volt p-p video Use our set thaf dresses up the unit. Great sound, easy to build mitters. Great value, easily tunable, funto bu itd, Manual
transmitters kJr wireless transmission to TV set, or add our • you CM be onthe air in aneven ing! goes intogreat deta il about antennas, range and FCC
16--1 Interface board kit tor super easy direct wire hook-up 10 AM·25, Professional AM Transmilter KR $129.95 rules Handy lor sending musk thru house and ya rn,
any Video monitor, VCR or TV with AN input. Fully essen- AM-I, Entry ~Y!l AM Rad io Transmitter K~ $29.95 ideal lor school projects too • you'll be amazed af the
bled, with pre·wired connector, CAM, Malchin Case Set for AM·l $14.95 exceptional audio quality! Runs on 9V lIattery or 5 to
CCDWA-2, 8&WCCO Camera, wide-angle lens ••••• $69,95 t 5 VOC. Add matching case and whip antenna set for nice'pro' look
CCoPH·2, B&WCCOCamera, slim pin-hole lens. • $69,95
Mini Radio FM·l11A, Tunable FM Stereo Transmitter KR.... ••••••. ... ••• $34.95
CCDCG-l , Color CCO Camera, wide-angle lens .... $129.95 CFM, Matching Case and Antenna set ....... ••• . •. .. ••••• $14.95
IR·l , IR Illuminator Kit lor B&W camefas ...• ••• ••• $24.95 Receivers FMAC 12Volt DC Wall Plu Ada teL " " $9.95
IB·l, Interface Board KR " . . ... . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • $14.95
Imagineltle fun 01 tuning into aircraft ahumlred mi~s aW(fl, the k:iCal policellire department, ham operators, or how RF Power Booster
about Radio Mosrow orthe BBC in London? Now imagine doing this on a little radio yoo built yourse~· in just an
ewning! These popular little receivers are the nuts for catching all the action 00 the local ham, aircraft. standard FM Add musc ~ to your signal, boost power up to 1 walt
broadcast radio, silortwave or lINN National Time sienoaro radio bands. Pick the receiver of your choice. each ea&/ OC~"" wer a freq range of 100 KHz to Oller 1000 MHz! Use
to build, sensitive receiver has plenty 01 crystal clear alldlo to drive any speaker or earphone, Easy one evemfl{j as a lab amp lor signal geoorators, plus many loreil}l ll5ers employ ltJe
assembly. run on 9 volt battery, all have squelch except tor shortwave and FM broadcast receiver which has sLhcarri· LPA·l to boost the power of ltieir FM uansmnters, pr<Mding radio ser-
er oulp!Jl for hook-up to our SCA adapter.The SCA·l will tune In conmsrcapree music and other 'hidden' special vice through an entire town Runs on 12VaG. For a neat fin istl9d look.
services when connected to FM receiver, Add our snazzy matching case and knob set lor that smart finished k>ok! add too nee matd1irog case set. Outcloor unit attaches right at the
AR·l , Airband 108·136 MHz Kit. $29,95 FR·6, 6ldeter FM Ham Band KR $34.95 ar aenne for best s19MI - receiving or transmiltlflg. weatherproof. too!
HFRG-l, WWV 10 MHz (crystal control led) Kit. •••, $34.95 FR·l0, 10 Meter FMHam Band KR $34.95 LPA·l, Power Booster Amplnier Kil , . . $39.95
FR-l, FMBroadcast Bartd 88·108 MHz Krt . ••••••• $24.95 FR·l46. 2 Meter FM Ham Band KR $34,95 CLPA, Matchingcase Set lor LPA-l Krt $14,95
SR-l , Shortwave 4·11 MHz Band KR . . . .. ••••••• $29.95 FR·220. 220 MHz FM HamBand KR $34.95 LPA-1WT, FUI ~ Wired LPA·l with case $99,95
seA·l SCA Subcarrier Adapter kR lor FM radio•••• $27.95 Matchin Case Set specify 'or which krt $14,95 FMSA·l, Outdoor Mast MounlVersion 01 LPM $59,95
• editor, assMtrer, run andr.!ram. as well as tree updates avallalje on Rarffiey doWnload s~el
This is tI1e popular urut desi t1-I Michael COI'irogton and featured in Electronics Now, September
199B,Connects to your para lei port and inclucles tfJe great Iooidrog matchirog case, knoIJ set and AC
made 5,18 walle cohnear model with 3.4 dB gain. Both
work great with any FM receiver ortransmilter.
1M·l00, FM ~leMa Kit• •••••• ••••••••. . . . . $39.95
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Order Toll-free: ouv·.... O·~~:I" 793 Canning Parkway Victor, NY 14564 ORDERING INFO; SatISfac!OO GLIllranteed. Ernmi"" k>r 10 days, ~
Sorry, no tech info, or order status at 800 number See our complete catalog and order IIO! pleased. ",tu m in ()/~naJ 101m Ie< rerund. A<ld $6,95 Ie< s/liIJ-
on-line with our secure ser ver at: pOng, llandliog and iosurarce, Orders uo1ar 520, add $3.00. NYresi·
For Technical Info, Order Status <:Ie01S add 7% sales tax. Sorry, 00 COOs. R>rei\1l ornelS, add 20%
Call Factory direct: 716-924-4560 www.ramseyelectronics.com tor surface maW Or use credit CBld and specify shipping me~od .
Wayne Green W2NSDII
w2nsd @aol.com
ballery lIS"" feature with ballery low legend. sepa·
rate controls for vol ume and squelch, ar """, four
way side rocker WIth uparate rnain tuning dial ,
conI'IlUllrat>le keypad beepldluminalIOn and LCD
12 bands.. with Ain;rall and 800 MHz. to ban ks WIth 30 chan-
,_ eo.... : 25 _~12 ,OOOO MHz. . 806 CJOG. contrast. ...,.ite pmtoct and keypad Iod<. progrem-
ne-/s each are useful for . 1Oring similar frequenc;es to main- mable scan and seardl indud"'llllNK. FREE. DE-
823.98TSMItt.. eoli0125·.e689815 MHz_. 89H 11 25-I)()OOOO MHz
The Bearcat 780Xl T has 500 cha nnels and the ..... idest tain faster scanning cydet; or for lIoring all the frequencies LAY, AUDIO. LEVE L, MODE , compu1er llOd<et fit-
frequency C(MIfage of any Bearcal scanr- ever. Pad<&<! 01 a lTUoked srstem. Smart S<:.r..-- _ Automali<:ally pm- led for oonlrol, clone and reoord. Flall>-ROM no
with features Iud'! 8 S Trunktrad< er III to COYef EOACS. \l'1l'm ycu BC2"5XLT WIt" all the "-'enc:ies
and trunkong banery reqiJired memory. true carrier .-..-non In
Mot orola and EF Johnson systems, conlrOl cnann&l only talk lI"O'4'S tor ycu local . . . Ill' eccess«>g the Be.. C81 sse moxIeI. RF preselediOl. 01 mid VHF bAnd&. ~ I.IW
bOIIi' -.aI . T...-.g steps are PO OQl'. IOI_ In muIbpIn 01 50 Hz
mode to allow you to automabcalty tr1Jnk certain systems
by simply programming lhe control channel, S.A..M.E .
naDonal database with '/OS PC If you do nol haVll a PC
&imply usa an _ na1 modem. TI.rilo Search - ~ o eases in " fT"OOCIe&. 8 .33 KHz airt>anl::l step QOmIdIy 1UPPllI'!.,;t. Step-
adjust, frequency oIfseL Me. Noise limited & lltIer'iuIo1or, Woda
weather alert, ful.1requency display & biDIiI mntroIa. lUIl- the searcI'I ~ 10 300 Ilep& per second _ """"1Ot- and ~ AM In additlon to the standard rTillde&. For .......
in CTCSSiOCS to assign analog and digital subaudible
lone eode$ to II speciftc frequency in memory. PC Control
ing Irequenc:y bands ...lI'l 5 KHz .1Ieps. 10 Priority Chan-
nels • YOu can assign one priorily c:harwIel in each banl .
mum _''''Il pleasure. you can add one 01 !he ...........'ll 0P-
tional llIoI cards to !!'lis scanre<: CT8200 CTess aquek:tl &
with RS232 pori . Beep Alert, RflCOfd funcbon, WO can- .a.ss;gr.ng a pnomy ch8nnaI ~ you to keep trae* 01 _rcn clecodeo 589.95: EM6200 EI1....... " .000 cha'o>Il backup
acliWy on yetI" ..... ~ . d\arneII _ moMonng " ..roco " 160 -.::h benk.. 569.95; RU8 200 lltlOUI 20 secondS
trol, meotHlrlYen design, total channel control and much
mote. Our eEl package deal iodude$ telescopic anlellOa. _ dIa...-tor 1nI_ 1 • 0., Pr"fl"l91lmme<l ServIce ~ _ 1_""'"" _
"' 1"_ ~95 , In-' . two_
~ $6995. TE8200 2$6 SlaP _
a U.. lor usa _ '"
N:, adapter, cigarette lighercord, DC cord . mobile mount- ( S VC) Search - ... 110.... . y o u 10 t oggle thr ou ll"
CC&2OO PC oonlroI _...." CO Rom .......1 _'_...
' F
..... _
ing brad<el with scr~. owner's ffial'lUCll . trunki ng fre- ~.........., police. firal_getlCY, nJiIroad . aorcrall. _ _ $ 109,95: CR8200 ' - r _ dil'" _ 159,95 _ _ ..
quency guide and one-year limited Uniden facl:ory war_ ..-ine, and _!her freq'--'CIea. Uroqve Data Silip - Al- 1.000 ""'" M ......,., twol ltoo _ ~ . CIQ* _ . ~ _ r.IW
ranty. For maximum scanning enjoyment. order magnetic lows )'OUr sca.-.- 10 Skip un_nted data bar "Ilei • •. twoIl hO<lO.. ",",p and one year _ N)R nty,
mount a nle nn a part !'lUmber AN"ThlM6NC br $29 ,9 5 : The I r ~ end redvoe$ ..........,ted t>;"l_ E.... I"'U' or<ler ..".. at h1tp:l _ .....-:an,<:<>m
BC 1 60 XLT comes with AC ad a pte r, te le $COpi(: a nt enna,
owner's m a nua l a nd one yea r lim it ed U niden wa rrant y, Not
c om patible wi th AG E IS , A STRO or ESAS systems. For
"'5, Memory 8ad<up _ II the l>atlety c0m-
pletely discflarll"s or if power is discon-
nected, the freq uencie s programmed in
I Buy with Confidence I
fa$l~t del ivery, o rder on-line at www.usascen.com . YOU' . ce nne' are retai ned in me mory, Order on-line and get big savings
Menual Channel "'ccess - Go direct ly to For ovur 32 )"'a'5. mi llions of comm v nlcatl()llS spocialisl5
Bearcat" 895XLT Trunk Tracker a ny channel, LCO Back Light _ An LCD a nd en thusiasts worldwide have nustec Communicatioo s
Mfg, suggested list p ric e $499.95 Elec trooic s for their meecn cri tical communications needs.
light ' emains on for 15 seconds ....hen tha
Less ·$320 Instant Rebate I SpecIal $179.95 back light key is pr"ss" o. Autolight , Au· II"S easy to order. For tastest d e li very. o rder o n_li n.. at
300 Ch.n ne ll · 10 ba n kl · Bu ill_In CTC SS· S Meier www. u .ascan.com. M a il orde rs to : Co mmu nica tio n s
tomatically Ivrns tile backlight on ....han
Size: 10'iT Wid e x 7'iT Deep x 3" - High Electronics Inc ., P O. Box 104 S. An n Arbor, Mich9a n 48 106
FfWluency Coverage: 29,OOO-M.ooo MHz.. 1(18000-174 your """...,.,.. It""" on " transm ission, Bat-
US A , Ad d $ 20 .00 per radio tra nsceiver lor U P S g round
MHz. . 218000-512 000 MHz . !106.DOO-a2J.995 MHz.. &19 0125- t e r y seve _ In manus l mod", the
shipping. handling and insura nce to the conlinental USA Add
868 995 MI-iZ.. 894 0125-958.000 MHz B C24 5XLT It v to ma ti c all y redu ces its $ 13 .00 shipping lor all acces sooe s and pyblicaliooa. For
The Bearcat 895XLT is supertl lor intefCellliog truoked com- po....e ' , eq ui re m en l s t o e~tend th e Canada. Puerto Rial, Hawaii, Al aska, Guam , PO. Boo< or />POI
municlltion& transmissions witIl leal..-es like TufboScan '" 10 balte<Y' ch8rge, ~ - Reduces Iha FPO ~ . stnpping charges 8(8 two Iim8s c:ontmenlal U S
search VHF channels al l00 sleps per second This base and SIQnaI Itrenoglh to I>8IP poe.... signal (Wfll"- rates . Michigan residents add sales tac . No COO's Your
mobile scanner is also ideal lor inlelligoence professional. load The BC2"5XLT also-..:o' ks asa con- S8llSfaction is guwantooo:l or ret.. n rtem in unused ooncIition
becaUSOl ~ hal. Signal Strength Meter, RS232C Port 10 . Ilow "" ltIOO ..1 ac.wntI". Now irs easy to con- in original packaging wiIhin 61 days lor refund. Ies& shipping.
<::ompuler-eontnll of veo.- !IClIIlner via opboroaI hatdware aI'Id broJOUS/y monIIor many ",clio ............. handing ¥ad i~ charges. 10'11o surcharge lor net 10
30 tJunking channel indicalO< anroundators 10 show you ...... lions_1I>Ougihthe II WO aag e .. ~ ~ 10 qualilied ao::cunts AI sales are SO t;ed loavailabikly.
\Jme lrunI<ing IoctivIty lor en en lO"e bvnIUng system. 0Iher IN- a<:ceptanoe and _iIUb(u Prices. terms and specifications
Iure$ indude A..IIO Store _ hItomabc:aIy stores .. ad..... fnl..
ing lfequero el. The BC2"5XlT comes
with AI:. adapl.... one ~ long lrfa ni-cad battery pack . lIl'e subject 10 change wrthout notice ~ -'come veo.-
qtMfICieI_!he speufied bank(s). Auto ROICOldollll - Lets Oosl;o<ooer, Visa. Amencan Express. M3ste<Card. IMAlC or
bell ~ hIitIIe..- . ......, _ pl'O' i8, RS232C _ , Tn.r*
you reoord c:l'IanneI aetrYity from ee scanne< onto a tape . . Et,aOClifd Cal anytJmu 1-8Ol1-USA-5CAN or IlOO-8n·7226
corder. CTess Tone BoIwd (ConIinuoUs Tone Con!roI $queIctl TracI<... ~ lPJiOe. e-er'. manuel and one .,...., IirMed
10 order 1oIJ.1ree. Cal 73ot·996-88B8 if Olhde Canada or the
Sys lem) ~!he tQUI!Ich 10 be brok... dw1ng " "• • Ill only IJniden -.-anIy. Not cornpab~"'lI'l AGEIS . AS TRa. ESAS or USA. F...X a nyt ime , d ia l 734 -66 3 -88 88 . Deale r a nd
when. COt1'eCt C Tess IonoI is leceioed . For II'\8I _ scan- LTR systems. Hear more _ on yetI" radio ...,..,... today. nlernabOnal inquiries invited. ()njer you" ta<:lio SClWWl8l"$ from
ning enjoymenl, order the following opIl()1lal acceasor_ , Onler on-line at W-.' " M C.... CCII'I'I fur quid< ~. Communocabons EIecIronics Inc, today a1 _ ·'S3'CM.CXlm.
PSOOl Cigatene lighter power cord lor lemporary operation
from veo.- vehicle'. cigarene Iighle< $ 14 95: PS002 DC power
"""'ocIe'. More Radio Products I For credit card orders call
cord - _Illes permanent operation from your
boI $14.95 : MBOO1 Mobile mounting brackel $ 14,95: EX7 11
EllIer nal speaker With mounting brackel & 10 f_1 of eable
Sa... "'"""" ......... on radio lea""",,, when pun:flase<l di...etly from
CEI. 'rot.- CEI pr;ee alter imta'l! _Ie is listed below:
Bearcal 89 5XLT 3OOell. Trunlctracker l _ _ scanner.$l19.95
wllh plug ahache<! $ 19,95. The BC895XLT comes wi lh AC
adapler, leies<:opic ante nna. owner's manual and one year IleMca1 780XLT 500 ell Trunlctraelier III bllll. \IOOle ,$339.95 e-mail: cei@usascan.com
lim rted Uniden wamlnty, NOI compatible w rth AGEIS. AST RO. Be..-eat 276CLT 100 ell,AMlFMlSAME WX elett scanner
Bearca1 245XLT 300 ell. Trunlctrad<er II _ _ scanner $ 169 .95
$ ' 59 95 www.usascan.com
EOACS. ESAS or LTR s\'Stem s.
se ercat 246CLT W ell ,base AMlFw-ather a"'" """ 589,95 PO B ox 1045, A n n A r bor, Michi g a n 4 8 106- 1045 U S A
Blt8rcal Sportcat200 alpha ha""'eId oporIs """'"""".,., , $ 169.95
Bearcat Sportcat l8OB handh4lld sports scan""'
BIt"rca t80XLT SOchamal har>jheld acen"",
$ 149 ,95
$ 99,95
For in form a tion call 734-996-8888 or FAX 1 34 -663-8888
..... ,. ""0'" """"""",,," OlDm ~.!_ ...
Bearca t60XLT30chamal ""ndheld acan""'............ . $7 4 ,95
Bearca1 BCT7 inIotm8tion rnotIile ilC8nner ................. ._ $ 139 .95
AOFlAR8200 MartdI WideBandhandhaklllCllflflS(
AOR ARl 68Q Wide 8Jn:j 5CIItYl8O' wIlfl <PCl<CfIarVSr··
$20!1 .95
lCOM ICR8500 widaband oommunicalions ...,.._ $1 ,.f69 95
!COM R10 _.,.;,jeI)and COI'M'lI.OIIC8b _ .._.•._.5219.95
UnidenWX100~'lfMll!'lfW Alert_ S ... M E. ~ " ..... $t995 Emergency Operations Center
QRH • • •
conrrnuedjrcm page 1 space. And if you are not satisfied with what you commercial users as well as to the U,S. military
see, you can zoom in or slew the picture in just and other government users. The State Depart-
group that runs ARISS, Frank will be joined by about any direction. And some of the photos are ment already owns 2,000 Iridium handsets lor
Gaston Bertels ON4WF as Vice Chair and so good that large antenna systems are visible. use in remote spots on humanitarian missions.
Rosalie While K1STO as Secretary-Treasurer. Thanks to Jim Damron NBTMW, via Newsline, Thanks to Newsloe. Bill Pasternak WA6ITF.
Those names should sound familiar. Frank is a Bill Pasternak WA6I TF. editor. editor.
Vice President of AMSAT and Rosalie is an ex-
ecutive at the ARRL; both were key players in
SAREX, the Space Amateur Radio Experiment
that led 10 the formation of ARISS. FAR Scholarship",s _ Ham-Palm
In final , approved form , the ARtSS station will The Foundation for Amateur Radio, Inc.. a Thanks to Jeff Davis N9AVG , you can now
continue on the air with the present equipment nonprofit organization with headquarters in catch up on the latest ham radio news over your
and antenna in the FGB section of ISS Alpha. Washington, DC, plans to administer 67 schol- PalmPilot. All you need do is visit [www.
The crew currently is using voice on 2 meters . arships for the academic year 200 1-2002 to as- callingcq,orgj and subscribe to the new AvantGO
They plan 10 fire up packet operation in the next sist licensed radio amateurs. The Foundation, channel titled "CALLING CQ. ~ Then, each time
week or so. composed of over 75 local area amateur radio you sync your Palm OS or Win CE device, you'll
Frequencies for public contacts are 145.800 clubs, fully funds 10 of these scholarships with the receive the most comprehensive news and in-
packet and voice downlink and 145,990 packet income from grants and its annual hamfest. The formation available for amateur radio enthusiasts.
uplink , Other uplinks can be found in the ARISS remaining 57 are administered by the Foundation Thanks to N9AVG, via Newsline , Bill
Web page , Call letters are NA1SS and AZ3DZR. without cost to the various donors. Pasternak WA6ITF, editor.
