Aibel Sustainability Report 2022
Aibel Sustainability Report 2022
Aibel Sustainability Report 2022
report 2022
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Message from the CEO
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
2022 was another successful year for Aibel. Revenues, earnings, and order intake
were record high and we can continue the business transformation with Aibel highest
Management approach
order backlog to date.
Aibel builds, modifies, and maintains critical infrastructure for We are currently executing six major deliveries to the European
GOVERNANCE energy companies, enabling them to deliver oil, gas, and electricity offshore wind industry with a combined contract value of more
safely and efficiently to industries and households. This role feels than NOK 15 billion.
Sustainability Key
particularly meaningful during these challenging times, with reference
Performance Indicators
to the ongoing war in Ukraine and the energy crisis in Europe. Aibel is also the largest provider of electrification solutions in Norway.
Attachments More than a quarter of Norway’s carbon emissions originates from
Aibel has delivered infrastructure solutions and services on the the production and processing of hydrocarbons, and electrification
Norwegian Continental Shelf for more than NOK 50 billion over the past of offshore and onshore infrastructure may become the largest enabler
five years. Our customers are predictable and dependable providers of for Norway in meeting its Paris pledge. As an example, Aibel is the
energy to Europe. We are excited to help them increase gas production lead contractor in the partial electrification of the Oseberg field that will
through modification of existing infrastructure. reduce carbon emissions by more than 300,000 tons per year.
The Hammerfest LNG “cold recovery” finalized in May, the ongoing Aibel is a competence driven company and our core competence
Oseberg Gas Compression Upgrade and the newly awarded Irpa project comprises our employees’ individual abilities within design, engineering,
are all examples of major modifications that enable our customers to procurement, construction, and installation, paired with a collective
deliver natural gas to Europe. ability to deliver complex projects. More than one per thousand people
working in Norway are employees of Aibel and we have more than one
We have taken new important steps in our transition towards thousand employees in Asia. We remain an attractive employer and we
a renewable and low carbon future. Our 2022 order intake within have increased our workforce with more than 400 skilled individuals,
offshore wind and electrification grew to more than NOK 7.5 billion and almost half of them being graduates and apprentices.
Aibel is now the largest Norwegian provider of offshore wind solutions.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Employee engagement, competence and
organizational development are at the
Message from the CEO foundation of the company, and we have
been successful in gradually transforming
This is Aibel
the company core competence towards a
Management approach renewable and low carbon future.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
This is Aibel
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
8 2 3
Management approach
locations worldwide. yards in Haugesund, business segments:
SOCIAL Headquarters in Norway and Laem Offshore wind &
Stavanger, Norway Chabang, Thailand electrification, Field
development and
GOVERNANCE Maintenance & modifications
Sustainability Key
4700 61 85
Performance Indicators
employees globally different apprentices
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Management approach
Message from the CEO
Management approach and governance of sustainability
This is Aibel
The board holds the overall responsibility for Aibel’s sustainability
Management approach performance. The CEO and the executive management team (EMT)
are responsible for establishing the company’s sustainability
ENVIRONMENT agenda in compliance with the relevant governing documents.
SOCIAL The day-to-day responsibility rests with the Sustainability Committee,
which consists of specialists from several departments within the
GOVERNANCE company (see figure for details). Union representatives are invited to
participate and give input to the sustainability work. The committee
Sustainability Key
reports contiuously on their efforts to the EMT
Performance Indicators
and Board
Supply Chain
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Stakeholder engagement and materiality
Aibel frequently assesses the material sustainability aspects to confirm
Message from the CEO their validity when compared to the identified stakeholder concerns.
This reassessment process is key to securing proper handling of our
This is Aibel
company’s key sustainability risks and opportunities, as well as ensuring
Management approach appropriate handling of new laws and regulations.
ENVIRONMENT Aibel has divided its material aspects into five strategic areas, which
SOCIAL are aligned with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. This Compliance
division also forms the basis for our approach to sustainability, ensuring and Anti-
GOVERNANCE an in-depth focus on key areas. The report is divided into the following
chapters, sorted under the ESG pillars (environment, social and
Sustainability Key
Performance Indicators
Attachments E – Environment Impact
S – Occupational health, safety and security
S – Human rights Sustainability
S – Labour; equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion
G – Compliance and anti-corruption
Sustainability KPIs
Our KPIs are tangible targets that enable the organisation to monitor the
achievements and progress. A vital part of the sustainability reporting
process is to set goals, collect quality data and evaluate the progress
towards selected KPIs. Please see all our sustainability results and goals
in the sustainability Key Performance Indicators’ chapter.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Commitment to the UNGC and the Sustainable Development Goals
Aibel has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2017 and
Message from the CEO remains fully committed to the ten principles concerning human and
labour rights, environmental responsibility, and anti-corruption. Please
This is Aibel
follow this link to Aibel’s participant information on the UNGC website.
Management approach
Aibel fully supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We support
ENVIRONMENT the fight against inequality and injustice, the strategy to improve health
SOCIAL and education while ensuring sustainable economic growth, addressing
climate change, and protecting our oceans and forests.
