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Midterm Test

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Midterm test Name Date

part 1
For questions 1-12, read the text below and choose the best word for each space. Mark A, B, C, or D.

I’ve just joined our school orchestra, and I’m really 0 . I always thought learning an instrument would be a
1 because I don’t have a natural talent for music. But the concert I went to last month really 2
me to join. It was 3 to see all the different instruments play together to 4 beautiful harmonies.
5 all the instruments, I liked the sound of the violin the best. The moment I heard the violin solo, I knew
it was for me. I have already started 6 a group class for new orchestra members. I've learned so much
7 in just four lessons. I’m planning to practice three times a week. I’d like to develop enough skills to
successfully 8 to the orchestra. I also have a 9 goal. It is to be able to play in the annual
school recital next year 10 May. I haven’t decided which piece to perform 11 , but when I
do, I will
12 as much time and energy to it as possible.

0 a excited b bored c confused d annoyed Answer 0 A

1 a reward b discovery c challenge d devotion

2 a produced b promoted c developed d motivated

3 a amazing b frightening c embarrassing d disappointing

4 a compete b create c include d involve

5 a Through b Behind c Among d Under

6 a accepting b attending c offering d receiving

7 a since b just c yet d already

8 a contribute b accomplish c participate d complete

9 a public b group c personal d general

10 a in b on c at d for

11 a so b yet c already d just

12 a achieve b devote c improve d desire

21 Midterm Midterm 21

For questions 13-23, read the article and fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in

0 greate

One of the 0 role models of the 20th century was Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi is often GReat
13 as “Mahatma,” which means “great soul.” Mahatma Gandhi is remembered as KnoW
someone who 14 the world through the 15 of his ideas. His courage cHanGe
and 16 have inspired many other leaders, 17 Steve Jobs. The young stRonG
Jobs hoped to find inspiration in the place where Gandhi and other great 18 had cReatiVe
lived, so he traveled to India in 1974. His experiences there deepened his 19 for incLUde
Gandhi’s work and way of life. Jobs was inspired by Gandhi to change the world by thinking teacH
20 . In 1976, he co-founded the technology company Apple. It grew to be one of appReciate
the most 21 companies in the world thanks to Jobs’s confident leadership. His diFFeRent
22 for Gandhi continued. In an interview in 1999, Jobs referred to Mahatma sUccess
Gandhi as his 23 for the Person of the Century. In his later years, he even wore adMiRe
round glasses that looked like Gandhi’s. cHoose

21 Midterm Midterm 21
For questions 24-29,
For questions complete
13-23, the article
read the sentenceandwith theeach
fill in blank so that
blank withitthe
means the form
correct sameofasthe
given inin the first line. Use no
more than three words.

0 greate
0 I didn’t see your email until now.
i just saw your email.

24 Joanna likes to spend time with people in her free time.

Joanna enjoys time with people when she has free time.

25 I’m meeting my coworkers for drinks.

i’m meet my coworkers to have some drinks.

26 This restaurant serves a lot of exotic dishes. They taste very good.

this restaurant serves a lot of exotic dishes very good.

27 We’ve been friends for six years. We first met in middle school.

We’ve been friends we were in middle school.

28 You cannot make phone calls inside the room.

you aren’t make phone calls inside the room.

29 If I drink too much coffee, I feel dizzy.

i dizzy when i drink too much coffee.

21 Midterm Midterm 21

For questions 30-40, read the text below and write the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each

0 we

september 12
Dad and I 0 cleaning out Babika’s attic when we found a suitcase full 30 old photos. Among
them was a photo of a woman who looked a lot 31 Babika. She 32 holding a little boy. Dad
thought it could be his cousin because he’s heard Babika talk about her older sister. Unfortunately, 33
Babika moved to the US, she lost contact with her. I looked 34 letters that might give us more
information, but
35 weren’t any. Babika has 36 holding on to these photos for so long, so I think they must
37 important. I signed up for a website 38 helps people find lost family members. Through the
website, I’ve emailed a genealogist to ask 39 some help. Also, I sent her the information on the back of the
photo and included a scan 40 the photo itself.

21 Midterm Midterm 21
For questions 41-45,
For questions read read
30-40, the article and
the text answer
below andthe questions
write below.
the word whichMark
bestA, B,each
fits C, orgap.
D. Use only one word in each

exampl is a mixing of the senses. It can mean seeing sounds, tasting words, feeling that numbers have personalities,
and0 much
we more. It’s estimated that somewhere between one and four percent of people experience synesthesia. For most of
them, this means associating colors with things like letters, numbers, words, and sounds.