The Russians are trying to change the latter to Licensed radio amateurs may compete for
RSC'lISS. these awards if they plan to pursue a full-time
Russia's Chief Delegate , Sergej Samburov course of studies beyond high school and are
RV30R, was given approval to send up another
enrolled in or have been accepted for enrollment
DARA Scholarship",s_ _
station next spring, using upgraded MIR hard-
at an accredited university, college, or technical The Dayton Amateur Radio Association is now
ware to be installed in the Service Module. Slow
school. The awards range from $500 to $2,500 accepting requests for their annual scholarships.
Scan TV, being developed in the U.S. by a team
with preference given in some cases to residents These scholarships are awarded in varying
led by Miles Mann WF1 F, with hardware support
of specified geographical areas or the pursuit of amounts up to $2,000. An applicant for a DARA
from Lou McFadin W5DID, also shoukf be activated
ce rtain study programs. Clubs, especially those scholarship must be a graduating high school
at that time.
in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsyl- senior in 2001 and must also hold a valid United
Future plans involving the Habitation Module
vania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin, are en- States-issued FCC amateur license. To fin d out
and a remote station in an Express Pallet on the
couraged to announce these opportunities at more or obtain an application , please send a self-
outside of the ISS were channeled to member
their meetings, in their club newsletters, during addressed stamped envelope to DARA Scholar-
nations for processing and evolution.
training classes, on their nets, and on their World sh ips, 45 Cinnamon Court, Springbo ro OH
There was much discussion of school contacts
and third-party traffic. It was ag reed that this is Wide Web home pages, 45066. Completed applications must be post-
one of the most important aspects of AAISS. The Additional information and an application marked no later than June 1st, 2001 .
first school contact was to be set up as soon as form may be requested by letter or QSL card, Thanks to DARA, via Newsline, Bill Pasternak
possible. ARISS hopes that the asnonautsvcos- postmarked priortoApril30, 2001, from FARSchol- WA6ITF. editor.
monauts' busy schedule may accommodate a arships, P.O. Box 831 , Riverdale MD 20738.
school contact a week, once the station settles The Foundation for Amateur Radio, incorpo -
into routine operation.
The delegates even agreed on a QSL card.
rated in the District of Columbia , is an exempt
organization under Section 501 (C)(3) of the In- ca de C02KK
It's a beauty, complete with a cover picture of ternal Revenue Code of 1954. It is devoted ex· On Ihe international scene, famed Cuban VHF
the Intern ational Space Station, the permanent elusively to promoting the interests of amateur DXer and CO Magazine writer Arnie Coro
home in space for amateur radio. radio and those scientific, lite rary, and educa- C02KK continues to host a radio program called
Thanks to Roy Neal K6DUE, via Newsl ine, Bill tional pursuits that advance the purposes of the CQ OX Unlimited . Arnie's show is broadcast in
Pasternak WA6ITF. editor. Amateur Radio Service, English over Radio Havana Cuba and is aimed
Thanks to FAR for this news item as well as mainly al shortwave listeners and beginners in
all their efforts. amateur radio. CQ OX Unlimited is broadcast on
Eye in the Sky: Tuesdays at 2115 to 2130 UTC on 13.750 MHz
AM and on 13,660 MHz SSB. Be sure to listen in.
Your a TH from S p~ac~e,----_ The Many Lives of Iridium Thanks to G4NJH, via Newsllne. Bill Pasternak
Ever wonder what your home QTH would look WA6ITF. editor.
Motorola's seemingly doomed constellation of
like if you were trying to view it from Earth orbit? Iridium low Earth orbiting telecommunications
Well, now you can find out without ever leaving satellites has gotten a new lease on life. This, as
your hamshack, if it has a connection to the the U.S. Department of Defense signs a two year Ham Radio History
Internet. 72 million dollar contract with the newly formed
All you have to do is take your Web browser Iridium Satellite LLC to keep the satellites in or-
over to [www.globexplorer.com]. Globexplorer is bit and functional. The Ham Radio History E-mail reflector was
one word, Then cl ick in the word explore and Under the agreement, Iridium Satellite has founded in September of 1998 in an effort to re-
enter your complete address in tile area provided, contracted with Boeing to take over operation of searchand preserve as much of ham radio's past
Click the go button, and in less than a minute the 66-satellite cluster from Motorola. Iridium
you will be looking at your neighborhood from Satellite LLC will then market their services to Continued on page 61
6 73 Amateur Radio Today. March 2001
super heavy dllt)'
Limit Antenna Tuner
to make tire world 's fin est [ega/limit tuner
,I/ FI Il,fn super heal)· duty
components - roller indul:to r,
.'ariahlt' cap ecitors, antf'"na
s witch find bulun - to build th e
w{,,/d's most popular high MFJ AirCorl'''' Roller Inductor
p o wer antf'n na tuner. gives high-Q, low loss, high effi-
The ruggeed world famous ciency and high power handling.
MFJ·9IN C hand les 3 KW PEP MFJ 's exclusive Self
SS B ampli fier input power (ISOO Resonance Killer'" keeps dam-
Watts PEP SSB output power). aging sen-resonances away from
Covers 1.8 to 30 MHl , incl ud- your operating frequency.
ing MARS and WA Re bands.
MFJ 's AirQm>"" roller induct-
or. new gear-driven rums count-
shortwave -- nearly
any antenna. Use
$359 \1 1'J-9119C
9 5 massive transnutttng
Large, self-cleaning wiping
Need~e S\\'RI'V~tu.TIl.'t c'f. contact gives good low-resistance
connection. Solid 1/4 inch brass
er and weighted spinner knob coax, random wire or variable capacitors, sha ft, self-align bearings give
gives you exact inductance con- balanced lines. ceramic antenna switch, built-in smooth non-binding rotation.
trol for absolute minimum SWR. " 'ou get everything you ' ve dummy load, TmeCum:"f"" 'IFJ ,' ·0 Matter " hiJ/"" WalTllnt',
You can march dipoles. verti- ever wanted in a high power, full Balun. K ratch-p roof Lexan front MFJ will repair or replace ·
eels. Im'mOO vees. random fea tured antenna tuner -- widest panel -- all in a sleek compact your MFJ-989C (at our option)
wires. beams, mobile whips. matching range, lighted Cross- cabinet ( lO'/.Wx4 'f, lI x I5 D in). no matter ....hat for one year.
More hams use MFJ tuners than all other tuners in the world!
MFJ-986 rwo 104ab Dlflere•• ,loLr- MFJ-949E deluxe 300 Watt Tvnet' MFJ-I60IO "",dom wire Tuner
.Uore hams Operat e all bands anywhere ~
use M FJ- 949s wi th MJ-Ts re....ersible Lcnerwo rk. ~
than any other Turns random wire into powerful \1FJ. t601O
antenna luner in transmitting antenna. 1.8-30 MHz. '49.5
Ihe ...vrld.' Handles \1 FJ-949E 200 Wails PEP. Tiny 2x3x4 in.
300 Watts. Full .i: KIO 30 .~ l l z ' 1 4~1 MFJ-906/903 6 MeferTv......
M fP~!l6
covemge, 48 posruon Pll'CtSlOn 48"" .\ 1FJ -906 has light- _
TWi1 kn(lb tuning (di fferential '3 2 9 91 i~duclor, 1000 Vol~ tuning,capacitors, full ed Cross-Needle SWR! I ··~ . ~: 0 0
capacitor and Ais-Core'" roller size pt:ak/averag~ ~lghlcd C ross-~eedle SWR! Wattmeter, bypass switch l."Oi:o:."8~¥iI:
inductor) makes tuning foolproof and easier Wattmeter, 8 posrnon antenna switch. dummy Handl es ]()() W FM, 200W SSB. i7f FJ9
than ever. Gives minimum SWR at only one load, QRAf-FTf'e PreTrm e scratch proof \11' ,1-903, $49,95, Like MFJ -906,
setting. Handles 3 KW PEP SSB ampli fi er Lexan front pane l. 3'hHx lO'I.Wx7D inches. less SWR/Wattmetcr, bypass switch.
input power ( 1.5 KW output). Gear-driven I\I FJ -948, $129.95. Economy version of MFJ- MFJ-921 /924 VHf/UHf"'n.,..
turns counter, lighted peak/average Cross- 949E, less dummy load, Lexan fronl panel. :\H' J -92 1 coven> 2
Needle SWR!Wanmeter, antenna switch,
balun. I.R to 30 MHz. IO'/.Wx4 '/'lIx I5 in.
MF.J-9411 RIper .",'ue Tvner
The most for
Meters/220 Ml lz.
l\IFJ -924 coven> 440
~ .41 ·
- -- .
MFJ..962D comfHKI Tvner for Amps your mon ey! Mllz. SWRIWaltmeter. 8x2 'I,x3 MFJ-921 or
Handles 300 w arts . hes..S Imp
me ' 1e 2-knob tunmg rum \ tFJ-924
'6 9 91
PEP, covers 1.8-30 \tFJ-'M tE for mobile or base.
Mllz., lighted Cross-Needle SWR! ' 1 2 9 91 MFJ-922 144/440 MHz Tv.....
wattmeter; 8 position antenna (;Itra tiny 4x2 '/lX I 'I. inch III . "
switch, 4:1 balun, 1000 volt capacuors. tuner covers VIIF 136-1 75 ~1Hz
Lexan front panel. Sleek lO'hWx2 'IMx7D in. and UHF 42()....46() ~U1 z . SWRI _
A few more dollars steps you \{FJ~9(>2r~
MFJ-9455 HF+6 "" er mabile Tuner wanrnerer reads 6OJ150 Watts. '\ 7Oil
MF,,:"931 arflfJc!a'RF Ground
up to a KW tuner for an amp later. '26~ antenna bandwidth so
Esrends your mobile
C rea tes artificial RF ground.
Handles 1.5 KW PEP SSB amplifier input you do~ ·t have to ....top, \IF J-'N5F Also elcctrically pl ac~s a
power (800W output). Ideal for Ameruron' s go outside and adJusl your amen- '1 1 9
AL-81111! AirCQre"" roller inductor, gear-
95 fur a"..ay R~ ground ~nttt-
na. Tiny 8x2x6 in. Lightt'fl Cross- Iy 301 your ng by tunmg
driven turns counter, pk/avg lighted Cross- Needle Swg/waumeter. lamp and bypass ?Ul re~ctanc.e of connect-
Needle SWRlWallmeter, antenna switch, bakm, switches. Coven> 1.8-30 ~llz and 6 Meters. mg w ire. Eliminates ~ F hot Sp?IS.
Lexan front, 1.8-30:\1Hz. I0'/.x4'h x 10'1. in. 300 Watts PEP. .\WJ -20, S4,95, mobile mourn. RF fe..-dback , TVl/RfI, weak sl.g-
MFJ-069 300W Roller'" ,. . Tuner
MF-'971 , pD:~e
• •, / 0 - T
-- uner
nals causc-d by poor RF groundmg.
MFJ-934, $ 169.95, Artificial groundl300
. Tun es coax , .ba anced Watt Tuner/Cro ss-Needle Sw g/wartmctcr.
lines, random wtre 1.8-30
Mil, . Cross-Needle M, " '"
SWR, 30/300 or 6 Wall QRP ~A
Free MFJ Catalog
ranges. Matches popular M FJ .,...". and Neare.,·! Dealer . • • 800-64 7-l8fJO
transceivers. Tiny 6x6'hx2' h inches. http ://w wh~mJjenterpris e.s.com
Su perb AirCore'" Roller ' 1~~. MFJ-90IB .....".., Vena Tun.r . I Year No M<ill,'r Whatj{, warranty ,30 day money
Inductor tuning. Covers 6 Mell:'rs .\1FJ 's smalles1 (5x2lto back guarantee (less sih) on orders from MFJ
rhru 160 Meters! 300 WallS PEP SSB. Acti\'t' in.) and most affordable ME:J ~I I'-J ENT~RPRISES. l ;\l e .
true peak reading lighted Cross-Needle SWR wide ~ge200%lt PEP Box4~, Mlss.SUt e ,MS 39762
Wattmeter, QRM-Free ?reTune"", antenna versa tuner. Coven> I.Kto \ tFJ-901 B (~ 2) 323-5869; H 300 1. M",,- ·~ n
switch, dummy load, 4:1 balun, Lcxan front 30I'd M llz. Great for matching '7995 ~.A X : (662) 323-6551 ; Add sIh
panel. J 'hHlt IO'I,Wx9 'hD inches.
. li
SOl state n gs to mear amps. 1'rJo:a_..-_..............
Iech lI elp: (662\ 323-0549
« lllnt MFJ£=,.-._
NEUER SRY DIE Boners Coast-To-Coast A M has o n man ip ulate cl o uds wi th yo ur
conrin ued J rom page 6 fo r a guest. My ins tru ment o f mind . You do n' t have 10 pray
Our politicians have pulled choice for this is th e Son)! to God , to Jesus, 10 Allah. or
and transportation costs a re some incredible boners d ur- ICF-SW I. II 's 3 x5.x l inches. 10 Mo ha mmed . And it works
moving hundreds of thou- ing the 20th century. Li ke we ighs a half a pound , a nd just as well for atheists as the
sands of jobs to lo wer-w age what'! Like rent control. for covers BC· S W-F)'I - 150- devout of a ny com mercia l
count ries. which provide far- instance . Thi s socialist dream 30.000 kHl . 7 6--108 M H z. Of religion.
better-educated workfo rces. has do ne more to ruin c ities course. it goes w ith rnc o n
T he te achers' unio ns ha ve tha n poverty or drugs. It's de- trips. )1)' Books
rejec ted e very effort to e ven stroyed m uc h of th e Bronx, So, when yo u' re shopping
te s t the te ach in g sys te ms Pa ris, and o ther c itie s around thc Ilea markets, the ham rag I hope yo u' ll read my Se -
which have he e n prod ucing the world. The presiden t of classificds. or the W W W. yo u cret Guide to Hraltti a nd sta rt
amazin g re sults in som e e x- Vietnam said that low rent s had need Fred Oste rman's NREK U c hanging your lifestyl e so
peri m ental schoo ls . Hmm. done more damage to Hanoi Buying (/ Used Shortwave Re- yo u' ll he able to enjoy robu:st
w hy docs that re mi nd me of than all o f the A me rica n ceiver hook . It' s $6 {+S2 slh ). health. Then I ho pe th at you'll
the medical es tablishment re- bombing . 78 page s. a nd gi ves a descrip- do your best to get the word
fusing to a llo w te sts o f thera- Li ke price controls, which tion of 100 of the most popu- to people you care about. so
pies which have been sho wn in every ins tance have re - lar radios. complete with they can regain their health.
to have great promise" sulted in prices skyrocketing. used prices. If you can't find )ly edi torials in 73 a re a liny
But. hey, as lo ng as you When manufacturers find thei r the book at yo ur local rad io le ver. but with your help we
don ' t care what the schools profi ts on a product are fall- store. write Universal Radi o. can make tho u..ands. a nd then
arc doi ng to yo ur kids. norh- ing, the y "i mprove" the prod- 6830 Americana Pkwy, Rc y- mi llion s o f people healthier
ing is going to change . No. uct a nd bring it out a t a highe r noldshurg O H 43068. Vou a nd wealthier. T hi s husi ness
there will he c ha nge, hut it price . mi ght even splurge a no ther o f spendi ng a life time work-
wi ll he . as in the pa st . c han ge Li ke pro hib ition , which $2 for their I Ox-page catalog. ing at jobs - being a " worker"
for the worse. brou ght us the Mafi a and or- It's a beaut. - is ju st o ne more way
Rome d istrac ted its ci tizen s gu nizcd crime. w hich is no ur- we ' ve all been bamboozled.
wit h games w hile the ir civili- ishing j us t fine today. thank Prayer Works Sen d a n SASE fo r a cata log
zation was crumbling. w e're you, a nd in all sons o f busi- o f Illy publication s to Wayn e
busy with hall game s. T V tal k nesses . I found them a con- Yep. the y' ve double-blind - G reen, Hancoc k ~ II 03-J49.
shows. and the political rhcto- trolling force in ne wssta nd prove n it scic mificall v. Read
ric of election campaig ns. di stribution and makin g sure Ro bert Miller's Miracles /1/ w~ \VUl Robbed
Let's ge t more Christians and the higger radio stations only The Maki ng, A riel Press , 289
lions into the arenas. pl ayed the music of the major South Main S treet # 205, Several of the books rc-
Ma ybe you read about the labeb. A lpharctta GA 30201. 128pp.. viewed in m y Secret Guide to
do / e ns o f New York Ci ty Then there ' s the so-culled S I o. I watched a video o f one n 'i.w/om ha ve to do with ho w
teachers a nd principa ls who War o n Po ve rty. W hat a joke. of th e experiments descri bed had o ur sc hool system is, a nd
were fo und to he helping stu- And the War o n D rugs. which in this hook a t a Suhtle Ener- ho w it got tha t ..v ay. In my
dents to c heat o n tests in o r- has huilt a ne w g ro up of gies conference in Mon te rey "spa re time" thar-dc -har) I' ve
der to make the ir sc hoo ls wealthy c rimina ls. plus bil- (C A ). That 's w here O lga been work ing on a hook
look bcucr? lions fo r the bribery o f te ns of Worrall. the not ed psych ic, whi ch has a.. its co re my edi-
tho usa nds of po lice, attorneys, lowered the surface ten sion torial essays o n the su bject.
Yes, M ore As par tame ;\ews judges. and c usto ms agents. of a j ar of water j ust by put- pl us relevant mate ria l from
I' m open for your nomina- tin g her hand.. near it. Then , my now-sold-out Declare l\ru !
One young woman had been tions for other worst ideas of she was sho wn re peating this book .
paralyzed from the waist down the 20lh ccm urv. from over a thousand miles Our school syslcm is both
• Get •vour
• a car accident • But a... a
by word processor going and away whi le the camera ra n. by far the most expensive in
reg ular d rin ker of " Diet snail- or E-mail me at w2nsd This book is packed with the world. and the worst. at
Coke" or Pepsi with aspar- @ao l.co m. the proo f of prayer 's power. least in the de vel o ped world.
lame INutra'iwccu in it. .. he In o ne ex perimen t wit h a O ur kids come in ar rhc bouom
was soon paral yzed f rom the Ru .,..in2 Rad ios large g roup o f peop le w ith o n international tests .
neck down . T hen there was a high blood pressure , psychics I' ve co mpla ined that o ne
you ng hoy who had become If you or a frie nd arc in the were able to pray fo r ha lf o f res ult of th is d um bing do wn
bra in dama ged by diet sodas marke t for a shortwave rc - them and substa nt ially lo wer process has been u lack of ge-
containi ng uspurunuc . Not ccivcr. you want 10 make an their blood pressure . No one niuse s. I' ve noticed this par-
everyone becomes brain dam- educated huy. so you wo n ' t in the group kne w w hic h o f ticul arly in the mus ic field .
aged or scrni-parclyzcd 10 the get hornswoggled. There seems them were bei ng prayed for W hen I tu rn to a classical m u-
(',\11:01 that it\. immediately 10 be a n unlimited supply of and wh ich weren ' t, so it wasn't vic station I kno w almost im-
and dramatically noticeable hc mswoggfers. so you need any placebo e ffect. med iate ly who the compose r
- we all have differen t sus- (0 approach the situation not l ' vc reviewed several o the r is, even if I' m not famil iar
ccptibilitics. different de - too information-challe nged. books w hich prove that just wi th the piece. Beet ho ve n.
toxing c apab ilities - bu t I don ' t know a bout you.but wishi ng for something can Wag ner. Copland. a nd so on.
why knov..-ingty put a proven I kee p a radio which incl udes make it happen, so this proof all have their sta mp on the ir
poison in your 110dy '! We shortwave coverage at m y of the powe r o f prayer isn' t a m usic, It turn s out that I' m
unknowi nal o .v put in eu o ue
0 h bedside. so I can c heck out a bi g stre tch. not the o nly person to no tice
as it is . T he dam age c a n well couple o f the more interesting T hi s takes lIl C hack to N eil thi s phe no menon .
I1c cum ulative a nd show up sho rtwave statio ns, c heck th c Slade' s hook , where he ex·
latcr. C HU limc lic ks, a nd Sl'e w ho plai ns how s im ple it is to Con tin ued on puye 6 2
8 73 Amateur Radio Today· March 2001
FM EXCITERS: A microprocessor-controlfed repeater with full
Rated tocconunoocs duty. 2W continuous duty outpur. autopatch and many versatile dtmf remote
T301 Synthesized VHF Excite r: for various bands control features at less than you might pay for
139-174MHz , 216-226 MHz. Dip switch freq settmq. a bare bones repeater or controller alone!