It is our opinion that awareness will lead to action. Thus, we work
Sustainability Key
diligently within our own company and in the supply chain to create
Performance Indicators
awareness about the development goals. Our approach towards third
Attachments parties is to only work with companies that meet our ethical standards.
Further, we focus on ensuring that human rights, labour standards,
and environmental requirements are adhered to in our supply chain.
At Aibel, we strive to secure gender equality, and work actively to
prevent discrimination.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
It is important to Aibel to contribute to society in
Supporting our local a meaningful way at all the locations where we are
Message from the CEO
communities present. We believe that the company can make
This is Aibel a difference, and we encourage our employees to
Management approach engage in community activities.
SOCIAL Thailand
Corporate Social Responsibility Day
GOVERNANCE Each year, Aibel Thailand organises what is known as Corporate
Social Responsibility Day. In November the Banglamung Home for Boys,
Sustainability Key
a community service project in Pattaya, received donations from the
Performance Indicators
company, both in form of consumer goods and educational equipment.
Environmental Day 2022
Aibel Thailand also arranges an annual Environmental Day. In 2022
the theme was “Healing Nature”. Environmental Day aims to promote
environmental awareness, reducing GHG emissions and preserving
areas and habitats for aquatic animals. Fifty volunteers from Aibel
planted 500 mangrove trees and collected waste along the beach at
Kinaree Beach, Chonburi province.
Mattresses for Ukraine
The need for the onsite accommodation barge at the yard in Haugesund
diminished after the departure of Njord Bravo and the Johan Sverdrup
P2 platform, leaving Aibel with an excess of mattresses, duvets, and
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
pillows. Simultaneously, the need for duvets and pillows in Ukraine As many as 54 teams participated, helping Aibel secure an impressive
was high. Many people had been forced out of their homes and had third place among the participating companies. Together, the company’s
Message from the CEO no proper place to sleep. In total, 200 mattresses and duvets and employees saved a stunning 16,896.27 kg of CO2 during the Climate
400 pillows were transported to Ukraine in a semi-trailer by the Competition.
This is Aibel
THK Foundation.
Management approach
Solstein – a permanently adapted workplace Solstein in Karmøy is a company
ENVIRONMENT Aibel established its relationship with the Solstein company in that employs people who for
different reasons need an adapted
SOCIAL 2019. The company employs people needing a permanently adapted
workplace. Through an HSE incentive scheme with Shell, the Haewene
GOVERNANCE Brim project accumulated a substantial amount of money that was
donated to selected charities. One of them was Solstein, who received
Sustainability Key
NOK 50 000. Solstein was also engaged at the Johan Sverdrup P2
Performance Indicators
project with preparing and selling sandwiches to all employees in the
Attachments project (see picture).
All offices
Aibel contributed to the local communities and conducted clean-up
campaigns at our yards in Thailand and Norway and at our office
locations in Norway. Both staff and management personnel
participated. This is a part of the HSEE action plan and a part of World
Cleanup Day.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
ENVIRONMENT Our commitment
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
Aibel is committed to minimising its
environmental impact. All our business units
Management approach
operate with a policy of making every reasonable
ENVIRONMENT effort to reduce the use of resources, including
SOCIAL energy, water, and raw materials.
We contribute positively to the environment
Sustainability Key through our green initiatives, such as investing in
Performance Indicators
shore-power facilities, and participation in novel
Attachments projects relating to wind farms and hydrogen.
By utilising our knowledge, skills, and ideas in
joint efforts with our clients, we can explore how
to design our projects to increase net positive
climate effects.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Roadmap low carbon & net-zero
Following the Paris agreement, Aibel has a long-term goal to achieve
Message from the CEO net-zero emissions from the company’s activities and sites within 2050,
and to deliver sustainable projects and support to our energy clients to
This is Aibel
achieve net-zero within 2050.
Management approach
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Aibel’s transformation into green and renewable projects have a combined capacity of up to 2.852 GW to serve the offshore wind
In recent years, Aibel has taken giant steps as a supplier within the turbines in the Hornsea 3 project. It is expected to produce enough
Message from the CEO renewable energy and low carbon segments. At year-end 2022 green energy to meet the average daily needs of over 3 million UK homes.
projects account for almost half of the record-high order backlog,
This is Aibel
proving Aibel’s successful transformation. In addition, the construction of Aibel’s other four HVDC converter
Management approach platforms for Dogger Bank and DolWin 5 is progressing well. In June
The renewable portfolio primarily consists of offshore wind and 2022, the Dogger Bank A platform arrived at Aibel’s yard in Haugesund
ENVIRONMENT electrification projects. Aibel currently has six deliveries to offshore wind for completion after construction at the company’s yard in Thailand.
SOCIAL parks in Germany and the UK sector with a total contract value of more The platform is due for delivery in 2023.
than NOK 15 billion, which makes Aibel the largest Norwegian supplier
GOVERNANCE of infrastructure for the offshore wind industry. Aibel is also the largest The other two platforms, Dogger Bank B and C, are under construction
supplier of electrification solutions for offshore installations and onshore in Thailand. Once completed with all three platforms installed, the
Sustainability Key
facilities in Norway. Dogger Bank Wind Farm is expected to produce enough energy to
Performance Indicators
supply power to the equivalent of 6 million UK homes.
