Flyer de Sustentabilidad Ilustrado Divertido Colorido
Flyer de Sustentabilidad Ilustrado Divertido Colorido
Flyer de Sustentabilidad Ilustrado Divertido Colorido
A sexually transmitted
bacterial infection that if
left untreated can cause
Frequent checkups can help
detect things where there
are infections that do not
have symptoms.
SYMPTOMS Gonorrhea is a painful disease
for both men and women and
¿How can I avoid getting gonorrhea? since in some cases
Requires medical diagnosis,
Since in some cases they do not
symptoms include painful 1. Do not have sexual intercourse. have symptoms, constant check-
urination and abnormal
excretions from the penis to the ups should be performed to rule
sheath, men feel pain in the 2. Having a long-term mutually out, the best and most effective
testicles and women may feel monogamous relationship with a form of care is to have only one
pain in the lower belly area, in partner who has been tested and sexual partner.
some cases gonorrhea has no found negative for STDs.
3. Use latex condoms and dental dams
correctly every time you have sex.