• Kit ~ WO<l' '''''') .. ,$109 (TCXO option $40)
• Wi red/tested. incl TCXO...$189 Exciti ng new AM
TJ04 Synthesized UHF Ex cite r: receiver f or the
variou s bands 400-470 M Hz , 118-137 MHz aircraft ba nd.
• Kit 1440-' 500 ~.m bo<><l only) • Ideal for monitoring at small airports,
incl TCXO ... $149 • Allows pilot control of run way lighting.
• Wlredltested ._$189 • High-quality ELT monitor to detect and locate • kit stlfl only $1095
CRYSTAL CONTROL L ED: downed aircraft. • factory assembled s tlfl only $1295
• lAS1: tor 6M, 2M, 220 MHz klt $99, wit $ 169 • Dip switch frequency selection, ~5-4. 1 ~ 3· 17 ~.21 3·233, 42lH7S "'Hr,
• TA451: fo r 42 0-475 MHz, kit $99, wit $ 169 ... FCC ' . ... ace.pled for oommert:iaI ""Nice in 150 & 450 101Hz baod.
• Superior sensitivity and selectivity.
• lA9a1 : for 902-928 MHz. (D,SWOll!) . .. wlt $1 69 "R 12 1 Receiv er module w ired/tested . $209 Digita l Voice Reco rder Opt ion . Allows message up
R121 Receiv er in A87 cabinet . , $299 to 20 sec. to be remotely recorded off the air Play
VHF & UHF POWER AMPLIFIERS. back at user request by DTM F command , or as a
Ou tput levels from 10W 10 100W. St artI ng at $99 periodica l vo ice to. or both Great for making clu b
LOW NOISE RECEIVER PREAMPS annou ncements ! ....... " ..." o nly $100
FM RECEIVERS: RE p·200C Economy Repeat er. Rea l-voice 10. no
Very sensitive - O,2jJV, LNY-( ) ECONOMY PREAMP ONLY dtmf or autooatcb . ...... Ki t on ly $795 , w &t $1195
Superb selectivity, >100 dB down al :J:12 kHz, best R EP -200N Re peater. Without controller so yo u can
available anywhere, flutt er-proof squelch. / '.. $29Ivv&t
Part one of this series described the construction of a 433 AfHz telemetry transmitter
and recei ver. Part two will describe constr uction of a 433 MHz telem etry recei ving
ant enna and integration of the telemetry transmitter in to th e rocket payload section.
Let's begin with construction of the telemetry receive antenna.
he telemetry receive ante nna of about 30 degrees. With two antennas polar ization of the receive antenna s
•• .... .... Silicon photovottalc cells•
Appro x,male ou tpu t: ~--...
MArEl' Al ; AST~""; CtJ~.
II." " 0.45 Volls 0' 100 rnA. .~
M".~ t. 4""· 4-
)'''''', 4>'r."""" )( IT I 0 .0 1" thick.
CAT' S PL·22
75 C
0.79" l( 0 ,79" (2Omm }( 2Omm ) square .
1 Approximate outPut:
0 .45 Volt s I) SO rnA
0 .79" )( 0 .4" (2Omm )( l Orrvn).
::: 00,",,"".
3 f or S1-00
16 Character X 2 Line
LCD with Backlight
Daewoo" 16216L·5·VSO
Fig. 1. Tracking antenna. 5 • 7 dot format. 2.56- .
0.54- viewing area ,
3.15- . 1.41-mooule size.
LED backlight Includes •
The antenna counterweights are 6- The antenna mount hook·~speC sheet.
inch lengths of II2-inch-diameter so ft CAT # LCD-53 ,,"';'-===:0
steel rod. The counterweights arc in- Three sub-assemblies arc combined 10 for $6.50 each
stalled after the antennas are as- together to form the anten na mount. q~2h 100 for $5 .00 each
sembled and mounted. As a safety These three subass emblies arc the tri-
Nickel-Metal Hydride
measure , these counterweight rods arc pod legs, tripod head. and elevation
AA "Flat- Top" Celts
wrapped with Fluorescent red tape to bearing box and azimuth bearing.
Panasonlc e HHR · 11AAO, 1.2 Volt, 1100 mAh
prevent them heing an eye hazard. The tripod legs and tripod head arc 'nat-top" rechargeable AA cells These ce lls are
Now that you hav e the two antennas built first. Fig. 2 is a dimensioned desigr'l9d for use in battery packs ; they do not
ha vE'! the raised button found on most replace -
assembled and drilled. set them aside drawing of the tripod parts. able batteries. 0,55" diameter X 1 95" long
and begin constru ction on the ant enna Cut six lengths of 1-1 12- x 3/4-inch Large quantity available. Two styles:
mount. clear pine to sixty inches (5 ft.). Each REGULAR-FLAT TOP f\\'lE:;".... 3
CAT # NM~H~-1~1~O~=~I!lJi!-~-=:;~
,,.. I-.L $1 50 40pcs $1.25 o 120pcs $1.00
eac h 800pcs 8Se each
--j " f- 1.5.
rP,~ iJl6-
Arr'-M6#/" I,~r~ ,J $1 each
40pcs$1 .SOo120pcs S1.25
800+ 51.00 each
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IO chot'o9" ...... _
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.... wood glue and flathead wood sc rews.
7"~d< ".'6
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VLI6 #Ti.Y .$AAlJ)
, I klATERML: /{/"X I PVC
TiP .5M()()nr A NI.s1! £€/)VClNG
Fig. 4. Elevation bearing detail. THAT REALLY WORK!
"Work the World Without Working Up the Neighborhood"
• •
on the tripod top plate. You will find the elevation axle and bring up tight to ~SOTRON
the mounted bearing. Refer to Photo B BILAL C O M PA NY
that one of the four lazy Susan mount- Call for aFREE Catalog:
ing holes will line up with the position
of a tripod leg bracket. A flath ead
to see this relationship between the
hearing surfaces. While holding the •
137 Manchester D r.
Florissant, CO 808 16
wood screw should be used at this po- prepared PVC adapter in place, use a
wwwrayfl rtd.n et/isotron
sition. The remaining three mounting drill and a 3/ 16· inch drill bit and drill
hole s will use 6-32 x I-inch machine throu gh the PVC adapter and the axle.
scre ws and nuts. Slide a 5/32 x 2·1I2· inch cotter pin
Modified 1-l/4- x I-inch PVC re- into the hole to hold the bearing in
ducer adapters are used as bearing s for place. Repeat this procedure on the
the ele vation axle. Fig. 4 is a drawing oth er end of the ele vation axle. At this
showing the modifications of the PVC point, attach the leg assemblies to the
adapters. You will need to make four of leg brackets with a-inch x 1/4·inch
the modified adapters. carriage bolts and nuts. Spread the tri-
As shown in Fig. 4, the shank of pod legs out so that the elevation bear-
each PVC adapter is cut down to a ing box is at a comfo rtable working
length of II2-i nch. Make sure to re- height. The next step is to mount the The impressive IC·756 Pro covers HF plus 6
move any burrs with a small kn ife. The antennas to the elevation axle . mete rs. The high resolution 5 inch TFT color
display provides more operating information
outside diameter of the PVC adaprcr is Mounting the antennas than ever, including a spectrum scope. The
a little less than the 1·3/4·inch· diam· 32 bit floating point DSP provides crisp, clear
reception with 4 1 built-in filters. The ' Pro' is
erer hole. Take two of the cut-down Radio Shack #1 5·826 U-bolt and the choice for serious DXe rs a nd contesters .
adapters and wrap masking tape clamp assemblies are used to mount
around the out side surface of the 112· the prepared antennas to the elevation
inch-long shank until it just fits into axle. Photo C shows how the antenna
the 1-3/4-inch·diameter hol e in the el- is mounted to the elevation axle.
evation bearing bo x side plate. Coat Make sure the driven element is di-
the inside surface of the 1·3/4·inch-di- rected outward (as shown in the ph oto-
ameter hole and the outside surface of graph) and that the element is aligned
the tape on the adapter with 5·minute with the end of the elevation axle. This The IC·746 covers 160· 10 meters plus 6
epoxy and fit in place. Use care to not will ensure proper spacing of the two and 2 meters with 100 watts on all bands.
get any of the epoxy on the inside sur- antennas. Next, move the antennas so Call or visit our website for further details
and pricing on this and other tCOM radio s.
face of the adapter. After the epoxy has the booms are horizontal and insert the
set, slide the elevation ax le into the previously prepared lengths of stee l Universal Radio
6830 Americana Pkwy.
PVC adapter bearings and ce nter it rod into the rear open end of the boom . Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
with respect to the elevation bearing Adju st position of the steel rods until +Orders: 800 431·3939
box. Slide one of the remaining pre- the antennas are balanced on the eleva- +Inlo: 614866-4267
pared PVC adapters over one end of tion axle. Mark this position on the
73 Amateur Radio Today • March 2001 13
Integralion or the telemetry
transmitter into the rocket
payload section
, IMPORTANT NOTE: The rocket
kit de scribed in thi s project is NOT
d e signed for those who arc beg inners
to rocketry. If yo u are new to thi s
di scipline , I recommend that you
co ntac t the N ational A ssociation of
Rocketry or the Tripoli Ro cketry As-
soc iation (ad dresses at th e e nd o f
this article ) for the locat ion o f a
rocketry club close to your area.
M embers of these o rganizations are
eager to o ffe r help to those ne w to
roc ke try.
The rocket airframe used in this
project is the Vaughn Brothers Extreme
Photo C. Antenna mounted to elevation axle.
38 rocket k it. Construction of the
rocket airframe is outside o f the scope
stee l rod through the hole in th e end of nut. The remaining step in antenna con-
of thi s article. The kit sho uld be built
the antenna boom . Use a drill and 1/4- struction is fabric ation o f th e coaxial
according to the in struc tions supplied
inch drill bit to d rill a mounting hole cable phasing harness.
with the kit wi th the excep tions de-
through each of th e stee l rods at the
marked locat ions. Install the stee l rods Building the phasing harness tailed be low. Fig. 6 is a dimensio ned
into the rear e nd of the antenna booms drawing hi ghlighting the modifica-
with a 1/4-in ch x 2-inc h bolt and wing FIg. 5 is a dimensioned drawing of tions made to the paylo ad section of
th e coaxial phasing harness . the rocke t kit.
- -- - -- - - - -- - - ---j T he harne ss uses two sections of The first m odificat ion to be made is
RG -6 75-oh m coa x, eac h leg 37 to the nose cone. A s detailed in Fig. 6,
in ches in length . The fi rst step. how- the rear portion o f the nose co ne is re-
73Amateur e ver is to attac h a c onnector to the moved and discarded. With a 1/] 6-
Radio Today short length o f c o ax from the an- inch drill hit, drill two sma ll holes 11
on Mic rofi che ! tenna dri ven clement Cut thi s length 2·inch from the sho ulder o f the nose
The entire run of 73 from o f coax to 6 in che s and attach a male cone . This is the point at which the
October 1960 through last year is co axi a l connector. A coaxi a l barrel thermistor will be mounted. Insert the
now available. Over 800 fiche!
con nector is used to j o in th e p hasi ng the rmistor leads into the two small
You can have access to tne harness to each o f the d rivcn e lemen t holes in the nose cone . Ensure a 1/32-
treasures of 73 without several
connectors . inc h ai r gap betw ee n the bottom of the
hundred pounds of bulky back
issues. Our 24x fiche have 98 The p hoto g raphs in th is article th ermi stor a nd the no se cone surface .
pages each and will fit in a card file show the detail s of m o unting the Place a small dab of epoxy over the
on your desk. phasing harness . This completes thermist or leads on th e inside of the
We offer a batte ry operated hand co nstruc tion o f the telemetry re cei ve no se cone to fix th e thermistor in
held viewer for $150, and a desk a nten na array. place .
model for $260. Libraries have
these readers.
The collection of microfiche, is
available as an-entire set, (no partial
sets) for $325, plus $10 shipping
(USA) . Annual updates available
for $10, plus $3 shippinglhandling. ,
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
~UCKMASTER =' I r - - - - " --<.1-
' - - - - - - - - -- ---1{ ~ ,,-'- - -' !
6 196 Jefferson Highway ' , ,A1;frUl'NtJ.' .u.-01 · 1211
Mineral. Vi rginia 23 1 J7 USA ~-I 1~1:>. 4AX
5..l-U:!oi9..l-· 5777oXOO:2X2-562X
Fax 540:H9·,J.tJ l ..l- l
e- mail: infoe'buck.com Fig, 5. Phasing harness.
14 73 Amateur Radio Today ° March 2001
Use the drawing in Fig. 6 as a guide,
and cut the thermistor shro ud from a
i!' ::FAuf /Jl4II<l's s,,~
small shee t of .OO5-inch brass. Prepare ""'T/f ~JJG'U ' ~ r
three one-inch lengths of tinned number
22 solid copper wire. Solder these three
wires to the brass shroud as shown in
Fig. 6. Temporarily bend these wires out
from the shroud and fo rm the shroud
over the thermi stor, Make sure that the
brass shroud will not touch the ther-
mistor. Mark the three locations where L.+f-.
the bent out wires touch the nose cone ~.ur-s,""" ", ""_
s ,"" r'cH J¥~ "
N" ",.,.,_A
surface. Use a 1/32-inch drill bit to r" T-.,bNs, ..
drill ho les at the marked locati ons on
the nose cone. Bend the shro ud wires
so they arc po inting down and away
from the shro ud. Insert the shroud
"'''''' 'FKA.''''''' nl "'"s6 0:-6
wires into the three holes. Bend the S~I'" ",."" ~Ir /'C I T
nor usc thc metal plate . Two circular de grees dni.-kwisc from the a rming eac h side of th e wire to hold it in p lace. ,
foam blocks arc supplied in the kit. Usc jack and m ar k for the a ntenna. Dri ll a You may lind it helpful to tack the an-
a razo r saw and cut one of the foam 1/32-inch ho le at th is point. Prepare a te nna to the pay load section with c y-
bloc ks in ha lf. M od ify th e remain ing two-i nch le ngth of stra nded hookup an oacrylate adhesi ve before us ing the
foam block as show n in Fig. 6 . wire by stripp ing 114-inch from each end e poxy. Photo E shows th e tra ns m it an-
Bu ild the payload sectio n as detai led and tinning the wire wi th solder. Next. tenna ins ta lled o n the payload sectio n .
in the rocket ki t instructions. W hen all cut a 6-3/4 -inch length of 1/ 16-inch Solder a 2- pi n Dean 's connector to
the epoxy adhe sive has full y set. push music wire. Usc fi ne sand paper a nd the free end of the 2-inc h ante nna wire.
the one-half foam block you cut earlier b urn ish 2 inches o f o ne end of the m u- The next step is to install the trunsmirtcr
to the hotto m o f the payl oad section. s ic wire . Measure 3/8-inch from the circuit hoard into the pay load section,
Meas ure 2- 114 inches fro m the front burni shed e nd of the wire. Usc pliers In sert the transmi tter circ uit hoard .
edge o f the payload sec tion and mar k to put a au-degree bend in the w ire at battery end fi rst. into the payload sec-
the pos ition o f the mou nti ng ho le for thi s point. Push the prepared music tion. Usc care to posit ion the circu it
the arming jack. Usc the sharp po int of wi re into the ante nna ho le in the pay- hoard to dear the arming jack as you
a modeling knife to cut a 3/ 16-i nc h-di- load section so that you have aCl·CSS to slide the circ uit hoard into po sit ion .
amctcr ho le at th e point marked for the the short bent section o f wire . Solder S lide the prepared forward foam bl ock
arming jack, To m ak e install atio n o f o ne e nd o f the two-inch wire yo u pre- into place. The Silo- inch slot in the
the tran sm itter eas ier. I p lacet! a two- pared ea rlier to the bent sec tio n of foam block shou ld j ust d ear the arm -
• •
co nduc tor con nec tor in se ries with the m usr c wi re . ing j ack . Dress the remai ning wires
wires from the arming j ack to the Pu sh the mu sic wire back through from the transmitter c ircu it hoard
transmi tter battery. Photo D show s the the anten na mounting hole so the 6-3/ thro ugh the liN-inch slot in the foa m
payload section with the armi ng jack 8-inc h length lies alongside the pay- block . J used an additional piece of
in place . load section. Use a shun le ngth of foam rubber as a forward block inside
Meas ure 1- 1/4 -inl..'h fro m the front masking tape to ho ld the antenna in the nose cone. Th is ensu res th at. once
o f the pay lo ad sec tio n at a po in t 20 0 p lac e w hile yo u lay in epoxy fille ts on the nose cone is fa sten ed in pl ace, the
Photo F. A ntell lla , thermistor: aJUJ arming jack connector.\'. 1'11010 G. Completed airframe ill primer coat white.
16 73 Amateur Radio Today · March 2001
Qty. Part scre ws supplied in the rocket kit. Note: launch from a tower, so no launch lugs
You may find it necessary to notch the ha ve been installed. If yo u will be
Astron 400-4 or Ramsey Electronics 400-
4 yagi a ntenna kits bottom edge o f the nose cone to clear launching from a rod-type launcher,
the antenna wire on the inside of the launch lugs will need to be installed on
• 5 ft. Iengtt1s of 1-112 .. 314 inch clear pine
,,-, payload section. I recommend plac ing
an index mark on the j unction betwee n
the airframe.
3 ft. l( 3 fl . square piece of 1/8 inch
standard ha rdboard
nose cone and payload section so proper Addresses
alignment can be achieved later, Photo
4 ft. section 5· 11'2 x 314 inch poplar
F shows the antenna, thermistor, and Vaughn Brothers Rocketry, 4575
arm ing jac k connec tors. Ross Dri ve, Paso Robles CA 93446;
1 3 It. section 3 x 3/4 inch poplar lumber Test the transmitter installation by te l.: (805) 239-3 8 18: fax : (805) 239-
30 inch Ieogth 101 /4 inch d iam. hardwood turning on the rece iver and then pul l- 0292 .
dowel ing the arming plug fro m the jack. If Astro n Corporation, 22560 Glenn
3 3 inch II 1/4 inch carriage bolls wittl nuts eve rything is work ing OK, you should Dri ve, Suite 114, Sterling VA 20 164;
hear tone pulses from the rece iver. Re- tel.: (703) 45Cl-55 17; fax: (703) 45Cl-
3 .. inch Jl 1/4 inch carriage bolls with nuts
install the arming plug to tum off the 9753.
3 6-32 machine soe.s with outs tra nsmitte r, Photo G is a photograph National Association of Rocketry,
10 1-112 inch flathead wood screws of the completed airframe in prime r 13 11 Edge wood Dri ve. Altoona WI
coat white. The ne xt art icle in this se- 54720 ; [www.nar.org ].
2 Radio Shack "1 5-826 U-boll c1a1'fllS
ries will describe cal ibrat ion of the Tripoli Roc ketry Association. Inc.,
12 inch length 112 inch diam soft 81001 thermistor temperature se nsor, fini sh- P.O . Box 280, Bessemer AL 3502 1-
roc ing the sounding rocket airframe, fli ght 0280; tel.: (205) 424-8357. FlI
4 ' -1 /4 inch l( 1 inch PVC reduce r adapter
operations, data recovery, and implc- 1--------- -------
B ft. Ienglh Beldeo _92 48 RG -6 75 ohm mentation of the project with schools
coacsrcable and youth groups. ac k Issues
• UHF male coax cable connectors
The roc ket airframe has bee n bui lt for 73 Maga:in ~
UHF barrel doltlIe female coax Only S5.OO Each!
coooecsors Call 800-274-7373
1 UHF coax lee COlllElClol
1 UHF dolbIe female coax connector www.amcomlnc.com
1 UH F ma Je-lo-BNC male coax adapter
f_ Toll Free Orders: 1·888·803·5823 I~
Table 1. Tracking aI/tent/a parts list. c Am-Com, Inc. ClearSpeeclf'J Speaker i~
!S Y. • .1' Y. 'I.~' This easy-lo-use DSP speaker activates automat- ." M'1
transm iuer circuit hoard will not shift cally and fillers 95% background noise, static and
other interference.
under night G-forces . • IrTlflroves signal 10 noise ratio
• Improves clarrty & inlellQlbillly
Connec t the therm istor. antenna, and • Cootinuous. adaptive removal • Engineered br use WIth
arming jack co nnectors. and then fas- 01 badlground noise amaleur radlos
ten the nose cone in place with the 95 • Listerl WIth less tal9Je & • Speaker output jad<
$149 _ greater
ooncentrabOn _
"" S&H
(Reg. Ptice $179,95)
Qty. Part
Dean's standan;l 2 -pin coonector
(available from hobby shops)
-r '!I!J Email: amco m@digisys.net l :- O- 1.