Attachments Accelerating transformation with two new offshore wind platforms
In the summer of 2022, Aibel was awarded a contract by the world The DolWin epsilon platform for the DolWin 5 project is currently
leader in offshore wind, Ørsted, for two platforms for the Hornsea under construction at Aibel’s partner Keppel FELS in Singapore. It will
3 project in the UK sector of the North Sea. The two platforms will arrive at Aibel’s yard in Haugesund for completion during the second
half of 2023.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
further opportunities within green hydrogen. In the production of green specific and reported in close collaboration with our suppliers. Based
hydrogen, the electricity used comes from sustainable energy sources on overall material assessments performed in 2020 and consultation
Message from the CEO such as hydropower, solar cells, or wind power, which makes the with other GHG professionals, Scope 3 – Category 1; Purchased goods
process completely CO2-free and thus green. and services, is the most significant contributor to Aibel’s total footprint.
This is Aibel
Typical Aibel purchases in this category are metals such as steel and
Management approach In addition to the above, Aibel continues to explore new business other large bulk groups.
opportunities within renewables and other non-oil-and-gas segments.
ENVIRONMENT During 2022 the GHG data for scope 3 has been improved but is not
SOCIAL Emissions yet complete. However, the significant emissions are covered by the
Aibel reports on emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas presented scope 3 reporting. We will continue work in 2023 to gather
GOVERNANCE (GHG) Protocol and uses a GHG reporting database to help report and more data from our suppliers.
systematise CO2 data, gaining a better understanding of the company’s
Sustainability Key
footprint, and using the system systematically to reduce emissions. In 2022 Aibel started with quarterly reporting of scope 1, 2, and scope
Performance Indicators
3 business travel, including reporting our CO2 emission intensity rate.
Attachments Aibel has obtained complete data for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions for The intensity rate includes the Scope 1, 2, and 3 business travel CO2
all locations from 2017 to 2022. In addition, we have obtained data for emission equivalents per 1 million working hours. The yearly
several of our Scope 3 emission sources. The scope 3 data is activity target is < 700.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
A complete overview of Aibel’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions expertise; tender & project procurement, logistics, supplier qualification
from 2017 to 2022 is attached to this report. and follow-up. Over the last year SCM has, in line with the company’s
Message from the CEO strategy, increased the work and focus towards involved suppliers and
GHG improvement activities their sub-contractors, putting “Lower Emissions” on top of the agenda.
This is Aibel
For 2022, GHG improvement activities include dialogue with stake- In addition to the improvement activities mentioned above, several other
Management approach holders on expectations and requirements and collaboration meetings complementary activities have been carried out in 2022 to improve the
with ten of Aibel’s most significant suppliers. The aim was to map, environmental footprint and awareness:
ENVIRONMENT report and reduce climate emissions in interaction with our suppliers.
SOCIAL Furthermore, several improvement groups were established related to • Supplier Involvement – Encourage suppliers and sub-contractors’
digitalisation, industry improvement initiatives, environmental focus initiatives and mitigations on local levels. Collaboration meetings held
GOVERNANCE for project execution, Scope 1 & 2 improvement projects in our yards with all strategic vendors during autumn 2022
in Thailand and Haugesund. Haugesund Yard has had a reduction of • Competence – Building awareness and knowledge internally in
Sustainability Key
emmissions of 69% in 2022 compared to baseline year 2018. Energy Aibel and SCM particularly to motivate and alter mind-sets for all
Performance Indicators
Management has been an important focus at our yards and will remain involved personnel. Educational slide pack outlining Scope 1, 2 and 3
Attachments so in the coming years. Aibel has also joined the Global Methane have been developed and put into use in our supply chain
Initiative and evaluation of commitment to the Science Baset Targets • Surplus – Increased utilization by use of more standardization,
initiative SBTi and No greenwashing. standard material numbers, continually use of buy-back agreements
and improved cooperation among our projects
Waste management • Logistics – Focus on early involvement of freight forwarders and
Aibel targets at least 80% sorting/separation of waste. “The 2022 onshore bases limiting unnecessary transport of goods & personnel,
achievement was 86%, which was a slight increase from the last five enhanced utilization of fleet and wider use of consolidation
years average of 85%. Waste management is of high importance in • Rush Order Avoidance – Avoid uneconomical solutions, driving up
our production processes and in the offices, where we have several both cost and carbon levels
initiatives to improve our sorting and re-use of waste. • Bid Evaluation – Work in progress to establish sound mechanism
and routines using sustainability and lower emissions as evaluation
Green focus in Supply Chain criteria in all major tenders. First requirements covering Lower
Aibel Supply Chain Management (SCM) plays an important role in the Emissions embedded into all issued Aibel Purchase Agreements from
efforts to meet Aibel’s roadmap for low carbon. November 2022
• Strategy – Sustainable Procurement Strategy to be incorporated as
SCM continues to acknowledge its responsibility contributing to a prioritized part of the overall Corporate Procurement Strategy of the
greener, circular and more sustainable solutions within the core areas of company and to be enforced worldwide. ____
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
SOCIAL Occupational health,
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
safety and security
Management approach Our commitment
ENVIRONMENT Occupational health, safety and security have
SOCIAL the highest priority in Aibel. We collaborate
continuously with all relevant stakeholders to
reduce health, safety and security risks
Sustainability Key
Performance Indicators
We have a well-established zero-incident
Attachments philosophy. Aibel’s corporate management has
the overall responsibility for ensuring that this
culture is nurtured, that all applicable safety
requirements are identified and complied with,
and that the well-being and health of our
employees is followed-up. Aibel is appropriately
set up to deal with these requirements.
