Rounding in The RACC Page 2

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Summarize Why the patient is here

2. Discuss Pertinent PMH/PSH/MEDs
3. Assessment and Plan by System (discuss pertinent exam findings and labs in each system as well) and

BY SYSTEM Endocrinology
 Sugar
 Stress Dose Steroids (ask if pt has been on steroids in past 3 months)
 Neurological Issues / Review Neuro Imaging
 Can this be an Endocrine Issue, Thyroid?
 Analgesia/Sedation/Delirium (RASS Scale)
Cardiovascular (CV)
 Injury List
 Clear Collar or Replace with Philly
 Cardiac Function
 Lactate/ScvO2
 Vasopressors/Inotropes/Vasodilators FAST HUGS IN BED Please
Pulmonary A bulleted approach to avoid missing iatrogenesis/less than ideal
 Vent Settings
 Blood Gases & Chest Radiograph
 Pulm Toilet
□ Fluid Therapy
□ Analgesia
Renal/Electrolytes □ Sedation, if intubated
 Urine Output and I/Os □ Thromboprophylaxis
 Acid/Base Status (Review Gases for Acid/Base) □ Head-Up Position (30 degrees) if intubated
 Chemistries □ Ulcer Prophylaxis
 Fluids Administered □ Glucose control
 HD Issues □ Skin/Eye Care
Gastrointestinal □ Indwelling Catheters-Where, how,
 NPO Status sterile/non-sterile, checked for location?
 Hepatic Status and Labs □ Nasogastric tube
□ Bowel Care
Hematology/Oncology □ Environment (e.g. temperature control,
 CBC appropriate surroundings in delirium)
 Bleeding? □ De-escalation What is the code status/should
Infectious Disease we be changing it?
 Suspected Source □ Psychosocial support (for patient, family and
 Cultures Sent staff)
 Antibiotics (are they written continuously?)

4. Check all Labs and Radiology, that have not been seen
5. Look at Vital Signs and Trends
6. Disposition and what criteria could cause a downgrade to a lower bed

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