Ma~ Orders To: Am-eom,Inc., 100 Biemey Rd.,Suile C.Lakeside, Montana 59922
Table 2. Airframe parts list.
73 Amateur Radio rcaev » March 200 1 17
John Grow VE2EQL
210 Vercheres
Greenfield Park, Quebec
Canada J4V 264
Ugrow @sympatico.ca]
We have all experimented with antennas. At one time or other we played with dipoles,
ver ticals, quads, yegis, and var i ations of wire antenn as. All for the desire of a l ow-angle
signal, wh ich wi ll h elp us snag DX sta tions. Th er e ha ve been numerous articles an d
books on an tennas, making us very familiar with the above antenna names. But have you
ever heard of the Australian" District Antenna, " or the Russian .. Zen i th Radiation, " or
wha t our military calls NVIS (Near Vertical In cidence Skywave)?
his antenna has bee n arou nd In those cases. the known popular an- Building a sim ple NVIS antenna
\ \ '.'00""
l be produced. Stations nearby will be
able to communicate.
Another approach is to take your HF
can be anywhe re from 20 to 40 feet.
For a portable NVIS ante nna, a mast
cou ld be made from 1.5"-diameter
4CHLEG mobile antenna and place it in a hori- PVC tubi ng mating with PVC co u-
/ 10 TO 20 F1 ttGH zo ntal position parallel to the ground. piers. A piece of coax fed thro ugh the
You could experiment with the dis-
,""- ta nce be tween the ground and horizon-
mast then feeds the crossfed dipoles .
Please make sure th at safe ty co n-
THE OTHEl< SET TO GRClVND When e xperimenting with NVIS, 80. the s loping wire s. whic h will be a
., 40, and 30 meters see m to work best. I fe w feet o ff the gro und . Thi s type of
tried frequenci es bet ween 3.5 and 30 an tenna has been made co mmer-
SECTIONS Of 1 S' DlA. PVC PIPE WITH MHz. The facto rs of working frequen- c ia lly hy Te le x. It is c a lled the NVIS
MAST LENGTH 10TO le FT. MAST cies be low the M UF (Max imum Us- A ntenna , wi th a model number of
ab le Freq ue nc y) play a very importa nt AS -2259/ 1990.
role. Power leve ls of QR P to 100 watts
Fig. I. NVIS antenna details. have been used. Continued on page 58
18 73 Amateur Radio TcxJay • March 2001
Hugh Wells W6WTU
1411 18th si,
Manhattan Beach CA 90266-402 5
The previous seer ion described h all' tltc primed circui! boards [or the dala lransmiller
and receiver are prepared [or processing. This section II'jIJ complete the process steps,
beginning Wilh m arking the board.
t is de sirable to have so me identifi - somewhat in the c tch ant. so that it must be taken to prevent spills and
as shown in Photo C . A stick or tongue bulb cl ose to the e tc h un t w ill warm After etching
depressor works we ll fo r lifting the the surroundi ng a ir. A lso. placing a
ho ard. Also. lifti ng the hoard. then small cardboard box over the lamp Upon completio n. the hoard must he
lowering it slow ly. will allow the wa shed with tap water to re mov e the
a nd etc bant tray w ill rai se the tern-
trapped bubbles to be purged. etchant. If the board is to be a sing le-
perature suffic ien tly to speed the
Wh en the etching process ap pears to sided bo ard, then the nail polish can he
e tc hi ng proce ss .
he complete, remove the hoard, wa sh removed with lacquer thinn er or ac-
An alt ernate method for etchi ng
it with tap water. and dry it with a pa - etone . A small amount of so lvent on a
hoards is to usc a zipper-style plastic
per towe l. T he board can now be in- pa per tissue works well as a wiper. An
hag as an etch container. After the
spected for completion. Some areas . e tched bo ard with na il polish is shown
board is placed into the bag, about o ne
speci fically where bu bbles were in Photo E .
inch of ctcham is po ured into the hag.
trapped. wi ll not etch very fast. Scrap- Following an inspec tion of the trace
Becau se some bags have a te ndency to pattern fo r copper bridges and other
ing those areas with a kn ife blade or
leak. it's a good idea to slide the first possib le mi nor defects. the board is
scribe to scra tch the copper will allow
hag: co ntaining the board in to another ready for d rilling (Photo F ). Ho le
the coppe r to he e tched a little faster,
hag for drip protection. sizes arc a personal choice , but d rill
as shown in Photo D. Return the hoard
to the etch and a llow the etc hing pro- Afte r sealing the bag(s). the bo ard is sizes from #57 to #62 work well for
ce ss to continue. Wh en wide trace pa t- positioned fla t with the copper d own . most applications .
terns arc used. o vcrctching is usuall y Because the bag is transparent, the Solder-coati ng the copper is an c p-
not a problem. e tching process ca n be observed tio nal proce ss. but it does help red uce
During a co ld env ironme nt. the throug h the bag . Handling the board ox ide de ve lopment on the surface o f
etchant works very slowly. Addi ng a an d bag with care is OK. but excess the coppe r. The advantages of solder
little heat to the process will speed it handl ing should be avoided to prevent coating arc better part solderability
up considerably, Placing a small light accidental spills ca used by ha g tears. and uniform appearance. in addition to
Photo E. This is tile etched board after being washed; but before Photo F. D rill sizes from #57 to #62 work well f or drilling the
the nail polish has been removed. holes.
20 73 Amateur Radio Today · March 200 1
the reduct ion in copper oxide forma-
LED FLASHLIGHTS (and more!) • Lasts -l tim es longer than regu lar I
lion. The involved steps begin with
cl eaning the coppe r wi th fi ne steel I flashlig hts I
wool fo llowed wi th a sol vent rinse . I . Lifetime warranty including LED I
lig hts
The o bjecti ve is to remo ve all traces o f
nail pol ish. o xides, and oil.
I . Shoc kproof I
The procedure for solde r coating the
I . Features 4 high intensity LED I
hoard is as follows:
I lights I
I . Powered by 3 AA alkaline batteries I
I) Coat the surface of the copper I Colors: white. blue. red. and green I
with a very th in coat ing o f so lder flux. I D & L A n t en na S u p p ly Co. After continuously being turned o n for I
2) Place a small d rop o f solde r on I Sec ure Ordering On Line at 14 days (336 hours). it was possible to I
the tip of a 25- 30 watt solde ring iron. I www.wavehunter.com read a newspaper using only the output I
3) Touch the solder to the coppe r and 1-800-965-8880 from this amazing system. This item
draw the iron along the copper. A so l- I Price s from $4.95 to $59.95 sold out at Dayton! I
der trail will be le ft as the iron moves.
Solder may be added as necessary to
contin ue the process. • DI P SWIlch programmablt
4 ) Co ntinue the solde r coating pro- ' M,nlature in sin • Fully enclostd CTCSS
• 37 EIA tones. 27 llOI1-stalldard ","""
cess until all of the coppe r is coate d. It tones from 330 to 254.1 Hz Included • All 32 EIA tones 1rom
• ReY8rw Burst bUin-in 670 to 2{)J ,$ HI included
will be necessary to mo ve the iron rea- • £3sy 3 ",rt hookup • Pertect lor mob"t ,
sonably fast across the copper to re- SS ~ CTCSS Encoder
66" KUI8" K2 1' TU 2
duce the possi bility of burning the 52S· K3;rK l .T
SS-64 DIP Swti PnI;lIl11l111b ll CTCSS EIcHer $21.95 TE-32 MI"i-TOM CTess Elltlder SAU ls
adhesive below the copper.
• 51 CTCSS Tones • EiQhl programmilllt.
5) C le a n the coate d board wi th a l- • 106 OCS Codes sa' lallie messages
• Supports 151 Repealtr Subscribtrs • filly held programmablt
cohol, lacq ue r thi nn er. o r acetone to
remove the flu x.
!::=:::::::.:, . ._.. . • On·linl Computer Help
Repealer ON 10
'Air T,me loa ding '" Anatysis Graphs
• Signalling FQfma1s: CTeSS
via included keypad
• Metts al FCC
identification reQuirements
Inside Digital TYNeR Tuners a lig nme nt guides w h ile dropping the o nly to t he bo ttom side of the bo ard .
COllffll uedJrorn pa ge 2 1 p aper o nto the co ppe r as show n in a s t h e " Z't - w irc w i ll tra n sfer th e
P hoto H. con nect io n bet we e n hoa rd s ide s.
used as a guide for plac ing the paper
6 ) Rem o ve the p ins and ruh out the Some bypass capaci tors a nd the fil -
mask .
bubbles and ex cess ce ment. tcr capacitors will req uire soldering
In preparation for placing the paper
With the mas k in place . the trace onto the upper surface traces. because
mask onto the seco nd s ide . the follow-
pattern may he c ut and re mo ved. as ho les have not bee n provided. P lace-
ing s teps arc recommended:
was d one for the fi rs t side . During the me nt o f the capacitors is at the user 's
I ) Place the mask on the board with-
mask rem o va l process, any m isalig n- optio n. As an e xa mple , the 100-500 IlF
out ce me nt and orient the pattern to ment of the trace pattern may be cor- filter capacitorts) may be placed any-
match the d ri lle d holes. rected as the process is performed. where o n the board wh ere th e +5 volt
2) For an uli gnmcr u check. hold the while using the mask lines as a c utt ing trace runs close by the gro und trace .
hoard up to a lig ht and observe the guide . Deviating from the d raw n pat- Photo I sho ws the comp leted proto-
light passing through {he holes. View tern may be necessary to co rrectly p ick type hoards for the data tra ns mitter
the board from the topside pattern . up the d rilled holes.
and recei ver. Trace pattern errors
3) Push two or more straight pins Double-sided hoards made commer-
fou nd in the proto types have been cor-
thro ugh the corresponding mask "holes" c ia lly usually ha ve plated-t hrou gh
rected for the pattern s p ro vided he rein .
into the hoard holes and note the propcr holes. Unfortunately. the p la ting pro -
I' ve bee n using the fi nge rnail po lish
truce orientation as shown in Photo G . cess req uired for mak ing thc p lated
resi st me thod for making printed ci r-
4.) W he n satisfi ed tha t the o rienta- ho les may be outsi d e of the reach of
cuit boards for a great many years. and
tio n is correc t. coat the copper and the the avera ge ham. so th e data trans m it-
can attest to the reliability of the pro-
paper mask with rubbe r cement. ter and receive r hoards have bee n laid
ce ss. I hope that you wi ll see the merit
5) Wit h the straight pins p ushed o ut for "Zr-wircs as was shown in part
in the simple process s teps involved
through the paper m ask, use the pins as 6. Fig . 5. The objective o f the "Zt-wire
and will grvc it a try.
is to connect the
c ircuit truce on Alternate boardmaking techniques
one side o f the
board to the trace Because o f the wide variety o f
on the othe r side. printed ci rcu it board processing tec h-
On the project niques avai lab le, so me a ltern ate meth-
boards. the so lder ods can be fo und o n the Internet. The
pads have been ex- techniques ind icated be low ut ilize the
tended away Irom p lastic toner used in copy machines
the Ie pin o r and laser pri nte rs as an etch-re sist.
transistor lead far Here arc fo ur good UR Ls:
enough for a wire to • [http://geociti es.comlpdmtr]
be passed through • lhup:/Iw ww.techniks.com/press-n-
the board. Wh ere pccl.htm l]
"Z't-wircs are used. • [hup:/Iwww.qsl.nctlci9gqlpcb.html]
Photo I. This ph oto shows ' he opera tional prototypes of the data component leads • (hltp :/l w w w.n ord icd x.c om/d xlahl
receiver t rigiu] an d the data transmitter (Ie} t ). need to he solde red makcpcbz .html ]. fa
22 73 Amateur Radio Today . March 2001
CM Markle KBI HQ
11570 Taylor Wells Rd.
Olairdon OH 44 024-891 0
How m any times have y ou home-brew folks h ad the need for a variable 120 VAC power
sup ply? Well, at least several. We know that working with 12 volt DC on the ben ch is
certainly no problem. If a mistake is made, you might lose an u; or two, but n o fires
erupt. With A C - well, things can get lethal before the fuse blows, and this is especially
true wh en using 120 VAG. We have all done those dumb things that have jump-started
o ur h eart from time 10 time. Th is "Variac" variable supply will p rove safe on those
start-ups of those questionable home-brew circuits that require AC supp lies.
et's look at the central compo- new, and are usually in the $ 130 range groups. Anyway. look for a Variac un-
1(- ~ ~ r (;p-~rtr
0.1 uF 0 .1uF
T 1
Fig. I. Supply schematic.
73 Amateur Radio Today • March 2001 23
Somethi ng like an e lec tric motor ap-
EMVRFI CHOKE FILTER ASSEMBLY pliance puui ng com mon-mode no ise
LINE I COMMON MODE o n the line wi ll give yo u nightmares.
I I '"" An inexpensi ve common m od e filter is
, .OM OJ /82 m~ ~ ' "F insta lled. which a ll but eli minates
"Hor '
I T T·
I " "HOT" noises from appearing o n the primary
~),MOV ( f'~1 )
or secondary o f the Variac transformer.
Worki ng with digi ta l circuits using a
"NE UT" "NEUT" D C wa ll tran sform er for po wer can
~IT~ I ~ I
mo ve tre me ndou s hash and noi se to
o 1uF o luF
e the 120 VAC line and ge t unbel ievab le
, 30'58"-'31-155
OK:uoooics .30
creases. Ensure the AC voltmeter is ,
Doorknob Capacitors
Chokes , Broadband Transformers
(HE) also functioni ng correctly,
, 30' tuse U1 -359 HE 06
Now you have a soldering iron heat Se Habla Espano. ' We Ellport
Dual 8 .2 mH toroid
, choke 250 VAG ~
0,2 Q .1 8-1 29 Pulse
, $PDT 3 A 1091118
switch '51-268
HE 25
, 4 00 +
pca FAR
"""" ...
' 50
• Sel$ auninum
$lafIdOft hardware ' 6
Yoo. 0..,
(937) 426--8600
a $oldef lugs ' 6
This article describes a simple device to test all kinds of infrared tra nsmitting devices.
All p arts are available a t Radio Shack at a total cost of around $5. It has n o adjustments
an d the physical lay out is no t critical.
kay, you' re a ham. By default, make sure they're good . You point it at those universal remotes. But what if
Circuit operation
j ~R7!
..L C2
rv / . '"/
55% OF
' 9VD C
across RI. Op amp Ul a is wired as a
buffer to isolate the detector from the
T~~F ~ 121< 4 SVOC
02 2Nnn NPN TRANSISTOR rest of the circuit. Cl couples the sig-
~ 1"
CI NOI+PQl.ARlZEO O.lI,1F , 1':N
01 LE D
nal from this buffer to amplifier U Ib.
U ld with R6 and R7 provide a "stiff"
virtual ground halfway between ground
Fig. I, Schematic with typical waveforms . and the supply voltage . This virtual
26 73 Amateur Radio Today. March 200 1
.- "
•• •
• • •,
~ .
.. ~ , - "~-~_._.
loc ating the input tran sistor at the end of
Photo /I. The completed unit,
the box and the LED on top o f the bo x.
You will ha ve to perform testing in a
dimly lit room (not total darkness) or people will lik el y ask how you knew
Photo A. Here s the board, right Ollt in the shield the IR detector with a n opaque to bu ild a teste r like th is. Use tha t op-
open so )"0 /1 can get a good look. tube to let light in o nly from "bead- port un ity to talk up elec tronics and
on." lf su nlig ht o r bright li ghts arc ham radio as a hobby.
shining o n the detector. the LED wi ll There are probably some changes you
ground is used to make the po wer sup-
be on full -t ime and pre vent yo u from can make to produce a wave form at
pl y ac t like it is a ± -t.S vo lt po wer sup-
testing a remote unit. You cou ld al so IC I b pin 7 that is a little more squared
ply. The bo ttom of R8 is tied to virtual
reduce the ga in o f V I b so the tester is off (it is quite rounded o il) and more ac-
ground to keep the input to V Ib fro m
no t as se nsitive, but I d id not try this. curately rep rese nts what is ac tually be-
flouting to V+ or V- . If the input did
An inte resting poin t is that you can ing sent from the IR transmitter. I didn't
11 0at e ither high or low. operatio n of
sec the 60 HI. si ne wave from an incan- bother \0 research this any further since
the circu it would cease.
d escent light bulb by m onitoring p in I I j ust wanted 10 know if the IR remote
Ut b w ith R2 & R3 ampli fy the sig-
of V I wi th a n osc illoscope. You wi ll was actually transmi tting . If you have
nal by a facto r of 390 (R3/ R2). The
h ave to adjust the se nsitivi ty of the
voltage at U'lb pin 7 is halfway hc- an osci llo scope. monitor pin I 10 see
o scilloscope to accommoda te th e the di fferences be twee n code s se nt
tween V supp ly and grou nd. \\/ith the
s ig n a l le vel since it wi ll vary w ith the
IR signal superim posed on top of it. w he n p ushi ng differen t button s.
di stance 10 the light bulb.
By amplifyi ng the signal by a fac tor o f I had fun bui lding and deb ugging
390. it saturates the o utpu t o f V Ib. The Su mmarv th is project. If you bu ild it. please let
sq uare wa ve o utpu t of V Ib goes from ' me know how yo u like it and if you
1.5 volts less than the supply m ilage You ca n b uild thi s proj ect in j ust a made a ny changes. I would like to hear
to tru e g ro und. U Id is used as a com- fe w hours. With it yo u ca n help neigh- fro m you. Do n't he surp rised if yo u get
parator. Pi n 9 is hel d at 5 % abo ve vir- bors. relati ves. and fellow worke rs that "G ee . what an electronics geni us
tual g ro und by resistors R9 and RIO. troubleshoo t their IR transmitter ...11:- yo u are!" look from so meo ne you
Pin 8 goes to +7 .5 vol ts whe n pin 10 is vices. If you m ake it loo k homemade. help. Happy so ldering ! fa
more positive than pin 9 . Q2 is turned
o n through R-t on ly o n the positive
part of the sq uarewavc s ignal fro m
Vld. Q2 lights the LED .
I used an LM324 since it is capable Ham Mall
of accepti ng and outpull ing a lo w vol t- Th e world's largest internet store dedicated 10 Ham Radio'
age right down to 5 millivolts above - www.HamMall.com
V supply ( pi n II ). This is needed si nce This is th e internet store that has it all ! Open 7 days per week - 2-l- hours per
Q2 's base m ust be less tha n 0.65 vo lts d ay. Browse through our catal og viewing pictu re s.descriptions. accesso ries.
above true gro und to sh ut off with no and our low prices. If you arc looking for a hard to fin d item. Emai l us at
incoming signa l. Bi ll@HamMal l.com . and we will try tu locate it for you .
The waveforms sho wn on the sc he-
matic repre sent just part of a com plex C heck oUI all we offer !
waveform. Vary the timebase of an o s-
Call Wall QSI. Manager Listi ng News. A nnouncements and Specia ls
cilloscope from 0.5 milli seconds to 20
Hum-to- Ham Discussion Groups Ham Shad Ph oto s
microseconds to see all paris of the ac-
tual waveform. The amp litude at U Ia
Visaf\.fasl e r('anl accepted on line . Free shipping in coruin cmal US o n all orders ove r $ [ (X).
pin I w ill vary wi th d istance . I o b-
tained 3 volts peak-to-peak at 3 inc hes. When in Seattle visi t us at :
The ma ximum working range was 23 Radi o Depot. Suite 176. 5963 Corson Ave .. So. Seatt le. \VA 98108
feet. The signal at the IR se nsor at thi s Phone (206) 763-2936 Fax. (206) 763-H72
distance is of co urse ve ry low.