Aibel participated at the ONS- The company is has the right skills, an established
conference in Stavanger in August.
After a long period of Covid-19, overall HSE policy including related
it was great finally being able to programs and action plans, as well as
meet our partners, customers,
suppliers and future employees clear objectives and tangible KPIs.
face to face again.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Aibel requires and expects everyone to actively take part in creating ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems, ISO 14001:2015
a workplace with a continuous high focus on HSE. The common Environmental management systems and ISO 45001 Occupational
Message from the CEO understanding is attained in training and commitment to our program: health and safety management systems. The certificates are valid until
“HSE – My responsibility”. December 2025. The Safety Culture Ladder certification has been
This is Aibel
verified by audit and is still valid.
Management approach ISO certificates
An important aspect of the systematic management approach Performance
ENVIRONMENT to corporate responsibility is denoted by the ISO certifications held Our HSSE performance is closely monitored. The company applies
SOCIAL by Aibel. In 2022, the entire Aibel Group was re-certified for several KPIs to measure its health and safety performance, but the two
most referred KPIs are Serious Injury Rate (SIR) and Total Recordable
GOVERNANCE Injury Rate (TRIR), which both measure the number of applicable
incidents per million manhours. The 2022 SIR was 0.18 versus
Sustainability Key
0.10 the year before. The 2021 measurement was record-low
Performance Indicators
compared to recent years, and in 2022 this had a negative trend in
Attachments the start of the year with four potential serious incidents. Two of these
included personal injury that needed hospital treatment and time to
recover. The 2022 TRIR was 2.35 versus 2.24 the year before. This
indicates that there are still too many minor hand and particle in eye
injuries despite the continued high focus. Initiatives have been launched
to bring the number of incidents down. The Falling Object Frequency
had a positive trend in 2022.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Sustainability Key
Performance Indicators
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Industry Safety Collaboration a safer working environment. An evaluation is Aibel HSSE
Aibel has, together with Aker Solutions, Equinor scheduled for early 2023 and the plan includes our Annual Wheel
Message from the CEO and Rosenberg Worley, a collaboration committee contractors’ supervisors and hired-ins.
consisting of members from each company’s
This is Aibel
Executive Management Teams. The committee Important Internal activities
Management approach performs site visits and agree upon common Several internal activities have been conducted
priorities to improve safety. Haugesund Yard and throughout the year, in addition to the targeted
Dogger Bank A was the venue in December. campaigns: Falling Objects, Safety delegate
SOCIAL A safety charter was signed in early 2020, month, CEO’s HSE award, Quality in Execution
re-signed in 2022 and continues towards 2025. and risk assessment training video. Electronic
GOVERNANCE crisis management tools, tailored security
This year, two new activities started, initiated by campaign targeting yard security and security Q3 Q2
Sustainability Key
the contractors with support from Equinor: when working from home, together with physical
Performance Indicators
security, security behavior and IT security. In
Attachments Common yard Safety introduction course: addition, extensive emergency training and drills
A common safety introduction course for all yards have been executed.
was developed in 2021 and launched at the start
Q1 – Major accident
of 2022. This is now in use by Aibel, Rosenberg Handling the last remnants of the pandemic
Worley and Aker Solutions yards and the training For the first part of the year the Covid-19 March/April: Safety Delegate Month
course is also made available for other yards. pandemic remained a health and safety challenge.
Strict and complex regulations were imposed, Q2 – Personal injuries
Game-based course: requiring significant efforts to manage correctly, May/June: CEO’s HSE Award
Aibel, Aker Solutions, Rosenberg Worley, The particularly at the yards. Both management and
Federation of Norwegian Industries and Attensi employees have responded to the challenges Q3 – ”Line of fire”
have created a gamebased training course posed by Covid-19 well, ensuring proper infection
August/September: Environmental Month
that deals with current situations and topics a control in addition to securing business continuity
supervisor must be able to handle. All of Aibel’s and important learning. At the start of the year,
supervisors and temporary supervisors tested we focused on ensuring a high level of vaccina- Q4 – Health and
the training in November and December. This tions and Aibel collaborated with the local health working environment
initiative is a part of the work-life program (IA) and authorities to make vaccines available for workers October/November: Security Month
will be a good contribution to working towards from abroad.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Fundamental Human Rights
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
We are pleased to play a part in the increased global awareness and targeted
actions on human rights and working conditions, and we strongly support the transfer
Management approach
of human rights from being voluntary international guiding principles into laws and
ENVIRONMENT regulatory requirements.
