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According my research the two intriguing myths from Skeptical Science are:
This myth states that climate change is causing the Earth’s temperature to cool. But the truth about
climate change and global warming as reported by science contradicts this fallacy.
The rise in global temperature resulting from rising greenhouse gas concentrations is known as global
warming. The average temperature of the Earth has warmed by about 1°C over the past few decades.
Changes in wind, temperature, and precipitation patterns are among the climatic patterns that have
been brought about by the planet’s warming.
Interest: This myth raises fascinating points regarding the relevance of the current climate change.
Scientific Fact: Although Earth’s climate has fluctuated naturally in the past, human activities like the
combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are largely to blame for the unparalleled rate of change
witnessed now.
Myth2: “Global warming stopped in 1998.” Example .Carbon dioxide (CO2) increases have negligible to
no impact.
Climate change is unaffected by rising CO2 levels, according to this misconception. Actually, though,
because CO2 is a heat-trapping gas, higher atmospheric concentrations can contribute to global
Fossil fuel combustion and deforestation are the primary causes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
This leads to an increase in CO2 gas concentration in the atmosphere and causes global warming, which
is connected to the observed global climate change.
Scientific fact: The world is still warming. While there have been some naturally occurring temperature
fluctuations, the pattern overall points to a warmer climate. For instance, at the time, 2016 was the
warmest year ever recorded.
Q2 :
Ozone depleting substances mostly impact the stratosphere’s ozone layer, including halons, carbon
tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Because of ozone depletion, more
ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun can reach Earth’s surface, putting people at risk for conditions like
cataracts and skin cancer. Ecosystems may also be disrupted.
These compounds that destroy the ozone layer are also greenhouse gases, which cause global warming.
They contribute to global warming because they trap heat when released into the atmosphere.
Nonetheless, in comparison to carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), the principal greenhouse gases
accountable for climate change, their impact is negligible.
Waste management practices and their environmental impacts can vary significantly between rural and
urban areas. In rural settings, waste disposal options are often limited, leading to issues like open
burning, dumping, or improper landfilling.
These activities have the potential to damage nearby ecosystems and contaminate the land and water.
Garbage management is usually better managed in metropolitan environments since there is better
infrastructure available for recycling, garbage collection, and treatment facilities. The sheer amount of
garbage produced in cities, though, can be a problem. The release of greenhouse gases and other
pollutants into the atmosphere by landfills and incinerators can exacerbate climate change and air
You might want to consult official publications and scholarly research that offer comprehensive
information on waste management techniques and their effects on the environment in both rural and
urban locations in order to compare their environmental impacts. The precise impact may also differ
according to the area and degree of development.
References :
1): NASA. (2023). Carbon Dioxide Concentration | NASA Global Climate Change. Climate Change:
Vital Signs of the Planet; NASA.
2): WWF. (2017, January 6). What Are Climate Change and Global warming? WWF; WWF.