73 Amateur Radio Today · March 2001 27
Erik Westgard NY9D
3990 Virginia Avenue
S ho review MN 55 126
[ewestgard@ worldnet.att.ne t]
As \Vith m ost of my h obbies, my rnrcres r in amateur radi o has waxed and \Va ned over
the y ears. Un til about a y ear ago, I was in an amateur radio do\Vn turn . I h ad even sold
my HF rig, and was in p ossession of only my trusty collection of ancient l com u2AT
an d u4A T handhelds, an d a Sony shortwave ra dio.
or so me reason. I decided that books and my article file. making lists 4 T37-2 iron powder toroi d
Wha t do you do with all of your tech nical publications such as 73 Amateur Radio
Today? Do you stack the p ublications on a shelf, stuff them into a box. or throw them
away? Are you aware of the valuable information that h as been imparted on the pages
of each issue placed into y our h ands?
ams. above most others. corn- implement a ll of the steps . As a resu lt, Materia l a nd tools
/naldal ATradition of Consistent Quality "(nt WhiskerS w~ip is lig~~ighl and very durable. Mode
flamlhe same malerial as unbreakable eyeglass frames.
AI·30 AS·20
2M!70(m HTsGAIN" Antenna 2M!70(mHTAntenoo
~in:0/1.15 l!ng~: lSiIKMs Leflg1!l: 8.S indies
(onn: SMA w: )1M
! •
2M/7lll:m Oualband Anlema
• GliI:O!2.15111i L.l~1lilIs
M K ...3 0 H
Motorized Mount
PRM·T' '''' "'" '" ..... ..
l8l: H(4911li L...,a: 29 ~
NmP1JrM8OW (-=rL·259ar1lMO
Go-IIIIftd ...~ mdelw
The ultmete in (anveniente. A.'ItXM IIH !nit 1Il ~ 6:XIl rJ. 'ilIl '>1
suv\.. Holds ooIelIIOS ~ III 85 indlllS SHG·140B/lHG·140BNMOSHG·l lOOB/lHG·1 SOOBNMO
12VOC Hemy Duty MOtOf wilh Remote Swil(h st<llIt1y (omp~1e!y .fuble, ~ 2M Mabile Anreflfl(J 2M!70(m Mabile Anteflna
Artoe:hes emily to trunk &ds or !he lear doo at
Vnns/SUVs. 3600 oditJstuble, Slip·dlJlrn protecls the
......L~-t ". . : ;:Gl r>r~led~ vclMcIe ~, ~in: t 1dill (!"'" ioodt.ooJ SIB wave 6oin: 4.5/7.5<ffi' Leng l~: 59 ~
Langth: 56 ilKflas Max Pow«: 200W Il-.lJx f'ow81: 200W(oon: PI.·m III HMO
malor gems hom sllipping, Mo~ Antennc Height:62 (I)jln: pt·m orHMO Ground Indtpendent
irrbes. Milx AtllenllC Weight: 160/. Ac{ep!~ \turOlild FVS-SU Deluxe (oox (~b lc As\embly Groufld Indlipenden!
s(}239 table osserriJly (fVS.SO} fOl nlO!lllling PL· Atnxhllle fVS-50 to the P~M-T heavy duly od,JIlDble mobile moonl
16 Teal 9 inchaI l~m1 Ien~th with 18 indleI ~ ~G-1 88 type (OOX !(JI
259 type onlenoos. (liMO ooleooas 1&qIIi!e 5O-m 1275 N. Grove 5lreet . Anaheim . U. 92806
table assem~ y rod (amel A[).25Mroapter) easy !filly il!ll the whide wttllout ~ wind noM, Wille! IeOO or
(00' ~ PI.·259 boIT~ ~ dtIod!c!JIt 101 OOIf iftIIolaIioo. {1 14} 630--4541• (800) 962·2611
weclber oop iIdx!ed fox: 1714}630-7024• WWW.IOIIIel\111tennll.lOln
CO M P ... .. V
It would be hard not to notice the improving condilions on our HF bands. During the
next few y ears. contacts around the world will be easy to make and signal strengths
will be very high . Working DX will be possible with "barefoot" rigs and simple antennas
such as dipoles and verticals.
beam anten na can do a much improvement in receiving. All gain an- you desire - just point it toward the
.'....~ EO R EZ
•• - . - . ,
rope is under the support ann and then
read the number on the artific ial eq ua-
accurate as possible.
If yo u find it impossible to see Po-
, "
.--- .•
' :
tor behind the arm. From my QTH,
this bearing reads 45 degree s and is the
laris from your QTH , a couple of alte r-
nati ve way s to determine true no rth arc
•• URSA MAJO R direction I point my beam for most Eu- avai lable. For on e, man y towns and
ALKAI D .. - SII) DIPPEf< ropean OX. When I first used this cities ha ve their streets laid out in a
globe system. I was surprised to fi nd that north-south and east-we st pattern . If
Fig. 1. The Big Dipper ami its relationship
South America wa s not to my south applicable. usc a N-S street as a
to Polaris.
but more to the Southeast. Thi s is an pointer to find true nort h. Your city
easy-to-u se system to determine me e ngine er should ha ve reli ahlc infor-
had represented the North Pole just lies tru e bearing to any place in the world . mation on the street layout in your
under the semicircular support arm. Ju st rotate the globe until the country town .
Mark this point on the artificial equator of choice lies under the support arm Also. a good magnetic compass can
- this now represents the directio n of (now the cursor), and read the bearing be used to fi nd true north. Unfortu-
north, zero degrees or 360 de grees. from the artificial equator line. The na tely, the north magnetic pole to
Repeat this wi th the pivot hole that main prob lem rema ining is to ensure which a co mpass needle points is not
represented the South Po le. This mark that your hcam a nd rotator can accu- located at the north geographic pole.
will represent the direction of south. or rately posi tion your antenna to the Loca l mag neti c anomalies a lso effect
180 degrees. Now rotate the globe un- correct direct ion/beari ng. mag netic co mpasses. The difference
til the new artifi cial equator intersects Once you know where the beam is to be tween true north and the direction to
the rea l Equator so me where to the be pointed. yo u should make sure that which a magneti c compass need le is
west of Africa. A mark here will indio your beam is mounted properly so that pointing is called "magnetic variati on"
cate the tru e direction of90 degrees, or the rotor co ntrol me ter displays me and this varies from locatio n to loca-
east. Repeat for the intersection of the beam heading accurately. At zero. tion. Magnetic variation is shown on
artificial equator and the real Equator north or 360 on the mete r, the beam man y maps as dashed lines, each
somewhere west of Hawaii. This point sho uld be pointing di rectly toward the marked in degrees and ide ntified as
will mark the direction of 270 degrees, north geographic pole. A n easy way to cast or west variation . These lines arc
or wcst. locate true north is to use the star " Po- known as isogonic line s or lines o f
Thc locati on of markings for the laris," ofte n called the North S tar. Po- equa l magnet ic variation. Interpolation
hearings between 0 and 90 degrees laris is within one (I) degree of true must be used to find the variatio n al lo-
will ha ve to be determi ned by measur- no rth and is quite visible in the No rth- cations between adjacent lines. When
ing the distance between 0 and 90 de - ern Hemi sphere. It ca n be located by variation is " cast:' ma gneti c north is
grees along the artifici al equator and using the stars in the Big Dipper (Ursa east of true north. when variatio n is
dividing it into 6 eq ual segme nts Major) as g uide s. The Big Dipper and " west." magnetic north is west of true
which can be used to mark the 15, 30. its relationship to Polaris are shown in north . At my QTH. the vari ation is 4
45. 60 and 75 degree positions. In a
Fig. 2. (The Big Dipper will change p0- degrees east. which means that a mag-
sitions during the year. but the pointer net ic compass here wi ll poi nt 4 de-
stars will always point to Polaris.) grees to the cast of true north. 50 I
Imagine a straight line from Mare k would have had to ma ke a 4 degree ad-
Subscriptions through Dubhe a nd beyond. T he fi rst justment to use a magnet ic compass.
bright star that this imaginary line in- Man y sport a nd military compasse s
tercepts will be Polaris, the No rth S tar. arc a vailable that have an adj ustable
731Wagazille City lights may make Polaris hard to bezel or sig ht assembly that permit
find. If so. a late night or early morn- offsetting the compass read ing by the
Only $24.97 - I year ing observatio n might be necessary. amount of loc al variatio n (±).
$44.97 - 2 years
When you loc ate Polaris. stand at the Accuratel y determining the direc-
S65.00 - 3 years'" base of your tower and find a suita ble tion to the stations of your choice and
" best buy (54% off cov er price!) landmark di rectly between you and then pointing your beam in that direc-
Polaris. This gives you a permane nt tion will maximize yo ur chances for
Call 800-274-7373 reference to ward true north , usable in DX co ntac ts. as we ll as permit more
the daylight when you will probabl y solid stateside Q50s . fa
36 73 Amateur Radio tcaev » March 2001
Listings are free of charge as space permits. Please send us your Calendar Event two months in
advance of the iss ue you want it to appear in. For example, jf you want it to appear in the May
iss ue, we should receive it by March 3 1. Provide a clear, concise summary of the essential
details abo ut your Calen dar Event.
MARCH 10 St. at third traffic light. High St. on left. Talk-in MARCH 24
on 146.94(-) Mt. Tom rptr. Doors open at 7 a.m.
KNOXVILLE , TN On Saturday, March 10th, for ve ndors , 9 a .m . fo r bargain hunters . ST. PAU L, MN The Robinsdale ARC, Inc . will
the Shrine r/Hams of Kerbela Amateur Rad io A mate ur a nd commercial license exam host its 20th annual Midwinter Madness Hobby
Service will sponsor their annual Hamfest at session at 10 a.m. Refreshments, 120 VAC , Electronics Show at the Gangelhoff Center
Kerbela Temple, 315 Mimosa Ave" Knoxville which is located on the Concordia University
plenty of parking, help loading and unloading,
TN, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $5. Indoor campus in SI. Paul. VE exams 8:30 a.m.-3
handicapped accessible . Tables $15 each.
vendor tables are $8 each plus admission of p.m . Super buys on computers, ha rdware,
Tailgating $5. General admission $ 5 pe r
$5. Setup Friday from 4 p.m.- 8 p.m., and components, peripherals, and amateur radio
person, under age 12 free. See the Web site
Saturday 5 a.m.-8 a.m. Overnigh t security equipment. Admission is $7 at the door.
at [www.m tara.org}. Contact Cindy Loiero Contact RARC, P.O. Box 22613, Robbinsdale
will be provided . Talk-i n on 144 .83 (T)/ KlISS at [n1fi@arrl.net,or(413)56B-1175for
145.43(R ); or 146. 52 simp lex . Smoking MN 55422; orcafl (763) 537-1722. Check the
table or exam reservations and additional info . Web site at [http://www.visi.coml-kO/tc]. Send
indoors is permitted in designated area only.
E-ma il to{k0ltc@visi.com].
Co ntac t Pa ul Baird K3PB, 1500 Coulter
Shoals Circle, Lenoir City TN 37772. Tel.
(865) 986-9562.
JEFFERSON, WI The Tri-County ARC will
present "Harntest 2001 " Sunday, March 18th, MA DISON, OH The Lake County ARA will hold
SCOTTSDA LE, AZ T he Scottsdale A RC
at the Jefferson County Fai rgrounds Act ivity
ha mfest will be held starting at 6 a .m . at
Center, Hwy. 18 West, Jefferson WI, 8 a.m .-2 Continued on page 58
Scottsdale Community College , 101 North-
Ex it Chaparral Rd., 9000 E. Chaparral Rd, p.m. Vendors will be
Scottsdale AZ . Parking $2. Tables $10. AV admitted at 7 a .m.;
parking . VE exams. Fo r more info , contact others at 8 a.m. only.
Roger Cahoon KB7Z WI, 8501 E. Edward, Vendors only parking
Scottsdale AZ 85250. Tel. (480) 948-1824. will be provided for
Mobile (602) 725-7256; Fax (602) 943·7651 . unloading. Talk-in on
Send E-mail to {rgcahoon @msn.com). th e 14 5.4 9 rptr.
Admission $4. Table
MARCH 10, 17, 21, 29, APRll1? space, 8 ft ., $6 each.
Reserve your space
ST lOUIS, MQ Three FREE all-day Severe early. Contact TeARC,
Weather Observation training seminars are 213 Fred- erick ei,
planned at various locations around St. Louis Fort Atk i ns on WI
County. All are welcome, including those from 53538. Te l. (920)
outside the area. Free parking. Ce rti fication 563-6381 eves.; FAX
provided for RA C E S. and SKYWAAN, all at (920) 5 63-9551 . E·
no cost. At most locations , SKYWARN Level mail [tricounryarc@
1 Training is presented in the morning, and globa/dialog.com}.
classes res um e in the afternoon with the
SKYWAAN Level 2 Pro gram. Trainin g will be MAUMEE, OH The
held as follows: Sa turday all-day classes on
46t h A n nua l H a m -
Ma rch 10th , 17th and A pril 7th . Ev ening
fest/Computer Fair of
classes (Level 1 on ly), on March 21st and 29th .
the Toledo Mobile
Fo r locations call the Severe Wea ther Info
Radio Assn. wi ll be
Line, (314) 615-7857, for a taped message and
held 8 a .m.-2 p.m . at
addition al info rmation.
the Lucas County
MARCH 11 Rec. Cen ter, 290 1
Key St., in Maumee.
AMHERST, MA The Mount Tom Ama teur For de tails, sen d an
R ep eat er Assn . wi ll hold its 16t h Annual SASE to Paul Hanslik
Amateur Radio & Electronics Flea Market on N8XD B , P.O. Box
Sunday, March 11 th , at the Amherst Regional 2 73, Toledo OH
Middle School, 170 Chestnut St. , Amherst 436 97-02 73 . Tel .
MA. From Exit 4 on Mass Pike , take 91 N to (419) 385-5056; Web
Exit 18, Rte. 9, ta ke At e. 9 North to Amherst page [www. tmraham
Center. Left onto Plea sant St., right on Ma in radio.org].
73 Amateur Radio Today· March 2001 37
Steve Nowak KE8YN/4
Mobile , Portable and Emergency Operation 101 1 Peacock Ave. NE
Palm Bay FL 32907-137 1
We are in deed a mobile society, as I experienced recently with a move from th e southeast to the
midwest to start m y new career with the Nebraska Health System. Amid U1C preparations to
p r ep are o ur house [or sal e and p ack those th i ngs I would n eed lO take witt: me in advance of
th e movers, I tried to look at the bright side. At least the drive [rom Florida to Omaha would
give m e some radio tim e.
The sn ow will soon be gone across most of North America, and hams in every sta te an d
province will be emerging from th eir shacks La go on hidden transmitter hunts, both on foot
and in vehicles. Will you be among them?
RRL's Web site recently surv eyed visi- wit h yo ur cl ub w he the r yo u w ant to do Montreal Fox Contro lle r (M FC) by Francois
A tors about thei r participatio n in trans-
mitter huntin g, whi c h is a lso c a lle d
sho rt-ra nge o n-foot hunting , longer-range
hu nt ing o n bic ycl es, or still-lo nger-range
T remb lay VE2J X a nd J ac q ue s B rode ur
VE2EM M . See " Re sources" for more in-
foxhunting and T-hunting . O ver 2,400 Web- m obil e hu nts. Inq uirers seldom tell me this forma tion. A dva nce d hunts with unattended
savvy hams replied, a respectable sample. in the first E- mail. trans mitters are best o n simplex freq uenci es,
About a q uarter of them said that they did it Fo r your cl ub 's fir st mob ile hunts, keep where they can ' t accidentally QR M re peater
occasionally or ofte n. Is that true of the it sim ple. Have the hider stay with the trans- Q SO s.
mitter and key it up at appropriate intervals. Miniature transmi tters bring a lm ost end-
members o f your loca l radio club?
He or sh e can read into the m ike from a hook le s s fu n to a d va n ced m o b ile hu n ts . In
On the other hand, 60 percent of survey
December's " Ho m ing In," I to ld yo u about
respo nders had ne ver tried Rad io D irectio n or from the club ne wslette r, or j ust make
an inform al contest in the San Fra ncisco Bay
Fi ndi ng (RD F) contests of any ki nd . I won- comments and urge the hunters on (P hoto A) .
area to see who could make the sma lles t fox
der ho w that compares to other ham rad io A starter hunt like this is a great way to end
transm itters. At that ti me , o ne ham had a
activitie s. T he on ly cl ue at the A RR L' s site the weekly cl ub or A R ES net on your loc al
was a survey of image modes, such as slo w- repe ater. With lots of fo lks listenin g then ,
scan and fast-scan ham TV. A lmost 80 per- y ou 're ma rc likel y to get some o f them to
cent o f responders said they had neve r tried come o ut to find the T. Make sure to re mind
them. everyone to do their RDF a ll the repeater
I have urged yo u to enjoy this exci ti ng in pu t freque ncy, not the outp ut !
part of ham rad io in the page s of this maga- A fter a few hu nts, you may want an UIl -
zine for over 12 years. M y Web si te has pro- attended tran sm itti ng setup so tha t the hider
mo ted it for almost fi ve years. T he re spo nse doesn ' t ha ve to stay w ith the rig . Yo u could
has been g ra ti fy ing. L oi s o f ham s and connect your two -meter hand-he ld or mo-
nonhams want to kn ow more . Not surpri s- bile transceiver to a tape recorder, playing
ingly, many of the inqui ries are the same . an endless loop answeri ng machinc cassette
with an app rop riate message or so und e f-
This m onth, I'Il let you in on the most fre-
fects, pl us statio n IO. Some prefer to hid e a
quently asked q uestions abo ut ROF, and the
du al-band hand-held and activate it on the
subband from anothe r transm itter.
Getting Started Is Easy Later on, afte r yo u gain some experie nce
and have a better idea o f yo ur particula r
Many ne wcomers overestimate the d iffi - needs, consider a dedicated fax box with tones
culty o f p utting on their first event. They as k: and a cycling timer for hid ing (Photo B ).
"My cl ub wants to start transmitter hunting, You'H need fi ve units like th is for o n-foot
but first we need a hidden transmi tter. What hunts un der international rule s. r covered
is available?" fa xboxes in detai l in "Ho ming In" for March
Before yo u can pick the proper tools for 1998 and in m y book on RD F. (Transmitter
any j ob, you ha ve to evaluate the job. J ust Hu nting - Radio D irection Finding Sim - Ph oto A . A hidden transmitter setup
as no sc rewdriver is perfect for every size plified by MoeH and C urlee is pu blished by doesn 't have to be f ancy. Da vid Bunger
screw, no hidden trans mitter se tu p b ideal TAB/ Mc G ra w -Hill, I S BN num be r 007· N CJQEC and Daniel Cowell KBOIEK of
for all situations. Hiders use a wide variety 1560068 .) the Lincoln (Nebraska) Amateur Radio
of eq uipment. Power o utput and ante nna Popu lar transm itter controllers for hath Club awa it the hunters us they read f rom
type depend o n the di stance to the stan poin t m obile and on-foot foxhunts incl ude P icC on my book into the mike. Note the transmit-
and the leve l of intended d iffi c ulty. D iscuss b y B y o n G arra b ra nt N6BG a n d the ting beam antenna affixed to the sawhorse.
73 Amateur Radio Today. March 200 1 39
sq uare mile s. There are some tiny transmit-
ters being marketed to Tvh umers that ha ve
not been rev iewed by " Homing In" beca use
my tests have sho wn them to be spectrally
"d irty." J ust as ou tput filters are standard
eq uipment in base and mo bile ham trans -
ce ivers. they sho uld als o be incl uded in rni-
c ro-T's. even if it means makin g them a bit
T here are several commercial sup pliers
of tiny tran smi tters and tracki ng receivers
fo r the wild life managemen t market. T hey
arc a lso popular with owners of pri zed
ho und s, Mag nu m Telemetry. fea tured in
"Hom ing In" for August 200 0. is an ex -
am ple . Unde r FCC Par t 15. these transmi t-
ters typica lly o perate just below TV channel
7 or just abo ve T V channe l 13.