Our commitment prevailing principles from all suppliers and subcontractors.
GOVERNANCE Aibel respects human rights and labour standards based on interna- Our Code, supplemented by policies, procedures, processes,
tional law. We comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, work instructions, guidelines, employee manuals, contracts, close
Sustainability Key
the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and cooperation with our unions and the use of collective agreements,
Performance Indicators
the fundamental conventions. Furthermore, the UN Guiding Principles are all contributors to ensure that there are no violations of human
Attachments on Business and Human Rights and the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. or labor rights in our company. In the supply chain our risk-based
We respect and support human rights at all locations and in the entire integrity due diligence, and approval process of third parties and
value chain with particular attention to those who are most vulnerable supporting country risk assessment procedure help identify and
to adverse impacts, including women, children, and migrant workers. reduce potential risks.
Our existing framework As stated above, we are well on our way with incorporating human
Human Rights considerations and compliance are requirements outlined rights considerations into our management system, As stated above,
in our Code of Conduct, and we ensure commitment to the Code’s we have already been incorporating human rights considerations
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
into our mangement system and our daily work, and as such are
fulfilling the principles of the new act.
Message from the CEO
Regardless, we chose to take a step back to ensure that all locations
This is Aibel
and all business units were brought along and allowed to participate
Management approach and contribute to the due diligence process. In doing so, we provided
an opportunity for important internal stakeholders to not only be
ENVIRONMENT informed and involved but to take ownership. We want everyone to feel
SOCIAL responsible for ensuring that Aibel does not cause, contribute to, or play
any part in human rights violations and our plan and prioritized actions
GOVERNANCE are all set to ensure that.
Sustainability Key
Main risk areas identified in our operations
Performance Indicators
We have performed an overall assessment and survey of adverse
Attachments impacts on human rights and decent working conditions in our
operations, as well as location and project-specific risk assessments.
The results of our initial due diligence can be summarized in a couple
of main risks and risk areas.
The first risk area is related to our supply chain. The second risk
area is related to our yard in Thailand, but also to some extent to our
Haugesund yard. The two areas are intertwined, as we have several
contractors working in our yards and some of the potential risk
identified is related to enterprises working in our yards and personnel
suppliers providing us with resources.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
our thorough vetting, requirements to and follow-up of
personnel suppliers.
Message from the CEO
For the operation at our yard in Thailand the risk is considered higher,
This is Aibel
but procedures and instructions are in place to prevent incidents. Further,
Management approach continuous efforts are made to improve, in close cooperation with both
customers and suppliers. We have had several external human rights
ENVIRONMENT assessments in Thailand, which have provided valuable input as to
SOCIAL where our efforts are best applied. Aibel is committed to being a best
practice company and setting a good example. Hence, we strive to
GOVERNANCE ensure that our Thailand yard continuously meet higher standards than
the requirements under Thai law.
Sustainability Key
Performance Indicators
Human rights risk in our supply chain
Attachments Internal risk assessments ranked the supply chain to be the areawhere
the risk of any human rights violations is the highest. Hence, evaluating
the potential risk of human rights breaches within the supply chain
constitutes an important part of Aibel’s supplier- and third party
approval process. We approach supply chain risk on several levels and as
described earlier, we ensure commitment to the prevailing principles in
our Code of Conduct from all suppliers and subcontractors.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Sustainability Key
Performance Indicators
Our commitment
At Aibel, we promote a culture based on equal treatment of employees, mutual
respect and trust. We offer our employees fair and reasonable working conditions
and we do not discriminate. This is described in Aibel’s Human Relations Policy,
as well as in our Code of Conduct. We comply with the International Labour
Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,
from 1998. We respect the freedom of employee association and the right to
collective bargaining.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Caring about our people
Caring for our colleagues begins with mutual respect. This means
Message from the CEO that we value the diversity of our workforce and the unique talents
and differences that each of us brings to Aibel. We need each other
This is Aibel
to achieve our goals. We recognise that it is important to encourage
Management approach personal and professional growth through continuous development Our people
of our abilities and talents.
ENVIRONMENT 2022 Norway Thailand Singapore
In 2022, 599 individual team action plans were created based on the 2022 Male Female Total
2021 Survey, and the results were used as valuable input into strategic
improvement initiatives. The next Global People Survey is planned for Full-time Norway 2688 660 3348
Part-time Norway 42 30 72
Recruitment and retention All figures as of December 2022. *No member of Aibel’s workforce has a
It is vital for Aibel to retain core competences and develop new part-time position that is not on a voluntary basis.
ones, especially within such segments as electrification/high voltage,
renewable energy and offshore wind. Aibel also relies on the continued
professional development of skilled operators, to maintain a high level
of core knowledge and experience. Aibel focuses on the retention of
an experienced, high-performing workforce and the employment of
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
workers during peak project activity. These agencies are subject to
rigorous requirements to prevent particularly vulnerable groups, such
Message from the CEO as foreign workers from low-income countries, from being exploited or
having their rights infringed in our projects and at our yards.