When I was a kid, I assumed that everyone had these types of associations. But I was wrong! In fifth grade, we had a
textbook with colored letters on the cover. One day, I mentioned to a friend that the E was the wrong color. He seemed
confused. “They made it pink,” I explained, “but I think E is green. What color do you think it is?” He still didn’t get it, and
the more I explained, the more confused he got. I started asking my other friends what they thought, but they all responded
with comments like “I don’t know” or “That’s weird.” I felt a little embarrassed. Was I only imagining things? The colors
seemed so real to me!

I didn’t learn the word “synesthesia” until I was in high school. I was researching Vincent van Gogh’s life online for a
history paper. I read that he associated different styles of art with the sounds of different instruments and that this was a
form of synesthesia. I was fascinated and looked for more information about the word. Soon, I was reading about people
who had experiences just like mine. I was thrilled! It turned out that lots of people associate letters and numbers with
colors. I was also surprised when I saw a list of famous musicians who associate colors with sounds. There were so many
of them! After learning about what synesthesia is, I stopped worrying that it might be “weird” and started to enjoy it.

41 What is the writer trying to do in this text?

a explain how young people develop synesthesia
b support scientific research on synesthesia
c describe how he discovered he had synesthesia
d advise people on how to treat others with synesthesia

42 What does the writer say about synesthesia?

a It can affect people’s moods and personalities.
b It involves any combination of senses.
c Roughly one to four percent of people know about it.
d People with synesthesia have a hard time memorizing numbers.

43 David felt embarrassed in fifth grade when

a he couldn’t explain what he was experiencing to his friends
b he was asked questions about his symptoms
c his friends found out that he could associate letters with colors
d his friends didn’t understand his comments on colored letters

21 Midterm Midterm 21
44 How did the writer learn the word “synesthesia”?
a while having a discussion in class
b while looking up information on a person
c while reading about musical instruments
d while talking to some musicians

45 What might David write to a friend about synesthesia?

a Even if I know that it’s not so uncommon, I still feel embarrassed that I have it.
b I’m glad now that I don’t have to worry about my symptoms anymore.
c I’m planning to meet others who experience it, and I’m thrilled about it!
d It’s so unfair that only a few number of people experience it.

21 Midterm Midterm 21
For questions 46-50, look at the sentences below. Then read the article on the next page to decide if each sentence is true
or false. Mark A for true or B for false.

46 Jahnigen was inspired to make strong soccer balls after he visited children in Darfur.

a True b False

47 The problem with regular soccer balls was that they are too heavy to play with.

a True b False

48 Jahnigen couldn’t develop a new type of soccer ball right away because of financial issues.

a True b False

49 One World Futbol got its name from one of Sting’s songs.

a True b False

50 One World Play Project believes that play is just as important as other necessities of life.

a True b False

21 Midterm Midterm 21
one World, one ball
Imagine a soccer ball that won’t wear out, won’t go flat, and could last for years. That’s exactly what the One World
Futbol is. Here’s the story of how and why it was made.

In 2006, Renaissance man Tim Jahnigen set out to make such a ball. At the time, Jahnigen was working to develop new
medical technology, but he saw something on TV that changed his life. A news story showed children in Darfur playing
soccer with a ball made of trash. Even though charities donate soccer balls to children in need, the balls quickly go flat on
rough or rocky ground. Jahnigen felt that he had to do something, and he even had a plan. He knew of a strong, light foam
substance that might be perfect. With this tough material, he could design a new type of soccer ball. There was just one
problem: developing a new product is expensive, and Jahnigen’s money was invested in his medical technology business.

It wasn’t until two years later that a conversation solved everything. Jahnigen was spending time with his friend Sting,
a musician and charity supporter. He mentioned his idea, and Sting was fascinated at once. If Jahnigen could give kids
everywhere a soccer ball that would last, Sting said, he would help pay to develop it. With Sting’s financial support, a year
of development and testing began. The result was the One World Futbol, which was named after Sting’s song “One World
(Not Three).”

The One World Futbol is the same size and weight as a standard soccer ball, but it has less bounce. This makes it better
for playing on hard surfaces. It never needs an air pump and never goes flat. Kids can pass, dribble, and shoot for years
on rough ground that would destroy a normal ball in months. The One World Futbol can even be run over by a car without
losing its shape.

In 2010, Jahnigen and his wife founded a company now known as One World Play Project to sell the One World
Futbol. The ball has been donated and distributed to tens of thousands of charity organizations around the world. Thanks
to this invention, these organizations don’t have to constantly replace worn out and flattened soccer balls anymore. Any
individual can also buy One World Futbols. For each ball that is sold, another is given away for free to children in need.
The soccer ball has already reached over 175 countries, and it has given the company an even bigger vision for children
everywhere. One World Play Project’s new mission is not only to provide soccer balls, but “to turn the world into a field of
play.” Through its new focus, the company is continuing to promote the idea that all children need play just as much as
they need food or medicine.

21 Midterm Midterm 21

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