To save battery Hfc. tracking tran sm itters
Photo R. VHF transmitter boa rds like this f\\'(HI'o11 svnthesited mode! ( T30 1) from are usua lly p ulsed for a few mi lliseconds,
Hanuronics arc ideal for medium-power faxboxes in surplus ammunition cam. They abo ut once a second. For RDF, most wild-
produce clean output when driving tugh.power amplifiers. if needed. life trackers usc very sensitive receivers and
beam or phased -array an tennas . Spe ci a l
trac king recei vers arc e xpensive , but many
tra nsm itte r. battery, and controller that fi t Do-It-Yourself 007 Tric ks users ha ve had good res ults with ord inary
into a 35 111m film ca nister. In a recent E- ha nd-held scan ning recei vers, T hey sho uld
mail. Pa ul Shinn wrote. " T ha t is no w con- Q uestion 2 is by far the most freq uent ly he m uni modc (i ncl ud ing CW and S SB )
sidered to be big. T he lat est c reation is asked. bec ause it comes from bo th hams and mod els s uch as the Ico m R· JO. T rident
d ub bed the Micro Montreal Fo x (1 1M F). nonhams: "1 need a miniature transmitter TR2400 , o r Son y IC F·PR080 ,
It is a lmost ha lf the size and pu ts o u t 60 to put on my pri zed possession to find it Mo st o f the miniature "bugv rransmin ers
milliwaus !" whe n it wande rs away. or is sto len o r ab- tha t arc advertised in e xperimente r maga-
Paul co ntinues: "The MMF is b uilt into a d uc ted . Wh at is av ailab le?" T he " p rized zincs suc h as Papular Electronics and Nuts
wa terproo f metal en clos ure and is o nly po sse ssions" in these inq uiries have in - and Volts usc the 88to 108 MHz PM broad -
slightly larger than a 9-volt ba ttery alon e. cl uded sports cars. T V sets. mo torcycles. cast band , At fi rst thou g ht. it appears to be
we also have a o ne-w att ve rs ion in the cats, coonhounds , and many other th ings,
an ad vantage that they ca n he rece ived o n
works that will be abou t the size of four 9- living or inert.
ordinary home and car radio s. However, this
volt batteries put together. T he size is mostly A stam p-s ize microtran smitter project
me ans that effective range is limited by in-
for the lithium ion battery pack. The guys was featured in " Horning In" for Ma y and
terference from powerful broadca st stations.
here like transmitters that stay on continu- Se ptember 1993 (P hoto C ). Th is 25 milli-
Fu rthermore. modu lation de viation in the
o usly and the hun ts run for 4 hou rs. so that watt crystal-controlled rig was design ed by
FM broadca st band is 15 time s greater than
limits our miniaturization. Now, if we cou ld Ken Bauer KB6TTS and can be tuned for
on two meters. and receiver hand widt h is
j ust bui ld a nuclear reactor that' s the sile o f eit her the 2-rneter or l 25-cent imeter ham
correspond ingly larger. This mean s that sig-
a pea !" bands. S urface-moun t co ns truc tion isn' t for nal-to-noi se ratio is degraded and (hat Fl\1
everyo ne, so Ken' s company. Airtek Engi-
broadca st recei vers are inco mpatib le with
neering. also makes wired/tes ted tra nsmit-
narrowband Do ppler RD F sets.
ters . His prima ry market is ha ms who fl y
Anae hing yo ur own tiny transmitte r and
model gliders, to aid in the ir reco very,
antenna means that the thief who lakes yo ur
I a lways remind inqui rers that tran smit-
prize-winning feline can ge t it o ut of your
ters on ham frequ enc ies may o nly he used
de tectio n range very qu ick ly, or simply p ut
by lice nsed ama te ur rad io o perators. and
your tabby ill a car trun k to shield the sig-
that plenty ofT-hunting hams are read y a nd
nal. By co ntrast. com mercia l stole n vehicle
eag er to trac k do wn nc nham intruders o n
recovery syste ms such as Lorack are cffcc-
these freq uenc ies. Station ID and co ntrol
tivc because (he re are so many receivers in
operator requireme nts o f FCC Part 9 7 must
the service area tbut there is a good chance
a lso be followed (P hot o D).
\ /
Photo C. Whether fo r sport or for covert
Eve n a QR P transmitter has to he spec -
trally pure , because it may e nd up ncar an
airport or other sensitive locatio n. T he sec-
one will always he close by, In Los Ange-
le s, o ver 400 sq uad cars are eq uipped, plus
law enfo rcement helicopters and some fixed
statio ns.
tracking, the higgest part of a tilly hidden ond harmonics of a two meter signal are o n
transmitter is sometimes the batterv. These frequ e nc ie s used by a irc raft! Hid e rs in Kid Trackers, Too?
transmitters. designed by Ken Bauer of so uthern Cali fornia like to put their T 's on
Airtek. .....erefeatured in previous "Homing top of m ile-high mountain peak s. whe re a Some inq ui rers carry th is concept a step
In " columns. fe w milliwa n s ca n cove r t ho usa nds o f fu rt her, as kin g : " I want a pager-size d
40 73 Amateur Radio Today . March 2001
tracki ng device to put on my toddler. This either by accident (such as falling into ho le s)
would work with a pocket-sized receiver and or the ft. Can a transmi tter be inserted into The Gordon West
RDF set so I could locate the child in case items like wre nches. dri lls, or grinders, with
he or she becomes lo st or abd ucted." a RDF unit capable o f detecting the m from
Study Guides
I often suspect th at the se wri te rs a re o utside a vehicle ?" Examination Te st
thinkin g no t o n ly of the ir own kids, but RDF is typically do ne at considerable Questions & A nswers
of the mo n ey- m ak in g potential o f this distance , from ya rds to mi les an d beyond.
fo r Genera l C lass and Ex tra C lass
technique . In either c ase, the tra cking of For that, transm itters req uire lo ng -te rm
w ith exp lanations of th e a nswers
children is a m uch more se rio us and d if- po we r source s (such as batteri es) and effi-
fi cult matter than the tracking o f sports cars. cient antenna s. Such an installation fits in a
Ge neral Class
Here are just some of the many factors that sports car or animal coll ar, b ut is too large
$ 12.95
must be considered: to go into small ite ms such as hand tools. In
Plus $3.50 S&H
• Size - For su fficie nt transminerpower addition . the transmitted signal c an be de-
and antenna size to permi t tracking over a tected by an yone wi th a rece iver tuned to
wide area, the child' s transmitting device the pro per frequency. or e ven a frequ ency Extra C lass
must be bigger and heavier than most people counter, so the se system s are no t covert. $14.95
wo uld de sire. RHO technology at the job site ex it is Plus $3.50 5&11
• RDF - An e ffec tive tracker needs a probably more appropria te for this tool-de-
tectio n application. RFID systems precisely
O mega Sales
"wide aperture" antenna for sens itivity and
accuracy, so it cannot be pocket-sized . How- track property and objects at relativel y close P.a. Box 376
Jaffrey, Nil 03452 ~!VlSA J
ever, pa rents won 't want to hau l aro und a
big tracker.
• Battery Life - The longer the battery
range . For instance, chips (also called tran -
sponders) ca n be im planted in pe ts to pro-
vide positive proof o f ownership if the pet
• 800-467-7237
mustlast. the bigger and heavier the transmit- strays into the po und or is stolen. A read er
ter on the c hil d mu st be . devi ce. passed over the ch ip. detects it and
• Antenna - How do you put an e ffec- reads o ut the chip's uniq ue ID code . Simi- AD SALES
ti ve antenna nex t to a child' s bo dy withou t lar RHO systems sound an alarm when non- call
detuning the antenna? paid-for merchandise passes thro ugh the Evelyn Ga r r ison
• RFRadiation - Is it safe to have a tran s- doo rs o f a sto re . RFID is done at greate r
mitt ing antenna next to a child 's body ? distan ce in au tomatic toll collectio n sys-
• Liability - Will the maker be sued if tems. T he Pas'Irack" transponde rs fo r new
parents do not quickl y find thei r child with sout hern Ca lifo rn ia toll freeways can e ven
the device? be used to quickly pay for a McDonald ' s
• Security - How do you keep cri mi nals burger at the o ff ramp !
from tracking other people' s lost children ? T he c hips (also called tag s or transpon-
What happens if a pote n tial kid nap pe r ders) are usua lly passive , meaning that they
use s R DF to loc ate the lo st child before don't req uire battery power. T hey cannot be
the parent s do? detected with co n ventiona l recei vers, bu t R F and A u(fi() Equipm ent
My advice is to leave kid-trac king to the only by a reade r o r polling de vic e designed
to be used wi th them . For a quick introduc-
professionals, and don' t try it at home. If it
tion to transponder technology with some
were straig htforward a nd e asy. lots of
Time Domain Hetlect ornete r {TOR)
companies would be doing it . T he tracking Jinks, see the Radio Frequ ency Identifi ca-
devices would be as popula r as Razo r scoot- tion (RHD) Systems page at the Virginia
ers . Bu t as of thi s writing, I don't know o f Po lytechnic C en ter for Wi rele ss Communi- Designed
any. Sure , there arc occasional ne ws stories catio ns Web site , listed in " Reso urces ." f or the RF
abo ut such systems that will be a vai lable Service Technici a n.
Wrong-Wa y Beams
"real soon now." But somehow they never
gain wide spread ac ceptance. Reduced Price!
The las t question for this month hasn 't
Most proposed and publicized co mmer- n"w ,,"ly 5399. 95
ac tually be en asked many tim es, b ut il
cial child-tracking system s don 't u se true should: " C an I use my two -meter yagi or
RDE In stead, they op t for G PS or other quad for RDF on other fre quencies, such as Detect and Locate Faults (HealTime}
time-of-arrival (mu ltil ateration) so lutio ns. in cables ranging f rom 16 to 2,000 feet.
the airc raft band fo r Emerge ncy Locator
The mention of GPS makes hams think o f Transmitters (ELTs) . or the VHF marine Come take a look
usi ng APRS for this application. The pros band'?" at our updated website
and cons of that approach are beyond the No! T he d irec tional characteristics o f 1 www.aea-wireless.com
scope of thi s article, b ut keep in mind that a parasitic antennas suc h as ya gis or quads
GPS recei ver doesn 't wo rk well inside a car change signific antly when frequency is var- ~ RF and A udio Equipment
trunk, ei ther. ied by only a sm all am ount. I thought e very
A similar but eq ually often-asked ques- ham knew this until I pu t on one of the first 1487 Poinsettia P: (!'l00) 25!'l-780 5
Suite # 127 P : (7 fiO) 79 8-9687
tion calls for a different approach. There are 223 MHz hunt s in sout hern California a
Vista. OJ 92083 F: (760 ) 798-9 689
many variations, hut this is ty pica l: " O ur decade ago. It wasn ' t in a truly difficu lt-to- e-mail: aea@aea-wireless.COlll
construction company is losing smaJl tools, find place , bu t one hunter co uld n' t seem to
73 Amateur Radio Today. March 200 1 41
to f re quenc y, with a usable bandwidth of
one-qua rte r percen t or less.
An Internet foxhunting mailing list rece ntly
had a message about hams in the state of Wash-
ington who discovered that their two-meter
beams wo rked backwards w hen tracking
121 .5 MHz ELTs.That' s no surprise when you
consider that the reflectorof'a 146 MH z beam
is about the same size as the director of a 121.5
M Hz beam. Similarly, an illustration at the
" Hom ing In" Web site shows how a two
meter beam " points rearward" when track -
ing 172 M H z wildlife transmitters, an d has
a lm ost S dB less gai n, too .
Incorrect feed poi nt matching is anot her
problem of off-frequency beams that usually
does n't appea r in antenna desig n software
plots. It results in additiona l unwanted pattern
lobes and n ulls, caused by interaction of the
feedline pickup and beam response. Since it's
Photo D. YrJII don' t have to lise surface-mount techniques to build a small two- meter easy and inexpensi ve to make yagis and quads
trunsminer: This cigarette-pack -si:e rig by Don Lewis KF6GQ was built around the with optimum di mensions and matching for
Motorola MC2833 transmitter and 555 time r l Cs. both ill DIP packa ges. /t puts out any VHFIUHF frequency, take the time to do
five milliwarts. The 1(1) hoard carne from a voice-message greeting card, 1I0W used 10 the job right (Photo E) .
generate audio modulation and station ID .
What's Your Question?
close in . Every ttmc I ta lked to him. he was Space for thi s month is a lmost gone , so I enjoy c orrespon din g w it h hams and
in a di fferent s pot tha t was equally fa r from I wo n' t go in to all the theo ry, b ut s uffice clubs tha t are getti ng started in hidden trans-
my location . it to say tha t a fu ll-size VHF o r U H F quad mitter hunting . But befo re you pre ss the E-
Finally, I asked what equipment he was or yagi wo n' t ha ve f u ll gain or directi vity mail SEND button, check the " Ho ming In"
using for RDF. He rep lied. " My two-meter whe n u sed at more than p lus or minus 3% Web site. The answer to yo ur question might
quad. of course!" I as ked him to take a he ar- of it s d esign f requenc y. A s ho rte ne d or already be o n the Freq uently Asked Q ues-
ing on my sig na l and tell me whatit was. Sure tions page, or somewhere e lse in the 30
loaded ga in antenna (such as the Shrunken
enough, it was off by almost 120 degrees!
subpages there.
Q uad in m y book) is e ven more sensitive
Ple ase don 't get anxio us if you don 't get
an immediate answer. If I can repl y com-
ple tely from information in my head or if I
need mure de ta ils from yo u, you' ll prob-
ably hear back rig ht away. But if I have to
do any researc h at all , such as look up a Web
site or magazine article refe re nce to reco m -
mend 10 you, then yo ur mai l goes into the
" to do" fil e and m ig ht take a w hile to
emerge, especially if a busi ness trip intervenes.
Don 't give up unless it's been at least a couple
of weeks, then send me a reminder in case I
lost yo ur mail or it didn' t get to me.
One of m y gre ate st frustrations is to do
the research to answer a specifi c question,
then have the reply bounce back to me be-
cause the se nder changed E-mail addresses
or canceled his E- m ail accou nt. If you're
not going to be at your return E-mail address
for at least three weeks, kindly wait until you
have a "permanent" address before se nding
your inquiry.
Continued on page 59
Photo E, VHF/ UHF yagi and quad antenn as mu st be ope rated within a few percent of
their design freq uency for hext RDF perform ance. Boh Miller N6ZHZ of the Civil Air
Patrol builr this special cut-so-frequency dual-ba nd quad for trackin g weak aircraft Say you saw it in 731
Eme rgency Locutor Transmitter signals 011 121.5 and 243.0 MHz.
42 73 Amateur Radio Today. Ma rch 2001
Low Power Operation Michael Bryce WB8VGE
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More HW-9
Last time. we calked about the slipping VFO in the 111\'-9. I've received many letters and E-mail.')
from readers telling me thar those hints put several IIl V-9s beck on the air. Let's hope this
month we can gel some more H IV-9 QRP rigs operating.
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AO-40 Update
Following the successf ui l aunch of Phase 3D, now AMSAT-OSCAR-40, on Novem ber 16, 2000,
most of us listened for telemetry or just settled back to wait for transponder experimen ts. No
one kne w that a wild ride was j ust ahead!
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Lots of updates are here for the taking. These computer-crafted radio modes seem to sprout
new modes and updates for earlier programs like weeds in the spring lawn. 1 was going LO say
older programs instead of earlier. And that could have been politically correct in com p uter
terms. but. most of the soundcard softwa re has been around less than two y ears.
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that a QRP station (at the other end) was making it. In the end. he wa s doing better than
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got away. The little triangle at tha t f requency indicates where the lower (2nd) pane 1 WSYI Group 1
would be printing copy f rom. The upper pane frequency indicator has a little flag at- • P.O. Box 565 101 · Dallas TX 75356 •
tached and is j ust to the right of 14.070. Left button snaps the pointer with the fla g to the 1-800-669-9594 1
point in the waterfall where you spot a signal. Right mouse button does the same f or the
1L www.weyt.org ..
triangle indicator: The Help file is a wonder for clarity and information. Just about any
reasonable question is answered so you can understand what you need to do. The mac-
ros. 24 of them , are easily edited and this is explained well. There is also sufficient infor-
mationfor transferring your mini-log inf o 10 your regular logging program if you desire.
You will find j ust about everything you need short ofa transceiver and an alllenna to gel
YO/I going in PSK31. Go fo r it!
~, R~)C ~
Check Out Our Sp..<-lals <HI .... r Web Page.
up a PIT circ uit (j ust like the one I use ). It Dave is still tweaking that program . I re- ROSS DlSTIlJBtmNG COMPA~Y """""c'"
7tI S. Still< SIre<!. Pre~"". ID 1l.1l-6J FOIl ......
is thorough b ut not ove rkill. T here is every- ceived an E-m ail notice the other day that Ilo."" TiIe.-fI' 9-'11.. . 9-1 "".... ~ ';oW"" ! "'..tn
thing you need to ge t you go ing in PS K3 1. he had added a bit of clarity to the water-
Plus. if you don't wish to he bothered with fa ll. I had heard a few com plaints on the
the home -bre w me thod o f c a b li n g an d subject, so I dow nloaded the late st upd ate ,
tweaking, the DigiPan Web si te shows a rea- and it looks very good . The latest update me from ge lling a complete dow n load of
sonably priced interface tha t could save you w hen I started this paragra ph was version the file .
a lot o f steps . I haven' t spoke n with anyone 1.89 . I just c hecked again and it is version "Sc.v rhougfu I, '·1 wi ll fi x this." A frie nd
using thi s setup as of this writi ng, b ut it is a 1.90 . W here the techno logy goes by the time had in fo rmed me he had overcome some
good premise, an easy way to ski p some you read this, I cannot predict. It all mo ves download problems by replacing his copy
tedium. very fas t. of Netscape 4 .7, the o ne I am using, with
As many of you know, the autho r o f thi s Better news ye t, the Web site wh ere you the new ve rsion 6. Then. for some reason
program , Nick, also writes MixW, a mu ch would normall y dow nload the WinWarbler on tha t d ay, 1 even had a problem down-
more intense effort. M ixW, ill add ition to software along wi th other of Dave 's man y loading from Ne tscape .
doing a good job o n PSK3 1, gets yo u into creations contains instructions about getting T he n e x t da y , th e d o wnl o a d fro m
Rrry, p acket, C W, and a few e xperi me nta l and installi ng the up da tes. I did no t realize Netscepe came o ff like a cha mp. The " path"
modes, pl us you c a n copy Pactor a nd thi s and was severa l updates be hind . O f must h ave improved, things are bo und to
Hellschreiber. There is a version 2 0 fM ixW c ou rse , not kno win g an y better, it was look up. It was e ntertaining, to say tho least ,
being aw aited by those of us who see the working j ust fine . (Ignoranc e is bliss.) watching the ne w version o f Ne tsca pe in-
fru its of Nick' s e fforts. I ho pe it works as I also recei ved a m e s s a g e th a t t h e stall itself as it was dow nloadi ng . Qui te a
well as this latest DigiPan. You can get a Zakanaka firs t version was ready for down- marvel in programming, I was thinking .
free demo of MixW by following the UR L load. That is a fasci na ting project, but I ran T hen began the ago ny of watching this
listed in Table 1. into co m plicatio ns that thwarted the actual old 120 MHz computer crawl through the
WinWarbler fans will he pleased to know viewing. Some strange little g litc h prevented paces try ing to sort ou t all the baggage in
73 Amateur Radio Today · March 200 1 51
the new Nctsc apc package . That is the nic- not in the business o f marketing (he Internet, ,t too, would be a good program for the new-
est way to relate my thoughts. But I per- any o f the browsers o r the latest computers, est fastest processor. Ano ther uninstatt.
s is te d and a ttempted th e Zak a naka I merely try to fi nd ways for you to have What I am saying is there is still a lot o f
download with the new "hot set up." Worked fun with your computers which . in some I ife left in these machines that are a few
bcucr. but not good en ou gh . Nev er made it. c ases. are not as speedy as the o ne I am slt- years into obsolescence . You do ha ve to use
A litt le window came up and said the do wn- ting in fro nt of at th is momen t. I figure if the correct software. You can ha ve a ball
lo ad was complete when I knew it was about the lash-ups I fin d will run on this, they will with PSK 3 1. RITY. MFSKI 6. SSTV, a nd
25% short. probably perform well o n your computers most an y ne w mode that is go ing to pop up
Oh we ll, what is le n is to uninsta ll thi s in yo ur shacks, with ou t shell ing o ut fo r a new co mpute r or
fat ne w Netscapc and watch for new oppor- Just as a litt le aside, but o n the same sub- other expe nsive hardware.
tunnies to see the fab led Zakanaka in ac- ject, a while back someo ne suggested one Thai is on e of the factors that ha s always
tion. The lesson in all this is that there are o f the freebie virus scan prog rams. I do wn- broug ht people to thi s hobby. I hea r o f loud-
many programs being written tha t will o nly loaded it. insta lled it and that one apparently signa l SSB and C W conte st stations cost-
run o n very high e nd , o ne gigahertz rna - checked the syste m co ntin uous ly. The rea- t ng as much as a fancy hou se . And that is
chines. I am getting a little dismayed. I don't son I drew that co ncl usion was the computer o kay by m e. e ve ryone s hould ha ve the
see any reasoning for this trend. But I am was in a perpetual state of slowness. 1g uess choice to exe rcise that o ption. We can all
coexist at whatever leve l we prefer.