This is Aibel
Management approach Aibel recruited 435 new employees in 2022, compared to 258 in
2021. Of these, 165 were below 30 years of age. The total attrition
ENVIRONMENT rate was 7,0% in 2022, which is 3.1 percentage points more than
SOCIAL in 2021. Attrition has been low in prior years, especially through the
Covid period. At present it is a competitive market for all companies
GOVERNANCE in the energy sector. To support our organic growth strategy, in 2022
we have been actively recruiting graduates and apprentices as well as
Sustainability Key
experienced professionals.
Performance Indicators
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are increasingly seen as important drivers
Message from the CEO of business success. In Aibel we are committed to being a diverse
and inclusive company, where everyone has equal opportunities and
This is Aibel
are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of gender, nationality,
Management approach ethnicity, age, religion or sexual orientation. The work with equality and
diversity is integrated into Aibel’s strategy and operations and is a part
ENVIRONMENT of the company’s overall sustainability work. Our commitment against
SOCIAL discrimination and harassment is clearly defined in the Code of Conduct,
in our staff regulations, and in our Human Resources and Human Rights
Sustainability Key
As evidence of our principles in action, 57 different nationalities are
Performance Indicators
represented in our company.
Equal opportunities for different genders is a basic principle at Aibel.
Three of the seven executive management team (EMT) members are health issues, and to limit taboos and stigma around this. We offer work
women. We have 268 people in the top-three job categories in training or mentorship for candidates who have challenges entering the
Norway, and 20% are women. This is reflected in the organization as job market in our industry and we joined a pilot project with the aim of
a whole, where we employ 3,420 people, of whom 20% are women. becoming a more dyslexia-friendly workplace.
We have 2,362 office employees, of whom a slightly higher proportion,
27%, are women. In view of the technical nature of key expertise Amendments to Section 26 of the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Dis-
in our business area, the gender balance at Aibel reflects the number crimination Act as of 1 January 2020 emphasize that employers have
of women qualified in technical professions in Norway, both for an activity-based reporting obligation to make active, targeted and
apprentices and technical college. systematic efforts to promote equality and prevent any form of discrim-
It is important for Aibel to be an inclusive employer, and in 2022 we had
several activities to ensure that. We carried out awareness training for In 2021 a separate working committee was set up in Aibel, including
managers regarding diversity and inclusion. In June, we celebrated Pride employee representatives who have reviewed procedures and
month, and introduced the slogan “In Aibel I can be myself”. In October regulations, and performed a risk analysis. Based on the analysis the
we marked the World mental health day to raise awareness of mental following diversity and inclusion targets were set:
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
• Develop annual KPIs for entry level recruitment Our diversity and inclusion target set at a minimum of 30 apprentices,
– Minimum of 30 apprentices – 10% female 10% female has been achieved, as 40 apprentices obtained their
Message from the CEO – Minimum of 70 graduates (less than 3 years of experience) – certificates in 2022, of which 6 were women. In 2022 we recruited
40% female 105 graduates, of which 27 were women. We will continue our effort
This is Aibel
to reach the agreed target.
Management approach • Develop gender diversity by 2027 by achieving:
– 5% blue collar females We refer to our gender equality statement in the attachments for
ENVIRONMENT – 30% white collar females further details.
• Ensure that we don’t have systematic salary differences based
GOVERNANCE on gender on a company level
Sustainability Key
• Ensure diversity in candidate pools for managerial positions
Performance Indicators Management job categories
to reflect the organization
Attachments Gender Headcount Percent
• Practice corporate responsibility in the communities we operate
in by offering work training or mentorship for candidates who have Female 54 20%
challenges entering the job market in our industry Male 214 80%
Total 268
All employees
Headcount 3420
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Competitive remuneration
Aibel is committed to offering competitive remuneration. We conduct
Message from the CEO external salary surveys to ensure that we have fair and competitive
terms at all our locations.
This is Aibel
Management approach For 2022, Aibel Singapore participates in the yearly Mercer Total
Remuneration Survey (TRS), and Aibel Thailand and Aibel Norway
ENVIRONMENT participated in a survey performed by Korn Ferry. The results show
SOCIAL that for all locations the salaries paid to our permanent employees are
competitive compared to our peers.
The wage differences between genders are monitored and are
Sustainability Key
insignificant for comparable positions and levels. We have focused
Performance Indicators
on, and will continue to monitor, internal differences. We also monitor
Attachments our attrition rate for employees leaving for a higher salary in other
companies within our industry.
Employee involvement
Aibel promotes employee involvement, and we seek to build
cooperation with employee representatives in all business units, with
the aim of involving employees in the development of the company.
Norway`s Working Environment Act governs worker rights in Norway.
This is the principal Norwegian labour law. Labour laws in Norway
provide regulations both in terms of individual employees and their
contracts, as well as unions and their collective agreements. Workers
have the legal right to unionize. Around half of all workers are trade
union members and almost three-quarters of all workers are covered
by collective agreements.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
that protect their rights. Nevertheless, there
is no trade union formed and registered
Message from the CEO in Aibel Singapore. However, a Working
Environment Group (WEG), consisting
This is Aibel
of volunteers who take on the role of
Management approach employee representatives to engage with the
management representatives on workplace
ENVIRONMENT issues, was formed in August 2018. WEG
SOCIAL representatives meet with management
representatives every month. WEG meetings
GOVERNANCE have contributed to better working
conditions, a better working environment
Sustainability Key
and improved relations between employees
Performance Indicators
and management.
Attachments Aibel promotes employee
Freedom of association and collective involvement, and we seek to
bargaining is not prohibited in Thailand, where build cooperation with employee
the Industrial Relations Act regulates the representatives in all business
collective bargaining activities of unions and units, with the aim of involving
employees in the development
employers. However, there are no trade unions
of the company.
registered in Aibel Thailand. To promote
employee involvement, a Welfare Committee
consisting of elected employee representatives
has quarterly meetings with management
representatives. They monitor the welfare and
well-being of employees and propose welfare
initiatives. In addition, an HSE committee,
consisting of management and employee
representatives, holds monthly meetings to
ensure safe working conditions and a good
working environment.
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
GOVERNANCE Compliance and
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
Ingress Anti-corruption
Management approach Our commitment
ENVIRONMENT Aibel has a dedicated Ethics and Compliance
SOCIAL department and a fully integrated compliance
program driven by a strong culture and a clear
message from the top (owners, board, and
Sustainability Key executive management). The Compliance
Performance Indicators
department reports to the management group and
Attachments the Board of Director’s quarterly, as well as through
a more comprehensive annual report. In addition,
Aibel’s owners engage directly to support our
continued commitment to a robust compliance
program and sustainability approach.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Aibel’s Code of Conduct & compliance awareness training The Russian war on Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions
Our commitment to business ethics, integrity and transparency is clearly regime introduced on Russia increased the risk of sanctions non-
Message from the CEO stated in the Code of Conduct. Adherence to the code is a prerequisite compliance exposure. This risk was met with the establishment of a
for working at Aibel. Please find our Code here. Sanctions task force. This consisted of members from legal, supplier
This is Aibel
quality, IT security, finance, supply chain management and was led by
Management approach Aibel’s employees are required to complete an annual certification the compliance department. The group was mandated to identify and
(e-learning), whereby they confirm that they understand and agree to address main challenges and risks and provide status and advice to
ENVIRONMENT comply with the principles of our Code of Conduct. In 2022, 96% of EMT and the Board.
SOCIAL eligible employees completed this training.
Sanctions task force
GOVERNANCE In addition, a select number of employees are required to attend a The task force did not identify any direct exposures, presumably
classroom-based compliance awareness and dilemma training session due to years of stringent practice and dedication to our country risk
Sustainability Key
every third year. The training program was updated and expanded in categories and assessments. Investigative and preventive measures and
Performance Indicators
2021 and 2022. The new program is tailored to increase knowledge assurances were executed both internally and with the use of external
Attachments and awareness of human rights risk, specifically pertaining to the new resources. Our efforts covered IT security concerns, third party reviews
Norwegian Transparency Act, how we can act to prevent any violations and questionnaires, supply chain management risks, assessments
and how employees can contribute by recognising and reporting red of financial barriers and risks, and potential exposure related to the
flags. location of employees and hired-in resources.
Risk Assessment The task force engaged external legal resources regarding assistance in
Aibel’s key compliance-related risks have in recent years been evaluated monitoring legal changes such as western sanctions and Russian coun-
to be related to our supply chain and third parties, as well as business termeasures, identifying measures, which might affect Aibel’s projects,
activities in high-risk countries and markets. Some of the markets in and documenting adverse effects on time and cost. In November the
which we operate are economies with complex and sensitive political external legal specialists performed an assessment of our efforts to
and social contexts and we recognize the risk of compliance and human comply with the new sanctions regime. Their conclusion was that
rights incidents in our third-party supply chain. the measures taken by the internal task force were risk-based and
We have several risk reducing procedures and processes in place. Our
Country Risk Assessment procedure is important, as it covers, among Anonymous reporting channel
other topics, corruption risk, political climate, economic factors, safety, Our whistleblowing channel is available for all employees, suppliers,
security, sanctions, human rights conditions, and labour standards. customers and the general public from our website Aibel has
an online reporting channel which enables us to have an anonymous
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Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
dialogue with the reporter, from the time the initial message is received, Compliance champions programs
throughout the entire process. The channel is available 24/7 online or via To strengthen our compliance efforts across multiple locations, we have
Message from the CEO smartphones/QR codes. established a well-functioning compliance champions program. The role
of the champions is to liaise between their location or a specific project,
This is Aibel
In 2022, 18 cases were submitted via the system. Aibel investigates and the corporate compliance department, and in some locations
Management approach all actual or suspected violations and breaches related to our code of support with training and audits. The champions also front compliance
conduct, corruption, human rights violations and any other compliance campaigns or specific compliance topics locally, and they play an
ENVIRONMENT incidents or other types of unethical or unlawful actions, in compliance important role in our reporting system, and they represent an easily
SOCIAL with our corresponding procedure. None of the submitted cases were accessible way for employees to raise concerns and discuss ethical
related to corruption or human rights violations. dilemmas.