Table 1, The Infalllou.1 Chart -A/111m! eve rything .. . updatedmonthly: Con tinued on pa g e 59
52 73 Amateur Radio tcaev » March 2001
By Eric Shalkhausser W9CI, SK
Th e ear ly days of radio embraced an era filled with gusto ventures and exciting stor ies.
tru e t ales f rom yes teryea r we proudly r elate to y o u through this "His tory of Ham
Radio " ser i es. It is our sincere lVish that you r em ember th ese stor ies an d pass tii em on
10 future genera tions later in time - lVith a simila r "p ass it o n dOlVn " stip ula tion.
Through o ur joint efforts. amateur r adio 's l egacy wi ll llve forever. Th is m onth. i n Part
I V. lVe go back to the days of sp ar k gap s and ozone in the shack.
uring 1921 , for se nding the ir Construction articles appeared monthly o f impro ving the receptio n and trans-
4-. • ..-..
_ <:-.
other thin metal sheets. Tobacco
pouche s were ofte n sources o f foil.
<0, ...... K _
Enough plates were coated so that the
assembled condenser gave a value o f
.0 1- .0 12 j..l F. To make s ure that the u nit
co uld withstand potential surges as
high as 25.000 volts, fo ur of these sec-
Photo R. Radio pictorial. tions were connected in series-parallel.
54 73 Amateur Radio Today. March 2001
to contend with in meeting the 200
meter (or less) wave le ngth require-
This time: Lessons [rom industry; Yours truly, R/IlS: and lVho said ttiat?
hen I was a very yo ung en- months to desi gn - Gary could do veri fy by ca lcu latio n th at the value ac-
ginccr I took a jon with a n that in two weeks: ' tually requ ired in our syste m was. say.
ele vator compa ny and was Do n smiled and said. " I know th at 50 or abo ve, Joe could have the rejects
assigned to design severa l p ieces of - but Gary is m y system designer and retested and pick out th ose that were
test equipment for an e lec tro nic ele va- he 's working o n our next nov..· product. 60 or above an d keep the producti on
tor controller, I was given a fo ur- I can' t spare him for two weeks. If I line going .
month timetable . The senior e ngineer c ould find another genius like Gary. Next morni ng, w hile try ing to wake
to whom I reported. Gary. was t he g uy I'd hire him - but I can' t, so I ha ve to up wit h m y first cup of co ffee . I started
who had desi g ned the co ntro lle r, and hire guys like yo u. Gary can 't do it all sc ribb ling the ca lculatio ns on a ye llow
he was a whiz. It soo n became appar- alone." pad. It came qu ite eas ily. and I had j ust
ent that he kne w way more than I did Since then. I ' ve met so me very im- gotten the number (46 ) when I heard
about electron ic sys te ms - so much pressi ve engineers who have worked Joe come up beh ind me . " Got tha t beta
so that I be gan to feel a litt le inferior. I on the space shots. the ste a lth bombe r. minimum'?" he asked .
wo uld spend ha lf an hour every morn- and the latest mi crochi ps. r d envy "Jus t got it: ' I said . " Let me recopy
ing picking Gary's brain abo ut ho w his them for a while . hut the n I'd rcmcm- th is in good form and we can ha ve it
system ....-o rked, and then work the rest bel': " Gary can 't do it all alone - the y o ut on an ECO (Engineeri ng C ha nge
of the day trying to devise circuits to run need me. too." O rder) in half an hour: '
his system through its paces to verify " No time for that," he said. 'T II just
Once . at another company. my bo ss.
th at it was doing wha t h e d esigned it photoc opy th is and attac h it to the
Joe. c ame up just before q uitti ng time
to do . ECO form ," And with that he grabbed
and asked me to work up a calcu lation
About mi dway through the project.
fo r the minimum be ta required for the
Don. the vice president o f e ngineeri ng.
transistor in the " keyer" circui t o f a
invited me to have lunch wi th him . I
d isplay pan el we were building. It
was young . as I said. and foolish. and I
seems that our shipment o f transi stors
brashl y asked. "Do n. why d id you hi re
h ad gotten lost. and we would have to
me ? This test gear that I' m taking fo ur
sh ut down produ ction th e next day
1 m:s or .. . . 9 tlIli (II"
un le ss some more co uld be fo und.
Repri nted with permissio n from The We ll. the transistors had a g ua ran-
Hertzlan He rald. new sletter of the teed beta o f 80. and we had been test- Fig. I An example using a 10 V DC pulse
Monroe County (M I) Radio Communi- ing them all. so we had a b in fu ll of with a 10% duty cycle. applied 10 a I -ohm
catio ns Assoc iation (MC RCA). rejects that fell below 80. If I could resistor.
56 73 Amateur Radio Today · March 200 1
my coffee -stained scribb le sheet and RMS is the standard way o f measur- calcu late in stantaneous peak power, if
had it se nt all over th e plant with my ing AC , so the " 120 V AC line" actu- that's really what you want - but this
name on it. ally has a peak voltage of 1.414 x 120 is not stand ard, and not "eq uivalent to
S ince then, I d on't make so much as = 170 V. DC." Unscrupulous stereo-amp manu-
a grocery list unl ess I do it neatly and The average value of a sine wave is, facturers used to advertise "peak
in enginee ring form. And neither do I let of co urse, zero; th e negative half power" until the FTC shut them down.
my students get by with saying, "This is cycles cancel the positi ves. But the ab- A few e ven calculated something they
j ust my sc ribble sheet; I' ll recopy it so lute average value (witho ut regard to called "peak-to-peak power" - a total
neatly later." sign) of a 1.00 V RMS sine wave is fraud - and advertised that to haples s
0.90 V. Ordinary AC meters (VOM s customers.
Yours truly, RMS
and ine xpensive DVMs) re spond to the
Who said that? (Answers at end)
This time , let's di scuss the m ysteri - absolute average value o f the AC
o us letters " RMS." RMS is a way of wave, and indicate 1.00/0.90 or 1.11 I . "O ur inventions are but improved
measu rin g AC vo ltages and currents so times that value. For a sine wave, thi s means to an unimproved end. We are
that when yo u do O hm 's Law ( P = V2/ turns out to be th e RMS value . For AC
R or P = FR) on a resisti ve c irc uit, you waves that are not sine-shaped, th e
get the same re sults as with DC. reading is quite m eaningl ess . For our
Brie fly, RMS means "equiv alent to 10 V, 10% pulse wave, the RMS value is WANT TO LEARN CODE?
DC." T he letters R-M-S stand for a 3. 16 V and th e average value is 1.00 V, Morse Tutor Gold from G.G.T.I';" is the
answer for beginners and experts alike.
mathematical technique in which yo u but the reading would be 1. 11 V. "Getthe software the AR RL sells and USI.'S to create
take th e Root of the Mean of the TRMS meters are availab le (fo r a practice and test tapes; and Morse Tutor Gold is
Square . Fig. 1 shows an exam ple using price) th at will g ive the T rue RMS approved for VE exams at all levels.
' s~ 19lI7.GGTE h.. guidedneilily 10,000 ham, and pr<»peetive
a 10 V DC pulse with a 10% duty value o f a non-sine wave, but read the ham. lIIound d.. world through proven ,tructu,ed Ies,on. and •
cycle, app lied to a I-ohm re sisto r. specs close ly. If the TRMS m eter has a voriely " f charnet.,. word IIIld c",wenati"" drills. Straighl r"rword
menu. make 111e pr<>C¢$< simple .nd fun
Square: During the 1 m s o n lime , low-freque ncy cutoff, it will sc reen off ' This progr.m features easy IIIld .»/"OJy self installation; random
clIMaC1tr drills wilh dl< cha,ac1= you .dec!; and yOll Oilil creat.
power is V 2/R = IO ~/l = 100 W. During any DC befo re taking the measu re - yQ\lf own drill, or import lext fil... You c.n type whot you hell! or
copy by hand and see d,. ,..,dis one line 01 • lime. PICk Ihe
the off time, power is ze ro . ment. On such a meter, o ur pulse wave FanlSwor1ho, Ihe ,wulard ",. !hod; <dcc1lhe tone frequency """ t
Mean: Average (mean) power is on- would read 3.00 V. no t the correct comfortll ble foryou 0' oelccl your rode'»/"OJ ~\ tenth, of a word per
m", ul'. For aU OOS rompu''''' Y<>U are oIwoy, "' command
time power times th e duty cycle: P = value of 3 . 16 V.
." ('('rii!ied
bv Mor• • lu!<'f Gold me. yOU! inlernal spe;lker
IOOWx 10% = lO W. Somc fin al notes: (I) W he n yo u use
• or 'OI,nd loo",d. And. ,f Y<>U \t<e . , ound bo.;,d
Root: T he DC vo ltage that prod uces RMS voltage or current to calcul ate ~l or ... Tutor Gold ,ul'por1S v,"um. oonlroJ
l OW in a I ohm resistor is SGund Sound m aster and tho Solllld Bla" .. COlllp.ltibility
the power in a resistor, yo u get average f-'""",,-~1.olto or. b~d"" ,a, h ofCr""tiv< T""lllIol"llY Ltd
V = ) PR = ) lO x 1 = 3. 16 V. The pulse power. There is no such thing as RMS ,h ail. hi, lhru d• • Ie" . lh• .\ RRL. nr ...nd 529.95
wave has an RMS va lue o f 3. 16 V. ~ '>t S&H (C\ "" idenl; add S232Ia,) 1<>:
po we r. (2 ) Yo u can use peak voltage to
Note that RMS is not th e same as a ver-
age . Th e average vo ltage o f th e pulse
t cc rt; r.o. R", 3~d5 .lItpl. ~IS. \ . " p"t1 Roach.
e ,\ 9265~ Sl*f ir~ 5 'I, nr 3 '/, in, h di, l .
In Like a Lion
~Vjth Sunspot Cycle 23 peaking, it is vel}' difficult to make accurate long-range solar predictions
(this is being written at Christmastime), but I'm expectin g intense activity [or early Merch. DX
conditions will probably not improve until the weekend of the 11th, so the first 10 days might
be a good opportunity to finish those lingering winter projects, do the spring cleaning, and
(gasp!) tile the tax returns.
, ,'. ( I O) (10·'5) 10·15 '0 12<])
I 1~"
the equinox, and a few more good days ncar the end of the month may Co , (3O-IO) (30-101 (~ I I '~ - ;!OI (. O..cl) n OI" ,, ~ (' 5) ZO (201
provide the best DXing since the year began. (11) 20 (ro-40)
'00' , ~, , , , , (1O) '01'5) '. 117, ( 15-2Q)
ill"". '"
, ,., , , ,.,
(3(40) (20-401 117-20) (1O-15)
On an optimistic note, springtime is historically good fo r 15 and ( I 51 (l7-2O) 120)
o ,
, ,., so (2O--40) • • , ( 1 0- 1 ~) -s ,.,
20 meters and sho uld y ield some rare contacts, especially in Asia
I ;~k"" " (17'20) , , , ''''', , • (15" 1) , ,
• ,
and the Indian Ocean . Al so, be read y for those elusive Arctic and
i ·' , ,m, , • , , , , , , ,
Antarctic contacts since the gray-line will extend over the po les I i~..' .... (17·20)
, , , , , , ,
(1 5)
(17·20) 117-20 ) (' 0 -' 5)
this mon th. Long paths work be st at sunset and short path s work , , , , ,
be st at sun rise . Good luck!
(1 5)
(151 20
,m, (2O.Jo) {3O-401
(2O" 0) (2Q"0)
,,..,, ,
(15·2O) (1CJ.20) (10117
(15·20) ( , 0 ·20) (,0-20)
1" 20
. ,~
ro''''' 20 140) 120) 40 ,. ~
• (10-20) '° 120) 10 (20) 10 120) (",20
, , ('5·20) 20{4O)
(15120 ,,~
ro ~ ,
20 14O) 20140)
10· 20 10·20 '0 120) fa (2O)
' lo R) •
,ro, ,~
" ,ro, ,.,,
, ,
1' 5)
115"1) (1' _2O) (17-20)
1' ° )
I·~· tl)
(10- '5) (10-'7) (15-2Q)
I~ stan
I ""
I~ .." ....
(17· 20) (1 5· 20)
11 7 -ZO)
, ,
, ,
1'(). 2O)
15 and 17 meters ..
,"., . OW •5_20
(141 40 ~~ (30 _40) , (15-20) 10 (201 10 (201 10 (2O) 10{201
, ,
These are expected to be very good duri ng the day and shou ld .
Am erica
1' 0) 20 (1 5) 20 20 (40 1
2O{~ ) •
, ,
(10-20) 10 (201 1' 0>. 15) 10 (' 5) 10 (201
even remain open into the e vening at lower latitudes . Signals will
peak toward the cast in the morning, to the south around m idday,
.'ri<. '" 'w,,
,., ,., ''" • •
115-17) ('5· 17) (.7·201 117·20)
, (. 0-1. ) 11:1) 17 (15·201
I~~ •
,., ,., ,
117 -20) (17-20) (1 5 1 II , ) (,,-17 ) (17-20) ,~,
Eu "
F..I "
, "
, , , , ,.,
' ,'"
115·1 1) I ~O )
" , •
111-20) • , , • • , ,
,., , ,
P. k,.,ao 1' 5-111
March 2001 , ,
I! •t• • •
'''''• ,~ ,
• • (10·20)
110>.. 5 1 (" ) {17-201
,- , ,., (15) 20
, 1'5-201 (15) (101
1' 01 20 1·5) 20
120) 40 130-40) ,~,
1'(). 15 1 . 0-15
1 P 2 P 3 F·P 1'5) 20
• eo ''''' 120) 40 (30-40 ) , ~, , , , 11000ZO) (' 0) 20 ' 5-20
_., m
15-20 20 (40)
eo '''''
12Q) 40 130- 401 • , ( H>-2O) 1~ 1201 10 {201 10 (.01 1' 0) 20
4 F· P 5 P 6 VP 7 P 8 P 9 F· P 10 F
Table J. Plain numerals indicate bands which should he workable
11 F·G 12 F-G 13 G 14 G 15 F 16P 17 P on Fair to Good (F-G) and Good (G ) days. Numb ers in pareruhe-
scs indicate bands usually workable on Good (G) days only. Dual
18 P 19 F· P 20 F 21 F-G 22 F-G 23 P 24 P·F numbers indicate that the intervening bands should also be us-
25 F-P 25 F 27 F-G 28 G 29 G 30 F-P 31 F-P able. When one number appears in pa retuheses. that end of the
range will p robably be open on Good (G) days only.
60 73 Amateur Radio Today. Ma rch 2001
and to the west in the late afternoon. Try Decrement, logarithmic de crement: qRH
the polar paths at local noon for brief open- Nobody knew very m uch a bo ut the continued from page 6
ings into central and southern Asia. Short- subject, even though the Department
as possible. The original "old-timers" and Eimers
skip can be expec ted to be about 1,000 o f Com merce issued their we ll- known are gone. and consequently a part of ham radio
miles. Bureau of Sta ndards book entitle d Ra- slowly continues to fade.
dio Instruments and Measurements To help stop this attrition of information, all
20 meters radio communications enthusiasts are invited to
#74, on March 23, 191 8. Thi s gave
technici an s and eng ineers a n in -depth join and contribute whatever information they
The best overall hand, this will provide
have to this unique Internet refl ector.
the most hours of HF operation . Expect d ocumentati on on the subject. Mr. B.
To subscribe to the Ham Radio History reflec-
openings to begin after sunrise and last well West ex-8K EZ di scu ssed spark di s- tor, simply send a blank E-mail to [ham-radio-
into the evening. Look for some exotic con- chargers at the S1. Louis conve ntion in subscrlbeeseqroups.com].
tacts between sunset and midnight as day 1920. In the course o f his p resentation, Thanks to HRHR, via Newsline, Bill Pasternak
breaks over Central Asia and the Indian he w as interrupted repeatedly by well- WA6ITF, editor.
Ocean. Short skip will average between 500 meaning listeners in the audience , as
and 2,500 miles. they confu sed the issue by in troduc ing
the "damping factor" and the n wonde r- Cell Phones a Headache?
30 and 40 meters
ing what was meant by napierian. The Children who use mobile phones ri sk suffer-
Best from late evening to sunrise. Activ- confusio n usually brought down the in g memory loss, sleeping disorders. and head-
ity on these bands is certain to decline as aches. So says British ph ysicist Dr. Gerard
house, and the heated discussion ended
Hyland in research published in the medical
warm weather arri vcs and atmospheric noise in a draw. Not eve n well-meaning in -
journal The Lancet.
increases. Africa, the Middle East, and Asia tellectual co whands from the western In his article, Dr. Hyland raises new fears over
should provide some opportunities for those ranches kn ew wh at to mak e of these radiation caused by mobile phones. He says that
hunting exotic contacts. Short skip will be arguments and decided to leave we ll those under 18 years old, who represent a quar-
less than 1,000 miles during the day and e no ug h alone whe n they got ba ck to ter of Britain's 25 million mobile users, are also
greater than 750 miles at night. fa their radio shacks. more vulnerable because thei r immu ne systems
are less robust.
So decrement, damp ing fac tor, im- According to Dr. Hyland, radiation is known 10
pulse excita tio n, and in crement - all affect brain rhythms and children are particularly
these factors - were eventually solved vulnerable. Hyland says that if mobile phones
The History of Ham Radio
by the usual "ovcr-the-ethe r-waves-re- were a type of food, they simply would not be
continued from page 55
porting" way - experime ntally, wi th licensed. because there is so much uncertainty
provided the righ t kind of pitch an d trial and error methods pre vai ling . It surrounding Iheir safety.
wh ine to satisfy the cri tical ham in his Thanks to RF Safety News, via Newsline, Bill
was understood that a lo w resistance
Pasterna k WA6ITF, editor.
quest to exce l on the air. (the lower the better) in the secondary
By the characteristic freque ncy o ver di scharge circui t gave a low decrement
the air, most ham statio ns were recog -
nized without the usual QTH re po rt. "I
and allowed the energy to osc illate freely Death On-line
with consequent low heat loss. We se l-
know the so und of his spark" was a According to a spokesperson in the FCC li-
dom worried ab out impu lse exc itatio n
cens ing and Techn ical Analys is Bran ch in
common remark among hams. anymore. Gettysburg. the FCC now can accept a printed
Afte r a statio n had its mechanical O ur prob lems were p ut away for a copy of information appearing on the Internet as
pro blems fairly well unde r control, the while un til the next conventio n c ame adequate proof of death "provided the printout
pro blem of decrement o f the signal along. This was to be the Firs t Na - contains certain, veri fi able. information ." The li-
emitte d received considerable atten- tion a l Ameri can Radio Re lay League censing Bureau also will accept a list - with
supporting documentation - of multiple requests
tion . Speci fications from the bureau in su per meet ing at the Edge water Beach
for cancellation of amateur licenses.