We are once again pleased to see a steady increase in reported cases, EMC
Sustainability Key
as it is due to a targeted campaign to raise awareness and knowledge of Aibel has a 50% ownership stake in the Egyptian company Egyptian
Performance Indicators
the channel. Nine of the cases were reported in Thai and we believe they Maintenance Company (EMC). The Compliance department and the
Attachments were a direct result of information in Thai being visible and with a QR Aibel representatives on the EMC board work jointly to contribute to the
code at our locations in Thailand. strengthening of the implemented compliance program in EMC. Monthly
meetings with a set agenda create an opportunity to collaborate and learn.
In October, Aibel’s compliance EMC committed to the UN Global Compact in 2021 and were in 2022
department conducted a total
successfully verified in accordance with the ISO 26000:2010 Guidance
of ten training sessions for
employees in Thailand. on social responsibility. Find EMC’s UNGC profile here.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
the Supplier Code of Conduct declaration specifying and confirming
their commitment to the prevailing principles in the Aibel Code of
Message from the CEO Conduct. This covers anti-corruption, labour and human rights require-
ments, environment and sustainability, as well as trade compliance,
This is Aibel
sanctions, and supply chain compliance.
Management approach
A total of 2,204 third parties have signed and committed to the
ENVIRONMENT Aibel Supplier Code of Conduct. We conduct risk-based integrity due
SOCIAL diligence reviews of all new and potential business associates.
A total of 221 such integrity due diligence reviews were performed
GOVERNANCE during 2022.
Sustainability Key
High and medium risk subcontractors and suppliers may also be visited
Performance Indicators
by our compliance team for onsite compliance audits. In total 19 such
Attachments audits were conducted in 2022 by the Compliance department and/or
compliance champions. Total Quality Systems Review audits performed
by Supplier Quality also have relevant content related to Compliance
and Human Rights.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Sustainability Key Performance Indicators
Message from the CEO
Four incidents with potential in the first half of the year, two of these
SIR (stretch target) ≤0,16 0,18
included personnel injury.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Sustainability Performance –
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
External Assessments The sail away of the Johan
Sverdrup P2 platform was
Management approach celebrated at the yard in
ESG risk assessment – Aibel at the top of our industry Haugesund in March.
ENVIRONMENT Our top rating from Sustainalytics is a result of longstanding and
SOCIAL strong efforts throughout the company. Aibel has worked systematically
with sustainability, and we are proud that we manage to deliver on
GOVERNANCE our commitment to support a sustainable development. Such a high
score demonstrates dedication, quality, and professionalism. Going
Sustainability Key
forward, we are determined to further develop our robust management
Performance Indicators of ESG issues. A Reassessment with Sustainalytics is scheduled for
Attachments Q1 2023.
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Sustainability Reporting in Aibel
Message from the CEO
Aibel is committed
This is Aibel to sustainability as an
Management approach integral part of our
ENVIRONMENT overall business strategy,
and we report on our
sustainability processes,
GOVERNANCE plans and results.
Sustainability Key
Aibel’s Sustainability Report is
Performance Indicators published separately from the
Attachments annual report. The 2022 report
is our sixth issue. The purpose
of the report is to offer our key
stakeholders a comprehensive and
balanced overview of how we at
Aibel manage the sustainability
aspects we consider to be most
essential for our operations. In
addition, it is important for us to
communicate our firm commitment
and engagement related to
sustainability, as well as our
achievements on these matters.
Home Explore 36
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
About this report
Message from the CEO
Date of report
This is Aibel
Management approach
Report boundaries
ENVIRONMENT We have prepared the report based on the GRI reporting
SOCIAL principles and guidance on boundaries. The report
boundary is generally drawn around companies under
GOVERNANCE the operational control of the Aibel Group. However,
we also provide information on some aspects where we
Sustainability Key
have the potential to influence, but not to exert direct
Performance Indicators control.
Data quality
We continue to work to improve our data quality to
enhance the reporting processes and transparency,
and we continuously strive to improve our internal data
reporting procedures.
Home Explore 37
Aibel Sustainability
report 2022
Message from the CEO
This is Aibel
Gender statement
Management approach
SOCIAL Transparency act statement About the Sustainalytics assessment
GOVERNANCE * About Sustainalytics
Attachment Aibel GHG Emission Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, is a leading independent ESG
Sustainability Key 2017–2022. research, ratings and data firm that supports investors around the world
Performance Indicators
with the development and implementation of responsible investment
Attachments strategies. Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world’s leading
asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate
governance information and assessments into their investment
processes. The firm also works with hundreds of companies and their
financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies,
practices and capital projects. For more information, visit
Our apprentices of 2022 had their
first day at work in Haugesund in
September. Copyright ©2021 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
This article contains information developed by Sustainalytics
( Such information and data are proprietary
of Sustainalytics and/or its third-party suppliers (Third Party Data) and
are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute
an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice
and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for
a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at
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