Washington decreed that the de cre- Ho tel in Chicago, to be re viewed in the According to information on the FCC's vanity
ment could not . or should not. he next chapter. Web site. [www.fcc.govwtb/amateur/vnityfaq .
high er than 0.2 when the energy was We go back to our midnight ope rat- html]. individuals can report the death of a lic-
trans ferred to the an tenna. Otherwi se , ing hou rs whe n all is quiet and se rene ensee by submitting a signed request for license
the sig na l emitted would be und uly about the house. The ham does not want grant cancellation accompanied by a copy of an
obituary or death certificate to the Licensing
broad, with accompanying in creased disturbances to interfere with his con-
in terference due to high damping. centration on distant code from some The FCC says it's been able to match up the
What was this decrement a ll about? far-off place . Besides, when the key is name. address, and birth date of the deceased
The su bject was di scu ssed at great closed, the spark noi se could d isturb included on some submittals it's received via the
lengths. It too k front and cente r atten- the neighbors, and any intrud ers into Ancestry.com site [hllp:www.ancestry.com] on
tion and was good for an argument the p rivacy o f the shack wo uld be o ver- the lntemet. "The validity of these prin touts as
proof of death is equal to the same level of suffi -
anywhere, anytime. Decrement and how come by the ozone that often perme-
ciency as an obituary, in terms of reducing the
to meet its req uire me nts waxed hot and ated the atmosphere. QRX ' til we meet risk of the inadvertent cancellation of a valid
furiou s from many podiums at conven- later on, when fully reco vered, in a fresh amateur causqn.' the FCC spokesperson said.
tions. Today yo u never hear the subject air env ironment. Thanks to Jennifer Hagy N1TDY, via N ewsli~
mentioned anymore. To be continued. Fa Bill Pasternak WA 6ITF, editor. !iii
73 Amateur Radio Today · March 2001 61
N EUER SR Y DIE eve n a n " bloody eejit" ( like guy is'! Well . mathematically. arc rig ht: When you outlaw
me) cou ld use ( and eve n by definition, half of them are guns, a ni)' the outlaws have
ccnun ued j rom paqe 8
e nj o y" ). Etc. even du mber than that." guns. In every case w here a
:'\'0. this isn't ham rad io We all need co nstant rei t- "Bob" may have the aver- community has confisc ated
stuff. .. hut then. l' ve been eration of these truisms be- age confused with the me- the public' s gun s. there has
asking you to gel bu s)' and cause we live in a world where dian, but otherwise he hit a bee n a sub.. . tantial result ing
write about any adve ntures a multitude of very powerful bull's-eye. Half of the people increase in crime.
the hobby has given you so forces have worked upon us, you meet do indeed seem If vou were mak ing yo ur
I' d be a ble to usc them in the from birth through school to dumber than a box o f rocks: livin g as a burglar. would yo u
magaz ine. and then publish work . att empting ( 0 suppress but they did not start out that rob houses in towns where
them in a book to help cl ubs our indi viduality. our creativ- way. Paren ts, peers, school s. you mi ght be faced with an
get youngs te rs in terested in ity, and. a bove all, our cur ios- churches, ad vertisers. and jobs angry ho me owner with a
the hobby, ity - in short, to de stroy ev- made them that way. Every s hotgun, or would you head
We need kids. We need ' em erything that encourages us to baby at birt h has a relen t- for a town where all of the
despe rately. And what' s hap- think for ourselves. lessly curious and experimen - guns had been confiscated?
pe ned to our sc hoo l sys tem is Our parents wanted us to tal temperament. It takes the Last year, at a cost o f ov er
a big pan of our problem in aCI like the other children in first third o f our lives to de- 5500 million. Australia confis-
attracting kids. our ne ighborhood: they em- stroy that c uriosity and ex- cated over 6OOJXX} fi rearms
phatically did not want a boy perime ntalism: but in most and crushed them. And that in-
Becoming Wllat UeAre or g irl who see med "wei rd " cases. we become placid part..
cludc'd some beautiful collec-
b)"Robert A nton Wilson or "d iffere nt" o r (Heaven tor's items. In the 12 months
of a doc ile herd .
forfen d'] "too da mned clever since then. homicides are up
If yo u stroll through a large This hu man herd all started
ou t as pote ntial geniuses, be-
3.29£-. muggings up 8,.1.%. and
art museum. you will notice by fur." armed robberies up 44%. In the
tha t Van Gogh docs not pa int Then we enter grade sc hool. fore the taci t conspirac y of
state of Victoria alone , homi-
the sa me world as Rem- a fate WONe than Death and soc ia l con formity bli ghted
cides using guns are up 300%.
brandt. Picasso docs not see Hell combined . Whether we their brains. All of them can
Until the govern ment con-
things the way Goya did. land in a puh lic school or a redeem that lost freedom . if
fiscat ion of firearms, there
Georgia O'Keeffe doesn't much pri vate religious school. we they work at it hard eno ug h.
had been a steady 25·year
resemble Rivera. Salvador Dali learn two basic lesso ns: ( I) I' ve wo rked at it for 50+ drop in homicides using guns.
looks like nobody hUI him- there exists one correct answer years now. and still find parts
sel f, a nd. in ge neral. no for every question: and ( 2 ) o f me acting like a robot or a O ur Unlversft les
wo rld -cl ass art ist became a education consists of IllCIIlOriZ- zombie on occasio n. Learn-
"classic" by doing what some- ing the one correct answer ing "how to become what you De fenders o f the American
body else had already done or and regurgitating it on an are" (in Nietzsche's phrase) school sys te m clai m thai our
even what everybody else in "exami nat ion." lakes a lifetime . but it stil l universities are amo ng the
his/her own era did. The same tacti cs continue seems the be st ga me in to wn . highcst-nncd in the world. and
And in sci ence. the names through high school and. e x- Wil son will be speaking at that A mericans regularl y wi n
o f Einstein. Dira c, the C uries. ce pt in a few sciences. ev en The Proph ets Conference in a high pe rcentage of Nobel
Bohr, Heisenberg. Schroedinger. to the university. New York Ci ty on May 18- Prizes. Yes. A meri cans did
John Bell . ctc., live on he- All through this "cduca- 20, 20()J . Fo r information win the most Nobel Prizes last
cuu sc none o f them took tion" we find ourse lves bom- check : [hltp:ll www.greatmys year, but flOIl e o f the winners
Newton as Holy Gospel: They ba rdcd by organized rel igion . tery. e rg]. Or ca ll toll-free 1- were born here . They were all
all made un ique and unprc- Most reli gion s in this part of 888 ·777· 598 1. naturalized citi ze ns.
d icta hie innovati on s in bas ic the world also teach us "one The Secret Guide to \Vi.~ · Hmm. ho w come not one
theory. co rrect answer:' which we dom is my effort to help native A merican won a prize ?
And . in case you think this should accept with blind faith: people regain the freedom For that matter. did )'ou know
app lies only to "arts and sc i- worse. they attempt to terror- our schools have taken away that less than ha lf of the
cnccs." co nsider the most izc us with threats of po st- fro m them. Ph.Des in en gin eering and
successful people in industry. mortem roe..ung. toa.. .ring. and math are received by Ameri-
Hen ry Ford did nor get rich charbroiling if we ever dare Gun Co ntrol cans? T he fact is that young-
co pying Fulton' s steamboat: to think at all . at all . sters ed ucated in American
he made a car so cheap that Aft er 18 to 30+ ye ars of all Yes. kids shooting kids is schools and co lleg es j ust
anybody could afford one. this. we en ter the j ob market. terri ble . An yone shootin g can' t co mpete with the for-
Howard Hugh es produced and learn to become. or try to anyone sucks . In the case of cign-cd ucated students. As
movies that nobody else would become, almost deaf, dumb, kids, ju st as our doctors do Americ an publ ic sc hool test
have dared to atte mp t. and and blind. We mu st always their best to tackle the symp- scores have plumme ted. more
then went on 10 revolutio nize te ll our "s uperiors" what they toms caused hy poisons and and more foreign students
the airl ine indu stry. Buck - want to hear. what sui ts their had nutrition with pills, shots. have been d isplacing Ameri-
minster Fuller did nOI copy prej udi ces and/or their wi sh- surgery. radiation, and so on. cans in our top universities,
the cubical form of pre vio us ful fa ntas ies. If we not ice the med ia (and the unthink ing and the worst decli nes have
architects, but inve nted the somethi ng they don ' t want to public, unfortunately) want to been in the mo st demand ing
geodesic dome : at last count. know abo ut. we learn to keep try to keep guns out of the subj ects. such as science.
ove r 300.(X)(} of his bui ldings our mo uths shut. If we don ' t hands of people instead of We 're training sociologists,
existed, making him Ihe most - "One more word . Bum- eliminate what's been causing when the wo rld is demand ing
visibl y successful architect in stead. and I' ll fire you!" the problem. engineers. programmers. and
history. Steve Wozn iak did As my mah atmaguru J .R. T here have been any num- scientists.
not copy the co mputers o f his "Bob' Dobbs says, " You ber o f attemp ts to co ntro l
day, hut inve nted one that kn ow how dumb the average guns, but sadly, the gun nuts Co ntinued on page 64
62 73 Amateur Radio Today · March 200 1
visil tbe hams and scuba di ve mO~1 of w hat you need to help )'OU reduce Rt'p rin ts of ~ I )' E d illlrillh frum 7J.
the islands of the Caribbean. You 'll stress. Clasvical mu sic al so rai se s \by fe..n hings in litis .... uidare as ....e·ve
jove Ihe speciatLiat fare which leI me youngster's I~ , he lps plants g row been taught. aM as !hey :JAleM. I blow
\·isil 11 cou ntries in 21 days. di\ing faster. and will ma ke yoe healthier. JUSI the whistle on the s.:arns around us, such
all but one of the islands. G uadeloupe. waif U)OU hea- S(JIIC ofGotsdnlk's fuho- a.~ the health care. Otr sc:to:Jl syslem .. our
wbere lhe ham s kep t me 100bu sy with Ious musk! S5 (#33) lI1l"JI1(') .• the drug war, a oollcge edllouion.
parties. SS (1t1 21 The Rada r Ceveru p: Is police radar sugar, the food giants. our unhealthy food.
He..... a re som e of my book ~ w hich
Cold . ·u, ino (h enie~ : This is hOlh dangerous? Ross Arley K6t:1, a wo rld 11llllJilb. D IFs.. I'Ulra."iWect. etc.
ta n ( h u n~t' ) o ur life (if )"o u ' )I le i
a brief history o f co ld fusion, which I authority, conrtnns Ihe dangers of 1'.1' 1996 FAlilnriul, : 120 pages, 100 ctoice
' e m ). If Ihe idea of hei nll: heah hy,
predict w ill he one of the largest in- dio and magncnc fields. $3 (#34) l'ditorials. $ 10 t #72 J
wealthy und wise intere 'I~ you, star t
du stn es in the world in the 21st ce n- Three GUllo Tulk-<!: A prize-winning 1997 F:ditorial~: 148 fun-packed pages.
rt'ud ioll:, Yes, you (an be allt hat, h ut
tury, plus a simplc explanation of ho w teac her exp lains w hat's wrong wit h 2 I0 editorials. $10 (#74 )
on ly whe n J Ou kn o w t he secrets
a nd why it works. T his ne w field is American scho ols and why our kids are 11)<)8 Ed Itorlals: 10Kpages that 'll gi ve
whith I've 'pent a Iifel im t' unenver-
going to generate a w hole new hunch nOI being educated. Why are Swedish yo u lOISof co ntroversial things to ta lk
1Oli: ,
of billionaires, j us t as the pe rsonal youngsters, who start school at 7 yea rs abo ut on the air. .$ 10 (ft75 )
computer ind ustry did. $5 (1t20, of age. Ica\'ing ou r kids in the dU'I? 1999 F...rl ilorials: 132 pages of ideas,
Cnld fu sion J o urn al: They laughed Our kid s a re intenuona ll y being book reviews, health, education. and
The RiO('k'c:trin er Ha nd book : This when I predic ted the PC industry an)'lh in g else I think yo u oug ht 10
d umbed down by our sc hool system
el plain., I'Iow 10 build or buy ($ ISS)a grow th in 1975, Pes are 00.... tbe Ihird know about . $ 10 (11 76 )
- the least effective and mOSI e xpen-
bule electrica l gadgel thai can help largesl industry in lite wodd The cold 2000 rAlitnriul,: In the wons.
sive in the world. $5 ("35)
clea n lhe: blood of any virus. microbe , fusion grou nd floor is still wide open. Sih 'er W ire: wnh two 3-in. pieces of
As parta mt' : 01." ..1. :"<ulra Sw~l . lhe
parasite. fungu s 01" yeast. The process bUI then thai mig ht mean gi\'ing up hen y pure vilver ....ire + three 9V bat-
stuff in diet drin ks, erc., can ca u-se all
w as discovered by scie nticts at the ....alChing ball games. Sample: $10(1r221. teries you ca n make a lho usand dol-
kmds of serious heal th problems. Mul-
A I~r1 Eins tein College of Medidne:, Ju lia n Sc: hwi n..rer : A Nobel laurene's lars ' .....·OI1 h of silve r co lloid. Whal do
tiple scleros is, for one. Read all about
quick ly patented. and hushed up . It's talk abo ut cold Iusion-c-ccnfimung us it two pamphlet' fur a buck. (#38) you do with it? It does what the antibi -
curing A IDS , hepatitis C , a nd a bunch validity, $2 (#24 1 cries do, but gen us ca n't adapt 10 it
O ne H nu r C W : Us ing this snea ky
of uthcr serious illnesses. The circuit Imprcvmg Stute Gnvern ment: Here Use it to get rid of gen us on food , for
booklet eve n you ca n learn the Morse
can he built fur unde r $20 from the in, arc 24 ways that state govcrmuents ca n skin fu ng us, warts. and eve n to drink,
Code in o ne hou r ami pass tha t d umb
structicns in the book . $1 0 (#0 I) cut expenses e normously, wh ile pro- Read some books on the uses of silver
Swpm HF e ntry lest. $5 (#40)
Th e Sffnt Gu ide III W isdo m: This vid ing far bcucr service. I ex plain how colloid. it's like magic. $ 15 ( #llO )
C ode Ta pe (TSI: This ta pe will teach
is a revie w of aro und a hurnlred boo ks any governme nt bureau or departm e nt w a yne' s Bell Sawr Kit. T he ca ble
you the leners, mUllhro; aOO JIUIX--ruatictJ
lha t .....ill help you change your life.l\'o, ca n be: gOllen to CUI it's e~ pc:nscs b)· a t and i n slruCli on~ e nah ling you 10 in-
you ncod to m lw if you are going on 10
I don ' l ~ ll ihese bools. Thc:)"re o n a leasl 50% in Ihree )'ears and do il CO- e xpens ively lape Art Be ll W60BB' s
Icam the code al 13 or 20 wpm . S5 (It.n)
.....ide range of s ubj CC1s a nd \l..ill help operali\'ely a nd enth usiastically. I ex - nigh lly 5 -hr radio 1lllk show. S5 (1t8 3)
C ode Tape O·Ul. Once )·ou kllO.... lhe
10 lOa ke )'ou a very int ~ling pers.on. plain I'Iow, b)' a ppl)·ing a 00: ..... Il'C'hnol- :\"H Reform Part,.- Ke)'notl' Spt'ft"h.
code for lhe Iellers (#-U) ) '0Il can go
Wait'll yo u see so me o f Ihe ge ms ogy, the: sUle ca n make il pos~ihle 10 II wow 'd ' e m ","'hen J laid OUI plans
immediatel)' 10 rop)'ing 13 wpm l us-
yoo ' \'e missed reading. S5 (jj()2) pro\'ide all needed sc:o ,ices wil houl for:\' t1 in 2020, with lIluch beUer, )'el
ing Ill) ' sysle m l. This shou ld only lake
Tht' SK.....1 Guidt' lu Wt'u11h: Just as ha\'ing 10 levy WI)" taxes a t all! Read Iovoer-eost schools. UfO state u~es. far
a couple of da)·s. $5 (142) ....· l1er heallh care, a more m;ponsive
.....·ilh heallh. you ' lI find that)OU have the book. ru n for you r legislalUre, and
Code Ta lX' (T2 0): Or, )·o u can sia n slate gO\"Cl'lIIIIC'nt el":. $ I (1185)
been ht'ain washed hy "Ihes)'stem" into let's gO:I btlsy making this coolllry work
righl o ut at 20 wpm and masler il in a 'M Il d id n 'l " ri l~. b ut l UU nffll:
a pallem of life lhat ..... ill k"""p yo u from like its founders wallled il to. Don'l
weekend. $S (#4 31 :\' ASA ~ I ooned A mer icu : R e ne
ever mak ing lIluch mo ne y and ha ving leave lh i ~ for "<;QlIteone else"lo lkl. $5
(#30) \-'t'a)"nt' Vn-llll)'lo n Tal k: This is a 9().. make s a n ai r-light case thai NASA
the freedom to travel and du what you
want, I e~p la i n how anyone can gel a M a nkind's I<:xli llclio n Predicliuns: If minult: lape of the ta lk I'd ha ve give n faked the Moon 1;U1din g~, T his IxMlk
at the Dayto n, if in\'i ted. $5 (#50) will conv ince even you. $2S (#90)
drcal n job with no college, no resume, anyone uf the c XllC rts who have w rit-
Wa)'n" Tllmpll Tulk: Th is is the ta lk I 1. 1l ~1 S ke p t ic uf Sci ence : T his is
a nd eHn wit hout all)' e ~ pe ri e nc e. I ten hoo ks predi cting a soon-to -(olt1e
ga ve at the Ta mpa Global Sc iences Ren~'s iMxlk where he <kbtlnks a bunch
explain how you can gel ~onlL'{lllC to catas trophe wh ic h will virtuall y wipe
co n fCl'C'nce ~ where I co \'Cr amateu r of accepted scientific Ix:liefs - soch as
happi ly pay you 10 learn what you TIt.-ed mos t of us o ut a re righ i, we ' re in
10 know lo start )'ourown btlsines.s. $5 lTOUhle. In th is bool I explain ahoul radio, cold fu sion, health, books you the ice age<., the Eanh toeing a magnet.
(1/03) Ihe \ a riou\ di sasler sce nario\ , lik e sl'lould read. and ....) o n. S5 ( #S I ) the Moon causing the: tides. and etc. $2S
Tht' Sft;..... t Gu idt' 10 H t'ull h ' Yes. l'oslradam u~, .... bo sa)"s Ihe poles iIl S I Million Saln \ 'idl'(l: 1be secrel o f (11'9 1)
thm: reall)' is a secrc:lloregaining l our soon oJtift (as they haw se'o'lT.t1 tin 'S in ho w )'o u ca n gc:nera te an e u ra mil - n·..rk Moon: S68 pages of card ully rc:-
li on~in~juslby u<oing PR . Th is searched proof that the Apollo Moon
btallh and adding 30 10 60 ) eaf'S of the pa'>ll. ....iping out W '1c of mankind
healthy h ing to your Iife.l~ ;m,wcr is Okay, so he's made a long string of JU<ot will be one: of Ihe hcsl invcslJJJCnb you landings wen: a ho;u-a capping blow
simple, hUI il means miling some dif- 1uLi;y goes,'O. The wors t par1 of these oryourMIlL'SS.... ineo.u makc. $.1O(1t521 for Rene's skeptic!>. $35 ( 1i92 )
ficu lt lifesly le c ha nges. Will you be prediclions is Ihe acc uracy record uf r ------- - -- - -- - - - --,
skiing the ~ I opes of A spen wilh me some of Ihe e~ P'L'Tls . \\'ill it he a pil le
shi ft. a ne w icc age, a ma~~i v e so lar
I ~aa'i6?1~
when yuu' re 90 or dollderi ng around
a nursing home ? Or pus hing up dai- flare, a comcl or asteroid, a biote m,ri ~1 li-- ~"~"~'~·~1~6~.~"~.~"~'m
::..:'~,.\4.I::..:9 _
sies '! No, r m oo t se lling a ny heallh attack ? I' m gelling ready, how a bllul
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:\ly WWII Submarint' Ad\'entu rl"s:
Yes. I spenl from 1 94 3 , 1 ~ :'i 00 a suh-
lII.lIine, ri ghl in the middle of lhe .......11'
l\Io()n d o~~I t> : Afle r readin g Ren e's
IIIMIIL, NASA MaO/red AIIJi'rica, J read
e WI')'lhing I cou ld find on our :\100n
iAdd~' _
....i llt Japan. We almos1 got sunk SC\'c:raI landings. I walo;hed the \'idc:os, looled
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u se tbe ............. .
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Send your ads and payment to: 73 Magazine, Ba rter ' n' Buy, 70 Hancock Rd. , Pet erborough NH 0345 8 a nd get set for t he
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64 73 Amateur Radio Today· Ma rch 200 1
The All New TS-2000
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The all new Kenwood 15· 2000 series tran sceiver offers today's
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